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3 years ago

Going Through An Ex’s Stuff

After months of dealing with her boyfriend Daniel’s behavior, Claire had finally had enough. She was tired of having to deal with him ghosting her and just not being a reliable support system. Given her troubled childhood, she needed that for a relationship and he couldn’t give it to her. The final straw came when one of Claire’s best friends detailed how she caught him flirting with girls at a bar during one of the nights Claire was sick at home. Of course, Claire was furious and obviously couldn’t allow herself to remain with someone who had a wandering eye. That night, she immediately approached him about it. To both her shock and disgust, he smugly revealed the truth in graphic detail. Apparently, he had been cheating on her for months now with various women. To twist the knife even more, Daniel plainly stated that he really had no desire to be with her anymore. Obviously, her frustration was incredibly valid, which ultimately culminated in Claire throwing out her smarmy ex and crying herself to sleep that night.

It was the next day when Claire woke up bright and early and began the process of packing up Daniel’s shit. Despite falling asleep crying, Claire woke up that morning with a newfound determined nature. As a result, her early packing began so she could get rid of any memory of him and move forward with her life. In her haste, Claire frantically rushed around the apartment as she gathered any item that either belonged or reminded her of him. To her surprise, Claire was able to keep her composure as she felt no personal attachment to any item she found. However, this soon changed when Claire was cleaning out their drawers and she stumbled upon the pink sweater in his dresser. Holding the soft sweater in her hands, Claire had a moment of weakness as the tears began to flow down her cheeks. Her mind went back in time as she remembered the night Daniel wore that sweater for their first date. So many pleasant memories came to mind, but now Claire felt as if they were now forever tainted by her ex’s behavior. In her longing and desperation to remember the good times, Claire slinked out of her ratty t-shirt and replaced it with the bright pink sweater. As she wrapped her sleeved arms around herself, she gave herself a warm fuzzy hug that she had always so desperately wanted from her former partner.

As she did this and allowed for some tears to softly fall down her cheeks, she suddenly felt a weird shift occur in her bedroom. It felt like a timid earthquake, but she knew this was impossible given that she lived in the Midwest. Despite the slight jolt, Claire’s innate clumsiness sent her tumbling down to the floor. Upon the loud thud onto the floor, she quickly curled up into a ball to try and prepare for any damage. However, just as fast as the violent shaking began, it soon quickly ceased and a calmness manifested. When she looked up, Claire was surprised to see that there was no damage to the apartment. It was almost as if nothing had happened and no such earth-shaking jolt had occurred. Looking around, it seemed like the only thing in the apartment that had fallen was her clumsy body. 

“Ow, what the fuck” she said, groaning in pain as she took note of the deeper voice coming out of her mouth. Sitting up, Claire put her hands against the floor and boosted herself up. It was at this point where Claire noticed something strange. Before her eyes, she watched as her hands were quickly morphing into something else. Looking at even the slight changes, it was clear that this was a far cry from her dainty fingers. The pink nail polish on her hands was quickly chipping away until her bare nails were now exposed. With the paint now gone, she watched in confusion as the long nails also began to recede into her hands. “Whoa, what the hell…” Claire said with her increasingly gruffer voice, noticing that every single ounce of femininity has been removed from her hands and replaced with seemingly the wide and weathered hands of man.

Before she could do anything in response, she felt an inverse tugging against her scalp, which caused her to moan in pain. As her hands moved to the source of discomfort, she could only gasp as she watched her inches of blonde hair being sucked into her scalp. With her original mane of hair now reduced to the equivalent of a bob cut, she could only gasp as she ran over to the full-body mirror in her bedroom to get a better look at the damage.

By the time she had walked into the room, the hairstyle of a man had replaced her glorious hair. As she ran her hands through the foreign hairstyle she now had, she couldn’t help but groan as she noticed the sheen of her intense hair care was removed entirely and her new style lacked any care or style whatsoever.

Watching the mirror still, she stared in awe as she watched her eye level raise inch by inch. With each inch, her body jolts as she’s ratcheted up way past her original height of 5’5”. After a minute or so of this process, it’s clear that Claire now stands at a grand 6’1” height. As she reaches this new height and takes into account her new hairstyle and hands, her eyes turn into wide saucers as she realizes what’s happening to her. Somehow, she’s slowly transforming into an exact copy of her ex Daniel.

These suspicions are only further confirmed when Claire groans in pain. With each passing heartbeat, it feels as if her chest is being punched incessantly. Due to the pain localizing in her modest breasts, Claire doubles over in pain. Through the pain and shortness of breath, Claire gasps as the breasts that once protruded from the thick sweater slowly fade away from existence. She grasps her breasts in a last ditch effort to save them, but this is to no avail. With minutes, the fleshiness of her breasts has been completely erased and replaced with a small set of pectoral muscles. 

When a deep tremor of pain radiates from her groin, she gasps as she realizes what’s about to be happening. In both perverse curiosity and anxiety, Claire drops her underwear and watches as the nub of a cock head begins to push outwards from her feminine equipment. Inch by inch, a new dick emerges and upon looking at it, she’s reminded of all the times she had either had it inside her or pleasured it prior. It was incredibly uncomfortable to watch it slowly manifest on her own body, but despite this, Claire continued to watch. As her testicles manifested and her new genitalia immediately began to harden in response to her new reality, she was unsure of what to do. To conceal her growing package, she quickly pulls up her underwear and runs from the mirror. In an act of desperation, Claire quickly searches through Daniel’s box of remaining items for any form of more appropriate clothing. To both her relief and disgust, she soon found a red pair of briefs that he had once left there. Despite hating the fabric and color, the tightness of her new cock wrapped around her panties was too painful to bear much longer. Looking away after blushing at the sight of her impressive dick, she quickly swapped out her underwear and smiled as she let out an exhale. To her glee, the briefs were able to provide some relief to the uncomfortable woman.

The changes continued once more as they interrupted her moment of calmness. Once again, that intense pressure began to permeate through every inch of Claire’s body again. With only a few changes left, she watched as her body began to grow the exact muscles that Daniel had loved to show off. Her frail arms grew an arch as a small set of biceps to go along with her now wider forearms. With this intense exchange between genders, her neck thickened as it lost its dainty appearance. Her stomach rolls in discomfort as abdominals push forth from her originally toned torso, causing her to run her hands across the muscles. Her torso overall also expands as she loses her feminine shape. As she stares down, she watches as her torso grows wider and gains the broader physique of a man. Hip span decreases for the woman as well as her legs also reshape to gain the muscles of all the years of running Daniel did in his free time. 

With all of the muscles grown and her now looking like the spitting image of Daniel, Claire had figured that the changes would subside. However, she was proven to be wrong as she began to grow squeamish from the various sensations pulsating throughout her body. As she looked down in confusion, she could only stare as her baby smooth legs quickly grew the hairy aesthetic of men’s legs. Inch-by-inch, body hair pushed through each follicle as her body finalizes its transition into the male sex. The hair runs down her body as it dusts across her new chest and arms. With now-hairy forearms, she notes just how manly she looks as she curiously flexes her muscles and chuckles in her now deeper voice. 

As the changes seemingly finished, Claire fumbled around her apartment in a desperate search for her phone. Upon finding it under her couch, she gasps as she finds that her phone has also undergone a transformation. Instead of the bright phone case she once had, her phone had been completely replaced to be an identical copy of Daniel’s down to the basic clear case he had. Both in awe and to confirm what she’s seeing, Claire quickly opened up her camera app and began to take photos of her new body. Still uncomfortable with her new body, she shyly used the large sweatshirt to cover up her still hard boner. 


Still in awe, Claire began to snap photos of her new body to try and get a better understanding of how she looked. However, as she continued to take photos at various angles, the newly created man was oblivious to the last set of changes settling in. With each passing photo, Claire’s personality and identity were slowly being chipped away and replaced with Daniel’s womanizer personality. By the twentieth photo, it was clear that the shy girl was gone and replaced with the cocky man she had just broken up with. 

Before he could continue his self-indulgent photoshoot, the man jolted his head as he heard keys jingling from outside the apartment. Despite his indecency, Daniel was not flustered or rushing to get clothes. Instead, he sauntered over towards the door as keys were inserted and the door was unlocked. Upon the door opening, he was met with the annoyed face of his ex-girlfriend Claire...


As Daniel walked down the street to pick up the remainder of his items from his ex’s apartment, he couldn’t help but grow irritated at himself for his stupidity. Although, Daniel couldn’t quite decide whether he was upset that he was unfaithful to Claire or the fact that he was stupid enough to get caught. He supposed that he brought it on himself given how blatant he was to parade his various side pieces around town. 

However, despite his annoyance about being caught, he couldn’t absolutely say that he was upset that Claire had found out. For several months now, he had felt them drifting away from each other, but after two years of being together, he felt like he didn’t want to consider that time a waste and just leave her. By having a side fling, he hoped that he could get it out of his system and grow closer to his girlfriend once more. But of course, one side fling evolved into multiple side relationships that required Daniel’s discreet investment into burner phones to contact his undercover lovers.

While continuing to stroll down the street, Daniel went back to that awful night as he pictured the look on Claire’s face when she confronted him. With mascara-stained cheeks as she sobbed and asked if it was true, it was one of the only times in his life that he had ever felt true remorse for his actions. He understood why she broke it off with him and made him leave, but he wished that he could have explained himself and tried to have her understand his reasoning. Like his friends often said during his college years, he had a way with the ladies and he figured he would have been able to soothe his girlfriend and remedy the situation before any further heartbreak occurred. But, he was unable to get that far as she pushed him out of the apartment and threw out a handful of clothes at him before slamming the door in a huff.

Regardless, a few days had passed and Claire had finally reached out to Daniel. It was strange to talk to his former girlfriend without the romantic pleasantries they used to share. Instead, he was sent a simple message to come over and pick up his shit and that was all there was to it. After trying to blow her off and tell her he’d be over later, the read receipt popping up on his text with no response left him worried about his property dealing with her heartbroken rage. So, given that he didn’t want her to destroy any of his prized possessions, he picked out the best clothes he had on hand to try and impress and woo his ex. Despite the pressing issue about worrying about property damage, Daniel finally left the place where he was currently crashing after an hour of preparation and began to head over. While he walked through the city towards their shared apartment, Daniel gasped as he felt heavy vibrations rattle his thin body and send him sprawling down onto the sun-baked concrete. However, as he looked around, every other person walking by was seemingly oblivious to what Daniel was experiencing. Trying to think of a logical answer, Daniel hopped onto his feet and brushed himself off. Given his drunken-fueled moping session the night prior, Daniel chalked it up to a brutal hangover side effect and continued on his trek to Claire’s place.

However, just like with Claire, this reality-shaking quake had life-altering plans for the oblivious Daniel as he strolled through the busy city streets. At first, the changes started out simple for the man. Any bystander who had glanced at the man would have noticed the man’s dark brown hair slowly beginning to lengthen and bounce and sway with each passing step. Upon reaching his shoulders, his dark brown hair began to quickly lighten as the golden sunrays transformed his hair into an equally golden blonde color. Oblivious still, Daniel tossed his long hair back behind his shoulder and made a mental note to get a haircut soon.

As he reached a corner and patiently waited for the crossing sign to light up, the changes in his hair soon ceased, leaving him with a glorious mane of hair that now dipped below his shoulder blades. With the wind blowing the hair in his face, Daniel’s body moved with a newfound muscle memory as he used a bright pink hair tie that had manifested around his wrist to tie his hair back into a tight high ponytail.

Upon finishing, he got the light to cross the walk and his pace picked up once more as he continued his journey. With his hair completely changed, the progression of his transformation continues as his face begins to slowly evolve. It started out simple, as his lips slightly inflated to give him a fuller set of lips. However, soon after, his face began to lose the angular muscular appearance as it smoothed out and gave him a softer look. His nose shrunk in size as it became more petite and girly along with his eyes lightening up to match Claire’s glacier blue color. The thick eyebrows that once defined his face also began to change, as they were magically trimmed into a more narrow appearance.

From the neck up, Daniel was now the spitting image of his ex-girlfriend. With an approachable and sweet face, it looked quite strange as his masculine body was further showcased by the tight leather jacket, plain white t-shirt, and form-fitting pair of jeans that he was wearing. However, that plain white t-shirt began to soon fit differently on his body as two fledgling breasts began to push forth from his chest. While having a more toned physique, it was strange watching the cocky man walk with determination while his chest began to grow more and more bouncy. With each passing step, the lack of any form of support soon made the man grow incredibly uncomfortable. No alarm bells rang for the man, but to try and make himself feel better, he zipped up his coat and hoped that the tight leather would prevent any more foreign bouncing. The hefty bouncing d-cup breasts were quite uncomfortable for the man despite his obliviousness to his situation, but as he zipped up the jacket and trapped the new additions, he felt temporary relief and began to pick up his pace once more. 

With his chest now finishing growing outwards, the start of an hourglass figure began to appear for the man. Daniel soon inhaled in discomfort as his bones began to rearrange, causing his hips to push outwards to finish the alluring curves of a feminine figure. While this happened, Daniel’s set of abdominals began to fade away, leaving him with a soft toned stomach that now joined his torso in complete hairlessness. 

The changes progressed further down Daniel’s quickly feminized body with his ass to become the next victim of the transformation. As his firm ass began to grow more pillowy and peach-shaped, Daniel groaned in discomfort at the increased bulk of his ass was straining the limits of his tight denim jeans. In an act of desperation, he pulled against the waist of his pants to try and remedy the discomfort he was feeling in the tight jeans. However, his desperate attempts at relief were soon fixed automatically as the changes progressed. With the changes now focusing on his crotch, the various inches of Daniel’s infamous dick was soon lost from the naked eye as the imprint in his jeans began to fade away. In actuality, Daniel’s sexual anatomy was completely reforming from the inside and pulling his male anatomy inside his body to reform it. Before long, both his shaft and balls had been completely sucked up into his newly created void as they were repurposed. His balls quickly were changed into a pair of ovaries that traveled deeper into his growing female anatomy and his shaft was hollowed out and changed to help form the vaginal canal.

With the essential parts of his anatomy changed, the transformation quickly began to finish up as it traversed down his legs. The angular muscle that was just beginning to grow from Daniel’s newfound obsession with the gym quickly disappeared as his thighs grew thinner and his calves lost its bulging muscle. To go with these newly feminized legs, all of his hair vanished from sight, leaving him with a freshly shaved set of smooth legs. With his arms, the transformation jumped back to the two limbs as they lost any form of muscle they once had. In tandem, the man’s thicker hands of his began to shrink and evolve. As this smaller size transformation occurred, any dry and weathered skin was quickly repaired until he was left with smooth and supple hands. To finish the changes, Daniel’s nails began to push forth from his fingers until they resembled talons in terms of their length. However, these nails soon became well-manicured as this magical force quickly filed them to perfection. To finish the physical changes, pink nail polish quickly manifested itself onto his new nails and gave it a new found sheen.

With these physical changes completed, the universe then began to try and remedy the awkward clothing that the newly created Claire was now wearing. Immediately, a bra began to manifest itself around Claire’s perky tits to secure them from bouncing anymore. With a leather jacket no longer working for Claire’s new appearance, the jacket soon contorted and glitched away from existence until she was left wearing the plain white t-shirt. However, that shirt was not safe from re-configuration either as it was quickly reworked into a light blue blouse that perfectly suited her new physique. With her underwear, the pair of boxer briefs she had previously been wearing quickly transformed into a soft material that now perfectly hugged her body without having an awkward bagginess due to her lost male anatomy. Inch-by-inch, the denim jeans began to ride up her legs until a skirt appeared on her body that perfectly matched with her blouse. Finally, the pair of Vans that she was previously wearing began to quickly readjust. Despite a few stumbles as her feet shifted into the new shoes, her haste continued as she walked her way into a brand new pair of stylish high heels.

After a few more blocks, Claire exhaled in relief as she found herself at the steps of her apartment. After buzzing herself in, she began to pace up the stairs and prepare to get this awkward interaction over with. However, as she walked up each flight of stairs, her personality began to quickly evolve to match her new body and life. No longer would she remember her life as Daniel, which was solidified as the memories of Claire transferred over to the new Claire and finalized the transformation. In response, her demeanor soon changed as well. The cockiness and annoyance that defined their old personality quickly began to shift into more of a slight anxiety and anger at the situation. Despite being crushed by Daniel dumping her, Claire was doing her best to move on from him. She wanted to remain strong and stand her ground in case her ex even attempted to try and remedy their broken relationship. She deserved better, and after sleeping on it, she was adamant about finding it once more after she allowed herself some time to move on.

With this new personality taking hold, Claire fished her keys out and slid her key into the lock. Upon unlocking the door and walking in, the distraught ex-girlfriend caught direct sight of her ex-boyfriend standing there in his infamous sweatshirt and a pair of red briefs. “What the hell are you doing? Why are you in your underwear in my apartment?” Claire stated, her voice perfectly showcasing her severe annoyance.


“Uh, hey Claire. I was just putting on some clothes from the box of stuff you had packed for me. I figured you’d like to see me in this sweater again. Maybe it could remind you of the good times rather than the bad…” Daniel stated, his head tilted low in faux-shame as he walked closer to his ex.

“Yeah, all of the times I remember are the bad ones now. I don’t want to waste time thinking about the few and far-between good times. Please get your shit and get out of my apartment.” Claire said as she tapped her high-heeled foot against the wood floor in frustration.

“If you say so hot stuff…” Daniel said as he let out a quick chuckle. “I’m sorry and all, but you don’t have to be a bitch about it” he continued in annoyance. “Well, I wouldn’t be a bitch if you weren’t an asshole who was constantly looking to get his dick wet…” Claire said, her tone growing higher as she lost some of her fortitude. “Now, get out of my apartment and take your shit with you.” She continued as she walked over to the box on the floor and kicked it across the floor until it bounced against the front door. 

Now knowing that any chance of reconciliation was out the door, Daniel angrily huffed and walked over to the box. Leaning down, he threw on one of the pairs of shorts and gave a glare towards his ex. With her angry face remaining locked in that emotion, Daniel grabbed his boxes and attempted to turn the knob and open the door. After letting him fumble for a few moments, Claire stomped over to the door and pulled it open and pushed him out the door. Turning back towards him, she quickly grabbed onto Daniel’s free hand and pulled out the set of keys that he was clutching. Upon regaining his set of keys, Claire flashed a fake smile towards her asshole of an ex and waved him away. Once out of the threshold of the door, Daniel could only watch as Claire said nothing and slammed the door in his face

As the door slammed shut between the both of them, they each had separate reactions to their exchange. Locking the door as he left, Claire was unable to contain her rage at her pitiful ex. In response, she forcefully chucked his key across the room and screamed “ASSHOLE” at the top of her lungs. 

With Daniel walking down the stairs and struggling to hold onto his boxes, he felt a hint of regret by his behavior. He didn’t expect Claire to so boldly reject him like that. It was quite the ego hit, which was really rare for the blissfully cocky man. Before long, he reached the bottom of the stairs and quickly made his way out onto the busy street. While walking down the street, it didn’t take long before Daniel’s wandering eye began to make its reappearance. At every possible red light, Daniel caught sight of all of the gorgeous women that were around him. Who needed a relationship anyway? With a city this big, Daniel theorized that he had plenty more fish in the sea to get in bed before he ever decided to settle down again. He was young, hung, and hunky, so why should he only devote himself to one person? As he continued walking, Daniel soon made plans to head to a bar and catch up on lost time by hooking up with someone out of the sea of horny women who would be itching to get with him. 

As Claire calmed down and walked towards her couch, she pondered about what to do next now that this hurtle was finally over. While thinking, she couldn’t help but be thankful that there’s not a single trace of him left in her living space now. Upon this realization, she breathed a sigh of relief as she realized that she finally could start over. Despite Daniel’s behavior, she still had feelings for him deep down. So, she knew that she needed to be distancing herself from him as much as possible. To her, her strong stance in rejecting him was the only way to not have her falling back into his arms on a lonely night. As she drops into the couch and slumps into it, she groaned at the situation. 

Why did she always have to fall for the bad boys?

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3 years ago

I've just booked my first post-lockdown holiday to Turkey next year and can't wait. Hoping I manage to catch some of the Turkish oil wrestling, but not sure how easy it is for tourists to attend. Can you help me out?

Transformation Vacations: Turkey

Yes, I’m sure I can help you out! I’ll certainly give you a great time, now that I’ve discovered that you booked the trip through one of our side companies: Transformation Vacations! It’s been fairly busy for the company ever since the Australia bundle we offered a few weeks ago, so I’m glad that the Turkey bundle is already off to a successful start as well!

However, upon looking at your ticket, are you aware that you’re actually leaving tomorrow? Don’t worry if you’re not packed yet, we’ll have everything ready for you upon your arrival in the country.. Given your interest in oil wrestling, I know just the perfect candidate to give you an up-close and personal experience in Turkey…


The next morning, you wake up and find yourself in a strange bedroom. It was most certainly not your own, which only added to your confusion. However, sitting up and looking around the bedroom, it’s clear that you’re in Turkey as you read the Turkish lettering across all of the books and posters that are scattered throughout the room. 

Upon heading out of the bedroom, you stumble around aimlessly until you’re able to find a bathroom. When you enter, you realize that I didn’t disappoint when I promised you an incredibly personal experience in Turkey. Based on the reflection you now have, it’s clear that you’re now in the body of a local resident. No longer will you have to worry about tourism and trying to figure out where the wrestling is, you’ll be able to view it up front and center since you’re going to be participating in it!

Looking into the mirror, you give props to the body you now have control over. Not only do you have well-styled facial hair and an attractive face, but your body is quite fit as well. Our “tour guides” are paid quite handsomely for their services at the company, but you couldn’t understand why a hunk like this would be so willing to give up their body for any amount of money. However, you didn’t let your thoughts wander too far as to not dampen your mood. Smiling as you continue to stare at your reflection, you grow increasingly excited about the concept of exploring the town and going to an oil wrestling contest.

While walking around your new residence, you take note of the smaller space and view it as a nice switch up from your large house back at your real home. After taking a quick tour, you head into the shower, which is where you undoubtedly get a closer look at your new body. Running your hands against the tanned skin and buff muscles, it doesn’t take much time before you’re jerking off in the shower to both destress and also allow your mind to run rampant about the vision of all those hunky guys wrestling your newly muscular body.

Upon finishing, you exit the shower and get dressed in the appropriate attire. Given your obsession with the event, you knew what exactly you had to wear without a second of hesitation. Looking around, you eventually find a note, which provides addresses and locations of all the major events going on in the area during your stay in Turkey. Luckily, the location of the wrestling event was listed and seemed to not be too far away from your new residence. With your excitement at an all-time high, it didn’t take more than 10 minutes before you exited your new residence and were practically sprinting down the road towards the contest. 

Within no time, you reach the event and you immediately find yourself firming up at the sight of all of these oily men. Their physiques ranged from more flabby to incredibly swole, but all of it was a turn on for you. Before you could truly get too invested in your observations, the event soon began and everyone began to take their turns. To your surprise, this body seemed to have the muscle memory of someone who had done this before. As a result, you easily navigated around your opponents and won every round until you were in the final match. It was a struggle, but after growing more accustomed to your body throughout the tournament, you were able to easily navigate around your opponents. As a result, you were eventually able to gain the upper-hand and beat your opponent. With the crowd going wild around you, you suddenly grew excited. You had won the event that you had so desperately longed to be a part of!


Soon after, you were paraded around as the champion and were showered in lavish gifts and praise. However, being victorious in this tournament didn’t end after that day. For the next several days, it was an endless celebration of partying, sex, and drinking all dedicated to your massive success. But with your last scheduled day in Turkey, you find yourself upset about going back to your simple life. Although you lived quite the great life back home, there was no celebration that could come close to what you experienced here. Plus, while you were in this body, it was amazing to get a taste of youthful glory once more.

When you wake up the next morning, you let out a frown as you realize that the vacation was over and you had to go back to your real life once more. However, as you sit up and look around, you’re shocked to find yourself still in the residence of the Turkish bachelor. Both curious and unsure what was going on, you jump up out of bed and attempt to figure out what’s going on. Unfortunately for you, as you find the piece of paper detailing the vacation package, you find that you’re no longer able to read it like you had previously. Had you read it in depth prior to today, you would have had a better understanding as to what’s happening to you.

Given your immediate excitement in booking the trip plus your misreading of the date, it seemed as though you neglected to read the fine print of your vacation contract. In it, it clearly states that any individual who wins a national event or cultural celebration is bound to that body for one year. So, because of your win at the oil wrestling, you have now been locked into this body for the next year. While you were out partying and carelessly living life for days, our company was working behind the scenes and contacted the man who swapped bodies with you. Of course, we notified him about your win and how that would affect his ability to go back to his real body. Due to you not reading the fine print, Transformation Vacations had done its best to remedy the situation and correct the error that your win has caused. 

Both as punishment for not reading the rules and also to help you further immerse yourself in Turkish culture, you have lost all possible connection to your old life. As a result, you are no longer able to read or speak any English. Staring at the various posters and books that you had first saw upon waking up in your new body, you gasp as you find yourself understanding what the text says. It was clear to you now that your mind has been completely rewired to give you the ability to comprehend and speak Turkish. The same has happened for your swap partner as well, but I must say he’s adjusted surprisingly well. With such a wealthy lifestyle that the man has now gained, he’s been able to enjoy a new lease on life in America. Sure, he’s a bit older and doesn’t have the toned physique that he once had, but the ability to not live paycheck to paycheck is worth it all. That means unfortunately for you, you’ll now be a bachelor working various menial jobs trying to get by. 

Go on and get better situated with your new apartment, you’ll be here for the next year at least. The man whose body you’re currently in, Yousef, was quite the observant man from what I can recollect. Unfortunately for you, that might mean that he’s seen the other clause in the contract, which allows for our “tour guides” to permanently lock-in the swap for a monetary amount after residing in the body for at least 6 months. It’s quite a blessing that the real Yousef was able to swap with such a wealthy man. 

Well, I’ll leave you alone to get better equipped to your new life. You wanted to experience Turkey and try out their cultural traditions, now you’ll be able to do that every day!

Enjoy your new life Yousef!

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3 years ago

Stay Out Of The Men’s Restroom!

This story is a request from @bodyswappingandshit​. If you have a story idea you’d like me to write, feel free to send it in here!


Outside the doors of his gym, Jerome eagerly posed for the camera as he flexed his bodybuilder body for everyone to see. His incredible physique was a sight to behold, which was exactly why every bystander found their eyes immediately gravitating towards his impressive physique. While the man peeled off his shirt and flexed his bulky biceps, the sun proudly shimmered against his built body and emphasized how breathtaking he looked. Watching the faces of every bystander and driver passing him on the street, the man couldn’t help but chuckle at just how great his life was. As a famous bodybuilder and Instagram influencer, Jerome had little to complain about. He was living the dream life that afforded him an impressive bachelor pad that he brought guys to every night. However, unknown to Jerome, this wasn’t how life always was for the man. Just a few days prior, he had lived an entirely different life from a completely different perspective...



Grabbing onto the door to her gym, Jessica mentally prepared herself for the onslaught towards her senses. However, any attempt at preparing was immediately destroyed as the intense odor of ripe sweat flooded her nostrils. Groaning and allowing a few curse words to slip forth from her mouth, she angrily yanked on the door and entered the building. While Jessica looked around, she silently mourned as she caught sight of the various bodybuilders that dotted the wide gym floor. When the gym first opened up, it was a gym that caters towards females, with bright and inviting aesthetics that differed from the cold vibes of dim lighting and dented iron of normal gyms. Thinking back towards the opening of the gym, Jessica remembered the various ladies that she had met and soon became fast friends with. This was lucky for the doe-eyed Jessica, having just graduated from her small-town college and starting her life in a big brand new city. As a result, the instant connection and comradery she found with these ladies was quite the relief. 

However, as the months went on, Jessica grew annoyed as the pristine and clean gym was quickly overtaken by the several beefy men who cared less about hygiene and more about showing off their huge muscles. Despite the modest following that the gym had, it wasn’t enough to apparently keep the doors open. So, the gym soon changed hands in ownership and as a result, the gym itself underwent its own revamp. She had seen the new owner on a few occasions, a hulking man that was buff to absolutely extreme proportions. Based on the looks that he gave towards the woman, it was clear that the new owner had no intention of appealing to the female demographic. As a result, several of Jessica’s friends had begun to grow distant as more and more of these douchebag bodybuilders began to invade the gym. Jessica began to lose contact with so many of her essential friends, many who just up and ignored her messages entirely. To Jessica’s own shock, many of her friends often changed their phone numbers too, leaving her to deal with several guys who were annoyed by Jessica’s constant messages. It was no surprise that the woman soon grew disgruntled and began to count down the days until her year-long contract was over and she was free to go elsewhere.

Every time she walked through the doors into the ever-changing gym, Jessica reminded herself about how many days left she had before she was free and no longer having to subject herself to the constant odors of ripe armpits and sweaty male bodies. Luckily, as the woman entered the locker room, her nostrils found temporary relief from the disgusting odors wafting through the gym. After changing into her workout clothes, she took a deep breath and walked out of the locker room and into the gym.

Walking around, she gingerly avoided the hulking brutes who had taken up permanent residence around the bench presses. This was due to the fact that she wanted to avoid confrontation and more assaults on her nasal passages. Eventually, she made her way over to a set of machines and began her workout. However, to try and counteract the scent, Jessica attempted to spray some air freshener around her that she kept concealed in her drawstring bag. Despite being a far distance away from the brutes, Jessica’s attempt at ridding the air of the sweaty odor caused the men to groan and protest. Jessica remained unfazed though as she continued her workout and bounced between several machines.

After a good 30 minutes or so though, Jessica stopped herself as a huge pressure began to centralize in her crotch. Clearly needing to relieve herself, the woman hopped off of her machine and began to pace towards the bathroom. However, she soon grew frustrated as she caught sight of the woman’s bathroom. With a huge cleaning cart barricaded the door, Jessica groaned as she looked up and saw the shotty handmade sign taped up the door. Despite reading the words “CLOSED FOR CLEANING”, Jessica refused to accept this as truth and moved towards the door to try and work her way into it.  However, her desperate attempts to get into the bathroom were useless as she realized that the door was locked from the inside.

It was at this point where Jessica began to hear a sea of deep chuckles behind her. Looking behind her shoulder, she saw three hulking men laughing at her standing there struggling to reach into the bathroom. To be fair, Jessica acknowledged the fact that she most likely looked hilarious. Standing cross-legged and desperate banging on a locked door, the woman amused the men with her erratic behavior. Despite understanding how crazy she must look, the men’s behavior still frustrated the hell out of the woman. Knowing that she wouldn’t be able to make it into the locker room across the huge gym, Jessica shook her head in disbelief and stomped her way towards the men’s bathroom. Pushing the door open as it violently slammed against the wall, Jessica pulled the door back and twisted the lock behind her.

Not able to waste another second, Jessica rushed into one of the two bathroom stalls and also locked the door behind her with a heavy thud. As she pulled down her pants and sat onto the toilet, she let out a sigh of relief as she was finally able to relieve herself. However, as she was doing this, an interesting sensation began to course through the woman’s body. A fiery heat began to radiate around her as the scent of sweat ensnared her as well. In her various attempts to wave the disgusting scent away, she found herself somehow strengthening the power of the odor to the point where it made her eyes water. 

Before she could continue to deal with the scent, she began to feel a brand new sensation radiating from her crotch. With an intense tug, Jessica groaned in pain and closed her eyes to try and prepare for what was to come. However, just as soon as it began, the fiery heat was soon replaced with a cooling feeling. Looking down in curiosity, the woman screamed in shock as she gained direct contact with a new addition: a long dick protruding from her crotch. To her disbelief, the cooling sensation was revealed to be the cause of her new genitalia pressed against the cold porcelain of the toilet bowl. Still in shock, Jessica jumped up to her feet, which caused her new dick and balls to bounce in response to the sudden movement. With her manicured nails, Jessica delicately touched her new equipment, both in shock at how this is happening and how her new dick was so long. Based on how tiny her hands looked wrapped around it, she knew for a fact that she had somehow gained a dick that rivaled all of her previous exes.

As she attempted to pull up her shorts and conceal her new addition, she found a newfound resistance occur around her thighs. Trying to find the source of the issue, Jessica’s face remained stuck in an expression of shock as she watched bulging thighs soon emerge on her body. Previously, Jessica had a thin physique, with thin thighs that allowed her to have a thigh gap that her friends often said they wished they had. Now, her thighs were rapidly expanding outwards as they gained muscles that Jessica never knew she could have. Due to this, the petite pink shorts now were firmly stretched to their limits right above her knees and unable to proceed further.

Her calves were the next to change, now increasing to match the muscle growth that Jessica just gained in her thighs. In response, Jessica moved her legs and stared in disbelief at the impressive musculature that she had suddenly gained. However, as she moved, she grew annoyed as her thickening dick continued to bounce and loosely shake as she moved her body around. To try and remedy this new issue, her tiny hands grew strained as they attempted to clasp onto her package. With her package now secure, Jessica looked down and watched as the next set of changes continued up her body.

Abdominal muscles were the next additions that began to manifest onto her body, causing Jessica groaned in discomfort as she also felt her body tugged from the sides. While she was too busy watching each abdominal pop into place, Jessica’s torso was growing wider to provide a more masculine shape to her body. With her abs now prominently displayed on her body, she chuckled to herself as she caught sight of the infamous “v” around her waist. Despite the male gym-goers and their grimy behavior, Jessica always had a soft spot for buff and muscular guys. With her lithe physique and previous experience as a cheerleader, it wasn’t shocking that Jessica was able to always have a partner that matched her desired appearance. However, staring down at herself, Jessica chuckled as she caught sight of a body that would most definitely be bigger and buffer than any of her exes.

Any potential aspect of reveling in the changes begin to fade away as her chest is the next to undergo their own changes. Looking down and watching her modest breasts begin to fade away, Jessica’s face goes back to a look of shock as one of the last vestiges of her femininity vanishes from existence. It only takes a few seconds before the woman becomes completely flat-chested, which causes Jessica to explore in both bewilderment and concern. By this point, her sports bra is now loosely hanging off her body along with a t-shirt that now is more of a crop top given her increased height and size. Wanting to take a closer look, Jessica quickly peels off the pesky bra and shirt and stares down at her bare masculine torso. With her petite fingers running along her intense abdominal muscles, the sight before Jessica’s eyes only further showcases the war her body is currently facing between her innate femininity and growing masculinity. 

With a now-barren chest, Jessica let out a muffled yelp as she felt her chest now beginning to grow once more. However, as she watches her chest expand, it’s clear to the woman that she’s not gaining a new set of perky breasts. Instead, muscle continues to pump into her chest as an incredibly pectoral shelf begins to proudly jut forth from her wider body. Curiously, her hands immediately move towards her chest and cup her ever-growing pectorals. The power and strength contained within her chest leaves Jessica gasping in shock as she struggles to adapt to the equally apparent but less bouncy chest she’s now gained.

As her chest finishes its transformation, her arms are the next section of her body to get its complete makeover. Immediately, the petite and frail arms that she used to own begin to expand with force as she’s injected with insane strength. With each clenching of her fists, she can only stare in disbelief as biceps that rival the size of footballs push forth from her body. While these biceps continue to grow and thick veins begin to criss-cross across her arms, her forearms also begin to thicken as her hands crack and contort for their own transformation. She watches in shock as her hands thicken and grow wide enough to the point where Jessica easily palm a basketball. While flipping her hands and staring at the changes, the woman could only stare as her well-manicured nails lost their shimmery polish and shortened into a more appropriate length.

Groaning in pain, Jessica cranes her head as her neck and shoulders expand to gain prominent trap muscles and gain a wider neck. With these changes progressing, a weird tingle radiates from the inside of Jessica’s throat, which brings about the emergence of a prominent Adam’s apple. Jessica’s now-wide hands move towards the tingle, groaning in discomfort as she notes the deeper richer tone coming from her throat.

While attempting to understand what’s going on, Jessica groaned in shock, which caused her now booming voice to echo throughout the vacant restroom. The cause of this groaning was due to the fact that her face was now beginning to undergo its own transformation. At first, the changes started near her mouth, which was apparent as her jawline and chin became more angular and masculine in terms of shape. A yelp was uttered as a stinging sensation radiated throughout the woman’s lips. With each passing second, she could feel both lips slowly inflate to an incredibly kissable shape that far defied her thin and almost non-existent lips. Her small and dainty nose cracked and snapped as well, which ultimately caused it to gain a more prominent appearance on her increasingly masculine face. The changes begin to finish on her face as her eyebrows grow thicker and lose the shaped and trimmed appearance of a woman’s. 

To any outsider, from the scalp down, it was clear that Jessica was the perfect representation of a man. With hulking muscles and a deep voice, she was quickly becoming her perfect type of man. However, one last remaining display of Jessica’s femininity remained: the mane of long hair running down her back. Of course, this began to be remedied as her hair was quickly pulled up towards her head and began to shrink as if it was being pulled into her scalp. After a few minutes of this strange inner sensation of tugging, only an inch or two of hair remained on her head. Intrigued, her hands move towards her scalp, which was perfectly timed for the woman as she was able to feel the consistency of her hair begin to evolve. While running her thick hands through her head of hair, she notes the increasingly tight curls that are manifesting all around her head and the more wiry consistency that it’s now gaining.

With these changes now done, it’s clear that Jessica’s body is a far cry from the petite feminine body she had not even 30 minutes prior. Instead, she’s been given the body of a bulky and muscular jock. It’s abundantly clear that this body requires great self-control and a strict regimen, which only adds to Jessica’s discomfort. Not only did she want to be a man, she was afraid of the rules she’d have to stick to so she could maintain a body like this. The sight of her own body was a turn on though, clearly made apparent by the rock hard dick sticking straight out into the air. Looking down, she chuckled as she twisted her hips back and forth and watched her dick sway in response to each passing action.

However, as she played with her new dick, her brows furrowed as she leaned down and looked at the straight sight befallen onto her legs. The pale porcelain-like skin was different on her legs, gaining a darker complexion. Watching in disbelief, her skin continued to change color as it darkened into a brown skin tone that instantly indicated that she was no longer going to be a Caucasian man. Mouth agape, she could only watch as the darkening skin progressed up her body until it reached her chest. Looking at her hands, she watched as it filled in with color and fully transformed her into a body that was completely different from her own. Finishing up, the changes pooled into her face and left her now an African American man. With these changes now officially completed, Jessica was desperate to get a look at her new body. Struggling to navigate around the bathroom stall that now poorly contained her bulk, she eventually managed to open up the stall and stumble towards the mirrored wall with sinks. During the journey out towards the sinks, the skintight shorts wrapped around her knees dropped onto the ground and she stumbled out of them.

Staring into the mirror, Jessica gasped in shock as she finally came face-to-face about her new physique. Not only had her body completely changed, but her clothing had changed as well, which was apparent by the new boxer briefs that had replaced her underwear. Staring in the mirror, Jessica chuckled in disbelief at just how fucking swole she was now. To amuse herself, she began to flex her impressive biceps and pop her pectorals while staring in the mirror. With each cocky display of her newfound strength, a wide smile that rivaled the cockiness of her behavior manifested onto her face. In fact, she loved what she saw so much that she quickly pulled out her phone and began to take selfies of herself. 


With each passing pose and flex, memories of her past life drained away like sand slipping through someone’s fingers. Jessica chuckled as memories of being a cheerleader passed through his mind. Of course, that was crazy, Jerome was an incredible jock, having played countless sports and becoming the star athlete in both high school and college. With these new memories came vivid images of the steamy hookup sessions that Jerome had with his teammates when it came time to celebrate their win. Despite every attempt from the ladies to get with him, he remembered having to shoot down a sea of thirsty women. Of course, he could tell they were beautiful, but they were of no use to him due to the fact that they could never get his thick cock even slightly hard. He loved masculine physiques, and that did not exclude himself. While he continued to stare into the mirror, he continued to flex and turn himself on as he continuously pre-came into his boxer briefs.

To Jerome though, he didn’t care about his leaking cock. Masculinity was something to revel in and actively promote in the world, not something to feel ashamed for. As a result, he felt no need to guilt trip himself for his horny behavior. In fact, he encouraged himself to continue doing it. It was no surprise then that those boxers quickly dropped and Jerome began to jerk himself off to the sight of his ripped physique. Cocky glances turned into direct stares as he smiled at his own body while flexing his buff body and winking at himself. The guttural moans of pleasure were not stifled by the man, which caused them to ferociously echo across the restroom and spill out to the gym floor.

In a matter of seconds, those guttural moans turned into breathy tones as he quickly shot his load all across the bathroom mirrors. While he came, he couldn’t help but chuckle at just how great his life was. In this gym, he was a god that everyone loved to worship. Despite several complaints from some grossed out men, the owner of the gym didn’t mind Jerome’s sexual displays, as long as he cleaned up after himself. As a result of this deal and respecting the owner’s own buff physique, Jerome caught his breath as he quickly grabbed some toilet paper and wiped off the cum-soaked mirrors.

Once he finished, he grabbed the wad of toilet paper and flushed it down with that cocky smile now permanently affixed to his face. As he walked towards the door, Jerome grabbed his pair of workout shorts off the floor and pulled them on with quickness. Despite his self-indulgence in blatant narcissism, Jerome was eager to get out and have a great workout. His body required a strict regime and he didn’t want to disappoint himself or his body by not fulfilling its aspirations. Unlocking the bathroom door, Jerome neglected to put on the tight Gymshark workout shirt strewn across the tiled bathroom floor. With a physique like this, he felt it was a disservice to himself and humanity to conceal it. He wanted to showcase his strength and also allow the measly weaklings in the gym to thirst over him. Of course, it would allow the few remaining girls to catch him out, but he didn’t care about their gaze. 

Plus, as he scratched his side, his nose immediately caught a whiff of the ripeness his body already reeks of. His pits were coated in sweat and would definitely stink up the entire bathroom if he remained in there much longer. However, Jerome wasn’t too worried about this possibility. He reveled in his sweaty odor as if it was a badge of honor. This was a body that didn’t take shortcuts, hence the odor that seemingly was permanently affixed to him. His incredible body was now a prime example of pure determination and absolute masculinity. 

While he exited the bathroom and walked out towards one of the machines, he caught the sight of two girls talking near a stair climber. To Jerome’s amusement, he watched as their faces contort from a look of pure thirst to a look of disgust as their noses caught the scent of his sweaty body. Eager to turn away from his ripe body, the two girls quickly got onto the stair climber and began their workout while facing away from the hunk. 

With a wide grin on his face, he thought about his odor once more. Not ashamed of his scent, Jerome began to consider the possibility of allowing some frail guys the ability to admire his sweaty body after his workout. He certainly wasn’t into fucking twinks like them, but it was always fun to watch them worship every inch of his body in hopes that he’d fuck them in the sauna. Shaking his head, he began to chuckle as he stepped towards his other workout buddies encircled around the bench presses. Upon his arrival, the cocky attitude of Jerome’s went on full display as he began to flex to jokingly taunt his bros about his insane body. Unknown to Jerome, these buff gym bros that he was currently fist-bumping and joking with were the very same individuals that used to be the old Jessica’s girlfriends. Of course, all of that changed once they took a dreaded detour into the men’s restroom...


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3 years ago

Inside The Alpha

This story is a request from @malemuscularbodyswap​. If you have a story idea you’d like me to write, feel free to send it in here!

After days of scouring the internet, William was finally able to locate something of magical value one morning before work. He had been on the search for something to help him gain the body of his dream man, a buff man named Cody. Sure, it was the best friend of William’s husband Steve, but that did not deter William from his plans. In fact, it kind of turned on the older man to imagine himself in the body of a buff bodybuilder. 

As he got ready in the bathroom, he smiled as he had finally discovered the location of an ancient bracelet that was rumored to have magical abilities. To his surprise, the item was conveniently located just a few towns over at a museum, which worked out quite well for William. Being one of the heads of the town’s art museum, William was able to convince the small town museum to trade the basic silver bracelet for a few months in exchange for a popular painting. Feeling that the deal was a no-brainer, the other museum quickly agreed to the trade and prayed that the loaned painting would hopefully help draw attendance.


Heading into his job, William immediately grabbed the painting off of the walls and drove to the nearby town, his foot tapping anxiously as he awaited the arrival of the bracelet. Once the young and frail nerdy man brought the bracelet to William, the awkward man grew uncomfortable as he watched the older man practically salivating over the old and weathered piece of metal. Wanting to just move on with his day, the man dropped the bracelet in William’s hand and quickly took his painting and ran off to figure out an ideal display location.

Once William got to his car, he screamed and laughed in joy as he now had the prime magical relic to bring his dreams to life. He gingerly took the bracelet and placed it around his wrist, surprised at just how form-fitting it was as it somehow fastened into place. Not wanting to waste any time, William quickly phoned Cody and asked if he wanted to come over and use Steve’s home gym while he was working. Given the fact that Steve had state of the art equipment, the aspiring bodybuilder jumped at the opportunity and said he’d be over in an hour or so. With the plan now in motion, William drove home with a devilish grin pulled from cheek to cheek, excited about what was to come. 

Pulling into his driveway, William caught sight of Cody and his black Mustang parked out on the curb. From the various stories that Steve had told William, it seemed like the car was the perfect chick magnet for the unfortunately straight Cody. “Not for long…” William whispered to himself, smiling as he imagined what would happen if this bracelet truly worked like that occult forum said it would.

Parking his compact smart car into his garage, William stepped out of the car and turned towards his husband’s best friend. “Hey man, are you ready to go workout?” he asked, which prompted the buff jock to excitedly agree, a dopey grin spreading onto his face. Opening the door to the house, William allowed Cody to walk in first, which allowed William to get a close inspection of his future body. 

With his shaggy brown hair, William was envious of Cody given the fact that the older man’s hair had been quickly turning gray and balding. Despite the fact that William had a thick mustache and facial hair, he was still quite envious of the dark brown stubble that adorned Cody’s face. In a thin tank top, William licked his lips as he stared at the wide biceps and bulging pectorals that were clearly showcased. There was a severe jealousy towards Cody and his built physique that Steve had known about for a while now. William had desired to become a regular gym-goer like Steve and Cody, but after months of attempting with no ability to lose his flab, William gave up on the concept and just tried to embrace his chubbier physique. He knew that his husband wasn't upset with his build, but he had a goal of becoming the best he could be despite his age, so seeing Cody nonstop only fueled his self-hatred. Staring down at his right arm, William took note of the tattoos adorning Cody’s forearm, which only added to the intimidation factor of the hulking man. 

Even though his physical appearance was intimidating, William knew from the stories that his husband told that Cody had quite the cockiness. When paired with his anger issues, Cody was quite the intimidator in the gym. He demanded control of the gym, which Steve never complained about since it allowed him and Cody to work out on any machine they wanted, any time they wanted. Whenever a steroid-infused asshole was intimidating to a female gym goer, Cody wasn’t afraid of going up to him and making sure that the men leave the women alone. Sometimes it might become physical, but Cody’s bulk allowed him to easily subdue any asshole and teach him a lesson while embarrassing him in front of the entire gym. Sure, it also helped land those ladies in his bed, but that was just an unintended side effect of his innate masculinity.

However, despite these impressive qualities, he had no real spatial awareness or was ill-prepared for surprise attacks. This was clearly evident as he walked into the living room, with William rushing behind him. Pushing his braceleted arm out, the chubby man watched as his hand slid right into the wide back of his husband’s best friend. “UNghhHhhh!” Cody groaned, unsure of what was going on. It was a weird sensation, but it wasn’t as if he was in any searing pain that alerted him to something nefarious. His bulging arms attempted to reach behind and scratch the source of sensation, but all he found was the upper stub of William’s arm pushing out from his back. “What the fuck?!” Cody cried out, attempting to flail around and pull William out and stop whatever he was trying to do.

Knowing his time was running out before the buff man would be able to stop him, your husband quickly began to push in. He slid further into the bulky body, causing Cody to stop what he was doing and groan once more at the sensations coursing through his body. “Sorry young man, but I need this body!” William stated, his last words causing Cody’s last remaining thoughts to be of intense confusion. Before Cody could do anything, William pushed completely into his new body, sealing himself inside of it. With two bodies now fighting for control, the muscular body slumped down onto the ground as a battle of two consciousnesses occurred.

For William, there was a moment of darkness before he suddenly began to regain his senses one-by-one. At first it was hearing, as William heard the automatic air freshener in the living room go off. Of course, the next sense he regained was scent as he smelled the odor of apples and cinnamon waft through the air. Opening his eyes, William’s vision regained as he found himself lying face down on the large shag rug that adored the living room. Wobbling, William reached out and grabbed onto the top of the couch as he pulled himself up back into an upright position. Looking around, he was surprised by just how tall he seemed. He licked his lips, tasting the flavor of beer. Given that William was exclusively a wine drinker, it was clear that something magical had definitely happened. Looking down at himself, he caught sight of the bulging pectorals that were now jutting out of his chest. “Holy shit, it worked!” William cried out, following that declaration up with a chuckle as he heard his new voice. 

To finally verify that all of his senses had been regained, William wasted no time touching his new body, feeling the buff musculature that he now possessed. “Wow…” he said as his hands reached below his waist to check out his new equipment. Not only was it already rock hard, which William assumed was from the pleasure of him sliding into Cody’s body, but it was also incredibly impressive. It was no wonder to William now how the straight man was able to satisfy so many women.

However, before he could react any further and undress into the house, he was interrupted by a cough coming from his left side. He turned, his eyes meeting a classy looking woman holding a clipboard. “Excuse me, would you like to continue the tour or no?” She asked, her face contorting into a look of annoyance. Due to the sudden appearance of the woman, William began to look around in confusion. Staring at his previous living room, William’s mouth went wide as he realized that all evidence of his life here with Steve had been completely erased. Instead, it was now an open house for sale, which he was now seemingly taking a tour of. All of the photos that adorned the various tables and desks had been changed, replaced with simple stock images. “Uh… I think I’m good…”  the new Cody said, scratching his head as he walked out of the now empty garage. He fished out his keys from his jeans, quickly unlocking the car and entering his new Mustang. As he sat into the driver's seat, William began to theorize about what was going on and how big of an impact the possession had on the world…


For the most part, it had been a normal day for Steve. With only thirty minutes to go at his job as a personal trainer, he was eager to get home and relax. Despite having spent the entire day in the gym, he was adamant about getting home, destressing with a home workout, and spending some personal time with his husband William. As he headed into the bathroom after finishing up with his final client, the man began to take a few selfies to send to his husband. Sure, his husband wasn’t as physically fit as he was, but Steve knew that William would love to see his buff body stretching out his workout shirts.


However, as he snapped some selfies, a huge migraine suddenly hit him like a ton of bricks. He groaned in discomfort as he tried to head into the locker room to grab some medicine from his gym bag, opening up his phone to try and call an ambulance if it got worse to the point of collapsing. But as he opened up his phone and stared at his home screen, he began to notice the photo somehow warping. It was a lovely photo of him and his husband William on vacation in Costa Rica a few years ago, but with each passing second, William was slowly fading out of the picture. To his surprise, Steve could only watch as a new person filled the void his husband left… his best friend Cody. “Whoa… what the fuck?” Steve muttered, unsure of what was going on. To try and remedy this, Steve quickly opened his photo app and scrolled through the various photos he had taken of him and his husband.

Despite knowing that his husband was with him during these events, the photos disagreed completely as no photo had any evidence of William’s existence. Instead, the photos either showed Steve alone in a tropical locale or with his best friend Cody, flexing and showcasing wide grins. “This can’t be happening…” Steve said as he quickly began to grab his gym bag and rush off to try and get home and verify that his husband wasn’t somehow removed from existence. 

By the time the clock signaled the end of Steve’s shift, the man was already out the door and speeding off to his house. However, as Steve drove down the street and approached his house, it was clear that this house was no longer his. Looking towards the address that Steve had lived in for years, he could only watch in disbelief as he saw the empty house and a large “For Sale” sign posted in the yard.

With nowhere else to go, the only possible place Steve could think about going was the apartment building where his best friend Cody resided. As he ascended the staircase and knocked on the door, Steve breathed a sigh of relief as the buff physique of his best friend opened the door and greeted him. “Oh thank god!” Steve said, rushing into the apartment and pacing around the living room. Before Cody could even say a word, Steve began to recount his day and discuss all of the strange occurrences that he experienced. Cody stays calm throughout the entire thing, which only made the increasingly paranoid Steve worry that his best friend had also been affected by whatever is going on.

However, once Steve finished speaking, his intimidating best friend began to speak, saying a simple “Yeah, it’s been a crazy day right?”. Looking in disbelief, Steve asked him to explain what he meant by that statement. Was it possible that his best friend was somehow not affected by the changes as well? Cody obliges, where he then begins to calmly state the fact that he’s actually Steve’s husband. Steve of course refuses to believe it, but as he begins to talk about how he finally found a way to get Steve’s best friend’s body, the man begins to grow more and more convinced. William then talks about the power of the bracelet that he got from work, declaring that it somehow rewrote history to erase his real body and life from history. He assumed that he would be the only one unaffected, but he was relieved to find that Steve was also spared from the memory changes. As a result, he asks his former husband to describe how he felt the reality shift occur. Steve then begins to mention the entire situation, the various pains he felt all over his head and how he caught the photos changing while he tried to get some medicine. “Well, you must have been made immune to the changes when you caught sight of the photos shifting” Steve’s former husband / new best friend states, which makes sense to Steve as he begins to remember the headache going away once he saw the changing images. 

With the situation now explained, Steve watches as Cody stands up and begins to stretch, showcasing his strong build. He catches the man staring, which causes him to chuckle and look down towards Steve. “You like what you see huh? Come here then…” he says, his deep voice going into a growl that causes Steve to shiver. It was incredible just how dominant Cody innately was with his various qualities. Sure, Steve was aware that he had a crush on his buff friend, but he knew that he could never be with Cody due to both his sexuality and his marriage to William. But now, seeing William now in control of Cody’s buff body, Steve grinned as he realized that it opens the door for plenty of possibilities for him to fulfill his fantasies with no guilt. 

Not wanting to delay, Steve gets off the couch and peels off Cody’s tight tank top, which causes him to do the same to the flustered man. However, to showcase his strength, he grips onto Steve’s workout shirt and tugs, somehow ripping the fabric off of his own buff body. Coming up behind him, Steve wraps his hands around Cody, his hands moving towards Cody’s chest and gripping onto those glorious pectorals that Steve had always been jealous of. “You like that huh? Keep going then…” Cody says, which causes Steve’s dick to twitch as he continue to give in and admire his husband’s new buff body. 


By this point, Steve is now completely transfixed by his now-dominant husband ordering him to admire his best friend’s body. Now completely malleable, Steve allows “Cody” to lead the way, commanding him to remove his pants and admire every inch of his body. Steve begins to leak as he pulls down his best friend’s pants and watches as Cody’s thick and long cock reveals itself to you. “Touch it...” William says, which Steve does immediately. He begins to run his hands along the shaft, which causes Steve to realize that his best friend truly was intimidating in many different ways. Not only did he have the body that everyone thirsted for, but he had the dick that would make every man envious. Wrapping his hands around Cody’s ass, Steve began to imagine fucking his husband in the pert and muscular ass he now possesses. However, based on the way that William is manhandling Steve and leading him to worship parts of his new body, it seems like that alpha personality is rubbing off on William. Unfortunately, that caused Steve to realize that this most likely meant that he would become the new bottom in the relationship.

“Admire these guns babe…” William says, flexing his biceps for his husband as a cocky grin manifests onto his face. By this point, it was clear that William knew that Steve was putty in his hands, so he was going to use it to his advantage. By this point, Steve’s hands are running rampant in exploring Cody’s buff body and feeling the thick musculature that William now possesses. “I think I could stay here permanently… what do you think bro?” William continues, winking towards Steve as he looks up at his husband in complete lust and nods his head.


Suddenly, William grabs onto Steve with ease, pulling him off the ground. As a result, Steve quickly wraps his legs around the hulking man, looking like a koala wrapped around a large tree. William easily walks with Steve clinging onto him, leading the smaller man into his new bedroom. Sure, it was quite a bummer for Steve to lose his dream house and downgrade to an apartment, but what can you expect between two bros who work low-level jobs that allow both of the men to focus more on their professional bodybuilding prospects?

As Steve’s husband throws him onto the bed and pulls his pants off, Steve begins to ponder about just how well William has adapted to the whole situation. It’s true that William told Steve previously that he admired and wished to have a body like Cody’s, but William is embracing this new sexual alpha personality with incredible ease. Looking around, Steve catches sight of William staring at the scantily clad woman plastered onto the posters adorning the wall. Based on Steve’s observations, it seemed to the man that some aspects of Cody’s personality and William’s were mixing, turning him into a bisexual man able to admire both of the sexes. This was totally fine with Steve, but the one concern he had was in regards to how much of William’s personality was being sacrificed to be in this body. Steve hated the idea of losing the best qualities of his husband and gaining the worst parts of Cody’s douchey personality, but as Steve began to feel the thick rod of Cody’s cock slide into his ass, all of those quandaries went out the window. 

Who cares when he’s got a cock that great right?


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3 years ago

Understanding Each Other - Part II

If you haven’t read Part I yet, check it out here!


TW: There is one scene involving groping in this story. It’s nothing too heavy, but I figured I’d rather to warn any readers just in case it’s not something you’d want to read about.

It had been a week since the magical abilities of Becca had swapped the bodies of herself and her boyfriend Austin. Despite Austin’s discomfort never fading after the unbelievable body swap, he had soon adopted the name of Becca just to keep himself from feeling like a huge freak.  Now in a woman’s body, it only increased Austin’s discomfort and anxiousness whenever Becca referred to him with the name that matched the body she was currently in. His discomfort was also not alleviated as he watched his girlfriend acclimate with ease to the new male body and life that she had. So, the step of adopting her new name was the easiest first step that Becca could come up with to try and adapt to being a woman. 

While she was constantly alarmed every morning waking up to a set of breasts, her panic would always ever increase as she would turn to her side and watch as Austin had his hands wrapped around his new dick and constantly jerked himself off. With an increased libido and a constant morning wood, it had become a ritual at this point for Becca to awaken to this very same sight. She had very clearly stated that she was not interested in having sex (especially due to now having a vagina), so she couldn’t really complain about him doing his new morning ritual. While there was a deep feeling of attraction towards her former body, Becca remained mentally strong and vowed to not give into temptation, especially because she feared the concept of having to pleasure her old body… especially if she ended up liking it.

This vow of not falling into temptation even continued to her own body, where Becca refused to attempt to pleasure herself or even feel up her new body. Strangely, that former attraction that she once had for this body had begun to be replaced with a new sort of appreciation. Rather than pure lust, she felt a weird sense of pride about having this bodacious body. Of course, once the first thought of this kind popped into her head, Becca quickly put her attention elsewhere to hide these thoughts.


As his girlfriend began to stir awake next to him, the new Austin began to slow down his strokes in an attempt to not wake her. While this new habit of his had become a daily thing due to Becca refusing to do anything sexual with him, it somehow continued to send his girlfriend into a mental dilemma any time she caught him stroking off his new dick. Sure, he understood how weird it must be to watch your former body jerk off in front of you, but Austin had assumed that Becca would have adapted by now like he had.

His attempt at quieting down was in vain though, made apparent as his eyes peered down and watched as Becca turned towards him and began to open her eyes. Her eyes would dart between the pair of breasts that her eyes would first see and the rock hard cock emerging from the white sheets, culminating in a scream where she would jump out of the bed in shock. By this point though, Austin didn’t care to stop his self-pleasure anymore. He was incredibly horny, so if she wasn’t going to satisfy him, what’s the point in stopping for her?

Thinking about the swap and the new attraction he felt towards his old body, Austin wasn’t quite as freaked out as Becca was. Sure, it was strange feeling your new dick raging at the sight of your former body, but if he was going to be a man for the foreseeable future, he told himself that it’s just part of the territory of fitting in. As he watched Becca’s breasts bounce as she ran out and into the bathroom, Austin quickly reached climax and ejaculated, a thick load shooting out and covering his cobblestone abs and even reaching up to the bottom of his beefy pectorals.

Quickly wiping off his chest and throwing on a tank top, he walked over towards the bathroom and opened the door. Catching sight of his girlfriend on the floor shaking, he looked down at her and tried to his annoyance. “Babe, it’s ok. It’s all going to be all ok.” his husky voice said, which caused Becca to look up at him with her tear-stained eyes. “Alright, let’s get ready… We’ve got to head to the gym. You want to get this body back right?” Austin said, his face forming a smile to try and cheer up his girlfriend. 



Looking up at her boyfriend, she felt saddened to know that his hulking body was once hers and now she was stuck in a body that felt like an eternal hell. Every morning she’d wake up with this new body and it never felt normal to her, as much as she wished it could happen. However, Austin was right. She wanted her body back and getting to the gym and taking videos and photos of her workouts was the only way she was going to get it back. “Thank you… Austin” Becca said, her voice cracking and body shivering as she was still not used to referring to her boyfriend with her former name. With a newfound determination to start the day, Becca and Austin quickly showered and headed off to the gym to start their workouts.


After having yet another quick jerkoff session in the shower, Austin quickly got dried off, dressed, and ready for the gym. With Becca still learning to do her own makeup, it allowed Austin to sit on the couch and relax and turn on the television. He scrolled through the channels, his mind instructing him to put on the sports networks and watch highlights from several sports games from the night prior. Despite never being interested in the games prior to the swap, Austin now found himself completely enamored by the content. Who cares about the Real Housewives and network crime procedurals when nothing could compare to the thrill of watching live sports? It was a strange thought to pass through his head, which began to alarm the woman-turned-jock. Was her mind beginning to change to match the body she was now in? It was a worrisome concern, but Austin made a note to himself that if it got too bad, he could always swap them back before they lost all of their former personalities.

Breaking his train of thought, Becca quickly walked into the room, her body clad into an all-black workout outfit that only accentuated her body (despite her best attempts not to). “Holy shit babe, you look hot!” Austin said, his dick beginning to harden once more at the sight of his sexy girlfriend. Becca began to blush as she attempted to change the subject, asking if he was ready to go. Quickly hopping onto his feet, he grabbed the keys of his car and they made their way out of the apartment and drove to the gym.

As they both walked into the building, Austin quickly pulled Becca in for a peck on the lips as their paths diverged and they went about their workout. Now, for both individuals, the kiss was incredibly alluring and sexy to experience. Austin was turned on to feel the kiss of Becca’s soft lips and the scent of her sugary perfume while Becca was turned on by the scent of Austin’s cologne and the scratch of facial hair tickling her cheeks. Austin couldn’t help thinking about it as he walked over to the various machines and began to add weight that he never would have been able to lift in his former body. The thought of kissing Austin kept replaying in Becca’s mind as well as she walked towards a bench to begin working out. 


While Austin was able to do grueling workouts that tested the limits of his new strength, Becca soon had to adapt to a new set of workouts to match her body. Rather than wanting to do the memorized workouts that would get her body incredibly buff, she aimed to get a nice and toned body instead that would hopefully make Becca more comfortable in her feminine skin. So, she aimed to do crunches, lunges, and a bunch of cardio to hopefully achieve that goal. 

Desperate to make her account super popular so she could win back her original body, Becca had begun to try and build up her social media presence with these workouts. Unfortunately, every attempt at a serious page devoted to sharing workout tips was failing in terms of likes and follows. With a newfound desperation, Becca was beginning to try any type of content to help build her popularity. Despite her uncomfortable feelings about her body, Becca took her best attempts at creating photos that would hopefully be deemed “sexy” enough to help build up her audience. Sure, it would most likely be horny men thirsting over body and girls wanting to shame her for showing off her body, but desperation was making Becca push all of those risks aside to make her famous and fast. 


To both Becca’s glee and dismay, the photos did their job and were quickly helping her skyrocket in followers. She had gone from a few hundred to over 10,000 throughout the past week, which was exactly what she wanted to be back in her manly form. If that rate of growth continued, Becca was sure that she would reach 100k followers and be back in her rightful body within a few months max! However, she couldn’t deny that, despite her annoyance, Austin’s influence was a big factor in her meteoric rise. She was appreciative, but she knew that Austin enjoyed the concept of being the knight in shining armor to help Becca grow in popularity. Plus, Austin was constantly talking about how “rock hard” those pictures made him, so Becca was sure that he was just sharing his girlfriend’s profile for bragging rights. Little did the sea of followers know that the imposter Austin was once the one residing in that feminine body...


For Austin, there was newfound joy to working out in comparison to how he used to feel about it. In his former body, he only did it to grow closer to his partner since he loved it so much. However, now in this buff body, Austin could understand the appeal. It was an incredible turn-on to watch him push his body to the extreme, showcasing strength and skill that far surpassed his former body. It also didn’t help that his sea of followers ate up any content that he gave them, which only built his ego up more. It would take less than 5 minutes before his posts had reached thousands of likes and several comments from both men and women thirsting for him. He understood the appeal of a body like this and he reveled in it. Videos of him working out and pushing his body to the max were incredibly popular for his social media accounts, leading to several guys wishing to learn his secrets and get his help to get a body like that. If that trend continued, it seemed entirely possible that Austin could finally start that training program that “he” had so often dreamt of creating. 

While he got tons of love from online, he also got a fair share of wandering eyes and lustful stares in real life. Every time he came to the gym and worked out, he would catch several women checking him out and staring at the muscular hunk as he passed through each machine. Knowing that this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, Austin began to play towards those women with the grunts and stares that he gave them as he worked out. He knew that Becca saw him, but he didn’t care and it seemed like she didn’t either based on her constantly photographing herself. He was the king of the gym and every man, woman, and child deserved to know that. The gym was unleashing a cockiness that he had never believed was possible, but he still welcomed it. 

Of course, while he loved playing towards the several women looking at him, his eyes only wandered and explored the vision of his girlfriend’s body. Staring off as he continued to workout, he watched as Becca did sets of lunges, interspersed with her setting an automatic timer to take photos of her workouts. It’s no surprise that the sight quickly left Austin’s dick throbbing, but it also set off a little bit of sadness for Austin. He saw how much Becca showed off her body for her followers, but he wished that she would truly have the same sort of body empowerment that she exudes on camera in real life. He just really wished that she would just try to make the best of the situation. He understood that she wished to have her body back, but the body she currently had was quite a good alternative to have. Sure, adapting to the new gender is quite a mindfuck, but after a few days, Austin was able to adapt with ease. If Becca could just learn to let loose a little and stop being so uptight, Austin was sure that life wouldn’t be as miserable as she felt it was.


After finishing up their gym session and heading home, Austin picked up his mail and quickly flipped through the sea of letters he got. However, as he grabbed onto one envelope, his mouth formed a grin as he opened up a letter and read the contents. After they first swapped bodies, Austin figured that the best bet to help them both build connections in their new bodies and also have a vacation was to sign up for a fitness retreat. Sure, it was quite expensive, but Austin was willing to take the financial hit in hopes that it could help Becca let loose and have some fun for once. 

Opening up the letter, two guest pass badges fell out of the envelope and into his callused hands as he headed off to inform Becca about the trip. After informing her about the surprise trip, Austin was surprised to find his girlfriend furious and angrily screaming about the monetary cost and how dumb it was to waste money on that. Even as Austin tried to tell her that he assumed it would help her relax and feel better about her new body, Becca was still angry at the concept. This argument lasted throughout the night as they bickered back and forth for hours. However, to Austin’s surprise, just as they were about to pass out and fall asleep, he heard Becca whisper “Fine, I’ll go” before falling into a snoring fit. Smiling with glee, he fell asleep and prepared to head out the next morning.


As Becca woke up and began to look around the room, the man-turned-woman was shocked to find that her bags were already packed by Austin, who was already loading up the car and preparing to head out. Despite it being 7 AM, the hunk had already found a way to get showered and pack everything while Becca was sleeping. With nothing else to do except get ready, Becca quickly showered and prepared for the trip. After putting on the pair of clothes that Austin set out for her, they hopped in the car and headed off towards the sand and the sea.

Upon their arrival at the hotel, Austin was eager to begin the relaxing weekend to try and help his girlfriend grow more comfortable. As they passed through the entrance and saw the hotel’s pool though, Austin’s mind went to a standstill as he began to think about his followers and their desire to know what he’s up to. Looking towards Becca, Austin asked for the couple to take a photo together to share their arrival at the retreat. Still uncomfortable to be in a photo with her former body, Becca refused the offer and opted to take the photo instead. Looking for a prop, Austin quickly peeled off his shirt and grabbed onto a life preserver and posed for the camera. Despite the hilarious aspect of him holding a life preserver with no experience at lifeguarding, Becca couldn’t help but feel an intense pang of desire flood her body as she took several photos. The look on Austin’s face displayed an intense and intimidating visage that made Becca shiver in lust. Not wanting to give in to these desires though, Becca quickly handed the phone back and began to make her way towards their room. 


Once they were in the room, Austin and Becca began to discuss what to do first on their weekend getaway. Upon suggesting going to the beach, Austin remembered Becca’s dilemma with her new body. Knowing that she would probably be uncomfortable with wearing a bathing suit in public at a popular beach first, Austin offered up a trial run to the hotel’s hot tub to try and help her grow comfortable. As Becca pulled out the brown bikini, she rolled her eyes and agreed to Austin’s suggestion. Heading into the bathroom, she tried to mentally prepare herself to be exposed in such little clothing. Quickly undressing, she pulled on the bikini, which surprisingly fit her body like a glove. However, this surprise only increased her anxiety to be in such revealing clothing.

Heading back into the bedroom, she glanced as Austin was in the process of putting on his swimsuit, his pert and defined ass bulging out as he pulled the fabric up and over his posterior. Turning around and catching a sight at Becca, Austin smiled and complimented her on her gorgeous form. “Wow, that looks amazing Becca! I knew that would look great on you!” he said, which caused Becca to blush at the glowing compliment from her boyfriend.

As they took the elevator down and walked to the outdoor hot tub, Becca was surprised to find those anxious nerves that usually consumed her psyche fading away. Walking out of the hotel and into the summer heat with Austin holding her hand, Becca felt surprisingly calm. Despite the revealing nature of the bikini causing the stares of several men in the hotel lobby, Becca felt that weird sense of pride re-emerge. Based on the looks of the men she saw, it was clear that she had a great body. Why should she constantly deny what Austin constantly compliments her about when the sights from those men only provide more evidence of him being correct. She had a rocking body and she was able to get the attention of anyone she desired. It was just like how she was used to getting that attention from the bulky physique from her former body. Those built muscles caused everyone to stare, much like the stares she receives now. The only difference is that the attention shifted from defined edges and angular shapes to the soft curves she now possessed. For the first time, as she walked down the stairs and into the hot tub, a smile began to emerge onto her face.

Looking at his girlfriend, a smile soon began to emerge on Austin’s face as well as he finally saw Becca begin to feel better. It was a long time coming, but it seemed like this vacation was just what she needed! He watched as her eyes looked around the pool, staring at the various men giving sensual glares at her. Much to his surprise, he watched as she leaned back and got her hair wet, her chest bulging out as if to tease the men (even if unintentionally). 

Not wanting to be outdone, Austin soon began to flex and show off his body, watching as the sea of people on the patio and hot tub were splitting their attention between the curvy Becca and the hunky Austin. It was incredibly hot to watch them both embrace their new bodies, Becca’s hands running down her sides for the first time while Austin kept flexing and sent several women and even some guys into a lustful state.


After both individuals enjoyed feeling the bubbling jets of the hot tub and showing off their bodies, they both soon called it quits and exited the hot tub as they began to make a beeline right to the beach. The fitness retreat was already underway and both Becca and Austin had now found excitement for what the retreat could offer them. However, both of their interests differed so just like their gym ritual, they quickly split off to do their own thing. While Becca was just wanting to explore the beach and maybe take some photos for her IG, Austin was looking to connect with some bigger fitness personalities to try and find a way to build his brand and turn it into a full career.


As Becca sat down onto the hot sand and felt it coat her supple ass, Becca stared out at the waves crashing onto the shore and the tons of fit individuals playing volleyball and jogging on the beach. Feeling the coastal winds blowing her hair around, a sense of peace and tranquility began to overtake Becca’s mind. The sounds of the sea were soothing and only pushed her further towards accepting life and not stressing over everything. She was going to get her body back eventually, but given that it was going to take months, she thought she might as well try to enjoy those months before she goes back to being the chiseled hunk of man she once was. Maybe she should give in and embrace the new levels of romance that were emerging in this relationship... Becca smiled as she thought about Austin’s thoughtful gift of this surprise trip. She knew that this was beneficial for both of them, but this was exactly what the real Becca had been complaining about before the swap. The real Austin was never able to find a balance between fitness and the relationship, but the new Austin was seemingly doing it with ease. “Maybe this wasn’t as bad as I thought...” Becca thought as she laid down, closed her eyes and began to soak up all of the sun’s rays. 


Meanwhile, Austin walked around the crowded beach, he caught sight of several huge influencers that the real Austin used to spend so much time talking about. He wished to have the same sort of career trajectory as these guys, so Austin assumed it was a good idea to try and introduce himself. To his surprise, the guys were incredibly calm and nice, complimenting him on his godly physique. Austin of course returned the compliments, specifying a part of their body that Austin wished he could have like their wide biceps or hefty pectorals. Both guys seemed to have taken a liking to Austin’s attitude, so one of the guys had them take a photo together to hopefully send some of his followers Austin’s way. It was incredibly sweet that he kept thanking him for the support. Walking around the beach together, the men continued to talk about their career goals and talked about the possibility of making all of their goals come true while working together…



“Hey girl, what are you doing here all alone?” Becca heard, her eyes opening and staring up at a hulking man. She sat up, startled by the sight of the burly man. “Uh, I’m not here alone. My boyfriend is over there…” Becca said, her voice trembling as she spoke. Quickly standing up, she caught sight of the man, who easily towered over her. As she looked up at the man, it only emphasized their size difference and how much smaller Becca now was in this body. “He’s not here though… is he?” the man said, his voice slurring as Becca could smell the taste of alcohol on his breath. Looking Becca up and down, the intoxicated man clearly liked what he saw as one side of his mouth curled into a devilish grin that sent shivers down Becca’s spine.

Before Becca could say anything, the man stumbled as he came up and wrapped his arms around her. She attempted to struggle, but due to the lost strength she once had, she was unable to break free from the man’s grip despite his drunken state. As his hands moved further down and grabbed onto her ass, Becca cried out in annoyance. “Get off of me asshole!” she said, which only caused the man to talk under his breath and continue squeezing her ass. Eager to get him off, she remembered a man’s greatest weakness and tilted her knee back. With as much force as she could muster, she brought her knee forward, hitting the man right in the crotch and sending him crying out onto the ground.  

“Fuck you asshole!” Becca cried out, looking up and watching as Austin sprinted towards her. With incredible haste, Austin came up to Becca in seconds, rapidly asking “Are you ok babe?”. As Becca nodded her head yes, Austin quickly directed his attention to the man still laying on the ground. Grabbing him by his collar and pulling him up to his feet, Austin wasted no time yelling directly into the man’s face. “What the FUCK is your problem asshole? Why are your hands all over my girlfriend? I oughta beat your ass for treating a woman like that…” he cried out, leaving the man blubbering like a baby as he now lost all power as the broad biceps of Austin only further intimidated the man about the asskicking he could get. 

Pulling back his fist, Austin began punching the man, displaying his strength for a good cause as he taught a creepy drunk asshole a lesson. He knew that men could be assholes towards women based on his previous experiences as Becca, but now that he was Austin, he was adamant about trying to protect Becca from experiencing the same thing she once did. Sure, this was more extreme, but this behavior deserved punishment and with a body like this, Austin could actually do something about it. After a few more punches, Austin dropped the man onto the sand, where he continued to whine and apologize for his behavior. “Don’t you ever touch a woman like that again you fucker…” Austin said as he glared down at the man to continue intimidating him. “Now get out of here before I fully fuck you up for touching my girlfriend like that” Austin continued, which sent the man sprinting out of the beach, his body continued to tumble over as he scolded himself for being so wasted. With one hand on his bleeding and contorted nose, he eventually disappeared in the crowd and away from the shaken Becca.

As Becca stepped back and stared at the events unfolding, she felt so disgusted about what had just happened to her. It felt demeaning to be treated like an item by a man like that, so it felt good to finally give some comeuppance with that swift knee to the dick. Despite her disgust and now feeling incredibly self-conscious, she felt even better as she watched Austin come up and teach that man a lesson. Although this wasn’t intentional, there was an intense attraction that was emerging from Becca as she watched Austin display his strength and protect her like that. It was incredibly hot to witness, so it was no surprise that the gates of Becca’s mental barriers began to finally crumble like a wave crashing into a sandcastle. No longer wanting to resist her desire, she gave into the lust she felt for Austin and the pure love she had for him.

With the rush of all of these hormones and intense desire, her mind grew frazzled and she sought some form of solitude to cope with these new feelings. As a result, she quickly sprinted off towards the hotel and rushed into the first available bathroom. Locking the door behind her, she looked in the mirror and felt overwhelmed by all of the emotions she felt. She felt gross by that man’s behavior, but she felt intense appreciation to actually have someone stand up for her given that the other beach goers did nothing about it. Turning on the sink, she splashed water on her face and attempted to collect herself until a knock on the door alerted her. “Hey babe, it’s me” the voice of her boyfriend said, which caused her to slowly move towards the door and lean against it. “Hey, I just need a second ok…” Becca said, her voice trying to remain clear and concise despite still feeling shaky for a variety of reasons. Austin responded with a “Can I please come in?”, which Becca begrudgingly agreed to. 

As she opened the door and Austin rushed in, she stared at him as he began to apologize for that man’s behavior and ask if she was ok. Before she could respond, Austin quickly walked up and pulled her into a tight hug while he put a hand on her back, rubbing it while telling her that it would be ok. “Thank you for protecting me, I don’t know why no one else came to help…” Becca said, her voice having a twinge of anger at how ignorant everyone else on the beach was. 

“Of course I would protect you… I love you so much” Austin said, his voice soothing her and causing her to look up at him flashing a smile at her. Unable to resist her feelings any longer, she reached up and pulled him in for a kiss. As she pulled back and looked up flashing a smile at him, Austin put his hand around her head as he leaned down and returned the kiss passionately. Within no time, their kissing began to speed up, growing more and more frantic as tongue began to make an increased appearance. 

Wrapping his arms around Becca’s waist, Austin pulled her up and set her on the marble countertop and continued to make out with her. With each kiss and display of strength, Becca was fully invested in her lust as she moaned Austin’s name between kisses and gasped as he felt every inch of his body with his soft and delicate touch. While Austin had such a bulky and broad physique, his previous experience as Becca allowed him to know just how to treat a woman’s body, which was much appreciated, especially after Becca’s situation on the beach. 

With a raging boner in Austin’s pants and an intense need manifesting inside of Becca, the couple quickly went up to their bedroom and had a long session of passionate sex filled with pleasurable moans and sensual touching…


As the couple quickly began to get dressed again, they both had felt a surprisingly sense of euphoria permeate through their bodies. Despite her apprehension, Becca was incredibly happy with her first sexual experience as a woman. The new Austin was a sensual lover who knew just how to treat her body, so it was most definitely the best possible experience she could have. This notion worked inversely as well, as Becca knew all of the best ways to pleasure a man, especially one in her former body. 

After taking a break to get food and relax some more, the couple soon made a plan to head to the beach once more. Despite Becca’s initial worry, Austin vowed to be by her side every step of the way this time, which helped ease her mind. As they walked down the stairs and out onto the beachfront, Becca looked at a storage container placed on the beach. Seeing a sea of workout equipment on it, Becca got an idea. “How about we take a photo together?” she said, which Austin quickly agreed to. Handing their phones off to another fitness influencer nearby, the buff woman began to take some photos of the couple, who now both seemed the most content that they had ever been. Once they got their phones back, Austin pondered what to do next. “Should we post these to Instagram?” he asked, which caused Becca to not hesitate with her answer. “You can put it on Instagram, that’s fine with me. I just wanted to have this for my own enjoyment” she said, flashing a smile at her boyfriend. 


As Austin posted the photo and tagged Becca in it, they both began to chuckle as their phones both began to go off with a sea of likes and follows flooding in. However, at this current moment, neither of them cared about that. Putting their phones away, the couple began to walk hand and hand down the beach. Despite any hardships they faced, the couple couldn’t deny how happy they felt now that they had truly learned to understand each other.


It had been 3 months since Becca and Austin’s vacation at the fitness retreat, and during that time, a lot had changed for the couple. In regards to the original bet for Becca to regain her male body, the ever-popular Instagram vixen had already passed the initial goal of 100k followers. Despite reaching the requirement, Becca had never wanted to swap back despite Austin often reminding her of reaching the agreed-upon goal. 

In the months since the fitness retreat, Becca had grown more and more comfortable with her body to the point where it was no longer an act when she took photos for her social media. In fact, the level of body-positivity that she displayed was incredibly appealing to several brands who were wanting to support people like her and also take advantage of her growing fanbase. Her content had also grown beyond simple photos of her breasts, curves, and ass, with her now mixing in educational content involving self-defense moves and tips to help spread the word about preventing situations like what happened to her on that sandy beach. She loved the curves she now had and the looks that she got around the gym. Hell, she had even made friends with several of the girls that used to thirst over her former male body and now they hung out often both in and out of the gym. Life was good and the sex was incredible for Becca, which only made her scold herself for holding out so long from the irresistible pleasure she now felt from Austin’s touch and his impressive dick.

Speaking of Austin, life had been incredibly great for the hunk in the months after. After the retreat, Austin kept in constant contact with the two men that he had befriended. In fact, those guys actually followed through with their plan to create a company together and actually invited Austin to join them. So, within those three months, Austin was now a an equal partner in a fitness business that was rapidly growing. Currently, the business involved creating online programs that clients could pick and choose from for their ideal gym transformation, but their endgame was to eventually create their own gym franchises. Although most would assume this to be a pie in the sky idea, with each passing week only adding to their online following and clientele, it seemed incredibly likely that a very lucrative career was building for Austin.

In terms of the relationship, the couple had never been in a better place. Nights of being separated were now spent together, with each partner taking turns cooking dinner and picking a movie to watch. Thanks to the swap, their relationship was completely repaired, with both Becca and Austin now finding a perfect balance between a career and the relationship. In fact, there were even online rumors swirling in the fitness community about Austin preparing to pop the question to his girlfriend. Sure, Becca had seen the comments, but she quickly dismissed them. It wasn’t a good idea to get too invested in the power of social media, even if it was most likely true. Regardless, Becca now preferred a surprise, especially since that surprise magical swap had changed both of their lives for the better…


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3 years ago

Heya, I'm a 20-ish asian guy working on bulking up for the past few months. Think you can help me out in getting some solid progress faster?

Becoming... A Cocky Jock

Upon pressing the send button and releasing your request into my magical inbox, you shiver as a slight chill runs through your entire body. Looking around, you watch as your surroundings grow blurry and distorted through your vision. You rub your eyes, thinking it’s some sort of side effect of sleep deprivation after staying up past 3 AM to send this specific request. One-by-one, you watch as items from your bedroom vanish from existence, leaving your room becoming less and less crowded. This process continues for about 30 seconds until you’re left in an empty room sitting in a desk chair. Like wrapping paper, the four walls that surround are then peeled away and a bright light rushed in and consumed you.

As you feel the searing bright light begin to disappear, you crack open your eyes, watching as reality begins to reassemble itself. Instead of a desk, you find yourself now situated at a round black picnic table. The small bedroom you once were in grows bigger as you suddenly find yourself outside in an empty field (sans the black picnic table). The heat instantly hits you, causing you to fan yourself and pray for some relief from the intense sunbeams. Your prayers are soon answered as roofing begins to emerge and connects to the several posts that manifest and push up to the sky like daisies. With this roofing now finished, you watch as a few more picnic tables are sprinkled under the pavilion and finalize your new reality.

Looking around in disbelief, you wonder where you are and why you’re suddenly outside. Your eyes glance down towards your phone, causing you to take a double take as you peer at the reflection in the screen. Instead of your normal face staring back at you, the face of a different guy is reflected back at you. “Holy shit!” you said, your lips puckering up as you continue to stare at your new face. Hell, even your new voice was different, replacing your normal voice with a deep baritone that seemed ill-fitting on this body. Despite not being interested in guys, you could appreciate the beauty of your new form.


Sliding open your phone with FaceID, you pull open your weather app to find your location. Upon looking at the sunny weather with 0% chance of precipitation, you soon realize that you’ve now found yourself in the wonderful city of Los Angeles. While most people would be in utter shock, you felt strangely excited about the possibilities. It was clear to you that this change was a product of your wish request, so you felt no desire to really sweat anything.

With no real idea what to do and an innate desire to explore your new body, you quickly pulled out your wallet from your short pockets and grabbed your ID. While fishing for it, you grabbed a set of car keys as well, which left you chuckling given that you hadn’t been able to drive back during your old life. With a grin on your face, you got up from the seat and walked to the parking lot, using the lock button on the key fob to show you the new car you had. After entering it, you drove off towards your new place of residence. Upon arriving at an apartment complex, you began to mount the stairs and quickly unlocked the door to the apartment indicated on your license.

Walking into the apartment, you were impressed by the large living space you now possessed. Despite not being too incredibly buff in this new body, your apartment was decorated in décor that promoted working out and living a healthy lifestyle. You chuckled to yourself, wondering what exactly the mysterious Soul-Controls had planned for you. Based on your apartment's design, it seemed like you were going to get your wish of being buff one way or another.

Thinking about yourself growing buff and muscular, you couldn’t help but find yourself growing hard at the thought. Both wanting to explore your body and also unleash this increasingly erotic experience, you began to strip out of your clothes and enter your bedroom. Falling back onto the bed, it didn’t take long before you were running your hands up and down your impressive equipment. This process continued off and on for the rest of the night, allowing you to take breaks to explore various parts of the apartment and different sections of your new body as well. As you soon came and grew tired, you made a plan to explore a local gym as the chapter closed on the first day of your new life.


The next morning, you quickly showered and got dressed as you prepared for a fun day at the gym. Looking for any indication of where to go for a workout, your eyes wandered to your car keys. Staring at the keychain and the few tags hooked onto it, you smiled as you caught a gym membership tag belonging to a gym that was only a block away from you. With a pep in your step, you bounded down the stairs and walked down the street and into the gym.

As you entered, you were shocked to be greeted with a warm smile from the two receptionists at the front of the gym. “Hey Justin, go right in!” they said, which both made you shocked and surprised. It seemed that you were a popular gym goer based on their reactions, it was just a shame that you didn’t have a body to showcase that determination. On top of that, it was really surprising to hear them refer to you by the new name assigned to this body and life. It was the first time anyone had ever directly addressed you, so it led your words to stumble as you at first attempted to correct them. “That’s not my-, oh uh, hey there guys!” you said, catching yourself and just trying to walk into the gym and avoid any confusion on their parts.

After quickly changing into a tank top and shorts, you headed out onto the gym floor and tried to decide what to workout today. Looking down at your body, you stared at your exposed arms and decided some arm workouts would be a valid choice. After finding a machine, you began a series of lateral pulldowns and struggled to handle the weight that was already setup on it. However, to your surprise, you soon found yourself feeling less strain with each pull. Looking out and towards the glass-covered mirrors, you began to inspect your body and watch your fledgling body somehow doing this workout with ease.

However, as you continued to stare, your eyes focused in on your arms as you began to notice a weird ripple shutter across both limbs. Staring in confusion, your eyes went from a narrowed glare to wide as you could actually watch your arms inflating. Yes, with each passing pulldown, your arms were growing thicker and gaining musculature that you could have only dreamed of. Inch by inch, your biceps grew thicker and thicker, causing an enthusiastic smile to spread on your face. Clearly, the magic you had wished for had finally kicked in and was able to transform you with every machine you used.

You continued to pull on the machine, the inflation like a drug leaving you eager to keep going. By this point, your forearms had grown much thicker as well, giving you an impressive set of arms. However, this wasn’t the only change that your body endured, as evident by the widening set of lats blooming on each side of your body. “Oh wow” you muttered under your breath, your body continuing to grow thicker and thicker under your control.


After several sets on this machine, you soon decided that this was enough growth for you at this current time. Based on how this magic was working, you just had to step onto this machine again and you could continue this growth. However, since this was already much more than you had ever had, you decided it was best to stop now and savor the growth (despite how much you desired to keep growing).

Sitting up, you shook your limbs, feeling the thick muscles bulge out and bounce as you moved around the gym. Despite gaining several pounds of muscle exclusively in your lats and biceps, people seemed as though nothing had changed. Given that you had no one to really react to your growth, you grew bummed. However, this allowed you to come up with a clever idea. Since only you realize the changes that your body undergoes, you might as well space out the changes to revel in those changes. After heading into the locker room, you quickly peeled off sweaty tank and caught a sight of yourself in the mirror. It was rather comical to see your huge arms attached to such a small and average body, but you weren’t feeling embarrassed in any way. In fact, you had this weird fire burning within you as you stared at yourself. Usually, you weren’t big on personal vanity, but incredible pride was beginning to cloud your mind. Now, you couldn’t stop thinking about just how magnificent those arms of yours were and how you couldn’t wait until you had a body that would perfectly fit these thick biceps.

As you began to move your arms and watch thick muscle bulge out from different positions, you couldn’t help but feel yourself growing hard by the sight of your new body. In fact, you were giving into the desire as well, slowly moving your hand down beneath your shorts until…

BAM! The sound of a locker slamming shut startled you and broke you out of your self-indulgent admiration. Looking around to make sure that no one caught you almost grabbing your dick in the locker room, you blushed in slight embarrassment, grabbed your gym bag, and exited out of the locker room. Waving goodbye to the blonde receptionist that greeted you this morning, you couldn’t help but notice the way she was staring at you… It seemed like she was into you, especially after today’s growth. Earlier, she just seemed friendly, but the eyes she made at you indicated a new desire beyond just simple friendship. Curious to possibly explore this later, you made a plan to come back in a few days and try out some new machines and get some more growth.


After enjoying a few days of staying home and enjoying the growth you’d gained in your arms, you soon decided it was time to undergo some more changes. Entering the gym, you smirked at the blonde receptionist once more, where a wide smile spread across her face. Enjoying the attention, a cocky grin overtook your face as you entered the locker room and changed into your workout clothes. Still proud of your impressive arms, you opted to wear yet another tank top along with a pair of shorts. Walking out to the gym, you quickly opted to go for the second most revealed part of your body: your small legs.

Hopping onto a leg press machine, you wasted no time beginning to work out. You chuckled as you began to push your legs to their limits, knowing that soon there will be no limit for you. The magic of your request seemed to time its arrival just as you thought about this fact. With a tingle that caused the skin across your legs to ripple, you now knew that the magic was underway and helping you grow.

With vigor, you continued to press against the machine, noticing just how easier the machine was getting for you. Looking down, you watched as your thin legs began to widen to make way for the musculature now beginning to invade the puny limbs. Your thighs began to thicken, causing you to readjust your legs to make room for the continued growth.

Finally, you could feel a tingle in your calves as they gained an impressive set of muscles that would clearly allow you to sprint up your apartment stairs and down the busy city streets with ease. The concepts of jogs sounded more and more appealing now knowing that you had a prime setup for them.

Despite assuming that the changes would end there, you soon began to feel a tingle in your ass as you continued to work out. As you sat there, you chuckled as you felt your ass begin to inflate slowly. With each passing repetition, your ass ratcheted up just a few millimeters as you gained a globular and buff ass. With this change now complete, you got off the machine and decided that was enough growth for the day. Standing up, you stared into the mirrored walls and took a glance at your new physique. It was incredibly impressive, especially paired with the thick arms you possessed. Your body was looking more and more muscular, which only led to you feeling more intimidating.


Immediately upon this thought, your brain begins to go on autopilot as you begin to make a series of poses in front of the mirrors. You flexed your arms, giving them a time to shine before moving your attention to your legs. Putting one further out, you pulled up your shorts slightly and stared at the impressive muscles you now had. In no time, you were turning yourself into a real beast of a gym-goer. While most people would be concerned about these poses coming so seemingly natural, you couldn’t give less of a shit. Your body was built and these poses just showed off what you had always known. Hell, you were Justin “The Beast” Lin, the most intimidating guy in this gym. Men were intimidated by you and the women were constantly thirsting over you, it was only natural for such a fine specimen like yourself.

With a twinkle of cockiness now almost permanently found in your eyes, you headed off to the gym and stripped down to change. Looking around, you stared at the fellow male gym-goers, many of them giving you annoyed stares while several had a look of jealousy transfixed onto their faces. You chuckled and smirked as you continued to change in the middle of the gym. After you put on your new clothes, you grabbed your bag and began to head towards the day. Looking back at the men still staring at you, you smirked at them. “Jealous much boys? How about you go pump some iron rather than continuing to check me out huh?” you said, giving them a cocky wink as you headed out and towards the reception desk.

Your eyes met with the blonde receptionist, who now had a different expression than a few days prior. Now, the woman had lustful eyes that showcased every inch of desire she had for you. “Hey babe, how about dinner? 8 PM at my place?” you said, winking at the blonde who rapidly nodded her head. “Great, see you then…” you continued, your voice going into a deep hearty tone that leaves her swooning. Looking back one more time, your eyes look her up and down one last time before you exit the building and head back home to prepare for an interesting night…


Read Part II Here

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3 years ago

Shifting Summer: Popularity

For weeks now, the campus of Rolling Hills University had been plagued with suspicious emails that vowed to grant their wishes should an individual respond. The dean had made several statements to the students in both verbal and written forms, telling them plainly to not respond to the email under any circumstances on the off chance that this mysterious account had nefarious plans.

While the rest of the campus was in a panic and feared some sort of retaliation, a trio of nerds (Chester, Phil, and Garrett) had not fallen victim to the campus-wide pandemonium. For the most part, they actually found the situation rather hilarious. As computer science majors that had part-time jobs in campus IT, they had spent months warning the campus about any weak points in the school’s security system. Now that their warnings had actually come to fruition, they found it quite amusing to actually have been ahead of the curve and tell the campus that they told them so.

Despite this slight cockiness directed at the staff of the university, they lacked this same type of demeanor when it came to the asshole jocks that found time to ignore the panic and spend their free time taunting them. Previously, the three freshmen had reported the jocks for their behaviors, but of course, the campus did nothing to remedy the situation due to them being the star players on the incredibly popular football team. In fact, their reports only furthered their torment as the jocks focused even heavier on their tauntings, even going as far as to get physical and push them around. As the trio exited out of their classrooms and walked towards the quad, the three men mentally prepared for their daily torment from the jocks. 

While all of the boys were ridiculed and tormented by the jocks, the red-headed Chester often found himself getting the brunt of the punishment. As he exited the building, he gasped as a jock pulled him by the collar and threw him to the ground. While landing, the resounding tone of a snap led him to worry about somehow breaking one of arms from the impact of the fall. However, as he pulled his head up from the pavement, he got his answer for the cause of the snap as he found his thick pair of glasses completely shattered with the plastic frames snapped right at the bridge. 

While Chester attempted to pick up the shattered remnants scattered across the pavement, the jocks then began to move their nonsensical rage to the remaining two members. With messy brown hair, hazel eyes, and a puggish nose, the added weight caused by his endless college meal plan gave Phil a flabby gut and a thick pair of moobs that fully made him undesirable to any of the girls he ever tried to court. Due to knowing his unlucky nature with women and his negative self-image, the chubby Phil was not fazed in the slightest as the jocks began to taunt him and hurl fat jokes his way. However, the jocks soon grew to realize this fact, which caused them to try and amp it up as they grabbed the nerd’s graphic tee and tugged on it. With a loud high-pitched rip, Phil cried out in horror as the jocks tore open his shirt and revealed his blubbery figure to the entire diag. After a slight moment of silence due to everyone’s shock, the sea of co-eds began to cackle and laugh at the embarrassed nerd.

Finally, the jocks devoted their attention to Garrett, the last member of the nerdy trio. While Garrett’s other friends hadn’t been the best looking guys, Garrett differed from them. With slight curly hair, Garrett had a physique that was toned but not at all packed with any muscle. From his years of running track in high school, he was able to have a healthy lifestyle and decent genes that allowed him to avoid any college weight gain or be worried about severe sunburn. His golden-tanned skin was impressive, but that didn’t matter to the jocks. Given the fact that he was still associated with the other nerds, he was not pardoned from their torment. Despite being conventionally more attractive than most of the average-looking jocks, they still dwarfed him in terms of muscle, so they had no struggles with quickly grabbing him and throwing him in the nearest trash can.

As the jocks pulled out their phones and recorded the aftermath of their torment while chucking, the nerds quickly reassembled together and made a break for it to their shared apartment in complete embarrassment. Upon reaching their place, the trio slammed their bedroom doors and attempted to compose themselves.

While Phil pulled off his tattered shirt and put on another shirt, Chester was grabbing one of his several spare sets of glasses from his desk as Garrett got into the shower to clean the stench of iced coffee and other garbage off of himself. As they all cleaned themselves off and sat at their computer desks, the trio were all in sync as they pulled open their emails. Rage and shame was infecting their minds, so they couldn’t think of anything other than those spam emails spreading around campus. Even if it was a hoax, it didn’t hurt to voice their frustrations into the deep void of the internet. In unison, the three of them all began to compose emails that had the same general message: I wish me and my friends were more popular than the football jocks.

Pressing send, each guy breathed a sigh of relief as the email allowed them to purge their negative emotions of their terrible and upsetting day. Shutting their screens off, the trio all exited their bedrooms and began to hang out in their shared living room. Turning the TV on, the three of them were all transfixed as a marathon of CW superhero shows was currently underway. As they watched Supergirl, The Flash, and Superman all win and give criminals their comeuppance, the trio all felt better and longed for a way to have some sort of revenge on those jocks. Before too long, the trio all fell asleep on their couch and dreamed of being popular just like how their emails all described it.

Waking up the next morning, the trio that awoke was much different from the one that fell asleep the night prior. With Chester, his red hair was replaced with thick brown hair that was now fitted under a backwards baseball cap. His body had gained a tanned quality, and with it brought a slightly athletic frame that was a far cry from the twig arms and flat torso he previously had. Laying there in only a pair of grey shorts, he was oblivious to the fact that a hefty bulge was pressing against the fabric as he thought all about revenge. On top of that, those thick frames of glasses were completely rewritten out of existence, giving him perfect vision now and finalizing his new identity as Chet, the douchebag guy who loved to workout and bro-out with his two best friends.

As Phil groaned and awoke on the couch, his hands stretched out and down his body. However, when he would usually find a thick gut bulging out and providing resistance, this was nowhere to be found on the new Phil. In fact, his body was practically fat-free and replaced with an impressive frame equipped with solid biceps and a nice six-pack of abs. While Chet was practically shirtless, this was not the case for Phil as he was decked out in a pair of shorts and an oversized black shirt. Despite now being in a buff body and gaining a new identity, the impressive man was still uncomfortable being shirtless and resorted to wearing oversized clothing to hide his physique. As memories began to flood his mind, the new persona of Preston began to emerge and rewrite his life into one of being a moody sensitive influencer who found himself constantly thirsted over by gays and emo teenage girls.

Last but certainly not least, Garrett himself was not immune to these incredible body and life changes. Despite having the best physique of the bunch, the body he now had was even better than the previous one. His pectorals grew slightly beefier as his biceps grew thicker and his abs more prominent against his well-tanned body. Laying on the couch and still tossing and turning, Garrett’s life was beginning to undergo a mental battle against the life of Greyson, the hotshot fuckboi who wanted nothing more than to bed as many women (and occasionally men) as possible.

As the three guys all woke up in unison, their new realities were cemented as they found themselves transported to a rented house filled with lavish décor and top of the line electronics. However, the three guys were completely oblivious to the changes as they each went about getting ready for the day. “Yo bro, we need to record our video!” Preston said, which caused the other two guys to nod in agreement. Walking out into their backyard, Preston set up the camera and led the boys through a video of them dancing for their sea of followers. 


With a combined set of followers of over 50 million fans, they were currently some of the biggest stars on TikTok. Their slew of endorsement deals and viral videos had allowed them to outright purchase a house just outside of campus while they continued to attend college. Of course, this had led to a lot of tiffs with the football jocks as they vied for control of campus, but after just one threat of sicking their legion of fans onto them and getting them cancelled, the jocks had no choice but to back off. While the original Chester, Phil, and Garrett were unable to remain around for their new lives, they should be happy to know that they did in fact eventually get their revenge…


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3 years ago

Becoming... A Cocky Jock - Part II

If you missed part one, read it here!

It had been two days since your last visit at the gym, but that didn’t necessarily mean that you weren’t having any workouts. As you got up on your feet and looked back at the sleeping blonde laying on the other side of the bed, it was clear that you were having a great time with this new life. For these past few days, you have allowed the woman to take care of your every desire, both sexually and in terms of general needs. If you weren’t in the mood to cook, she jumped at the opportunity to serve you a home-cooked meal that wouldn’t leave a lasting effect on your waistline. You couldn’t deny it, the woman was a wonderful cook. Although, you had to confess that the special kind of dessert she served underneath your bed sheets was the best part of it all. The woman was a bombshell, which when tied with your increased libido, had led to several restless nights involving hours of passionate love-making. 

You especially loved it when she felt your buff body up, her well-manicured nails running along the muscular biceps and thick thighs you now possessed. Sure, the sensation was wonderful to experience, but it turned you on to see just how small her hands looked when feeling up such an impressive physique. It left you eager to continue the growth, so after enjoying these two days, you soon found yourself getting ready to head back into the gym to continue your changes.

Before you left, you woke up the woman in your bed to inform her of your departure. “See you later babe, I gotta go workout...” you said, your voice in a husky growl as you said goodbye. She looked up at you, your body clad in a white t-shirt and some red pants. “Hope to see you later tonight. I’d love to fuck that amazing bod of yours again…” you said, causing her to giggle like a schoolgirl at the compliment. You were domineering and based on her reaction, she loved that about you. Hell, even you were enjoying this new growing personality, especially given that you used to be much more timid.


Not wanting to waste time, you quickly headed out, grabbing a hat and pacing down the stairs with increased haste. The best thing about the growth in your legs was just how much easier it was for you to descend down those several flights of stairs. It made it impossible for you to ever be late for any meeting with any gym friends or the girl who was seemingly your girlfriend now (even though a voice at the back of your head stated that there was no desire to give a title to it). 

Now working like a cog in a machine, you quickly gained the gist of working out and went right onto the gym floor and began to workout. You did a few repetitions of some leg and arm workouts, just to feel an incremental increase in strength begin to appear in your four limbs. However, now your desire was aimed at getting a set of pectorals and abs that would match the rest of your buff body.

To start, you first hopped onto a pec deck machine, grinning wildly as you gave into the temptation of growing your body once more. That all familiar tingle rushed against your chest as you wasted no time putting in the hard work. You couldn’t help but look down with each passing repetition, waiting and practically salivating for your flat chest to finally fill out and give you some prominent pectorals.

This wish is soon granted as you begin to watch them grow with every exhale from your heaving chest, small incremental changes pushing muscle out to your personal glee. Staring down, you watched as muscle flooded into your chest quickly as you suddenly gained a chest that could rival that of a teenage girl. But you weren’t going to stop at some simple pectorals, you wanted something impressive to showcase just how manly and stunning you were. So, the reps continued, muscle continuing to grow as your chest attempted to make room for the growth. To your surprise, you watched as your nipples soon began to point downward as your chest grew so buff and inflated. 

Deciding to take a break, you stopped your workout and moved your hands towards your chest. Running your hands against it, you were chuckling with narcissist admiration at the curved chest you now possessed. Squeezing it and feeling the thick muscle underneath, you were ecstatic about just how amazing you looked and felt.

Wasting no time, you set down a gym mat and peeled off your shirt due to your eagerness to see this next part. Laying onto the mat, you began to crank out a series of crunches and other core workouts as that tingle manifested once more. With each passing crunch, you looked down and watched as your torso grew tight and lost practically all of its body fat. With a weird tingle, you watched as abs popped into existence one-by-one until you were left with almost a fully defined eight-pack. Luckily, you knew you could make an eight-pack a reality later if you desired it.

Standing back up, you looked up and stared at your new sweaty body displayed in the mirrored walls. You felt like a god and your body was a prime example of why you felt this way. Your ego was also inflating with each additional muscle growth, but you felt no need to worry. It felt normal to you, to you it made sense to feel like this. After years of wanting to be bigger, you were blessed with a gift that gave you the chance to do just that at your own pace. Continuing to look at your own reflection, toxic masculine emotions began to overtake your mind as well, with your levels of rage increasing along with your libido and narcissism.


Stepping out and towards the locker room, a fellow gym-goer made the mistake of accidentally bumping into you. “The fuck’s the matter with you?” you growled, your mind instantly jumping to defense mode to any man who you feared to try to invalidate your manliness. Despite the man profusely apologizing and trying to calm you down, you were having none of it. “If you ever do that again, I won’t hesitate to fuck you up. Understand?” you continued as you put your hefty arms up and grabbed onto the man’s shoulders. He shook his head rapidly, which allowed you to watch just how fearful he was of you. “Fuck yeah, he should be afraid…” you thought to yourself, but this thought had a strange ripple effect. At this point, that original personality of yours was desperate to regain control and that thought was the catalyst to prevent you from being completely consumed with the alpha cocky jock persona. 

Shaking your head and allowing your real persona to return back into dominance, you looked up at the guy and apologized for your behavior. “Sorry man, I don’t know what came over me a second ago... I think I need to go eat something…” you said, attempting to smile to try and show that you weren’t mad at the man. The man himself grew confused, shaking his head and just saying a simple “Ok” as he left. 

Heading into the locker room, you began to realize that these workouts are actually having some sort of mental effect on you. As a double-edged sword, you realized that you were able to gain the body you wanted, but with each passing workout, the ever-growing persona of a cocky jock was attempting to fully take over your mind and turn you into a walking stereotype. In fear, you quickly rushed into the locker room and grabbed your stuff before fleeing the premises. “Maybe it’s best to take a break from the gym…” you said under your breath as you walked back to your apartment and made plans to try and go out and explore the town with the lady friend staying at your apartment.


It had been a week or so since your last gym visit, but during that time, you had been having a good time exploring Los Angeles and going on dates with Shelby, the receptionist from the gym. She had enjoyed the romantic efforts you went through to try and apologize for that cocky persona that had made its appearance off and on during their last couple of days together.

You had enjoyed the time away from the gym as well because it just allowed you to enjoy your body in the privacy of your own home. Also, it seemed like the changes were set in stone upon each visit to the gym. Despite being a fairly healthy individual, these past few days had allowed you to indulge more on junk food and desserts than one with this physique would normally expect. However, despite expecting some sort of weight gain to occur, your weight remained stationary at the same weight it had been for days now. 

In fact, you were beginning to enjoy the possibility of never having to step foot in a gym again to avoid the threat of that persona taking you over. Despite deciding to meet Shelby at the gym after her shift ends so you could go to a late night movie, you refused to step foot inside of the building. So there you were, on a late Friday night just leaning against the building and waiting for her arrival. However, to your surprise, the desire to step foot inside was only increasing the longer you were standing near it. The energy of the gym was pulling you in and you were attempting to put up a good fight. The alluring concept of growing bigger and buffer was still swirling around your mind, but you attempted to keep pushing the thought away. You knew the risk and you didn’t want to give into that intense desire..

You shut your eyes, groaning as the thoughts began to grow too much to take. You begged for it to stop so you could just live your life in peace. However, instead of the thoughts disappearing, you felt a cacophony of inner voices cheering and pushing you in. Opening your eyes, you gasped as you found yourself back inside the gym. You attempted to turn out and run away, but your feet refused to move towards the door. In fact, your feet began to move elsewhere: towards the locker room. You groaned and struggled to resist, but it was no use. The gym was pulling you in and you were now stuck under the magic of the gym and the desires of your body.

Heading into the room, your body moves robotically as you take off your clothes and put in a spare set of clothes that you left in your locker. A tight white compression shirt is pulled over your head, causing you to look down and see how it perfectly displays your bulky frame as it tightly wraps around your muscles. Your automated body removes your jeans and pulls on a pair of grey shorts, which once in place, cause your body to begin to walk out of the locker room.

With this complete, you begin to walk out onto the gym floor and sit down on the first machine you can find. Your eyes glance into the reflective walls, where you watch as your body instinctively flexes and your biceps bulge against the fabric. Based on what’s going on, it seemed clear to you that you were able to become your worst nightmare: a dumb, gym-obsessed cocky jock. Giving up your resistance, you groaned as all sorts of knowledge soon began to evaporate from your mind to better fit this new life. An intensive career in computers and IT faded away as you gain the memories of being a college drop-out that decided to devote his parents’ saved tuition money into gym memberships and protein powder instead. “But at least I look fucking stunning…” you thought, which caused you to feel devastated as you could feel the cocky persona beginning to overtake your mind completely now. 


In a strange mix of your body being under auto-pilot while this new persona was slowly gaining control, you began to workout on several machines. With each passing set, more information was being rewritten to accommodate your new life. Gone was the concept of monogamy, no, a cocky jock like you didn’t subscribe to that kind of lifestyle. You had your desires and not just one woman could satisfy your needs. You were a womanizer and you loved that about yourself. The women also seemed to like it as well, willing to be one of several side pieces if it meant being close to a gym stud like you. 

Continuing to get up and try out all of the possible machines, your body was continuing to inflate with muscles that were beginning to defy the limits of your tight white shirt. This was the least of your concerns though, as each machine just brought with it a new morsel of information to help you adapt to your new life. Sitting down at a bench press, your vocabulary was rewritten to adapt a more leisurely and bro-like vernacular. With each press up and down, your biceps continued to inflate, threatening to tear the fabric apart at the seams. These changes also occurred at your pectorals as well, growing thicker and wider as they began to tug against the fabric in another direction.

Your head was practically empty from all previous recollections of your past life, but still a few morsels of info remained that were unable to be rewritten. However, before you could even begin to wonder what those random thoughts in your head were, a loud rip broke your concentration and led you to quickly drop the barbell and sit up. With this quick motion pulling you forward, you watched as the white shirt ripped into tatters and barely clung onto your body. In shock, many people looked at you in disbelief at the ripped state of your shirt. However, you weren’t fazed in the slightest, in fact, you were actually turned on. With a slight tug, your muscles allowed you to rip the tattered shirt off your body and reveal the incredibly buff and inflated physique that was now permanently yours. “Fuck yeah bro, I look fucking incredible!” you said, your voice looking any resemblance of intelligence as it gained a strange vapidness that worked well with your new body. You let out a deep chuckle as you ran your hands against your buff physique, the stares of your fellow gym-goers not mattering in the slightest anymore.

Heading off to the locker room, you wasted no time trying to intimidate several of the guys and flirting with several of the girls. Looking away from one of the girls, you caught sight of that receptionist Shelby staring at you in disbelief and anger. Watching her turn her back and walk away stomping, you chuckled at her sadness. It was always disappointing when a girl thinks they can tie you down like that. “A buff god like me deserves total free reign…” you thought to yourself as you continued to flirt and gain a stack of numbers to call up anytime you were needing to get off (which was more often than one would expect).

Heading into the locker room, you decided to make a plan to head out onto the town. You had no job beyond being a personal trainer, so despite wanting to be in the gym 24/7, you knew that it would be good to go out and explore every once in a while. Putting on a Lakers jersey, you grabbed your stuff and began to exit the locker room. However, before you exit, you catch a sight of a poster on the gym. On it, it’s promoting some sort of travelling set of personal trainers that are offering free training sessions. Looking closely into the poster, you can’t help but feel like one of the guys looks familiar. This guy on the middle right with the facial hair and hairy chest, you couldn’t help but feel as though… he was one of your writer friends? 


You shook your head at the thought, knowing there was no way that you could have been friends with this guy. “I would never be friends with a guy as weak as him…” you said with a chuckle. Although, the concept of attending this free meeting was intriguing to you. Though it wasn’t for the fact of actually gaining some tips, it was the concept of being able to show off his body to these guys and especially show off to that one guy who looked familiar to you that was so appealing. Still though, you couldn’t get the idea that you knew this guy out of your head. This was just like that one dream you had a few nights about being an average guy wishing to be super buff. Ever since that day, you’ve had this constant nagging thought that this wasn’t a dream, but that doesn’t make any sense. You had no idea why you would ever dream of something like this, especially with such a wonderful life like this. Everything was great and you practically had life by the balls. The world was yours to dominate and you were adamant about making that a reality.


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3 years ago

Meeting Your Idol: Alex Crockford


For years now, Philip had been a big fan of fitness guru Alex Crockford. Not only did he love to watch the man’s IG workouts, but he also found himself incredibly attracted to the man. His body was incredibly impressive, so along with the tattoo on his left shoulder and his gorgeous face, it was a no-brainer as to why Philip was so drawn to the man. This attraction had only increased when he discovered that Alex lived somewhat close to where Philip resided. So when Alex stated on an Instagram story that he was going to do a free fitness class at Philip’s local gym, you couldn’t believe the excitement he felt about meeting his idol! He wanted to make a great impression so badly that he desired to dress well for the man. However, upon considering the idea, that thought quickly flew out of his head as he thought about working out in his best suit and soaking it in his sweat. 

On the day of the event, Philip was a nervous wreck as he entered the room and gained a spot in the front row of the class. Not only was he going to be super close to his idol, but he was also going to basically be face-to-face to the man's body. Just the thought of Alex’s body getting caked in his own sweat throughout his intense workout left Philip’s dick quickly trying to showcase itself from inside his black athletic shorts. With such an over-eager dick already trying to make its presence known, Philip was unsure how he was going to be able to keep it together for the whole event.

Upon Alex’s arrival, Philip couldn’t help but let a slight gasp escape from his mouth upon catching the sight of Crockford. Luckily, there were a fair amount of women who gasped as well, so Philip’s high-pitched gasp was able to be properly concealed in secret. “Let’s get to work guys!” Alex said as he quickly turned on some sort of workout mix and began to teach his class. To Philip’s surprise (and relief), as the workout progressed, he found it hard to pop a boner when he was doing such intense training. He knew that Alex tended to do hardcore workouts, but he foolishly thought he would be able to handle it. Not even halfway through it, Philip was growing incredibly overwhelmed and worn out. Hell, he was too tired to even get hard as Alex accidentally bumped into him as he walked past while checking on other members in the class.

Once the class was over, just like Philip, a fair amount of his classmates stayed behind to try and talk to the hunky trainer and his assistant, who was annoyed from being stuck taking photos of them together. Wanting to have some alone time with his fitness idol and crush, Philip stayed in the back of the room as he watched Alex deal with all of the flirtatious women who didn’t care that he was a married man. Sure, Philip could understand the attraction to the man, but he would never openly flirt with someone who was clearly straight and in such a happy relationship.

Letting the last woman walk out, Philip gingerly began to step forward to Alex as he was putting away his remaining gear. “Hey there man, did you enjoy the class today?” Alex asked, which caused the fan to nod his head. “Yeah, I was a big fan of it. It was intense... but it was incredible!” Philip stated, which caused a chuckle to escape from Alex’s mouth. “You’re right, but that intensity is the best way to get jacked right?” he responded, which caused a smile to form on Philip’s face. He couldn’t believe he was really talking with his idol like they were friends.


“So, uh, I just wanted to say that you’re a big inspiration for me!” Philip said, which caused Alex’s head to perk up as the man continued. “Like, I’m still building my body to look like how I envision it, but I’d love to have a body like yours!” Philip said, which caused the trainer to smile. “That’s very kind of you to say, but I think you’re already off to a great start!” Alex responded, which caused Philip to feel butterflies in his stomach.

“Would you like to take a photo?” Alex asked, which made the eager fan grin and nod his head up and down in approval. Eager about the opportunity, Philip quickly unlocked his phone and handed it to Alex’s assistant as the two men wrapped their arms around each other’s waists and began to pose for a couple photos. After the second photo, Alex suggested they do a pose of them flexing, which Philip quickly agreed to with a big beaming smile. As they each threw up an arm and flexed, the camera flashed a bright white light that completely enveloped the two fit men.

As the light receded and revealed the empty gym room once more, Philip felt strange as he suddenly realized that his right arm was up instead of his left. Looking over to it, his face went into a look of confusion as he was greeted to the sight of a bicep that seemed bigger than usual. To add to his perplexity, his black shirt was now a blue shirt, just like Alex’s…

Turning his head to his left, Philip jumped as he caught sight of his own body still holding up his left arm in a flex. “Hey…” Philip said, poking his body in the shoulder and watching as it suddenly returned from its dazed state. To his surprise, his body didn’t have an equal look of shock manifested across his face upon turning to him. Instead, it was a look of… nervousness and admiration. “Thank you again for taking a photo with me Mr Crockford…” his former body said as he took his cell phone back from the assistant. Scrolling through the camera roll, Philip watched his former body smile and wave goodbye before moving towards the door. He couldn’t believe it, Alex didn’t know that they had swapped bodies! “Hey Philip!” the new Alex called out, which caused the real Alex to stop and look back at him with wide eyes upon the mention of his name.

Standing there looking at his former body, Philip weighed the options of his situation. He could inform the man that he was the real Alex Crockford and they had swapped bodies… or Philip could keep this body and secret for himself. It wouldn’t be a bad life to have, becoming his fitness crush and living a life of wealth with a wife. In fact, that seemed quite better than the alternative he originally had. “Oh uh” Philip said as he made up his mind. “Tag me in those photos when you post them!” he continued, which caused his former body to nod before walking out of the room and into his new life completely oblivious about who he used to be. 

With his assistant asking if he was ready to head home, Philip smiled as he said yes and grabbed his materials. He was unsure of what home was entirely, but he was excited to find out what it was as Alex Crockford. Despite his slight guilt for leaving the real Alex trapped in his former body, Philip’s conscience wasn’t too affected given that the man clearly had no idea. “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him…” Philip said under his breath as he took one last selfie before exiting the gym and entering his new life as fitness legend Alex Crockford.


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3 years ago

Shifting Summer: Acceptance


For Thomas, he had loved his relationship of three years with his boyfriend Eric, but there was a catch. Despite having a healthy relationship and an incredibly active sex life, there was always one aspect of his relationship that caused stress in his life: Eric’s family. No matter how hard he tried, Thomas had always struggled to fit in with his boyfriend’s family. He wasn’t sure if it was due to them still being uncomfortable with their boyfriend’s sexuality or the fact that his pale complexion stuck out like a sore thumb in his boyfriend’s highly-melanated family, but it constantly made him spiral and search for answers. Despite Eric saying that his family loves him but just hadn’t been able to fully get to know him yet, there was still a part of Thomas that viewed his boyfriend’s statement as just trying to save face and give his family the benefit of the doubt.

With the family’s annual Labor Day cookout looming in the horizon, Thomas was beginning to stress out once more. He knew it was dumb, but given that summer was ending and he was about to be busy going back to graduate school and being a TA, he knew that his availability to interact with them was severely limited and he wanted to make a great impression for once. As the couple began to head to bed the night prior to the event, Thomas couldn’t help but wish that Eric’s family would finally accept him and treat him like part of the family.


As Eric awoke the next morning, his hand aimlessly searched for his boyfriend to give each other some warm cuddles. But when his search came up empty and there was no indication of any body heat still in the bed, Eric groggily sat up from his bed and began to search for his boyfriend. After checking the bathroom and the living room of their apartment, Eric soon began to grow worried about where his boyfriend could have gone. Was he that nervous about the cookout that he fled in the early morning? 

However, as he made another lap around the smaller apartment, Eric finally began to pick up on the sound of rustling in the unused spare bedroom that the couple had turned into an office. “Hello?” Eric said, his steps growing lighter just in case there was a home intruder scavenging through their belongings. Hearing the creaks of an office chair reverberating through the walls, Eric began to consider that his boyfriend was there messing around on his desktop to play some video games before he awoke. Pulling open the door, Eric’s facial expressions went from a look of relief to panic as he caught the sight of a nearly naked black man sitting in his chair. “Who the fuck are you?” Eric cried out, watching as the man turned in his chair to face him. The intruder that was casually sitting in his chair was extremely buff, clearly indicated by the sunbeams that showcased and shimmered across his broad chest and rippling six-pack. Opening his mouth, the intruder’s booming voice echoed across the room, saying a simple “The fuck do you mean who am I? It’s Thomas…” 


Upon finishing his sentence, the man’s voice turned into a slight sneer as he looked at Eric’s shell-shocked face. “What the hell are you talking about? My boyfriend is a nerdy white guy, not some ripped black guy!” Eric responded, his face now severely stuck in a look of disbelief by what was happening. As the man casually began to recount their various dates and the secrets that they shared with each other late at night, Eric couldn’t believe that it was true… his boyfriend had completely transformed overnight!

“H-how did this happen?” Eric said, his chest heaving as he could feel a slight panic attack starting to spur within him. 

“Fuck if I know babe. All I know is that I wished that your family would accept me and then I woke up like this. I think I look pretty good though…” Thomas said as he flashed a cocky grin and flexed for Eric. 

“Why does it matter if they like you or not?” Eric replied, his anger beginning to rise at Thomas’ strange behavior. This wasn’t the sweet and eternally-anxious boyfriend that he had fallen in love with. Instead, he’d been replaced with not only a new rich darker complexion but an entirely new personality. 

Staring at his boyfriend still in absolute shock, Eric was appalled when Thomas told him to get on his knees and pleasure him, saying that his morning wood was aching for release. While he couldn’t deny that he was turned on by this new body, it was an absolute boner-killer to watch his good-natured boyfriend be so extremely tainted by cocky new impulses and desires.

Heading into one of their bathrooms, Eric told Thomas to start getting ready for the cookout while he attempted to understand how this happened. To his annoyance, Eric was completely ignored by the new Thomas, who was instead pulling down his white briefs to explore the new thick cock he possessed. Pulling out his phone, Eric sat on the toilet in disbelief as he saw all of the couple’s former photos on social media replaced with this new man. The couple’s journey to Comic-Con now altered to replace Thomas’ former look of pure joy with a look of annoyance along with many others. Along with this, new photos and videos had manifested on Eric’s account, now showcasing Thomas working out in the gym while Eric was stuck on the sidelines recording his boyfriend’s workouts.

To his disbelief, he saw his own family responding under those videos, giving incredible words of encouragement to their “future son-in-law”. He couldn’t believe it, but this new body truly did make Thomas a hit with Eric’s family. Needing to clear his head, Eric got into the shower and spent 30 minutes letting the water run down his forehead and give him some sort of temporary relief from this crazy new life he found himself in.

After finishing up and going back into his bedroom, Eric gasped as he caught sight of the new Thomas completely naked and flexing into the mirror affixed to the back of the bedroom door. “Bro, I was checking myself out!” Thomas groaned, which only elicited an eye-roll from Eric as he got dressed and made his new boyfriend do the same. 

For both of them, the car ride to the public park where the party was taking place was completely silent. While Eric was completely in awe of the stranger now sitting next to him and unsure of how to talk to him, Thomas paid his boyfriend no mind as he was too busy checking himself out in the side mirrors and looking down at his buff body. 

To Thomas’ relief, the party was an absolute hit for the new man. Eric’s family sat at length with Thomas and inquired about his fitness journey and how his career was going as a personal trainer, leaving their youngest son stuck talking to second and third cousins who weren’t blessed with the gift of gab. Standing under the park pavilion, Eric just kept looking over and staring at Thomas interacting with his older brother and having a flex-off between the two of them. He was annoyed to see Thomas succumb to the same sort of vanity rituals that he had spent his life surrounded by. 

As a result of this, Eric’s inability to gain intense muscle mass or even have any interest in athletics had left him particularly isolated from his family. Upon entering college and meeting Thomas, it was a relief for Eric to find someone who was interested in the same “nerdy” things as him and not as obsessed with self-image. But as he stared at the man his boyfriend had become, he knew that the real Thomas was completely gone. He couldn’t believe that his boyfriend would sacrifice it all to fit in with Eric’s family, but what is done is done. Despite it hurting him to think like this, Eric knew that this would probably be the last family meeting that Thomas would be invited to and the last day of their three-year relationship.

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3 years ago

An Unexpected Kink

With a long day of press interviews planned as the football season began to kick off, it was safe to say that Buffalo Bills linebacker Matt Milano had a busy day ahead of him. However, before the insane press junket began, Matt knew that he had another video chat that he urgently needed to get done first. After sending a Zoom link to a seemingly random college email address, Matt eagerly waited for the arrival of the other party. 

As he took a look at himself in the camera of the laptop, Matt began to adjust himself so he was perfectly positioned in frame. Fixing his hat, he couldn’t help but stare at his bulky muscles. It was insane to have such an incredible physique, but he supposed it was an essential feature of his body if he wanted to perform his job well. Using a free hand, he smirked as he gripped onto his upper arms and squeezed to feel the intense power packed into those impressive biceps of his.


Hearing the ding of a guest joining the room, Matt blushed as he quickly realized that he had been caught admiring himself. As the camera for the other guest turned on and revealed a girl with frizzy purple-dyed hair, the two parties immediately began to chuckle at the implausibility of the situation. 

“Holy shit Andrew! I can’t believe it’s you in there!” the girl cried out, which caused the man to chuckle in agreement. 

“I know Laura, I can hardly believe it myself. I’m in the body of Matt Milano!” the man responded, a wide grin emerging onto his face as he once again realized the truth in the words he just said. Wow, I really am in another man’s body… As the two individuals began to continue talking, the college-aged girl eagerly asked the new jock to explain everything and how it happened to him. 

“Well, this writer on Tumblr announced this contest. He does body swap stories and shit, so I figured the prize would just be like a personalized story or something. Anyways, I won the contest and he immediately sent me a message to ask what I wanted. With little time to ponder the question, I quickly said that I’d love to be a hunky football player. Of course, when he asked for examples of players, I instantly gave him Matt’s name…” the jock said, which brought a look of shock and awe onto the face of his apparent best friend.

“So after that, he said that my wish would be granted soon and that I would immediately know when it had happened. I just assumed he would send it to the email address I provided, but instead, I blinked and suddenly found myself in the Bills locker room!” Matt continued, his voice getting higher as excitement began to fill his body. It was such a relief to talk to his best friend about it, but it was such a shame that she was still all the way in Nebraska while he was now in New York.  

“Of course, I freaked out and asked where I was, which caused a lot of the men to joke around and taunt me. Desperate for my own answers, I rushed into the bathroom and suddenly found myself staring back at the reflection of Matt Milano. So yeah, Soul-Controller actually made my dreams come true!” he exclaimed, which left the girl in absolute disbelief. 

Immediately, the girl inquired about this Soul-Controller user and how it was possible for such things to occur in the world. “Body swapping is just a thing in the movies, how could it be possible?” she asked, which elicited a head nod and chuckle from the man. As he leaned in closer to the camera, he began to offer up the only possible answer he could muster up.

“Of course, I freaked the hell out. I didn’t know where I was and there were all of these buff jocks laughing at me for acting like a crazy person. Long story short, I found the bathroom and bam, there’s Matt’s face in the mirror. That Soul-Controller guy - the writer I was telling you about - actually did it! Talk about a dream come true!” he said, taking a pause to think about his old life. It was crazy for the man to realize that just a few days ago he was a frail 22-year-old nerd with not a single athletic bone in his body. “But given that I’m in the body of my favorite football player, it seems like there was truth surrounding his hype. I don’t really care how he did it honestly, I’m just happy it was actually possible! I mean, could you blame me for wanting this gorgeous face and body?” he said, smiling into the camera as he caught his attractive visage. However, this smile soon shifted into a smirk as he looked at his friend’s camera and caught her also staring at him with a lustful look.

The girl soon caught onto her best friend’s awareness of her newfound attraction, quickly changing the subject to try and remember the former nerd that he once was. “Hey, have you reached out to the real Matt? I don’t think he’s adapting to his new life too well…” she cautiously said, which only caused him to give a slight shrug of his shoulders.

“Nah, I haven’t really checked in to see how Matt’s doing in my body. In all honesty, I don’t really care to find out. I’m Matt now while he’s stuck as some dweeb living at home with his parents!” he matter-of-factly said with not a care in the world. Appalled by this response, the girl couldn’t believe that her sweet and caring best friend had already been so corrupted by this new life.


Desperate to try and pull Andrew’s real personality back, the girl continued to discuss the subject of the body-swapped Matt. She desperately began to inform her friend about just how poorly the former NFL player was handling the swap. “Drew, I don’t think you understand, he’s freaking the fuck out and just blatantly talking about how he’s really Matt Milano! It’s so bad that your parents are even talking about sending him to some psychiatric facility to “get help”. We both know that he’s telling the truth, so why are you being so lax about this?” she cried out, her voice soon soaked with emotion as she attempted to get a response from her best friend. But instead, the man just sat there in silence and looked off into space. Despite the stoic expression on his face, the new Matt found the whole situation rather amusing. 


Given the fact that he wasn’t willing to hear about the other man’s struggles or sympathize, “Matt” interrupted his friend and immediately began to launch into the reasons why he’s had a hard time struggling as well. “You know, it hasn’t been super easy to adapt to this new body and life either you know! It’s been so strange waking up with such a bigger body, so much so that I feel enormous even though I know I’m just a buff dude now” he loudly said, watching as the girl’s eyes narrowed in confusion at the correlation of such a small struggle against such an insane downgrade of a swap like the real Matt had to deal with.

“It hasn’t been easy on the team either Laura. Like sure, this body has muscle memory that helps me succeed on the field, but that all goes out of the window once I’m in the locker room. It’s awful having to be so sociable and pretend to be Matt while talking to these people I’ve never met before. It’s not like I gained his memories or anything, I’ve had to study the playbook for the team nonstop!” he cried out, desperate to get his friend to get back onto his side of the situation. 

But unfortunately for Drew, his new inflated ego wasted no time ruining any sort of good graces he had begun to rebuild with Laura. Immediately, he began to go into detail about some of the positives of the swap. This mainly had to do with his sex life, which was clearly a hot topic given his former status as a total virgin. “But this body definitely has some perks bro. Like, it’s rare to NOT get lucky each night. I've got every possible hunk and babe throwing themselves all over for a chance to admire this bod. I don’t blame them though, how could they resist a stud like me?” he said, a cocky smirk forming onto his face as he continues to go into detail about his sexual exploits. 


By the time Drew finished detailing his dominant nature in the bedroom, Laura was clearly done with her former friend’s antics. This anger ultimately culminated in her suddenly stating that she needed to go. It was such a shame that her friend’s personality had already been transformed so quickly to be an egotistical prick, but it seemed like there was nothing she could do to pull him back. Resigning herself to this fact, the girl immediately decided to shift her focus by trying to assist the new Andrew with the ripple effects of the swap. She knew it would be a struggle for the former jock, so she truly hoped that she could help him adapt to his new life and prevent him from being institutionalized.

While Laura was formulating her plan, the new Matt was completely oblivious. Not only did he not take the hint and realize how angry she was, but he actually found himself eager to leave the conversation as well. The woman wasn’t a great conversationalist, so he wasn’t wanting to waste his time talking to her given the large amount of press he still had to do! As such, he just played off the woman’s statements and turned it into how her decision was actually a good thing for him anyway.

“Oh awesome, that works perfectly! I have an interview in 30 minutes anyway and I still need to read over my notes one last time before I do it. I guess I’ll see you soon Laura. I’m going to be quite busy for the next couple months, but I’m sure I’ll find some time to talk to average friends like you!” he merrily said, clearly too dense in the noggin to realize how offensive and rude his statement was. In response, the woman simply rolled her eyes and stated that she would just reach out whenever SHE was free and hung up. 

Why do I not remember her being such a bitch, Matt thought to himself as he began to prepare himself for the rest of his day. While he tried his best to play off his new identity as an NFL player, there were actually some troubles he had faced along the way. The main problem was having to shift back into “Matt Mode” whenever he was around his teammates and journalists. Given the man’s former identity being that of an antisocial nerd, it was quite the struggle to suddenly be so popular and in such demand. 

After taking a moment to compose himself and be reminded of Matt’s stats and the big names on his team through a stack of notecards, the new Matt returned back to Zoom and began to mentally prepare for the upcoming day. First up on the docket was an interview with some sort of dumb magazine that he couldn’t be bothered to remember the title of. His team had told him this interview was a big deal, but he truly couldn’t understand why a magazine interview held more importance than a full segment on ESPN. Trying to just forget about it and move on, Matt joined the Zoom room and adjusted himself in the camera as he waited for the interviewer’s arrival. As he fixed his hat once again, Matt couldn’t help but notice the bulging veins of his forearms. It was incredible to have such strength be so easily displayed from such a simple action, so awe-inspiring that Matt could feel himself instantly firming up at the sight of his new body.


As the interviewer finally joined the Zoom room, the nerdy looking man wasted no time introducing himself. “Hello there Mr. Milano, I’m Jeremy from Leather-Bound Magazine and I’m so happy to be interviewing you today!” he said, his thin lips cracking into a weak smile. While the magazine seemed to be something about kinky sex, Matt found it quite humorous to have such a non-desirable man be the guy to run the interview. While the frail man seemed to be in his mid-20s or so, his hairline had already travelled quite a bit up his scalp and his thick pair of rimmed glasses did little to help showcase that youthful age. 

“Hey there Jeremy, I’m happy to be here!” Matt eagerly said, trying his best to figure out why his publicist had scheduled an interview with some sort of BDSM magazine. He guessed he could understand trying to appeal to every possible demographic, but he didn’t really know how kink enthusiasts would want to go to see a game after an interview with Matt Milano. While he hadn’t been able to fully explore the jock’s closet after the swap, the new jock couldn’t recollect any sort of signs that indicated his interest in BDSM and kinky sex, so that only added to his inner confusion.

However, while the two men continued to exchange pleasantries as the interview finally got underway, Matt was just willing to play nice to get the interview over with so he can go back to enjoying his day. For the most part, it had consisted of him getting off multiple times while admiring his body, but he was also wanting to hit up the gym to exhibit his new strength and power. It never got old to him to watch those muscles flex and easily carry weight that Andrew’s former body could only dream of!

For the most part, he had been able to field the man’s general questions about Matt’s backstory and career in the NFL (sans being slightly off on some of his statistics). But as the interview finally shifted to the topic at hand, Matt grew immediately confused. “So Matt, how long have you had an interest in being submissive?” the interviewer asked, his face shifting back to that off-putting smile. 

“Uh, I don’t understand the question. I’m an NFL player, I’m one of the most dominant guys out on the field as a Bills linebacker!” he responded, his voice raising as he couldn’t understand why the man was asking these questions. 

“Sure Matt, on the field you’re dominant, but you absolutely love to be submissive in bed right?” the nerdy man continued, adding onto it by stating “Isn’t it true that you actually have a master you live to serve when not at practice or on the field?” 

The hell was this? Matt thought to himself as his mind was racing with questions. “Where did you hear all of that?” he said with a gasp. Given his previous status of a virgin, the sex he had in Matt’s body was rather vanilla still. There had been no urges to be a submissive man, the closest possible thing was when he enjoyed the concept of his sex partners (both women and men) knowing what they were doing in the bedroom since he was a total novice! So the thought of such kinky sex was both alarming and nerve-wracking for the man to even consider.

Seeing Matt’s confusion, the interviewer titled his head as he attempted to figure out what was going on. “Matt, I know that because I’m your master… You’ve been my submissive bottom for over a year and a half now,” Jeremy eagerly said, that sly smile now having a reason for making Matt so uncomfortable. There was no way that Matt would be submissive for this twig of a man!

“No, there’s no fucking way that you’re my master. There’s absolutely nothing kinky about my sex life!” he cried out, which elicited an eye roll from the journalist as he rustled around inside his duffel bag. “Dude, what are you doing with that pocket watch? Put that away and answer me!” Matt growled, annoyed as the man opened the watch and began to swing it up close in the frame of the camera.

“Clearly, you forgot your conditioning, so let me just start this over I guess,” Jeremy angrily stated as he continued to swing it. He chuckled as he watched Matt’s eyes begin to rapidly dart along with the movement of the watch. “Yes, that’s it. Give in to my power and let me remind you of who you once were!” Jeremy said as he continued to remind Matt of who he was.

“No, please sto-” Matt said, his words turning into a low grumble as he felt his mind going incredibly blank as he continued to stare at the spinning watch. Despite his best efforts, he found himself unable to move his head away from the object.

“It’s ok Matt, I’m here to help you. Just relax and empty your mind, you can trust me!” Jeremy responded, smirking as the hunk slowly began to follow his orders.

“I’m… not… Matt.” the hunk muttered under his breath as Jeremy finally got the man to fall unconscious with his eyes open. As his head dropped down slightly, the interviewer and part-time hypnotist knew that he finally had gotten Matt to fall under. He didn’t understand why the man couldn’t remember his conditioning despite giving his trigger word to fall back under his hypnosis spell, but the induction had happened relatively easily so he wasn’t too upset about the slight delay. Hell, he loved this part the most anyway, so he was totally content with reprogramming the now-drooling Matt again...


* * * * *

For the next twenty minutes, the interviewer and apparent master of Matt Milano reprogrammed the football star to become everything he desired. Given that the jock had seemingly forgotten the already intense orders from Jeremy, the hypnotist amped up both the punishments for disobeying Jeremy’s orders and also increased Matt’s rewards for following his master’s rules. With such a system in place, the interviewer hoped that the impact of the hypnosis would last much longer this second time around.

“Matt, can you hear me?” Jeremy asks, which elicited a groan-filled “yes” to escape from Matt’s mouth. “Good, so I just want to clarify some things with you. Firstly, I am your master. You must listen and obey anything I say, or you will face my consequences. Understood?” the man asked, which caused Matt to shake his head slightly in an attempt to break through the conditioning.

However, this didn’t last long as he eventually gave a simple “Yes” response. “Yes what?” Jeremy asked, eager to see just how quickly Matt will accept his new orders.

“Yes… Master,” Matt said, his voice now sounding incredibly robotic as his mind broke and thus made him incredibly willing to accept all of his master’s orders. 

After a few more minutes, Jeremy was able to successfully reintroduce the original mental commands for Matt along with bringing in some new kinks and interests. He was eager to get his hypnotized superstar back to full consciousness and see how his demeanor changes with the commands in effect. After telling the man that he will wake up and return to consciousness with the snap of his fingers, Jeremy slowly counted down from 10 to 1 before snapping and bringing the hunk back to full awareness.

While his body absentmindedly moved in his chair, the man quickly returned to the seemingly normal interview and chuckled as Jeremy silently stared into the camera. “Hehe, I’m so sorry bro, I totally spaced out there for a second! What were we talking about?” the jock said, his voice now oozing with stupidity. 


Hearing the man speak, Jeremy received the first indication that his hypnosis was finally working again. Given the man’s resistance to the hypnosis and slightly cocky behavior, Jeremy wanted to really lean into it. From the moment he came back into awareness, Matt was now the perfect stereotype of a dumb jock. His once-impressive vocabulary (which was solely due to Andrew being in Matt’s body) was hidden away in the deep recesses of the man’s brain, with Jeremy’s hypnosis now encouraging him to use simple words and start utilizing “bro-talk” with everyone he meets. Fuck, he’s becoming an absolute dream, Jeremy thought to himself as he began to remind Matt about the interview they were currently conducting.

* * * * * 

As Matt shook his head and attempted to try to regain his composure, he was relieved to hear the interviewer waste no time reminding him about his previous question. “It’s ok Matt!” he said, a wide smile beaming on his face. It left Matt’s dick quickly firming up as he looked up at his master, but his mind quickly reminded him that he had to keep it professional during work. Master said he would take care of me later if I did a good job… 

“So, we were just doing our cover spread interview for Leather Bound magazine. You had begun to mention something about being dominated, but you seemed to have lost your train of thought. Did you care to continue?” the man asked, which left Matt chuckling as he eagerly began to answer the question posed by the average man that Matt now found absolutely irresistible. 

Smiling and sitting up in his chair, Matt wasted no time beginning to talk about why he was the perfect candidate for this magazine. “Oh fuck yeah bro, I love getting dominated!” he said, looking into the camera to see his Master giving him his fully undivided attention. “I know most people would think that a hunk like me would think it’s embarrassing, but it’s such a fuckin’ turn on! There’s nothing hotter than that humiliation in the bedroom when smaller men tell me what to do…” Matt continued, his grin suddenly flipping down into a frown as he stopped his statement. With haste, he moved one of his hands down to fix the rock hard cock struggling against his underwear. He absolutely hated having such a thick and long cock, especially when he was an absolute bottom!

Upon letting the jock finish his sentence, Jeremy began to inquire further about Matt and his sexuality. “Wait a second here Matt, are you officially coming out for our interview? On my sheet here, it said that you were straight and not the most adventurous love-maker,” Jeremy said, faking shock as he was absolutely buzzing on the inside to watch Matt just so willingly abandon his heterosexuality and become his dream bottom.

“Uh, I guess I am dude!” Matt said, a dumb hearty chuckle escaping from his lips as he came to terms with the fact that he had actually said it out loud. He knew that his Master had encouraged him to be himself, but he couldn’t believe he had finally taken the leap! “But bro, why would I do this interview with you if I was only into vanilla sex. I love all kinds of kinky sex, especially when fucking with whips and chains. However, nothing turns me on more than leather, especially when my Master wears it…” Matt continued, his dumbed down chuckling continuing as he smiled widely before giving a wink to Jeremy. Sure, he knew that he would probably be punished later for revealing their secret connection, but Matt was feeling dangerous. What’s a little pleasure without a little pain as well? 


* * * * * 

For the next 30 minutes, the interview continued as Matt’s secret master asked him tons of intensive questions. Not rattled by any of the questions though, the new sexually-liberated Matt Milano eagerly answered every possible question about his kinks, favorite types of sex, and dream partners. Of course, Jeremy found it quite amusing when Matt had accurately described every possible attribute belonging to the interviewer when discussing his dream partner. It was hot to have such a flawless hunk of a man under his control. His mind was truly putty in Jeremy’s hands and he was incredibly eager to mold Matt into the absolute perfect man for him. Sure, he had the muscles and model-like face, but Jeremy needed a man to absolutely be subservient in every possible way. Luckily, the interviewer had learned a great deal about hypnosis to help create this dream man that seemed impossible to find.

Checking his watch, Jeremy soon found himself eager to end the interview with Matt and continue on with his day. While Matt was his own personal pet project, the man was still eager to have several other players eager to serve him in any way. As a result, he was also able to hypnotist the agents of Aaron Donald, Justin Pugh, and Jimmy Garoppolo to get him meetings with the hunky players. The thought of all three of those hunks admiring his body and turning into horny gay men was too good to resist!

Stopping Matt as he continued to speak, Jeremy informed him that their time had run out and he had to run off for other interviews. "Well, thank you so much Matt for speaking with Leather Bound magazine. It's going to be so great to have such a prominent NFL player do an interview about domination and all of your kinks. You're truly going to help break the stigma of BDSM, so Leather Bound is eternally grateful for your time and services!” Jeremy said, which caused Matt to smile and begin to say his own goodbyes.

“It’s no problem at all bro. I appreciate the opportunity to tell my story without judgment!” the hunk said, a look of true appreciation spreading onto his face as he gave his departing message. After the interviewer told him to have a great day, Matt was eager to toy with his Master. “Have a great day and I’ll see you later tonight… Sir!” he said, giving a giddy laugh before ending the call.


As he closed the lid of his laptop, Matt was shocked to find himself still rock hard. Incredibly eager to take care of the throbbing dick that had been constantly leaking pre-cum down his meaty thighs, his hands quickly began to move down to his waist. But before he could go beneath the waistband of his underwear and grasp onto his cock, his mind quickly told him to stop and reminded him of his orders. Fuck, Master said that I could only get off in his presence...

Leaning back in his chair, Matt could only sit there and wait in annoyance until his Master finally arrived at his place and allowed him to get himself off. After talking for so long about being dominated, Matt couldn’t help but wish that his Master would go all-out once he arrived. He was going to be edging for hours it seemed, so sitting back and closing his eyes, Matt began to imagine his dominant partner donning some leather and humiliating him for being the horniest bottom in existence. Little did Matt know that not only was he hypnotized into behaving like this, but he had really once been a nerdy looking guy just like Jeremy. Maybe the real Matt was the real winner in this situation after all, especially since he was now freed from Jeremy’s control. Sure, he was in the body of an incredibly average and nerdy man, but at least he was now a free-thinking one again...

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3 years ago

Repurposing Their Star Player


Having just signed an impressive new contract with the Arizona Cardinals, the defensive end superstar JJ Watt was understandably excited about the upcoming season. While he felt bad having to leave the Texans after playing on the team for over 10 years, JJ had to follow the money now that he was a married man looking to start a family. He was eager to give his wife and future children the best life possible, so when he saw that the contract would pay $60 million for just two years of work, the over-eager man didn’t even allow his lawyers to read it before he signed on the dotted line.

But this over-eagerness ended up to be JJ’s ultimate downfall as he found himself injured once again. While this wasn’t the first time messing up his hamstring, it was certainly the most painful it had ever been before. He felt like an idiot from over-extending at practice and trying to show off to his new players. JJ wasn’t the 20-year-old spring chicken he once was and now he had certainly been taught a lesson as the doctors told him he would not be allowed to play during the entire first season of his two-year contract. Of course, not only was he in pain and angry about the injury, he was also understandably nervous about what the injury meant in terms of his large payout. Would the team cut him and hire a younger (but less talented) defensive end? Would they still pay him but on the condition that he remained in peak health upon healing? As a result, the man was relieved to find that he had soon been beckoned by the entire coaching staff to meet early the next morning to discuss the clauses in his contract. Despite his nervousness, he was at least relieved to know that he would find out his answer soon, rather than having it ambiguously left in the air while he recovered.

Arriving into the Cardinals locker room the next morning, JJ couldn’t help but find the once-familiar location incredibly eerie as he sat on a bench. He was used to a lively locker room full of jock banter and enjoyable conversations, so to hear nothing besides the occasional dripping from a leaky shower faucet was nothing short of off-putting. Before he could think about it further though, the office door of head coach Kliff Kingsbury pulled open and jolted him up to a standing position. “Hey there JJ, c’mon in!” he said, a cold vacant expression displayed on his face. Due to this, JJ’s anxiety reached a crescendo as he took in his head coach’s demeanor as a bad omen. “No, there’s no way they would cut me,” JJ thought to himself as he sat up, “I was their biggest offseason signing! The coach has to realize that I’ve got way more left to give this team despite this idiotic injury...” With this thought process continuing to refute the insane assumptions in his head, JJ was able to shift his anxiety to a low simmer and prevent it from further bubbling up.


After grabbing his crutches, the player hobbled his way into the room as Kliff closed the door behind him and moved to his desk. Sitting across from the man that hypothetically the judge and the jury of his career right now, JJ tried his best to butter Kliff up and make it seem like he was truly scared about the consequences of his injury. He knew that he was at no real risk, but he still did his best to convince the coach by talking about how happy he was to be a part of the team and how eager he had been to be a part of the team this season before the injury. To JJ’s satisfaction, the man was quite receptive to his comments, calming stating how it was apparent how committed he was despite only being at a few practices.

Putting his hands onto the top of the desk, Kliff leaned in towards the man as he began to detail the issue at hand. “Clearly JJ, you’re passionate about being part of the team and the Arizona Cardinals are eager to keep you around,” the coach said, which caused JJ’s expressionless face to allow a small grin to manifest onto his face. “As you know from so many years in the league,  the coaching staff is able to cut injured players that aren’t able to play at all this season… but the Cardinals aren’t looking to do that. And I’m sure you’re not wanting us to drop you after such an extravagant wedding right?” Kliff said, his face breaking into a smile that seemed both authentic and phony to JJ. Not wanting to rock the boat though, JJ refused to say anything and just smiled back and nodded to the man.

“So yes, if you’re looking to keep your contract intact and continue to receive those millions of dollars, you’re going to have to follow the rules of your contract down to the fine print! For example, there’s a clause on page 76 that states that contracts will only be fulfilled and payment will be received on the grounds that any injured players remain an active member of the team,” the coach said, his voice unwavering as he got right to the point for the new transfer player. To provide evidence of this clause, JJ was handed a copy of his contract and told to read over page 76 to acquaint himself with the specific rules of the contract. Skipping through the page full of text, JJ tried his best to try and comprehend what these rules meant exactly. Would I be required to do press interviews for the team or attend private events with the owners and any partner of the team? The possibilities were endless, so as his mind began to run through all of the possibilities, his mind was so preoccupied that he forgot to ask what exactly the contract wanted from him.

After taking a moment to allow him to read, the coach soon asked if JJ understood, which caused the player to simply nod his head in an attempt to be complacent. While he didn’t understand legal jargon and didn’t know what constituted being an “active” member of the team, JJ was just determined to do anything so he could continue to receive his salary.

“There are usually multiple options available, but right now we only have one position left: the uniform department. It’s not the most intensive work on your part, but it’s still a critical part of the team’s success!” Kliff said, looking directly into JJ’s eyes as he tries to wrap his head around it all. “So, what do you think? Will you join the uniform department and vow to remain an active member of the team no matter what?” the coach continued, reaching out his hand for a handshake.

Thinking it over, JJ didn’t really have many options. He needed to retain his salary and there was no way he wanted to get cut from the team either! “I mean, it’s the uniform department, the most intensive work I’d do would be to fold laundry and put it into each player’s locker…” JJ thought to himself as he made his mind up. “Absolutely Coach, I’m completely dedicated to the team!” JJ said as he reached his hand out and completed the handshake with his head coach.

But just as their hands connected to close the deal, a painful zap coursed through JJ’s thicker hand that caused him to pull back in shock. “Shit, that hurt!” JJ said, a slight chuckle escaping from his lips as he looked up at his coach. But the coach didn’t seem to find the zap humorous, instead leaning back in his office chair and looking intently at the football hunk.

Looking down at the hand that had been shocked, JJ looked down to verify that he was ok and that he wasn’t seriously injured from such a painful experience. However, as he stared at his right hand, he gasped as he saw that it was… paler. Instead of his tanned skin from having spent so much time working out in the hot Arizona sun, the hand had shifted to a color that was a pasty ghostly white. “Coach, what’s happening?” JJ asked, looking at the coach that was now deviously grinning. Did Coach poison me? What’s happening to my arm?

“I made it pretty obvious JJ, you’re joining the uniform department!” he said, a slight grin manifesting on his face that only added to JJ’s humiliation. What the hell could that mean? Watching as the bright white shade began to spread up his arms, he was in disbelief while observing the impossible occur. In awe, he stared as the thick hair that resided over his arms began to mesh with one another until it made a grid-like pattern. With that white color soon mixing in with this new change, it seriously looked as though his right arm was entirely made of fabric threaded using his hairy forearms. Holy shit, why does my arm look like fabric? Am I actually becoming a piece of clothing?!

“This isn’t what I thought you meant!” he cried out, staring in disbelief as he soon realized that he was actually transforming before his very own eyes. This soon became incredibly evident to the man as he could feel his body soon begin to shrink against the chair he was sitting in. Attempting to flee, JJ tried his best to spring up from the chair, but there was a newfound immobility that was beginning to run through his body. Unaware of the changes occurring throughout the rest of his body, the football player had no idea that his legs had lost their musculature and essentially became empty shells sans the thick pads that helped keep shape. Looking down at the legs he now possessed, he knew that there was no way that he’d be able to stand up. As the fabric mix of white and his leg hair continued to be created, he soon became aware of the fact that his legs were now completely dangling from the chair. It was truly clear to JJ Watt at this point: he was becoming a pair of football pants!

“Well, I guess you should have asked more questions then huh champ?” Kliff responded, his curt response being punctuated with a mad scientist style laugh that left JJ shivering.

“Why are you turning me into a pair of pants? Why couldn’t I just be some assistant while I recovered?” JJ inquired, desperate to know why the team had jumped to such extremes.

Sitting up from his chair, Kliff walked around his desk before leaning against the front of it. It was always amusing to watch his players undergo these changes, even more so when it was the bulky players such as JJ. Leaning his head down to the still-shrinking man, Kliff began to explain. “JJ, we’re desperate to be the best team we could possibly be. We had high hopes for this season, but since you had to showboat and get yourself taken out of commission for the year, we had to come up with something quick. Given that we had paid millions to secure you, we had extra initiative to make you useful to us in one way or another.” He said, looking down and staring at JJ’s changed form. By this point, the athlete’s arms had merged into his sides to provide the perfect shape for a set of hips to wear him. It was amusing to see the look of fear spread onto JJ’s face, especially as the bright red lining of the team’s colors emerged against the sides of what used to be his arms.

Despite JJ’s attempts at calling for help, the coach looked back up to stare into the man’s eyes as he continued to speak. “So, after reaching out and getting the assistance of our league connection Soul-Controller, he gave us the ability to make use of you. Although YOU may not be able to play this season, your agility and various other skills associated with the sport will continue to influence the team.” he said, looking over and chuckling as the look of shock and confusion spreads over JJ’s slowly devolving face.

By now, his eyebrows had evaporated from existence and his broad nose had shifted to become the roomier pouch for a teammate’s crotch, so all that remained of the human player was a pair of eyes and a set of lips. “Please stop-” the man groaned, his dry and hoarse voice finally giving out as he lost his ability to speak for the foreseeable future.

Paying this no mind, the coach had continued to divulge the magic that would be contained within the pair of pants that JJ Watt was quickly becoming. “You see, whoever wears you will suddenly gain the essence of JJ Watt’s football prowess until you’re taken off. While we were certainly upset to lose you on the defensive end of things, it’s going to work out extremely well for the offensive side. JJ Watt, you’re going to become Kyler’s new trusty pair of football pants!” the man said, a clear joy for taunting his former player that had become more fabric than human.

“While Kyler has been somewhat successful for the team, we have bigger aspirations for the kid. So, with your help for the rest of the season, we think that his skills will be boosted and help lead the Cardinals to more victories!” the coach said, completing his monologue as the final changes to JJ occurred. As the top of his head split apart to become a waistband of the new pair of pants, his eyes shifted to become an NFL logo on one side and a Nike symbol on the either. His lips shifted to the side and grew longer as they merged with the fabric to create a perfect zipper for Kyler to take the new JJ on and off.

With this change finishing up, the pair of pants lost any remaining air as they finally slumped and fell into the seat of the chair. Smirking, the coach grabbed onto JJ as he exited the office and made his way towards the locker room. Luckily, the transformation only took 5 minutes max, so the locker room remained completely empty. Heading over to Kyler’s locker, the coach quickly pulled out his regular pair of pants and threw the new JJ version into the room. Upon banging into the back of the metal locker, JJ’s fabric body shivered due to the cold sensation it emitted against his new form. “Thank you again for remaining an active member of the team JJ, I’ll turn you back at the end of the season!” Kliff said with a smile as he slammed the locker shut and sent the new version of JJ Watt into complete darkness.

Sitting there in the cold, JJ couldn’t believe what had happened to him. Not only was he tricked by his own coach, but now he was stuck as a fellow player’s football pants for the entire season! For what seemed like hours, JJ thought back to the situation at hand and scolded himself for not asking more questions. What would his wife think and what would the coach tell her as to where he went? However, just as he thought of this question, he overheard the office door of Kliff’s office once more and two voices began to continue speaking.

“Ok, Ryan, so you’ve got everything you need?” Kliff asked.

Promptly, the other man responded, saying “Yes Kliff, I have everything I need to become that Watt guy”.

“What the fuck!” JJ thought as he tried to put the puzzle pieces together. He knew that there was a Ryan in the coaching staff of the Cardinals, but the other voice speaking was talking much deeper than the man’s usual higher tone. Speaking of that voice, something about it seemed vaguely familiar despite the audio being slightly muffled due to the fact that JJ had no ears and was stuck in a locker. Suddenly it hit him, Ryan was now talking in the same deep voice that JJ had talked with for the past 32 years. His coach had gotten someone to take his place!

“Alright, sounds good man! Enjoy being stuck on bedrest all season!” Kliff said, which caused the new JJ Watt to eagerly say that it will be the perfect excuse to get JJ’s wife to join him for some fun. Upon the imposter finishing his joke, both men erupted into laughter that echoed through the empty locker room as they walked away and left JJ to stew in anger. He couldn’t believe that his coach had fucking sent someone to pretend to be him! The worst part was that he was unsure if his wife would even notice that anything was different.

After some more moments being stuck in the darkness, the locker room soon began to erupt into chatter that indicated that game day was finally getting started. Hearing the swinging of locker doors nearby opening, JJ cringed and felt uncomfortable thinking about Kyler being completely unaware that he was wearing his former teammate. This thought was soon interrupted though as the quarterback quickly ripped open the locker and pulled out the uniform within it.

Despite JJ’s original reservations about being manhandled by the quarterback, just a sliver of contact from the man had left JJ eager for more. He knew this was the effects of being a uniform rubbing off on him, but JJ was practically begging for more of that drug-like skin-to-skin contact. As Kyler finished changing into his jockstrap and jersey, JJ soon got his wish as he was pulled onto his new owner’s body and felt every inch of his empty body being filled with the man’s warm flesh. It was strange at first to know that he was being worn by a man, but all of that was pushed to the side as the immediate waves of intense pleasure rushed through JJ’s entire being.

While his mind could only compare the amount of pleasure to the thought of ten simultaneous orgasms rocking through every inch of his body, he knew that even that statement couldn’t compare to the indescribable feelings he was experiencing! It was as if he was undergoing an entirely brand new sexual discovery via his new identity as a pair of pants. Am I not as straight as I thought I was? Now wrapped around Kyler’s ass and thighs, JJ’s mind grew more demented as he fantasized about all of the ways Kyler look leave his mark on him. The thought of the man’s pre-cum leaking onto his fabric body after leading the team to victory was as much of a turn-on as the thought of being coated in the man’s sweat. Knowing the two extremes he could envisions in his mind, JJ quickly realized that he now had cravings that would surely never be fully satisfied. He was an eager piece of clothing, wanting nothing more than to experience every possible second of his new life wrapped around Kyler. While JJ was undergoing an entire identity shakeup, Kyler was none the wiser as he continued to get ready for the game and psych himself up for the upcoming game. After tying his cleats and now having his uniform complete, Kyler wasted no time rushing out onto the field to begin some warmups before kickoff.

For the next several hours, Kyler’s sweaty body was able to lead his team to a much-needed victory to start the season off on a high note. While he chalked up his impressive passes and play skills on a good night’s sleep and an intense training camp season, he was completely unaware that his success was due to the influence of JJ’s football knowledge.


Speaking of JJ, by the time the game had finished up, all of his few remaining fears about his new predicament had faded away. It felt incredible to be a piece of clothing, especially one belonging to an absolute hunk of a quarterback. JJ loved how his fabric body soaked up the man’s sweat and how great he felt wrapped around Kyler’s muscular legs and ass as he ran around the field and threw the ball to score touchdown after touchdown. After such an eventful and successful game, JJ’s disappointment and sadness was understandable as he was peeled off of Kyler’s ripe body and thrown in the team’s laundry basket to get washed. He mourned the loss of human contact and as he was thrown into the washer, he also mourned for the loss of the remnants of Kyler staining his body.

From just a few hours as a pair of pants, the former man had become incredibly dependent on his new owner, craving his sweat and movements. With each recurring game and spin cycle, JJ grew less worried about his former life as he gave into the new personality developing of that of a piece of clothing. Who cared about a wife when Kyler was his owner and gave him everything he could ever want? It was incredible to be a part of the offensive section of the team now, being at least partially responsible for the team’s continued success with each successful pass of Kyler’s. He guessed that his coach was right all along, he truly was an active part of the team now!

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3 years ago

In almost seven years of studying at university, I have tried to change my life a few times. Although I lost some weight I’m still a little thicker at the midsection. I am slowly getting along with going to the gym, but there is still a lot to do. But I never managed to achieve my dream of getting the Viking look, fit, tall and with long hair and a beard.

Is there any way I could make it after all?

The Ultimate Viking

Reading this request, I totally understand how you feel. Before I was able to tap into these magical abilities, I myself struggled with problems of not appearing how I wanted to look. It’s always a cruel realization when you finally understand that no matter how much money or time you spend working out will help you achieve your dreams. But luckily for yourself, I relate to your issues on such a deeply personal level that I’m incredibly eager to help you out. After finally finding the perfect avenue in which to facilitate your changes, I quickly cast my spell to help turn you into the ultimate Viking…


Upon hearing a knock on his apartment door, Lucas gets up from his computer and heads over to see who was outside of his residence. Opening the door, Lucas was greeted by an over-eager delivery man who immediately shoved a package into his average arms and handed him a device to sign for said package. Lucas could tell that the man clearly had his head focused on the remaining deliveries for the day because the driver had already sprinted back to his truck before Lucas could even thank the man for dropping off the package.

While Lucas had certainly been going a bit crazy on some online purchases, there was no way that any of those packages could have arrived already. But as Lucas leaned in and examined the label, he soon became both excited and confused about the fact that his Halloween costume had arrived miraculously early! He had quite literally just ordered it the night prior, so Lucas was rightfully shocked that the package was already at his home. Eagerly shutting the door, Lucas scampered across the room giddily and grabbed a pair of scissors to open the box. If he wasn’t going to be able to become a Viking like he dreamed of, at least he could be the most famous Viking (the superhero Thor) for one night!

Although Lucas hadn’t heard of before ordering this costume, the bargain that they had on this specific Thor costume was too great for the man to pass up. Plus, Lucas was willing to take the risk because if it was a low quality outfit, he could always return it and get a refund to get a costume from a more reliable retailer! But as Lucas used the scissors to open the box and quickly pulled out its contents, the slightly chubby man became immediately excited about just how well-made the costume looked. It seemed like an exact replica of the Thor costume he had seen in the movies!

Given the fact that he was the only one in the apartment, Lucas’ eagerness to test out the costume was too much to resist. Setting the costume down for a second, the man wasted no time stripping out of his clothes until he was in his underwear and walking towards a mirror hanging on the wall of the living room. On the journey across the room, Lucas rolled his eyes as he had to navigate around his older brother’s strewn about clothes and textbooks. The man was quite the slob, choosing to spend most of his time devoted to the gym rather than at home. Then, when he was at home, he was often refusing to clean up after himself or taunting his younger brother for his feeble attempts at being as buff as him.

But as he finally reached the mirror and looked up to stare at his reflection, Lucas frowned as he realized the awful fact that his brother was right. While he had made his best attempts at adopting a consistent gym routine and had done a good job of completing the required four workouts a week, there seemed to be no way for him to get rid of the spare tire wrapped around his stomach. With this nuisance along with his inability to gain any real muscle mass, Lucas was rightfully upset with the disconnect between his mind and body. Even though his mind wanted nothing more than to be a buff blonde Viking-like man, his body was dead set on keeping him as a more average-looking nerd that had clearly been unable to get rid of the Freshman 15 in college.

Before this sadness turned into full-blown anger and rage, Lucas turned away from the mirror as he began to prepare the costume for being worn. After tossing the plastic replica prop of Thor’s hammer Mjölnir to the side along with a fairly processed cheap-looking blond wig, Lucas grabbed onto the costume and began to inspect it. It was an incredible surprise to feel not only the insane heft of the costume, but also the sensation of cold metal on his hands and the silky smooth red cape hanging from the back of the costume. While they had clearly skimmed production costs for the hammer and wig, Lucas couldn’t be too upset about it given just how realistic the costume looked and felt.

After curiously exploring the costume, Lucas soon found a zipper hidden underneath the billowing red cape and began to pull it down to open up the costume. With his body shivering in intense anticipation about slipping into the costume, the man wasted no time slipping his two legs completely into the costume until they were completely snug (or as snug as they could be). The costume was listed as a one size fits all type of costume, but even from just his legs, Lucas could tell that the costume had extra space meant for beefy thick thighs rather than his average weak legs. This sense of looseness continued as Lucas moved forward with pulling the costume further up his body. The torso of the costume had even more room included to allow for a more muscular frame to seamlessly fit into it. As a result, the man’s slight gut was concealed by the loose fabric and his chest appeared to be rather malnourished due to how the metal front torso was sagging and drooping due to no muscle to keep it in place. Along with this, the sleeves of the costume were constantly sliding up his arms due to the fact that his forearms were not wide enough to keep the fabric in place. But despite all of the clear signs that the costume was just not meant for Lucas to wear, he remained incredibly hopeful that having the costume fully zipped up would help remedy some of the looseness. So, after a brief struggle of reaching behind his back for the zipper, Lucas was finally able to tug it upwards and seal himself into the costume.


Heading into the floor-length mirror in his living room, Lucas couldn’t help but feel ridiculous by just how poorly the outfit looked on him. While the material itself was fine and it was clearly a details-accurate costume, it looked incredibly awkward and ill-fitting on his thicker body. Given that the suit was clearly meant for men with an average to buff physique, there was a real disconnect with how the suit wanted Lucas to feel and how he actually felt while looking back at himself in the mirror. As a result, the man’s hope was quickly fading away that he could ever achieve his dream of looking like a hunky Viking.

After grabbing the plastic bag and pulling the synthetic blond wig out of its packaging, the man’s few remaining shreds of optimism were hopeful that putting on the wig could maybe help him feel better about his costume as Thor. But as he threw it on over his shorter hairstyle, he immediately knew that he would look ridiculous in it. After he moved back into the mirror to stare at himself, his assumptions were proven to be true based on just how ill-fitting it was on his head. The hair lacked much volume, so the extremely shiny processed hair looked incredibly depressed as it cascaded down his head with no real definition. Seeing himself in the suit and the blond wig was a real depressing sight for Lucas as it only confirmed what his body and friends had told him all along: he wasn’t a good candidate to be a Viking!

Incredibly upset and desperate to just put aside this fantasy for his own mental well-being, Lucas headed back over to the empty box and searched for a return label. Upon finding one, his scattered mind began to locate all of the remaining pieces of the costume. With the wig still on his head and the costume barely staying onto his slightly flabby body, the man had little to search for besides trying to find where he put the hammer. After finally locating it on the couch nearby, the man approached it and began to lean down to grab it to put it back in the box. But as Lucas latched onto the hammer and lifted it off the couch, a large static shock rocked through his entire arm. Due to the shock of the electrical charge, Lucas immediately dropped the hammer and gasped as the hammer crashed onto the floor with a heavy thud. Unsure of why it would make such a noise, he leaned down to grab it and gasped as it suddenly had an insane heft to it. This was certainly no plastic hammer anymore!

“What the hell?” Lucas said, a look of absolute confusion manifesting onto his face as he tried to figure out how a plastic hammer suddenly seemed like it weighed at least a ton. Leaning down once again, the man attempted to pull the hammer up off of the ground. But just as Lucas’ fingers grazed the handle, the man’s body was suddenly overcome by a series of electrical jolts.

Yelping in pain, Lucas was absolutely stunned at just how painful the shock was. Gritting his teeth was the only option he could do as he groaned due to the intense electrical volts rattling every inch of his body until it became too much to handle. It was unlike any sort of pain he had ever experienced in his life, but just as it was reaching a level where he could pass out from the pain, the shocks suddenly stopped. But as the man looked down to try and figure out what was going on with his body and that freaky hammer, Lucas could only watch in disbelief as something absolutely miraculous occurred.

To Lucas’ absolute disbelief, his arms were strangely pulsating and tensing up on their own accord from beneath the fabric. Not only that, but as he continued to look down and observe his arms, he immediately began to notice that muscle was somehow appearing onto his arms and causing the fabric to grow more taut over his limbs. With biceps that were already at the size of softballs, Lucas was quite understandably shocked. “What the actual fuck is happening to me?” he cried out, his light and somewhat nasally tone growing even higher due to his shock.

Flipping his arms so they were palm-side up, Lucas moved one hand towards the other and began to feel the growth spreading through the limbs. His thin forearms were widening out and stretching against the fabric of the suit, but despite feeling like the fabric would surely be close to ripping, it gave no indication whatsoever of it happening. By the time Lucas was able to calm down and verify the integrity and strength of the costume, his biceps were now comparable to the size of the 35 lbs kettlebells he once used during his pitiful attempts at getting the buff physique that was magically appearing on his body.

But as he continued to twist his head and understand the changes that were progressing on his body, he soon began to grow annoyed by the blond locks that were constantly falling into his face and covering up the continued growth that was beginning to occur on his shoulders and chest. So, in his attempt to try and get a better view of the muscle growth, Lucas decided the best course of action would be to just remove the wig entirely. After grasping onto a clump of hair near the top of his scalp, Lucas gave it a solid tug - and ended up screaming out in pain!

“Holy fuck”, Lucas cried out, unsure of what was going on. Even though it was a fake wig that wasn’t even pinned down to his head, there was intense pain that made it feel as if the hair was really a part of him. Was the inner wig cap coated in some sort of adhesive to keep it stuck to my head, Lucas thought to himself as he tried to do some lighter tugs across his head. While he was attempting to still get the shitty wig off of his head, Lucas was completely oblivious of the fact that his voice was growing deeper and gaining and gaining a weird accent that wasn’t quite identifiable.

However, after trying and failing to take it off after a solid 6 attempts, Lucas stopped due to his inability to handle any further pain on his head. Not wanting to risk hurting his head, the man quickly moved away from the living room and made his way to the full-length mirror that was hanging in the front entryway of his residence. Throughout the short few steps to the mirror, Lucas could immediately tell that the costume was fitting differently on his body. While his arms were clearly perfectly fitting into the sleeves of the costume now, it seemed as though more changes were occurring to his body to help make the costume not so ill-fitting. For example, Lucas could feel that his chest was heftier and even slightly bouncing with each footfall that he took.

So, by the time Lucas had finally reached the mirror and looked into his reflection, he was not surprised to see how the changes were progressing. Lifting up his arms to observe the changes that had occurred, it was clear that he was gaining a physique worthy of the best bodybuilders in the world. The fabric was skin-tight against his thick forearms and near the point of straining when Lucas tried his best to flex those solid new biceps his body had sprouted.

Leaning into the mirror to get a better look though, Lucas’ face began to drop slightly as he watched something strange occurring to his face. With each passing second, his features were clearly shifting and evolving into something more fitting of a hulking masculine stud. His jawline was becoming more pronounced, even when watching intense stubble press out against his face to create a rugged-like appearance. While he was certainly excited about the muscle growth occurring to himself, the concept of watching his face completely change into someone else wasn’t too appealing to the man. Even though he was fairly unhappy with how he looked, there was an intense fear of losing a sense of identity that Lucas wasn’t willing to undergo. As a result, the man knew he had to stop the changes from going further.

“Fuck this and fuck this costume!” Lucas angrily stated, which had finally caused the man to grow aware of the new deep and slightly accented voice coming out of his mouth. It was clearly the voice befitting of the new identity he was gaining, but he felt incredibly awkward having it come out of his mouth (even if it was making his cock rock hard). Trying his best, Lucas tried to reach around and pull down the zipper so he could get the costume off and hopefully stop the changes from continuing. But as he continued to flail his arms around and try to tug on the zipper dangling right below his neck, he soon found himself having a bit of a struggle. Those intense and bulky biceps he had been so enamored by were now betraying him, as the width of the muscles interfered with his range of motion to the point where he could only feel the zipper for a few seconds before having to move his arms to avoid any pain. To add to this pain, the man also found himself constantly getting static shocks to his fingers every time the digits even grazed the cold metal zipper.

Grunting and groaning still, the man was relentless in his mission for a few more minutes while only being able to get the zipper down a few inches before giving up. But while he was too busy fiddling with that zipper, he was completely unaware of the changes continuing down his body. With his chest now sporting a pectoral shelf that naturally indicated a sense of pride, his soft gut had little reason to stick around for much longer. In an instant, the flab quickly melted away from his frame as prominent abdominal muscles popped into place with each twist Lucas made while trying to grab the zipper.

After trying for several more minutes, Lucas found himself eventually tuckering himself out and giving up on his quest to remove the costume. With the changes seemingly progressing down his body, he just hoped that he would be able to take the costume off and watch the changes regress to where he went back to his old appearance. Now focused on just riding the changes out, Lucas went back towards looking in the mirror to see how he looked now.

While his upper body had clearly changed to give him a wider and buffer physique, the biggest issue he still had was looking at his face. By this point, his face had completely changed to become the embodiment of the hunkiest Viking that Lucas had ever seen. Although he certainly didn’t mind the more angular features and the perfect facial hair, the alteration of his nose shape and eye color (which was now one blue eye and one brown eye) was still off-putting for Lucas to observe. Putting his attention back on the blond wig he had put on, the man soon found himself shocked to see that the hair now looked incredibly natural to the point where any outside observer would obviously think that the luscious mane of hair was something he grew himself. In amazement, he ran his wider and callused hands through the hair, noting just how thicker and more healthy it looked now.

After being impressed by such a realistic change to his hair, Lucas’ desire to look like a Viking had caused him to temporarily put aside his issues with the face change and temporarily embrace the new body he was being given. “My, what a hunk you are,” he said into the mirror, smirking as the hunky reflection mimicked the same behavior. It was strange to hear the altered voice in both accent and tone, but the voice that now represented regality and dominance was an absolute turn-on for the man.

With a few attempts of trying out his new voice under his belt, Lucas’ attention soon shifted towards his lower torso as the tightening of fabric against his growing body caused him to immediately check up on himself. Chuckling to himself as he ran his hands along his thighs, he was impressed to see just how big they had grown while he wasn’t looking. His quads were incredibly thick and meaty, growing to the point where they were in the same boat as his arms in terms of just barely being able to remain contained in the costume. This factor was incredibly shocking to Lucas, especially as he remembered just how loose and pathetic his legs used to look before the changes started.

Turning his legs to the side, the man could clearly see the impressive calves he now possessed that would easily help him complete a marathon if he ever decided to run one. While there wasn’t much he could say about those muscles, the sudden cramping and cracking of his feet were indications to the man that the final changes were occurring. Given the fact that his shoe size was on the smaller side, it had once been a struggle to walk around in the boots of the costume clearly meant for wider and longer feet. But as he continued to move his toes and feel his way around in the boot, it soon became clear that his feet had undergone some changes as well to make his feet a perfect fit for the boots.

Now that his feet had changed and the transformation was clearly completed, Lucas immediately jumped back into getting the costume off of his body. With the changes now finished, Lucas’ franticness and anxiety had tapered off so he was able to better navigate his bulky arms to get the zipper down. Even though the static shocks continued with each tug of the zipper, Lucas remained headstrong to the point where he was finally able to pull it completely down and pull his arms out of the costume.

As the costume slumped and hung from his waist, Lucas finally got the see his shirtless body and see how his physique looked now. Understandably, as he looked down at his body, Lucas’ sculpted face widened as his jaw dropped. Everything about him now was absolutely gorgeous! With impressive veiny biceps that were intimidating even when not in a flex position, he felt so confident to the point where he wanted to get to a gym as soon as possible to test out his new physique. His pectorals were just as jaw-dropping as he inspected, especially as he was able to tense up the muscle and cause them to pop up and down, which elicited a chuckle from the man. Running his hands along his lower stomach, it was incredible for Lucas to see his gut completely gone and replaced with something that indicated such core strength and power.

With intense eagerness, Lucas was understandably giddy as he continued to pull the costume down below his waist until it slumped onto the floor. As he pulled his feet out of the costume and now found himself nearly naked, Lucas no longer felt ashamed of his body. No, instead of shame, he felt incredibly hunky and irresistible in a way he had never felt before. Sure, his legs were incredibly powerful, but all of the man’s attention immediately shifted to the shredded up underwear he was wearing. Looking down at the sight, it was obviously clear that the changes had affected every inch of his body.

With a coy expression on his face as he looked into the mirror, Lucas pulled down the remaining piece of fabric on his body and watched as a thicker and longer cock flopped into view. Oh yeah, I’m going to be absolutely irresistible to any man or woman, Lucas thought to himself as he chuckled to himself and grasped onto the thick tube of meat hanging between his legs. This chuckling continued for Lucas as he giddy began to think about fucking some horny bottom with his new appendage. While he clearly knew that the sound of his dick slapping against a bubble butt wasn’t what they meant by “God of Thunder”, he couldn’t deny that he was desperate to give the nickname for one of his longest childhood crushes a brand new meaning…

But even though the intense masculine hormones flooding his mind had made him desperate to jerk himself off, a quick look at the clock told Lucas that his friend was coming over to visit him in 15 minutes! So, Lucas quickly headed off to his muscular older brother’s bedroom to try and find some clothes that would fit better on his new frame than the smaller nerdy shirts Lucas had in his closet.

After rummaging around for a few minutes, Lucas was finally able to find a tank top and a pair of jeans that would clearly cover up his buff new body for the time being. He certainly had no idea how he was going to explain his brand new appearance to his friend, he figured that having some clothes on would hopefully help it go smoother. Due to this, he was both nervous and confused as to why the changes weren’t reverting now that he removed the costume from his body. How would he explain his new appearance and most importantly, who would believe him? It wasn’t like the concept of costumes turning people into ideal versions of said characters was a common occurrence!

With some spare time though before needing to worry about the arrival of his friend, Lucas turned back towards the mirror and began to observe himself once more. To his surprise, the clothing that clung to every inch of his muscular new frame had actually made him look bigger. His pecs were really sitting on his chest and jutting out to make their presence known against the already-tight tank top, which had Lucas feeling quite turned on. Hell, this experience was so erotic for the man that he was even beginning to come around to the new visage he had. This was especially obvious as he began to look into the mirror and give smoldering glares and heroic expressions.


Wanting to fully complete the visual of looking like Thor though, Lucas quickly turned away from the mirror as he went off to search for Mjölnir. I mean, who was Thor without his mighty hammer, Lucas thought to himself as he made his way towards the hammer that was sitting straight up on the living room floor. Eager to show off his strength to himself, the man rubbed his hands together before leaning down and grasping the hammer in his right hand.

While he could clearly feel the heft of the hammer, the strength he now possessed gave him the ability to at least lift the hammer off the ground by a few inches. However, before he could pull it further up, Lucas suddenly gasped in shock as an electric charge manifested again, but this time with the thick, hefty hammer rather than a simple costume zipper. Due to the increased metal, the shock was now incredibly excruciating for the man to endure. Before he could even attempt to let go of the hammer, his eyes rolled back into his head as his bulky body collapsed onto the ground and he grew unconscious. Now slumped all over the floor, the power of the costume was now able to go into full effect as Lucas’ mind was rewritten to better equip the man to handle the identity he had purchased…


Groaning, the gorgeous and beefy man finally began to come to as he stretched out his limbs. As his eyelids parted and he began to look around, the man began to grow confused and question everything. Running through his mind were three main questions: where was he, what was he doing there, and most importantly, who was he?

While grunting and pulling himself up to his feet, the man finally began to answer one of these questions aloud. “What kind of question is that? I am Thor, Son of Odin, God of Thunder and one of the Avengers!” he said, smiling as he spoke upon hearing his dry voice quickly gaining its power and natural tone back. Even though he knew that answer, he wasn’t entirely too sure about the answers for the other two questions. Last he remembered, he was traveling with the Guardians of the Galaxy to explore space and find a new home for his fellow Asgardians. But now, he was clearly in some kitschy Earth home that made him grimace as he took in all of the décor. Even the rust bucket of a ship he had once been on was more inviting than this drab home!

As a result, the superhero found himself desperate to get out of there and return to his new home in space (at least until the Avengers contacted him for another mission). Grasping onto his hammer, Thor quickly began to make his way out of his house and towards the front yard while scolding himself for letting himself get lost yet again. He thought that being an eternal god of infinite galaxies would have allowed him to have a good sense of direction, but clearly he was quite mistaken!

But as soon as he made his way out of the house, he soon found himself bombarded with fans who were desperate to get a photo with him or get his autograph. After doing a few of these, the man stated that the universe needed saving and that he needed to leave immediately. Given Earth’s most recent issue with Thanos, the humans wasted no time parting the crowd to allow the superhero to head off to save them from what they assumed to be imminent danger.

With haste, Thor began to spin Mjölnir countless times while building up enough momentum to slingshot him into space. After enough time, the man smiled as the hammer propelled him through the air and through the stratosphere. As he floated through space towards the last place he remembered the Guardians to be, he couldn’t help but think back to some of the humans he had encountered. While there were certainly a varied amount of costumes, he couldn’t help but notice the few individuals that were dressed up to look like him. Chuckling to himself as he continued to glide through space, he couldn’t deny that he found their attempts quite admirable. Unfortunately for them though, there could only be one Thor and that position was already filled! It was a lot of responsibility to save the universe from constant doom, but it was something he found great pride in doing. Every single injury he received was worth it to help keep the galaxy (and his on-and-off-again girlfriend Jane Foster) safe. It was all in a day’s work for the most powerful Avenger!


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3 years ago

A Change of Perspective: Trey

This over-7,000 word story was a request written for @tf-lover​, here is his original request / prompt.

Hey man, as you know I've recently jumped into a new body and I just wanted to say thanks again for your help finding it. Sure I used to be a skinny white British dude, but man does this new body feel hot as fuck! Being black now is kinda trippy, but I'm slowly getting used to it and the new gym routine to keep up the muscle. Since I'm about to hit 2k followers I thought everyone might like to know the story of how you found it for me?

Hey there, glad to hear that you’re enjoying your new body. It was certainly a rather dramatic transformation, but it definitely seems as though you’ve adapted to it surprisingly well. Before we proceed, let me just officially congratulate you on reaching the 2k followers milestone! While I would have totally been willing to give you a new body for such an achievement, I’ll gladly do your suggestion of telling both of our followers how you’ve gotten that awesome body…

So, for as long as I had known you, you had been fairly open with me about your annoyance in regards to your body and life. When it came to your body, there wasn’t much body positivity due to your nerdier appearance, which had really dampened your self-esteem. Hell, not even your favorite suit jacket with its gorgeous blue and gold pattern could make you feel better about your body anymore! 

Yet despite such a desire to look great and feel good about yourself, you always found yourself too nervous to take the first step towards bettering yourself. As New Years rolled around and you began to make your list of resolutions, it wasn’t much of a shock to either of us that working out was at the top of your list. So, as you pushed past your anxieties, you finally stepped foot inside your local gym and purchased a year-long membership.

Although you were already planning on joining the gym closest to you, your thirsty self couldn’t resist telling me that one of the main determining factors towards picking that specific gym was also due to the fact that Akino, an insanely gorgeous and buff Asian man who worked as a part-time model, was also a member of the same gym. The man was an absolute dreamboat to you, especially because of his broad and thick pecs and biceps. Just being able to say you went to the same gym as him was a hot enough concept to you, but it was even more hot as you found out that your schedules often synced up to the point where you worked out around the same time. This erotic factor only increased as you couldn’t help but sneak a few passing glances at the man’s body as he stripped out of his clothes to slip into his workout gear.


While I was quite happy to hear that you were still going every day, my mood quickly soured as you revealed that you hadn’t really done much besides standing around while trying to work up the courage to get on a machine. Then, when you had finally gotten around to doing one of them, you refused to put any sort of weight to challenge yourself due to your fears of embarrassing yourself in front of all the other gym-goers. Of course though, you knew that part of this embarrassment and tendency to stand around on the gym floor was because Akino was there easily pushing through every routine he did. To make matters worse though, the guy was always super nice and had even introduced himself at one point, but your anxieties and intense crush had caused you to grow anxious to the point of stuttering for a bit before fleeing towards another area of the gym. Obviously, I could relate to such issues of insecurity and slight jealousy to the point where I deeply sympathized with you, but it was somewhat annoying that the disconnect between mind and body was hindering you so badly. As a result, I told you that I’d find a way to help you feel less awkward in the gym.

Since everyone had assumed that my stories on Tumblr were just erotic hyperbole, they had no way of knowing that I had actually been gifted with real transformative powers. Although I had powers that I would surely love to use constantly, I found myself constantly desiring a lower profile and thus only using these powers sparingly. But I had deeply sympathized with your dilemma, so I knew that this was the perfect opportunity to finally help out a fellow writer and friend.

Given our close friendship, I had a pretty good idea as to what kind of guy you’d like to become. But despite knowing for sure what you should become, I still found myself scrolling through social media in search of the perfect person to base your new body around. After a bit of a search, I finally realized the perfect body for the new you. Although it would require a racial change, a quick refresher through our previous conversations made it clear that this wouldn’t be much of an issue for you.

So, as you headed to bed to prepare for your teaching in the morning, I was working tirelessly to give you your dream body. At first, the changes were simple as your muscles began to slowly inflate. But with each passing second, this inflation was quickly gifting you with a physique that would make even the cockiest of jocks intimidated. Your arms were growing to immense sizes as your biceps grew to resemble bowling balls, your shoulders looking like boulders, and your forearms thickening with obvious strength. Even as the inflation caused your muscles to strain against your increasingly tight pajamas, my powers had made you sleep peacefully throughout the entire process with absolutely no knowledge of what was occurring to you. 

Each inhale and exhale caused you to gain an impressive pectoral shelf that had caused your shirt to become incredibly constricting. This constriction only grew more intense though as your torso widened while your stomach was quickly dotted with a sculpted eight-pack.

The changes then progressed downwards as your bottom half underwent its own transformations. Every inch of your body in this area was eager to grow bigger, as your cock, ass, thighs, calves, and feet all lengthened to impressive and intimidating results. Your baggy pants were now functioning as capris given the increased height you had been gifted, but they were now also skin-tight due to having to participate in an intense battle between your globular ass cheeks, a 10.5 inch cock, and meaty thighs.

With the muscle growth now completed, the racial change was the final aspect to affect your body as the transformation quietly completed. Despite having your head shoved deep into the pillow, the darkening of skin and shifting of features first began there. Your light brown hair began to darken as the style shifted to give you a fresh fade, with the hair retracting into your scalp slightly to shift the straight hair into more tight curls. While the hair on your head was contracting to give you a more fitting style to match your new ethnicity, the transformation compensated by allowing trimmed facial hair to emerge all across the lower half of your face. As your nose widened slightly and lips grew thicker, your snores began to shift as well to go from a lighter tone to something that resembled a deep grumble. Another thing changing while you were completely unaware were the updates I had made in regards  to your sight. With a body this gorgeous and hunky, glasses seemed like such a boner killer, so I gave you perfect 20/20 vision to prevent that from ever happening. 

As this deep brown tone continued to spread across your entire body, it brought with it more smaller yet important changes. Your nipples darkened to become just a few shades darker while your body hair from your armpits, pubes, and legs grew darker as well. With the darker pigmentation finally finishing up on your longer and wider feet, the transformation finally finished. 

Due to the distance and complexity of the change, I soon found myself growing increasingly tired to the point where I was just barely able to make it into bed before finally passing out. As I fell into a deep slumber, all I could hope for was that you’d be happy with the results in the morning…

* * * * *


Immediately you jolted awake, gasping loudly as the alarm sounded with shocking intensity. Sitting up and trying to catch your breath, you had absentmindedly grasped onto your cell phone from the bedside table to turn off your alarm. As you turned off your alarm though, you suddenly found yourself quite confused by the highly melanated hands that you now possessed. While still trying to wrap your head around the confusing sight, you quickly flew into a tailspin as your phone screen locked and you could stare into the dark screen. Looking at the equally dark-skinned face with completely different features from the ones you were used to, you loudly cursed in shock. Tossing your phone to the side and jumping out of bed in disbelief, the insane tightness of your clothes soon made itself known as you could feel the fabric constricting against practically every inch of your body.


Upon hearing a loud pop and watching something fly across the room, your eyes darted downwards towards your body to find out what had happened. Gasping in shock, you were completely flabbergasted to find that your clothes were practically painted onto your body. Around your chest though, there was a wide gap between the two sides of your fabric pajamas which led you to realize that you had somehow popped a button. However, that wasn’t the strangest part though. The thing most deserving of that title was most definitely the hefty chest, bulging biceps, and thick thighs that you now possessed. The tightness made absolutely perfect sense now that you saw yourself, but that still did nothing to explain what had happened to you. 

While continuing to think back to the events of the night prior, you found yourself recollecting the conversation we had along with the promise of me finding a way to help you. Was it possible that Nate actually had powers? Grimacing due to the pain of your outfit, you eventually grabbed onto your phone and fired off several frantic messages my way asking me what had happened. Of course, I knew that this was what you wanted (and deserved), so I took the opportunity to try and calm you.

“James, it’s all good. It doesn’t really matter how I did it, does it? I knew you wanted a body that you’d feel proud of having, so I gave you one that would allow that. Why don’t you put the phone down and instead take the moment to enjoy yourself and the sights of your new body?”

Although you were still naturally curious for answers, you couldn’t deny that what I was saying was true. Being this bulky would certainly make you no longer feel intimidated about going into the gym! So, as a small smile began to creep across your face, you locked your phone and brought it with you back towards the bed. But given the constant pain and discomfort you were feeling in your pajamas, you immediately knew that you had to find a way to get them off of your new and improved body.

Despite your best attempts, you found yourself unable to pull them off due to how tight they were against your body. As you looked at the bulging biceps that were barely staying inside the long-sleeved shirt you were wearing, you quickly realized that there was another solution for this problem. Grabbing onto the collar of the shirt, you began to viciously tug and tear the shirt to shreds. “Holy shit!” you cried out, immediately stopping as you heard the deep and rich bass coming from your mouth.

While dropping the tattered shirt to the ground and taking a moment to look at your new physique, you couldn’t help but continue to talk aloud due to your overall shock. “I can’t believe he did this,” you said, causing your own manhood to begin to harden just from the sound of your own voice, “this is a dream come true!”

While continuing to make small talk with yourself just to continue testing out your new voice, you peeled off your tight pants until you were only stuck in the already-tattered remnants of your underwear. Eager to take a breath and attempt to understand it all, you sat near the edge of the bed and looked down at yourself. All of this beefy muscle, your friend had given it all to you! 

Obviously, the whole experience was quite erotic, so it was very rare for you to pull your attention away from your new physique. But on one of those few times, your eyes caught sight of a bedroom mirror you had recently put in place. Taking the opportunity to look at yourself from another perspective, you grasped onto your phone and pulled open the camera while staring at your reflection. You looked fucking HOT!

You knew that you were extremely hunky now based on the quick glimpse of your reflection in the phone screen, but the perspective of the mirror just fully showcased just how hot and impressive you were now. Clearly, no one would ever judge or question you when you were working out in the gym with such a big body!


As you focused back onto the phone in your hand, you took the opportunity to unlock it and pull open the camera app. You knew your face was undeniably handsome now, but you desperately wanted a better look! So, as the app opened and you turned on the front-facing camera, you got the first glimpse of your new face.

Immediately, you couldn’t resist pursing your lips and mutter “Oh fuck I’m gorgeous” under your breath while continuing to stare at yourself. It was shocking to you still that I had actually been able to transform people this entire time, but obviously you weren’t mad because why would you ever look a gift horse in the mouth? Speaking of mouth, a wide smile allowed you to get a great view of the pearly white teeth you now possessed.


Despite how fun (and erotic) this entire situation was, your mind quickly reminded you of the fact that you were supposed to be at work! Your job as a math teacher was something you enjoyed, but it was still annoying to deal with such early hours and rude superiors. Your boss wasn’t the nicest person towards you, that being the main reason why you had never called off since you first started working at your current school. But given the situation, you knew that you had no other choice. You clearly couldn’t show up to work given your new identity. No one would ever believe you were really James no matter how hard you tried to convince them!

So, after getting over some slight anxiety and panic about doing it, you finally picked up the phone and dialed the school. Of course, as soon as your boss got on the line, you immediately found yourself stumbling and attempting to speak your intended words. But after a few attempts, you were finally able to inform her that you were sick and unable to come in. Unsurprisingly, the woman wasn’t too happy, as she was quick to complain about how you were affecting her negatively.

But as the woman continued to complain, you grew more and more annoyed by her antics. As you looked into the phone and gave a look of confusion, you quickly interjected and told her that you couldn’t come in and that would be the end of the situation. Before she could even respond, your annoyance had caused you to end the call and toss the phone across the bed.


With that dilemma now handled, you now found yourself eager to go out and experience life as a hunky black man. But given just how small and twinky you used to be, you knew that you had practically no clothing that you could wear given your much larger size. Just for your own curiosity, you attempted to try on your favorite jacket. But unfortunately, the jacket’s size was way too small for your wider biceps and boulder shoulders. In fact, you could only get it partially up one arm before you began to hear the sound of straining fabric. Luckily, you were able to find a formerly oversized tank-top in the back of your dresser along with a pair of athletic shorts, so you quickly pulled them on and headed out to go shopping for some new clothes.

To my amusement, you were eager to share this experience with me as you sent me multiple videos of yourself trying out outfits ranging from workout gear to professional-looking outfits. I knew you looked great since I had changed you, but it was great to watch yourself grow more confident with each outfit you tried on. Plus, it was interesting to see your new style develop into something that looked so effortlessly casual yet hot against your much darker complexion.


While the choices of t-shirts, shorts, and pants were quite stylish already, it was actually your underwear that became one of the biggest examples of how your style shifted. You were completely overjoyed to try out various styles and types of underwear to figure out what looked great on you. Of course, you got some briefs that were in colors that went well with your skin tone, but your sudden interest in jockstraps made you want to try something new. Now that you had an extremely perky ass, huge cock, and meaty thighs, it wasn’t a shock that you found yourself drawn to the more skimpy kind of underwear.

Just as you had expected, the jockstraps all looked great on you, especially as the bands of the jock perfectly framed your perky yet firm ass. Although there was a slight struggle in terms of trying to get your incredibly large cock to stay inside the pouch, it was all worth it as soon as you took a look at yourself in the mirror. The white jockstrap provided a stark yet erotic clash with your highly melanated skin. It was still such a shock to you to think that just the previous night you had fallen asleep as a white nerd, but the vision of your new self looking this good was working well in terms of helping you accept your new self.

So with several items in hand, you made your way towards the cashier with a beaming smile. Although there was a tiny voice inside your head telling you to narrow down some pieces you wanted, you were quick to push those thoughts to the side. This was an absolute once-in-a-lifetime experience, so if you had to dip into your savings to afford a new wardrobe, then so be it!

Upon checking out, you wrapped several of the bags around your meaty forearms and exited the store to return back to your place. After hanging up many of the pieces, you pulled out a pair of athletic pants and a red tank top to change into. You knew that you would look incredibly sexy in them, especially since your chest seemed to be on the verge of bulging out of the tank at any second when you first tried it on!

Now with your form-fitting outfit on, there was an impressive pep in your step as you boldly entered your gym. Luckily as you went to swipe your card, you were able to cover up the section of your ID with your old portrait on it to avoid any interrogations from any of the staff as to why a hulking black man was in possession of a white man’s gym pass. With this potential crisis averted, you continued your stride with a wide smile as you entered the locker room to put away your gym bag and spare set of clothes.

Exiting out of the locker room now and entering the bustling gym floor, you were both anxious yet excited to immediately get to work. So, for the next hour or so, you made your way through almost all of the gym machines to better understand what your new body could do. To your surprise, each time you touched the specific machine, a flood of information emerged within your mind. It was an extreme kind of muscle memory, as your body automatically navigated around the machines and took the appropriate stances. But while you were gifted with such sudden yet vital knowledge, you still weren’t entirely confident about how much you could lift. So, you opted to start small and incrementally add weight to each routine until you started to feel any sort of challenge.

Of course, there were a few judgmental and confused stares sent your way as other gym-goers watched you lift weights that were clearly way too light to provide any sort of challenge. But to your surprise, you finally gathered enough courage by the fifth round of stares to tell them that you were just “starting slow” before getting into more intense routines.

As you continued to add to the intensity of your workout in terms of both routines and weights utilized, it shocked you to realize just how easy and comfortable it felt. It was incredible to watch as your biceps bulged, pecs tightened, and thighs tensed with each additional routine you did, but it was the perfect kind of motivation for you to keep going and push yourself until you were absolutely dripping in sweat and feeling a soreness all over your body (which felt oddly nice to you).


After an hour or so of your first real workout, the intense burn you felt all over your body finally began to inform you that it was a good time to stop for the day. Clearly, you had outperformed any of your previous trips to the gym… in fact you had severely exceeded expectations! So as your lips split into a wide grin, you put away your weights and retreated towards the locker room.

As soon as you entered the room though and began to make your way towards your locker, that overjoyed look quickly broke as you caught sight of Akino. Cautiously observing from afar, you watched as the man sat on a bench, his body nearly nude if not for the towel wrapped around his waist. With such a prime view, you couldn’t help but gawk as the man’s hefty chest heaved with each breath, the remnants of water droplets continuing to flow between through the crevice of his pecs and down his equally buff torso. It was such an erotic sight that your thicker hands couldn’t even stop themselves from moving down towards your crotch and absentmindedly fondling your rapidly hardening dick.


However, this wide-eyed observation had caused you to forget the bulk of your body as you slowly leaned towards a set of lockers to get a better view. Before you knew it, the bulky weight of your new body had caused you to lean too far and smash against the set of lockers, causing all eyes (including Akino’s) to direct towards you. But while these other eyes were staring directly towards your face, you soon found yourself realizing that Akino was staring elsewhere: the crotch with a visible penis line that you were still messing with. Gasping in shock, you quickly pulled your hand away and stared directly into the Asian hunk’s intimidating face. Offering a simple yet stuttered apology, you couldn’t help but blush as you awkwardly moved away from the populated area in haste. Even though you could hear Akino trying to say something to you, your anxieties refused to let you stop your travel towards your locker near the back of the room.

Angrily cursing under your breath, you couldn’t help but slightly ram your head against the locker and groan in annoyance. Even with a super hot and buff body, you couldn’t even talk to your crush! So much for muscles providing me with confidence, you thought to yourself as you pulled open the locker and began to undress. As much as you loved the visual of your sweat-soaked clothes clinging to your body to showcase your physique, the sensation it provided was not one that you enjoyed as much. So, you hastily pulled off the soaking wet tank top and dropped your shorts and underwear. Looking down at yourself, you couldn’t help but take a moment to admire your increased manhood. This body had provided you with both a thicker and longer flaccid cock, but you were both turned on and overjoyed to realize that you still had more growing to do based on the rock hard cock jutting forth from your crotch. Just that slight bit of attention that Akino had paid to you was enough to get your cock rock hard and leaking pre-cum, so you could only imagine just how horny you could get when you actually acted on those impulses and desires! Surely, you were going to have a blast at your place later before bed…

While you could honestly spend all day toying around with your new cock, the noise of some fast approaching footsteps caused you to quickly divert your attention towards getting dressed once again. So, after pulling on a pair of briefs, you were able to pull on a pair of joggers just as the individual made it to the same row of lockers as you. To your surprise though, the person who rounded the corner was one of your teacher friends. But despite knowing him, it became very clear that the man did not know the new you as he said nothing as he made his way past you to begin putting things in his own locker.

Although you were somewhat turned on by this revelation, you also couldn’t deny that it was quite sad to realize that your friend had no way of knowing who you really were. Given how quickly you had been to accept this gift body from me, you hadn’t really taken a moment to see some of the downsides of the change. Clearly, you couldn’t go back to teaching at the same school given your new appearance and how would you be able to interact with your family when you’re suddenly a hunk of a different race? As you watched the man continuing to change, you couldn’t help but think “Was it possible that this was a bad idea? Should I ask Nate to turn me back?”

While you were deep in thought about what to do next, you were quickly broken out of it by your teaching colleague clearing his throat. Coming back to reality, you quickly realized that you were staring directly at the nerdy and awkward man as he had been changing. As the man asked you what was going on, you tried to figure out something to say. Obviously you couldn’t tell him the truth, but you knew you could possibly do something that involved him interacting with you for a moment just to give the impression of your former friendship. So, after taking a second to think, you asked the man if he would be willing to take a photo for you. As he cautiously agreed, you made your way over towards one of the benches and sat down as he began to snap some photos. Not only would you be able to interact with your friend for a moment, but it would also allow you to have a photo or two to commemorate the first day of your new life and first real workout. After thanking the man, you quickly pulled on a shirt and made your way out of the locker room to head back home. 


Upon arriving, your gurgling stomach informed you of its desire to eat. So, as you attempted to navigate your new body through the already-small kitchen, you began to prepare a healthy and fulfilling meal. But just as you finished up and were getting ready to finally eat, a knock on the door interrupted you. So, moving very quietly (as much as your creaky floorboards would allow), you made your way to the front door and peered through the peephole. Standing at your front door was one of your other friends, a female teacher that worked at your school. While trying your best to raise your voice to hide the new deep and rich tone you now had, you awkwardly attempted to construct some sort of story of how you got food poisoning and weren’t feeling well. 

But no matter how hard you tried, the woman was relentless in her desires to see you. Continuing to bang on the door even though she knew you were on the other side, the woman boldly stated that she wouldn’t be leaving until she got to see you and know that you were ok. While you were obviously not in the right condition to show her that the James she knew was a-ok, it seemed as though she wasn’t willing to leave you alone until you opened the door. So while cursing under your breath, you slowly unlocked the door and pulled it open. As expected, the woman went into absolute hysterics as she saw the body of a gorgeous black man inside of her nerdy white friend’s apartment. While you had been expecting an intense interrogation from her as to why you were here, you were both relieved and pissed off to watch as the woman screamed and cried out in shock before running away. The woman’s behavior was totally not acceptable already, but you couldn’t help but be annoyed still by the fact that she was unable to tell that you were still you (despite the different body). Shrugging your shoulders and rubbing the back of your neck, you slowly closed the door and locked it as you attempted to go back and eat your food.

Upon finishing up your meal, it was clear to you that you weren’t really happy with the situation I had provided for you. Sure, you had the body of your dreams and the motivation to workout now, but it had caused your entire life to essentially be destroyed to the point where it seemed like it wasn’t worth it! So, you spent the next hour or so ranting to me about the situation and demanding a solution. Clearly, you were annoyed about not being able to have the same relationships you had previously, but you were also annoyed about still not being able to talk with Akino and now having absolutely no identity. Obviously, I was quite understanding as to why you felt this way, so I promised that I would fix it as soon as possible with my goal of having it fixed by the time you woke up the next morning.

Just as I had promised, as soon as you fell fast asleep, I immediately went to work in terms of remedying the issues you had presented about your new body. Clearly, I needed to find a way to merge this new body with your old life. While this would surely cause a few changes to occur to fix reality, I went ahead with the changes so that you could finally get the happiness you deserve…

As you awoke the next morning and shut off your alarm, you were relieved to see in your phone’s screen reflection that you were still the same hunky black man you had fallen asleep as. After reading my messages that verified that I had done as you had asked, you were quick to pull up your social media accounts and grab your wallet to verify that everything had been changed. While it was true that I had allowed you to keep the same body I had given you, that had also forced me to make some more changes to your life. Firstly, you soon realized that your name was now Trey instead of James, and secondly it had seemed like you had aged 3 years to become 25 now. While you weren’t too mad about the slight age progression, you knew that the name change would be something that you’d have to get used to. Surely though, you knew that you’d come around eventually and love it just as much as your old name.

A brief scroll through your relationships section on Facebook showcased two incredibly shocking changes. The first one involved your family, because instead of your formerly white father, your social media now indicated that reality had shifted to give you a black father to make sense behind the racial change you had endured. While this was shocking by itself, it was even more shocking to you as you saw the text “In A Relationship With” placed right next to a familiar looking face: Akino!

Scrolling through your photos, you were able to see a slew of photos that showcased you still working at the same school and both you and Akino going on dates and seemingly competing on stage for some bodybuilding contests. It was both erotic and shocking to see how I had rewritten reality for you, but it was something that you were relieved to have now. While it was true that this change required you to lose your math knowledge to instead become the school’s head gym teacher, you overall didn’t mind losing that information as I replaced it with dieting plans, workout routines, and bodybuilding tips. With this information now in your mental rolodex, I was able to help you keep the same friends and occupation while being able to assist the same kids you taught (just in a different way now).

Now incredibly eager to get ready for work, you headed into the bathroom and began to shower. By the time you had finished up and started drying off, you were shocked to find a message sent to you by Akino. Opening it up, you were incredibly turned on to watch a video of your new boyfriend washing and massaging his massive pecs in the shower. While this was hot all by itself, the caption accompanying it (“can’t wait to see you and that cock of yours tonight babe…🤤”) was enough to get your dick rock hard in seconds flat.


After taking several minutes to formulate your own flirty response and accompanying photo of your aforementioned cock, you quickly switched apps to send a message to me. Thanking me for giving you a new life, you stated how much you appreciated what I did for you. Without a doubt, you knew that you would always be happy now. Setting your phone back down then, you headed out towards your bedroom to start preparing for your first day as Trey, the hottest gym teacher and bodybuilder in the area who was the constant recipient of thirsty stares from anyone ranging from students, teachers, to fellow bodybuilders! 

While you had originally planned on taking a quick shower, it wasn’t much of a shock that you found yourself getting distracted. As soon as you removed your clothes and looked at your reflection, you instantly became transfixed by both your rich deep skin tone and hulking body. It was hot to experience this whole situation as a one-time thing, but now it was absolutely erotic as fuck to you now knowing that this would be the same body and life you’d wake up to every morning. Not only that, but reality had been shifted to give you the buffest boyfriend of your dreams. And based on the looks of it, you were the top in the relationship!

Such erotic thoughts were enough to get your intimidatingly long cock rock-hard as you started to wash up every inch of your body, but based on Akino’s message, you needed to save up that pent-up horniness to unleash onto your man! So you remained on your best behavior as you quickly finished your shower and began to dry off back in your bedroom.

Upon doing so, you took a moment to search through your closet and were both shocked and relieved to see what was inside. Your previous purchases were still there hanging up in pristine condition, but overnight you had gained a complete wardrobe full of lavish and high-quality clothing fit for a buff hunk. Despite having to still get ready for school, you took the opportunity to play dress-up for a bit. The way the soft fabric grazed your chocolate-toned skin was quite hot to experience, but even more so when seeing just how form-fitting each piece was against your pecs, biceps, and thighs. The fabric had no other choice but to bunch up on your arms slightly, but you quickly accepted this, especially since it just made your arms look even bigger!

After a good 10 minutes, you had finally settled on an outfit, a white dress shirt and a pair of patterned dress pants, and quickly headed into the kitchen to get some breakfast. Upon having some coffee and a protein bar, you quickly grabbed one of the many satchels you now possessed and headed off to work.


Throughout the day, you were both shocked yet overjoyed to see how similar yet different your new career was. While you were now a gym teacher rather than a math teacher, you still found yourself teaching the same group of students and interacting with the same teachers that you enjoyed hanging out with prior to your transformation. It was a relief to have reality shifted to match your new body as you were excited to now be able to continue to motivate these students that you had formed something of a bond towards. Although now it meant encouraging them to finish a set of pushups rather than some kind of advanced math question, it still felt like highly important work that you were doing. Ideally, you’d be able to convince these students to adopt healthy lifestyles to the point where they could have bodies like yours without having to rely on magically-gifted friends!

Upon returning home from a long yet exciting day at school, you soon found yourself growingly more and more anxious about your date with Akino as time passed. While there was a slight relief that you guys were actually a committed couple in this reality, it was still not enough to remove your few remaining insecurities about interacting with such a naturally intimidating and hunky man. Scrolling through your phone though in an attempt to relax, you took the moment to take a trip through the text conversations you as Trey had with Akino. To your relief, there was a bunch of info within those texts that allowed you to learn more about your long-time crush and understand his sense of humor and type of affection. He was a rather direct man when it came to expressing his desires or sharing views of his body, which made it even hotter to know that he was submissive towards you / Trey.

With 30 minutes until the time of their scheduled date at what you learned to be your favorite bar in the area, you finally got back on your feet and headed into your bedroom to change. Despite clearly looking quite presentable and attractive with your current outfit, you were a man with a body that didn’t deserve to wear the same look twice. So, after some searching you quickly pulled on another outfit and checked yourself out in the mirror. Damn, you thought to yourself while staring at your reflection, no wonder Akino wants me so badly. While this originally was meant as sarcasm on your part, the more you thought about it after saying it, the more truthful it felt. With your charming yet slightly dorky personality paired with such an impressive physique, it wasn’t shocking that a man that had never paid you any mind prior was now hopelessly devoted to you. You were the total package!

This confidence boost seemed to be the exact thing you needed to kick your ass into gear towards finally finishing up getting ready for the date. As you glanced into the mirror one last time, you smirked at your visage before leaving your place and heading towards the bar.

* * * * *

As you walk hand-in-hand with Akino back towards your place, you can’t help but have the goofiest smile on your face. Your observations in the mirror had definitely influenced you greatly by giving you the confidence necessary to be Trey, especially as you stepped foot into the bar and saw Akino waiting for you. You didn’t know what had possessed you, but you found yourself easily approaching the man and pulling him in for a passionate kiss. Even when you could feel a few wandering eyes stare at you, you paid them no mind as you slid your tongue deep into Akino’s mouth and used one free hand to grasp onto his firm yet perky ass.

This natural confidence continued to exude off of you as you easily began to lead the conversation and interact with the man that had magically become your boyfriend. Despite this sort of forced connection that I had manifested for you, there was nothing forced about the natural chemistry between you two as you chatted and talked about anything involving your day. While you talked about various funny experiences you had with the kids at school, Akino was quite excited to fill you in about the various encounters he had during his job as a personal trainer at the same gym that you’re a member of.

Upon drinking enough alcohol to finally cause your bulky bodies to feel a bit tipsy, the two of you made your leave from the bar and returned back to your place. To your shock, Akino was the first one to make a move as he quickly pulled you in for a kiss and pushed you up against the wall. However, not one to be outdone, you quickly asserted yourself by pulling the man in and lifting him off the ground as he wrapped his bulky legs around you. Biting your lip, you used your newfound strength to your advantage by pushing the man against the wall and ripping the front of his dress shirt off to reveal his gorgeous physique. Continuing to stand there with him wrapped around you, your mind couldn’t resist thinking back towards his message from this morning. 

“You said you wanted this cock didn’t you,” you said aloud, a clear teasing tone coming from your voice as you set Akino down and slowly undid your pants. As they fell to the ground along with your underwear, Akino’s face quickly shifted into one of pure lust as he instinctively licked his lips. “Get on the bed babe, I’ll give you exactly what you want,” you continued, chuckling to yourself and giving your boyfriend a wink as he easily followed your orders by pulling off his clothes and assuming the position on your bed.

Staring at the man’s spread ass upon walking into the bedroom, you wished that you could fuck it nonstop! For hours though, you put up a good fight, consistently shooting load after load into your pleading boyfriend’s hungry hole. Each and every time, the final thing to push you over the edge was the same thing - Akino’s screams of how much he loved you and needed you. Even though you had only really known him from afar until today, you knew that you also loved him as you both fell back into the bed exhausted. As you gave one more passionate kiss on the lips, the two of you quickly dozed off to sleep. But while Akino immediately started dreaming about having more fun in the bedroom, you yourself were having a dream that showcased how blessed and incredible you are. You had been given your most desired body and life, and in the end, you were the happiest you had ever been. If every day was as fun as this one had been, life as Trey would be an absolute dream come true…


* * * * *

Overall, it was a great story to share and I’m happy to hear that you’re still loving your new life! I knew how angry you would have been if I did some secret mental changes to help you adapt to life as Trey, so I’m relieved to see that you were eventually able to gain the levels of confidence you had always wanted to have. It surely couldn’t have been hard to get when you’re such a buff hunk and dating an equally sexy bodybuilder! Anyways, congrats on 2,000 followers and I’m hyped to see more of your future changes. Given what you have been gifted, it’s nice to see you using your own powers to help others just like you. Here’s to many more people being given their dream bodies and lives!

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3 years ago

I really don’t like my body, I don’t really have a lot of hair, and I can’t grow muscle. I’ll take any help I can’t get. Maybe you have something in mind?

Out Of The Office & Into The Gym

Waking up the next morning, you couldn’t help but feel slightly defeated as you got ready for work and found the same old reflection that you had always seen staring back at you. It was common knowledge that Soul-Controller was a sucker for overnight changes, so to see the same old version of yourself made you feel quite defeated. In fact, it just made you feel even more insecure as you stared at yourself in the mirror. To any other individual, your body would be an absolute dream come true with your toned twinkish body, thick curly hair, and attractive facial features, but it was never enough for you. No, you wanted to be someone that people were intimidated by which, in your head, meant someone who was extremely hairy and buff as fuck.


Unfortunately for you though, your various attempts at intense weightlifting and adding more calories into your diet yielded no real results beyond the same old toned physique you were actually disgusted by. Despite feeling like the gym was worthless, you still brought your gym bag with you as you pulled on your office attire and headed into work.

After arriving at your cubicle, your self-loathing only grew stronger as your vision caught sight of a hunky man chatting up a slew of equally attractive men and women around the water cooler. Despite being a recent new hire, the man had already made quite the impression around the office with his insane muscularity. His dress clothes struggled to contain all of his bulk, especially around his chest, biceps, ass, and thighs, so it was no surprise that everyone was so intently drawn to him. But for you, this was just a glaring reminder of how “mediocre” you were. Your uniform was extremely loose to the point where it was just hanging off of your small frame, which only hurt you further by concealing the slight muscles you had.

It had been purely automatic when your lips began to move on their own accord. “I wish I was bigger and more confident than him,” you said, instinctively pressing a hand over your lips like a child ashamed of saying a bad word. Darting your eyes around the nearby cubicles, you breathed a sigh of relief once it became clear that no one else had heard the verbalization of your sad desire. Unknown to you, a sudden heat that began to infiltrate your body was one way of showing that someone had in fact been listening.

Beginning to wave a hand in front of your face, you were completely unaware of the fact that your body was slowly beginning to bulk up at impossible speed. Arms thickened, shoulders widened, and pecs pushed forth from your chest to the point where this sensation of heat was soon assisted by a sudden tightness of your shirt. Taking a moment to look at yourself, you couldn’t help but gasp in disbelief as you watched two mighty pectorals jut forth from your chest.

Bringing an arm up to grasp onto one of these new additions, your attention was soon caught by the sight of your new limbs. Everything from the shoulder to your fingers had seemingly been inflated, creating a thick yet somehow callused set of hands connected to some meaty forearms and incredibly wide biceps. Luckily, you had opted to wear short sleeves rather than a long-sleeved polo shirt because you couldn’t imagine the amount of discomfort you would be feeling at that given moment. Hell, just the sensation of each sleeve constricting against your upper arms was enough to rival the tightest of blood pressure cuffs. To your relief though, a deep exhale was able to provide some relief as one section of each sleeve ripped apart at the sleeves due to no longer being able to handle the now-tight fabric of your shirt.

Next in your process of becoming an intimidating man was the remaining changes to your lower torso. The constriction of your shirt meant that you had no real ability of sitting up and walking away without tearing the shirt to shreds given your now-wider back, boulder shoulders, and plump pectorals, so you were forced to compromise by slowly pulling up the bottom half of your shirt to reveal your midriff. The timing was impeccable though, especially as you were now able to watch as each firm abdominal muscle rippled into existence. But as you took a second to look around, your eyes quickly met the eyes of an equally twinky man as you had just been. “Ey, what the fuck do you think you’re doing? Mind your own fucking business!” you gruffly yelled, leaving you feeling equally shocked and turned on by both your directness and the rich baritone voice now escaping from your lips.

Speaking of your horniness, the bottom half of your body began to undergo all of its changes simultaneously. Luckily, your pair of jeans were just as baggy as your shirt, so you weren’t sent into immediate discomfort. At first, it started slowly as you felt your own manhood lengthening and widening from beneath the pouch of your pants. Although you wanted nothing more than to reach beneath the lip of the pants and fondle your changing cock, you forbid yourself given the public setting. So instead, you could only watch in disbelief as your ass inflated to the point where you were rising several inches up in your chair due to the thick globular cheeks that were manifesting before you.

As this was occurring, your thighs and calves were expanding at exponential rates. While it wasn’t immediately clear at first, the sudden constriction that emerged was a dead giveaway of what was happening to your thick and firm pair of legs. Even your feet weren’t immune from the sudden changes as you could suddenly feel them widening to the point where your dress shoes exploded in a resounding POP that echoed throughout the entire office. While it wasn’t shocking that many eyes immediately shifted to the source of the noise, you were feeling increasingly agitated by their behavior. So, with this cocky and clearly pissed off look now emerging onto your face, you smirked to yourself as a large majority of eyes began to leave you and go back to their tasks at hand.

However, as you continued to look around, you found your eyes drifting towards that same twink from a cubicle diagonal from you. As he looked at you with lustful eyes, it quickly became clear that the man wasn’t staring in judgment, he was staring in admiration and desire! So, now feeling more confident than ever, you moved one of your callused hands down towards your crotch and grasped onto your rock-hard cock. Even without seeing it fully unleashed, the man was clearly enjoying what he was visualizing as his cheeks grew flush and his mouth became agape.

While you continued to taunt the weaker man with various teases of your buff body, you were completely oblivious to the last few remaining cosmetic changes that were occurring to your body. Feeling a slight irritation from beneath the strained fabric, you instinctively scratched into existence a bountiful amount of body hair. Within seconds, your forearms grow hairier in tandem with your formerly hairless chest as it erupted into an impressive pelt of dark brown fur. This process continued downwards as this thick hair grew down your sculpted torso, past your meaty thighs, and all of the way down to the joints of your feet. Even your ass and crotch weren’t immune to the itch-inducing changes as a prominent bush sprouted around your thick cock and a heavy amount of hair turned your bubble butt into the ass of an absolute hunk.

From the neck down, your body had been gifted with the blessing of intense body hair like you desired, but your head was still looking especially childish. Fortunately for you, this was quick to change as your sculpted jawline began to widen slightly before being covered in a thick yet neatly trimmed beard that encircled your now-thicker lips. As your facial features did the final shifts towards becoming gruffer and more brutish with a more prominent brow and nose, your scalp began to experience the inverse. The sudden weight of your curly locks began to lighten slightly, which is what finally caused you to grow aware of what was happening. Moving a hand up to the top of your head, the sifting of your fingers through the curly locks led to an unintended surprise. By the time you pulled your hand back down to eye level, your palm was now coated in thick strands of your hair.

While this was at first understandably shocking, a look at your twinky admirer showed that he felt nothing was amiss. So, trying not to throw a fit and just try to relax for once, you continued to run your hands through the thick mane until you were left with an entirely bald head. Although you couldn’t see yourself on any reflective surface, you knew that you were looking even hunkier than ever before!

Although you could stay there forever toying with the overeager twink, the dual factors of both your constricting clothes and still-rock hard cock left you desperate to escape your cubicle. So, motioning your head towards the bathroom door, the twink nodded with approval as he silently got up and made his way into the restroom.

After a bit of a struggle, you finally pushed yourself up from your chair and into an upright position. But of course, this wasn’t something that your clothes could really handle as a cacophony of loud tears and twanging snaps rang out through the relatively empty office. While the concept of ripping out of your clothing would have embarrassed you earlier this morning, you felt no shame by the reality of the situation. In fact, the slack-jawed stares and looks of disbelief only turned you on further as you slowly grabbed onto your gym bag and walked with a cocky swagger towards the bathroom to change.


As soon as you entered the bathroom, you turned behind you to lock the door as you found the twink already fully nude and waiting for you. Licking your lips with intense cockiness, you put on a show for the man as you pulled off your tattered clothing to reveal your sizable physique. Upon your thick cock flopping out towards the man, he was like a bee to honey as he quickly put his mouth to use by slipping your sizable girth between his eager lips. Feeling even more confident and in control, your hands were quick to clutch the back of the twink’s head as you controlled the rhythm and speed in which he sucked you off. Throughout the occasional gagging that the man uttered, the look in his eager eyes only made you feel even more proud of yourself for taking control of the situation.

By the third round of intense fucking that the two of you were going through (you were the top of course), the sudden jingle of keys outside left the twink pleading for you to stop pounding his ass with incredible vigor. Of course, you couldn’t give less of a shit, so you continued to slide your sizable cock between his bubble butt until you ejaculated just as your supervisor and a security guard unlocked the door and walked in.

Of course, the twink was quite bashful as he frantically pulled back on his clothes and sprinted out of the room, not caring whatsoever as cum continued to ooze out of his gaping asshole. Unlike the twink though, you were as cool as a cucumber as your supervisor yelled at you to put some clothes on and meet him in his office immediately. Once he had left, you moved with a cocky swagger by unzipping your gym bag and slipping into your workout outfit. Luckily for you, I took the liberty of altering the fabrics to a more appropriate size as you would have surely torn through that gear just as easily as your work clothes. Upon pulling on the black tank top and blue athletic shorts, you checked yourself out by throwing your arms up into a flex before exiting and heading towards your manager’s office.

Not surprisingly, you were quickly fired for both disobeying uniform rules and workplace conduct by brutally fucking that fragile young twinky intern. While this surely would be a devastating blow to some, you couldn’t have cared less as you simply shrugged your shoulders and exited the room to go pack up your belongings. Throughout the entire walk back to your cubicle and upon exiting the building, a snide look remained permanently plastered onto your face. You were a glutton for attention, so you couldn’t help but flex your buff biceps, pop your pectorals, and flash a cocky smile to anyone who dared to look at you in judgment.

Upon exiting the building, you slowly lumbered into the parking garage before throwing the two boxes of material into your backseat. While there was a slight moment of “what the fuck am I going to do now?”, this didn’t last long as you realized what you needed to do. Clearly, you needed to head to the gym and test out what this body could do! So, with a determined look in your eyes, you quickly started the car and revved the engine for a moment before beginning to back out.

However, as soon as you started to back out, a sudden tapping on the opposite window caused you to quickly brake. Rolling down the window in confusion, you smirked to yourself as you watched the young twinky intern standing with his own box of belongings. Apparently, he had suffered the same fate as you had in the office. “Uh, can I join you?” the twink asked, his voice cracking and changing in pitch as he struggled to look you directly in the eyes.

While you were originally against the idea, your mind began to conjure up some possibilities of bringing this twink along with you. With him around you, you’d never have to worry about not being taken care of whenever you desired. Plus, in the bathroom he had already shown that he could handle anything that you threw his way (or in his ass or mouth). Thinking about it further, the man seemed hopelessly devoted to you, which you could easily use for your advantage. Smirking at the concept of having an in-house bottom to cook, clean, and satisfy you whenever you desired, you quickly unlocked the car door and let him come inside.

While he stood there with a slightly anxious look on his face, you took the moment to try and calm him down by giving him a little tease of a gun show. Turning his direction, you slowly lifted up an arm and flexed it for the man to showcase just how powerful and strong you were now. It was a dream come true, and certainly one that you’d never want to wake from! Luckily for you though, this was your reality now, so with a chuckle, you finished pulling out of the parking garage and into your brand new life.


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2 years ago

Not All Heroes Wear Capes

In honor of @mrcavanaughtf​‘s 28th birthday, I wanted to start his weekend off right with a nearly 7,000-word transformation story for him. Given his status as one of the best writers in the community, I truly cherish his friendship and quite frankly his mentorship as well. As such, I thought it was only appropriate to celebrate his birthday by helping him become one of his favorite hunky actors. So once again, thank you Henry for your friendship and I truly look forward to all of the fun stories we’ll create and conversations we’ll have in the future!

“Alright guys, thanks for checking out the stream and I’ll see you all next time,” Henry Cavanaugh merrily said, giving a smile to the camera before finally ending his Thursday night Twitch stream. After another good yet long Twitch stream, the teacher and part-time streamer was understandably exhausted. Given the fact that he had to teach five lessons early the next morning, Henry had no desire to cook and instead placed a food delivery order at one of his favorite restaurants. 

As he awaited his order, Henry took the opportunity to brew up some coffee and sit in his living room scrolling through his emails. Just as he had expected, there wasn’t much in his inbox, but there was one email that immediately caught his eye. Upon reading the subject line that read “Congratulations Henry, you’re a winner!”, he was momentarily annoyed that the email had somehow gotten past the spam filter to end up in his main inbox. Curious though as to what he had seemingly won, the 27-year-old clicked on the email and quickly read through the details. 

Congratulations Henry Cavanaugh,

You’ve been selected as the first winner of the Not All Heroes Wear Capes contest, which aims to recognize people like yourself who are underappreciated by either your superiors or society as a whole! Your name had been submitted by a friend who stated that you “needed to be rewarded for his constant hard work”. In association with DC Comics, it’s safe to say that your reward will surely be star-studded. Given our desire to have everyone recognize you for your hard work, the celebration will take place tomorrow morning at your workplace. Do not worry, this event has already been approved by your superiors. We look forward to rewarding you tomorrow!


S-C Entertainment

Upon finishing up the letter, Henry had several questions running through his mind. Firstly, he was curious about who had seemingly submitted his name. While that was a valid question by itself, he still found himself confused as to what he had apparently won for the contest. He figured it must involve superheroes since DC is involved, but why did they need to show up at his workplace to give him the reward? Couldn’t they have just shipped it to him or had him head to some UK-based DC Comics office? The most important shock of all came from the organizer of the contest. S-C Entertainment was a business he knew well, it was one that his friend and fellow transformation enthusiast Nate ran. While it wasn’t out of the norm for him to use this side business to transform unsuspecting people, it was the first time that Nate had ever used the business when it came to transforming Henry. Usually, these little gift transformations that they did to each other was just some sort of private event (such as when Henry had swapped Nate’s body with his model crush Jordan Torres), so Henry was understandably intrigued by what the man had planned for him.

After his delivery finally arrived, Henry couldn’t resist thinking about his friend’s gift as he devoured his meal. The anticipation soon became too much to bear, so he decided to take a moment to message his friend before going to sleep. As he attempted to grill Nate to find out what he had in store for him, the fellow transformation writer had no intention of revealing any of his apparently well-thought-out plan. Instead, he would only slyly say “You’ll find out tomorrow…” every time Henry attempted once again to get some answers. 

Realizing that Nate was fully determined on staying mum on the situation, Henry reluctantly bid his friend adieu for the night, jokingly telling him that his surprise “better be worth all of the secrecy” before finally turning off his phone and heading to bed.

Waking up the next morning, Henry immediately felt bittersweet about his Friday plans. In terms of his day, he found himself dealing with a full five lesson schedule that would surely leave him too exhausted to do a stream to ring in his birthday. But on the flipside, the final lesson of the day meant that he would finally start his well-deserved two-week vacation. 

Upon finishing getting dressed, the man took a deep breath and tried his best to mentally prepare for these lessons. Although he had trouble being optimistic, he continued to remind himself that a relaxing vacation awaited him as soon as he exited the school. On top of that, he also remembered that S-C’s transformative birthday gift was supposed to occur during the contest at school today. While he was understandably anxious about what his friend had in mind for him, he was even more concerned about the potential (yet rare) chance of loathing the gift that his friend gave him.

As he finally made his way to school and began to traverse down the hallways with his coffee cup in hand, his anxiousness only worsened while taking in the sights around him. The students were rough-housing even more than usual, so much so that Henry found himself bobbing and weaving around the crowded halls to prevent any collision with any child. Given his already rather low spirits, Henry knew that his day would instantly be ruined if some child rammed into him and caused the cup to spill the still-hot brew all over his dress clothes. Despite the slight time delay due to his desire to be careful, Henry breathed a sigh of relief as he finally entered his classroom with his coffee cup still full and his clothes in-tact. Taking a seat at his desk, the man quickly reacquainted himself with the day’s lesson plans and waited for the final morning bell to ring.

For the first two lessons, Henry found himself struggling to remain focused on the lectures he was supposed to teach. Given his public video statement at the school during Pride month that revealed himself to be an openly bisexual man, the faculty found itself eager to give those LGBT-specific lessons to him to teach. While the teacher was certainly open to teaching these topics and encouraging an open dialogue to help sway students to become more tolerant and accepting, the lingering thought of what kind of gift he would receive from S-C Entertainment kept him from being completely present in the discussion. 

Just as he began to settle into his third lesson (this one being a palette cleanser focusing on film) though, his desire for answers was finally rewarded as the door of his classroom suddenly burst open. Upon directing his attention to the doorway, Henry watched as a blonde-haired and glasses-wearing woman casually stepped into the room.

“Uh, can I help you?” Henry inquired, somewhat annoyed by the sudden intrusion.

“Hello there. Mr. Cavanaugh, right?,” the blonde asked, to which Henry wordlessly nodded. “Great,” she continued, “We’re here for the contest. Sorry it took a bit, traffic was absolutely crazy due to all of the press showing up here for this event!”

“Wait a minute, there’s going to be press?” Henry inquired, growing increasingly anxious as he suddenly heard the sound of talking outside begin increasing in volume. . 

“Of course! It’s not everyday that a celebrity shows up to reward a local for their hard work,” the woman responded, grinning at Henry with an expression that seemed incredibly forced. Just before her fake smile could falter though, the sudden yet light knocking on the other side of the door allowed her to turn away in the nick of time. “Speaking of that celebrity, it seems like he’s finally ready to see you,” she continued, grasping onto the door handle and pulling it open without any fanfare.

As Henry looked up at the figure standing in the doorway, his jaw immediately dropped upon locking eyes with fellow Brit Henry Cavill. “Holy shit,” he exclaimed, taking a moment to quickly put his hand over his mouth and apologize to the younger students that were still in the room. But upon doing that quick statement, the man’s attention was once again fully devoted to the sight before him. For countless years, his friends and family had told him he had a striking resemblance to the Superman actor, but despite noticing some similarities, Henry was still absolutely starstruck by his surprise. While he wasn’t sure how S-C had been able to convince Cavill to show up for this contest, Henry knew for a fact that he would have to send his friend a very lengthy message thanking him for his birthday surprise.

While still remaining behind his desk, Henry found himself relieved by the desk since it allowed him to fully conceal his immediate boner, which only began to throb harder and faster with each step closer Henry Cavill made towards him. As the actor finally made his way to the other side of the desk, he was quick to make himself at home by sitting on the edge and extending a hand towards the open-mouthed man. 


“Hey, the name’s Henry. It’s nice to meet you!” the man merrily said, which only caused more butterflies to emerge throughout the teacher’s stomach as he took ahold of the hand and shook it. Immediately, the man was impressed by the actor’s strength as it was on full display from the strong grip he had around his hand. Instinctively, Henry’s eyes wandered further up Cavill’s arm to take in the sight of his broad biceps concealed within the dark blue sweater he wore. While he tried his best to keep his composure, the teacher’s mind was quick to jump to erotic and incredibly not safe for the workplace areas as he envisioned Cavill ripping off his clothes and taking Henry right there on his own desk.

So, as he began to introduce himself, it wasn’t too shocking that the man found himself tripping over his own words. “Uh, hello there. You’ve uh, you’ve got quite the strong grip there dude! My name is Henry as well, Henry Cavanaugh.” While it was already clear that Henry was nervous, it was still incredibly annoying for him to hear himself talking so strangely. He had never called anyone “dude” or “bro” before unless it was ironically! 

Despite the slight annoyance brewing in his head for slipping up already, this wouldn’t be the last embarrassing thing that the man experienced during his conversation with the man. As soon as the man’s eyes darted up and caught sight of Cavill’s perfectly aligned white teeth, angular facial features, and blue eyes, he found himself once again stumbling over his words. “It’s nice to see - I mean meet you. I’ve always wanted to be you - uh, meet you. I meant to say that I’ve always wanted to meet you!” He knew that it wasn’t every day that he got to meet his superhero crush and also apparent lookalike, but goddamn could he at least calm down a bit?! While there was certainly more that he wanted to say, the man opted to instead close his mouth to save himself from further embarrassment. While it was true that Henry had certainly fantasized about becoming Cavill from time to time (who could necessarily blame him?), the constant Freudian slips in his sentences left the transformation writer uninterested in speaking further as his cheeks shifted to a shade of bashful pink.

Although Henry Cavill had more than enough reasons to be uncomfortable around the thirsty teacher, he was able to hide any potential disgust with ease as he smiled back at the contest winner. “Well that’s sweet of you to say,” the actor replied, “It’s always a joy to meet dedicated fans like yourself!” As he put his hands on his hips, Cavill finally took the opportunity to break his attention away from the teacher and look at the shellshocked kids equally excited about being in the man’s presence. “Now, would you kids like to help me celebrate your teacher with some cake and surprises? If you guys behave yourselves, you can even be a part of the photos we take!” the man joyfully said, which elicited plenty of cheers and eager head-nods from the children. 

As Henry watched the actor look over towards the blonde woman who he presumed to be the man’s agent and nod his head, the teacher watched as the door of the classroom once again opened. But instead of yet another celebrity on the other side of the door, a mousy brunette wheeled in a gigantic cart that had a large cake and a slew of drinks on it. At a rapid pace, the young brunette girl set up the drink station on an empty desk nearby and began to light the candles in the cake. Before Henry could even ask what was going on, the female agent grasped onto his forearm and pulled him over to the cake. Looking over to her, the woman refused to apologize for her manhandling, instead telling him to blow out the candles. Despite the annoyance at being moved like cattle, Henry complied with the request and quickly blew the several candles out.

For the next thirty minutes or so, Henry found himself giving small interviews to a few local news publications who were covering the contest while everyone else enjoyed the festive food and drinks. Before long though, the female agent was quick to announce that it was time for the photoshoot to occur. As Henry Cavill made his way up towards the front of the room, the teacher also finally began to break away from a journalist and follow the man up towards the front. But just as he was about to make it past the slew of desks, the man suddenly found himself colliding with a nearby student who was frantically running with a piece of cake and a freshly poured cup of soda. Given his speed, there was nothing Henry could do to prevent the cake flying up and splattering against his white dress shirt. The kid’s soda had also made an impact with his clothing, spilling right onto his crotch and down his legs.. Gasping in pure shock from the cold drink’s impact, Henry couldn’t help but clench his fists in anger at the situation at hand. While he wanted nothing more than to take photos with the actor, his outfit was now completely ruined and most certainly unfit for a professional photoshoot. While he stood there in pure shock and anger, his eyes met the bulky actor as if in search of some assistance.

“Oh dear, I’m so sorry!” Henry Cavil said sympathetically, taking the opportunity to try and help out the embarrassed contest winner. “Don’t worry though, I have some spare clothes in my trailer that you can borrow if you’d like. I don’t think we’re a perfect match given the size difference, but I think something is better than nothing right?” He said before flashing a charming smile to try and conceal the veiled jab at the teacher’s lacking musculature.

Without even waiting for Henry to say yes, the female agent quickly approached him and grasped onto his arm. “Follow me,” she sternly said, pulling him along towards the door of the classroom.

“Wait, what about the students?” Henry said aloud, worried about possibly getting in trouble for leaving them alone with an actor and a bunch of journalists.

“Don’t worry, I can handle it,” the actor said with a grin. “Everything will be fine, go get changed and I’ll tell the kids some secrets from the sets of DC,” he continued, which caused the entire room to grow silent as they eagerly awaited the information.

While he wasn’t entirely sold on the concept, Henry found himself nodding his head and mouthing “thank you” to the actor before finally being led out of the classroom and into the trailer a block or two down from the school itself. Throughout the whole journey, the woman remained completely silent, refusing to even offer up a name when Henry tried to introduce himself and make himself appear friendly to her. In fact, the only words she said came when they arrived into the trailer. “Head to the back of the trailer into Henry’s bedroom. Pick something simple and change into it quickly, there’s people waiting on us,” she commanded, her voice remaining as monotone yet stern as ever.

Despite his annoyance at her shity attitude, Henry nodded his head and made his way back towards the bedroom. While he wanted nothing more than to curse her out and tell her to stop being an asshole to him, the sticky and wet sensation of his soda-soaked pants left him desperate to change first more than anything. So as Henry entered the bedroom, he was bemused to see that some sets of clothing were already laid out on the bed. Although he had no way of knowing, he assumed these clothes were the unused options for the event’s attire.

Just as he found himself opting to pick one of the already pre-selected options, the sight of a bright red trail of fabric sticking out of the back of a nearby closet caught Henry’s eye. With innate curiosity, he couldn’t help but move towards the closet and slowly peel back the door. As light finally began to shine into the dark closet, the man couldn’t help but gasp as he found himself staring at the actor’s Superman costume. Given his intense enjoyment of cosplay, there was nothing more exciting to Henry in that moment than getting to look closely and touch the very suit that he had seen in countless superhero films. While running his hand down along the slick and high-quality fabric, there was nothing Henry wanted more than to put on the suit and try it on.

Despite his mind telling him that it was a bad idea and that he could get in trouble if caught by the rude woman waiting for him outside the trailer, he couldn’t resist succumbing to his desires. So upon yanking the costume off the hanger, Henry quickly paced into the connected bathroom before shutting the door behind him. Acting on pure excitement, he wasted no time pulling off all of his clothes (even his underwear) and slipping completely into the iconic Superman suit. 

Upon securing himself into the suit, the man grasped onto the velvety-smooth cape and pulled it over his back to conceal the eyesore of a zipper. Turning towards the mirror, Henry smiled with child-like wonder as he took the opportunity to flex within the suit and show off his modest muscles. Although they were a far cry from Cavill’s bulky physique, Henry felt content by the fact that his build didn’t look entirely out of place in the suit. Sure there was certainly room for improvement to make the suit skin-tight on his body, but he was still considering it a win that he was able to even properly wear the suit at all.

Henry stared into the mirror for several seconds before reminding himself not to get too transfixed due to the short time constraint he had before the woman would surely check up on him. Eager to document the fact that he had worn the suit though, Henry grabbed onto his phone and unlocked it before opening up the camera app. While he was too busy taking some selfies posing in the suit, he was oblivious to the fact that his continued usage of the suit was manifesting a life-changing transformation.


It wasn’t until Henry caught sight of the red Superman emblem on his chest changing color that he realized that something strange was happening. As he both looked into the mirror at his reflection and through the lens of his camera, he realized that the red emblem was beginning to glow. With each breath he took, this light red color grew in intensity until it looked like his chest had an S-shaped flame on it. Unsure of what was going on yet eager to prevent any sort of injury, Henry frantically pulled back the cape and searched for the zipper to pull down. But as his hands continued to wander, escape seemed out of the question as no zipper appeared to exist on the suit anymore.

Although the concept of a zipper magically disappearing was enough to leave him scratching his head for days, the man’s attention was too busy focused on the sudden heat that was now accompanying the glowing red emblem. It grew hotter and hotter until eventually, his chest felt like a volcano. Gritting his teeth, he loudly growled in pain and unknowingly initiated his birthday transformation...

Immediately, a sudden wave of both relief and tightness began to rock through every inch of the man’s body. Dropping his phone due to the sudden pain, Henry could only stare into the mirror and watch as the changes manifest in front of him. Despite not being able to see his body from underneath the suit, the man watched as the sleeves of the suit suddenly began to expand as much desired bulk began to fill in his already muscular arms. This growth was awe-inspiring, as made evident by Henry’s gasps and wide eyes as he watched the blue sleeves expand like a balloon filling with air. Within no time, the entire sleeves of both arms had reached their limits as he gained the ideal physique to perfectly fill the suit. Taking a moment despite the discomfort, Henry couldn’t help but lift his arm up and squeeze the bulk concealed within the blue fabric of his upper arms. His flexed biceps were rivaling the size of volleyballs, which didn’t look out of place due to the fact that his forearms had also widened in tandem. Every inch of his arms from his biceps to his hands had undergone an incredible change, which only made Henry more intrigued as to what was going to happen next.

The suit itself also seemed eager to find out as well, as the man soon felt the same waves of growth ripple across his entire torso. Looking down in curiosity, Henry watched as each pec began to bloat and grow increasingly firm until he found himself in possession of an above-average but not extreme set of pecs. That ripple continued to move its way down his stomach, causing him to do a series of forced belly rolls that brought forth one-by-one a complete six pack of abdominal muscles. While they were certainly not as emphasized as the suit made them appear to be, Henry was completely overjoyed to run his wider fingers along his stomach and know that he truly did have a complete six-pack now.

Continuing downward, everything from the waist downward began to undergo its changes simultaneously. His thighs were rapidly widening, growing to the point where he strained to make even the slightest of movements in fear of ripping out of the tight fabric that was already constricting his muscles while standing still. Surely after today, he would have quite a problem finding pants that would fit his immense lower body.

While his thighs grew, the teacher’s ass and cock were undergoing their own changes to make him as heroic as ever. Each ass cheek expanded and grew until they rivaled the size of a bowling ball, only being hindered and forced to stop by the constriction from the non-stretchy suit. Moving each hand over his meaty ass cheeks, Henry couldn’t help but chuckle in amusement. He had often had conversations with Nate about their shared appreciation of men’s asses, so it was amusing to find himself now with an ass that would surely receive praise from both of them.

As if to interrupt Henry’s ass-appreciation session though, the front half of his waist began to undergo its changes as Henry felt his already-firm cock grow harder and harder as the intense heat of the emblem made its presence known. His package felt extremely heated now and began to grow until it completely filled out the crotch of the suit. Despite being a fairly average endowed man, the suit was eager to reward Henry further by causing him to grow to over 9” long with a significant amount of girth. With all of these changes continuing to affect his body, the man couldn’t stop himself from beginning to leak pre-cum into the suit as he watched himself truly undergo his own superhero origin story!

While his calves and feet also grew slightly in size to turn him into a more intimidating and buff individual, the heat that had dissipated from his crotch was making its grand return around his shoulders and head. With these sections of his body not having the suit covering it up, Henry was able to watch firsthand as his trap muscles began to rise and fall. Despite the eerie visual that made it seem as if the muscles were breathing, the teacher was overjoyed to watch his shoulders broaden in order to fulfill the appropriate build of a superhero.

But while most of the changes by the suit involved changes in muscle tone, the changes that affected Henry’s head were eager to do more than some simple changes. This was first made evident to him as he felt both the sensation of heat and numbness permeate throughout his entire skull. Given that he already bore a resemblance to Henry Cavill, such as his nose and similar shade of blue eyes, there wasn’t much to change about the teacher. So in reality, the most severe changes came to his jawline and the man’s hair. Even through the narrowed eyes, Henry could watch in disbelief as his features shifted and grew more angular. His jawline stretched and became much more prominent as his face then lost its rounded edge and gained a sculpted shape that looked as if it had been constructed in a lab due to just how perfect it looked. As if to punctuate his new facial structure, the man watched as a dimple emerged onto his chin, which quickly shifted to give the man a modelesque cleft chin. Then from the roots down, Henry could only stare in disbelief as his light brown hair grew shades darker until it resembled Henry Cavill’s own dark black shade, which had suavely slicked itself back to perfect the superhero look.

Upon watching the final step of his transformation occur, Henry was understandably shocked and unsure of what to do. Somehow, his friend had found a way to turn him into a complete doppelganger of the hunky Superman actor. Was his love for cosplay so obvious that S-C knew that Henry would be unable to resist trying the suit on? It was annoying to realize that he had been so predictable, however he wasn’t entirely too upset given the end result staring back at him in the bathroom mirror. In fact, he couldn’t help but smile every time he caught sight of his new self.


Staring at himself in the mirror though, he found himself unsure of how to proceed. Should he be stereotypical and immediately jerk off looking into the mirror like he often had the characters in his stories do after their transformations? Should he just focus on pulling off the suit and getting a closer look at the even more muscular frame he now possessed? While his mind would have surely been able to come up with more possibilities, a sudden banging on the other side of the door caused Henry to stop his train of thought.

“Hey Henry, are you ready yet?” the familiar sound of the female agent’s stern voice called out. “We need to hurry up and get the hell out of here!” the woman coldly continued, which only caused Henry to grow more enraged about the woman’s behavior. He understood that Henry Cavill was a big actor with countless jobs and press that he needed to do, but it was so shitty how dismissive she was of both the contest and him in general. As such, the man acted rather instinctively as he pulled open the bathroom door in anger.

“Why are you being such an arse about this contest?” Henry growled as he stared directly into the woman’s eyes. But as he found himself staring at the reflection of a suited up Henry Cavill being reflected in her glasses, the man instantly stopped what he was doing. Clearly, he had acted irrationally and now his secret transformation had been revealed before he could sneak out of the trailer.

“Uh, because you’ve got to get back to set soon? We only got production to halt for a few hours so you can do this contest,” the woman said, which caused Henry’s face to turn into a look of pure surprise and confusion. Clearly though, the woman was quick to catch on and respond to the expression on your face. “What’s going on with you? From what I recall, you were dreading this idiotic contest this morning too!”

As Henry took the opportunity to comprehend the woman’s words, it quickly dawned on him that the transformation had an additional side effect. Somehow, it caused the people around him to believe him to be the real Henry Cavill! While this was certainly a relief for him to find out, it left him wondering about what will happen once he finds the real Henry back in the classroom. Will reality rewrite itself where the real Henry has some new identity as a twin brother?

Clearly desperate to see what was going to happen, the man’s face shifted into an eager grin as he tried his best to play the part. “Yeah, you’re right. I guess I was just having too much fun that I forgot about returning to set,” Henry responded, trying his best to explain the apparent forgetfulness about his job as an actor. “That teacher just seems like a nice guy, so I want to give him a good party!” he continued, which caused the woman to just roll her eyes. 

“Alright Mr. Philanthropy, then let’s get out of the trailer and surprise these kids before giving that poor teacher one last thrill before heading out!”

While he still wasn’t quite a fan of the woman’s snarky tone, he was willing to oblige with her request and thus followed her out of the trailer and back into the school. Upon stepping out of the crowded trailer, the transformed man took the opportunity to roll his shoulders and adjust to his new form before finally following the woman. As he roamed the halls of the building, he couldn’t help but smile instead of frown. When he was Henry Cavanaugh, these hallways were a constant source of dread and impending doom for a career that he wished so desperately to get out of. But now as Henry Cavill, these halls provided intrigue and mystery that left his heartbeat incredibly frantic and eager to see what would happen. Given the fact that these feelings mixed with the extreme discomfort he felt inside the tight suit, it was honestly shocking to him that he didn’t faint as he pulled open the door to surprise not only his former students but also the real Henry Cavill.


However as he walked into the room and scanned it for the hunky actor, he instead found someone else entirely staring back at him. The real actor had somehow undergone his own transformation, because instead of seeing that gorgeous face and buff body sitting in a chair, he instead found a replacement Henry Cavanaugh sitting in his place. While he hadn’t expected to see his old self staring back at him, Henry found himself excited to see the look of excitement emerging on both the children in the classroom and the actor-turned-teacher. Obviously, his thought of reality warping everyone’s minds had been correct, which was a huge relief and insanely erotic concept. With the former Cavill acting so giddy upon seeing the suited-up man, it told Henry that the man clearly had no idea of who he used to be. Somehow, S-C’s contest had made it so Henry Cavill’s transformation into Henry Cavanaugh made the man and the children he was around believe that he had always been the teacher. Indeed this was true, with reality altering so the teacher-turned-actor made his way out to change into his Superman costume rather than get a replacement pair of clothes from a spilled drink.

With the cameraman still in the room, Henry was quick to move things along so he could hopefully get some alone time with his replacement. As such, he took the opportunity to do a quick conversation and photo with every student before sending them out of the room along with his new agent and the journalists to talk alone to the new teacher. Staring back at himself, Henry was quite amused by getting an outsider’s perspective of his innate awkwardness as the teacher adjusted his pants in a poor attempt to conceal his raging boner. While the new Henry Cavanaugh was clearly quite bashful as he made his way up to the actor, the replacement Cavill was savoring every moment of it. That former shame and awkwardness for the obvious thirst he felt had been swapped out for feelings of pure pride and cockiness as he realized that he was now the object of “his own” desires.

“It’s great to see you again Henry, did you have a great time?” the new Henry Cavill coolly stated, taking the opportunity to put his hands on his hips and pull off a heroic-style pose for the now-younger man’s amusement.

“Ye-yeah, I had a fantastic time. How could I not? I got to meet Henry fucking Cavill!” the teacher cried out, blushing as he failed to hide his own excitement about the situation. 

“Well that’s very kind of you to say Henry,” the actor responded, smirking once more as a fun idea emerged in his mind. “Say, would you like to feel the suit?” he continued, that grin widening to devilish levels as the man eagerly shook his head yes. All too willing to give his former body something to talk about and remember forever, Henry lifted his arm up and flexed his impressive biceps. Transfixed on the bulging muscle, the teacher’s hands instinctively moved towards the upper arms to take in both the hardness of his body and the slick feel of his suit.

Turning around, Henry Cavill moved his cape out of the way and encouraged the smaller man to take a moment to admire every inch of the suit. With his face turned to the other side, Henry couldn’t help but smirk as the man’s hands traversed across his broad back and even took a moment to graze against the perky ass cheeks that were stretching the suit to the max. “I heard from my agent that you like cosplay, so hopefully getting an up-close opportunity with this suit can give you some ideas to maybe make your own someday,” Henry teased, turning his head and smiling at the young man who was eagerly shaking his head.

“Oh yeah, I’d love to create a suit like this one day. Obviously I couldn’t fill it out as well as you can, but it would certainly be a fun time…” the man said, his words trailing off before he could finish the sentence. Instead, his hands seemed to continue the conversation as the extremely horny teacher found himself unable to resist reaching around the front of the suit to feel the man’s meaty inner thighs and tight bulge constricted within the suit. 

While he was clearly enjoying this impromptu muscle worship session, Henry wasn’t wanting things to get too out of hand and thus moved away from the man before turning around. As he looked at the man’s wide eyes and used his peripheral vision to glance downwards at the still-rock hard boner in his pants, Henry knew that he was successfully able to give his old body and the former actor one last thrill that would last with him forever. But as much as he wanted to spend time with his old self, he was even more interested in jumping right into the actor’s life when it came to working on a film set.

“So Henry, I’m sorry but I’ve got to head out and get back to set. I know you understand, but I’ve had a great time here. It was more life-changing than you’ll ever know,” Henry Cavill slyly said, amused by the fact that the new teacher would have no idea what he was truly talking about. Extending his hand out, the new actor was quick to display his new strength after having Henry Cavanaugh grasp onto it. Even as the new teacher gasped in slight discomfort, Henry’s grip remained tight throughout the handshake until he deemed it time to finally let go. Turning on his heels, Henry finally pulled his hand away and made his way towards the door. Stopping at the doorway though, Henry turned and gave one last smile back at the man whose life he had completely taken over. After taking a second to mentally thank him for his sacrifice and apologize for the impending feelings of being ignored and underappreciated, Henry Cavill made his way out of the school and back onto the trailer to return to the site of his newest film production.


* * * * *

Upon arriving at the small home close to the studio that the film production had rented for their lead actor, the man formerly known as Henry Cavanaugh was quite amused by the events of his day. Not only had he essentially swapped bodies and lives with his celebrity lookalike and long-term crush Henry Cavill, but he also got to spend the later portion of his day seamlessly pulling off his role on a nearby film production. The man hadn’t expected the first few takes to be a breeze, but they ended up being just that as he was seemingly able to tap into the man’s innate ability as if it was muscle memory.

After dropping his bag near the doorway, Henry sauntered his way over to a nearby couch and fell back into it. Just as he took a moment to close his eyes and take a breather, the sudden ding of a wall clock caused him to look up. Amusingly, the clock he stared at had just struck midnight, which would have made it Henry Cavanaugh’s official 28th birthday. But despite not being able to celebrate the festivities in his old body, Henry felt quite at peace with his new 38-year-old self. While it wasn’t quite ideal to lose practically 10 years of life over the course of a day, Henry viewed that as simply a small price to pay for a life of success and vitality. In fact, he had never been wealthier or felt better in his life!

Leaning further back into the couch, Henry couldn’t help but chuckle as he thought back to the contest that his friend had awarded him with. While it was true that not all heroes wear capes, Henry couldn’t help but smirk to himself as he thought about how nice it was to know that he actually did now…

* * * * *

In the few weeks since his body swap, the new Henry Cavill was pleased to find that life was still an absolute dream. Not only was he consistently able to seamlessly deliver top-tier acting performances whenever he was on set, but he was only a few days away from celebrating his own 39th birthday on May 5th. While it was true that he was insanely wealthy and could easily purchase anything he wanted, he still found himself eager to get himself a small birthday present for himself.

Despite how the other actors on set joked with him about his “nerdiness”, Henry was all too eager to use the time in-between takes to discuss the custom PC that he had ordered and was spending time putting together in his free time after getting home from set. Although his life was fairly hectic as a global superstar, Henry found himself still devoted to living a life somewhat similar to his old one.


Since the replacement Henry Cavanaugh was still working extremely hard on creating transformation-themed content for his Patreon and Tumblr accounts, the new Cavill felt no desire to return to that realm of writing. To him, he felt as though when you yourself undergo a dream transformation, there’s nothing much more you can write that really inspires you to write anything new and creative. So as such, his focus was instead narrowing in on his new love for streaming. Given his devilish good looks, killer personality, and level of fame, it wasn’t much of a surprise that Henry Cavill instantly became the #1 streamer on Twitch. No matter how hard anyone could try to convince him to host their streams upon finishing, Henry couldn’t resist sending his tens of thousands of followers to support a small British teacher by the name of Henry Cavanaugh…


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2 years ago

Hey, I'm a 5'10" white guy with an average body.

What happens to the old bodies of short nerds and dumb skinny twinks that become buff jocks? Can you give me one of those former bodies?

The Top Of Your Class

Although I don’t quite understand the reasoning behind having the desire to turn into a short nerd, who am I to deny someone from achieving their dream body? Luckily for you, I have a tendency to save templates of every subject prior to them undergoing their own transformation. To me, there’s nothing more amusing than scrolling through the before and after perspectives of how people transform under my direction. But since you want to be one of those short nerds, how about we go all of the way with it? A few weeks prior, I had the chance to transform a frail college student named Ernest into a brand new football player, and looking at what you’re asking for, I think his body would be perfect for your wish of becoming a nerd.

Checking in on what you were currently up to, I couldn’t help but chuckle as I found you in the library attempting to study for an upcoming final exam. Surely you wouldn’t be caught dead in a library without a valid reason, but by the end of the day this place would be your new favorite spot to spend your day! Although you’re not the buffest guy around, I certainly think you undervalued yourself when you described yourself as average. I mean just look at your angular facial features and toned body! Just silently observing you as you continued to peruse the aisles of the library, I thank the heavens that I didn’t choose your second suggestion of turning you into a dumb twink! No, shifting your current self into one that has the body of Ernest was most certainly going to be a fun thing to witness!


As such, my own personal excitement to witness your change caused me to immediately initiate the transformation. At first it started rather small, with your height gradually decreasing step-by-step as you continued to grab some books to source in one of your final essays for the semester. Inch-by-inch, you continued to shorten down from your 5’10” stature down until you were just barely over 5’5”. It was around this height that you finally began to realize that something was amiss as you struggled to reach the top level of the bookshelf.

Upon reaching the point where you were forced to get a step-stool to grab your desired book, a quick observation down at yourself informed you of the fact that you were currently transforming in the middle of the library. Despite how hot this aspect was for you, you forced yourself to remain calm and slowly make your way back to a table where you had left your laptop and backpack. Eager to work and allow the transformation to work its magic, you pulled open your laptop and immediately got to work on the Physics essay you had been putting off.

Based on the fact that you had next to no progress completed besides putting your name on the paper, I quickly began to realize why you were so eager to get the body of a nerd. If you became a nerd, concepts like studying, tests, and writing essays would be a breeze and you’d easily succeed at any course you attempted to take. While this was admirable and understandable, I felt a bit annoyed at the withholding of these facts. As such, I decided to alter my plans and instead move right on to the mental changes.

Your mind initially had trouble comprehending the confusing concepts and translating it for your fingers to type, however a deep tingling in your skull promptly informed you that it would soon begin to change. In order to make room for your future super-genius capabilities, your mind was forced to erase some of the previously pertinent information that your old self saved. Given the fact that you were going to become a complete nerd, your already inflated brain had no need to retain information that involved diets, workouts, or even any knowledge of sports or their basic rules. Instead of having a drink at a bar and watching some sporting event on the widescreen TV, your free time now involves reading content-heavy novels and textbooks as learning now provides an insatiable thrill that alcohol, socializing, or watching sports couldn’t ever compare to.

Although the concept of going back to your dorm room to snuggle up in bed with a philosophy textbook was quite appealing, your mind didn’t consider the possibility for long as this tingling sensation in your brain dissipated and instead began to make its grand return everywhere from the neck down. Taking a few glances down at yourself, you were in awe as you watched the muscles in your arms and chest tense every few seconds. But as you continued to observe the changes, it quickly dawned on you that each subsequent tensing was causing your muscles to fade away and give you an extremely average build. After a few minutes, your arms had lost every morsel of definition, turning into a pair of twigs that certainly no longer strained against your shirt sleeves. As for your chest and abs, those had also faded away to nothing to the point of turning you into a flat-chested man. In fact, your torso had become so flat that the only protrusions in that area came from the slight jutting out of your nipples.

As the changes continued down below your waistline, you could feel everything as your thighs turned into skin and bone to the point of gaining a permanent thigh gap. Even worse, that familiar tingling feeling in your crotch caused you to take a moment to focus on your prominent manhood. In doing so, you were able to slowly feel it shrink down to a more reasonable and fitting size of 4.5 inches. By the time you had finished mourning for your diminished manhood, the physical changes had completed as your calves lost all definition and your feet even shrunk a few sizes to no longer fit in your tennis shoes.

Although you wanted so badly to go to the bathroom to observe your changes, the fact that your clothes were so ill-fitting to the point where they would surely fall off upon standing up caused you to patiently wait out the changes. Luckily enough, my magic was quick to remedy the situation as your simple white t-shirt began to undergo a slight shift. The fabric became more starchy, which was quite irritating given how baggy it was and how it rubbed against your torso, but that was eventually fixed as the shirt shrunk a few sizes and a grid of lines and colors emerged on the fabric to turn into a more form-fitting dress shirt that is completely buttoned up all of the way to the collar.

Next, your pants and shoes are the final areas to undergo some severe alterations as no nerd would ever wear stylish pants and top-tier brand new athletic shoes. As such, the ornate pattern and designer fabric quickly altered, shifting in both density and texture until they were a rough pair of grey jeans. As your shoes shifted into a well-worn pair of dress shoes, it seemed as though your physical transformation had finally completed.

Eager to check yourself out, you finally began to stand up and make your way across the library to a nearby restroom. But as you made it a few feet away from your table, you quickly realized that your pants were still a bit too loose around your frail frame and thus threatened to fall down to the ground. Before you even had the chance to quickly move your hands down and grip the waistband, two bright blue and red suspenders suddenly pushed forth from the backside of the pants and looped around to secure your pants. While you were understandably shocked by the sudden snake-like suspenders that had manifested out of nowhere, there was an equal amount of shock dedicated to the bright red polka-dotted bow tie that had suddenly hindered your view when tilting your head downwards.

Seemingly finally done with the transformation, you walked with a slight pep in your step towards the restroom. While doing so, that all too familiar tingling sensation re-emerged.. with the focus now on your head. Like you were getting a fine scalp massage, you could feel your hairstyle shifting from a styled yet messy appearance to something much flatter and firm. Moving one hand up to touch the new hairstyle, your eyes widened at just how greasy the hair felt along with the fact that you were now rocking a sharp middle part that just screamed dweeb. Although you couldn’t witness the changes that were now affecting your face for yourself, you could feel the alternations of your features as they grew less defined. Your nose was the biggest proponent of change, shifting from an angular shape to a wider and more curved shape that would surely be the source of future taunting. As if on cue, your rush towards the restroom left you oblivious to the solid wall of mass that you ran into as they crossed the aisles.

“Whoa bro, watch where you’re fucking going!” the deep voice cried out as you helplessly tumbled onto the floor.

Upon making impact with the carpeted floor, you were quite shocked and scared to find your vision incredibly blurry. Not only had the impact with the hulking man only emphasized how weak and frail you were, but it also initiated the shift in your vision as you lost your perfect 20/20 vision. Knowing that you most likely had a pair of glasses now scattered across the floor, you moved around on your hands and knees in search of the glasses despite the extreme blur that you now saw. As you continued to frantically search around, the sudden snap of plastic caused you to immediately turn and crawl towards the source of the noise.

Just as you had expected, your hands finally came across a pair of glasses, which had magically already been repaired with a few pieces of thick white tape to repair the broken nose bridge. Although you were relieved to have finally restored your sight upon pulling them back on, you couldn’t deny that you were a bit peeved about being turned into a stereotypical nerd in both body and fashion choice.

But as you finally got back up on your feet and looked up at the man who had caused you to fall onto the ground, those thoughts quickly were pushed aside as you took in the sight before you. The man was clearly a college athlete, made especially evident not only by the university branded football shirt that was adoring his upper torso but also the extreme muscle that was struggling to be contained within that very shirt. His arms looked like the size of boulders, especially to you given your frail arms and smaller stature. Even his pecs were incredibly intimidating as you struggled to see the over 6’ tall man’s face due to looking up and seeing just how protruding they were towards your vision.

“What the hell do you think you were doing dweeb?” the man angrily roared, immediately causing your body to quiver and your cock to suddenly throb from the directed statement. Although you were extremely at ease with your sexual orientation as a gay man, the fact that you were turned on by him insulting you was a terrifying thought. You hadn’t been like this prior to the transformation, but that was just my own little addition to your personality as a slight punishment for only wanting a nerd body so you could get your college finals over with.

“I- I’m sorry,” you anxiously said, which caused your eyes to widen and your body to physically cringe as you heard the high-pitched nasally voice now coming out of your mouth. “I didn’t see you, I was just trying to get to the bathroom,” you continued, trying to calm the situation and make sure the jock didn’t initiate your new life with a terrible ass-beating.

However, the man wasn’t willing to be too forgiving, especially as he looked down and took note of the small yet noticeable boner that was straining against your jeans. “Holy shit bro, why the hell are you rock hard? Was all that knowledge making you horny…” he started, suddenly stopping as he began to put the pieces together. “Holy shit, are you some sort of fag or something? Did the physical contact of a REAL man really get you rock hard in seconds flat,” the jock happily cried out, causing a bunch of wandering eyes to direct their attention towards the interaction. To punctuate his sentence, the jock even showed off by lifting up his arms and flexing to seemingly show you what a real man looked like.

“I-, I’m not-, that’s not true,” you tried to respond, the words stuttering as you struggled to conceal the boner while handling the increasing levels of anxiety you were now feeling. As more people started to join in laughing with the burly jock, you were eager to escape the situation and thus immediately broke into a sprint to the nearest restroom. Upon finding the men’s restroom, you immediately slammed the door shut and locked as you tried to cope with everything going on. Although you weren’t entirely unhappy with the new body you had been gifted, the reality of what life as a nerd would be was finally dawning on you. To say that you weren’t enjoying it would be a clear understatement.

So as you made your way over to the sink, your already extreme anxiety increased tenfold as you caught sight of your new reflection. Taking a look at yourself, you witnessed practically no real remnant of your former self reflected in your new form. In all honesty, you weren’t sure whether that was a great thing or something terrible. As your mind continued to race about the reality of your new life, your heavy breathing began to quickly grow into something much more serious as a heavy wheeze began to escape from your lips. You were no stranger to a panic attack due to being a college student, so you knew for a fact that this was something much worse and far more serious. Leaning against the sink and tilting your head down to try and catch your breath, your sight immediately caught sight of a bright red inhaler suddenly sitting on the granite countertop area. With no other options and a desire to finally calm yourself down, you gripped onto the inhaler and brought it up to your lips. As you squeezed it and inhaled the fumes several times, the sudden calmness you felt was a huge relief.

After taking a second to maintain this level of relaxation, the issue of your still-throbbing and now leaking cock returned to prominence in your head. Although you were still ashamed of this newfound kink that you had seemingly inherited from the transformation, the enhanced sexual libido left you eager to push that aside and get off as quickly as possible. Not surprisingly, this desire ultimately won out, causing you to pull down your suspenders and pants and quickly pulling out your small cock. As soon as you gripped onto it, it only took a few strokes before you immediately ejaculated onto the bathroom mirror.

Relieved to find some form of release given the intriguing hot interaction you had with that jock, your mind immediately shifted to nerd mode as you felt an intense desire to return to finishing up your final essays and projects as soon as possible. After you quickly cleaned up your mess and pulled back on your clothes, you finally unlocked the door and made your way back out to your table. Although life as a nerd wasn’t entirely what you were expecting, you figured that there was at least great relief in knowing that you’d easily nail your finals and become the top student of your class… despite realizing that there would now forever be the looming threat of wedgies and constant bullying in your life.


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2 years ago

Back To School

For months now, Finn Ludwig has been dreading this day: the first day of school. The summer had been a much-needed break to allow him time to recharge and prepare for the monotony of classroom discussions, in fact it was such a great time off that Finn absolutely loathed the fact that he had to go back. The biggest blow came in the fact that he wasn’t one of the students, instead he was the one stuck teaching them every day.

As a result, the 27-year-old German man absolutely loathed having to see their younger bodies. It was awful to see them constantly look down upon an “authority” figure since it just reminded Finn of the fact that it had been a long time since he was once a teenager. Sure, he wasn't in his 30s just yet and had kept his body in great shape due to a regular gym routine, but it was still awful to have to be constantly reminded of the fact that he would always be older than the new youth of the world. While Finn tried to not live his life with regrets, he couldn’t help but wish that he had gotten a second chance to do young adulthood over again. In fact, this was his final thought before he finally passed out the night before classes started. Just as he lost consciousness, he pondered the possibilities, hoping that if given the opportunity to start over, he could have studied a different career and found something that he wouldn’t hate doing every day. 

To make matters worse, Finn always found himself having to deal with their cocky attitudes. Those asshole kids were resilient with their constant taunting and lack of respect for him and his classroom, so much so that in previous years, Finn was already throwing in the towel by the second or third week. While of course there were multiple students that he always enjoyed teaching, those annoying kids always seemed to be the loudest voices to the point where his opinions towards all of them had soured. 

Groaning as he woke up to the early morning alarms on his older model iPhone (the biggest clue to his low salary as a teacher), Finn felt surprised by just how refreshed he felt. After having been up all night finalizing his lesson plans and making sure that he had everything ready to go for the next morning, the man was expecting to feel like absolute shit. But instead, Finn’s body felt responsive to the point where it actually seemed like it was excited for the day ahead. If only his mental state was as eager as his body! 

As Finn sat up from his bed and continued to rub his eyes, the teacher absentmindedly began to walk into the bathroom to prepare for the day. Despite knowing that those kids would pick him apart no matter how great he dressed, Finn was still eager to give a good impression and try to start out the year on a good note. Upon flicking on the light of the bathroom, the man quickly leaned down to turn on the shower so the water could start to heat up. As he returned to a standing position and looked into the mirror though, Finn’s jaw dropped in shock as he saw what was staring back at him. Somehow, he was much younger! 

Looking into the mirror, Finn couldn’t help but stare at the youthful buff body staring back at him. With a grin on his face, the teacher wasted no time flexing against the simple white t-shirt that was now incredibly loose on his body. While he usually had a preference for bigger buff men, Finn couldn’t deny that the tight and toned physique he now possessed was incredibly attractive. 


“How is this possible?” he cried out, unsure how his life had suddenly transformed overnight to turn him into a younger jock. It was even stranger for him to hear a younger American voice coming out of his mouth, but Finn couldn’t deny that it was hot. However, as he thought about his predicament, he grew excited about the possibilities. Finn had wished countless times to have a second chance at young adulthood, so had the universe somehow heard him and granted his wish? 

Just as he started to remove his clothes to go shower, Finn grew incredibly eager to get fully undressed so he could check out his new body in its full glory. But right after dropping his sweatpants, the man’s eyes suddenly took note of a flash of light zooming across the bathroom mirror. But just as he started to verbalize his confusion about the weird orb of light, a bright and sudden flash engulfed him along with the entire bathroom as it further altered him. 

As Finn rapidly blinked his eyes while they still stung from the blinding light, they soon began to refocus back on the reflection back to him. While doing this, the sudden sight of his new reflection caused a brand new identity to emerge in Finn’s mind. Instead of growing up in Germany in a lower-class household, Finn was now an American who was the son of a wealthy family. Any potential fear of the severe disconnect between this new life and the man’s old life were quickly squashed as a new name emerged in his mind - Danny Thompson.

Although it seemed possible that there was a morsel of Finn still stuck in the back of the new man’s mind, it quickly became clear that Danny was in total control upon allowing a cocky-looking grin to emerge onto his face. “Fuck yeah bro, I look hot as fuck!” he said, a dumb chuckle escaping from his lips. Having just turned 18, he was incredibly eager for the possibilities ahead of him. Not only did he have a kickass body, but the student had already gotten a scholarship for college to be their newest kicker for the football team! Life was looking good for the hunk, but his extreme cockiness made it so he couldn’t fathom looking any better. Staring into the mirror, Danny smiled as he stared at his model-worthy features. With his bright white teeth standing out against his darker stubble, Danny’s face was instantly inviting for anyone to stare at in admiration. 

But Danny soon remembered that his face wasn’t the only attractive part of his body as he stared his naked reflection up and down. With an impressive build that was muscular but not too muscular to affect his performance as a kicker, Danny was a bonafide stud. The hunk’s fledging pectorals were coming along nicely and his lower torso was peppered with the formation of a six-pack of abdominals. On top of that, the teen’s summer vacations to the beaches of Miami had tanned his skin to a sexy golden-brown. But in terms of his muscles, nothing quite compared to Danny’s legs and arms. He was incredibly proud to see that his biceps were coming along quite nicely as well, especially since it was a true testament to his dedication to a solid gym routine after football practice. 


However, as another alarm on Danny’s newest model iPhone went off, the stud’s self-indulgent admiration was cut short as he realized that he had to get ready for class. It was the first day of his final year of high school, but given the fact that his future was already secured, Danny couldn’t give less of a shit. By this point, school could be viewed to be a complete waste of time if not for the fact that football season was starting the same week. As such, the kicker was eager to get out on the field and help the team’s efforts with his impressive skills. In the entire state, Danny was ranked as one of the top kickers and had every local college clamoring for years to get his admission to their schools. While most would expect quarterbacks and more prominent positions to be the ones most colleges desired to find during high school, everyone knew that his skills had led the team to win multiple close games in the past. 

After stepping into the shower, the brand new jock spent a good 10 minutes giving himself an early morning jump start with a quick jerk-off before quickly washing himself off and exiting the bathroom. Throwing on a simple t-shirt and pair of athletic shorts, Danny soon found himself with a bunch of free-time before he had to drive over to school. After chowing down on a protein bar, he grabbed his phone and set it up against a toaster in his kitchen. Upon pulling up the camera app, Danny eagerly stepped back and admired himself once more. The shirt was a fine fit, but he was especially happy to see the sleeves clinging on tight around his bulging biceps. 

Moving forward to lean on the edge of the counter, Danny let a cocky grin manifest on his face as he thought about how incredible his life was. Not only was he heading to a top college in the state to pursue his dreams of playing football, but he was also one sexy hunk as well! Senior year was going to be a chore to sit through, but the thought of having a little more time to hook up with some cheerleaders and his teammates was incredibly appealing. However, the thought of after-school hookups didn’t get rid of the incredible sense of dread that he was feeling about the classroom. Danny wasn't exactly the smartest tool in the shed, so having to deal with 7+ hours of lectures wasn’t his most ideal kind of day. 


But as he grabbed his bag and headed out the door, Danny tried to think about some positives. While there was the opportunity to check out the asses of the women and men sitting in front of him, nothing brought the man more joy than showing off his mean streak with his teachers. It was incredibly easy for Danny to nitpick everything they did and judge them for their life choices. Hell, it was actually a rush to his system when they wanted to pick a fight with him, especially since that allowed the jock to start hurling insults and taunts their way. 

Due to these attempts at going toe-to-toe with his teachers, Danny often found himself getting sent into the principal’s office quite often. However, much to his teachers’ annoyance, nothing ever happened to him in terms of a punishment. Given the fact that he had a full life planned out for him and the potential to further promote the school that raised him, Danny’s principal was more than willing to give the jock the benefit of the doubt and just chalk up the teachers’ outrage to them just being bitter about their dead-end and low-paying job. Although Danny wasn't necessarily able to understand most concepts, the biggest thing that he absolutely couldn’t understand was why someone would want to become a teacher. Throughout the entire drive towards his high school, Danny only had one thought running through his head: Why would someone willingly spend their days teaching children who don’t respect them in the slightest?

* * * * *

As Monday rolled around and alarms rang out at 5:30 in the morning, Danny couldn’t resist groaning before slamming the top of his alarm clock to silence the alarm. Since he was now blissfully unaware of his previous life as a German school teacher, the past month of being in this new life had been an absolute breeze for him to endure. Although he hated having to get up so early during the weekdays, Danny at least had one silver lining: those before school workouts that he did in his family’s home gym.

Entering the gym that his dad had spared no expense building for him, Danny wasted no time dropping his pajamas to the ground and moving towards the impressive hot tub that was just recently installed at his behest. With a family bank account that was far into the millions, Danny’s new altered mind figured that there was no reason even asking for permission before purchasing the hot tub and getting it installed. In fact, that privilege had actually corrupted his once frugal mind - from now on, he felt no desire to ever hold back on not getting what he wanted. If this would help Danny in his workouts by helping him build muscle and push him to do better at practice, he figured his parents wouldn’t be upset given how beneficial it would be for his career.

So, as soon as he reached the threshold of the hot tub, Danny allowed himself to casually get in while staring down at his body. Clearly, his new equipment was quite impressive, which was especially proven to the man as he watched his flaccid cock bob out on the top of the water as he laid out and soaked. This soak lasted for a good 10-15 minutes to help increase his blood flow so he could have a decent stretch. While all of these steps weren't entirely necessary for a normal workout, Danny’s plans for the day included some intense weightlifting, so it was better to be safe than sorry! While leaning back and stifling a yawn, the man began stretching out his limbs so he could quickly jump into the workouts upon drying off.


When his phone timer went off, Danny wasted no time hopping out of the tub and drying himself with a towel that had already been set out for him by the family’s maid. Once he was dry enough to hop into his tight workout clothing, the kicker quickly changed and rushed into the gym to do some intense workouts. For the next 45 minutes, Danny worked his ass off and watched in delight as his muscles popped and looked incredibly impressive whenever he looked into the mirrored wall in front of him. Despite not being the buffest guy on the team, he clearly had impressive muscles that were legit unlike other guys on the team who messed around with supplements and other fucked up methods. Danny wanted his body to be pure and natural, so there’s no way that he’d even consider putting something foreign (herbal or not) into his body. 

By the time he had finished as many exercises as possible within the allotted 45 minutes, Danny’s body was absolutely soaked once again - but this time with sweat that had his clothes clinging to his taut muscular frame! So, rushing back through the long hallways of his family home, the man quickly hopped into the shower and got ready for the day ahead. As he lathered up body wash and ran his hands along every inch of his buff body, it didn’t take much for Danny’s already-impressive cock to quickly harden. There was a clear cockiness and narcissist streak in his new life, but with a physique like this, he felt no need to change that (at least on the rare occasion that Danny was thoughtful enough to recognize his own behavior). If anyone else looked like this, they would certainly be a douchey narcissist like him as well! That had to be the reason why all of those wheezing nerds loved to bring up Danny’s vanity as if it was some sort of insult whenever he taunted them in the hallways or after school.

Returning back to his cock, Danny wasted no time sliding his slightly callused hand up and down along his thick shaft while using his spare arm to flex for his own amusement. With such gorgeous views in front of him, it didn’t take much until Danny was quickly shooting his load across the glass shower door while bucking his hips in pure ecstasy. Using the removable shower head to clean up the aftermath of his mess though, Danny couldn’t help but feel a weird twinge of disgust towards his actions. Danny was a 100% straight man that loved nothing more than pussy and grabbing on chicks’ tits, yet he couldn’t help but fear what it meant in regards to his self-indulgent jerk-off sessions. Was it simple narcissism or was there something more going on? There was absolutely nothing Danny hated more than homos, so just the thought of himself being one of them was enough to make the man shudder and grimace as he finished washing up. 

Thinking back about the “gay problem” at his school, Danny thought about how even his football team had been infiltrated by that long-rumored gay agenda that all of his older family members used to complain about. Out of nowhere, Danny’s best bud Andy had come out to him as a gay man when they were heading back from a party last weekend. The bulky linebacker hadn’t seemed gay in the slightest to Danny previously, so the revelation had understandably shaken the man to his core. But after staring at the man in awe for a few moments, Danny quickly flew off the handle and forced him to exit his car and walk the rest of the way home by himself. “There’s no way that I’m going to be friends with some queer,” he angrily called out before speeding off into the night and leaving Andy to walk the few miles back to his house.

Understandably in his eyes, Danny’s friendship was dead between the homo now, but in all honesty he couldn’t care less. In fact, in the days since he even began to pick up on taunting Andy with some other like-minded players by continuously bringing up the whole “no homo” gimmick in idiotic ways and laughing at the now-depressed teenager. But when Andy quit the team and left the coach down a starting player, the gruff older man (who doubled as the school’s gym teacher) called Danny in and gave the cocky man a stern talking to. While he expressed that he had similar views to Danny and the other players, the coach wasted no time telling the jock to cool it or risk sitting on the bench for the entirety of the senior year due to all of the complaints that Andy’s friends and family have filed against the team.

However, as the man tried his best to intimidate the young man, Danny remained unaffected and in fact bored by the bulky man’s desperate attempts at convincing him to change. Looking to set the record straight, Danny leaned towards the man and pressed his buff arms down against the top of his desk. After reminding the coach about the power that his father had through his exorbitant wealth and influence in terms of getting any teachers he taunted off of his back, Danny boldly stated that the coach better rethink that plan if he wants to continue winning games and making it to state for another year (or better yet keep his jobs at the school). As the realization set in and the coach’s stern face broke, Danny smirked as the man grumbled while telling him to get the fuck out of his office.

But as he continued to think about the concept of being gay after turning the water off and drying off his body, Danny quickly brushed off the idea. It’s not gay when I just get turned on by my own body, he told himself before shaking his head and pushing aside such an idiotic notion. There was no way a man with a whole rolodex of sexy girls clamoring to get with him could ever be gay! 

Exiting the bedroom, Danny groaned as the clock informed him that he only had 30 minutes before needing to leave for class. The teen remembered that he had a test in Mrs. Harrison’s pre-calc class, but he shrugged it off because he knew that there was no way that he could have even done well no matter how hard he studied. So instead of cracking open a textbook this previous weekend, Danny instead spent his time sexting with girls or going out with them whenever he wasn’t doing intense workouts in his home gym. There was no point in even attempting to do good at school anymore in Danny’s eyes, especially since he had a full ride scholarship already under his belt at a major university. Those recruiting people didn’t care that he was a low C student when they offered him deals to join their school, so why should he ever care about trying to do any better?

After throwing on some clothes, Danny quickly grabbed his phone and headed into the bathroom. As expected, his phone was flooded with notifications of the entire cheerleading team as they sent both text and Snapchat messages filled with nudes and bold declarations about just how badly they wanted him and his cock all over them. It was understandable given Danny’s studly form, but the intense thirst only fueled his ego further to embrace his new identity as an utterly womanizing hunk.

Picking and choosing who to leave on read, Danny wasted no time pulling open both apps and sending them videos and selfies to keep their attention focused on himself and his gorgeous body. As he took photos of himself flexing, smirking, or winking into the camera and sent them off, each additional photo only pushed Danny towards getting turned on once again. But instead of jerking off and further delaying himself, the man opted to just pull out his phone and begin recording a video. After rubbing his chin and zooming the camera in, Danny flashed a big smile before beginning to speak.


“You want a piece of me ladies? How about you hit up my DMs and tell me how badly you want it?” he said, his bright white smile on full display as he talked in a sly and sleazy tone (which only turned himself on further). Eager to push these women over the brink into full-blown thirsting though, Danny cockily flexed his arms and lifted up his shirt to reveal the man’s impressive abs. After ending the recording, Danny added the video to his private stories on both Snapchat and Instagram before heading out to make a quick breakfast and prepare for the school day ahead. Danny hated nothing more than wasting over 7 hours of his life stuck at a shitty desk, but it was a small price to pay to be the talk of the town. As he continued to get ready, the womanizer couldn’t stop thinking about how eager he was to see what all of his various side chicks said in response to his video. In all honesty, beyond his own reflection, nothing turned Danny on more than their desperate little messages. 

On top of that, Danny also looked forward to causing some hell for some drab and annoying teacher if they dared to fuck with him. Given his annoyance towards the pre-calc test he had to take later today, Danny began to think that Mrs. Harrison would be the perfect target for him to dish out a daily fix of cocky torment.

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2 years ago

Back To School - Part II


As classes let out on Friday, Danny couldn’t help but eagerly anticipate the weekend that lay ahead. Being the womanizer that he was, the man’s schedule had been fairly hectic over the past few weeks with all of the various love interests that he had. But as Danny checked his calendar and saw that his upcoming date was with Tiffany, one of the hottest cheerleaders in his grade, the teen couldn’t help but anticipate the night more and more with each passing minute.

The girl had been relentless in her pursuits of dating him, but although that was quite the turn-off as Danny preferred to lead the relationship given his dominant personality, he couldn’t deny that Tiffany’s determination was quite hot. With a nice rack and a curvy figure that left his dick constantly at full mast, it was safe to say however that Danny was willing to forget any potential turn-offs in the pursuit of getting off and spending time with an absolutely gorgeous woman.

Luckily, Danny had no football practice prior to the date, so he was afforded enough time to get home and relax for a bit before going to have a fun time with the gorgeous woman. Throughout the entire drive home, the kicker visualized himself on the field in between plays, staring at Tiffany’s gorgeous rack bounce and jiggle with each dance, kick, and jump she did for her cheer routines. In fact, Danny’s mind had been so preoccupied by the sight that he didn’t even notice himself running off of the road slightly and knocking over multiple mailboxes and trash cans that were dotted along the curb. But even if he did notice, Danny wouldn’t have cared anyway. His new family was rich and his cocky attitude refused to feel any guilt for his behavior, so the incident and any complaints could be easily swept under the rug via a sizable (at least to others) check without any real consequences.

After getting home and having the family maid make him a snack, Danny found himself bounding up the grand staircase of his family’s mansion and jogging down one of the long hallways and into his bedroom. Upon taking a moment to set the plate of food on one of his dressers, the jock quickly peeled himself out of his school outfit entirely. Opting not to take the opportunity to jerk himself off again to his own reflection, Danny instead grabbed a pair of athletic shorts and pulled them on. Now free-balling like the hunky straight man he now was, the man quickly powered up his gaming console while grasping onto a controller, headset, and the plate of food to begin the usual after-school gaming session with some fellow football jocks.

“Hey broskis, what the fuck is up?” Danny said with a chuckle, smirking as his football friends joined the lobby and its voice call for some Call of Duty matches. For the next two hours, the man and his bros absolutely demolished several teams as they played ruthlessly to assert their dominance even through a video game. In between each match though, the group of men spent the time being stereotypical bros while ridiculing each other and others around them. Even when a friend discussed their long-term girlfriend, Danny wasn't afraid of chiming in and giving his own feedback. Despite the friend being mad as he cruelly ridiculed his girlfriend for her “tiny tits” and high-pitched voice, the biggest offense came as the man exclaimed how hard it had been trying to convince the girl to go to the next level with him.

“I don’t know dude, she seemed quite eager to put out when she messaged me a while back asking for a good fuck. Bro, have you ever thought that maybe you’re just not her type? Maybe you’d have better luck hitting up that nerdy chick Alyssa from Pre-Calc? I’m sure she’d be eager to get laid… As long as you don’t mind those bug eyes, buck teeth, and nasally voice,” Danny snorted, chuckling to himself despite the man angrily yelling at him to shut the fuck up and leave him alone. 

Attempting to avoid conflict while still remaining in control of the conversation, Danny wasted no time jumping into directing the subject towards the most important thing: himself. Without any sort of remorse, he eagerly began to detail his evening and impending date with one of the many girls eager to get on his cock. Just the thought of her was enough to get a rise out of Danny, as made evident by one hand leaving the controller to go toy with his leaking manhood.

“Damn dudes, I can’t stop thinking about Tiffany. Fuck, she’s gonna look so good down on her knees with one hand wrapped around the back of her head. You can tell how eager she is for me to dick her down… but could you blame her? Of course she’d want to get fucked by the studliest man on the team!” Danny said, his rambling sentiments eliciting a mix of chuckles and annoyed gasps throughout. Even when the guys attempted to defend themselves and their own attractiveness, the kicker knew that none of them could compare to him! No homo though…

After finishing up one more round of CoD, a quick glance at the clock forced Danny to end his gaming session so he could prepare for the day. Upon departing with a few more snarky comments towards his friend, Danny finally exited the game and shut down his console as he headed towards his immense walk-in closet. Given his family’s lavish lifestyle, the jock was always able to purchase the latest and most fashionable clothing around, as evident by the countless designers that he found himself having to decide between.

Struggling to decide, Danny began to recollect the current plan for his date to help hopefully guide his fashion decision. Tiffany had wanted something simple yet private, which is why he was able to quickly remember the location of his date: Lovers’ Lookout. According to Danny’s dad, Lovers’ Lookout had been one of the biggest hookup spots in town, but given the fact that his dad was quite old and no one at school had ever talked about it, the man knew that the prime location had clearly lost all of its popularity in the years since. For years since that one talk with his father, Danny had soon incorporated the location into his roulette wheel of areas of romantic rendezvous.

Given the fact that the area was a cliffside vantage point on the outer edge of town, Danny knew that he had to dress somewhat warmly just in case of potential car trouble. But given the fact that he was going to take one of the many older cars that his father had collected, Danny wanted to lean in and fully embrace the image of a 50s bad boy. With his mind made up, Danny pulled on a simple white shirt along with black dress pants and a leather jacket.

As he prepared to head out and pick up his date, Danny took a moment to pull on one of his favorite gold chains and check himself out via his phone’s camera. Turning his head to check out his sculpted features and make sure that his facial hair was trimmed evenly, Danny flashed a smile before pressing record to send a little video message to his date.


“Hey babe, just wanted to let you know that I’m on my way,” he said, his body language and dialogue fully showcasing his status as a teen heartthrob. “I can’t want to see you,” Danny continued, his voice deepening into an alluring and sexy register as he flashed a wink and ended the recording. Damn, I’m good, he thought as he sent the video and walked out of the door to go pick up his date…

* * * * *

After pulling into the driveway of Tiffany’s house, Danny quickly fired off a text to tell the cheerleader that he had arrived. The man knew that he had a reputation as the school’s biggest heartbreaker, so the option of avoiding the woman’s father and just waiting outside seemed like the best route to take for obvious reasons. While he waited though, Danny couldn’t help but take off his jacket and pull out his cell phone. Upon popping a piece of gum into his mouth to make sure that his breath was good enough for the makeout session that would most likely be occurring later, Danny opened up TikTok and began to record a video for the thousands of followers that he had. 

Sitting stationary in the parked car, Danny simply recorded himself singing along to some random pop song and grinning into the camera before quickly uploading it. Given his status as a bonafide hunk, the man knew that his fans would take anything they could get, which worked well for him given his innate desire to do things with fairly low effort. Just as the video finished uploading and the likes already began to pour in, Danny watched as the girl finally exited the house and made her way into his passenger seat. Luckily for him, the girl dressed quite sexily, so as soon as she slid into the seat and looked his way with a full face of makeup and styled hair, the man’s dick was already growing rock hard by the sight. “Ready to have a great time?” Danny cockily inquired, winking to the girl as she put on her seatbelt while he rapidly backed out of the driveway and sped off.

While he had just mainly agreed to the date due to his eagerness to fuck someone, Danny still outwardly appealed as chivalrous by taking the girl to a lavish date at the fanciest restaurant in town. His dad was wealthy to the point of having a black card, so it wasn’t anything to Danny to drop over $100 on a simple meal for a date. Although the girl couldn’t stop raving about the food and the atmosphere of the restaurant, Danny’s eyes remained permanently trained on the two prominent breasts that were just an inch shy of fully heaving onto the table. While the girl’s tits were always one of his main reasons why he agreed to the date, her dress fully accented the breasts to the point where it was just one heaving bosom in his face so severely that Danny’s mind could only think about feeling them up. 

As such, when the waiter came around asking for dessert, Danny was quick to shut that idea down by paying for the bill and bringing the girl back to the car. Although she seemed grumpy at the moment about the lack of some fancy dessert, he knew that she would quickly enjoy the alternative as soon as she realized where the two of them were going. Throughout the drive, the man couldn’t help but glance over and stare at the woman’s exposed thigh from the high slit in the dress she wore. In fact, as his eyes continued to move upwards, Danny couldn’t help but see the color of the woman’s bright panties and think about just how badly she wanted him. Why else would she wear such a bright colored panty, he thought to himself as he looked up and stared at her face. Luckily for Danny, he was a fairly competent driver so no matter how many times his eyes peered away from the road, the jock remained perfectly in the lane as he drove up to Lovers’ Lookout. 

As soon as Tiffany caught a glimpse of the gorgeous view of the sun setting over the mountainous terrain, Danny knew it was game time from the look in her eyes. Happy and eager to oblige, he quickly flicked on the car radio and followed her to the backseat so the fun could finally begin. With a passionate intensity emerging within both of their young and horny minds, the two teens were quick to pull each other out of their respective clothing while consistently passionately mashing their lips together in a hot yet sloppy display. “Oh fuck,” she purred while taking Danny’s shorts and underwear off, looking at his lengthy dick as the perfect challenge. With him now totally nude and her dress in a heap on the floor of the car, it was safe to say that both of them enjoyed the visual of each other nude, especially Danny as he stared at her curvy figure and perky tits now on full display. 

Before he could really do anything with those hefty melon breasts, Tiffany was quick to tuck her hair behind her ear as she leaned down and began to run her tongue along Danny’s rock hard cock. Although he was clearly dribbling pre-cum down the shaft, she made no mention of this as she left no inch of his cock untouched. In between his moans of pure pleasure, Danny was quick to take control of the situation by running his meaty masculine hands through her wavy blonde hair and leading her open mouth onto his throbbing manhood. “Aw fuck yeah,” the jock growled, starting to pick up the speed in which he led her mouth up and down his shaft. It was quite hot to witness, but even hotter as Danny heard the girl’s eager moans creating a beautifully horny symphony that filled the entire car.

Just as he found himself rushing towards an early ejaculation though, Danny quickly pulled the girl off of his dick and began to return the favor to her. For several minutes, his mouth ran along the girl’s sizable nipples and made her moan extremely loud whenever his tongue grazed them. It was fucking hot, but even hotter was when Danny slowly got down to her crotch and began to eat her out as well. His reputation as a woman-pleasing casanova was something that Danny absolutely embraced, but that also required certain attributes that weren’t necessarily something that he enjoyed doing. One of those things was the focus on putting his mouth anywhere near the girl’s genitalia, but despite the reservations, Danny still did it to keep that moniker valid and to prevent himself from cumming too early. If it was up to him though, he would have just came and then waited a few minutes before fucking her and cumming again!

Luckily though, it didn’t take long before the girl pulled Danny up from her crotch and into a passionate kiss. With one hand now firmly grasped against one of her breasts, the other hand frantically flailed about in search of a condom. After about a minute of awkward searching, Danny was finally able to pull one out of a backseat cubby hole and place it onto his firm manhood. Looking up at Tiffany upon putting it on, it was clear by the glimmer in her eye and the tongue that ran across her lips that she was ready for every inch of him. 

So, as she spread her legs and pulled him closer, Danny wasted no time inserting his thick cock right into her needy pussy. Building a steady rhythm, the two of them continued to moan and curse through labored breaths as he began to create enough force to create a resounding slapping noise that filled the luxury car. Within no time, Danny felt himself finally rushing towards completion with an intense fury that prevented him from stopping the hardcore thrusting that he was doing. Just as he reached climax though, the man’s attention soon shifted as he heard a strangely familiar voice over the radio. 

“I promise that you’ll never find another like ME-E-E!” 

Immediately, Danny felt himself moan and throw his head back as the usual lightheadedness emerged. But as he continued to shoot his load, it soon became clear that this was no typical post-nut experience. Instead, the personality of Finn, the 27-year-old German school teacher and die-hard Taylor Swift fan quickly returned to the forefront of his mind. “Wha- what the fuck!” Finn groaned, slowing his rhythm as the continuing influx of memories caused him to realize that these weren’t strange memories, those were his real memories and life!

But as he looked down at the nude 18-year-old cheerleader underneath him, Finn couldn’t help but gasp as he quickly pulled out of her and jumped back to the opposite side of the car. How did this happen, he thought to himself, the last thing I remember was looking at myself in the bathroom?! 

Of course, this lack of memory of the next morning meant that it had completely erased Finn’s knowledge of the fact that he was now an 18-year-old hunky American jock. So, to add further to the surprise, a quick glance down towards his own body left him even more shocked as Finn saw the extremely tanned and buff skin that he now possessed.

“Holy shit, what the fuck!” Finn cried out, understandably shocked by the sudden re-emergence of his old personality. “I’m young and hot?” he said aloud, clearly questioning whether this was some sort of strange dream that he was somehow feeling incredibly lucid for. But no matter how hard he pinched himself or tried to close his eyes to “wake up”, it seemed that those old methods weren’t going to bring him back to his original reality.

“Of course you’re young and hot, I wouldn’t be here if you were some ugly creep!” the woman said, trying her best to get the man back on track as she was still eager for more attention and sexual pleasure. Upon looking at her, Finn couldn’t help but question what to do. Should I tell her the truth even though she’ll think that I’m crazy, or should I just play along and keep being the young jock that I apparently am now, he asked himself. But as he looked down and saw the condom-covered dick that he now possessed, there was a sudden but innate desire for physical intimacy. So after shrugging his shoulders, Finn decided the best course of action would be to just go along with whatever was happening. As he moved back in to start passionately kissing the woman once more, there were few thoughts running in his mind besides the influence of teenage hormones. If this was a dream that he woke up from tomorrow, this surely would be one of the craziest dreams Finn had ever experienced. But if this was truly a new reality for him, there was something about it that made Finn feel like he could certainly get used to it…


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2 years ago

College Is Transformative: The Lecture Hall (Part II)

Click Here to Read Part I

For several minutes, Samil patiently sat there in his seat hoping that his friend would make a quick recovery and return to his seat before class started. But as the minutes continued to tick by, his mind was growing extremely worried as he tried to comprehend what was going on with his friend. Was it some kind of allergic reaction, he thought to himself, or did I just not notice his weight gain until now? Should I take him to a hospital?

Taking a moment to stare at the wall clock in the room though, Samil’s inner dialogue began to shift momentarily in regards to his annoyance about the class. He was so chipper and eager to start class yet apparently the professor didn’t feel the same. It had been 5 minutes since class was scheduled to start and there was still no professor in sight. Where the hell are they? Do they really think that the world revolves around them? 

While Samil hadn’t undergone as severe of a transformation as Nathal had at first, this quickly began to change as the man felt a sudden tightness emerging deep within his chest. With his emotional state being a mix of worry for his friend and annoyance towards the tardy professor, Samil’s eyes immediately widened in fear that he was somehow having a heart attack at the ripe age of 22. 

After a few tense seconds, Samil suddenly gasped as the tight pressure in his chest finally reached a breaking point. Rather than causing his heart to give out and causing him to collapse onto the ground though, the man watched in bewilderment as his chest suddenly surged forward with a newfound size. Unlike Nathal though, the increase in size came in the form of firmness and muscle rather than intense levels of flab. Even from beneath the baggier fabric of his sweatshirt, Samil’s eyes immediately picked up on how his heaving chest was pushing forth from his body, swelling larger and larger until his chest was straining against the sides and front of his size medium sweatshirt. 

Despite how dazzling his muscular pecs were to watch on his still-petite and slim body as they continued to slowly inflate with each deep breath he took, Samil’s mind was instantly sounding alarms to the bizarre muscle growth occurring to him. With what was happening before his eyes in mind, the man quickly began to realize that something had befallen both himself and his best friend. Although given his intense drunkenness from the night prior, Samil had no way of recalling the duo’s little trip toward the university’s wishing fountain and casting their own individual wishes. Instead, Samil could only imagine that they had somehow been forced to endure these transformations. While Nathal was surely going through his own version of a curse though, the strength he felt caused Samil to believe that he was experiencing a blessing on the levels of divine intervention. He had always wanted to become muscular, so this was a dream come true for him!

Still, with a bit of worry in the front of his mind for his best friend, Samil knew that he had to find Nathal: to both check on his condition and to also brainstorm how this was happening to them. As such, the changing man slowly pushed himself up from his seat and to his feet and made his way towards the wide aisle of the lecture hall steps. Given his haste, Samil forgot about both his and Nathal’s bookbags as there were more dire matters that he was worried about with his intense concern for his friend.

Yet as he began to quickly make his way down the steps of the lecture hall aisle, Samil was completely unaware of more changes that were affecting his body. Despite his already impressive height of 6’0”, the force responsible for Samil and Nathal’s transformations decided that this wasn’t tall enough. So as he continued to make his way down the steps, his spine and legs expanded like taffy being pulled until the man had unknowingly added 5 inches of height to himself. 

While this wasn’t noticeable to Samil at the current moment, it would be crystal clear due to just how ill-fitting his clothing was appearing now. Instead of a sweatshirt that perfectly concealed his torso, the increased height had caused the man to gain an exposed midriff as a few inches of his pale torso revealed itself. As if it was responding to the complexion revealed by his taller stature, Samil’s sweatshirt began to slowly change color with each step he took - the light blue color draining until it became a stark white hue. As for his black running shorts though, the height changed the already short shorts into something far more scandalous as they revealed much more of the man’s upper thighs and thus resembled briefs more than a pair of running shorts. 

Yet as he finally made his way down to the last step, one final change finally occurred that finally caused Samil to become aware of what was going on. For the next 30 seconds where he had traversed down the stairs, he had felt his brand new and hefty pair of pectoral muscles violently heaving and bouncing with each step he took. However as he finally made his way down to the bottom of the stairs, the motion of his chest grew more and more restrained until his pecs bounced firmly in place as if the shirt had become vacuum-sealed to his body.

The reason behind this was due to his sweatshirt both losing its thick consistency along with beginning to tighten around his body. To make up for the loss of the coarse yet snuggly comfort provided by the baggy sweatshirt though, the fabric changed into something that was innately of a finer quality. While a visible texture quickly manifested onto the outer layer of the shirt, a sheen quickly emerged on the fabric as it finished its completion into a Royal Oxford shirt that fully showcased the thick pectoral shelf that Samil now possessed. 

Due to this newfound tightness he felt constricting around his chest, Samil suddenly found himself feeling quite self-conscious as he stopped himself right next to the door leading towards the main entrance way of the building and gingerly moved his hands towards the two hefty pecs he now had. As soon as his fingers grazed the soft and expensive fabric that was now wrapped around his bulging chest, the sensation of the delicate fabric instantly calmed the man down and caused something deep in his mind to suddenly click. Why would I ever be upset about what was happening to me when it makes me look and feel this great, he thought to himself, a light grin emerging onto his face as he fully submitted to the comfort of the shirt.

Unfortunately for Samil though, his attempt to fondle his chest was quickly foiled as he felt a light tap on his shoulder. Feeling somewhat bashful about what he was doing, the man’s cheeks began to slightly redden as he found himself staring face-to-face with a young woman. Taking a moment to observe the woman, Samil’s eyes examined her soft visage with a cute button nose that struggled to hold up the thick black-rimmed glasses she was wearing. Given the glasses, the woman already looked quite nerdy, but the thick binder that she was holding was the real final straw in confirming that assumption. Although he had no attraction towards the frizzy-haired brunette, he could surely recognize her attractiveness. Not wanting to give the girl the wrong impression with his prolonged staring though, the man finally cleared his throat and began to speak.

“Uh hi there, is there something I can help you with?”

“Hello sir, I’m Rachel, one of the TAs for this course,” she began, extending her hand out in hopes of gaining a handshake. 

Feeling compelled to be professional and courteous, Samil took a moment to extend his own hand out and give the much desired handshake that the girl was looking for. Upon doing so, the girl continued to speak.

“So, I was just taking a look at the clock and I was wondering if you were wanting to get class started? We’re a bit behind already, so I just wanted to check in and see if there was anything I needed to do to get us started!”

“Wait, what are you saying? That I’m the professor for this course?” Samil inquired, his eyebrows raising while his eyes grew wide like saucers.

To his surprise, Rachel responded to his questions with a deep chuckle. “Oh sir, you’re so funny,” she began, quickly tilting her head downwards as she grabbed the binder tucked snuggly between her arm and pulled it out. Flipping the binder open, the girl immediately gripped onto a thick packet in the front sleeve and pulled it out. Upon tilting her head back up, Rachel smiled as she handed the document over to the man. “I’m pretty sure that’s your name right sir,” she inquired, extending a finger out to point to the name on the top of the class syllabus.

As his eyes followed Rachel’s finger to where it was pointing, the man was blown away to find that the name Sahilip Pearson was listed as the instructor. He truly was the teacher of this class somehow! Allowing a light chuckle to escape from his lips, Sahilip tried his best to try and downplay his confusion about the class.

“Oh yes of course, my mistake. First day jitters I suppose,” he exclaimed, smiling as the girl smirked at what he was saying. With the man accepting the new profession he now had, a few final changes began to emerge on the upper half of his body. Firstly, a simple yet soft shirt was not appropriate for a college professor, so the fabric suddenly split along his treasure trail until he had a soft dress shirt around his body. Luckily though, the brand new teacher wasn’t accidentally stripping for his students as one-by-one, tiny buttons began to emerge along the ends of the fabric and pull the shirt back together until the shirt was fully buttoned. As the man finally made his way over to the podium in the middle of the lecture area, a crisp collar pushed out and folded over to complete the look of an impeccable dress shirt.

Before Sahilip could even try to wrap his head around what was still occurring to him, he was thrown into the deep end as the lights immediately dimmed and a projector suddenly roared to life and temporarily blinded his eyes as it projected something onto the blank wall behind him. Craning his neck back to see what was going on, the former college student found himself staring at a screen that displayed a title slide of a PowerPoint presentation. While he was slightly stressed about having to do some public speaking, the man felt some relief knowing that first day lectures were fairly relaxed and mostly focused on the professor introducing themselves to their student. So with his curiosity piqued in terms of what his new life was, the man finally began to clear his throat and gain the attention of his pupils.

“Hello class, let’s all take our seats so we can get started,” he began, his words attempting to sound professional despite the nerves causing his voice to crack a few times. Turning his head back to the screen, the man took a moment to read the screen further before continuing to speak. “As you can see, this is ENG 250, a course focused towards teaching the essential skills of professional writing. My name is uh, Professor Sahilip Pearson and I’ll be in charge of the course this semester.”

Upon finishing the sentence, a small momentary grin emerged on his face due to his new title - professor. It felt so highly esteemed and professional, the man didn’t even pay attention to just how awkward his new name sounded as his cock couldn’t help but throb beneath the tight confines of his shorts. However, just because Sahilip was comfortable with his new name didn’t mean that his young and childish students were, as evident by the snickering that he quickly picked up as he finished stating his bizarre first name.

Before the man could get too upset by his judgmental students though, a sudden tightness around his feet and calves immediately caught Sahilip’s attention. As he looked down beneath the podium to see what was going on, the man found that more changes had seemingly occurred. Instead of the white and well-used pair of tennis shoes that he had entered the room wearing, a pair of shiny black dress shoes were now in their place along with a long pair of black dress socks that went up to just below the knee. Taking a moment to tilt and turn his feet to see his new style, the man couldn’t help but feel impressed by how great they looked. Although he had no idea how much they cost since he hadn’t purchased them himself, it was abundantly clear that these shoes were expensive! 

Despite his awe towards his new shoes, Sahilip knew that the show needed to continue and thus looked up and called for the next slide to be shown. The projectionist was quick to obey, pressing the button and causing the first of several “about me” slides to emerge. As he began to read the first few sentences discussing his love of English and hobby of writing, the man’s lips pulled into a smile as he could feel more changes beginning to occur to him. While his chest was incredibly beefy, it was quite ill-fitting on his slender body. Luckily though, the next set of changes began to make his upper half look more bulky as his arms began to undergo a severe change. 

Beneath the fabric of the shirt, Sahilip could feel his biceps begin to slowly inflate. While this was occurring, the man was oblivious to the fact that his fingerprints were slowly altering and his hands were growing callused from a mix of obvious gym visitation and calluses from physically writing nonstop. As the man continued to improv and discuss his love for writing and the “worlds” that he could create as a result, Sahilip continued to peer down towards his arms and smile as his biceps, triceps, and shoulders grew increasingly large. In fact, they had finally reached the point of constriction against his shirt sleeves that a simple flex of these meaty muscles would cause the shirt to tear! 

While this was surely a confidence boost for the perpetually weak Sahilip, it was the encouraging smile from Rachel that motivated him the most. Although he was still a gay man despite these changes so far, the man found the girl’s obvious admiration of him to be the perfect encouragement to push him through the shock of what was happening to him. Clearly based on her smile and encouraging head nod, the girl was content with his lecture thus far!

So as he moved onto the next slide, this motivation suddenly manifested itself via his neck as it suddenly thickened and a much more obvious and prominent Adam’s apple suddenly pushed from his throat. The end result of this change quickly became apparent as he began to discuss the contents of his next slide (his favorite pastimes) with a deep and booming voice that immediately commanded the attention of anyone within earshot. Amused by the several students who suddenly perked up upon hearing his new voice, the man discreetly reached a hand down beneath the podium to adjust his crotch as his boner was jutting out from his shorts and pressing against the hardwood of the podium. He didn’t feel shame though, he was right to feel turned on by how hunky and masculine he was becoming!

When he first read that his favorite pastimes now were reading a good book or watching a documentary or historical drama, the man finally had his first instance of resistance. No, that’s not right at all, Sahilip thought to himself, thinking about how much he loathed those types of films and would much rather watch reality television or easy-viewing movies that didn’t require him to think too much. Yet although he knew this to be the truth, another voice in his mind began to say otherwise. No, you don’t adore content like that. You’d much rather watch something that makes you think than some lazy nonsense. Reality TV is for imbeciles, not intellectuals like you, it said, reverberating through Sahilip’s mind and quickly overpowering his quiet denials. 

With the dual impact of the overpowering voice and Sahilip’s inner desire to be recognized and respected permeating through his head, it wasn’t much of a shock that the foreign voice ultimately won out and took prominence in his head. Despite the fact that he now had a mindset that most would view as pretentious or elitist, Sahilip didn’t view it that way. Although he now recalled memories of various heated exchanges between his friends and family where they referred to him as such, the man just believed that they were unwilling to accept the true observation that he had made. No intelligent person would willingly watch something low-brow!

As if the changes were linked to his increased acceptance of his new life, the man’s face began to alter and warp while he began to speak about various films that he loved. In order to better fit the pretentious and professional identity he was accepting for himself, the man’s messy hair was the first thing to undergo a severe alteration. The countless strands of hair found themselves seemingly undergoing a flat iron treatment that was flattening it. Once this was complete, a deep sheen began to emerge as styling gel soon found itself mixing in with the flat hair. An unintended side effect emerged from this styling though as the hair slicked back and gained a more professional appearance and the shade deepened into a rich hue of black.  

With his haircut now tight and tidy, the man’s face was the next area to undergo some severe alterations. As he went into a tangent about his favorite Werner Herzog documentaries, the man was unaware of his nose growing sharper and prominent to become a standout on his new face. While he continued to speak, the man shifted his jaw momentarily in discomfort as a prominent and angled jawline emerged and helped him gain a visage fitting of a world-famous sculpture. Finally as a dusting of facial hair emerged to give him a deep permanent stubble, the man’s lips grew a bit fuller as if they were being rewarded for committing so fully to the words he was speaking. 

Moving onto the next slide, Sahilip grew quite alarmed when he suddenly heard a few audible gasps. Turning behind him to hopefully see why people were reacting that way to the PowerPoint, the man found himself quickly understanding why. The slide was discussing his love for the gym, complete with a few shirtless selfies that showed off the hefty pecs, boulder shoulders, and bowling ball sized biceps that he now possessed. 

“Alright everyone, let’s settle down,” Sahilip cockily said, his lips pulling back into a smile that revealed a perfect row of pearly white teeth. “As you can see, I’m a big fan of physical fitness. You know that saying of “healthy body, healthy mind”? That’s quite literally my life motto,” he continued, chuckling as he found countless men and women now looking at him different. Although it was quite bizarre to look at his students and see their lustful stares, he could totally understand it. He was a total heartthrob after all!  Despite knowing that his ethics would never allow himself to hook up with a student, the man couldn’t help but savor the attention and how horny it made him.

As he continued to discuss his love for the gym and the fitness journey listed in the bullet points of the slide, his body continued to bulk up with muscle to help emphasize the end results of this apparent journey the new Sahilip had gone through. One-by-one, two abdominals popped into place and pressed against the fabric of his dress shirt until every student could see the prominent and chiseled six pack that he now had. 

Chuckling as he continued to take in the attention he was receiving, those deep exhales gave way to more strain as his lats suddenly flared out and caused his back to grow much wider. Now with his upper half completely transformed into that of a physically fit professor with thick biceps, hefty pecs, and a triangle-shaped back, it was a shock that his dress shirt was able to withstand his newfound bulk given just how wide he was in all regards!

Once this transformation finished though, Sahilip soon found that his twig-like legs were barely able to allow him to stand upright due to just how beefy and top-heavy he now was. Not wanting to embarrass himself and collapse in front of a room full of adoring students, the now-anxious Sahilip sauntered back over to the podium as he leaned on it for support. Upon doing so, the lack of pressure caused the man’s legs to quickly bulk up and complete his transformation into a gym rat of a professor. 

While the long dress socks that he was wearing were straining due to the diamond-shaped calves that were growing before him, that barely compared to how his shorts were feeling. Given how tight and short they already were, they soon resembled a poser, which was fitting given his bodybuilder size! As his thighs inflated to enormous proportions, it quickly became clear that the new Sahilip was a committed worker in the gym because there was no muscle group of his that was less than perfect. 

Now complete with a pair of muscular legs that could withstand his hefty size, the man’s momentary anxiousness quickly faded away as his pretentiousness returned in full force. Unfortunately though, just like how his body had inflated to severe proportions, his ego had also done the same. The cocky man basked in the obvious thirsting that his students had for him, he was a god amongst men when it came to his physique and good looks! In fact, it was quite amusing to also pick up on the few jealous stares that he was receiving from some of the male students of the class. He could understand their jealousy, although he felt no real sympathy for them because they could get a physique like his if they wanted to actually be productive and head to the gym rather than those weekend frat parties!

With his cock returning to a rock hard status due to the mixed expressions of jealousy and lust, Sahilip opted to remain behind the podium. Although he felt no shame about his size or bulge, the man’s inner dialogue suddenly began to emphasize how off-track the class was becoming due to their thirst for the professor and the side conversations they were having with each other as a result.

In hopes of stopping that dead in its tracks, the man’s booming voice began to ring out and startle countless students. “Alright folks, settle down. We need to get back to a normal sense of decorum. This is a classroom not a lunch hall, so let’s put an end to these little side conversations,” he said, his expression quickly turning serious to showcase his seriousness. With his lips pulling back from a grin into a slight scowl, this expression soon became locked in as the man’s normal resting face. He was an intimidating fellow after all, so it was only appropriate for him to get an equally menacing expression that would never allow anyone to know what he was truly thinking.

Upon adopting this new persona of a gruff and dominant individual, a few last physical changes emerged to help secure himself into this new identity as an English professor. The average-sized bulge that he was sporting (which only looked obscene due to the short black shorts he was wearing) suddenly began to increase. While it extended itself from a simple 5” manhood to an impressive monster of 9” inches, the man’s cock also grew wider until it was incredibly girthy as well. 

On the opposite side of his body, Sahilip’s ass was inflating with incredible speed. The formerly flat ass was filling out quite well, gaining two mountainous globes that left his shorts on the verge of tearing. Much like his pecs, Sahilip’s ass would also undergo a severe amount of jiggling and bouncing without being holstered by a pair of tight pants due to just how broad and beefy it was with a mixed composition of muscle and flab.  

Now a stuff-shirt professor who took his courses and the concept of learning very seriously, the man’s deep voice called for the next slide to appear so they could get into the real meat of the course. While the PowerPoint was once fairly lax and sparse with details, the next slide fully changed that as it was jam-packed with a list of course policies. While explaining how serious he took cheating along with his rigid attendance policy, the man couldn’t help but smirk at the several groans and grimaces from his students about the latter option. Although he knew that they thought he was a prick for being so stern, the man was only doing it to better prepare them for the real world once they were out of the safe space of college and in the real working world!

Upon explaining them and stating the consequences that could occur from not following these policies, Sahilip moved onto the next slide that began to explain the course breakdown in terms of the several projects that he was going to assign. Although he took a moment to ask the students if they had any questions about the course breakdown, it was clear from the looks on the students’ faces that they were still attempting to comprehend all of the information thrown at them. As such, Sahilip reminded his students that they could email him or ask any of his TAs if they had any pressing questions whenever they arose.

Taking a moment to look around the room, Sahilip wondered how much time was left before the course was over. Instinctively, the man lifted his arm and pushed the sleeve of his dress shirt to get a better look at the gold watch that was now wrapped around his right wrist. Although it had truly just appeared out of nowhere, the brand new Philip believed that nothing was amiss as memories informed him of the day he purchased it several years prior. 

Seeing as there was a good 30 minutes before class finished up, the professor found himself with only one slide left before his presentation was complete. As such, Philip needed something to pad the remaining time and thus quickly opted to do a small Q&A with his students. “Alright folks, so since we have a little bit of time left, feel free to raise a hand and ask any questions that you have,” he said, although it came off as more of a command due to the tone and deep boom of his voice.

Before long, a hand in the balcony of the lecture hall quickly rose. Making his way from the podium and closer to the inquiring student, Philip sauntered over with a swagger in his step as he acknowledged the person and asked for their question. While the girl asked a rather asinine question about his clear-cut attendance policy, the professor was unaware of his shorts suddenly altering. With haste, the fabric suddenly expanded and unfurled around him, wrapping itself tightly around his muscular legs until they turned into a pair of black dress pants that fell perfectly right in line with the top of his dress shoes. Although he didn’t need a belt given how form-fitting the pants were on him, a fine leather one still manifested itself through the belt loops and fastened itself around Philip’s trim waist.


Once he completed answering a question, another hand quickly rose up from a male student. Upon directing his attention towards the student and walking closer to him, Philip called on the man.

“Hello sir, I was just curious. How long have you been teaching?” 

Upon hearing the question, Philip found himself instantly racking his brain for the correct answer. Although he felt like a brand new professor, the number 17 kept popping up in Philip’s mind. While he was trying to wonder why that number was so prominent, the man’s pants began to alter their color as well, changing into a deep blue hue that worked well with his stark white dress shirt. With the student still waiting on an answer and Philip unable to think of anything other than 17, the professor stated the number with a rare moment of being diffident.

In response, the student couldn’t help but ask a follow-up question. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how old are you then sir?”

Despite being rather unsure of the original number of 17, Philip’s body instantly began to gain more confidence as he puffed his chest out and smirked. Before the man could even ponder the correct answer (he felt like he was possibly in his mid to late 20s), he suddenly found himself proudly stating that he was 43 years old.

In response to the declaration of his age, the students in the lecture hall immediately began to gasp from the shocking reveal. Most of the older staff at Oak Point University tended to be on the overweight or flat-out obese side, so the students were quite shocked to find such an enigma standing in front of them. Although the tiny voice in Philip’s mind tried to believe that his age of 43 was incorrect, it was unable to fight the influence of his words as his body began to grow older. As a few light wrinkles began to emerge on the man’s face and body while his hairline rose a few inches, another prominent wrinkle manifested on his forehead as the man couldn’t help but smirk at their response. The man’s memories of being a 22-year-old college student were completely erased and replaced with those of a pretentious man who was born in 1979 and went through several key moments in American history as a result.

Viewing this question as the perfect segway into the final slide of his presentation, Philip abruptly ended the Q&A session and asked the projectionist to do something once again. Upon doing so, the man turned to his students and began to read off the last few remaining morsels of information about himself on the slides. 

“So yes, I’m 43 years old and have been teaching here at Oak Point for 17 years,” he began, the voice showcasing just how confident and sure of himself Philip now was. “In fact, I went to undergrad here and graduated summa cum laude,” he continued, taking a moment to smile to himself as he recalled the pride he felt getting his diploma and that distinct honor. “After writing several pieces that have gone on to receive worldwide recognition, I was appointed five years ago to become the head of the English department. Under my direction, Oak Point has created countless English graduates who have gone on to have their works published professionally in countless mediums. So if you’re wanting to break into the industry and make a name for yourself after college, I’m the guy you want to suck up to,” Philip proudly stated, his voice dripping in pure narcissism as he bragged about his achievements. 

Upon finishing up his narcissistic comments, the man took a moment to reintroduce himself to his students as he finished up class. “Alright everyone, I suppose that we can end it for today. In case you’ve forgotten, my name is Philip Reynolds. I look forward to working with all of you this semester and helping turn you into the best possible writers you can be. I’ll see you guys on Wednesday,” he said, unaware of the fact that he had fully transformed from Sam Pearson into Philip Reynolds. Watching as the students frantically rustled their papers and shoved them into their bookbags, the professor gave a light smile and nod to several of his pupils as they thanked him and made their exit. 

Before long, all of the students had finally exited out of the room and Philip took a moment to breathe a sigh of relief that the first lecture of the day was a roaring success. It was always quite amusing to watch people react to both his physique and age, so the first day was always a great way to boost the older man’s ego. 

Yet while he would have loved to take more time to stroke his own ego, a quick look at his watch revealed that he only had a small bit of time before his next lecture (an upper-level American Literature course) began. Making his way over to the small desk in the corner, Philip quickly gathered up his things and shoved them into his satchel. Grabbing onto the blue suit jacket that matched the color of his pants, the man quickly pulled it on and buttoned the lower buttons to complete the look of a highly distinguished professor. With this complete, the man quickly grabbed onto his thermos of coffee and a lone manilla folder before making his way towards the door.

As soon as he pushed the door open though, Philip gasped in shock as his bulky body suddenly made an impact with something. “Oh my goodness,” he exclaimed, unsure of what exactly had occurred. Looking down though, the man instantly grew enraged as he found a short and incredibly round man face first in his hefty cleavage. Taking a step back, the professor’s eyes narrowed as he found himself staring at an overweight slob of a janitor staring in front of him. 

Despite having a fairly large janitor’s suit on, the janitor’s obese body left the fabric straining from his weight in an inverse way to Philip’s own bulk with his clothing. Luckily for Philip though, the muscle on his body made the straining hot on his body instead of disgusting on the janitor’s wide and flabby body. Instantly, the man’s mind began to formulate countless choice phrases for the middle-aged man who was clearly too stupid to both pay attention to what he was doing and get a profession that was something beyond entry-level! 

With his eyes continuing up the idiot janitor’s body, Philip’s eyes quickly picked up on a small plastic tag that revealed the man’s name - Donald. Immediately, the man began to recall the several complaints that he recalled from other staff about the janitor. Although they said that he was great at leaving an area spotless, several of the staff talked about how the janitor made both them and their students uncomfortable with his longing stares towards them. While they assumed this was due to the fact that he was jealous that he never got to apply himself like the staff or their students did, it was still enough to warrant filing some complaints with the janitor department. According to what Phillip recalled, the portly janitor was on thin ice and only needed one more complaint before he would be terminated.

“Watch where the fuck you’re going, you almost made me spill my coffee,” he shrewly stated, taking a moment to lift his arms up and verify that no leakage had actually occurred onto his expensive custom suit. As he looked angrily into the man’s beady eyes, Philip found great pleasure in watching the man instantly recoil and shrink down even further than his already short stature. “This is custom you know,” he continued, using one hand to tug at the lower half of his suit jacket to make sure he was presentable once more. 


Before the janitor could even get the opportunity to apologize, Philip immediately began to speak once more, feeling no remorse as he decided to put the fear of God in the easily intimidated janitor. “That room had better be spotless for my 1PM class,” he stated, although he knew that the deep and monotonous tone of his voice would only make it seem like a threat rather than a simple statement. To punctuate his sentence, Philip narrowed his eyes to give the man a sharp glare before using his bulky body to push right past him and out into the hallways of the building. Making his way past the janitor, the man muttered a “what a fucking oaf” before starting to saunter over towards the exit of the building.

However, as he tried his best to forget about the infuriating experience and mentally prepare for his next lecture, the older man immediately began to feel some eyes staring into the back of his skull. Willing to investigate that feeling, Philip suddenly stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. Upon doing so, the man was able to see the janitor staring at him before frantically turning his head away. Although he had a feeling that the man was enamored by him based on Donald stammering upon slamming into Philip’s pecs, the secret glaring and obvious blushing was the final nail in the coffin where he realized that the man was attracted to him. 

Unfortunately for Donald, even though Philip was gay, he was only attracted in guys who took fitness as serious as him. Yet despite the clear disgust of being thirsted after by such a creep, it was an unintended stroke of Philip’s ego that left him smirking before making his grand exit out of the lecture hall and into his new life… unaware that he was actually shit-talking his former best friend!

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