soul-controller - Soul Controller
Soul Controller

An Ever-Changing Writer Creating Transformation Fiction. All Stories Are 18+

223 posts

My Asks Are Open!

My Asks Are Open!

Hello there everyone!

It’s been a while since I’ve had a good Q&A session with my followers, so I opened up my asks again in hopes of doing just that.

Please feel free to send in Would You Rather or Possess / Hypnotize / Transform prompts along with any other burning questions you may have. Please note, I’m not asking for people to send in request story ideas. I have a long list of requests to still go through unfortunately.

I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!

Thanks, S-C

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More Posts from Soul-controller

2 years ago

Back To School - Part II


As classes let out on Friday, Danny couldn’t help but eagerly anticipate the weekend that lay ahead. Being the womanizer that he was, the man’s schedule had been fairly hectic over the past few weeks with all of the various love interests that he had. But as Danny checked his calendar and saw that his upcoming date was with Tiffany, one of the hottest cheerleaders in his grade, the teen couldn’t help but anticipate the night more and more with each passing minute.

The girl had been relentless in her pursuits of dating him, but although that was quite the turn-off as Danny preferred to lead the relationship given his dominant personality, he couldn’t deny that Tiffany’s determination was quite hot. With a nice rack and a curvy figure that left his dick constantly at full mast, it was safe to say however that Danny was willing to forget any potential turn-offs in the pursuit of getting off and spending time with an absolutely gorgeous woman.

Luckily, Danny had no football practice prior to the date, so he was afforded enough time to get home and relax for a bit before going to have a fun time with the gorgeous woman. Throughout the entire drive home, the kicker visualized himself on the field in between plays, staring at Tiffany’s gorgeous rack bounce and jiggle with each dance, kick, and jump she did for her cheer routines. In fact, Danny’s mind had been so preoccupied by the sight that he didn’t even notice himself running off of the road slightly and knocking over multiple mailboxes and trash cans that were dotted along the curb. But even if he did notice, Danny wouldn’t have cared anyway. His new family was rich and his cocky attitude refused to feel any guilt for his behavior, so the incident and any complaints could be easily swept under the rug via a sizable (at least to others) check without any real consequences.

After getting home and having the family maid make him a snack, Danny found himself bounding up the grand staircase of his family’s mansion and jogging down one of the long hallways and into his bedroom. Upon taking a moment to set the plate of food on one of his dressers, the jock quickly peeled himself out of his school outfit entirely. Opting not to take the opportunity to jerk himself off again to his own reflection, Danny instead grabbed a pair of athletic shorts and pulled them on. Now free-balling like the hunky straight man he now was, the man quickly powered up his gaming console while grasping onto a controller, headset, and the plate of food to begin the usual after-school gaming session with some fellow football jocks.

“Hey broskis, what the fuck is up?” Danny said with a chuckle, smirking as his football friends joined the lobby and its voice call for some Call of Duty matches. For the next two hours, the man and his bros absolutely demolished several teams as they played ruthlessly to assert their dominance even through a video game. In between each match though, the group of men spent the time being stereotypical bros while ridiculing each other and others around them. Even when a friend discussed their long-term girlfriend, Danny wasn't afraid of chiming in and giving his own feedback. Despite the friend being mad as he cruelly ridiculed his girlfriend for her “tiny tits” and high-pitched voice, the biggest offense came as the man exclaimed how hard it had been trying to convince the girl to go to the next level with him.

“I don’t know dude, she seemed quite eager to put out when she messaged me a while back asking for a good fuck. Bro, have you ever thought that maybe you’re just not her type? Maybe you’d have better luck hitting up that nerdy chick Alyssa from Pre-Calc? I’m sure she’d be eager to get laid… As long as you don’t mind those bug eyes, buck teeth, and nasally voice,” Danny snorted, chuckling to himself despite the man angrily yelling at him to shut the fuck up and leave him alone. 

Attempting to avoid conflict while still remaining in control of the conversation, Danny wasted no time jumping into directing the subject towards the most important thing: himself. Without any sort of remorse, he eagerly began to detail his evening and impending date with one of the many girls eager to get on his cock. Just the thought of her was enough to get a rise out of Danny, as made evident by one hand leaving the controller to go toy with his leaking manhood.

“Damn dudes, I can’t stop thinking about Tiffany. Fuck, she’s gonna look so good down on her knees with one hand wrapped around the back of her head. You can tell how eager she is for me to dick her down… but could you blame her? Of course she’d want to get fucked by the studliest man on the team!” Danny said, his rambling sentiments eliciting a mix of chuckles and annoyed gasps throughout. Even when the guys attempted to defend themselves and their own attractiveness, the kicker knew that none of them could compare to him! No homo though…

After finishing up one more round of CoD, a quick glance at the clock forced Danny to end his gaming session so he could prepare for the day. Upon departing with a few more snarky comments towards his friend, Danny finally exited the game and shut down his console as he headed towards his immense walk-in closet. Given his family’s lavish lifestyle, the jock was always able to purchase the latest and most fashionable clothing around, as evident by the countless designers that he found himself having to decide between.

Struggling to decide, Danny began to recollect the current plan for his date to help hopefully guide his fashion decision. Tiffany had wanted something simple yet private, which is why he was able to quickly remember the location of his date: Lovers’ Lookout. According to Danny’s dad, Lovers’ Lookout had been one of the biggest hookup spots in town, but given the fact that his dad was quite old and no one at school had ever talked about it, the man knew that the prime location had clearly lost all of its popularity in the years since. For years since that one talk with his father, Danny had soon incorporated the location into his roulette wheel of areas of romantic rendezvous.

Given the fact that the area was a cliffside vantage point on the outer edge of town, Danny knew that he had to dress somewhat warmly just in case of potential car trouble. But given the fact that he was going to take one of the many older cars that his father had collected, Danny wanted to lean in and fully embrace the image of a 50s bad boy. With his mind made up, Danny pulled on a simple white shirt along with black dress pants and a leather jacket.

As he prepared to head out and pick up his date, Danny took a moment to pull on one of his favorite gold chains and check himself out via his phone’s camera. Turning his head to check out his sculpted features and make sure that his facial hair was trimmed evenly, Danny flashed a smile before pressing record to send a little video message to his date.


“Hey babe, just wanted to let you know that I’m on my way,” he said, his body language and dialogue fully showcasing his status as a teen heartthrob. “I can’t want to see you,” Danny continued, his voice deepening into an alluring and sexy register as he flashed a wink and ended the recording. Damn, I’m good, he thought as he sent the video and walked out of the door to go pick up his date…

* * * * *

After pulling into the driveway of Tiffany’s house, Danny quickly fired off a text to tell the cheerleader that he had arrived. The man knew that he had a reputation as the school’s biggest heartbreaker, so the option of avoiding the woman’s father and just waiting outside seemed like the best route to take for obvious reasons. While he waited though, Danny couldn’t help but take off his jacket and pull out his cell phone. Upon popping a piece of gum into his mouth to make sure that his breath was good enough for the makeout session that would most likely be occurring later, Danny opened up TikTok and began to record a video for the thousands of followers that he had. 

Sitting stationary in the parked car, Danny simply recorded himself singing along to some random pop song and grinning into the camera before quickly uploading it. Given his status as a bonafide hunk, the man knew that his fans would take anything they could get, which worked well for him given his innate desire to do things with fairly low effort. Just as the video finished uploading and the likes already began to pour in, Danny watched as the girl finally exited the house and made her way into his passenger seat. Luckily for him, the girl dressed quite sexily, so as soon as she slid into the seat and looked his way with a full face of makeup and styled hair, the man’s dick was already growing rock hard by the sight. “Ready to have a great time?” Danny cockily inquired, winking to the girl as she put on her seatbelt while he rapidly backed out of the driveway and sped off.

While he had just mainly agreed to the date due to his eagerness to fuck someone, Danny still outwardly appealed as chivalrous by taking the girl to a lavish date at the fanciest restaurant in town. His dad was wealthy to the point of having a black card, so it wasn’t anything to Danny to drop over $100 on a simple meal for a date. Although the girl couldn’t stop raving about the food and the atmosphere of the restaurant, Danny’s eyes remained permanently trained on the two prominent breasts that were just an inch shy of fully heaving onto the table. While the girl’s tits were always one of his main reasons why he agreed to the date, her dress fully accented the breasts to the point where it was just one heaving bosom in his face so severely that Danny’s mind could only think about feeling them up. 

As such, when the waiter came around asking for dessert, Danny was quick to shut that idea down by paying for the bill and bringing the girl back to the car. Although she seemed grumpy at the moment about the lack of some fancy dessert, he knew that she would quickly enjoy the alternative as soon as she realized where the two of them were going. Throughout the drive, the man couldn’t help but glance over and stare at the woman’s exposed thigh from the high slit in the dress she wore. In fact, as his eyes continued to move upwards, Danny couldn’t help but see the color of the woman’s bright panties and think about just how badly she wanted him. Why else would she wear such a bright colored panty, he thought to himself as he looked up and stared at her face. Luckily for Danny, he was a fairly competent driver so no matter how many times his eyes peered away from the road, the jock remained perfectly in the lane as he drove up to Lovers’ Lookout. 

As soon as Tiffany caught a glimpse of the gorgeous view of the sun setting over the mountainous terrain, Danny knew it was game time from the look in her eyes. Happy and eager to oblige, he quickly flicked on the car radio and followed her to the backseat so the fun could finally begin. With a passionate intensity emerging within both of their young and horny minds, the two teens were quick to pull each other out of their respective clothing while consistently passionately mashing their lips together in a hot yet sloppy display. “Oh fuck,” she purred while taking Danny’s shorts and underwear off, looking at his lengthy dick as the perfect challenge. With him now totally nude and her dress in a heap on the floor of the car, it was safe to say that both of them enjoyed the visual of each other nude, especially Danny as he stared at her curvy figure and perky tits now on full display. 

Before he could really do anything with those hefty melon breasts, Tiffany was quick to tuck her hair behind her ear as she leaned down and began to run her tongue along Danny’s rock hard cock. Although he was clearly dribbling pre-cum down the shaft, she made no mention of this as she left no inch of his cock untouched. In between his moans of pure pleasure, Danny was quick to take control of the situation by running his meaty masculine hands through her wavy blonde hair and leading her open mouth onto his throbbing manhood. “Aw fuck yeah,” the jock growled, starting to pick up the speed in which he led her mouth up and down his shaft. It was quite hot to witness, but even hotter as Danny heard the girl’s eager moans creating a beautifully horny symphony that filled the entire car.

Just as he found himself rushing towards an early ejaculation though, Danny quickly pulled the girl off of his dick and began to return the favor to her. For several minutes, his mouth ran along the girl’s sizable nipples and made her moan extremely loud whenever his tongue grazed them. It was fucking hot, but even hotter was when Danny slowly got down to her crotch and began to eat her out as well. His reputation as a woman-pleasing casanova was something that Danny absolutely embraced, but that also required certain attributes that weren’t necessarily something that he enjoyed doing. One of those things was the focus on putting his mouth anywhere near the girl’s genitalia, but despite the reservations, Danny still did it to keep that moniker valid and to prevent himself from cumming too early. If it was up to him though, he would have just came and then waited a few minutes before fucking her and cumming again!

Luckily though, it didn’t take long before the girl pulled Danny up from her crotch and into a passionate kiss. With one hand now firmly grasped against one of her breasts, the other hand frantically flailed about in search of a condom. After about a minute of awkward searching, Danny was finally able to pull one out of a backseat cubby hole and place it onto his firm manhood. Looking up at Tiffany upon putting it on, it was clear by the glimmer in her eye and the tongue that ran across her lips that she was ready for every inch of him. 

So, as she spread her legs and pulled him closer, Danny wasted no time inserting his thick cock right into her needy pussy. Building a steady rhythm, the two of them continued to moan and curse through labored breaths as he began to create enough force to create a resounding slapping noise that filled the luxury car. Within no time, Danny felt himself finally rushing towards completion with an intense fury that prevented him from stopping the hardcore thrusting that he was doing. Just as he reached climax though, the man’s attention soon shifted as he heard a strangely familiar voice over the radio. 

“I promise that you’ll never find another like ME-E-E!” 

Immediately, Danny felt himself moan and throw his head back as the usual lightheadedness emerged. But as he continued to shoot his load, it soon became clear that this was no typical post-nut experience. Instead, the personality of Finn, the 27-year-old German school teacher and die-hard Taylor Swift fan quickly returned to the forefront of his mind. “Wha- what the fuck!” Finn groaned, slowing his rhythm as the continuing influx of memories caused him to realize that these weren’t strange memories, those were his real memories and life!

But as he looked down at the nude 18-year-old cheerleader underneath him, Finn couldn’t help but gasp as he quickly pulled out of her and jumped back to the opposite side of the car. How did this happen, he thought to himself, the last thing I remember was looking at myself in the bathroom?! 

Of course, this lack of memory of the next morning meant that it had completely erased Finn’s knowledge of the fact that he was now an 18-year-old hunky American jock. So, to add further to the surprise, a quick glance down towards his own body left him even more shocked as Finn saw the extremely tanned and buff skin that he now possessed.

“Holy shit, what the fuck!” Finn cried out, understandably shocked by the sudden re-emergence of his old personality. “I’m young and hot?” he said aloud, clearly questioning whether this was some sort of strange dream that he was somehow feeling incredibly lucid for. But no matter how hard he pinched himself or tried to close his eyes to “wake up”, it seemed that those old methods weren’t going to bring him back to his original reality.

“Of course you’re young and hot, I wouldn’t be here if you were some ugly creep!” the woman said, trying her best to get the man back on track as she was still eager for more attention and sexual pleasure. Upon looking at her, Finn couldn’t help but question what to do. Should I tell her the truth even though she’ll think that I’m crazy, or should I just play along and keep being the young jock that I apparently am now, he asked himself. But as he looked down and saw the condom-covered dick that he now possessed, there was a sudden but innate desire for physical intimacy. So after shrugging his shoulders, Finn decided the best course of action would be to just go along with whatever was happening. As he moved back in to start passionately kissing the woman once more, there were few thoughts running in his mind besides the influence of teenage hormones. If this was a dream that he woke up from tomorrow, this surely would be one of the craziest dreams Finn had ever experienced. But if this was truly a new reality for him, there was something about it that made Finn feel like he could certainly get used to it…


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2 years ago

PHT: Jay Harrington, Alan Ritchson, and Ryan Kelley

Interesting choices! Although I had never heard of Jay before, a quick Google search about him has made him my instant choice for who to possess. I’m definitely a fan of the silver fox vibe he has going on, so it would be fun to have that “daddy af” vibe for myself as I take him over along with his acting gigs. 

PHT: Jay Harrington, Alan Ritchson, And Ryan Kelley

As for who I’m going to be hypnotizing, my interest in Alan Ritchson from Titans will make him an easy choice for who I’m going to pick. For years I’ve seen the gifs of him possessed and dancing around, so I’ll just hypnotize him to turn that footage into reality. No matter where he goes or what he does, he can’t escape the music constantly blaring in his mind that drives him to dance and show off that sculpted body of his!

PHT: Jay Harrington, Alan Ritchson, And Ryan Kelley

Now that just leaves Ryan Kelley, who will get the distinguished honor of becoming my transformation victim. Given just how mature and hunky Jay looks, I think it’s only fair that Ryan becomes a top of the line designer suit for me to wear around countless bars in Los Angeles to find younger men eager to hang with someone that looks and behaves so incredibly mature.

PHT: Jay Harrington, Alan Ritchson, And Ryan Kelley

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2 years ago

PHTF (Henry's Version) [From The Vault] - Nick Bosa, Ryan Walker and Shane Thorne.

Even though I know that you had just taken over Ryan’s body earlier this year, I can’t resist my own desire to kick you out for a bit so I can get a spin with Ryan. I think you of all people could understand why though, especially given just how broad and bulky he is! It’s truly impressive how he could possess such sizable biceps, pecs and thighs along with that incredibly thick and wide ass of his. Plus, the man’s identity of a ginger-haired fellow is an interesting enough reason to make him my #1 choice between the three.

PHTF (Henry's Version) [From The Vault] - Nick Bosa, Ryan Walker And Shane Thorne.

Despite my intense attraction to Nick Bosa, I didn’t choose him because between all three of the men, I think he’s the one most in need of some hypnotic influence. Despite being such an incredibly attractive man, most of his post-game interviews with the press involve him being quite quiet and reserved. That’s quite ill-fitting for a hunk of his caliber, so I’m going to change that by hypnotizing him into behaving like the bonafide hunk that he truly is. In every interview now, Nick’s emotionless face will be no more as he’ll instead love to have a cocky grin while talking about himself (aka bragging about both his skills and his beauty).

PHTF (Henry's Version) [From The Vault] - Nick Bosa, Ryan Walker And Shane Thorne.

Although Shane is a rather attractive guy, there are much hotter wrestlers that I’d rather become so he gets the short end of the stick in this round. As such, he’s going to get the pleasure of being teleported into Ryan’s apartment and undergoing his own transformation into my ideal scene partner for OnlyFans. While the man is already rather attractive in terms of his face and physique, I want to turn him into an absolute sex symbol. With the sudden age progression to his early 40s along with the growth of a bushy beard, thick pelt of body hair, and a muscular yet bulky physique, the man will be the perfect DILF for the first scene I film for Ryan’s OnlyFans. Based on how he's looking at me due to how the transformation also caused him to become exclusively homosexual and grow an insatiable sex drive though, it seems like I better get the cameras rolling sooner than expected!

PHTF (Henry's Version) [From The Vault] - Nick Bosa, Ryan Walker And Shane Thorne.

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2 years ago

Would you rather be able to mind control people, or reshape people's body?

Although mind control and hypnosis can be fun to read sometimes, I believe that the ability to reshape someone’s body is a much more interesting and erotic experience. Obviously, that kind of power could be used with good intentions (i.e. rewarding a thin or overweight individual that has body image issues with their desired more muscular form), but there’s also the potential of using those powers to be petty and get revenge on those who harm that individual.

Would You Rather Be Able To Mind Control People, Or Reshape People's Body?

Speaking of that individual who has body image issues (well, they used to have those issues prior to turning into the hunk you see before you), although there’s a part of themselves that has those issues internally, it most certainly is heightened by the torment of someone like a buff bully or an older and extremely dismissive man. As a result, teaching those individuals a lesson by transforming their body into something that no longer has years of hard work at the gym or in life in general is a great way to make the naysayers shut their mouths. Instead of the hunky college jock, they’ll have to adapt to having an older body that lacks a fast metabolism. For those dismissive older men who love to shame others for not being “manly enough” or being tough like “their generation”, they’ll have to adapt to becoming a Gen Z twink who has an eternally youthful face and a body that can’t grow a morsel of muscle. Even worse, the only men who will now give them the time of day are the buff older men that they once used to be!

Would You Rather Be Able To Mind Control People, Or Reshape People's Body?

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2 years ago

My asks are open again, so feel free to ask anything you’d like to know! 🫣

Questions for TF fans

Send me a number, I’ll answer that question!

1. What’s your Favorite kind of TF? 2. Do you like Inanimate TF? 3. Would you rather Transform other people or change yourself? 4. What got you interested in TF? 5. Absolutely favorite TF art? 6. Absolutely favorite TF story? 7. Anthro or full animal TF? 8. Best part of transformation for you? 9. All good TFs need to have… 10. Willing or unwilling TF subject? 11. TG in your TF? 12. What other kinks do you have? 13. What excites you about TF? 14. What embarrasses you about TF? 15. Does anyone else know about your TF kink? 16. What other kinks do you have? 17. What kink excites you most, excluding TF? 18. Any kinks you’re embarrassed by? 19. Any kinks you didn’t think you’d be into but are? 20. What’s your favorite TF fantasy? 21. Favorite way to initiate a TF? 22. Mental changes to match physical changes, or a human mind trapped in an inhuman body? 23. Clothes ripping as the transformation progresses, or changing to match? 24. Favorite part of the body to watch transform? 25. Size changes? 26. Inflation? 27. If you could transform one person into anything you wanted, who would you change and into what? 28. Someone transforms you… what do they do with you after? 29. Who is your favorite shape shifter in media? 30. Favorite depiction of a transformation in media? 31. Permanent transformation? 32. Willing or forced transformation? 33. One part of your body you want to change? 34. One part of your body you’re really happy with? 35. What kinds of TF do you find a turnoff? 36. Magic or science? 37. Favorite thing to TF into? 38. Do you RP? 39. Ever act out a TF fantasy with a partner? 40. If anyone found out about your TF kink you’d…