• the stars will shine on you, my love • she/her • Indian • entp-t •
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Reblog And Put In The Tags A Song Thatd Be On Your Life Soundtrack
reblog and put in the tags a song that’d be on your life soundtrack
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More Posts from Soulglitches
When Harry and Hermione came back to Hermione's place, Draco and Ron were nowhere to be found.
It wasn't a worrisome thing per se. Draco and Ron had learnt to get along pretty well during the last five years.
Actually, sometimes, even more than well.
That was the worrisome part.
"'Mione?" Harry said, looking around the living room first, and the kitchen then, where Hermione was already unpacking the groceries.
"Yeah, I've noticed it too. They've disappeared. I don't want to discover what it is this time. Can you?" She asked with a smirk.
Harry rolled his eyes and wandered through Hermione and Ron's house which, admittedly, was rather big. Three floors and a basement and yet Harry couldn't find Draco nor Ron.
In the end, he found them in the garden, right out the backdoor.
"Tell me this isn't true..."
"Oh, Harry!" Ron exclaimed as he tried to disentangle a wire. "Look what we bought!"
Harry looked as Draco pressed button after button of their apparently new vacuum.
Draco looked up from the vacuum with a dreamy face. "You should have heard the guy selling this! He told us so many great features--"
"--yeah, it cleans tiles, wood, rugs," Ron said.
"And it has four different types of sucking function," Draco concluded with a wicked grin and a wink to Harry. Ron fake-gagged. Harry snorted.
"You do know that we're wizards, yes? And this is a muggle device that works with electricity which we don't..." Harry scrubbed a hand over his face. "You know what? It's okay. Have fun."
He returned to the kitchen: Hermione had already put the lasagna into the oven. The muggle oven Ron and Draco had bought last time they remained alone together.
"What is it this time?" Hermione asked, a grin already spreading on her face.
"A vacuum."
Hermione snorted. "You'll take that one. We already have the oven, the toaster, and the 'the seller said it was a very convenient price, Mione!' cooking machine."
Harry sighed. "Fine." He looked outside the window and saw Draco and Ron waving their wands pointlessly at the vacuum.
And resigned himself at a life full of mostly non-working muggle devices.
daily micro #7, for @bonesliketambourines, prompt 'outlook'
The treehouse at the end of the world is tall and leafy-green and Malfoy always takes first watch. The third war tore through every bureaucratic Ministry stronghold, till all but us fell apart. At sunset with Draco at my back, I’ll recast the wards; I’ll give us one more day.
i need you to continue this 😭😭😭
I can see you
For @drarrymicrofic prompt : Beguile. Thank @cluelesspigeons for beta reading 🥰
Harry couldn't help but laugh so hard in the dorm. His sixth year couldn't be any more entertaining since Slughorn took Snape's place as Potions Master and since Harry had the Half-Blood Prince's book.
Seamus, Dean, Neville, Ron and Harry had all taken a potion that could change their gender and now the five 'girls' were laughing at their appearances. Ron was surprisingly beautiful with long, wavy hair. He looked a little like Ginny. Neville and Seamus were the most astonished with their thin body and short hair and with the appropriate outfits they could have both girls and boys at their feet! Dean was cute. His skin was darker but also glowing. His dark curly hair fell down his back to his waist. Harry could see the appeal.
Harry didn't know what he looked like. The potion made it so only other people saw him as a girl.He was still a boy in his own eyes, but if the glitter in Ron's eyes when he checked on him was anything to go by, he wasn’t that bad-looking.
"How long are we going to be like this?" Neville asked timidly. "It's almost been an hour and I don't want to look like that tomorrow morning at breakfast!"
"Oh come on, Nev. It's fun! I really want to see Hermione's face!" Ron exclaimed.
"Guys, let's go see the girls!" Dean said as he got up from his bed.
"I’ve got a better idea! We should try the girls' stares!" Seamus exclaimed.
All the boys laughed and before they knew it, they were in the common room. Hermione was talking with Ginny on the couch when suddenly their faces dropped.
"What are you doing? Ron? Why do all the other boys look like girls?" Hermione asked as she raised an eyebrow.
"What? You can see me?” Ron asked. ”Oh man, that’s no fun!"
"What are you talking about, Hermione?” Ginny asked. ”Ron looks really weird! He has long hair, longer than mine!" She looked at the other boys.. "All of them are like girls! Dean, is that you? Damn you're hot!"
Harry snorted. It was weird that only Hermione could see Ron but the faces in the common room were brilliant. Everyone was laughing.
But then Lavender got mad at Ron because she saw him as a girl and she thought it too weird.
Time passed and after a while everyone got to bed. Only Ginny, Hermione and Harry stayed on the couch.
"Why am I the only one who could still see Ron as… Ron?” Hermione suddenly asked. ”What kind of potion did you drink?"
"I don't know the exact name—" Harry started but Hermione slapped him on his shoulder "Hey! It wasn’t my idea! It was Seamus’s! He found it in a book and brewed it for us!"
"You're lucky it wasn't poisonous! What’s the name Harry?!"
Harry closed his eyes and thought about it.
"Armor liquid? It's something like that. I'm sorry Hermio—" But Hermione was already on her feet. "What are you doing?"
"What do you think? She's going to the only place possible!" Ginny laughed.
"The library,” they all said in unison.
Harry left the girls after that and went to bed. It had been a good night of laughter.
The potion was still effective in the morning and the boys were now panicking in the dorm. Only Harry thought it was still funny.
"We can't possibly go to class like this!" Neville lamented. "What will people think of us?"
"And how can I look at Ginny now?" Dean whined.
"Stop whining, Dean! You're the fittest guy we know and you're dating my sister!"
Harry got dressed. The house elves had gotten them all girl uniforms during the night, as if they knew about that potion. The feeling of having a skirt was weird. No wonder that girls could feel eyes on them all day. The length of the skirt was astonishingly short. Harry could feel the cold between his legs and as he walked through the halls felt boys staring at him.
It was worse when they arrived at the Great Hall. Harry could literally feel, see and hear the people talking about all five of them.
"Is this how you feel all the time, mate?" Ron asked, blushing. "No wonder you hate the attention!"
Harry snorted before he was grabbed by the wrist and got dragged all the way to the Gryffindor table.
"Harry, tell me again about the name of the potion!" Hermione demanded, her face all serious.
"I don't know. Amore… something... Hey, Seamus!" Harry looked at the girl and people stopped talking around them. "What's the name of the potion we took last night?"
"Liquidum amorem. Why?"
Hermione opened the book she had placed onto the table , her hand squeezing Harry's wrist tightly. He looked at her. There were sleeping bags under her eyes. She was wearing the same clothes as last night. And her hair was all over the place. Did she even sleep?.
"Hermione, it's just a stupid potion,” Harry said. “I'm sure we'll turn into boys again, if it is worrying you."
"Maybe Miss Pomfrey knows the antidote. We should go to the Hospi—"
"Liquidum Amorem is a powerful love potion,” Hermione started. "Commonly known as 'Love liquid', its effect changed the gender of the person drinking the potion. Everyone will be beguiled by them and see them as the opposite gender except—"
"Oi Potter! What did you do with your gang? Why are they looking like girls?"Malfoy asked mockingly. "And why are you dressed like one whilst you look like usual? Did you lose your wig?"
"—for your soulmate’s eyes'" Hermione finished in a whisper.

Have you ever wondered where books come from?
Well then, let me show you, because that’s what I do for a living.
Right now, it’s this time of the year, and the little ones have just freshly hatched:

You’ll notice they’re still blind and naked when they hatch. So I make them little coats to keep them warm during their first winter:

See how they happily line up to put them on:

See? Better. Now they’re ready to go and explore the world.

And if they make it through the winter and we take good care of them, they will grow up to be strong and wise like their older fellows:

So, in case you were ever wondering, now you know.