Late Nights - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

I don’t understand, how everyone takes a criticism on feminism, racism or a simple comment about art, personally. When you debate women being subjugated all their life, your response to it is never, ‘we hate men!’. We hate the patriarchal system that creates such domination. It’s the same with racism, the answer to it is never ever, ‘we hate white people’, but the system in which we have come to live. Hate the system and aim to change that, not hate the people in it. So don’t take it personally. IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU.

Okay, thank you for listening to my late night rant. 

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4 years ago
Pairing: Hoseok X Reader

Pairing: Hoseok x Reader

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: None

Word Count: 1.4k+

Summary: Spending your Sundays with one of your regulars (your only regular, really) in the comfort of his own apartment was never something you saw yourself doing, but you suppose its not an entirely unwelcome surprise.

↳ or, Hoseok visits you at work because he thinks you’re cute, and the feeling is reciprocated.

A/N: Happy birthday to my only sunshine! I originally was working on a professor!Hobi x student!reader, but then I drove by IHOP and I had this idea. If you like this the mayhaps you would like to check out my mastelist. The link I in my description.

Pairing: Hoseok X Reader

You’d been working the graveyard shift at IHOP for a couple of weeks now, and you starting to get the hang of things. Most people who walked in during your shift were either drunk or heartbroken, and it made for an odd, albeit entertaining way to spend your time.

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4 years ago

When He Comes Home

Work. It means early mornings for you, late nights for Yoongi, and not much time together until the weekend. That’s why you love it when he comes home.

1, in bed, and 10. totally romantic, cuddle prompt requested by anon.

pairing: myg x reader (non-specified, gender neutral)

genre: fluff. est. relationship.

word count: 857

warnings: none, except extreme fluff.


© When He Comes Home is copyright vinterjeon 2020. This fic can not be modified, re-posted, or translated without my permission.

author’s note:  i think this is the cheesiest, fluffiest thing i’ve ever written lmao. yoongi just screams stability and wordless love to me and idk what else to do lmao. also, anon didn’t specify a member so i went with yoongi! and i havent really proofread or edited this so like it or hate it lmao it is what it is


It’s not always easy. Yoongi works long hours, and so do you, and although the money’s great, it cuts down the time you have with each other. It’s all quiet and early mornings for you while Yoongi gets to sleep in but is only able to return at a late hour. 

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11 months ago


“why wouldn't you wanna be like me?”

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1 year ago

late night thoughts:

I've been thinking about doing a txt side blog... I have a haikyuu one (lol) that I haven't done much writing for yet, but I kinda wanna do a txt one?

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Today I started something new. Waking up 30 min earlier than normal before work to read my bible. Last night I didn't fall asleep until after 0200 and my goal was to be up at 0600. Well, I'm up! My heart hurts so bad that I feel like it's in the hundred bpm, but it's only in the upper 80's. I got 3 or 4 hours of sleep because I stayed up crying over my best friend who I called my little brother and couldn't sleep until after 0200.

But I'm awake. I have my tea, did my bible readings and today is a good day!

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3 years ago

I've never related to a song more.

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3 years ago

reblog and put in the tags a song that’d be on your life soundtrack

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There is something peaceful about late nights. No matter where you are in the world, a late night is always the same. A soft quietness, maybe the sounds of a few insects and the huge expanse of the night's sky, looking down from above like a silent guardian. It reminds me that no matter how stressful or hectic life gets, things will always calm down. That, no matter where I am in life or what has happened to me, my late nights will never change. Always the same quietness, the same sounds and the same sky. I may have become a different person but my sky has not changed.

It is a comforting thought. One that has gotten me through many long days. So, perhaps you should take a break and look at the night's sky outside. It will help you feel better, even if it's just for a little while.

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3 years ago
I've Been Pretty Busy Lately, But Here's An Old Vent Drawing I Made. Sometimes I Go Into Episodes Where

I've been pretty busy lately, but here's an old vent drawing I made. Sometimes I go into episodes where I can't stop whatever it is I'm doing, even if I hate doing it, or want to go to bed. It's hyper-focusing, but like 💖𝓮𝔁𝓽𝓻𝓪💖 ya know?

Anyways, I was stuck on too high a dosage of adderall (my doctor was booked) when I made this, and that was making these episodes worse, so I made some art to cope lol.

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look what i did

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3 years ago
I Am Just Trying To Vibe With Low Storage Space

i am just trying to vibe with low storage space

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