tom, you bring me home; she/her eng/esp

32 posts



SUMMARY: Sebastian and you are invited to read thirst tweets.

A/N: hey! so i really love sebastian and i wanted to write something about him, so this is what my mind created. also, english it's no my first language, so i hope this is good, let me know what you think! take care of yourself please. (not my gif)


you and Sebastian had been dating for a few months after the movie you were shooting ended.

he had been invited to Comic-Con for his role as Bucky, yet you were there as a supportive girlfriend. you two had been invited to the section to read thirst tweets. Sebastian had no idea what you two were going to do, but you had already seen some of those videos on the internet and it seemed quite funny.

"and what are we going to do?" the boy asked once you two were sitting in front of the cameras.

"the two of you are going to read thirst tweets." a girl behind cameras answered him as she handed him a blue pot.

"a what?" he asked again without understanding and took the pot in his hands.

"it will be fun, I promise you." you told him and placed a kiss on his cheek.

the cameras started recording and the signal was given for the two of you to start reading the little papers with tweets.

"hi! I'm [Y/N] and this is Sebastian." you greeted with a big smile and pointed to the boy next to you. "and today we will read yours thirst tweets."

"do you want to start? I have no idea how this works." Sebastian held out the pot for you so you could reach in and take a piece of paper out of it.

"alright." you said as soon as you took a paper between your hands. "oh my god, okay." you cleared your throat before reading.

"what?" Seb asked with great curiosity.

"i would pay a thousand dollars for [Y/N] to choke me with her thighs." you read and turned to see your boyfriend, who kept his mouth open in surprise.

"is that a thirst tweet?! oh my god, I don't want to do this anymore." he shook his head while laughing.

"stop it, it's your turn pretty boy." you snatched the container from his hands and held it out to him.

"i'm scared, I really mean it." he said when he reached into the pot. "Okay, let's see what it says." he narrowed his eyes a little so he could read better. "I want Sebastian to kiss me just like he kiss [Y/N], wish i were heather." he stop reading and looked at you with puppy eyes.

"why are you looking at me like that?" you asked.

"that means I'm a good kisser" he said with some arrogance.

"who told you that?" you asked in amusement and reached into the bowl to get another tweet.

"this person." he shook the paper that was in his hand. "if they want me to kiss them like I kiss you, it means I'm a good kisser."

"of course not." you pushed his face a little. "maybe you're a bad kisser but I'm not telling you because i love you."

"okay, you know what? I'll never kiss you anymore." he said and crossed his arms, then turned and turned his back on you.

"you do not even belive it." you put a hand on his thigh to turn it so that the two of you are looking at the camera again. "the dance that [Y/N] did in the Shawn Mendes music video plays in my head every day." you read and immediately the memories of that moment came to your head.

"i agree with that person." Sebastian spoke and then I look at you. "you looked hot in that video." confessed.

"i always look hot, what do you mean?" you asked indignantly and tossed the paper into the air, while your boyfriend pulled out another.

"Sebastian Stan, I ask you to choke me with the metal arm." he read and couldn't help laughing in the middle of the reading.

"would that be possible? I think it would kill you if I just tried for all the weight it carries." you said and put your own hand on your neck.

"i don't know, we should try it." he looked at you and raised his eyebrows playing.

"Sebastian!" you gave him a little bump on the arm. "this is family time, there are children watching us!" you said as a laugh began to escape from your mouth.

"fine." he said and rolled his eyes.

"okay, I think this is the penultimate of all." you said as soon as you touched the paper "that picture where Brie Larson and [Y/N] are kissing lives in my head for free." you read and quickly felt the gaze of your partner on you. "what?"

"you have a picture of kissing my set partner and I didn't even know it!" he sounded indignant and got up from his chair to go behind cameras. "i'm done."

you really couldn't stop laughing seeing Sebastian's reaction, however you had to fire the video without him.

"i need to see that picture. if we ever break up I'll blame Brie for being the third person in this relationship." the boy said with amusement once the cameras stopped recording.

"I'll show it to you when we get home." You assured him and they both smiled at each other.

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SUMMARY: "accidentally" during an interview you and Chris reveal that you're dating.

A/N: sooo, this is my first post and also, english it's not my first language so i hope this is good. let me know what you think! take care of yourself pls <3 (not my gif)


Chris and you had decided to keep your relationship as secret as possible, because you wanted to avoid the paparazzi and the countless notes that would have their names as a title.

after the endgame tapes, the two were thankful that people thought they hadn't seen each other anymore and that each was in their respective home. although, obviously there were fans who noticed every little detail about some photo or instagram story.

the quarantine had taken everyone by surprise, but what surprised and even alarmed them the most was that James Corden wanted to do an online interview with several of the cast and obviously with you and Chris included.

"morning, my love" Chris said as soon as he got up and saw that you were already awake.

"hi, baby" you smiled at him and leaned a little closer to leave a short kiss on his lips.

"what is it? the interview?" he asked as soon as he saw that you stopped smiling as you parted from the kiss. you nodded as you closed your eyes for a moment "don't worry, darling. everything will be fine."

"i don't know, Chris. i think we should stay in bed and say we got sick." Chris laughed at your comment and ran one of his hands around your waist.

"that would attract more attention, don't you think?" he asked and that made you smile again. "look, this is what we're going to do. i'll be in the kitchen and you can be outside sitting on the wooden chair we have there. no one will suspect anything, i promise."

"i will trust you for the first time in my life" you said with a smile, provoking one in him.

"rude" was the last thing he said before reconnecting his lips with yours.

finally it was time for the interview, as they had said, you were in the backyard and chris was in the kitchen, each one with their airpods so that the noise would not give them away.

"once again, thank you so much for being here." James thanked all the members who were connected.

"don't worry James. it's our pleasure to be here again." Zoe said kindly with a big smile.

"who told you that? i'd rather be in bed right now watching any Marvel movie, except Spider-Man, without offending you Tom." most of your friends smiled when they heard your comment, especially Sebastian and Anthony.

"i see what's going on here." Tom said quickly and pointed one of his fingers at you. "you're making alliances with Mackie and Stan to annoy me, that's a cheap shot."

"ugh, I hope the quarantine never ends so I don't have to see them again." Robert said sarcastically and rolled his eyes as he sipped from the coffee in his cup.

the interview started to move forward and it was soon your turn to answer some questions James had for you.

"the fans want to know, do you have any upcoming projects or are you taking a break like everyone else?" he asked while reading one of his letters.

"well, this is actually a secret if Stan will allow me to reveal it." you spoke up and quickly sought approval from your partner. when it was given, you kept talking: "Stan and I are in a new movie out of the entire superhero universe." you responded with great emotion.

"that's true." Sebastian added a comment. "i've been seeing [Y/N] for a few weeks now. when it was the meeting where we read the script and I saw her there, i really felt a relief that I wouldn't have to make any new friends." he confessed and raised his eyebrows.

"i have to admit I thought so-." you stopped talking as soon as Dodger started barking.

"is that a dog? i didn't know you had a dog." Hemswort quickly asked and leaned a little closer to the camera.

you could see how Chris also froze a bit when he heard the other Chris' comment. they both knew that he was only doing it to annoy the two of you, well, all his companions knew that you two were together.

"no, I'm at my parents' house and they recently adopted a dog." you tried to hide it with a smile.

by the time Chris was answering some questions, you couldn't help but look at him with great tenderness and love from your small screen, causing several of your friends to notice this.

"alright, back to [Y/N]" James talks again. "how have you been coping with the quarantine?"

"honestly, it took me a bit..." you sighed when you heard Dodger bark again. "i have found some hobbies, but, it is not the same as being on a set or in a restaurant." you answered with a grimace and closed your microphone.

"what are those hobbies? tell us." the guy encouraged you.

"one of those better be learning to skateboard because you're lousy, [Y/N], lousy." Anthony commented a laugh.

you had already opened the microphone and were ready to defend yourself from the actor, however, a "shut it, Dodger" from Chris from the kitchen slipped into your audio, leaving everyone surprised.

"is that the voice of Chris Evans?" James asked in total surprise.

"What? Of course not-" you were going to deny everything, however, Chris quickly run from the kitchen to your side.

"yes, it's me." the actor responded with a smile, and quickly the open mouths of all the other actors were present.

"are you two dating?" Corden asked as he sucked in air with his left hand.

"we are, yes." you answered while smiling broadly.

"in fact, they have been for two years." Scarlett added. "that's right! they have been lying to you for two years."

"thank goodness they said so!" Tom said with some relief. "as soon as I heard Dodger barking I didn't know if I was going to be able to hold it back any longer and it was probably going to escape my mouth."

"well, kid, you've managed to keep the secret for two and a half years. i think that's a great achievement" your boyfriend congratulated him and the laughs were not long in coming.

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4 years ago

reminder that Sam Wilson

is still helping catch bad guys

can speak Arabic???? HELLO??????

is saving people's lives

when he sees things are going south at home, steps in to help

sent bucky texts probably to check in on him

has the time to be fucking hilarious during an intense fight

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has a lovely relationship with his nephews

handles disrespect gracefully even though he had every right to punch that fucker in the face

talks to redwing. like doesn't remote control him, he legitimately talks to him


4 years ago


SUMMARY: when a game in a interview show up, Tom can't keep his mout shut.

A/N: this is my first imagine of tom omg i love him so much. as always, english it's not my first language so i hope this is good! take care of yourself pls! (gifs not mine)


"baby, remember we can't get together." you said while on the screen of your cell phone you watched your boyfriend brushing his teeth.

"why not?" he removed his brush from his mouth to ask.

"because everyone will know that we are together." you let out a sigh.

"they won't know." he shook and spat into the sink before speaking back to the screen. "let me go for you." he said with a pout.

"Thomas." this time, your voice was a little more serious.

"fine darling, but don't call me Thomas, it feels like you don't love me anymore." the latter put a smile on your face.

"I will always love you, dumbass." you rolled your eyes and got out of bed when you heard someone ring your doorbell. "It's probably Lizzie, so i have to hang up. love you." you said something hasty and waited for me to say it back to you, as soon as the "love you too" left your boyfriend's lips, you hung up the call.

when you opened the door, Elizabeth was behind her in a pretty light blue dress and her hair was tied in a ponytail. "hey, girl. Scarlett is in the car so we should go right now." she said something hastily and took your hand to get you out of your apartment.


as soon as they got to where the interview would be recorded you were able to locate several of your colleagues, however, Tom was not there.

"does anyone know where the fuck is Tom Holland?" you ask.

"I told you that the kid was a problem." Sebastian said as he sat down in a chair next to Anthony.

"I'm here!" your boyfriend's unmistakable voice echoed throughout the place, forcing you to turn to meet his gaze. he looked handsome as hell, he was wearing a black pants, a white shirt and a black jacket.

"who invited him? damn, now the whole interview is ruined." Anthony said sarcastically, causing a laugh from some.

"so funny, Mackie." your boyfriend rolled his eyes and sat down, not before checking you up with his eyes. Tom sat on the edge, next to Lizzie. you really wanted to sit next to him, but the only available seat was between Sebastian and Scarlett.

when you sat down, you felt a vibration and you quickly picked up your phone to find out what it was that made it vibrate. It was a message from Tom.

TOM: you look so gorgeous, stop being so cute or i will die.

YOU: shut up.

TOM: i'm being serious. i just can't believe that you are my gf like omg lucky me.

YOU: you're making me blush, stop it

TOM: only the truth darling ;)

i love u so much.

YOU: love u too. now shut up, the interview is getting started.

as soon as the two of you leave your phones, the two of you found each other to smile at each other before the interview started.

"I see what's going on" Sebastian commented, pulling you out of your bubble

"huh?" you asked without understanding what he was referring to.

"you and Holland." when he spoke those words, you felt your body go numb with nerves.

"what do you mean?" you asked trying to hide the nerves that began to run through your veins.

"you two are plotting revenge on Mackie and me for bothering you so much." hearing that gave you a sigh of relief.

"yeah, totally." you said with a smile, relieved that it was not what you thought.

soon the interviewer entered the room, giving them indications of the game they would play. "so, i'm gonna say let me see the last picture in your camera roll and stuff like that." he explain quickly so that all of you could understand.

"but what if i have a nude?" you asked at random.

"you have nudes in your phone? alright dirty girl." Scarlett commented in surprise.

"no, i mean-"

"It's alright, you are on your 20's and it's understandable, don't worry about it. actually, don't share it with every guy you meet." Sebastian said next to you.

"wait, i don't-"

"just don't show it for the good of the community, got it? yeah? I want to suppose so." Anthony looked at you and said.

"leave alone the little girl, I'm sure she just ask for curiosity." Elizabeth jumped into the conversation and defended you.

"that's why you're my favorite, Liz." you blew her a kiss in the air.

"I'll make sure that didn't hurt, but okay." Tom said hiding it with a cough.

"shut up, Tom. you can't talk, surely you also have photos on your phone with your stick in the air" Anthony said with some disgust.

"did you just called his dick, stick?" Scarlett asked with a laugh.

"oh man." the man next to you shook his head. "just don't put that in the interview and let's get started."

"alright, alright." the interviewer said with a laugh. "so, we are going to separate all of you, in that way some teach one thing and the others another, it's that okay?" he asked and everyone nodded.

"wait, so if I show my first picture, Lizzie won't?" Tom asked and pointed to the girl next to him.

"no, in that case she is going to show her last photo." answered the question. "so, Tom, Scarlett and Anthony are the team one, and Lizzie, Sebastian and [Y/N] are team two. got it?"

"yes, sir." you said and took out your phone to be able to show what they ask of you.

"right, team one let's see your last picture." the guy in front of you ordered and the three people that made up that team began searching his gallery.

"mine it's really boring." Scarlett warned when she saw her last photo. "it's a glass of water." she said simply and showed a photo.

"mine is a selfie of Lizzie and i." Anthony said with a smile and showed his screen, in which the photo of the two actors stood out.

"we look good." the semi blonde said and nodded.

"what about yours, Tom?" you asked curiously and leaned forward a little to get a better look at it.

"it's ridiculous." he said and placed the palm of his hand on his forehead while showing the photo.

"why you have a picture of a tea bag?" Sebastian asked in confusion.

"because there was nothing left!" Tom said and shifted a bit in his chair so he could be face to face with all of you. "so i send this picture to my mom so she can buy more for me."

"the fuck, Tom? just go to the store." you tried to sound like his friend

"no because i want this kind of tea, i don't like others." he said with a grimace.

"and what about your juices? I thought those were your favorites." Anthony asked and rested his right cheek on his hand.

"yeah but, I like tea better." he shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

"let's continue!" the interviewer interrupted and read one of the letters in his hands. "let's see, team two i want to see your last note."

"i'm scared" you start giggling while entering the notes app.

"i can't say it." Sebastian said quickly and turned off his cell phone.

"hey, why not? show us." Scarlett insisted and crossed her arms.

"because it's a list of possible gifts for [Y/N] because her birthday is coming up." when he said this, the two of you quickly turned to look at each other. you folded your lower lip and moved closer to him so that you could hug him properly.

"yeah, so much love but i want to see the tea, darling. show us." Mackie interrupted the moment and clapped his hands to hurry you up.

"my last note says 'new angel by niall horan'." you said something confused without understanding why your last note said that. "um, what?"

"oh!" Lizzie interfered and headed towards you. "maybe it's because it was the song that was playing on the radio and you said you were going to write down the name to add it to your playlist."

"oh" you exclaimed extending the o. "yeah, i remember now."

"so, my last note says 'two and a half cups of rice'." your friend frowned at not understanding. "yeah, i don't remember that."

"let's continue with the team two, show us your last text." the interviewer ordered with a smile and those of team two quickly got into the messaging app.

"oh, this is a funny one." Sebastian said "damn it, i'm gonna burn everything because you are not going to the interview with Mackie and i." he read his last message without removing the smile from his face and then looked up. "I sent it to Evans."

"oh i see the favoritisim here." Scarlett said with a small laugh and looked at Sebastian.

"I'm going to an interview, we can hang out tomorrow." Lizzie read with narrowed eyes so she could see better. "yeah, my best friend wanted us to go out for a drink but work comes first, i guess." she grimaced and shrugged.

"oh, I'm so eager to see the latest message from [Y/N], she has the juicy stuff." Anthony said with a laugh and pointed at you.

"oh my god, may the lord save me." you said while entering the message app. you widened your eyes when you saw that the last message you sent had been to Tom, you tried to get into another chat, but Sebastian discovered you.

"hey!" he said quickly and stopped your hand. "without cheating."

"well, mine says love u too. now shut up, the interview is getting started." when you finished reading, you felt your cheeks begin to turn a crimson color.

"I wonder who you sent it to." Lizzie said and touched her chin pretending to think.

"is it that boyfriend of yours?" Sebastian asked and you nodded slowly.

"wait, do you have a boyfriend?" the boy asked you in amazement and you nodded again while covering your face with your cell phone.

"let me tell you something about this girl." Mackie interrupted everything and when he started talking, you knew you were going to be embarrassed. "she has a boyfriend, but she doesn't show it. upload photos to her social networks and cover the boy's face."

"even we don't know who it is." the blonde said. "we are creating a team of spies to discover the identity of her lover."

"I'm afraid that all of you may never find out." you said very sure and pulled the phone away from your face.

Tom hadn't said a word since his shift started. he was simply looking at you with eyes of love because he could not be near you. he hadn't realized that you had read his last text message, he was lost in how good you looked.

"Tom?" Elizabeth moved the boy a little, pulling him out of his bubble.

"um, yes?" he answered something lost, not understanding what was happening around him.

"read us your last text message, prince charming." Stan annoyed him and ordered him at the same time.

when you noticed that your boyfriend looked a bit lost, you begged not to read the same message and everyone would realize what was happening between the two of you.

"alright." the brunnette took out his cell phone and entered your chat. "love u too. now shut up, the interview is getting started." he looked up and smiled at his companions. "it was from my girlfriend." at that moment, you felt your cheeks burn and your body completely paralyzed. Tom had publicly exposed the relationship.

"wait a damn minute." Anthony said and looked at Tom and then at you.

"i knew it!" Scarlett got up from her chair and did a little victory dance.

"this is too much, i can't believe it." Sebastian put a hand on his forehead. "how can you lie to me!" he yelled at you and shook your shoulders making you laugh.

"um, hi?" Holland said without understanding. "what's going on?"

"just don't talk, i think you already said a lot." you told him and covered your face with both of your hands.

"what do you mean?" he asked again.

"you, Thomas Holland." Elizabeth turned so she could face him. "you just made your relationship with [Y/N] known" when the brunette processed these words, he quickly leaned in to look at you.

"sorry?" he said with an awkward smile and shrugged.

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