Sometimes, "Write For Yourself," Means That You Have To Stop Waiting For Someone Else To Convince You
Sometimes, "Write for yourself," means that you have to stop waiting for someone else to convince you that your work has value worth sharing before you believe in that value for yourself.
Write for yourself because you believe you have a story worth being told, not because you are hoping that someone else will agree with you after the story is done.
It means worry about what other people will think about your story after you've written it, but you have to decide you have something worth writing first.
The only definite guarantee is that no one will ever think anything of the story you gave up on before it was ever put down on a page.
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More Posts from Spacecasehobbit
what they don't tell you is that a well-written fic can get you to ship anything, and i mean ANYTHING. notp? not anymore. you will stay up late thinking about and crying over them for the rest of your life. characters you don't even know from a piece of media you've never engaged with? fuck it, they belong to you now. problematic ship that you loved to hate and now just love to love, that you must never tell your friends about? don't worry, ao3 knows how to keep a secret. like. a well-written fic will have you acting UP and that's a fact baby !!
I love soulmates but also this-
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink," is usually a reminder that you can't control anyone else's behavior, only your own. Sometimes, you have to know when to move on from a situation that is out of your hands.
In other situations, it can be helpful to consider if the horse is you this time.
For example, you can get as many encouraging comments and kudos as your fanfic has readers, but at the end of the day only you can choose whether or not you write more.
*cups ao3 author's face in my hands gently* please. you are the only one who understands the blorbos correctly. you must write more.