Ill Give You A Little Preview Of Perfect Time Just Like I Did With Right Time & Ill Try Before Year End
i’ll give you a little preview of perfect time just like i did with right time 🫣 & i’ll try before year end so it’s my little gif for the new year ❤️
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well, then perfect time will be long 👀 be ready guys for what is coming!! 🫠
ughhhh UGGHHHHH AAAAAAAA this man is just not it, I am trying to convince myself he's good he's fine but then he comes and shits on us AGAIN. Jungkook idk what to do with you any more.
well this jk is a bit out of control & doesn’t know what to do with his life, he definitely needs to get his shit together & act like a man so let’s see what will happen in perfect time but honestly, expect it to be a rollercoaster 😂
When will perfect time be out? No pressure. Just asking so I can wait patiently
i have absolutely no idea, I’m working on it but i don’t know when it will be ready… perfect time is probably going to be quite long so it might take some time to be released
I read the ask where someone didn't want OC to get preggo. You said that 'there's an eventuality that jk isn't the father'
Hehe if that becomes true wouldn't it be amaziiinggg? Even OC should name her child Arya.🤭😈
It'd be the perfect revenge, hehe. Imagine years after JK seeing OC with a cutest baby in the world, and he keeps wondering who might be the father only for him to hear OC call her baby Arya. And he should keep on wondering about the father of the baby and OC's husband for the rest of his life.
I know I'm being petty.😔
Honestly, I was rooting for JK's happiness in 'Wrong time' only to regret it after reading what he did to OC in 'right time'
Looks like JK was immature. Also, him being a jerk to OC screams (according to me), that he was immature and was being himself whenever he was with her. He loved her back then, so his blind love wanted her to cope with her sadness anyhow so that she would stay with him. Maybe that's the reason he even let the issue slide about where OC went and kissed her ex crush.
Now, since he'd become a father he put on this grown man coat and grew a wall around his heart. That could be the reason for him to even be friends with Eunji. Because if it was not, maybe he would've tried to marry Eunji for the sake of his daughter. Clearly his daughter wants both the parents together but he's strong on his side about not marrying for the sake of it.
Trust me, I hate JK too, but him not getting married tells me that he loves OC. Even more than his daughter. OC is the greatest love of his life, but since he is so open regarding his feelings for her. Maybe he still stays in the same age (mentally) with her even after 10 years. That could be the reason for him to take this rash decision, thinking he has a duty to take care of his daughter because she is in the world because of him.
But I can bet and say with my whole heart that he loves OC more than ANYONE, even more than his daughter.
I'm still rooting for them to get together. They really deserve to be with each other. But he should definitely apologize and do everything for her to forgive his immature cute dumbest ass.
I tried not to hate him and tried to understand things from his side as much as I could. I don't know how much is true in my ask according to you. But this is what I understood when I read the ff again.
Oops, sorry for the long ask. It may look like I'm competing with that anon who sent a long ask😂 but I'm not.😅
hi angel ✨ thanks a lot for this ask & for telling me your point of view on all this situation between oc and jk. there's some truth in it 😊
jk is very immature when it comes to heart matters. he doesn't know how to deal with relationships, mostly because he was heartbroken 10 years ago but also because he doesn't know how to love. the proof is that he was a fuckboy before & after oc. that fuckboy attitude led to having Arya, and thank god, he managed to have an excellent friendship with Eunji. since Arya grew up with this dynamic, she doesn't see/want her parents to be married. this is her reality and Eunji & jk being married would probably be confusing for her at first. she simply loves moments when they are all together because she loves both her parents.
jk is absolutely madly in love with oc, she's the only person he ever truly loved romantically. i wouldn't say he loves her more than Arya but he loves them differently. Arya is his daughter so he has an unconditional love for her & oc is his first love. so for me, he loves them equally but still very differently.
i find it quite nice of you to try to understand him 😊 don't apologise for the long ask, honestly, I think it was the longest of them all but I liked seeing your point of view 💛
So glad Oc is not allowing herself to act on her feelings with Jungkook because now it’s his turn to make things right😭 super excited to see what happens ❤️ maybe i’m being salty but i’m still upset he went ahead and used a name he and Oc had chose together…. Like it’s so messed up, he messed up so many times and now Oc and him won’t experience what it feels like to be a parent together for the first time or pick out a name together because he already did all of that… 😞 my pettiness says “Oc find another man who will cherish you” but my heart is like “Jungkook, wake up!!! Make things right please😭” lmao
hi angel, thanks for your ask ❤️ well yeah, if jk wants to come back he’ll have to do things right!! he messed up & not just a bit! for me, it’s normal you feel salty about that, i mean he chose that name with oc & went on to give it to his daughter even though he didn’t want it at first… he could have pushed for another name… but i’ll let you discover what will happen in perfect time 🤗 i think it’s quite unexpected what will happen 🫣