splatoon-ninjago-chan-fan - Spatoon x Ninjago
Spatoon x Ninjago


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Splatoon-ninjago-chan-fan - Spatoon X Ninjago

splatoon-ninjago-chan-fan - Spatoon x Ninjago

We Need To Talk For A While Tho    

Disclaimers Please Do Not Attack Harassed And Witch-Hunting Me And Do Not Harassed And Witch-Hunting Other Peoples Users That Got Exposed During Controversy Crotroversies Drama Dramas Incident Incidents Tho!

Regarding To Addressing The Statement Of My Drama Controversy Respond 

amd Responds And

 Responded On 2018/2019/2022 By Myself Tho!  

Hey Guys I Have Really To Say About This But This Wasn’t Mushy Aka Gabriella‘s Fault Tho!,It Was Me Who I Literally Accidentally Draw Two Girls Inflation To Me As Well To Snivyshylover But Then I Deleted It And Removed It To Avoid Too Many Controversy Controversies Drama Dramas Incident Incidents And To Avoid Criticized And Criticism Tho!,Mushy Aka Gabriella I’m Sorry I Will Not Do That To Snivyshylover Again Okay Tho?,I Accidentally Draw And Drawing Bootleggings Because This Bootleggings Belongs To @Redqueenmiku By The Way Tho And Also This Koopalings Human Form Belongs To @Kitty-McGeeky97!,So I Instead Deleted All Of It And Removed All Of It To Avoid Controversy Controversies Drama Dramas Incident Incidents And To Avoid Criticized And Criticism And I Have To Give Them A Credit To Three Of Them Name @Redqueenmiku And @Kookyshygirl88 @Kitty-McGeeky97 Next Time!,But If These Three Idiotics Idiots Sickos Bozos Jerkos Losers Don’t Really Apologize Or Don’t Really Even Say I’m Sorry And It’s Okay I Hope These Three Idiotics Idiots Sickos Bozo Jerkos Losers Will HAVE To Regret And Regretted And Apology And Apologize By Themself And Themselves Tho!,Also If You Three @Redqueenmiku And @Kookyshygirl88 And @Kitty-McGeeky97 Seeing This!,You’ll Three Are All Going To Proved It Tho!,I Accidentally Harassed And Death Threats By The Three Of Them Name @CuteDragongirl456 And @Crystalhot1996

And @xxutracamilanunezxxx Because I Understand Why This Was Just An Absolutely Accident!,@CuteDragongirl456,@Crystalhot1996 And @xxutracamilanunezxxx I Understand How I Accidentally Harassed You And Death Threats You But I’m Sorry To Not Never Ever Do At Again Okay Tho?,I Actually Did Cut Ties To @DottyDerp/@Sharkmeme101 /@BadtzQuinn!,Because I Don’t Want To Be Friends With Her/Him Tho!,Because Everyone Literally Brainwashed And Brainwash And Brainwashing By Her/Him And Even Tho She/He Force And Forced And Forcing Me To Be Friends Tho So I Have To Cut Ties With Her/Him After She/He Making A Hate Art Meme Out Of Me By The Way Tho!,Me And @Princess-josie-Riki Are Having The Dora The Explorer Drama Tho!,Because Even Tho She Blocked Me And Others Blocked Me By The Way Tho!,I Called Out And Responded To Both @UnhingedAsian And @Heroicsonnyjim Because I’m So Sick And Tired By These Two Idiotics Idiots Sickos Bozos Jerkos Losers By The Way Tho!,And For The Five Of Them @Scarletdestiney And @AstronomyWitch And @Milk-And-Roses And @YunaSRL And @liostylo I’m So Sorry For Calling The Sweeticals Commissions Ocs “Traps” Prefers And Derogatory To As A “Transgender Women” But I’m Not Transphobic And Not Transphobia Tho!,I Literally Support Trans People And Transgender People Tho!,It Was An Accident About This Drama Tho!,I Don’t Hate Trans People And I Don’t Hate Transgender People Tho!,I Literally Support LGBT LGBTQ Pride Month Community Tho!,I Don’t Hate By The Way Tho!,And Also Again If You Five @Scarletdestiney And @AstronomyWitch And @Milk-And-Roses And @YunaSRL And @liostylo Seeing This!,You’ll Three Are All Going To Proved It Tho!,I Accidentally Spam Spammed Spamming Tag Tagging Mention Mentioned Mentioning Everyone Else In 2018/2019 But I Promise I’ll Never Do That Ever Again!,I Accidentally Faked My Own Death And Faked My Own Suicide And Faked My Own Depression In 2018/2019 Tho!,I Know It Happens To PamiBunni And LaCollie Drama Due To PamiBunni Being Faked Death And Faked Suicide And Force Forced Forcing To LaCollie Leaving Her And Cutting Ties Out Of Her Tho!,But I Apologize Myself Of My Drama Controversy Statement In 2018/2019 And Stop Faking My Own Death And Stop Faking My Own Depression Tho!,Please Do Not Harassed And Witch-Hunted Me And Do Not Harassed And Witch-Hunted The Others By The Way Tho!,I Just Want You To About The Truth About My Drama On 2018/2019/2022!,I’m Not A Bad User!,I’m Not An Evil User And I’m Not A Bad Evil User Tho!,I’m Not A Pedophile!,I Don’t Groomed Minors That I Need To Avoid And Avoided It Away For Myself Tho And I Hate And Dislike And Disliked And Don’t Like Loli Lolis Lolicon Lolicons And I Hate And Dislike And Disliked And Don’t Like Shota Shotas Shotacon Shotacons That I Need To Avoid And Avoided It Away For Myself Tho!,I’m Just A Good Great Perfect Hero Heroic User Tho!,I Understand Why I Know Everything Is Gone Bad Things Happening In 2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023/2024 Tho!,But Unlike Ra1nb0wk1tty101 And Julian Marrero And Pibbles Aka MyNameIsPibbles/Julie Dyke And Mark-Born And StarKidGalaxy05 Aka Robert And Beny2000 And Pamibunni And Angelcl22 And MrWarren05 And MarvelThomas1987 And MaxPesky06 Aka Daniel/Max And Hayley Aka Rocketspruggs And RT-Toons2003 Aka Raul/Raul Taveras And ChiareyChan And RetroPixel127 And Pepper-Color Ced/Ced15 Due During Controversy Controversies Drama Dramas Incident Incidents By The Way Tho!,I Chose And Chosen To Stay On The Good Great Perfect Awsome Amazing Hero Heroic Protagonist Side From Now On By The Way Tho!

More Posts from Splatoon-ninjago-chan-fan

I’m Going On Hiatus And Indefinite Hiatus Due To My Mental Health Ill Illness Sick Sickness For Some Reason

Unfortunately However I’m Might Not To Continuing And Drawing My Planned Project Work Worked!,I’m Might Want To Go On Hiatus And Indefinite Hiatus Due To My Mental Health Ill Illness Sick Sickness That I’m Not Feeling So Too Good Tho!,I’m Might Be Too Sick Sickness By The Way Tho!,Because My Cough Coughs Sore Throat Is Unable To Stop And It Can’t Stop For By Non-Stop And Non-Stopping And It Gets Even More Worst And Worse By The Way Tho!,I Might Want To Rest And Take A Break For Myself By The Way Tho!

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Barisol’s Child Is An Only Child (Gacha Club And Wonderend Version) 

(Selena And Meguna Version)

Barisols Child Is An Only Child (Gacha Club And Wonderend Version)

Barisol’s Child Is An Only Child V2

“Selena And Meguna Version” 

Meguna’s POV 

“Barisol’s son is an only child.”

“An heir to a wealthy household, and a beautiful boy everyone envies.”

“But there was a problem with him.”

“He loves to play with dolls, and he only wears girl clothes!”

“He steals implements from his mother’s room and secretly puts on makeup!”

“Everyone around him kept their distance from him as such!”

“So he was always....”

“All alone....”

Selena’s POV 

“Barisol’s daughter is an only child”

“A once-in-a-millennium child prodigy”

“Entering college at age six, she studies about the heart of man”

“Unending crimes and wars; why do people hate each other so?”

“So that she could understand that even a little, she continued with her research.” 

“And so she realized the cause of the unending ‘Malice’”

“She knew, ‘That’s not in this world’”

Meguna’s POV 

“Barisol’s son is an only child”

“He too finally took up a sweetheart, a maid his age who came to work for him”

“She was adorable like a doll”

““I’d like you to let me wear your clothes,””

“One day he requested of her”

“While becoming terribly flustered”

“That’s disgusting” was her only reply”

Selena’s POV 

“Barisol’s daughter is an only child”

“She too was beginning to be violated by ‘Malice’”

“Having unending murder impulses without knowing why, she consulted with a colleague”

“A researcher of parallel worlds”

“The man made this reply to her:”

““If you can erase your ‘other self’, then perhaps your ‘malice’ can be erased as well”” 

Meguna’s POV 

“From outside the door was an angry voice”

“In a corner of the room, he was growing afraid”

“The dolls scattered inside the room, their limbs were warm and in pieces”

“There was another world in the mirror that his eyes had been able to see

A woman who resembled himself extended a hand” 

Selena’s POV 

“When the world was consumed by “Malice”, an ark flew into the cosmos

With a crew of 72 people, inside of that it’s said there were also twins”

“Just before she would kill ‘herself’, she realized the truth

That this was a clever trap that man had devised” 

“When I do this myself, that really would be the gateway to ‘Malice’

With me fallen, he likely intended to ride on the ark in my place”

Selena And Meguna’s POV 

“Barisol’s child is an only child

But nowadays they're two children

The older sister knowing the heart of man and the younger brother knowing the body of man”

“The ark advances along a black sea, aiming for a new paradise

Their research might create a new mankind someday” 

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I Finally Finished The Humanoid Again And Ghost Humanoid Version Of The Ghost Gang Name Blinky,Inky, Pinky And Clyde V6 From The Pac-Man Party Wii Game And Here They Are I Hope You Like It! ^w^

I Finally Finished The Humanoid Again And Ghost Humanoid Version Of The Ghost Gang Name Blinky,Inky,
I Finally Finished The Humanoid Again And Ghost Humanoid Version Of The Ghost Gang Name Blinky,Inky,
I Finally Finished The Humanoid Again And Ghost Humanoid Version Of The Ghost Gang Name Blinky,Inky,
I Finally Finished The Humanoid Again And Ghost Humanoid Version Of The Ghost Gang Name Blinky,Inky,

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Barisol’s Child Is An Only Child (Gacha Life 2 And Wonderend Version) 

(No. 04 And Meru Aka Merutoro 10/Meruru Version)

Barisols Child Is An Only Child (Gacha Life 2 And Wonderend Version)

Barisol's Child is an Only Child V4 

“No. 04 And Meru Aka Merutoro 10/Meruru Version” 

Meru Aka Merutoro 10/Meruru’s POV 

“Barisol’s son is an only child.”

“An heir to a wealthy household, and a beautiful boy everyone envies.”

“But there was a problem with him.”

“He loves to play with dolls, and he only wears girl clothes!”

“He steals implements from his mother’s room and secretly puts on makeup!”

“Everyone around him kept their distance from him as such!”

“So he was always....”

“All alone....”

No. 04’s POV 

“Barisol’s daughter is an only child”

“A once-in-a-millennium child prodigy”

“Entering college at age six, she studies about the heart of man”

“Unending crimes and wars; why do people hate each other so?”

“So that she could understand that even a little, she continued with her research.”

“And so she realized the cause of the unending ‘Malice’”

“She knew, ‘That’s not in this world’”

Meru Aka Merutoro 10/Meruru’s POV 

“Barisol’s son is an only child”

“He too finally took up a sweetheart, a maid his age who came to work for him”

“She was adorable like a doll”

““I’d like you to let me wear your clothes,””

“One day he requested of her”

“While becoming terribly flustered”

““That’s disgusting” was her only reply””

No. 04’s POV 

“Barisol’s daughter is an only child”

“She too was beginning to be violated by ‘Malice’”

“Having unending murder impulses without knowing why, she consulted with a colleague”

“A researcher of parallel worlds”

“The man made this reply to her:”

““If you can erase your ‘other self’, then perhaps your ‘malice’ can be erased as well”” 

Meru Aka Merutoro 10/Meruru’s POV 

“From outside the door was an angry voice”

“In a corner of the room, he was growing afraid”

“The dolls scattered inside the room, their limbs were warm and in pieces” 

“There was another world in the mirror that his eyes had been able to see”

“A woman who resembled himself extended a hand” 

No. 04’s POV 

“When the world was consumed by “Malice”, an ark flew into the cosmos”

“With a crew of 72 people, inside of that it’s said there were also twins”

“Just before she would kill ‘herself’, she realized the truth”

“That this was a clever trap that man had devised” 

“When I do this myself, that really would be the gateway to ‘Malice’”

“With me fallen, he likely intended to ride on the ark in my place”

No. 04 And Meru Aka Merutoro 10/Meruru’s POV 

“Barisol’s child is an only child”

“But nowadays they're two children”

“The older sister knowing the heart of man and the younger brother knowing the body of man”

“The ark advances along a black sea, aiming for a new paradise”

“Their research might create a new mankind someday”

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Barisol’s Child Is An Only Child (Gacha Life And Club And Wonderend Version)

(Lemo And Yuni And Selena And Meguna And Luni And Ramunade No. 4 And Meru Aka Merutoro Version)

Barisols Child Is An Only Child (Gacha Life And Club And Wonderend Version)
Barisols Child Is An Only Child (Gacha Life And Club And Wonderend Version)
Barisols Child Is An Only Child (Gacha Life And Club And Wonderend Version)
Barisols Child Is An Only Child (Gacha Life And Club And Wonderend Version)

(Lemo And Yuni And Selena And Meguna And Luni And Ramunade And No. 4 And Meru Aka Merutoro Version)

Yuni And Meguna And Ramunade And Meru Aka Merutoro’s POV

“Barisol’s son is an only child.”

“An heir to a wealthy household, and a beautiful boy everyone envies.”

“But there was a problem with him.”

“He loves to play with dolls, and he only wears girl clothes!”

“He steals implements from his mother’s room and secretly puts on makeup!”

“Everyone around him kept their distance from him as such!”

“So he was always....”

“All alone....”

Lemo And Selena And Luni And No. 4’s POV

“Barisol’s daughter is an only child”

“A once-in-a-millennium child prodigy”

“Entering college at age six, she studies about the heart of man”

“Unending crimes and wars; why do people hate each other so?”

“So that she could understand that even a little, she continued with her research.”

“And so she realized the cause of the unending ‘Malice’”

“She knew, ‘That’s not in this world’”

Yuni And Meguna And Ramunade And Meru Aka Merutoro’s POV

“Barisol’s son is an only child”

“He too finally took up a sweetheart, a maid his age who came to work for him”

“She was adorable like a doll”

““I’d like you to let me wear your clothes,””

“One day he requested of her”

“While becoming terribly flustered”

““That’s disgusting” was her only reply””

Lemo And Selena And Luni And No. 4’s POV

“Barisol’s daughter is an only child”

“She too was beginning to be violated by ‘Malice’”

“Having unending murder impulses without knowing why, she consulted with a colleague”

“A researcher of parallel worlds”

“The man made this reply to her:”

““If you can erase your ‘other self’, then perhaps your ‘malice’ can be erased as well””

Yuni And Meguna And Ramunade And Meru Aka Merutoro’s POV

“From outside the door was an angry voice”

“In a corner of the room, he was growing afraid”

“The dolls scattered inside the room, their limbs were warm and in pieces”

“There was another world in the mirror that his eyes had been able to see”

“A woman who resembled himself extended a hand”

Lemo And Selena And Luni And No. 4’s POV

“When the world was consumed by “Malice”, an ark flew into the cosmos”

“With a crew of 72 people, inside of that it’s said there were also twins”

“Just before she would kill ‘herself’, she realized the truth”

“That this was a clever trap that man had devised”

“When I do this myself, that really would be the gateway to ‘Malice’”

“With me fallen, he likely intended to ride on the ark in my place”

Lemo And Yuni And Selena And Meguna And Luni And Ramunade No. 4 And Meru Aka Merutoro’s POV

“Barisol’s child is an only child”

“But nowadays they're two children”

“The older sister knowing the heart of man and the younger brother knowing the body of man”

“The ark advances along a black sea, aiming for a new paradise”

“Their research might create a new mankind someday”

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