spqrkles - 𝗮𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗻

who said chocolate cake!

660 posts

Guys Look At This Horse Breed I Swear

guys look at this horse breed i swear

Guys Look At This Horse Breed I Swear
Guys Look At This Horse Breed I Swear
Guys Look At This Horse Breed I Swear
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More Posts from Spqrkles

11 months ago

Camp Half Blood Infirmary Records

Patient Name: Percy Jackson

Injury: Concussion

Cause of Injury: hit in the head by an architectural book

Patient Name: Annabeth Chase

Injury: Pulled muscle

Cause of Injury: throwing a heavy object (believed to be architectural book)

Patient Name: Grover Underwood

Injury: Stomach pains

Cause of Injury: laughing too hard

3 years ago

good luck at school!! i hope your first day goes well :)

thanks omg it went so well even though i was so fucking lost i think i forgot everything over the summer like i need a recap in math i was so confused-

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11 months ago

Tangled [part 2]

Tangled [part 2]

Clarisse la rue x Persephone!repunzel!fem!reader

After discovering you in the tower, Clarisse offers you a chance to finally get a glimpse of freedom, joining them on their quest back to camp half blood.


Toxic parents, yandere!parents, oblivious!, Clarisse being stubborn, overprotectiveness, cannon typical violence, bullying, reader has poor survival instincts, more to come maybe

You were scared to meet the other two people Clarisse had informed you were halfbloods. She told you that you were probably one too, or at least she thought you were.

She said it would explain your hair, and why your parents had left you in a tower your entire life. And how you could make plant life grow at will, or the fact your mother was called Persephone (a pretty big giveaway if you asked Clarisse)

You just thought that was all normal. Apparently not.

She told you this stuff as her brother made his way up the wall, the other girl, Anna, climbing up behind him.

When they eventually climbed over, sweaty and out of breath you watched them cautiously with wide eyes from your spot across the room.

Clarisse sighed and walked over to you, “it’s fine they’re my friends, they’re not gonna do anything”

You looked to her then, she thought you looked like a baby dear, terrified with wide doe eyes staring into her own with a little terrified pout on your lips. She couldn’t help but find it cute.

“What. The. Fuck” Elliot said in between deep breaths as he stumbled into the room, “who is she and why are we breaking into her house?”

“Shut up” Clarisse stated, rolling her eyes at the boy, “this is y/n, I’m pretty sure she’s a half blood and she’s letting us stay in her tower for the night”

“I am?”

“She is?”

“I-I don’t remember agreeing to that..” you stated looking at her confused.

“She’s a half blood?” Elliot asked, being ignored by his sister.

“You wanna go outside right?” Clarisse said, hoping her assumptions were correct.

You waited for a moment, not wanting to answer. Whenever you brought up leaving to your mother she got mad and told you how dangerous the outside world was, but you couldn’t help but not believe her with how beautiful the part of the world you can see is.

“yes but…” You eventually nodded at her hesitantly, muttering out, “but it’s dangerous out there, I can’t leave”

“It’s not dangerous” Clarisse stated, her brother wacking her arm causing her to correct herself, “well not if you’re with us, we’ll protect you”

You looked at them suspiciously, going to speak before being interrupted by Elliot.

“This seems like kidnapping” he said bluntly, causing Clarisse to roll her eyes as you looked between the two in worry and watched the other girl walk towards the window in annoyance of another argument between the siblings.

“Kidnapping from who?” Clarisse responded.

“Um maybe the parents she just said don’t want her going outside?” He rebutted.

“Oh the parents that have locked her away in a tower her entire life? Sure because that’s normal…”

“Yeah those parents Clarisse!” He continued, “the ones that are probably literal gods and will kill us if we take her!”

She glared at the boy for a moment, before both of them turned back to face you, the shock of it making you stumble backwards a little with wide eyes.

“Do you want to leave?” Clarisse asked for a second time, looking at you with expectantly.

“Well I-i guess” you responded, cowering back slightly as the siblings both glared into your sole, clarisses stare turning into a triumphant smirk when you finished speaking.

“There” Clarisse said smugly, “not kidnapping if it’s willing”


“Come on” Clarisse said firmly the next day, climbing over the side of the window ledge and beginning to scale down the side of the building, her brother following after her leaving you and the other girl stood watching them.

“H-how am I meant to do that?” You stuttered out to the girl, fear of the distance between you and the grass below.

“It’s not that bad, honest” she told you with a reassuring smile, watching you gulp.

“If you really can’t do it like we are” she added, jumping up onto the ledge, continuing with a shrug, “then use your plant power thing to help you down”

“Hurry up Anna” Elliot shouted up to the girl, causing her to begin to find her footing on the side of the tower.

You watched the three make their way down for a minute, contemplating whether you should actually leave or not.

Your parents had always warned you of the outside world, your mother said people were dangerous, you’d grown up on tales your step father told you of monsters that wanted to kill you.

Clarisse looked up at you in confusion, watching you have an inner panic and contemplate actually leaving, your head peeking out the window to look at the height.

She knew you needed a minute, you’d literally never stepped outside your home before, it obviously wouldn’t be easy.

But her impatience got the better of her when she shouted up again, “you’ll be fine!”

You looked down at her in shock, shaken out of your mini panic attack by her shout, “honestly! We’re gonna protect you, nothings gonna hurt you”

Taking a deep breath you prepared yourself to finally leave. You’d wanted to do this your entire life, you couldn’t let your nerves get the better of you.

Turning around you quickly grabbed a small bag you had packed the night before, all of your most important possessions safely packed inside.

Taking a step forward, you climbed up onto the ledge, reaching your arm out to a hook above you, vines beginning to wrap around the walls and down to your arm.

The three halfbloods watched as you chucked your small bag over your arm, before you clutched the plants and stepped off of the ledge.

The vines extending down towards the ground and taking you with it slowly as you held onto it tightly with shaking arms.

Stepping down onto the grass gently, you smiled and looked down. You couldn’t believe you were actually doing it, finally seeing the grass up close and feeling it under your feet.

You looked around, walking towards the small pond near you, lifting your dress and dipping your toes in that as the other three watched you in confusion.

You turned around quickly, spinning your face then with a large smile on your lips.

“Where are we going now?” You asked excitedly.

Readers is literally like Bambi istg 😭

This is not proof read sorry


@slaggylemon @yourmom-25s-blog @l0veshellarcelia @asvterias @ashisabitgay @sh1nnryuu @venusphoriia @isnt-itstrange @exactlycoralfox

3 years ago
I Posted 574 Times In 2021

I posted 574 times in 2021

340 posts created (59%)

234 posts reblogged (41%)

For every post I created, I reblogged 0.7 posts.

I added 511 tags in 2021

#aspen opens her mouth - 120 posts

#aspen's askbox - 115 posts

#tw caps - 61 posts

#amelia my shawty - 55 posts

#aspen’s askbox - 52 posts

#mare my shawty - 33 posts

#aspen's 50 followers pool party - 24 posts

#jae my shawty - 20 posts

#freya my shawty - 16 posts

#alexis my shawty - 15 posts

Longest Tag: 61 characters

#we just need to wait until i start feeling self-conscious now

My Top Posts in 2021


wait what

6 followers until 100-





confusion is seeping into my pores


i am-


23 notes • Posted 2021-07-13 19:20:50 GMT


I Posted 574 Times In 2021

uhm- no comment-

everything will be tagged as '#aspen's 100 costume party'

you don't have to be following me

and i'm to lazy to tag my mutuals so like- rb ig?

date: 15 july - 24 july (closed!!!)


🛍~ what are you going as? ~ cym/ fmk you know the drill

🎀 ~ hey i’m going as patrick! ~ i’ll write you a love letter (mutuals only)

🎟 ~ maybe lose the wig? Its a but much. ~ give me a character + prompt and i’ll write a mini blurb

🎸~ wait, who brought the booze? ~ ask me anything, talk, ramble, whatever

🐽 ~ look out thats my mom's! ~ give me a composer/ band/ music artist and i'll tell you my favorite piece by them.

👚~ ooh look they're kissing! ~ tell me a bit (or a lot) about yourself and i'll ship you with someone!

26 notes • Posted 2021-07-15 19:11:40 GMT


strawberries and tea towels - l.l

pairing: luna lovegood x gn!reader

warnings: fluff, implied that the reader has hair, food

fandom: harry potter

summary: strawberry picking with luna



I Posted 574 Times In 2021

“Sweetie, let’s go, we'll be late!”

You and Luna decided to stay together for the easter holidays, in a small cottage your family owned in the outskirts of Worcestershire.

“We don’t even have to be anywhere right now, Luns!” you replied, running a hand through your hair and grabbed the white tea cloth from next to you.

Lune simply giggled, fetched her purple weaved basket and placed a tea cloth in the basket.

“Luns, what do I do with this then?” you asked, waving the tea cloth you were holding in Luna’s face.

Your blonde lover took the cloth from you, folded it and put it on the counter behind her.

“Lets go sweetie!” She repeated, tugging you to the door.

You rolled your eyes but let her drag you to the strawberry field just a few minutes away from your cottage.


general: @o-rion-sta-r @gothboutique @unedibledaisyduck @slut4drvc0 @just-a-smol-spoon

harry potter: @l0vely-lupin @wolfstar-lb @myalupinblack @o-rion-sta-r

31 notes • Posted 2021-07-09 17:04:41 GMT


I Posted 574 Times In 2021

is 50 followers even a milestone? maybe not but okay-

anyone is free to participate, no need to be following me <3

date: 1st july - 9th july (closed)

everything will be tagged as: #aspen's 50 followers pool party

events: ⛱ ; don't splash me! cym (send in a theme and i'll cym) or fmk. (send in 3 characters from this fandom list)

🏐; gossip time girls! send in a fandom from the list above and a few facts and i'll ship you with someone from that fandom

🥏; play some eminem on the speakers! give me a composer/ band/ music artist and i'll tell you my favorite piece by them. (taken from @unedibledaisyduck's celebration)

🤽‍♂️; don't push me in- hey not cool! ,share an unpopular opinion and we can chat about it.

🍹; take off your makeup before going into the water!, i'll give you my first impression of you. (mutuals only)

41 notes • Posted 2021-07-01 18:35:38 GMT


colouring - n.r

pairing: natasha romanoff x gn!reader

warnings: angst -> fluff -> crack

fandom: mcu

summary: colouring. that's all you get

prompt: “I thought you loved me”



I Posted 574 Times In 2021

“I can’t believe you’ve done this”

You and Nat where staring each other down, Nat about to win the staring battle.

“I thought you loved me” She said, her face turning softer.

You took a step closer to her, your hand coming up to hold her cheek.

“I do darling, it’s just that-” You sighed. “You know that my parents hate the fact that we- we color with each other every week!”

“Who said you need to obey your parents, this is a free world!” Natasha responded, opening her arms. “Do you you prefer me or your parents?”

“You darling it’s just- we really have to thank crayola for this strong bond of ours!”

“And, CUT!”


general: @unedibledaisyduck @o-rion-sta-r @just-a-smol-spoon @slut4drvc0 @shadesofvelma

mcu: @msfandomfreak

51 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 19:00:03 GMT

Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →

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11 months ago
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