Ur Another One Of Those Weirdos Who Like Maneskin
ur another one of those weirdos who like maneskin
and ur even worse, you make themes like people make fanficions
i mean fanficions are bad enough, now you're weird shit is even worse
and plus ur really ugly, like stop, no one cares 🙄🙄🙄
stop posting ur ugly ass face
and yes i am the anon who send the abbrev thing like a few weeks ago
are you alright? do you need to vent about something?
More Posts from Spqrkles
thats for u buddy
and for aspen
i love u and i hope u know not to listen to these anons. if they really meant it, they would turn off anon. theyre afraid of you, so theyre hiding. so dont buy into their shit. theyre insecure assholes who always want to pick a fight. youre amazing and keep up w the themes, i might use one soon 😏
omg ily talia
Yeah I know what you're talking about
And yes, Alexis is always right
As am I
You looked/look very very pretty
Anon is dumb
anon needs to go back to year 3
Hate anon can take it up with me then
hate anon just needs to go to one of those room where you just break a bunch of plates you know what i'm talking about?
i'm starting to think that other anon was right
you shouldn't talk shit behind people backs, it really hurts our feelings
we're people too you know
i'm not being racist i'm just saying my thought and ideas
- apparently racist anon
i really can't with this shit-
someone else tell them please @romqnticizer @just-a-smol-spoon