455 posts
Ssadropouts Review:

ssadropout’s review:
I forgot to log this in! I guess I started it about a week ago, and I finished it yesterday. This is a zombie apocalypse tale. I've read and enjoyed several zombie books, but this one really sets itself apart. While there is quite a bit of action in the book, the story is driven by characterization and character development. I always love a book where my opinion of a character changes. That's a sign of a good writer. The title refers to a character but also to the Pandora's box myth. Remember? What was left in the box was HOPE. I'm always interested in what writers come up with to create their zombies. MR Carey uses the fungus Ophiocordyceps. I believe that I read about it somewhere once before. It's real, but it affects ants. As soon as an ant is affected, the fungus controls the creature's behavior. Yes real zombie ants. Gross out warning...!!! The fungus grows inside the ant and eventually bursts through the ant's head. You can see that this device can provide some gory thrills, and they mix well with the the characterizations. There is a new movie of it, and I hope that I can get to see it.
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I gave this 2 generous stars.
This really should have been a leaflet as opposed to a 200-plus-paged book. Also, it could have used a little Decluttering and Organizing itself. ALSO, the author clearly has got herself some OCD. The book was translated from Japanese, but I think that it was probably poorly written. If you are like me, you could benefit from tidying up. I would classify myself as a "collector" and not a "hoarder," but I definitely have too much stuff. The author tells us to discard anything that does not "bring us joy." I wish I had kept a stroke count of how many times that phrase appeared in the book. I think that it is probably something good to consider, but I believe that there may be other factors to take into account. I have a little OCD, and I have a few bizarre compulsive behaviors like apologizing to my car when I hit a pothole, but the author wants you to thank everything you use (your purse, your clothes, your house) everyday. They will bask in the thanks and treat you more kindly. She does have a few interesting ideas, and I mean to try one of them. It has to do with folding tops and arranging them in the drawer. I wish that there had been an illustration about that. There are no illustrations. I end this review with a dark admission. I have more rolls of toilet paper than her most extreme client had.

There’s not much one man can do alone…
I love this song. It fits the wonderful Royai fic Good Men Don’t Become Legends by @ohmytheon. It is a must read, even if, like me, you aren’t familiar with Fate.
I am o b s e s s e d with @ohmytheon‘s FMA/Fate AU, Good Men Don’t Become Legends. So I wrote a song inspired by Caster!Roy and Archer!Riza. Because their story is so tragic/beautiful/incredible and I think about it like 67 times a day. And, once again, I am obsessed.
Please read this fanfic. It’s a masterpiece. A MASTERPIECE. IT SHOULD WIN AWARDS. IT’S SO IMPORTANT TO ME. lanni i hope you like this sdkjhgsajf ;;
I fell into a special kind of love. And without you I forgot who I was. My demons were slain, pierced by arrows that say you love every part of me. Without you, they got away.
Now I will pay this hellish toll. We’re trapped in promises etched to our souls. A second chance among the flames brought to life in your name. I’m swallowed just the same.
I was called forth to be a hero’s blade. Where is the worth found in a killer’s name? The punishment for my oath to this war is the vengeful memories and your body on the floor.
Here we meet and nothing’s changed, except for where our weapons aim.
For my master, I’m here to win. I’m trapped in promises etched to his skin. This war could answer to my flames. Though I fear for the day I protect you in his place.
The embers whisper of my sins. I close my eyes to throttle it. Take me. Take all that I am. Forsake me. I’m already damned.
Can you love this kind of man?
I am far from who I once was. Our oaths will steal this second chance from us. But I will pretend to forget As the sweet lies are said, and we’re not counting our breaths.
I’m always impressed how parts of each of Brett’s paintings stand on their own as beautiful art.

Abby (detail), 2005-2010
Oil on linen

Happy RoyAi Day everyone!
I did this sketch last month because I didn’t know if I could make on time with all the stuff coming, but gradly I could! I hope you like the simple in this one and something nice after all the suffering we had because of the pairing (wait, no? it was just me with the struggles everytime I saw them on the manga and anime? yikes)