
455 posts
She Really Did Not Want To Know. She = Riza. Thanks For Tagging Me @antigonerex. The Fic Is About A Contest
“She really did not want to know.” She = Riza. Thanks for tagging me @antigonerex. The fic is about a contest in Mustang’s Gang inspired by an old Seinfeld episode.
Last Line Meme
Tagged by @ladynorbert - what a pal!
Rules: Post the last line in your work-in-progress, and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Unfortunately, I will have to redact any parts of the sentence that could be potential spoilers, as my WIP is Reverberations, but I shall tag as many people as there are words…
@that-hoopy-frood @1st-time-caller @froldgapp @agentcalliope @capthawkeye @tsaritsa @shijaeger @lonepiper5758 @the-flame-and-hawks-eye @hlwim @littlebutfiery @sodayone @queenwinry @purplemaple-xoxo @ssadropout
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More Posts from Ssadropout
Something’s Missing
Day 6- Photo- a bouquet of flowers is nestled inside an envelope
A/N- This is a sort of continuation of Day 's fic Our House.
They didn't have much time to get the house in order. It would have been suspicious if they both had requested leave for the same period, and work was extremely demanding, anyway. Roy did not want to take off while he was only granting emergency leave. With the bedroom and bath in order, they made do. They had certainly lived under much worse conditions. While it was still a work in progress, they were home.
The kitchen was the third room in the house that they made functional.Roy would have been satisfied with take-out or delivery every night, but Riza wanted to cook. She liked to cook, and she liked her General to eat nutritious food. They didn't have to scrounge around. The boxes were all clearly labeled (Roy! Believe it or not!), and the kitchen boxes had been grouped in the dining area. It still took a couple of exhausting nights, but then they had a practical and comfortable kitchen.
While it wouldn't be their formal dining room, they had put Riza's table for two there. It was perfect for them with a close space on the floor for the fur child. Roy had tucked away a couple of candles, which he lit with a snap.
“Something's missing,” he puzzled.
“There's a lot missing! We probably have less than a third done.” Riza placed the plates of food at their settings. She had broiled some fresh river fish- a treat, because fish was usually in short supply. “For two military people who have had to move around, we have a lot of belongings!”
“That's not what I meant.” He frowned. He was sure she was thinking that he was the one with a lot of belongings. He didn't need an excuse for all of his alchemy books. Then again, he did probably have twice as many clothes as she had. A smirk formed on his lips.
It had interrupted his thoughts off and on since the night she had learned that Selim Bradley was a homunculus. He had known something was wrong when he called her, faking an alcoholic fog. As well as worrying the hell out of him, she had said that she didn't have a vase.
With missions that often took them away for a few days at a time, he knew that she had decided that she shouldn't have plants. But, why didn't she have a vase? She should have cut flowers! In the summer, and maybe even spring, they would have flowers in the yard, but he'd always wanted to bring her flowers. He had a Mustang Mission to perform! It would take a bit of subversive strategy, but it would be worth it. He kissed her cheek as he removed their empty plates from the table.
One would think that it would be easy to buy one's girlfriend a vase and flowers, but not only did he have to pick the right vase and flowers, but he had to do it without her knowing it. That was a challenge, now that they were both working and living together. He either had to find a way to keep her busy or find a way to go out without her questioning his activities. Luck was on his side. Rebecca needed to discuss whatever idiotic thing Havoc had done lately, so she and Riza went to lunch.
It was a beautiful Tuesday, the day of the weekly flower market. Since he was pressed for time, he drove to a couple blocks from the stands and parked on a side street. He suddenly realized that he hadn't asked Riza where they were going to eat. He hoped they had gone to The Sandwich and Salad Shop, which had good food and was close to work.
Job One was to find a vase. Riza had loved a vase that had been her mother's, and she had filled it with flowers from her garden or with wildflowers whenever they were available. Her father had smashed it while Roy was visiting his aunt. She had felt that it was a lost cause and had thrown it away before Roy could take a look at it. It had been a plain off-white vase with a glaze that made it look like alabaster. Its muted beauty allowed the flowers to be the main focus. If he could find a vase with the right glaze, he could easily transmute it into the correct shape. Some of the flower vendors had vases, but there was a vase vendor who had one very close to what he wanted. A simple transmutation should turn it into a reasonable copy of Mrs. Hawkeye's vase- if his memory was accurate.
He had decided on daffodils, because they stood for new beginnings- like their new home. A few stands had daffodils, and one had a profusion of the sunny hue that he was looking for. He trotted back to the car where he already had a special box that he had made based on a humidor. The flowers were carefully tucked away and would remain fresh despite being left in the car.
Since he had told them to take an hour for lunch, he managed to get back to the office before the rest of his team and made short work of transmuting the vase. He wrapped it in newspaper and put it into his second favorite military-issued item- a sort of messenger bag. It wasn't as cool as his coat (which he ordered two sizes too large), but it had panache, too.
Not a second later, there was a knock at his door, and Hawkeye was admitted.
“How was lunch? What kind of stunt did Havoc pull?” Roy asked as he picked up a pen to look industrious.
Riza rolled her eyes. “Lunch was good. We went to The Sandwich and Salad Shop. Guess what? They had... quiche! Even though it's not a sandwich or salad.” She swung her hand from behind her back to reveal a brown paper bag.
“You are the best adjutant ever, Captain!” He really wanted to eat the quiche then and there, but he didn't want to let Riza know that he had not had lunch.
“I know,” she replied dryly. “Now, you need to finish that pile before you leave. And, since I can't leave until you do, it would behoove you to get to work.”
“I wonder if all generals have subordinates that boss them around,” Roy whined.
“Get to work!”
He saluted her with a grin.
When you're looking forward to an event, it seems to take forever to arrive. He'd even gotten a little ahead with his paperwork, so they left on time. No one even looked twice when they left together since most still thought of Hawkeye as Mustang's babysitter.
They discussed dinner in the car. He decided to take the quiche for lunch tomorrow so that they could both eat the same thing.
He prepared a salad and set the table while she cooked. Just as they were about to sit down, he remarked, “Oh, no! I left something in the car.”
“You can get it after dinner.”
“It'll only take a minute.”
When he returned, he announced, “Any woman who would bring a man quiche deserves flowers. And something to put them in.”
She wore her soft eye smile. “You were right last night. Something was missing. This makes our home even better.”
A/N- I don't think that I have Riza roll her eyes in every fic.
me meme
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 followers you want to know better!
Age: I'm actually retired. Could be your grandma. None of my friends like anime!
Birthplace: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Current time: 3:19 PM
Drink you last had: Water
Easiest person to talk to: Really two: Cousin Ann and friend Donna
Favourite song: Can't choose
Grossest memory: Being born. I've never recovered from it.
Hogwarts house: Not Hufflepuff. I once got Gryffindor on a quiz, but I’m not convinced.
In love: No.
Jealous of people: Very. Not for material things, because I'm generally able to afford what I need/ want. However, I envy nearly anyone for his or her ability to navigate this world. Still. At this age.
Killed someone: Not someone.
Love at first sight or walk by again: The first one happens, but the second is what we all hope happens.
Middle name: Elise
Number of siblings: Two sisters
One wish: That all Earth creatures could live here together, happily, comfortably, and healthily.
Person you called last: Cousin Ann.
Question you are asked the most: How are you? :)
Song you last sung: A song I made up for my cat.
Time you woke: 9:30 AM. Lazy day.
Underwear color: Black and coral print on white.
Vacation destination: None planned, but I'd like to see cities like Prague and Budapest. They are on a Danube cruise, but I am not sure that I'd like a cruise.
Worst habit: Profoundly pathological procrastination, sometimes with sad results.
X-rays: So many. I've had over a dozen of just my chest.
Your favourite food: Bagels and lox.
Zodiac sign: Aries
Tag 10: Most people that I'd feel comfortable tagging already have been.
Thank you, ruikosakuragi, for the tag!
I don’t know. They may be alien cats in the midst of a probe.

Better Than Fantasy
Royai week- Day 7- AU
A/N- Sorry, but this fic requires a long intro. I hope that you will still read it.
In 2010, I posted a fic called Roy, Riza, Rock, and Roll. It's on ffn- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5257067/1/Roy-Riza-Rock-and-Roll. It was an AU adventure fic. You don't have to read it, because, here are the salient points:
Roy has a degree in engineering, but he doesn't have an engineering job. He plays in a rock band with Havoc and Falman. Roy is based on the original TV MacGuyver. He's very clever- able to improvise. Riza is based on the real-life person Valerie Plame. Plame was married to a man in the US diplomatic corps. He wrote a paper stating that he found no evidence that Saddam Hussein had attempted to buy yellow cake uranium from Niger. The purchase of the uranium had been the rationale for the US to invade Iraq. In apparent retaliation, a high-ranking Bush I administration official arranged for the fact that Plame was a CIA operative be revealed via various media. True. True. True!
In RRR&R, Riza is married to Breda, who writes a paper against Bradley, and it's revealed that Riza is a bit of a spy. She has to go on the lam. Roy runs into her and helps out. Soon, Breda heroically dies. In her fear and despair, Riza tries to seduce Roy, but he just comforts her. (They do share the same bed throughout the story.) Roy and Riza are in a race against time to escape Bradley's henchmen, including Kimbley. At the end of the story, they barely make it to Aerugo alive. (The running and the death, etc. did not happen IRL.)
Soon after I wrote the story, I began a fic about their lives adjusting to Aerugo and attempting to organize resistance against Bradley. They are not totally safe in Aerugo. I abandoned the fic after five unposted chapters. However, I often thought about resurrecting the fifth chapter as a stand-alone. So, here it is:
Roy usually walked wherever he went. It was healthy, and it was cheap. This day, he had taken the bus for two reasons: Carrying his portfolio to the job interview would have been cumbersome, and he didn’t want to crease or sweat up his suit. The city flickered by through the bus window, like an old newsreel. The afternoon heat weighted his eyelids as he began to slide into a doze. Suddenly he jerked alert and realized that his bus stop was coming up. He pushed the portfolio into the aisle, stood, and made his way toward the back door. Donning his sunglasses, he stepped down and crossed the street. There was not a cloud in the sky. He tought that the interview had gone pretty well.
“I love that about Aerugo,” he announced. Aloud. Surprising both a passerby and himself.
Figuring that he’d better occupy his mouth with something less alarming to the other folks out and about, he began to hum a tune. It was another melody that he was working on. He didn’t really have lyrics for it, yet, but he had talked Riza into letting him record her singing it. He had argued that it was a melody meant to be sung by a woman, so he could not do justice to it.
“How can I sing it without words? I’ll hum it.”
“No. No. I have to hear it with real words. To hear how it sounds with words. Here. Sing this. Please.”
He’d handed her a letter from Madame Christmas.
“You want me to sing, ‘So he ran into the bar with his pants around his ankles?’”
“Maybe not that part. Sing another section.”
She hardly ever sang. He’d gathered that music had not meant much to her, but she was becoming more interested in it. He hoped that it wasn’t just out of gratitude to him. She did seem to enjoy singing once she’d lost some of her self-consciousness. Her voice was clear and calm, just like her personality. That’s why he had wanted to record it. To be able to listen to her voice… whenever.
Looking up so that he’d not cause any sidewalk mayhem, his eyes caught a familiar flicker of movement a block ahead. He'd thought that she would have been home already. The figure seemed to grow, so he guessed that she was coming from the library. Her walk was strong but graceful, and her hips had a very slight but delightful sway. He quickened his steps in an effort to meet up, even though they were almost home. He watched her approach one of the tiny alleys that were unusable by automobiles and too dark for pedestrians to feel safe on.
Right before she reached the little street, a figure stepped out of the alley. The distance between Roy and Riza was great enough that he could not see clearly, but there was just something about the man’s manner… Roy could tell that the man- the person seemed masculine- was wearing dark glasses, which was not odd in and of itself, but his hat was worn in a way that the visor obscured his face. The man turned to face Riza, then made a motion that Roy could not process. He then darted to his left past Riza, accelerated, and disappeared down the next shadowy alley. So focused was Roy on the man that it took a couple of seconds for him to notice that Riza had stopped walking.
It only took him a couple more seconds to get to her, his portfolio abandoned.
“I... He..” She looked dazed. Her face and blouse were wet. An unfamiliar chemical odor wafted off of her. His paralysis broke. He grabbed her and pulled her with him as he ran to their apartment. She couldn’t seem to move on her own, so he tried to drag her and then lifted her over his shoulder.
“I don’t know what he did…”
“Shh. Shh. Keep your eyes closed. Your mouth, too.”
“Shh. I have you. Shh.”
Riza had an athletic build, and a fireman would have been able to lift her and run with ease. Roy was fit, but he hadn’t lifted weights in a while. Somehow, he was rushing up the steps while holding her close. Adrenalin, some nook of his brain told him. At the landing, he slid her off of his shoulder and steadied her with his left arm. He was surprised to find the key already in his right hand. He shook but managed to unlock the door and get her inside. Her confusion seemed to be lifting.
“Am I poisoned?”
“Shh. We have to get you in the shower,” he whispered, as he pulled her towards the bathroom. He fervently wished that the water pressure would be good today.
She began to cry. He thought that that was good. It might cleanse her eyes. He pushed her in the shower and turned it on full force. He began pulling her clothes off. He couldn’t make his trembling fingers unbutton, so he began ripping. Her blouse tore easily, and he managed to unhook her bra. She had come more to her senses and was pushing her shoes off with her feet while fumbling with her skirt with her hands. As soon as her skirt dropped he pulled at her panties.
He realized that he was totally soaked and stepped into the shower with her.
“We start at the top,” he rasped pouring shampoo on her hair and scrubbing and then rinsing. “We work our way down and then begin again.”
He fanned her hair out to rinse it better. He lathered in more shampoo, but he let it sit as he worked on her face. He soaped her up and held her under the chin, forcing her face straight up.
“This is going to hurt. I’m sorry, but we have to.” Now that the soap was off of her face, he held her head under his shoulder and forced her eyelids open. She gasped at the pain of the water pounding on her corneas. Her reflexes tried to close her eyes, but Roy kept them open with his fingers, as kindly as he could. The water struck her eyes for at least a minute. He didn’t know how long to do it, just that they had to do it. Finally, he let her head go and they washed the suds from her hair.
“We have to do it again, Riza.” The water pounding on her eyes did not hurt any less the second time. She blinked when he released her eyelids.
“Your eyes? How do they feel? Can you see?"
She blinked some more. “My eyesight seems okay. My eyes hurt a little, but I think it’s just from the water. They feel better already.”
“Tell me if there is any change,” he ordered. He went back to work, soaping her neck, back, and chest.
That was about when it dawned on him that he was touching her nude body. Her breasts were more beautiful than he had imagined. They were about the size that he had thought, but their shape was lovelier. He’d had quite a few post-concert offers in his time, and he had accepted more than he had refused, so he’d seen his share of breasts. He wasn’t sure if he had stopped to stare or not, but he was scrubbing again. A little more gently, but firmly, supporting each breast with one hand, washing with the other. He looked back up at her eyes, and she smiled, weakly, but sincerely. He continued down her body, on his knees, now. He looked up, again, the water splashing into his eyes, and she nodded.
For an instant, he wanted to lay his cheek against her flat abdomen, but he got back to work.
Her shoulder was against the tile. Her legs were beginning to sag a little. “I don’t think I could even hold the soap or the washcloth,” she whispered. “Thank you, Roy.”
“I’ll get it all off of you, Riza. I promise. The spray didn’t hit you here, but it will have dripped down. I wish I knew what it was. There might be something to neutralize it. ”
He had never imagined that this was the way he’d touch her for the first time. Sometimes he’d hoped that she would initiate it, like the time that he’d refused her. That she’d turn toward him one sleepy morning or be surprisingly and delightfully naked in bed when he slipped in beside her one night. He had one scenario where he came home to find her naked but for an apron in the kitchen, holding out a nibble of cheese, two glasses of wine already poured. He’d imagined the first touches being with his lips. Gentle then harder. Lower and lower. That wasn’t one of his more creative fantasies, but he liked it just the same.
Self-consciously, he blinked at her golden curls before reaching into her folds. Doctors did things like this all of the time. Shortly, he was working his way down her legs to her feet. He lifted one and massaged between her toes. After he had cleaned the second foot, he stood.
“Round two,” he stated.
She was standing on her own, now, and she had an expression of resolve… and something else.
“You are soaked, Roy, and some of the chemical will have gotten on your suit. Oh, no. Your suit is ruined! We both have to get rid of our clothes.” She began to work his jacket off of his shoulders and arms. He unbuttoned his shirt and abruptly became shy, even though she had seen him in his boxers. His dry boxers. She began undoing his belt. Of course, she was right, so he unzipped and stepped out of his erstwhile good pants.
“It’s not fair for me to be naked and for you to be covered!” It surprised him a little, but it was good that she could joke. He obediently pulled his undies down and tossed them onto the sodden pile of clothes on the tile floor. She had squirted some shampoo into her hand. She divided the glop in two, putting half in his hand and reaching up to suds his drenched locks.
Roy thought that he was possibly more dazed than she was at this point, but he reciprocated. She was cleansing him the way that he had done for her, more gently, omitting the eye-washing step. He supposed that he could be much less rough on her this round.
He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had washed his hair. It must have been when he was a boy. Aunt Chris had surely washed his hair many times, but it had not been remotely like this. Aunt Chris must have scrubbed his scalp and grumbled about him growing potatoes behind his ears and then unceremoniously dumped a couple of glasses of water over his head to rinse. Riza was massaging his scalp, working her way back from his hairline. It was one of the most pleasant non-sexual sensations he had ever felt. At least, he was trying to convince himself that it was non-sexual. How could I let myself get naked with her? Must think about something else.
Her strong fingers had worked their way down to his shoulders. He concentrated on what he was doing to her, not that that was much less precarious for his anatomy except that he could keep his mind on saving her instead of her. He lifted her right arm and soaped underneath.
She was working on his chest. He reached to rewash her back, but that pulled them closer. She reached around to his back, drawing them even nearer to each other. He felt a little dizzy- or something- and wondered if her feelings were clinical or erotic. It could be difficult to tell with a woman. She lay her cheek against his chest as she gently scrubbed his back. She began to work her way lower. He was simultaneously thrilled and terrified to think of what she might do next.
“Roy?” She had stood up straight.
“Yes?” Trying to sound as normal as possible.
“I would like us to continue washing each other, and then I would like to make love. If you would.”
“Riza, I…”
“Roy,” she interrupted, but so sweetly, “before you continue, it’s not like the other time. It’s not even because I’m afraid. The fear just… makes me want to not waste any more time. I want to be with you. I’ve wanted to be with you for a long time. And I am pretty sure that you want to be with me.” She pulled slightly away and glanced down.
He looked down directly into her eyes which were now gazing back at his and knew that his actions would speak more loudly than any words. She wasn’t all that much shorter than him, so all he had to do was lean in a little for the kiss. It wasn’t that long a kiss, nor was it that hard. But it was loving and passionate. Her arms had encircled his neck, and his had wrapped her close. After a few seconds, a hitch in the water warned them that the cascade would turn icy in a minute or so, laughingly, they finished up washing and rinsing each other and stepped out. He swathed her in her towel and wrapped his around his waist. He grabbed one for her hair from the linen closet and began gently massaging and bent in to kiss her again.
“Do you feel anything?” he asked. “Umm. Not the kiss. I mean any burning or itching or do you smell anything? I think that we should go to the hospital. Maybe there’s a blood test.”
“For what? Do you know what he sprayed on me? Do you think anyone at the hospital would? I think that I’m okay. I think he messed up and mostly got my clothes.”
“Riza, do you remember anything of what he looked like?”
“He never really turned toward me. I think that‘s why he didn’t get me in the face. But, I don’t think that he was anyone we know from his height or weight. I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” Roy exclaimed. “I didn’t mean in that way. I just thought that if you saw anything we should get it down while it was fresh in your mind.”
“I have other things on my mind!”
She was combing her hair, now, tugging at a knot a little too hard. The tangle succumbed and she calmed a little. He sat on the edge of the bed watching the comb now moving smoothly through the exotic gold. She lay the comb down on the second hand bureau surface and turned. Smiling. He smiled back.
He didn’t remember her crossing the room and didn’t even remember himself standing, but they were in each others’ arms, and there was the first kiss, the second, and the longer, harder third. It's really amazing when something far exceeds your fantasies of it.
A/N- I have always felt the need to write a Silkwood Shower scene!
Wednesday’s Child
Day 1- Parental Royai
Beware of angst. About 1750 words.
Mustang sat at his desk looking even paler than usual. His head was pounding so violently that he was sure that it was visibly expanding and contracting. He was grateful that he had skipped breakfast. He'd never have kept it down. Hawkeye, on the sofa, looked like she might cry. He had seen- and done- terrible things in Ishval, but not even that could prepare him for the horrendous alchemy that a father had performed on his own daughter. He wished that he could have shielded the Elric boys from such an amoral horror. Hindsight is 20/20.
Shou Tucker was in pilloried custody, and Nina Tucker was in the Infirmary.
“We're going to investigate the disappearance of Tucker's wife, but I'd wager that no trace of her will be found. I fear that she was Tucker's other chimera. How could I have...”
“Sir... Roy...” Hawkeye broke in. Startled, by the interruption and the use of his given name, Roy jerked his head towards Riza and waited.
“Sir, I can't stop thinking about Nina. What is going to happen to her?”
I don’t see any way that the transmutation can be undone, but Ed is looking into it. If anyone can find a way, it's him. However, time is of the essence. We don't think that she is... viable.” Roy was too upset to insult Fullmetal. “Why don't we visit the Infirmary and see how she is?”
Hawkeye nodded and rose. Mustang joined her, and he informed the others that he and the Lieutenant might be gone for awhile.
Riza scanned the cots in the infirmary. One was occupied by a male sergeant, and the rest were empty. Finally, her eyes found what looked like a dog in a corner, curled on the floor. She whispered, “Sir,” and he looked where she was looking.
“Nurse! Why is the patient on the floor? She should be resting on a cot!”
“She's a dog, Sir!” Then, a little softer “'Mostly a dog. We can't have her soiling a cot.”
Roy walked over to the chimera and knelt. “Nina, I'm Roy Mustang. I'm so sorry about... what happened to you. Would you be more comfortable on the cot?”
The poor chimera nodded and then, in that deep distorted voice that was almost a bellow, “Thank you mis-ter.”
“Call me Roy.” Glancing up at Hawkeye, he saw her nod. “And that's Riza. Can we get you anything? Have you eaten?”
“I just want to nap, now, Roy.”
“Okay, Nina. We want to talk to the nurse now. Ed and Al will come to visit you, later.”
“O-kay.” She sniffed and curled up.
“Nurse, will she be medically cleared? Where will she be sent?”
“There is nothing that we can do for her, and she's not contagious or dangerous, so she will be sent to a kennel. Children's Services will have nothing to with her.” The nurse's voice faded as she said it, anticipating the Colonel's anger.
“That is unacceptable!”
“Colonel, Sir...” Riza's voice was steeped in urgency.
“Yes, Lieutenant?”
“Sir, I want to take her home.”
Roy stared at his adjutant sure that his eyes reflected the same pain that hers did. They both wanted the poor child to have as good a life as possible for the time left to her. He nodded.
“I'll make it happen.”
Hawkeye was granted leave, and Mustang was cleared to spend the nights at her apartment, having convinced the top brass that it was necessary to have an alchemist present during the off hours. He drove them to Hawkeye's stopping along the way to pick up some food. Nina wanted human food- well, human junk food- and they indulged her, because nutrition was of no concern. Roy secretly hoped that Riza would let him have the same diet as Nina, but he knew that she would never allow it. Riza decided that Roy and Nina would wait outside while she put up that gate that she sometimes used with her pup. It would be the best way to introduce them.
Hayate seemed to be rather confused, but he generally got along with both dogs and people, so he was freed in less than an hour.
Nina seemed to be happy playing with him. Ironically but understandably, she missed Alexander. Her appetite was not great, but she ate enough of her mac and cheese, and she demolished her ice cream, surreptitiously sharing some of it with her new pal.
“Think about what toys you want, Nina, and I'll bring them to you after work tomorrow,” Roy told her.
“O-kay, Da.. Roy.”
“I think that you need a bath, Sweetie,” Hawkeye said kindly but firmly.”
“O-kay, Ri-za.”
Roy did the dishes while Riza bathed Nina. When she was clean and dry, Riza read to her from a book she had bought for Elicia. Nina drifted off , and Roy carried her into Riza's spare bedroom where Hayate joined her.
“How could he do that to his little girl?” Roy plaintively asked Riza. “Tomorrow, I'll bring her blanket and some records along with whatever she requests.” He got under the covers, and she joined him.
“The situation makes me sick,” Hawkeye replied. “Thank you for arranging for me to have custody. I really need to take care of her. And thank you for arranging to stay with me. We don't get to spend the night together nearly enough.” She kissed him, and he pulled her close.
“I really need to take care of her, too,” he whispered.
It didn't take long. They'd been asleep barely an hour when the haunting sound awakened them. The wail was as unearthly as that of a banshee. Riza was running before the cry ended, and Roy was on her heels. Hayate was whimpering and butting Nina with his head, but she seemed to be unaware. Riza scooped up the chimera as well as she could considering Alexander's size.
“Nina. Sweetie, Are you okay? How can we help?” No one but Hawkeye could have such a catch in her voice or look on her face. Roy sat beside her on the bed and leaned in, silently offering comfort.
With much difficulty, the poor girl cried, “Da-ddy hurt me. I want my Da-ddy.”
The next day, Riza and the Elrics took Nina and Hayate to the park. She didn't think that she had seen Ed so subdued since the day she had met him, fresh from the traumatic transmutation. The first thing he said to Riza was that he and Al had found nothing to help Nina. He and Al tried to play with Nina, but she barely reacted. Never running more then a few steps. Never knocking Ed over or riding Al.
“Does she ever play with Hayate's toys?” whispered Al.
“No. She doesn't do much of anything. Not people things. Not dog things,” Riza lamented.
Later, Roy arrived with enough spaghetti and meatballs for everyone from his favorite Aerugian restaurant and a chocolate cake from Ed's favorite bakery. He and Ed nodded at each other in silent agreement to not argue. The agreement was unnecessary. The soldiers and the boys attempted to hold a conversation, but Ed mostly just petted a sluggish Nina. “What can we bring you tomorrow?” asked Al.
“I don't feel like play-ing.”
The night passed with only one incident of hysteria, but the once lively child didn't want to get out of bed in he morning. She refused everything that Riza tried to feed her, and she just shook her head when Riza asked what Roy should bring. She did not respond to Riza reading to her, but she seemed a little less sad. When the lieutenant's voice faltered, she played some of Nina's records. Not wanting to leave the child alone, Riza had Hayate go on paper. The pup didn't seem to mind, and he suppressed his usual high spirits to stay near his new friend.
Roy came over with two pizzas, each with two toppings. He thought that he'd enjoy eating all the good stuff while Hawkeye let him, but he barely tasted the pepperoni and anchovies. Nina took one bite. The Lieutenant didn't eat much more.
“Does anything hurt you, Nina? We can give you medicine if it does,” Roy asked while he stroked her head.
“No.” Her breathing was a little labored, and she was too leaden to move much, but her body did not seem to be otherwise in distress. Hayate lay with her, sometimes crying softly.
“It's getting close.” Roy spoke lowly, and Riza nodded. They'd both seen enough people die. At least Nina seemed peaceful so far.
“She's such a sweet little girl. How could such a calculated horror happen to her? Did Tucker want children, or was it just his wife? Why do people that shouldn't have children have them while people who love children can't?” Riza's voice broke throughout her question.
Roy knew that the query was rhetorical and just gathered her into his arms. Hayate stayed with Nina since he knew that Roy was taking care of his beloved human.
They decided to have “everyone” sleep together in Riza's queen-sized bed. Nina's breathing grew raspier and raspier. Neither adult slept. Roy crooned to little girl, as he tried to think of her. Riza stroked her back while Roy sang soothingly. Before long, the child's breaths began to rattle. Riza looked at Roy, and he sat up, gently pulling Nina into his lap. Hayate curled up as close as possible, and Riza leaned against Roy and caressed the dying girl. After a crescendo of noise, there was silence. Not really knowing how to take a dog's pulse, Riza held a mirror to Nina's nose and mouth.
Hayate, always sensitive, whimpered. Roy and Riza kissed Nina and covered her. After keeping the body company for awhile, the humans moved to the sofa. “She didn't deserve this. She was cheated,” Riza sobbed.
Roy held her and spoke, after a pause. “She got what everyone gets. A lifetime. We will continue to strive to fight premature death and misery that occurs through human agency. That's what our love will do. Our love will never be wasted.”
Roy's quote about everyone getting a lifetime is a paraphrase of a quote from Neil Gaiman's Death: The High Cost of Living.