just watching

112 posts

*Me Looking Up "Pastel Retro" And Seeing A Bunch Of Stuff From My Childhood In The 90s*

*Me looking up "Pastel Retro" and seeing a bunch of stuff from my childhood in the 90s*

No, no no, no, I am not retro dammit! At least not in that way! It is not far enough away from the 90s for it to be considered "Retro", freaking stop!

*Me Looking Up "Pastel Retro" And Seeing A Bunch Of Stuff From My Childhood In The 90s*
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More Posts from Staring-into-thevoid

2 years ago
(Not My Gif)

(Not my gif)



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2 years ago
A Comic Page I Did Of The Lost Boys Just Joking Around

A comic page I did of The Lost Boys just joking around

The line art is pencil on paper(that’s why it’s blurry) I just slapped colour on it digitally

2 years ago
So Check It Out, Mikey

So check it out, Mikey

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2 years ago

"It's not that deep Buffy, geez" 🤣 I agree!

Please continue this!

The Lost Boys watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer:

This is longer than anything I’ve written up to this point already so if y’all like this I’ll do a part two.

(Part one-Seasons 1-3) (Spoilers for BTVS)

The Lost Boys Watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer:

•Paul makes them watch it

•They’re like, ‘Why would we watch a show about a vampire slayer? Haven’t we lived that nightmare?’

•He’s like ‘wait wait wait you guys, the vampire slayer is a hot girl AND she has SEX with the vampires.’ Nightmare? More like wet dream

•They’re like 😮😮😮

•So they watch it

•They see her in the first episode and they’re like damn we got two 12 year olds with god complexes and they got this hot blonde chick???

•There is no justice.

•Paul is IN LOVE with Buffy. He watches the show with heart eyes fr

•The boys are like, ‘Paul she’s a slayer it would never work’ and he’s like, ‘I could fix her😍’

•Dwayne sighs

•The first couple of episodes are hard for them to get through, but Paul’s like, just power through it

•They think Cordelia is hot

•Angel’s introduced and they’re like, dude this tall quiet guy who reads a lot is just like you Dwayne!

•Once they find out that Angel’s a vampire that doesn’t even eat people, Dwayne’s pissed.

• “Damn, they made your guy a pussy.” Marko gets a pillow thrown at him

•Once they find out he gets the girl though they’re kind of like, gotta do what you gotta do I guess

•They hate Xander. HATE HIM.

•They grumble every time he comes on screen

•1. They think he’s annoying as hell and 2. He’s trying to steal Buffy from Angel??? LET HER FUCK VAMPIRES XANDER

•Buffy dies in the season one finale and Paul LOSES IT. He’s like, ‘there was not one single vampire hookup wtf??? All we got was some slow burn shit???’

•Oh she’s back, nevermind.

•In season two Spike shows up and they do a double take

•Marko, Paul, and Dwayne silently look at Spike, then at David, then at Spike, then at David again

•Paul says, “…is that guy supposed to be you?”

•David’s narrows his eyes and says, “I don’t see it.”

•The boys all exchange looks and then Marko says, “yeah he has a British accent and a great haircut, he’s wayyyy hotter than you.”

•Marko gets a boot thrown at him

•Marko WANTS to add that Spike doesn’t need high-heeled boots to look taller but he’s on thin ice so he keeps his mouth shut.

•Spike is a total bad ass with a hot crazy vampire girlfriend

•They’re like damn where are our hot crazy vampire partners????

•No. Justice.

•Paul says, “well, Marko’s our hot crazy vampire partner.” And Dwayne and David are like true true.

•Marko grumbles like ok but where’s MY psychopath

•Then they watch Spike get hit over the head with an axe by Buffy’s MOM and they all get second hand embarrassment, like yikes

•They’re like, ‘Lucy never could’ve pulled one over on us like that’ embarrassing.

•When Buffy fucks Angel they’re like FINALLY

•Angel turns into Angellus and eats someone in the next episode and Paul jumps up and yells “I knew he was fakin’ it!”

•Marko, David, and Dwayne groan. Dwayne’s like ‘just listen’

•Later that same episode Buffy blows up the bad guy with a bazooka and they’re like ‘damn we’ll take the twelve year olds’

•They love that Angel tortures and eats people now

•David literally pulls out a notepad and takes notes

•When Angel kills Jenny and stages the murder scene for Giles he and Marko each shed a single tear at the artistry. They’re impressed.

•Paul’s like, when are they gonna fuck again?

•When they see how Angellus turned Drusilla crazy they’re like ohhh ok so that’s how we get the hot crazy vampire partners

•Now Marko’s taking notes too

•Xander lies to Buffy so she thinks there’s no chance of saving Angel and Marko’s like, ‘can Angel just eat this guy?’

•Spike and Buffy team up? (Hot). Angel gets cured? Buffy kills Angel?????

•They take a break for blood after the season 2 finale, it’s a lot to process.

•Faith comes into town in season three they think she’s HOT

•Paul ships Faith and Buffy

•He also ships them with him😍


•Paul is literally drooling through the entire episode

•They’re bored by angsty Angel he is nice to look at though they miss Angellus

•Willow and Xander kiss? Dwayne, who’s been pretty quiet the whole time, says “she could do so much better.” They all nod

•They literally think “the dog” is a better choice for her

•Xander is the biggest vampire cockblock ever they hate him so much


•His hot crazy girlfriend dumped him. Damn.

•They pause the show to pour one out

•They love Spike so much

•He’s basically David at this point and they love David. (David especially loves David so he’s a hugeeee Spike fan)

•Paul’s favorite episode is Bad Girls

•He rewinds and replays the scene where there dancing together at the bronze. Like a lot.

•Dwayne confiscates the remote after the 8th playback

•Their jaws drop when Faith kills someone, but they’re on her side.

•Marko’s like, ‘It’s not that deep Buffy, geez’

•They appreciate the use of chains in the show

•Faith is evil now? Hell yeah.

•The show needed another hot evil female character. She’s not a vampire but they’ll take it

•Hot crazy vampire Willow the next episode, fuck yes!

•Angellus is back? Just what this season needed

•He’s Marko’s favorite character

•This torture scene is weirdly erotic? David and Marko love it.

•Angellus isn’t back???? Their jaws are on the floor

•Marko’s low key disappointed but he appreciates the plot twist.

•They all miss Spike

•They love Faith but they hate the mayor.

•Second biggest vampire cockblock fr

•Also he eats bugs? What’s up with that?

•Angel gets shot by a poison arrow? Dwayne says he’ll stop watching if Angel dies, he grew on him.

• “Nooo Faith don’t die you’re too sexy ahaha”

•They HATE the watcher council, especially Wesley. They think Angel should get to eat him.

•Angel feeds from Buffy? They’re jealous.

•Paul is HELLA jealous

•He yells at the TV like, “THAT SHOULD BE ME”

•They finish season three, the gang beats the bad guy blah blah blah, but ANGEL LEAVES

•They all agree there needs to be another sexy vampire in season 4 to fill the hole Angel left

To be continued???