|She/They| |19| |Pansexual|

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Kit Tanthalos X OC

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 18

The next morning, when I wake up, Kit is gone. I groan and get up. When I step out of the Tent Boorman is leaning against a tree stump with his eyes closed. I kick his shoe.

B: Ah you’re awake.

J: Yeah.

B: You’re not allowed to see Kit.

I look at him with wide eyes.

J: Why not ?

B: Bad luck.

J: But …

B: No Buts. You have to get ready too.

I blink and look down.

J: What’s wrong with that ?

B: You wore the same thing yesterday.

I groan and get out my Bag I throw him 3 shirts.

J: Those are the only clean ones left.

He looks at all three of them and then throws me one. I throw it inside, take the other two which I stuff back in my Bag and go change. 

J: That better ?

B: Very much. Now your Hair.

I raise my Eyebrows. Elora walks to us.

E: Ah good you’re awake. 

I look at the basket with flowers.

J: What are those for ? 

E: Few for your Hair the rest for decorations.

J: My Hair ?

E: You wanna look pretty for your Wife don’t you.

I sigh and sit down on the Tree stump and she starts doing my Hair.

J: When did you get Kit ?

B: Bout half an hour ago.

Graydon walks to us too. I suppress a laugh. 

G: Stop laughing or you’ll get no food.

I look up.

J: Food ? I’m starving. 

B: Would’ve thought you ate enough last night.

I glare at him.

J: I may be sitting here but I still have my Dagger and I’m not scared to throw it.

He lifts his hands. I start eating the bread and stew.

J: Wait stew ?

E: It’s early noon Jane.

J: Hmm, Oh. Wait …

Boorman looks at me with Risen Eyebrows.

J: Don’t you dare say anything.

Elora pulls on a strand of my Hair.

J: Ow.

E: Stop moving your head.

I continue eating.

G: Did you even think about Vows ?

J: Bro my Marriage Proposal was caught in the Moment. No, I didn’t.

G: Maybe you should.

I roll my eyes.

B: He’s right. The Proposal was probably hold in private.

J: Yeah … I hate when you’re right Twinkle-Toes.

The next 10 minutes Elora Fixes my Hair. Then I get up.

J: What can I do now.

Kit Tanthalos X OC

Elora shrugs. I look at the basket.

J: What did you say you’re doing with the Flowers.

E: Decorations and the bouquet.

J: I can do the Bouquet.

E: You can ?

J: Why not ?

She hands me the Basket and sits down next to me.

J: How’d you know her Favourite Flowers ?

E: I asked her ?

I nod and start making the bouquet. Once it’s Finished Elora takes it and walks away. I look at Boorman and Graydon.

J: And now ?

B: Vows.

G: I have a pen and Paper.

He hands me a Book. I start scribbling down some words, scratch them out again. Not even 5 minutes later I hand him the Book.

J: Nope I won’t write that down. I can’t.

Ja: Hello.

I look at her.

J: Did you leave Kit alone ?

Ja: No Elora’s with her. What are you doing ?

B: She should be writing her Vows.

Ja: But … ?

J: I can’t write that down. I will come to my Mind just in Time.

After half an hour Jade comes to me again.

J: Jade ?

Ja: Yes ?

J: Can you be the Officiant ? You know us best.

She looks at me with tears in her Eyes.

Ja: I’d be honoured to. So yes. 

I hug her.

E: Be careful with the hair !

We both laugh and part.

B: It’s Time.

I look at him and my hands start sweating.

B: In 10 minutes.

I punch his shoulder.

J: I hate you. 

B: Love you too little sis. 

He kisses my Forehead. 

B: You can do this.

I nod.

Ja: I will need your Rings.

I nod and give her mine.

J: When we get home I’ll have new ones made.

She laughs and walks off. Ten minutes later I stand in front of a crowd. Jade behind me. Graydon and Boorman as my Mans of Honour and Elora and Willow on Kits side.

Ja: Welcome everyone ! On this beautiful day, Jane and Kit have brought us together to celebrate their love and union in matrimony. Thank you all for joining us and being a part of their love story.

A soft music starts playing. I look up and see Kit walking to me. She’s also wearing a white shirt and has flowers in her Hair. We’re both crying once we make eye contact. I smile at her. She hands the bouquet to Elora and Stands in front of me. I take her hands.

J: You look beautiful my love.

K: You look good too Darlin’.

We look at Jade. Who’s also smiling.

Ja: After years of nurturing a beautiful, strong relationship, it’s great to see these two taking the next step towards building a family.

I remember the day Kit told me that she loved Jane. There was a light in her eyes that I’d never seen before. She was excited and nervous. She worried that Jane didn’t feel the same connection she felt.

It warms my heart to see the way Jane looks at Kit. She looks at her as if she’s the last and only woman on Earth, and to her, I know she is. 

I’ve seen these two be there for each other through life’s unexpected twists and turns, only growing closer and stronger from each setback. I’ve seen them share laughs, exchange inside jokes and most shocking of all, I’ve seen Jane share her dinner with Kit, which is when I knew this was serious.

Marriage isn’t easy but I trust these two. I have trust in their love, their friendship, and their commitment to one another. With that, I think it’s time to let them speak on their love.

She holds a bowl with Truth plums in front of us. We both take one and eat them.

Ja: Do you Jane, solemnly swear that you will support and defend the institution of marriage against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Do you promise to honour and love Kit in sickness and in health, in good times and bad times, Do you promise to cherish her as your most beloved ?

J: Yes, I do.

Ja: Do you Kit, solemnly swear that you will support and defend the institution of marriage against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Do you promise to honour and love Jane in sickness and in health, in good times and bad times, Do you promise to cherish her as your most beloved ?

K: Yes, I do.

Ja: Then please face each other and share your vows.

We turn to look at each other again.

J: Kit, they say a life lived in love will never be dull, and since we started Dating 6 years ago truer words have never been spoken. 

You make me want to be a better person. With you, I feel safer than ever. I have never liked a voice as much as I like yours, and I wish to wake up to it every day. My life has been a rocky road but knowing that I will always find you at the end of it makes me want to keep going. I love you so much, my best friend, the love of my life.

Your love gives me hope. Your smile gives me joy. You make me a better Woman.

I used to be scared of what-ifs. But every time I take your hand I'm more excited for the future than scared. Because I know that even in our most difficult times, if I extend my hand in the darkness, I will always find yours, ready to walk with me until we find the light at the end of the tunnel. You are my strength, the gust of joy that picks me up when I am at my lowest. With you, I have found love, and I never want to let you go. Thank you for choosing me over and over again.

I mean How lucky am I to call you mine? Your love and trust makes me a better person, each and every day. For all those times that we've been together, there's always been a mutual understanding that's only shared when two people love each other truly. You were there for my greatest challenges. You encouraged me to grow. You helped me believe in myself and become the person that I am today. In your arms and by your side, I know I can do anything.

When I wake up, I think of you. When I go to sleep, my last thought is of you. My mind never stops turning back thoughts to you.

I promise to be your guiding light in the darkness, a warming comfort in the cold, and a shoulder to lean on when life is too much to bear on your own.

You're everything that I ever dreamed of and everything I will ever need. Our love for each other is heaven-sent. Today I vow to be here with you and for you, forever and always.

As we grow a family, like right in this Moment. I promise to work together, to be equal partners in life and to remember the amazing person I married.

I promise to be your honest, faithful, and loving wife for the rest of my days.

Kit looks at me while crying. I hear others sniffle too.

K:Jane, you have been my best friend, mentor, playmate, confidant, and my greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life, and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible. You have made me a better person, as our love for one another is reflected in the way I live my life.

I take you as mine, knowing and loving all of your strengths and faults, just as I offer myself to you as yours with all of my strengths and faults. I will be there for you in your times of need, just as I know I can turn to you when I need a guiding hand.

I can’t even promise I’ll never hurt you, because even the best of intentions sometimes falls short. What I do promise is to always reach for you over my pride, to hold you, to heal you, and to seek forgiveness .

But nothing will divide us because I know that with your love, I will always have strength.

Without you, my life has no meaning. I vow to always remember to treasure you

I could conquer the world with one hand, as long as you’re holding the other.

Love is friendship that has caught fire. It takes root and grows, one day at a time. Love is quiet understanding and mature acceptance of imperfection. It is real. It gives you strength and grows beyond you.

If you grow weak, I’ll be there to fight your battle for you. I’ll help you with your responsibilities and make your problems my own in order to spread the weight a bit more evenly.

If you have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, I’ll be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with you

I choose you and promise to choose you as my Wife every day we wake. I will love you in word and deed. I will laugh with you, cry with you, scream with you, grow with you, and craft with you. To be your kin and your partner in all of life's adventures is all I could hope for in the world. 

Loving what I know of you and trusting what I don't yet know, I give you my hand. I give you my love. I give you myself, the good, the bad, and the yet to come.

I promise to be there to catch you if you should stumble, carry you over every threshold, and fall in love with you every day.

Tears are streaming down my Face. Boorman hands Jade the Rings. Tears on his face. 

Ja: The wedding ring is an unbroken circle, which symbolises unending and everlasting love. It is a visible symbol that represents your inner commitment to one another. Because these circles are designed without an ending they speak of eternity. May the incorruptible substance of these rings represent a love glowing with increasing lustre through the years. May these rings which you give to each other be a sign of your love, trust, and faithfulness.

Jane, take Kit’s ring and place it on her finger and repeat after me.

With this ring, I promise to love and cherish you to the end of my days.

I take her Ring and Put it on her Finger.

J: With this ring, I promise to love and cherish you to the end of my days.

Ja: Kit, take Jane’s ring and place it on her finger and repeat after me:

With this ring, I promise to love and cherish you to the end of my days.

K: With this ring, I promise to love and cherish you to the end of my days.

Ja: May your home be filled with laughter and the warm embrace of a summer day. And may you find peacefulness and beauty, challenge, and satisfaction, humour and insight, healing and renewal, love, and wisdom, as in a quiet heart. May you always feel that what you have is enough. Jane and Kit, we have heard the sincerity in your promise to share your lives in marriage. We recognize your love and support your decision to build a home together. By the power vested in me, Ten minutes ago. I now pronounce you Wife and wife.

Jane, you may kiss your bride !

She doesn’t have to say that twice. I gently grab Kits face and kiss her.

Ja: Everyone, give it up for Mrs. and Mrs. …

I point at Kit.

Ja: Tanthalos.

Everyone starts applauding. I laugh. I couldn’t be Happier. I kiss Kit again and lay one hand on her Belly.

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More Posts from Starjane312

2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 10

We go to the river. I wash my Arms and Dry them. She takes a rag and cleans my Face.

J: Must’ve happened when I stroked my Hair out of my Face.

K: You think ? Not when you slashed that Head of.

I grin.

J: What ? You thought that was hot ?

K: Pfff no.

My Grin falls. She looks at me with a Mischievous Smirk.

J: You little Minx. 

She pushes me so that I lay on my Back and sits down on my Lap to lean over me. Her Hands are next to my Head.

K: I thought it was very Hot. Until you picked the Head up.

I laugh.

J: I thought it was Funny.

She rolls her eyes. I look at her and push a strand of Hair out of her Face. She smiles softly and gives me a Kiss. I lay my Hands on her Hips and Deepen it. Out of breath we break the kiss. I chuckle against her Lips. Then I turn us around, so she lays on her back.

J: I love you.

K: I love you More.

She presses her Lips back on mine. I break the Kiss and start kissing down her Jaw and to her neck. She Tilts her Head back and Buries her Hands in my Hair. 

B: You two coming back ? The Food is Almost Ready.

We part and I let out an annoyed breath.

J: Yes, we’re on our way.

I look at Kit who looks just as Annoyed.

K: Can I kill him ?

I laugh.

J: No.

I give her Belly a kiss and then Her.

J: Let’s go before they come searching for us.

I help her up and we Go back to camp. We sit down and Jade Passes us a Plate.

Ja: Might wanna fix your hair.

She smirks at both of us and fishes a leaf out of Kit’s Hair. I Fix my Hair and start Eating. After we’re done Elora goes back training and the others settle down. Kit and I go to Boorman. Wanting answers to our Questions.

B: Can I help you ?

K: I want you to tell us what happened to my father.

J: And my brother. And everything there is to know about the Kymerian Cuirass.

B: You know it’s creepy when you finish each other's sentences.

J: We’ve been Told before and couldn’t care less. 

K: Just answer our questions.

B: Not now. Tomorrow.

J: First thing in the Morning.

He Nods. So, the next Morning, we wake him up before the sun is Rising.

B: It was Ten thousand years and about Three weeks ago, Thuul, heir to the Kymerian Empire, had been sick as a Child. When his father died his younger brother Tiberius felt he’d make the Stronger King. For forty days, Tiberius layed siege to the Capitol. Starving his own people to force his brother to abdicate his Throne. So, their Mother, Annabel, a fay of the Grove, forged for her son, Thuul, a cuirass of Pure Chromium. Then she assembled the Lux Arcana. A magical key that activated the enchanted armour, so it only serve the who was Worthy of it’s awesome power. So, with no Army at his back, no knights by his Side, Thuul, the rightful King of Kymeria rode out of the city gates to meet his Tyrant brother and Two thousand Death Dealers. And he …

K: This is really fascinating. Uh I can tell they don’t call you Bore Man for Nothing, but could you just tell us about my father and Jane's brother.

I can’t bring out a word. I’ve heard this story before

B: Well, I’m Trying to but you keep …

K: Okay well can you make it short ?

B: You know, your generation has, like, zero Attention span for-for epic Tales.

K: I love tales, Okay ?

B: Well, excuse me for Trying to add a little bit Drama and Context to the night we left Tir Asleen to find the Cuirass and use it to defend the realm.

K: From the Crone ?

B: Crone, Gales, the Wyrm everybody’s got a scary name. They all mean the same thing. It’s the Darkness that swallows …

Ja: Oi.

W: Where’s Elora ?

K: Seriously ? Throw a leash on that chit already.

Jade throws Kit her sword. 

K: Spread out she couldn’t have gone that far.

Kit goes off as do the others. I still sit on the floor. Frozen. My Head is Spinning.

B: Hey Kiddo you ok ?

I look at him. He is squatting in front of me.

J: It’s you.

He looks at me Confused.

J: I remember the Story Word for word. My brother told it to me when I was Seven the Night he left. I couldn't sleep so I wrote it down. And I read it so many times.

He looks at me with a sad face.

J: I’m Right ?

He nods.

B: Yeah.

J: You promised me you would come back.

B: I wanted to. But I was not a liked face anymore.

J: How long were you in the dungeons ?

B: Three years. I came back for you. But I did some bad things, and they Took me Prisoner.

I nod sadly.

J: We’re not blood related, are we ?

B: No. Your Real Family is Dead. The Village you lived in was Raided by Riders. It was halfway burned. Everyone was Dead. I found you in a closet. Crying. Madmartigan and Sorsha took you in as their Warden. I was thirteen, I couldn't Raise you. So, I stayed by your side as a Brother. Even got you that Dagger when you were five. The Queen almost Killed me for that.

I laugh.

J: Why didn’t you tell me ?

B: Dunno. Was scared, I guess. That you’d think I lied or hated me. Or that you’d simply forgotten me.

J: Understandable. I kinda did.

He shows me his Arm. It's a leather Band with a single Purple Pearl on it.

B: I promised you I’d give it back when I tell you the Story. Well, I didn’t tell you the Story but I’ll still give it back.

I pull up my Sleeve and show him the Leather Band with the Red pearl.

J: Let’s Trade then.

We swap the Bracelets.

B: I’m proud of ya. Ya know. You're still the same sarcastic, make good jokes and you run around with the Princess all day. Got good fighting skills. You have a Horse that listens to everything you say. You can hunt and take it apart. Got yourself a Princess. And will Marry her. Even got her Pregnant. Still didn’t tell me how that worked.

I let out a Teary Laugh. And he Hugs me.

J: I will but first we gotta find Elora. 

He nods and helps me up. He hands me my Axe.

B: Why’d you choose an Axe ?

J: Dunno liked it.

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2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 11

We start walking through the Forest. When we see the others with Ballentine, Weapons Drawn. I start running. 

B: Hold on. Someone just concisely recap everything we missed.

Nobody answers.

J: No ? Okay, we’ll have a go. Ballentine’s lost his mind.

B: And he’s trying to kidnap Elora on that Horse.

Ba: Stay out of this Boorman, you too Jane.

Boorman shoulders his sword. I lift my Axe.

B: We can’t.

K: Back in your Scabbards, boys.

Ba: I have to Take her.

K: Oh, I want you to. I really do. But maybe we should discuss this first.

W: He doesn’t serve Tir Asleen anymore. Do you commander ?

I lower my axe but stay on guard.

S: I don’t give a mule’s soft wispy bits who he Serves. She’s with us and he’s outnumbered Six to one.

G: I don’t know how much I can contribute here, Silas.

J: Five and a half to One. Happy now ?

Ba: Who said I’m alone.

He lowers his helmet. Boorman pushes me behind him and Fights of Merrick. I go and Help Kit. Keene knocks her onto the Floor. I quickly Push him back and try attacking him. But if it wasn’t for a smoke Bomb I would have been Dead and if it wasn’t for Jade Kit would’ve been dead too.

G: Elora !

I help Kit up and look her Up and Down.

K: I’m fine.

G: They got her.

We quickly pack everything up and off we are.

W: If we catch them by Sundown we can get her back. Ride on Ahead.

We nod. I look at Boorman. He nods. Me and Jade get the Horse tracks. Kit and Boorman catch up with us. When we see a Big cloud gathering we stop and wait for the Others. We hear a Woman's voice.

J: Graydon can you translate ?

He nods.

G: The stars align, the Door is open. The sphere Turns, a God is awoken. Extinguish the flame, snuff out the Light and exile the Child to the Thirteenth Night.

W: Ah, so you speak cursed Pnakotic ?

G: They’re gonna kill her. Aren’t they ?

W: No if they Killed her, her spirit would endure, be Reborn. But if they Banish her, they can Imprison her soul for all Eternity. It’s what Bavmorda was trying to do when I stopped her. The Crone Knows we’re following.

I grab Kit’s hand. She lightly squeezes it.

B: And what exactly is in there ?

W: A noxious twilight veil. A swirling vortex of Rage and Madness there’s no escape from. Come on there’s not a moment to lose.

We quickly keep Riding on. But of course, a Wheel of the Carriage breaks.

J: Are you shitting me ? Now ?!

B: I think it’s Broken.

J: Oh Really ? Didn’t notice that ! How’d you guess that Wonder pants?!

He looks at me annoyed.

S: I can Mend it. Then you guys just lift up the Wagon and I’ll slip it back on.

Graydon lets out a nervous laugh.

B: Seriously ?

I look up at the sky. I’m scared to death of thunder.

B: You can’t just, uh, levitate it or Something ?

W: No … No.

B: Ok … Ok. It’s really good having a sorcerer on this Quest.

J: Ok can we just speed this up Please ?

Kit looks at me.

K: We should ride ahead.

W: If we let her, the Crone will use this Storm to Separate and weaken us. We have to stay together.

Kit walks to the Wagon. 

K: I’m gonna go get water.

J: Definitely not alone.

I get up and walk to her. She takes my hand and I take a deep breath.

K: You ok ?

J: No but I’ll live through it.

We go to the river. I hear footsteps. It’s Jade.

Ja: Whatever it is, just say it.

K: We’re not gonna catch up to them.

J: And even if we do what happens then ?

K: They’re turning into … Monsters.

J: Look, we’re Sorry but if there’s a chance that we have to kill them, we …

K: We can’t hesitate.

Jade looks as us Offended.

Ja: I didn’t hesitate. I was trying to save you.

K: I don’t need saving Jade. I don’t need it from you or from Jane. I can take care of myself, Okay?

Ja: No, you can’t Kit. You can’t.

K: Every time we spar, I beat you. Both of you.

Ja: I ...

Jade sighs. I slowly shake my head. Not now. Not here. But she ignores me.

K: What ?

Confused Kit looks between us.

K: You’re saying … You let me win.

Ashamed I look to the Floor.

K: Why would you do that ?

Ja: Because, Kit, Your Mother …

K: She ordered you to be my Friend.

J: No.

Ja: She just asked us to train with you.

J: But only in the Beginning. Then we did it cause we liked it.

Ja: We never thought that you would be fighting for your Life.

K: That's why you're so fixated on protecting me ?

She looks at me.

J: No. Kit. You have to understand …

She walks past us.

J: Kit.

A thunderclaps and I flinch. A tear running down my Face.

Ja. Kit wait.

K: No, it’s okay. I … I’m just glad you told me. 

She walks past us. Another Thunderclaps and again I flinch.

J: This could not have gone worse ? Could it ?

Tears run down my Face. Jade takes my arm.

Ja: You ok ?

J: No. Kit probably hates us and it’s thundering. I feel like dying.

We walk towards the Wagon. Halfway there Moon comes to me.

J: It’s ok Mooney.

He kneels in front of me, and I get up. Jade takes the lead and walks to the Wagon. When we arrive, Moon stops by the Wagon. I lay my Forehead against his neck. The others saddle up. Boorman looks at me.

B: Still ?

I nod.

J: Never went away.

We keep riding until there is a split road. We stop. I again lay my head against Moon. My nerves are on the edge.

B: Yep, it’s definitely left. No doubt about it.

S: Left ? Left will take us through Pitiless pass. I don’t think the wagon will make it.

B: Course it will. That’s fine craftsmanship. And Pitiless pass, I mean, while I’ll admit is an unfortunate name it’s actually a perfectly lovely nice pass. Which goes by, might I add a cosy little inn called The slaughtered Lamb. Kind of a Home for me and my old Partner. It’s got everything you could want, you know, in an inn.

S: No, what about the other way ? Through Capella Pastures into Voluptuous Vale.

G: I mean that does sound Nicer.

B: Yeah, It also takes longer.

S: No, it doesn’t 

B: Does too.

S: No, it doesn’t

B: It does too !

S: No, it doesn’t. I will cut you.

W: Hey. In case you hadn’t noticed a Portal between dimensions is opening and when they reach it, Elora will be lost.

Suddenly Willow screams.

Ja: What ? What’s wrong ?

W: I’m fine 

S: You okay ? He’s fine.

We all look at them.

B: We spilt up. Cover more Ground. You guys take the safe long route and I’ll head up to the slaughtered Lamb. See if I can find the Help we really need.

Kit looks at Jade.

K: Alright. You, Jane and Graydon go with them through Capella Pastures. I’ll go with Boorman through the pass. Then we’ll met up at that Vale of Boobs or whatever.

I look at her.

J: Yeah, there’s no way in hell. I will come with you. I know you can’t stand me right now but I won’t. That Clear ?

K: I can take care of myself.

J: Yes, I know. 

I start Riding. Boorman behind me. I look back to see Kit also riding after us. 

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2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 14

He opens it and flips through the Pages.

W: Here, The purgation of Namshub.

B: Hey, that's my favourite Purgation.

W: It’s a Ritual of Throwing, of casting out. But it’s complicated and Dangerous and I’m not yet back to my full strength. 

He looks at Elora.

E: I couldn’t even say the seed spell. No. Ok. What do you want me to do ?

W: Call it an introduction to alchemy. We’re gonna make a salve.

He begins collecting everything.

W: Very potent. A precise mixture of herbs, tonics, and tinctures. Applied at the Proper time while the purgation is read aloud and his fluids drained.

E: What kind of Fluids are we draining ?

W: Blood, Puss, discharge from …

E: On second thought, surprise me.

W: Go to the Armory, fetch me a dagger with an Ivory handle and selenium blade.

We prepare everything. I take a look into the Book. Familiar Runes cross my eyes. I close my eyes and take a breath. Great the Witch in the Woods conjures Evil Magic.

W: The crone knows we’re here. She’ll send her Gales to ensure the Ritual is Completed. We’ll need to keep watch.

Ja: I can do that.

I nod.

W: We can’t allow Graydon’s infection to pass to any of us. If it does, we won’t get out of here Alive.

My eyes widen and I take a side glance at Kit.

J: How contagious are we Talking ? Like if he coughs on us ? Or if we touch him and then … 

W: The vismiscus goo. Don’t sniff it, don’t wipe it, don’t eat it.

I nod.

E: Why would we eat it ?

Boorman turns to go.

W: Wait. There’s one thing that is even more Important than that. No matter what, stay out of the High Tower. It’s maybe, probably a portal to the netherworld.

B: Ok don’t touch the evil goo stay out of the High Tower.

J: We’ll keep that in mind.

B: I just gotta say I’m feelin’ very energised and Optimistic about this exorcism.

J: Can you ever, maybe even once, just keep your Mouth shut ?

B: Nope.

He walks off. I nod and walk off. I hear footsteps behind me.

J: I don’t want to talk.

K: I don’t care, we will.

J: No why would I ?

K: I’m sorry. I don’t hate you. I was just Angry.

J: Yeah, you always say that. 

I stop walking.

J: But yet in the next 24 hours we will fight again and you will Ignore me. Ever since Twinkle Toes appeared everything is different. … I can’t do this anymore.

I look at her. She has tears in her Eyes.

K: Don’t say that.

I shake my head.

J: Why ? I’m telling you the Truth, or should I keep it a secret ? One that inevitably comes out and then We fight again. My Heart can’t take this anymore, Kit. I’m sorry but … 

K: No please …

I shake my head and walk away. With Tears streaming down my Face I wander through the Halls. The Tears don’t stop falling. We’ve been Together for the last 6 years. Is this really how this ends ?  Sobbing, I sit down against a wall. I lay my Head on my Legs. In 6 years It has never been like that. Never. Is this Journey showing that this relationship shouldn’t be ? I throw my Axe against the Wall. I don’t want to believe that. I can’t live without her. I don’t know how long I’ve sat here when I hear a Scream. Kit. She’s screaming for me. I jump up Grab my Axe and run from where I heard the Voice. I end up in front of a closed door. She’s Crying. I try to open the Door. It doesn’t budge.

J: KIT !?

K: Jane ! HELP !

I start smashing the Door with my Axe. When suddenly it is Quiet. Too Quiet

J: No. No. NO ! NO!

When the door is finally Open, she lays there Bloody. With wide open, dead eyes. She’s holding something. When I see what I scream. It’s the Baby. Quiet like the Night. Too small. Too fragile. I fall to my Knees. Screaming Sobbing. I press Kit against my Chest and rock her.

J: Please no. My Love. I need you.

Everything hurts. My body feels like it’s on fire and my Heart feels like it’s been Ripped out of my chest. I’m nothing without her. An empty shell with no Purpose in Live. She’s my everything. My Sun. The reason I wake up every day. She died alone in pain just because I left. It's all my fault. She died Thinking I don’t want us anymore. That I don’t love her. My voice is completely gone, the only thing you can hear are quiet attempted screams. 

J: I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there for you. I love you so much.

I close her eyes and give her a last kiss. I sit there and Rock our Bodies. No tears are falling anymore, not one is left. Everything is a blur. I don’t know how to Live without her. I don’t want to. What is the Point of living without her ? I have no one left. I’m alone. Nothing keeps me in this World. I push the hair out of her Face and give her a last kiss. Catatonic I walk through the Halls of the Castle. I look out of one of the big windows. It’s Raining. I sit down on the Windowsill. My Legs dangling in the air. All of me gets wet. I play with my Ring and Close my eyes. I put my Feet against the wall about to push me off when a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me back inside. I didn’t even notice that it stopped Raining.


I don’t know where the tears are coming from, but they flow.

J: Let me go.

B: What are you doing ?!

He hugs me. I sob in his chest. I can’t speak. Indistinguishable words leave my Mouth. He picks me up.

B: I got you little one. ‘M not letting you go.

I shake my head.

J: Kit …

B: She’s ok.

J: No … she … 

Sobs wreck my Body. He Carries me down a set of Stairs.

B: I found her in one of the Towers, she was …

K: Jane !

As I hear her Voice, I snap my Head up. I push against Boorman’s chest and fall to the Floor. I try to scramble up but trip and land back on the floor. She hugs me. I feel her body. She's warm and Alive. Crying, I hold her face.

J: My Love ? You’re Alive ?

She nods. Tears in her eyes.

K: Whatever you saw it was this place. It wasn't true.

I hug her Tighter. And cry in her neck

J: I’m sorry. I love you so much. I can’t lose you ever.

She nods. I look at her.

K: I love you too.

She gives me a kiss. We get up. I wipe my Tears away. I look at Graydon.

J: You cool ?

He nods.

G: Finally.

J: Good.

Moon comes to me and lays his head on my Shoulder. I lay my Hands on his neck.

J: Oh, my Good boy. Still here ?

We pack our stuff and leave that cursed palace. I look at Moon.

J: Go Home, Be safe.

Moon looks at me. I lay my Head against his. 

J: Just go Home. I’ll be back.

He Trots of. A tear in my eye.

J: He’s safer at Home.

K: I know.

I hold Kit’s hand in a Tight Grip.

B: You know I’m gonna miss this Place.

J: I will not.

K: What is the Blood of the Six ?

W: In the beginning in the Grove six Fays betrayed their Mothers to serve the Dark power. That Line continued through the ages strong magic but Corrupt. The Blood of the Six.

K: So Bavmorda, she was the Blood of the Six. Which means so am I and my Baby and Aryk.

W: Mmm. We have to reach the Immemorial City before she corrupts him.

K: Yeah that’s on the far side of the World. Is that even Possible ?

W: She saved Graydon. Anything's Possible. We’re finally making Progress. You may make a sorceress yet.

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2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 13

We’re Basically in the Middle of nowhere. Kit starts Walking next to me.

K: Jane ? Can we talk ?

J: Not in the mood.

I ignore her.

E: You Ok ?

W: Uh, just need to Rest. Then we resume your Training. You’ve still got a long way to go.

E: Maybe if I had the Wand …

Suddenly Graydon falls to the Ground.

E: Wait Graydon's Hurt !

Willow lifts his Collar and there is a Golden glowing spot.

J: Shit.

G: Bad Magic.

E: We have to get him to shelter ! Something !

B: Yeah ! And what do you Suggest, Huh ! We’re right in the Middle of…  I don’t even know where in the Middle of !

J: Moon.

Moon walks to Graydon and Kneels down. Me and Boorman help him up. I point my Finger at Graydon.

J: If you hurt him, I’ll kill you. Doesn’t matter that you’re Possessed.

He nods.

W: I know where we are.

He walks to a few Rocks and Looks beyond them. I walk there too. It's a Castle.

W: Nockmaar.

The Giant cloud is Swirling Right over it.

J: You’ve got to be Kidding me. Ok, let's go.

I walk forward. Moon right beside me. The others behind me. Willow falls to the Ground. Kit helps him up. 

W: We can’t go in. Don't you see ? This is what she wants.

E: We have to get Graydon inside or he'll Die.

B: And he’s not the only one.

J: There’s nothing around here for Leagues.

W: This fortress  was the Stronghold of the Most Brutal tyrant of her Age, Bavmorda.

B: Yeah. Or as Kit calls her Grandma.

I give him a Piercing side Glare. When we are inside we help Graydon off of Moon. Who then shakes the water out of his Mane. The others Chain Graydon to the Floor. Me and Jade start a fire and soon we’re all dry. Boorman closes the Chain around Graydon’s Wrists with a Hot Iron pickle.

B: Sorry about this Pal.

G: What do you think she used these for ?

B: Bavmorda knew how to Romp. Legendary Parties. Three four days in a Row. All kinds of weird shit.

G: How do I look ?

E: Like a Vermathrax at a vestal faire.

G: What ?

E: It was …

J: No it was a really good Joke.

B: Next time leave the levity to me.

Graydon coughs and vomits on the Floor.

J: Ah, Lovely.

G: What happened to Ballantine and Marrick is gonna happen to me.

Boorman gets up.

G: And you guys are gonna have to stop me before I …

Thunderclaps and I flinch. Elora gets up.

E: What … What was Ballentine gonna do to me ?

W: What Bavmorda started when you were a Baby.

G: The Ritual of the Thirteenth Night. Banishing your Soul to a Realm of perpetual suffering. Only the Combined strength of Willow and Raziel, the two most Powerful sorcerers of all time, was able to stop it. In the end using the Fibonacci Hex, if I’m not wrong ?

Willow hums.

J: Willow obliterated Bavmorda, rescued Elora Danan, You and Saved the World.

Everyone looks at me.

J: What  ? He’s not the only one that Reads.

B: Wow. And then What’d you do ?

W: We all went out and got pissed.

Graydon vomits again.

K: And that thing you did at the Slaughtered Lamb could you …

W: Blast his insides out ? A few moments of the Most excruciating pain ever endured. Probably followed by Death.

J: Maybe not that great of an Idea.

G: The way you’re talking. Sounds like you're starting to like me.

J: Don’t lose your head over it Twinkle Toes.

I smile at him.

K: This is all your fault.

She looks at Boorman.

B: Sorry, how’d you figure that ?

K: You send us on a wild goose chase to find some stupid artefact. And it doesn’t even exist. And now we’re trapped in some cursed castle and Aryk is still half a world away …

B: Right Aryk your brother. And meanwhile your ex-fiancé Grayoncé there, is being Ravaged by a 300-year old demon.

By the word Ex- Fiancé my grip on my Dagger Tightens.

G: Come on man. Don’t say Ravaged.

B: Sorry bud.

We are Waiting. I don't know for what but it’s Boring. I’m sharpening my Axe. While Jade cooks something. Boorman holds a plate in front of me.

J: Not hungry but thank you.

Graydon lays coughing on the Floor.

Ja: How long does he have ? Before it takes hold ?

W: Not long. Sometime in the small hours of the Night he’ll lose control.

I look at my Axe.

K: I mean we all know it has to be done. What was the last thing that Ballentine asked you to do ?

I look at Jade.

Ja: Kill him. He’s the Prince of Galladoorn Kit. We’d be at war

K: Hastur knew. Right ? We all knew that he never should’ve come. And If I have to decide between saving Aryk and waiting for Graydon to turn into some kinda Monster …

I sigh.

G: Kit’s right. I’ve had some experience with this before and I know I’m not strong enough to stop it. I don’t wanna hurt you guys. But I will.

E: If her Highness is in such a hurry to see it done she ought to do it herself.

K: Oh you don’t think I will ?

B: Uh I don’t. Killing someone who isn’t trying to kill you back, it’s not an easy thing to do.

I look down at my Axe. If it comes to it, I would do it.

E: Please you’re the greatest sorcerer alive. You obliterated Bavmorda.

J: There must be something you can do.

W: When she was young, your Age. Bavmorda was bright, curious, full of Promise. She was abducted by Members of a long-forgotten sect. The Order of the Wyrm. The crone radicalised her, converting her with their warped beliefs and gifting her with unnatural powers.

Ja: What kind of powers ?

W: Well for example she once changed the entire Galladoorn army into Pigs.

J: Hm, lovely.

W: Raziel and I, Eventually, changed them all back. It was chaos Pigs everywhere.

B: Sorry, All of them ?

W: Huh ?

B: You … You turned all of the Pigs back into people ?

W: Think so.

I nod. Boorman spits out the rest of his food.

J: So glad I didn’t eat.

W: The point is, the order of the Wyrm practised Taboo magic, against Nature. If a rite exists that can extract that Kind of evil. I think I know where we’d find it.

We all follow Willow into a room. He gets out a Book and lays it on a Table.

W: The Malatrium. Bound in the skin of a satyr.

K: Gross.

Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 17

WARNING !!! Smut under the Cut !!! Minors DIN !

We retreat into the Tent. Our bags on the Floor. I sit down on the Mat and take off my Shoes. Kit looks at me for a second then sits down in my Lap. My hands instantly settle on her Hips. She looks down at me and kisses me. She starts fumbling with my Belt. I lean my Forehead against hers.

J: And what do you think you’re doing, Love ?

K: I need you.

I chuckle.

J: Really ?

K: We haven’t done anything in forever.

J: Three months are forever ?

She looks at me.

K: Yes.

She smashes her lips back against mine. I turn us around, so she lays under me. She props herself up on her elbows and looks at me. I smile at her and start opening her shirt. I kiss down her Jaw to her neck and plant a few Hickeys there. She moans and buries her Hands in my Hair. I pull away and take off her shirt. I kiss down her chest to her round belly. Which I nuzzle with my Nose and give it another kiss. I look up at her and embarrassed she looks away.

J: You look beautiful my Love.

She looks at me and kicks off her shoes. I gently pull down her Pants and underwear. I start kissing up her thighs. I prop them up and kiss the inside of her thighs. Closer and closer to her Core but not there. She whines and pulls on my Hair. I lean back over her.

J: Something wrong … Princess ?

K: Do something.

J: But I am.

She rolls her eyes. I take her jaw in one hand.

J: Did you just roll your eyes on me ?

K: … No ?

J: Oh, but I think you did.

K: I’m Sorry Darlin’ , but I need you.

J: You already have me

K: Urg, you’re gonna make me say it aren’t you ?

I Smirk.

J: I don’t know what you’re talking about, my Love.

I sit up on my Knees and look down on her. She looks Magnificent. She sits up and takes off my shirt. Then she leans her Chin on my Lower neck and looks up at me.

K: Please. Just touch me.

I lift her Face up and kiss her. I gently Push her back down and kiss her chest. I start kissing and licking her breasts while my Right hand wanders lower and run through her Wet folds. Kit moans and Buries her Hands in my Hair.

J: So wet already my Love ?

K: Only for you. 

I smirk her breast in my Mouth and start sucking. She hisses and Moans. I start moving my Fingers in her. I watch as she throws her head back.

J: That feel Good ?

She nods. I stop and she whines. I take her chin and make her look at me.

J: I asked you a Question Love.

K: Yes. Yes it feels good.

J: Good girl.

I  start Moving my fingers again. But pull them out a few seconds later. She whines again and opens her mouth to complain. I move my Fingers in front of her mouth and Tilt my Head. She takes them in her mouth and sucks them clean. I caress her face and pull my fingers out her mouth. I start kissing down her body and stop in front of her Vulva. I gently blow on it and watch as it twitches and hear Kit let out a gentle gasp. I give her folds a good lick and Kit’s Thighs wrap around my Shoulders in an Instant. I chuckle against her and do it again and again. I start licking her repeatedly and trail my Right hand which was holding her Thigh and start using my Fingers too. I hear her Moan, her Thighs tighten and her Left hand finds my Hair. I hear a soft patting on the mat and lift my Left hand to hold hers. I feel her shivering and pull away concerned. She whines and looks at me. Her face softens when she sees mine. Panting she sits up to caress my Cheek

K: I’m fine, ‘s just a lot.

I smile and dive back in. I hear her back softly hitting the mat. After some minutes her panting gets heavier and her Hand tightens around mine. 

K: ‘M Almost there just … Don’t stop, please.

I Chuckle and don’t even think about stopping. I keep going. Seconds later her breath hitches and her back arches. She’s Cumming. Her tights start shaking. I slow my hands, slowly riding her through her Orgasm. I lean over her. She looks at me out of breath and sweaty. Her hand finds my Cheek as she holds it.

K: I love you.

I smile and kiss her.

J: Love you too.

I pull out my Fingers slowly. A shiver goes over her Body. I chuckle lightly. 

K: Now you.

J: No, my Love you’re tired and …

K: I’m not.

Not a second after she said that she yawns.

K: But what about you ?

J: Later.

I lean to my Bag and pull out a clean rag. I gently wipe her Down. To which she again shivers. I smile. Then I wipe my Mouth and Help her put on her Underwear and a shirt of mine. I put mine back on and Lay down next to her. She gives me a Kiss and lays her head on my chest. I pull the Blanket up.

K: Love you Darlin’.

J: Love you too, My Love.

She closes her eyes and falls asleep. I kiss her forehead a last time before falling asleep too.

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