Thraxus Boorman - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Judge: For your crimes, we sentence you to 68 years in prison

Boorman: Can you...

Boorman: Can you add one more year?

Tags :
1 year ago

“That’s not- I didn’t- I made that up, Boorman,” she responds, exasperated. Why would she have expected anything less from the man? Of course, there had to be some irreverence from him. Was he Boorman otherwise? Still, she had hoped for a bit more seriousness. Maybe she just set the standard too high all the time.

Thats Not- I Didnt- I Made That Up, Boorman, She Responds, Exasperated. Why Would She Have Expected Anything

And yet, there’s somehow always a precious gem to learn from him. How is someone so unserious also so wise? “I don’t think I’ll ever truly live with it. And yet, I’ll have to, won’t I? Once the Wyrm comes.”

@dutyxbound: Wars Begin When You Will, But They Do Not End When You Please. { For Boorman }

ミ✉️ @dutyxbound: ❝ Wars  begin  when  you  will,  but  they  do  not  end  when  you  please. ❞  { for  Boorman }

@dutyxbound: Wars Begin When You Will, But They Do Not End When You Please. { For Boorman }
@dutyxbound: Wars Begin When You Will, But They Do Not End When You Please. { For Boorman }

         BOORMAN  NODDED  HIS  HEAD  AS  SHE  SPOKE,  WAITING  FOR  THE  LITTLE  KNIGHT  IN  TRAINING  TO  FINISH.  When silence  fell  he  nodded  his  head,  ❝ I  never  finished  reading  that  book  ...  or  any  book  really,  I'm  not  much  of  a  reader. ❞

          His  teeth  picked  at  the  last  bits  of  meat  on  the  bone.  ❝ All  of  that  fancy  training  doesn't  teach  you  how  to  live  with  it. ❞  Killing,  failing  to  save  someone.

@dutyxbound: Wars Begin When You Will, But They Do Not End When You Please. { For Boorman }

Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tantahlos X OC Masterlist

Big Masterlist


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29


Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist



In a Village not far from Tir Asleen, A Daikini girl is born with Dark Hair and Light eyes laid in the Arms of her Mother. Nothing Bad could happen.

Or so they thought. It’s a Quiet, Dark night. Too Dark and far too quiet. Everyone is Asleep when it Happens. A group of Riders set the Town on Fire. 

The Mother hides her Babe in the Closet, hoping she wouldn’t be found before she and the Rest of her Family are Killed. 

The Babe in the Closet doesn’t notice any of this and Sleeps deep and Dreams of faraway places she has yet to see and Adventures she has yet to Survive.

In the early morning, the Riders are fought off. No one Survived. A Young Squire Walks through the half-burned Village when he Hears the Cry of a Baby. He searches for it and  Finds her Wailing in the Closet. He takes her to his Master. The King Madmartigan. He takes her with him, and he and his Wife Sorsha take her as their Ward. And they named her Jane Chander. Her birthday is the Day they found her. The fourth day of the Month of The Goddess Ēostre. (April)

Kit Tanthalos X OC
Kit Tanthalos X OC

Since that day it’s been 7 Years. The Girl Grew up with Aryk and Kit, the children of Queen Sorsha and King Madmartigan. They’ve become great friends. Jane is running across the Yard deep in a Game of Tag Hide and Seek with her friends. When she finds Kit behind a Hay bale.

J: Hah, got you.

They both start running towards the Tree. If Jane touches the Tree before Kit catches Jane, Jane wins the Game. She already Tagged Aryk and Jade, a Friend of theirs who was rescued from Bone Reavers 4 Moons ago. But just before Jane touches the Tree Kit touches her Shoulder. Jane stops running and looks at Kit.

J: I was so Close to Winning Kit.

K: And now we Win. 

Aryk and Jade run to both. 

Aryk just wanted to say something when Madmartigan comes to the Four. Jade bows and runs off.

M: Making friends with her ?

A: Yes.

J: She’s nice.

M: I have a Surprise for you Three.

K: What ?

Madmartigan laughs.

M: I won’t tell. Come along.

They quickly walk after him to the pasture that is connected to the Stables. The Foals of this year are finally old enough to go outside.

K: What are we doing here Dad ?

Madmartigan Picks up Kit and puts her on his Shoulders.

M: Today you Three get to Pick your horses. You are Old enough with Aryk and Jane being 7 and you 6.

Excited Jane looks at Madmartigan.

J: Really ?

M: Yes.

He smiles and Messes up Jane's hair

M: But don’t forget your Horse chooses the Rider not the other way around.

They all nod and Jane goes under the Fence on the Pasture. She smiles softly and looks at the Foals. A few look at her and run to their mothers. She just walks a few metres and sits down on the Grass. Kit and Aryk also go on the Pasture but a little farther. Jane just sits and waits. A black Foal with three white Legs and a Black one walks towards her and smells her.

Kit Tanthalos X OC

Jane giggles when the Foal touches her Hair with its snout. Its Mother is a White Shire Horse. She also smells Jane and looks at her as her foal lays down besides Jane. She does the same. Jane looks back at Madmartigan who gives her a Thumbs up and smiles. She also smiles and looks at the Foal. 

J: I will name you Moon. 

The mother whinnies. Jane strokes her snout.

J: Is that a good name for your Baby ?

The mother lays her head on Jane’s lap and watches her foal.Kit gets a white Oldenburg horse that she names Eclipse. Aryk gets a Brown Quarter Horse, his name is Saturn. Madmartigan left half a Year after the kids got their Horses and never Returned

Kit Tanthalos X OC
Kit Tanthalos X OC
Kit Tanthalos X OC

At the age of 14 Jane and Moon are like Two Peas in a pot.. Moon listens to her. Over the Years Jane developed feelings for the Young princess that she doesn’t quite understand. She sits in her Room with Aryk.

A: What do you mean ?

J: I don’t know, ok ? It’s like when she smiles everything in life feels better, brighter and more beautiful. And I always want her to smile so the Feeling doesn’t go away. 

Aryk blinks and smiles.

A: Do you have a crush on her ?

Jane's Eyes widen.

J: What ? No ? … I’m not supposed to feel that way, do I ? I mean we’re both girls.

A: It doesn’t matter. Why would it ?

J: It’s useless anyways. One day she’s gonna have to Marry a Prince and fall for him and have a Family with him and I’m still gonna be Lonely and Heartbroken. Cause there’s no way that she likes me back.

A: And how would you know that ?

She looks at Aryk who smirks.

J: You know something.

A: No. 

He slowly stands up and walks backward. She tackles him and presses his arms on the ground.

J: Tell me !

He raises his hands.

A: She likes you.

Shocked, Jane Releases him.

J: What ? Are you certain ?

A: Yes. We had almost the same conversation a Week ago.

J: You’re not Lying ?

A: I would never.

Jane Raises an Eyebrow.

A: Not about something like this. I swear. 

J: Should I talk to her ?

A: Yes.

Jane gets up and Hugs Aryk.

J: If you were Lying I will push you out the Window.

He nods and Jane goes off to Find Kit. She finds her with Eclipse. Jane smiles and stands by the Fence. Kit sees her and Waves. Jane waves back and Kit walks to her, Eclipse by her side.

K: Hey, what’s up ?

J: Just wanted to ask you if you wanted to take a ride ?

Kit takes Eclipse's lead and walks towards the Stable.

K: Let’s ride then.

Jane goes after her. In the Stable Moon excitedly looks at her. She strokes his Snout and opens his Box. 

They get the Horses ready and Ride over the Open fields.

K: Soooo. 

Jane looks at her.

J: What ?

K: I actually wanted to talk to you anyways.

Jane looks at her. 

J: About what ?

Kit hesitates.

K: Race me to the Tree and I’ll tell you.

She spurs Eclipse on and She starts running.

J: Hey. Get her Moon. 

They race to the Tree and Jane wins. They get off their Horses and let them Walk free.

J: So, you wanted to talk ? 

Kit sits down under the Tree. Jane sits next to her and looks at Kit, who starts playing with Grass. 

J: Kit ?

K: IlikeyouinmoreasafriendwayandIdon’tknowhowtotellyouandyouprobablydon’tevenlikemethatway.

Jane looks at her blinks and smiles.

J: And now maybe a bit slower that I understand you ?

Kit breathes.

K: I like you in more as a friend way and I don’t know how to tell you and you probably don’t even like me that way.

Jane can only blink.

J: What ?

Kit gets up and whistles for Eclipse.

K: Forget it, I shouldn't have said anything.

Jane also gets up fast and grabs Kit’s arm before she can walk further away. Kit doesn’t look at her. Jane puts her hand under Kit's chin and pushes her Head up.

J: Are you for real ?

Kit nods.

J: I like you too.

Now it’s Kit’s turn to blink.

K: Really ?

Jane nods. Since Jane is slightly taller than Kit, she stands on her Tiptoes. They look at each other and Kiss. After a few seconds they release each other and Jane lays her forehead against Kit’s.

K: So, uh …

They both laugh.

J: Do you want to be together ?

Kit nods and kisses her again. They smile at each other.

Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 1

Kit Tanthalos X OC
Kit Tanthalos X OC

After Kit turned 19, Jane went to the Towns smith and let him make two rings. Jane wants to Propose. The only ones that Know are Jade and Aryk. Who are both excited. But Jane doesn’t Propose just yet, to scared of Kit’s Reaction. That night Kit comes to her Chambers. 

K: Jane ?

Jane sits up in her Bed.

J: Kit ?

She sits down on the bed and Jane wraps her arms around Kit's waist.

J: What’s wrong ? 

Kit doesn’t look at her.

K: Did you ever hear about the Witch in the Woods ?

J: Yes, why ?

K: I heard that a couple went to her in order to get a Child and 3 months later the Woman was Pregnant.

Jane looks at Kit and sits up.

J: What are you … Do you want to ?

Kit nods.

K: I thought about it for a while, and I actually went and talked to her.

J: You did ? Alone ?

Kit shakes her head.

K: No, I went with Jade.

J: Love.

Kit finally looks at Jane and she sees her Smile.

J: You want to start a Family with me ?

Kit smiles and looks at her.

K: Yes.

J: Are you sure ? You only Turned 19.

K: Yes 100% sure and I would carry it.

J: And what did she tell you ?

K: We must Pay her of course. We have to bring her a living Blood sacrifice in the form of an Animal, on a Full Moon Day for it to Work. She didn’t tell me anything else. 

Kit looks at Jane. Who grabs her Hand.

J: I Love you.

Kit smiles and kisses her. Suddenly Jane gets up fast and walks to her Desk. Kit looks after her confused.

J: I wanted to wait for a little while before doing that but …

Jane takes a deep breath and sits down next to Kit. The Rings tight in her hand.

K: Jane ?

J: Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know. She shares my dreams, I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets. To carry love, to carry children of our own. Hell, We are still kids, but we're so in love. Fighting against all odds. I know we'll be all right this time. You are my North, my South, my East and West, the sun of my morning and the night to my day ! And I love you just the way you are. Having you by my side is what completes me, makes me, and fulfils me. You complete me. I would rather spend one lifetime with you – than face all the ages of this world without you. I love you always forever, near and far, closer together. Everywhere I will be with you, everything I will do for you. I love you. I never wish to be parted from you, from this day on. I love you so, so much. I need to make you happy, for me to even have a chance at being happy. You’re Mine and I’m yours entirely. Will you marry me ?

Kit is crying. Jane is Crying. She opens her Hand and shows her the Identical Silver Rings. Kit nods.

K: Yes, Oh god I love you Yes

She throws herself into Jane’s Arms. Jane  kisses her. She takes the Ring and Puts it on Kits Ring Finger. Kit takes hers and puts it on Jane’s Hand. They kiss again and lay down together. She lays her Head on Jane’s Chest and looks up at her.

K: I love you.

J: I love you more and we will go to that Witch. 

She hesitates for a second.

J: What kind of animal should we bring ?

K: A chicken ?

J: Yeah, we will need Jades help with that.

They both laugh

J: maybe after we could go away just away form all this.

Kit looks at Jane.

K: What ?

J: You know, to a Village behind the Woods and live a normal live.

Kit shakes her Head.

K: No I can't do that to my Mother. She can't loose another persaon that she Loves.

Jane Nods

J: Ok I understand.

They hug and then fall asleep.

They keep the engagement a secret and only tell Jade and Aryk. The next Full moon night they do as they said and with the Help of Jade catch two Chickens. They carry the Basket and a bag full of Gold to the Witch. When they Arrive, the witch opens the Door. 

Wi: Ah good, you came.

Jane hands her the Chickens.

Wi: You both go inside, lay the gold on the Table and Drink the Tea. The Right one is for the one that will Carry the Child. After that wait.

They go inside and do as they were told. The Tea tastes good. After They finished it, they sat down on the Sofa. After a few Minutes, the Witch comes back inside.

Wi: Now discard all your clothing and sit in the Circle.

They lay their clothes on the sofa and sit in the Circle of Blood that she drew on the floor.

Wi: Who drank the Right Tea ?

K: Me.

The Witch Nods and starts drawing something on Kits back and Arms with the Blood. After that she goes to Jane and does the same.

Wi: Now hold out your Right hands.

Jane raises Her hand to the side and the Witch takes a Knife.

J: Uh ? 

After a Pointed look of the Witch Jane shuts her Mouth and Looks a Kit. The witch makes a cut in both of their Palms. Then she Presses their hands together. And starts Chanting. After a few Minutes The witch pulls their Hands apart but keeps them connected at the wrist and the Blood pools in their palms. The witch keeps chanting and a big Blob of Blood flies in the air, swirls around and then flies onto her abdomen before disappearing inside the flesh. She keeps chanting for a few Seconds and stops.

Wi: It should be done. If you bleed the next time you must come back and bring a larger animal.

Jane and Kit nod. The witch gives them a wet rag, a bowl with water and bandages. 

Wi: Wash yourselves, wrap your hands and then go.

She disappears in a Room. Jane smiles at Kit. They Wrap each other's hands.

J: Turn around let's get that blood off of you

Kit turns around and Jane washes the Blood of her Arms and her Back. Kit does the same for her. After they get Dressed and walk back to the Castle. They sneak inside and lay in Jane’s bed.

K: I hope it works.

J: Me too.

They kiss and fall asleep.

But it Didn’t work. The day kit bleed she went to Jane with Tears in her eyes.

J: What happened ? Why are you Crying ?

K: It didn’t work.

Jane hugs her.

J: Then we will Try again. And we won’t stop Trying.

Kit nods in her shoulder.

J: I love you, never Forget that.

K: Never.

They Kiss.

And they tried again with a Goat. It again didn’t work. And then with a Cow. After that they felt helpless, and Kit didn’t want to keep going. So, they Stopped. Jane was Understanding Of Course.

Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 2

Jane PoV.

Kit Tanthalos X OC

It’s been four and a half Moons. I’m on the Canyon Maze with Jade and Kit who are sparring with each other. It’s a close call but in the end Kit wins. I Clapp and get up from my Rock. They both take off their Masks and Kit smiles at me.

Ja: I almost had you.

K: Yeah, don’t beat yourself up about it.

J: Good Job Love.

I help Jade up.

K: You know there’s skill, then there’s Talent and I just happen to have both.

Ja: Along with a generous amount of Arrogance.

I Laugh.

J: Yeah, Gotta have that Too.

Kit pushes her Elbow in my Side.

K: Who knows ? In a few Years you might beat me.

Jade chuckles.

Ja: I would have beaten you if it wasn’t for that lose Rock.

And at this Point I know Jade let Kit win on Purpose, all the Time. Same as me. We talked about stopping that but never did it.

K: It’s not about Mastering the Moves Jade, it’s about adapting to your Terrain.

I raise my eyebrow and lay my arm around Kit’s waist and pull her to stand next to Jade.

K: And uh, I’m just better than you are.

Ja: Yeah.

J: Superior in every way, Your highness.

We all laugh and look at the Barrier.

K: One day I’m gonna prove it.

Kit lays her Arm around Jade’s shoulder.

K: Tell me you don’t still think about that. You know, going beyond the Barrier.

J: You mean having those wild adventures like we always talked about ?

Kit nods.

Jade looks at both of us.

Ja: I spoke to Ballantine earlier …

K: Yeah ?

La: Princess !

I look at Lachlan and If looks could kill he would be Dead. Jade finally wanted to talk to Kit about it and he interrupted her.

La: I bring Word from the Queen.

K: Are we under a Siege?

La: You need to get Dressed for Dinner. Her Highness expects the Royal Party from Galladoorn to arrive shortly.

I exhale, that means uncomfy dresses and a lot of curtsying for guests.

K: I take my brother’s been called too to scrub behind his ears ?

La: Yes. The Prince, I believe, is Hunting in the Western Wood.

K: Hunting ?

J: Hunting skirts I believe.

Ja: I wonder who he’s hunting today.

We laugh and go down the Rocks. Lachlan is already riding off. I greet Moon and get up. We race back to Tir Asleen. Before the Gate we get off of our Horses and I let Moon walk after me While I walk in the Middle of Jade and Kit who are Leading their Horses.

Jade holds out her Hand.

Ja: I’ll take Eclipse and Moon back to the Stables.

K: You know you're coming tonight, right ?

Jade’s smile flatters.

Ja: No

J: Yeah.

Ja: Really ?

K: Yeah.

Ja: You know how I feel about gowns and wearing them.

K: Well you’re gonna have to Suck it up.

J: Cause we’re not gonna be able to survive this thing without you.

K: What did you wanna tell us ?

Kit looks at Jade.

Ja: When ?

K: Before, you said you talked to Ballantine.

Ja. Yeah. We can Talk about it later.

I nudge Jade’s side and look at her. She just takes Eclipse's lead.

Ja: All right well that was fun.

Kit starts walking to the Gate.

I sigh and look at Jade.

J: You must tell her.

Ja: I know.

Jade looks to the Ground.

J: You will leave with the King of Galladoorn.

Jade sighs.

Ja: I know. You have to go, the Queen awaits you.

I look at Moon.

J: Moon Follow Jade. 

He walks next to Eclipse and I walk after Kit and Catch up to her and Aryk.

J: Who was it this time ?

K: The kitchen maid.

J: The blonde One ?

Kit nods. We go inside.

K: Isn’t she the one that makes those Buttered Muffins everyone talks about ?

A: Hey I happen to be a great admirer of those Muffins.

K: Yeah, I’m concerned about what she’s gonna put in those Muffins.

J: You know, once you inevitably break her Heart.

A: I’m not gonna break her Heart.

J: Oh please.

Aryk grabs an Apple from one of the Servants.

K: You’re gonna lose interest and Move on to the Next. 

J: It’s like the one way you’re Totally consistent.

He takes one bite of the Apple and gives it to another servant.

A: No … She … Dove. It’s different. Dove has this ineffable human Quality about her soul

K: Wait, Wait, wait you said Dove ?

I raise my Eyebrows

J: Dove ? Like the Bird ?

A: Dove. Yes That’s what I call her, like the Most Romantic, Beautiful ..

K: You don’t know her name ?

A: Course I know her name.

J: Brunhilde ?

Aryk looks at me.

A: She doesn’t like that Name.

J: Well, it’s her name. It’s better than Dove.

A: As if your Couple nicknames are better.

J: I call her Love.

K: And I call her Darlin that's 100% better.

Aryk rolls his eyes, we hear someone clearing their throat. It’s the Queen. Aryk pretends that he’s been Racing here. I roll my eyes, as if she hadn’t seen us already.

A: Ah Mother. We got your Message. We raced back, We’re gonna. We’re gonna wash up real quick.

QS: Why do you look like you’ve been rolling around in Grass ?

A: Training. Tourneys and such.

QS: What's that on your Neck ?

Aryk’s hand flies to his neck. It’s a Hickey.

A: Oh ! I got bitten by a Fire moth, which was Strange.

J: You sure ?

K: Wasn’t it a Dove ?

I give him a Smirk

QS: Lachlan told me he found you both and Jade atop of the Canyon Maze Again. You know I don’t like you playing on those Rocks. It’s Dangerous

K: Playing ?

J: Unlike him, we actually were Training.

QS: I’ve had them Draw you three a bath and I’ve laid out a gown for you to wear. For you Too Jane.

J: Thank you.

I slowly walk to the Door to our Rooms.

K: You’re Picking out our Clothes now ?

I roll my Eyes and it begins.

K: What are we Six years old ?

QS: I shouldn’t have to, but when you neglect your Responsibilities for your Hobbies, you leave me no choice.

We hear the Horn, the Galladoorn’s are Arriving. Aryk inhales sharply and walks with me to the Door.

A: Ok, Kit We’re going.

J: Come on.

We walk through the door.

K: Thank you ?

J: It’s not like I can say something. Kit. I’m grateful that your Mother lets me stay here. I’m just her Warden. She could’ve let me live like Jade with the Squires.

Kit sighs, gives my Cheek a kiss and goes into her Room.

I look at Aryk and lift my hands and also walk into my Room. I take a look at the gown and sigh. It’s bright Red. Great, I'll look like a walking red flag. I take my Bath, wash myself and get Ready.

Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


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Chapter 3

Kit Tanthalos X OC

And I am a walking red flag. I step out of my Room and Wait for Kit and Aryk. The latter steps out of his Room Looks at me and smiles.

A: You look …

J: Like a Red flag ?

Aryk nods.

A: Yep.

I knock on Kit’s Door.

J: You almost Ready Love ?

K: Just a sec.

She steps out. She’s wearing a beautiful green dress. I smile.

J: You look Beautiful.

She smiles.

K: You too. Red suits you.

Aryk walks away. I give Kit a Kiss and lay my Hands on her waist. It’s wider than before. Then I look at her.

J: Well, someone gained a little weight.

Her Eyes widen a little.

K: Got a Problem with that ?

J: No.

I kiss her again and we start walking after Aryk. He holds the Door Open for us. We greet the King, his Wife, and his son. Who shuffles his feet and doesn’t really look at us. I chuckle. And it begins Bowing to everyone that will be at the Feast. Finally after what feels like Hours we can sit down and Eat. I sit with Jade and Kit. I look at Aryk. He looks at me with a slight pleading look.

J: I’ll be right back

Kit Nods. I get up and walk to Aryk.

A: Ah, Jane.

J: Aryk.

I look up and see Dove looking at him and the Girls next to him.

J: She’s here.

Aryk also looks at her and she walks off.

A: Shit.

J: You can’t blame her for being insecure. You’re the Prince.

He nods.

J: I’ll go back to Kit.

Aryk nods. I sit back down, my Back to Aryk.

K: Can we talk ?

J: About what ?

K: I …

B: Nobles of the realm, The Queen.

I turn to look at her.

QS: Over Two-Hundred moons since the Knights of Galladoorn vanquished Bavmorda’s legions and freed Tir Asleen from its Curse. And for over Two-Hundred Moons we’ve maintained a civil Alliance governing with mutual consent, while preserving our Autonomy. One Realm, Separate Kingdoms. Until now.

My eyes widen and my Heart feels like it's breaking.

QS: Tomorrow, prince Graydon marries my daughter, Kit. At last unifying Tir Asleen and Galladoorn.

And there it is, it’s my Heart broken in my Throat. Tears are Burning in

My Eyes. I quickly look at Kit, who has a remorseful look on her Face. She knew. I look at my Plate not hungry anymore. The only thing I want to do is Cry and pity myself.

QS: Ensuring us a Harmonious Future and Strengthening us against any threat we might Face.

The Queen lifts her Cup.

QS: To the Bride and Groom may they rule Wisely and justly and defend our Realm till that Day when the True Empress Elora Danan returns.

Everybody gets up, I have to too.

All: Till that Day ! Till That Day !

The people Applaud and drown their drinks. As the People sit down and the Music starts playing The queen walks away so I look at Kit.

J: Did you know about this ?

K: Jane …

J: Did you know ?!

She nods.

I get up and storm to my Room. Tears running down my Face. So many Doubts run through my head. Crying I put on different Clothes.

Kit Tanthalos X OC

I start Packing my Bag. I can’t stay here and watch her, my Beloved get Married to another. Just as I’m finished my Door opens. It’s Kit.

J: What do you want ?

K: What are you doing ?

J: Leaving.

K: You can’t.

J: I can, and I will.

She looks at me.

K: Jane, please …

J: For how long have you known ?

K: Jane ...


I look at her Tears streaming down my Face.

K: After my Birthday.

My bag drops from my Hands.

J: That's why you came to my Room. You ...

I wipe my Tears away. Anger clouding my Mind.

J: You only wanted this to get out of that Marriage ! That I proposed just played into your Plan ! Didn’t it ?

Kit looks at me Tears streaming down her Face.

K: No …

J: You wanted to stop Trying cause you felt Guilty for pulling me into this isn’t that Right ? YOU KNEW AND DIDN’T TELL ME !

K: Please listen to me.

She takes a Step towards me, and I take one Back.

J: WHAT SO YOU CAN LIE TO ME MORE ? Fine, break my Heart even more.

K: I wanted to tell you. But I can’t lose you.

J: You just did.

I pick up my bag.

K: Jane … Please.

J: Then tell the Reason why you wanted to stop, enlighten me.

K: We tried Three times, and it didn’t work. I was heartbroken. I want this. I want to Marry you and not that Idiot.

J: Why didn’t you tell me ? Why did you say No to running away ?

K: I want that Baby. I hoped it would make my mother stop that, Wedding.

I stop in my Tracks.

J: Want ?

I look at her.

K: It worked. When I didn’t bleed I thought it was because of the Stress of the Spell not Working. But when it didn’t happen the next time I knew.

J: Why didn’t you tell me ?

K: Because you just got over that it Didn’t work. And the Witch told me that there is a Possibility of losing it in the First 4 Moons. And I didn’t want you to get excited just to get your heart broken.

J: How do I know you’re not lying, just to get me to not Leave ?

K: When you told me that I put on some weight … I didn’t think it was that Noticeable.

I look at her confused. She starts removing the Golden waist band.

J: What are you ...

She lets her dress fall and shows me her Belly. Which has a little Bump, only Noticeable when you directly look at it. I blink.

K: I …

I shake my Head

J: Don’t.

I walk towards her and lay my Hand on her Belly. And feel a light kick. A tear runs down my Cheek.

K: I will go away with you.

I look at her.

J: Are you sure ?

K: Darlin, I love you and I need you. I do not want to lose you Ever.

She lays a Hand on my Cheek.

K: I can’t live without you.

She lays her forehead against mine.

K: I’m so sorry.

I nod.

J: Me too I shouldn’t have said …

K: No, you were angry. It’s Ok.

She gives me a Kiss.


She puts her hand over my Mouth.

K: I’m fine. We’re fine.

A shiver runs over her body.

J: You should Put some Clothes on.

K: That's a good idea.

She walks towards my Closet and picks up some of her clothes and gets dressed.

K: Give me Ten minutes.

She walks out my Door and I sit down on my Bed. I can’t believe it. She is Pregnant.

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2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 4

After 10 minutes Kit comes back with a Bag and her Weapons. I get up and she takes my Hand.

J: We have to say Goodbye to Jade.

K: I know.

We sneak inside her Room. I sit on her bed and gently shake her.

Ja: Jane ? Kit ? What are you doing here ?

K: We’re Leaving.

J: We came to say Goodbye.

Ja: Guys I know you’re Upset.

J: No. We’re not. 

K: I’m thinking clearly for the first time in my Entire Life.

Ja: If you were, you would know that running isn’t.

K: This isn't about Marrying Graydon.

J: It is. But it’s also about us having a different life with a Family. And the place to have that is not here.

K: We know it’s out there. Beyond the Barrier.

Jade looks at us like we’re crazy.

J: You’re gonna be a Great knight.

We get up and walk to the Window.

K: But I’m still gonna Kick your ass.

We climb out the Window and put our Hoods back on. I take Kit’s hand and we Start walking to the Stables. Suddenly a Hand grabs my arm. It's Jade.

J: Oh my … If you think you’re gonna Talk us out of it…

We keep walking.

Ja: I know you both well enough to know there’s no talking you out of anything. I’m asking you to wait a little bit longer.

J: For what ?

K: You wanna come ?

Ja: Kit you know what I want. I wanna serve the Queen and Defend Tir Asleen. If you were my friends, you wouldn’t ask me to choose you over them.

K: If we don’t go now, We never will.

J: We will never be just us.

We start walking.

Ja: Ok fine just do what you want. You know there is nothing brave about Running away in the middle …

We stop walking and turn to her. But she stops talking and stares at something behind us. Confused, I turn around and there's Fog.

J: What the ?

Ja: Is that Fog ?

Suddenly a Guard Falls from the sky. I quickly pull Kit behind me and another falls from above. Jade grabs the sword and I pull out my Axe. We hear dogs Barking. We stand back-to-back when a Monster lands in front of us. It has a cage on his head and thorns on a place his hand should be.

J: Holy shit.

He growls and pushes a Guard against the wall with the slight nudge. He attacks us so we try to fight it. Kit falls to the Ground but Ballantine comes. I help her up and we keep fighting. There are More coming. We run. Suddenly there is someone with blade whips.

J: Shit shit shit

I protect Kit the Best I can when The Queen comes and starts fighting it. But it disappears into the Fog. The whips come out of nowhere. The queen gets grabbed and pulled into the Fog. We run to her. I raise my Sword to Protect them both. When a voice speaks something in a different Language. The Monsters go away. I kneel next to Kit.

K: Help ! Can somebody Help her ?

A guard runs to us

J:  Help.

They take care of the Queen. 

D: Aryk ? Where are you ?

Am: He was just behind me. Fighting that Witch.

Jade picks up Aryk’s Sword. I grab Kit’s hand.

G: They took him.

We look at him.

G: I think he’s what they came for.

Kit’s grip on my Hand tightens. The sun starts Rising and we gather in the Throne Room. I sit with Kit on the Steps.

G: I was up in the Tower, and I didn’t know what to do or how to …

His Father gives him a look.

G: Then I heard that voice speaking in Pnakotic, I think. I saw a creature with huge gossamer wings rise out of the Mist with someone in its talons. Thrashing around as it flew away. Like a Hawk who’d caught a mouse.

I look at Kit and tighten my Arm around her Waist. She lays her head on my shoulder. The Doors open and Two guards come in with a Man.

Gu: Caught up with him on the Edge of Town, Trying to steal a Horse.

?: False. Patently False. I was actually checking on the Condition of the Stables as I was concerned for the Welfare of the Animals. Is it a crime to care huh ? To feel ?

KH: Enough !

K: I’ll go 

Kit stands up. I look at her.

K: I’ll go.

QS: Yes.

Confused Kit turned to the Queen.

K: Mother, I said, I think I should go west to search for Aryk.

QS: I heard you and I agree.

K: Oh, Okay.

B:My Queen if that is your decision, I Volunteer to go with her.

Ka: You’re the Commander of the Pacalcade. You can’t Relinquish that Responsibility to go Questing. I’ll Go. I’ve known Aryk since the Day he was Born and he’s as close to a son as I’ll ever have … At least that I’m aware of.

QS: Thank you You're just the Leader this Expedition needs.

Ja: Me too. Where the Princess goes, I go.

Kit looks at me.

J: Aryk is my Best Friend, and Do you really think I will let you do this alone ?

Kit shakes her head. I stand up and take her Hand.

KH: In that case, so is Graydon.

G: I’m what now ?

K: You know I think we’re good fellowship-wise.

KH: You'd Let your Bride-to-be travel beyond the Barrier without you ?

G:It’s not Ideal but I’d learn to live with it.

The king whispers something in his ear and Graydon walks to us. I purse my Lips and look at Kit who gives my Hand a squeeze.

QS: Thraxus Boorman.

He pushes the Hands of the Guards of his shoulders.

B: Get off.

QS: You’ve been beyond the Barrier.

B: Aye and it’s no place for children.

QS: Be their Guide and I’ll Pardon all your Crimes.

B: Really ? Even the one with the Haberdashery with … You know I just like the Feeling of Velvet on my …

QS: Even that.

B: Okay.

KH: Madness! That's as good as setting him free.

QS: He’ll see it done. Not for a Pardon and not for me but a squared debt with an old friend and someone he loves.

Boorman gulps and looks at the Queen.

B: Where would we even look ? You can’t track something that flies.

QS: Which is why you’re going to need a Sorcerer.

B: Sorcerer ? Terrific. Okay. All the sorcerers are gone.

QS There’s one. A nelwyn. Lives in a Village on the River Freen. And I have a feeling he’s expecting you.

I get Ready for Riding.

Kit Tanthalos X OC

Moon seems excited. The Queen talks to Jade. After they’ve finished, she looks at me. I walk to her.

QS: Kit told me.

J: My Queen I …

QS: Do you really love her ?

J: With every fibre in my Body. 

She Nods.

QS: The Wedding between her and that Twinkle toes won’t happen. I’ll talk to the King. Just keep Them safe.

J: I would fight an Army for her.

I walk to Moon and get up.

We start Riding. Me next to Kit. Over the Open fields towards the Barrier Gate.

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2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 5

K: How much further to the Barrier ?

B: Another day. Maybe less.

I look at Kit who shortly smiles at me.

Ka: Rangers garrisoned at the Mothers’ Gate are led by Commander Remar, an Old Friend. We can Resupply before we head beyond the Realm.

B: You ever seen the Mothers’ Gate ?

Ka: Aye.

B: Ever been beyond it ?

Me and Kit Ride upfront.

B: Hey Don’t worry. I’m sure there’s plenty of stuff I’ve done that you haven’t.

Ja: I think someone’s Followin’ us.

B: You know that’s what I thought. Then I realized, you’d have to be pretty daft to follow us, considering we’re all gonna die.

G: Wait, you think we’re gonna die ? I wish someone Told me. I’m Really Scared of Dying.

J: Yes Twinkle-Toes, some of us might die and I’m making it my personal goal that you are the first.

G: What do you have against me ?

Ja: Shhh. Let’s get off the Road.

We get off the Road and Hide in the Trees. After a few Minutes we hear a Horse.

B: Hey they're coming get down.

Boorman gets the Rider of the Horse. When I see who it is I sigh.

K: Uh Uh. Absolutely not.

D: I wanna Help Rescue the Prince.

J: Yeah, Dove Not Happening.

K: Go Home.

D: You don’t understand. We’re in Love.

J: That what he told ya ?

Ja: I hate to break it to you but Aryk’s been in love with quite the ..

D: Not like this. Not like us. You think I’m a fool, fine. I don’t care.

Kit Hums agreeing

D: What we have comes around once, maybe, If you’re Lucky. And you’ve been.

She nods at me and then looks at Kit again. 

D: And there is nothing we wouldn’t do for each other.

K: Have you ever been in a Fight ?

D: You mean, like, verbally ?

J: No defending yourself against someone who wants to Hurt you.

D: No. Have either of you.

J: If you don’t remember last night ?

She looks at me for a second.

D: I can do other stuff, whatever you need. Tend Horses. And somebody’s gotta cook Right ?

I look at Kit.

J: She’s right.

Kit gives me a Death glare.  I raise my Hands.

B: Are you any good ?

D: I’m Phenomenal.

Kit looks at me and shakes her head.

K: She’s not coming with us, Boorman.

Ka: You heard the Princess. You're going back to Tir Asleen at First light.

Kit turns to him.

K: What ?

Ka: What ? It’ll be dark soon. She can go back in the Morning.

G: So what can you cook out here ?

J: Maybe you.

G: Ok why do you hate me ? I’ve done nothing.

J: If that's what you think.

Dove looks at me.

D: I heard you’re a good hunter.

J: Meh … From whom ?

D: Aryk.

J: He overestimates me. I caught One deer because it was dumb and ran in my Trap.

Half an hour later I caught a Possum and Dove stats Cooking. We sit by the Fire and wait for the Food, when Graydon starts playing the Flute.

K: Seriously ? You brought a flute ?

G: Yeah, was that not a good idea ? My Nan believed that music was a balm for the soul. So …

J: This is not some Jaunt.

K: Or your chance to see the World. It’s Dangerous and those things that took Aryk they’re not just gonna give him back.

She looks around.

K: Tell him.

Boorman takes the piece of Black Root out of his mouth.

B: Well, you’re all so Naive, it’s adorable. What you’ve never known pain, fear, hunger. When we get out there it’s not gonna matter who your Parents are or what you think you deserve. Because the World is bigger than you could possibly Imagine. It doesn’t give a damn about any of you.

Dove comes with a plate.

D: Possum stew ?

Boorman takes a bite. Chews. 

B: Wow

D: Phenomenal.

We all get Plates and start eating. Except for Kit. I sit down next to her.

J: Love you must eat.

K: I’m not hungry.

J: It doesn’t matter if you’re hungry or not, you have to eat. If not for me then for the Baby.

She exhales and starts Eating

D: I know it’s a silly question. But What is the Barrier Actually ?

Ja: It’s a force field, forged by Raziel and Cherlindrea to protect the realm. It was a refuge for those who wanted a life that was more than just Survival. My, um, Family was headed to the mothers’ gate when we were attacked. I was the only one that survived.

B: That's depressing but it’s not why they build the Barrier.

Me and Kit sit down next to Jade. My arm around Kits waist.

Ka: He’s right. It wasn’t built to protect the Realm, it was built for Elora Danan.

D: What Happened to her ?

Ja: People say she’s dead. But the Prophecy says that one day she’ll return and unite the world against the forces of Darkness. Truth is no one actually knows.

K: My Mother knows. Pretty sure my father knew too. I think he snuck her out of the castle one night and took her somewhere far away where nobody would find her. And then stayed with her.

My Arm around her tightens. She lays her head on my Shoulder.

B: That what you really think ? Or what you wanna believe ?

K: Why would I want to believe that he chose her instead of us ?

B: I don’t know. Maybe cause, you know, sometimes it’s easier to hate them.

J: I don’t know what happened with my Real Family and I don’t hate them. I don’t even know if they’re still alive. Or why they left me. I vaguely remember an older brother who left  when I was around 7 and never came back. I don’t hate him either.

Boorman looks at me in Surprise.

B: You don’t ?

J: No. I like to believe that everything happens for a good reason.

D: Even this ?

J: Yes. Something good must come out of this.

G: Ok, can we go back to the ‘Why do you hate me so much?’ question ? Cause I want to know what I did wrong.

I Groan.

J: Ok first of all you are stealing my last nerve right now. I hate you cause you show up with your Idiotic behaviour and think that you can just waltz in and ruin everything. And now leave me alone.

I stand up and walk to Moon who is Laying on the floor and sit against him. He lays his head on my Lap. 

J: Oh Mooney. 

I stroke his fur when kit sits down next to me. She pushes her shoulder against mine.

K: Hey.

J: Hey.

I exhale and she lays her Head on my shoulder.

K: Ignore him.

J: How can I ? When I know that you were one day away from Marrying him.

She takes my Hand.

K: I won’t.

J: I know.

She gives me a kiss and leans against me. I lay my Arm around her with my hand resting on her Belly and we both fall asleep.

In the early Morning I wake up. Kit is almost completely laying on me, her Head on my Chest. I smile and kiss her head and my Hand grazes her Belly where I feel a kick. I see Jade and Boorman looking at us. I look around and Dove is gone. I look at Kit Again.

J: Love wake up.

She buries her head in my Neck and Groans.

J: We have to get up.

K: A few more Minutes ?

I chuckle and nod.

J: Only a few.

I feel her smiling as she wraps her Arm around me.

K: Love ya.

J: Love ya more.

She falls back asleep.

B: Already on the ‘Love you’ stage ?

Ja: Oh please, they've been there for 3 years. They’re at the Disgusting in love engaged stage.

Boorman looks at me with Raised eyebrows. I smile and lift my hand off Kit’s Belly to Show the ring.

J: It’s true. But I wouldn’t say Disgusting.

B: That’s why you hate him so much ?

J: You wouldn’t ?

B: Would've killed him.

J: See.

B: Does anybody know ?

J: Jade, Aryk who Probably told Dove and The Queen since Yesterday.

B: Do they have disgustingly in love Nicknames for each other ?

He looks at Jade.

Ja: Jane calls Kit Love and Kit calls Jane Darlin’.

J: It’s not Bad.

Jade starts making breakfast.

B: And since when is your Girl Pregnant ?

I look at him.

J: How’d …

B: Your hand is resting on her belly the entire time. I’m not dumb.

J: Around four months. So still enough time. To get her Home safely.

Boorman nods.

B: Can I ask how ?

J: Witch in the woods and a Cow.

He looks at me confused and disturbed.

B: A cow ?

J: Its blood.

He nods shortly.

J: I'll explain it later.

I gently stroke Kits cheek.

J: Kit the few Minutes are over.

She glares at me.

K: I hate you.

J: I know. Love you too.

She sits up and gives me a Kiss.

B: I’m trying to have breakfast here.

I laugh at the face Kit pulls.

J: He knows.

She nods. I get up and get us something to eat while Jade wakes Graydon and Kase. After we’ve finished eating and packed everything up we start riding again.

Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 6

We arrive at the Mothers’ gate. It’s empty.

B: Where is everyone ?

I get off Moon.

Ja: Armory’s untouched. If they fled, they went in a Hurry.

K: Guys.

I look at Kit. She points her finger at the Wall next to us. Something is written in blood.

Ka: They’d never abandon their Post.

J: Guys.

K: Look at this.

She steps away from the wall and the others look at it.

G: We stand at the threshold …

We both look at him and he stops.

J: Keep going.

G: We peer into the Void. We bear witness  to his Glory. The Eternal One, the healer of Worlds.

The ground starts shaking.

G: As he stirs from his Deathless Slumber deep below the Surface. The Harbinger of the Wyrm will come.

The ground starts shaking progressively worse. The Horses start to Panic, and I wrap my Arms around Kit. When the shaking stops. I calm Moon and we keep riding. Through the Fog and over the Grass fields. About an hour later we see Dove walking.

K: Unbelievable.

Ja: You gotta admire her Persistence.

K: No she’s gonna get herself killed.

J: HEY ! 

We ride to her and stop.

K: What did I say ?

D: You’re not the Boss of me Princess. Not out here.

B: I like her. I think we should keep her.

K: Nobody asked you, Boorman !

D: Shut up, Boorman !

Ka: Enough. We don’t have time for your Bickering. Aryk doesn’t have Time. I don’t Care if you like each other. We’re all in this together now. And out here, in the World beyond. If you’re not Vigilant at each moment. I swear you will not survive.

Just as he finished speaking, he gets shot by an Arrow and falls of his Horse. Men on Horses with Skull Masks come riding towards us.

B: Bone Reavers ! RIDE !

Kit helps Dove on her Horse.

J: Let’s Go Moon.

Moon Rides as fast as he can behind Kit. They Start shooting arrows at us. If Kit and dove wouldn’t have leaned back they would have been shot. We Ride directly to a Cliff.



He is shouting something and His horse jumps off the Cliff into the Water and our Horses do the same. As soon as we land I look at Kit.

J: Are you Ok ?

She nods. Moon nudges my Side. I stroke his fur.

J: I’m fine.

K:That was Incredible. How’d you get him to … I’ve never seen Horses do that. What does Hsu-Gala mean ?

B: It’s an Ancient Angorian word. It means stop.

We all look at him.

J: I beg your pardon ?

He nods. From now on we walk. I walk next to Boorman while Moon walks in front of us.

B: Uh, Jane ? Your Horse ?

J: What’s with him ? 

B: He’s walking away.

J: He’s not.

B: You let him walk free ? 

J: Yes.

B: And he comes back ?

I nod my head.

B: I don’t believe you.


Moon comes to me and walks next to me.

B: Wow.

J: I’ve had him since he was a Foal. He chose me and I raised him.

Boorman nods.

K: I wanted to say uh, I’m Sorry … about the way I behaved. It was … I was very Childish and …

G: No, it's ok. I, I can understand not wantin’ to Marry someone that you barely know. I wasn’t happy about it either.

K: You weren’t ?

G: I mean you're a very pretty person. But uh I just think you should be in love with someone, before you commit to spending the rest of your life with them, right ?

Boorman looks at me and I just shake my head.

K: What about our responsibility to unite the realm ?

G: One day you and I are gonna be in charge.  And when that day comes, we don’t have to do things the way our Parents did. I’ll find someone I love and you have Jane. I mean I get why she hates me.

I sigh. 

J: Hated you. You're kinda useful with your understanding of different languages and stuff. Doesn’t mean we’re friends.

We arrive at a Broken and destroyed Village. I bind Moon next to Eclipse and look at Boorman.

K: Are you sure this is the same Village my Mother was talking about ?

B: It’s the only Village in the Valley.

Ja: Where did everybody go ?

I look around and go to stand next to Kit.

?: Oh Daikinis. Terrific. Just what I need.

I look at the Nelwyn man.

Ja: What happened here ?

?: Plenty. And if you’re not Careful it will Happen to you too.

K: We’re looking for a Sorcerer, Willow.

?: Congratulations. You found him.

When I look at him he doesn’t look like a Sorcerer.

B: You’re Willow ?

?: Yep that's me. Willow. But I’m out of the Sorcery Business now. I’ve retired. So, jog on.

Kit's getting frustrated. I take her hand.

K: My name is Kit Tanthalos. My Mother is Sorsha. She send me here to come find you. She told me that once long ago you stood together against the Forces of Evil and Defeated Them. The world needs you again. It needs your Magic.

Another Voice speaks up.

?: It’s Okay. She is who she Claims to be.

?: How do you know ?

?: I read her Mind. 

Another man who definitely looks like a sorcerer come out of a Hut.

W: Kidding. Had you though didn’t ? I didn’t read your mind. It's just you remind me of your mother.

K: My Brother Aryk was taken by …

W: The Gales.

J: The what ?

W: Your Brother's Alive. A prisoner of the Withered Crone. Who dwells in the Immemorial City, that lies beyond the Shattered Sea. The four who came to Tir Asleen are her Servants.

B: I’m Sorry did you say Beyond the Shattered Sea ?

Willow nods.

B: Okay.

J: What ?

Kit definitely can't do that, that is way too dangerous.

B: I’ve Travelled all across the world and met some real Magical Marvin’s. But I never met anyone who crossed the Shattered sea. That’s where all the Maps end.

W: And that's where we must go. Beyond the edge of our World into the unknown. It’s the only way to … To …

He stops Speaking and walks to Dove. We look at her. He lifts up one of her sleeves and lays his hand on it and starts chanting something. When he lifts his hand a Mark appears.

W: You shouldn't be here but it’s so good to see you, Elora.

K: Did he just say … 

I nod.

D: No, you’ve made a mistake. That’s not… I’m not … I’m Nobody.

W: You are Elora Danan, Last blood of Kymeria, future Empress, High Priestess, Semprum Sorceress of the Nine Realms, and the world’s last, best hope against the Evil coming to destroy us all.

E: What ?

Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 7

J: You mean She is Elora Danan ? The Elora Danan ?

Willow nods. I turn to Kit.

J: Didn’t expect that.

I lay my Hand around her Waist and she leans against me.

J: How you feelin’ ?

K: Good. Don’t worry about me.

J: I always Worry ‘bout you.

She rolls her eyes and gives my Cheek a kiss.

K: Well, you don’t have to. But I know you won’t stop.

J: You’re right ‘bout that.

I look at Elora.

G: So, you’re Elora Danan, huh ?

Elora looks at him.

E: Huh ?

G: I said you’re Elora Danan.

K: Alright, we don’t need to get Carried away. We don’t really know anything for sure.

W: It’s not safe here. Follow me.

We follow him into a Cave. It looks beautiful.

W: This is where we Live.

A girl comes to us.

?: Da ?

W: It’s ok. It’s Elora Danan.

She looks at Elora with big Eyes.

?: It is Elora Danan.

Willow shushes her.

?: You are Elora Danan.

She starts shaking her Hand and Doesn’t stop.

W: This Is my daughter Mims.

E: It’s Really nice to meet you.

Willow pushes her hand down.

Mi: I can’t believe you’re Really .. I can’t … Wait. You don’t Remember me, do you ?

E: Oh, Um… 

Mi: I was the one who found you. Well, me and my brother, Ranon. It was the best thing I’ve ever done.

I look around more, not interested in the Conversation. Kit takes my Hand. I smile at her. She leans towards me.

K: This is a waste of time.

J: Hey, be nice. We want him to Help us.

Jade looks at us.

Ja: You Ok ?

I look at her and at Kit.

Ja: You just look a bit, um, Deranged.

K: Look Aryk is out there somewhere across the Shattered Sea. We don’t know what they’re doing to him or how much time he has. And It’s just .. I’m just really not in the Mood to learn about Nelwyn culture Right now.

I put my Arm around Her.

J: Well, we need his help.

We sit with the Villagers. Looking at Elora who sits on a little stage with a flower crown on her Head.

J: Really ?

Kit plays with my Hand.

K: I still think this is a waste of time.

J: I know. I want to find Aryk too. Y’know.

K: I know.

S: Attention ! Attention !

We look at Silas.

S: Come on guys, bums on seats. The High Aldwin will now Address the Village.

Nelwyn start to clap and Willow is brought in On a palanquin.

J: Are you kidding me ?

I look at Kit who looks just as Disturbed.

K: Bit much huh ? 

J: Ya think ?

Willow gets off and on the Stage. 

W: Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Good Brave People, we Nelwyn have seen our share of the World. We’ve suffered, sacrificed, grieved, toiled and endured. And that's just on the weekend.

No one says anything and Willow turns to Elora.

W: I like to try and loosen ‘em up a bit at the start.

I lean to Kit.

J: Well, that’s not working.

She nods.

W: Anyway, tonight, we rejoice. For that which I believe was lost, has been found. Elora Danan has come home.

The Nelwyn Cheer. I raise my Eyebrows and let out a puff of air.

W: Now some of you, if not most of you are probably wondering what this all means, and looking to me, your High Aldwin for answers. Which I will now Provide.

Elora slides closer to Willow and scrapes her Chair over the Floor loudly.

W: Ready ?

E: I don’t know what you’re about to do, but uh ..

W: I will consult the Bones.

The Nelwyn Ohh at that and I look at Kit.

J: What ? 

She just shakes her head and raises her shoulders. Willow gets something out of his Pocket. It’s really bones. He shakes them in his hands. And then he throws them on the Floor. The nelwyn gasp. 

W: Interesting. Hmm. There is a balance between all things. Light and Shadow. Good and Evil. Sweet and Spicy. When that balance is upset the universe corrects. The Crone’s influence Grows, forcing us into Hiding. And just when we were starting to lose Hope the Child of the Prophecy returns to fulfil her destiny. By Uniting the World against the Enemy in the Great war to come.

The Crowd Applauds. I lay my Hand around Kit’s waist and lay my Head on her shoulder.

?: When ?

W: MY Apprentice Karthy, who I was really sorta counting on for Unconditional support, wants to know when. Soon. Once Elora completes her Training. Now who else is Famished ?

K: Roughly, How long do you think that will take ?

J: Yeah we kinda have a Time limit here. Like 4 months or so for saving Aryk and other stuff.

W: Not long. I should think. Uh …  Couple of weeks, or less, maybe. Depending on how much she already knows. Or rather how naturally the magic flows out of her.

The Crowd again Gasps. I lean to Kit and whisper in her Ear.

J: So this is a waste of time.

She nods. 

W: Which I imagine will be pretty naturally considering, uh .. she’s the one.

A woman in the crowd speaks up.

?: Do the Finger test. She ought to be able to pass that.

The crowd starts chanting Finger Test and Kit does too. I chuckle and pull her arm down. 

J: Love, stop that.

She smiles.

W: Alright, Shhhh.

He holds his hand Up in front of Elora's Face.

W: The power to control the World is in which finger ?

Elora hesitates. Then taps one and the Crowd Groans disappointed. Kit and I look at each other. The Nelwyn get up.

W: It’s Alright It doesn’t mean anything anyway. I got it wrong the First time, Remember.

I take Kit’s hand and we get up. The Nelwyn Hold a feast to celebrate Elora’s Return. We sit at a Table and Eat.

B: So, West huh ? Gnostic Hills, Nockmaar Badlands.

S: Nobody goes through Nockmaar. Go around to the North.

?: Or the South. Dependin’ on where you’re Goin’.

S: True. True. Especially if you wanna go through Manheim or Camryn, definitely go south.

?: Yes.

B: Still gotta go through the Wildwood over the Alkalynes, the Dragon’s Spine all that before you even reach the Eastern Coast of the Shattered Sea. And then who Knows what ? Huh ?

W: It’ll be a long arduous Journey.

B: One you’ve no doubt made before ?

W: Well, no ..

K: So, when can we leave ?

E: What are we Waiting for ?

Willow looks at Elora.

W: You’re not going anywhere. You Remain here and learn the Art.

E: Like hell I will.

W: You don’t understand what’s at stake. You’re Elora Danan, Last Blood of Kymeria…

E: Yeah and I still don’t know what that Means. Two Days ago, I left Tir Asleen for the First time in my Life. I crossed the Barrier and fled Bone Reavers. Now I have this weird clicking in my Jaw. But I did it all and I’d do it again to Save Aryk, not Take Wizard classes from you.

I look at her Impressed. I lean over to Kit.

J: Maybe they are Serious. Have you Noticed the bracelet she’s wearing ?

Kit looks at Elora's arm and then back at me.

E: Sorry. Look, you seem like really lovely people and we’re so grateful for you telling us where he is. But I’m going with them.

She gets up and Leaves.

J: Come.

Me and Kit get up and go to the Horses.

Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 8

J: This is a Big ass waste of time.

K: Oh Really ?

I look at her.

J: No need to get Sassy now.

K: Sorry I’m just Upset.

I hug her.

J: It’s ok. I’m too. Let’s go.

Kit nods in my Shoulder. I give her a Kiss on the Head and let her go.

Ja: And where do you think you’re going ?

K: To the Shattered Sea.

Ja: Alone ?

J: You’re More than Welcome to Join us.

K: But we’re sure as hell not waiting around for Muffin Girl to learn to pick the Right finger.

Jade stops in front of us.

Ja: Okay. Her name is Elora Danan, and we owe her our Allegiance.

K: Says Willow.

Ja: She bears the Mark.

K: Maybe he put it there.

J: It wasn’t there before. And even if it was Raziel.

K: How do we know she didn’t mark a bunch of Babies ?

J: Maybe you have one too ?

K: Maybe You’re Elora Danan.

B: Maybe I’m Elora Danan.

I look at Boorman who puts his head in a Bucket and then looks at us.

B: Always thought there was something special inside me.

He walks to us.

Ja: You don’t believe it either.

B: It’s not that I don’t believe it, as much as I don’t Really care. 

I look at Kit who Nods. We both get on our Horses.

Ja: So, you have a better idea how to save the Prince ?

B: Oh, I’m bursting for the Better Ideas. But first I recommend that we Split, before miss chosen face catches Wind and decides to follow.

G: You shouldn’t do that.

Boorman Jumps surprised. I look at Graydon.

J: Lurk Much ?

G: She is Elora Danan. I’m sure of it.

K: How can you provide me one shred of Evidence that proves she’s capable of Literally anything.

J: Magical or not ?

W: Idiots ! Nincompoops ! Where is she ?

J: Yo, what’d you just call us ?

G: Elora ?

Ja: We thought she was with you.

I roll my Eyes and Look at Kit. She has the same look. Great, she ran away. Again.

W: This right here is why no one’s allowed above the Ground ever.

K: Relax she’s probably just frolicking in a meadow somewhere nearby.

W: Oh Yeah, forgot you’re Hilarious. You and your Friend are also being awfully cavalier with the fate of the World Princess.

I raise my eyebrows. Did he just call me her friend ? Thought we were obvious enough.

W: Now think about this for a Moment. Everyone you’ve ever Cared about will be made to serve the power behind the Crone and their only hope of escaping that nightmare is now wandering around in the Woods !

I sigh.

S: Stay in Pairs. Let’s spread out.

Jade starts walking too.

K: Where are you going ?

Ja: To look for her. But you two just do what you want. You always do. 

She walks off. I turn Moon around and look over my shoulder to Kit.

J: Let’s go.

She nods. And starts riding.

J: Maybe she’s also on the way.

K: I hope not.

After we’ve crossed the Woods and arrive by the Mountains. From there on we walk. Moon and Eclipse walk in front of us. I hold Kit’s hand.

K: You really think they’ll come after us ?

J: Elora won’t stay with the Nelwyn. She loves Aryk. 

K: What would you’ve done if I was taken ?

J: Oh I would have panicked a lot. Then I would’ve Panicked even More and then I wouldn’t stop till I found you. Especially considering your Condition.

Kit stops and Looks at me.

K: Did you just call our Baby a condition ?

I lay my hands on her Hips.

J: I didn’t mean it like that. But I worry all the time. What if we don’t get back on Time or you get Hurt ? I won’t be able to Forgive myself if you get hurt when I could’ve prevented it. And I won’t let anything Bad Happen to you.

Kit looks at me with Tears in her eyes.

K: Don’t you dare to get yourself killed to keep me safe.

J: If I have to I would.

K: Please don’t.

She gives me a Kiss. I smile at her.

J: Let’s keep walking.

After a few minutes we hear other Horses. We stop and look back.

J: Told you.

Kit nudges my side. Boor man gets off his Horse. And walks next to us.

B: Wow, you really Covered some distance.

K: I’m really not in the Mood for Banter.

B: Ah, that’s a shame. You know I want you two to know I’m with you. I’m not with them.

We both look at Boorman.

B: I was coming to find you. But, uh, it just so happens we’re all going the same road so I, I duped them into thinking that I’m with them. The truth is I’m with.

J: Yeah.

K: We get the Gist.

B: You know Despite what you may’ve heard I’m not actually a thief by Trade. I’m what you might call an Obtainer of Rare artifacts.

K: Grave Robber.

B: Hmm. Treasure Hunter. And I became this, because when I was about your Age someone told me the Legend of the Kymerian Cuirass.

J: The Kymerian Cuirass ?

B: Yeah. The Cuirass. A legendary Armor …

K: Yeah we know what that is.

B: Kinda changed my Life.

I look at him. 

K: And so, you wasted it ?

J: Searching for a Magical Breastplate that somebody told you in a Bedtime Story ?

K: Yeah that’s like the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.

B: No. Your Father and your Brother Jane, They didn’t think it was sad. No, they spend Five years searching the world for it. I know ‘cause I was with them. I was your dads, Squire.

K: So, what ? You’re telling me you know what happened to them ?

Kit’s grip on my Hand tightens.

B: Oh yeah. They found it.

We stop walking. Boorman doesn’t.

K: Huh ?

Moon and Eclipse walk to us. We get up and keep riding ahead of the others. On the way I see Rabbits. I grab Kits Bow and shoot two of them.

K: Oh, really ?

J: What ? We gotta eat something, don't we ?

I get off Moon, pick them up, pull the Arrows out and bind the Rabbits to Moon's saddle. Then I catch up with the others. When the sun starts to go down, we make Camp. After eating we sit down by the Fire. I sit behind Kit learning on Moons saddle. She’s laying in my Arms and we listen to Willow and Elora Talk.

Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 9

W: There is an Energy that flows through all living things.

E: The Blood stream of the Universe.

W: Yes. Now that Energy can neither be Created, nor destroyed, only Transformed. What we call magic is the art of transforming that energy from one form to another.

Willow gets out a Bag.

W: Ok hold out your hand.

He lets whatever is inside the bag into her hands.

E: Oh, Eckleberry Seeds.

W: Plant them.

I start braiding Kits Hair.

W: Anywhere, just here.

She does.

W: Repeat after me. Tuatha authrock mora hoatha.

E: Too aka rheock morda whoatha.

I pull my face.

W: Close. Let’s, uh, let’s try that again. Repeating the words exactly as I say them. Tuatha authrock mora hoatha.

Elora starts doing weird things with her Hands.

E: Tootha authrock mora hooatha.

W: What’s all the hands ?

E: No hands ?

W: No hands. It’s not what we need for sorcery. Tuatha authrock mora hoatha.

E: Too-ah-tha authrock-mora hoo-atha.

W: What’re you doing with your face ?

E: I’m just doing what you’re doing.

W: I don’t do it like that.

E: Kinda ...

W: Repeat the words as I say them.

I tap Kit’s shoulder. She holds up the leather band and I bind the ends of her braid. Then I kiss her cheek and she leans against me. I watch as they Start bickering.

W: Be you, be a human being. This is really quite the simple spell. Compared to what you’ll be doing. Look at these.

He shows her a page in the Book.

E: I don’t think it’s a good idea to show me that.

W: Tuatha authrock mora hoatha.

E: Tuatha authrock morda hooatha.

W: No Hoatha like you’re hoeing the garden. Hoatha

E: Hoatha

W: Hoatha

E: Hoatha

W: Hoatha

E: Twoahhtha throck moreda whoahtha

B: Kinda sounds like she’s gettin’ further away from it.

I look at Boorman and then back to Elora.

W: You’re doing really well. Honestly.

E: You don’t seem so sure.

W: Look at  my Face, do you believe me ? You’re doing really well. I want you to keep Practising saying the words in sets of three till you get it right.

E: How will I know when I got it right ?

W: Well, a little sprout about yea high 

He shows a Gap with his fingers

W: Will poke up out of the Dirt and after a few weeks practice, We’ll all be having eckleberry Jam for Breakfast.

K: Few Weeks. Well, yeah…

J: How long until she starts shooting lightning bolts out of her Fingertips ?

W: She has to master the Four Pillars of sorcery. Charms, Potions, Concentration and Divination. Before she can even begin Battle Magic.

E: Why don’t we just do Battle Magic now ? That sounds really fun.

W: No nothing fun about it 

E: Oh, Can I Use this ?

She picks up the wand from beside the Book.

W: No, give that Back.

He takes the wand from her.

E: What ?

W: This is Cherlindrea’s wand. It’s a Powerful Magical conduit you're nowhere near ready for.

B: Okay, Well, I love Eckleberry Jam, you know. On a toasted Bun, little bit of melted butter. It’s delicious. Really looking Forward to that. So, you keep up the Good Work, Elora. Yeah ? ‘Cause I’m very Excited.

W: Don’t listen to Him. I firmly believe you have the Power deep inside you. Very deep.

We all go to sleep, well, except for Elora who keeps practising. I spoon Kit and fall asleep to Elora's chanting. The next day we keep travelling until Noon. Then we Stop in the Woods. While Elora keeps Training, I take Kits Bow and go Hunting.

K: Be careful.

J: I will.

I give her a Kiss and Walk of. A bit of time passes and I find Boar tracks. I follow them and find three eating Mushrooms. I hide Behind the Tree and watch them. I take a stone and throw it against a Tree. The Boars look that way and I shoot the Smallest one in the neck. It falls to the ground. The other Two run away. I slit it’s throat so it bleeds out and start dragging it to the Camp. 

B: What’s that ?

J: A Boar.

B: That’s a lot.

J: Yeah, we’re kinda a big group. 

I sit down by a Tree, roll my sleeves up and start removing the Pelt. Boorman looks at me and pulls a face.

B: That’s disgusting.

J: You think this is disgusting ?

B: What do you even do with the Pelt ? You kept the Rabbit pelts too.

J: For one, once the Boar Pelt is completely Dried, you can use it as a blanket to sit on or for a Horse. And now don’t disturb me.

After getting the Pelt off I start gutting it. The guts go in a thick linen.

J: Can someone bring me a Pot ?

Jade puts a Pot next to me.

Ja: You need help ?

J: Nah, but thanks.

I cut away the big Fatty pieces and the good meat goes into the Pot.

J: Hey Boorman if you’re so disgusted by intestines you could peel potatoes.

Grumbling, he gets up and starts peeling some. I take my Axe and start chopping the Head off. 

J: Someone want Pig head ?

I hold up the head.

K: Oh come on Jane that's disgusting.

I laugh and throw the head to the Guts.

J: Ok, Sorry Love.

B: You’re not making fun of her but me ?

J: No. Why would I ? I respect her.

B: And not me?

J: No.

I continue and get the Legs off. The front ones are of no use, to bony, so I throw them to the guts and the Head. After the Pig is completely butchered, I take the Linen and go a bit deeper in the woods and leave it for the Wolfs. After that I start cooking it into stew. Some of the Meat I salt and hang it up to Dry. Kit looks at me.

J: What ?

K: You’re full of blood.

I look at my hands and arms.

J: Oh. Well, it happens.

K: Your Face too.

I look at her with wide eyes

J: What ?

She laughs.

K: Come.

Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 10

We go to the river. I wash my Arms and Dry them. She takes a rag and cleans my Face.

J: Must’ve happened when I stroked my Hair out of my Face.

K: You think ? Not when you slashed that Head of.

I grin.

J: What ? You thought that was hot ?

K: Pfff no.

My Grin falls. She looks at me with a Mischievous Smirk.

J: You little Minx. 

She pushes me so that I lay on my Back and sits down on my Lap to lean over me. Her Hands are next to my Head.

K: I thought it was very Hot. Until you picked the Head up.

I laugh.

J: I thought it was Funny.

She rolls her eyes. I look at her and push a strand of Hair out of her Face. She smiles softly and gives me a Kiss. I lay my Hands on her Hips and Deepen it. Out of breath we break the kiss. I chuckle against her Lips. Then I turn us around, so she lays on her back.

J: I love you.

K: I love you More.

She presses her Lips back on mine. I break the Kiss and start kissing down her Jaw and to her neck. She Tilts her Head back and Buries her Hands in my Hair. 

B: You two coming back ? The Food is Almost Ready.

We part and I let out an annoyed breath.

J: Yes, we’re on our way.

I look at Kit who looks just as Annoyed.

K: Can I kill him ?

I laugh.

J: No.

I give her Belly a kiss and then Her.

J: Let’s go before they come searching for us.

I help her up and we Go back to camp. We sit down and Jade Passes us a Plate.

Ja: Might wanna fix your hair.

She smirks at both of us and fishes a leaf out of Kit’s Hair. I Fix my Hair and start Eating. After we’re done Elora goes back training and the others settle down. Kit and I go to Boorman. Wanting answers to our Questions.

B: Can I help you ?

K: I want you to tell us what happened to my father.

J: And my brother. And everything there is to know about the Kymerian Cuirass.

B: You know it’s creepy when you finish each other's sentences.

J: We’ve been Told before and couldn’t care less. 

K: Just answer our questions.

B: Not now. Tomorrow.

J: First thing in the Morning.

He Nods. So, the next Morning, we wake him up before the sun is Rising.

B: It was Ten thousand years and about Three weeks ago, Thuul, heir to the Kymerian Empire, had been sick as a Child. When his father died his younger brother Tiberius felt he’d make the Stronger King. For forty days, Tiberius layed siege to the Capitol. Starving his own people to force his brother to abdicate his Throne. So, their Mother, Annabel, a fay of the Grove, forged for her son, Thuul, a cuirass of Pure Chromium. Then she assembled the Lux Arcana. A magical key that activated the enchanted armour, so it only serve the who was Worthy of it’s awesome power. So, with no Army at his back, no knights by his Side, Thuul, the rightful King of Kymeria rode out of the city gates to meet his Tyrant brother and Two thousand Death Dealers. And he …

K: This is really fascinating. Uh I can tell they don’t call you Bore Man for Nothing, but could you just tell us about my father and Jane's brother.

I can’t bring out a word. I’ve heard this story before

B: Well, I’m Trying to but you keep …

K: Okay well can you make it short ?

B: You know, your generation has, like, zero Attention span for-for epic Tales.

K: I love tales, Okay ?

B: Well, excuse me for Trying to add a little bit Drama and Context to the night we left Tir Asleen to find the Cuirass and use it to defend the realm.

K: From the Crone ?

B: Crone, Gales, the Wyrm everybody’s got a scary name. They all mean the same thing. It’s the Darkness that swallows …

Ja: Oi.

W: Where’s Elora ?

K: Seriously ? Throw a leash on that chit already.

Jade throws Kit her sword. 

K: Spread out she couldn’t have gone that far.

Kit goes off as do the others. I still sit on the floor. Frozen. My Head is Spinning.

B: Hey Kiddo you ok ?

I look at him. He is squatting in front of me.

J: It’s you.

He looks at me Confused.

J: I remember the Story Word for word. My brother told it to me when I was Seven the Night he left. I couldn't sleep so I wrote it down. And I read it so many times.

He looks at me with a sad face.

J: I’m Right ?

He nods.

B: Yeah.

J: You promised me you would come back.

B: I wanted to. But I was not a liked face anymore.

J: How long were you in the dungeons ?

B: Three years. I came back for you. But I did some bad things, and they Took me Prisoner.

I nod sadly.

J: We’re not blood related, are we ?

B: No. Your Real Family is Dead. The Village you lived in was Raided by Riders. It was halfway burned. Everyone was Dead. I found you in a closet. Crying. Madmartigan and Sorsha took you in as their Warden. I was thirteen, I couldn't Raise you. So, I stayed by your side as a Brother. Even got you that Dagger when you were five. The Queen almost Killed me for that.

I laugh.

J: Why didn’t you tell me ?

B: Dunno. Was scared, I guess. That you’d think I lied or hated me. Or that you’d simply forgotten me.

J: Understandable. I kinda did.

He shows me his Arm. It's a leather Band with a single Purple Pearl on it.

B: I promised you I’d give it back when I tell you the Story. Well, I didn’t tell you the Story but I’ll still give it back.

I pull up my Sleeve and show him the Leather Band with the Red pearl.

J: Let’s Trade then.

We swap the Bracelets.

B: I’m proud of ya. Ya know. You're still the same sarcastic, make good jokes and you run around with the Princess all day. Got good fighting skills. You have a Horse that listens to everything you say. You can hunt and take it apart. Got yourself a Princess. And will Marry her. Even got her Pregnant. Still didn’t tell me how that worked.

I let out a Teary Laugh. And he Hugs me.

J: I will but first we gotta find Elora. 

He nods and helps me up. He hands me my Axe.

B: Why’d you choose an Axe ?

J: Dunno liked it.

Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 11

We start walking through the Forest. When we see the others with Ballentine, Weapons Drawn. I start running. 

B: Hold on. Someone just concisely recap everything we missed.

Nobody answers.

J: No ? Okay, we’ll have a go. Ballentine’s lost his mind.

B: And he’s trying to kidnap Elora on that Horse.

Ba: Stay out of this Boorman, you too Jane.

Boorman shoulders his sword. I lift my Axe.

B: We can’t.

K: Back in your Scabbards, boys.

Ba: I have to Take her.

K: Oh, I want you to. I really do. But maybe we should discuss this first.

W: He doesn’t serve Tir Asleen anymore. Do you commander ?

I lower my axe but stay on guard.

S: I don’t give a mule’s soft wispy bits who he Serves. She’s with us and he’s outnumbered Six to one.

G: I don’t know how much I can contribute here, Silas.

J: Five and a half to One. Happy now ?

Ba: Who said I’m alone.

He lowers his helmet. Boorman pushes me behind him and Fights of Merrick. I go and Help Kit. Keene knocks her onto the Floor. I quickly Push him back and try attacking him. But if it wasn’t for a smoke Bomb I would have been Dead and if it wasn’t for Jade Kit would’ve been dead too.

G: Elora !

I help Kit up and look her Up and Down.

K: I’m fine.

G: They got her.

We quickly pack everything up and off we are.

W: If we catch them by Sundown we can get her back. Ride on Ahead.

We nod. I look at Boorman. He nods. Me and Jade get the Horse tracks. Kit and Boorman catch up with us. When we see a Big cloud gathering we stop and wait for the Others. We hear a Woman's voice.

J: Graydon can you translate ?

He nods.

G: The stars align, the Door is open. The sphere Turns, a God is awoken. Extinguish the flame, snuff out the Light and exile the Child to the Thirteenth Night.

W: Ah, so you speak cursed Pnakotic ?

G: They’re gonna kill her. Aren’t they ?

W: No if they Killed her, her spirit would endure, be Reborn. But if they Banish her, they can Imprison her soul for all Eternity. It’s what Bavmorda was trying to do when I stopped her. The Crone Knows we’re following.

I grab Kit’s hand. She lightly squeezes it.

B: And what exactly is in there ?

W: A noxious twilight veil. A swirling vortex of Rage and Madness there’s no escape from. Come on there’s not a moment to lose.

We quickly keep Riding on. But of course, a Wheel of the Carriage breaks.

J: Are you shitting me ? Now ?!

B: I think it’s Broken.

J: Oh Really ? Didn’t notice that ! How’d you guess that Wonder pants?!

He looks at me annoyed.

S: I can Mend it. Then you guys just lift up the Wagon and I’ll slip it back on.

Graydon lets out a nervous laugh.

B: Seriously ?

I look up at the sky. I’m scared to death of thunder.

B: You can’t just, uh, levitate it or Something ?

W: No … No.

B: Ok … Ok. It’s really good having a sorcerer on this Quest.

J: Ok can we just speed this up Please ?

Kit looks at me.

K: We should ride ahead.

W: If we let her, the Crone will use this Storm to Separate and weaken us. We have to stay together.

Kit walks to the Wagon. 

K: I’m gonna go get water.

J: Definitely not alone.

I get up and walk to her. She takes my hand and I take a deep breath.

K: You ok ?

J: No but I’ll live through it.

We go to the river. I hear footsteps. It’s Jade.

Ja: Whatever it is, just say it.

K: We’re not gonna catch up to them.

J: And even if we do what happens then ?

K: They’re turning into … Monsters.

J: Look, we’re Sorry but if there’s a chance that we have to kill them, we …

K: We can’t hesitate.

Jade looks as us Offended.

Ja: I didn’t hesitate. I was trying to save you.

K: I don’t need saving Jade. I don’t need it from you or from Jane. I can take care of myself, Okay?

Ja: No, you can’t Kit. You can’t.

K: Every time we spar, I beat you. Both of you.

Ja: I ...

Jade sighs. I slowly shake my head. Not now. Not here. But she ignores me.

K: What ?

Confused Kit looks between us.

K: You’re saying … You let me win.

Ashamed I look to the Floor.

K: Why would you do that ?

Ja: Because, Kit, Your Mother …

K: She ordered you to be my Friend.

J: No.

Ja: She just asked us to train with you.

J: But only in the Beginning. Then we did it cause we liked it.

Ja: We never thought that you would be fighting for your Life.

K: That's why you're so fixated on protecting me ?

She looks at me.

J: No. Kit. You have to understand …

She walks past us.

J: Kit.

A thunderclaps and I flinch. A tear running down my Face.

Ja. Kit wait.

K: No, it’s okay. I … I’m just glad you told me. 

She walks past us. Another Thunderclaps and again I flinch.

J: This could not have gone worse ? Could it ?

Tears run down my Face. Jade takes my arm.

Ja: You ok ?

J: No. Kit probably hates us and it’s thundering. I feel like dying.

We walk towards the Wagon. Halfway there Moon comes to me.

J: It’s ok Mooney.

He kneels in front of me, and I get up. Jade takes the lead and walks to the Wagon. When we arrive, Moon stops by the Wagon. I lay my Forehead against his neck. The others saddle up. Boorman looks at me.

B: Still ?

I nod.

J: Never went away.

We keep riding until there is a split road. We stop. I again lay my head against Moon. My nerves are on the edge.

B: Yep, it’s definitely left. No doubt about it.

S: Left ? Left will take us through Pitiless pass. I don’t think the wagon will make it.

B: Course it will. That’s fine craftsmanship. And Pitiless pass, I mean, while I’ll admit is an unfortunate name it’s actually a perfectly lovely nice pass. Which goes by, might I add a cosy little inn called The slaughtered Lamb. Kind of a Home for me and my old Partner. It’s got everything you could want, you know, in an inn.

S: No, what about the other way ? Through Capella Pastures into Voluptuous Vale.

G: I mean that does sound Nicer.

B: Yeah, It also takes longer.

S: No, it doesn’t 

B: Does too.

S: No, it doesn’t

B: It does too !

S: No, it doesn’t. I will cut you.

W: Hey. In case you hadn’t noticed a Portal between dimensions is opening and when they reach it, Elora will be lost.

Suddenly Willow screams.

Ja: What ? What’s wrong ?

W: I’m fine 

S: You okay ? He’s fine.

We all look at them.

B: We spilt up. Cover more Ground. You guys take the safe long route and I’ll head up to the slaughtered Lamb. See if I can find the Help we really need.

Kit looks at Jade.

K: Alright. You, Jane and Graydon go with them through Capella Pastures. I’ll go with Boorman through the pass. Then we’ll met up at that Vale of Boobs or whatever.

I look at her.

J: Yeah, there’s no way in hell. I will come with you. I know you can’t stand me right now but I won’t. That Clear ?

K: I can take care of myself.

J: Yes, I know. 

I start Riding. Boorman behind me. I look back to see Kit also riding after us. 

Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 12

After a while Boorman's Horse stops walking.

B: Come on. You are Embarrassing me.

I smile at him still sitting on Moon.

K: Keep going.

B: Oh yeah, I’m trying. I just think his enthusiasm has waned.

K: The cuirass.

I look at him.

B: Ah well after Thuul impaled his little Brother on a spike…

K: The Part about my father and Jane's Brother.

He looks at me with the ‘You haven’t told her ?!’ look.

B: Me and her brother were the young handsome heroic ones. He was our, uh, slightly shorter comedic foil. 

K: And where’d you go ? Why did you come back, and they didn’t ?

B: There is no such thing as Fate. Okay, you get lucky, or you get Dead. I got Lucky.

K: So, you actually saw them ?

B: No but I know what I know.

K: How ?

B: Cause if he were Alive. If he’d come back, things would be different. You know the Cuirass isn’t a weapon. It’s a shield.

K: Against what ?

We look up and see the Giant Cloud over a Hill and Exactly in that Direction are we Going.

I look at Boorman.

J: You’re my Brother, aren’t you ? I’ve been thinking about it since you told that story. I’ve heard it before the exact same way.

Boorman looks at me and plays along.

B: Yeah.

Kit looks between us.

B: I found you in a closet after your Village was burned down by Raiders.

I nod. 

J: And the rest of my Family ?

B: They’re dead.

I stare in front of me.

J: Ok. I still don’t  hate you.

He nods.

B: Thanks.

K: That is so weird.

B: You think that is weird ? You got Pregnant because of a witch. 

He looks at me.

B: You still haven’t told me how that Worked.

Kit walks up ahead. 

J: Well, we needed to give her a Blood sacrifice. First time we brought two chickens. We got some weird Tea. The Witch drew a circle of Blood on the floor, and we had to sit in it. She drew some weird rune things with the Blood on our Arms and Back.

B: You were naked ?

J: Yes, now shut it. Uh she slit our hands and we had to press them together. She started Chanting some stuff. Then Pushed our hands away from each other so that our hands are still connected by the Wrist and the Blood pooled around there. She chanted some more, and a Blob of Blood flew in the Air which spinned around a little and then flew to Kits Abdomen and disappeared in the Flesh.

B: You said the First time ?

J: Took three Times. Second one was a Goat. Third a Cow.

He nods. We arrive at a destroyed Village and Bind our horses to a Pole.

K: It’s a Graveyard.

B: Hey what can I say ? I’m as disappointed as you are.

K: What happened to the Slaughtered Lamb ?

B: Must have gone out of Business ?

J: You’re Lying, aren't you ?

B: How dare you ? At least one-third of everything I’ve said has been true.

I groan.

K: We’re such Idiots.

B: No, you’re not you’re just … You’re just very Young.

K: I’m going back. Don’t care what you are doing Jane.

J: Kit wait.

B: Yeah, Wait.

K: Maybe I can still catch up with Jade.

B: Okay, the Guy who owned this place was a close Friend of your father’s. Okay we trusted him and he’s the only Person we told the Secret of the Cuirass to because we knew he’d take that Secret to his Grave.

A thunderclaps and I flinch. We go to an Opening that leads down.

K: You think it’s Down There ?

B: There’s only one way to find out.

Boorman goes down after me. Kit comes down a few seconds later. We get Torches and wander through the Halls. To a Room with a Well.

B: Over here.

He throws a bucket down and sits on the Edge.

J: Yeah, we’re not going down there.

B: Of course not. I need you to stay here and pull me up. Look out for the Wererats.

K: What ?

B: See ya.

He jumps down.

K: What are Wererats ?

B: Exactly what they sound like.

I sit down on the Step and stare at the Wall. Kit walks around. I sigh.

K: What ?

I look at her.

J: I’m not Sorry for going easy on you. 

She scoffs.

J: You know, considering you were Pregnant and you, you know, didn't tell me.

K: I told you before that I’m sorry about that. Ok ?

J: Yes, you did. But that Doesn’t change it. You could’ve gotten Hurt.

K: And now ?

I stand up.

J: I KNOW ! We talked about Stopping. Stop letting you win. But we didn’t. We just went harder. We never thought any of this would Happen. Everything I ever did was Trying to Protect you. But apparently that has no worth.

K: I really hate you right now you know that ?

I grab my Torch and walk to the Exit. Tears in my Eyes.

K: Where are you going ?

J: Outside. I need a breather.

K: Jane …

I keep walking, a Tear running down my Face. When I arrive outside it’s Raining. Then I see Ballentine Merrick and Keene. And the others.

J: What in the fuck knuckles is Going on here ?

And the Fight begins. I quickly get out my Sword and Start fighting. We all fight everyone. The wagon explodes but we can’t concentrate on that. If Kit and Boorman hadn’t come out of a Brick wall and pushed Ballentine away Jade would’ve been Dead. I try to protect Kit as best as I can. I fall on the Floor. Keene Stabs my shoulder with his Dagger. I scream out in Agony. It all ends in bright light. Ballentine Keen and Marrick get pushed away. The magic fading into thin golden air. I hold my Shoulder, the blade still in it. I see Silas on the Ground Willow by his side.

K: Jane !

Kit and Boorman come to me. 

B: I’m gonna pull out the Dagger and you need to put immediate pressure on it.

She nods.

J: No don’t you dare Boorman. I will kill you.

B: I’m sorry Sis. I need to do that. Otherwise, it will get infected.

J: Please don’t.

Tears run down my Face. He pulls out the Dagger. I scream out. Kit pushes her hand on the wound.

J: Fuck you Boorman.

He Rips part of his Cape and Binds my Shoulder. I hear Jade Crying. I get up.

K: Jane.

B: You need to sit down.

I push their Hands away.

J: Let me. 

I slowly walk to Jade, Blood running down my Shoulder. She looks at me. I pull her in my Arms.

J: I’m so sorry.

She shakes her head and gets up. She cleans her Blade. Elora Binds my Shoulder. Boorman Buries Silas.

B: Horses are Gone. They ran off and I think they had the Right Idea. All except for Moon. The Pitiless pass is about to become the Pitiless Lake. I don’t think we can go the Way out we came in.

E: There’s another way.

K: Those steps ?

W: No, we can't go that Way.

K: Why not ?

He doesn’t answer. I go to moon.

B: Okay, well, now you can do Magic, you wanna fly us out of here ?

J: No ? Well then, I’m going up the Big scary steps.

I take Moons lead and start walking. Boorman walks with me and one after another the others follow us. It’s still pouring Rain.

Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 13

We’re Basically in the Middle of nowhere. Kit starts Walking next to me.

K: Jane ? Can we talk ?

J: Not in the mood.

I ignore her.

E: You Ok ?

W: Uh, just need to Rest. Then we resume your Training. You’ve still got a long way to go.

E: Maybe if I had the Wand …

Suddenly Graydon falls to the Ground.

E: Wait Graydon's Hurt !

Willow lifts his Collar and there is a Golden glowing spot.

J: Shit.

G: Bad Magic.

E: We have to get him to shelter ! Something !

B: Yeah ! And what do you Suggest, Huh ! We’re right in the Middle of…  I don’t even know where in the Middle of !

J: Moon.

Moon walks to Graydon and Kneels down. Me and Boorman help him up. I point my Finger at Graydon.

J: If you hurt him, I’ll kill you. Doesn’t matter that you’re Possessed.

He nods.

W: I know where we are.

He walks to a few Rocks and Looks beyond them. I walk there too. It's a Castle.

W: Nockmaar.

The Giant cloud is Swirling Right over it.

J: You’ve got to be Kidding me. Ok, let's go.

I walk forward. Moon right beside me. The others behind me. Willow falls to the Ground. Kit helps him up. 

W: We can’t go in. Don't you see ? This is what she wants.

E: We have to get Graydon inside or he'll Die.

B: And he’s not the only one.

J: There’s nothing around here for Leagues.

W: This fortress  was the Stronghold of the Most Brutal tyrant of her Age, Bavmorda.

B: Yeah. Or as Kit calls her Grandma.

I give him a Piercing side Glare. When we are inside we help Graydon off of Moon. Who then shakes the water out of his Mane. The others Chain Graydon to the Floor. Me and Jade start a fire and soon we’re all dry. Boorman closes the Chain around Graydon’s Wrists with a Hot Iron pickle.

B: Sorry about this Pal.

G: What do you think she used these for ?

B: Bavmorda knew how to Romp. Legendary Parties. Three four days in a Row. All kinds of weird shit.

G: How do I look ?

E: Like a Vermathrax at a vestal faire.

G: What ?

E: It was …

J: No it was a really good Joke.

B: Next time leave the levity to me.

Graydon coughs and vomits on the Floor.

J: Ah, Lovely.

G: What happened to Ballantine and Marrick is gonna happen to me.

Boorman gets up.

G: And you guys are gonna have to stop me before I …

Thunderclaps and I flinch. Elora gets up.

E: What … What was Ballentine gonna do to me ?

W: What Bavmorda started when you were a Baby.

G: The Ritual of the Thirteenth Night. Banishing your Soul to a Realm of perpetual suffering. Only the Combined strength of Willow and Raziel, the two most Powerful sorcerers of all time, was able to stop it. In the end using the Fibonacci Hex, if I’m not wrong ?

Willow hums.

J: Willow obliterated Bavmorda, rescued Elora Danan, You and Saved the World.

Everyone looks at me.

J: What  ? He’s not the only one that Reads.

B: Wow. And then What’d you do ?

W: We all went out and got pissed.

Graydon vomits again.

K: And that thing you did at the Slaughtered Lamb could you …

W: Blast his insides out ? A few moments of the Most excruciating pain ever endured. Probably followed by Death.

J: Maybe not that great of an Idea.

G: The way you’re talking. Sounds like you're starting to like me.

J: Don’t lose your head over it Twinkle Toes.

I smile at him.

K: This is all your fault.

She looks at Boorman.

B: Sorry, how’d you figure that ?

K: You send us on a wild goose chase to find some stupid artefact. And it doesn’t even exist. And now we’re trapped in some cursed castle and Aryk is still half a world away …

B: Right Aryk your brother. And meanwhile your ex-fiancé Grayoncé there, is being Ravaged by a 300-year old demon.

By the word Ex- Fiancé my grip on my Dagger Tightens.

G: Come on man. Don’t say Ravaged.

B: Sorry bud.

We are Waiting. I don't know for what but it’s Boring. I’m sharpening my Axe. While Jade cooks something. Boorman holds a plate in front of me.

J: Not hungry but thank you.

Graydon lays coughing on the Floor.

Ja: How long does he have ? Before it takes hold ?

W: Not long. Sometime in the small hours of the Night he’ll lose control.

I look at my Axe.

K: I mean we all know it has to be done. What was the last thing that Ballentine asked you to do ?

I look at Jade.

Ja: Kill him. He’s the Prince of Galladoorn Kit. We’d be at war

K: Hastur knew. Right ? We all knew that he never should’ve come. And If I have to decide between saving Aryk and waiting for Graydon to turn into some kinda Monster …

I sigh.

G: Kit’s right. I’ve had some experience with this before and I know I’m not strong enough to stop it. I don’t wanna hurt you guys. But I will.

E: If her Highness is in such a hurry to see it done she ought to do it herself.

K: Oh you don’t think I will ?

B: Uh I don’t. Killing someone who isn’t trying to kill you back, it’s not an easy thing to do.

I look down at my Axe. If it comes to it, I would do it.

E: Please you’re the greatest sorcerer alive. You obliterated Bavmorda.

J: There must be something you can do.

W: When she was young, your Age. Bavmorda was bright, curious, full of Promise. She was abducted by Members of a long-forgotten sect. The Order of the Wyrm. The crone radicalised her, converting her with their warped beliefs and gifting her with unnatural powers.

Ja: What kind of powers ?

W: Well for example she once changed the entire Galladoorn army into Pigs.

J: Hm, lovely.

W: Raziel and I, Eventually, changed them all back. It was chaos Pigs everywhere.

B: Sorry, All of them ?

W: Huh ?

B: You … You turned all of the Pigs back into people ?

W: Think so.

I nod. Boorman spits out the rest of his food.

J: So glad I didn’t eat.

W: The point is, the order of the Wyrm practised Taboo magic, against Nature. If a rite exists that can extract that Kind of evil. I think I know where we’d find it.

We all follow Willow into a room. He gets out a Book and lays it on a Table.

W: The Malatrium. Bound in the skin of a satyr.

K: Gross.

Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 14

He opens it and flips through the Pages.

W: Here, The purgation of Namshub.

B: Hey, that's my favourite Purgation.

W: It’s a Ritual of Throwing, of casting out. But it’s complicated and Dangerous and I’m not yet back to my full strength. 

He looks at Elora.

E: I couldn’t even say the seed spell. No. Ok. What do you want me to do ?

W: Call it an introduction to alchemy. We’re gonna make a salve.

He begins collecting everything.

W: Very potent. A precise mixture of herbs, tonics, and tinctures. Applied at the Proper time while the purgation is read aloud and his fluids drained.

E: What kind of Fluids are we draining ?

W: Blood, Puss, discharge from …

E: On second thought, surprise me.

W: Go to the Armory, fetch me a dagger with an Ivory handle and selenium blade.

We prepare everything. I take a look into the Book. Familiar Runes cross my eyes. I close my eyes and take a breath. Great the Witch in the Woods conjures Evil Magic.

W: The crone knows we’re here. She’ll send her Gales to ensure the Ritual is Completed. We’ll need to keep watch.

Ja: I can do that.

I nod.

W: We can’t allow Graydon’s infection to pass to any of us. If it does, we won’t get out of here Alive.

My eyes widen and I take a side glance at Kit.

J: How contagious are we Talking ? Like if he coughs on us ? Or if we touch him and then … 

W: The vismiscus goo. Don’t sniff it, don’t wipe it, don’t eat it.

I nod.

E: Why would we eat it ?

Boorman turns to go.

W: Wait. There’s one thing that is even more Important than that. No matter what, stay out of the High Tower. It’s maybe, probably a portal to the netherworld.

B: Ok don’t touch the evil goo stay out of the High Tower.

J: We’ll keep that in mind.

B: I just gotta say I’m feelin’ very energised and Optimistic about this exorcism.

J: Can you ever, maybe even once, just keep your Mouth shut ?

B: Nope.

He walks off. I nod and walk off. I hear footsteps behind me.

J: I don’t want to talk.

K: I don’t care, we will.

J: No why would I ?

K: I’m sorry. I don’t hate you. I was just Angry.

J: Yeah, you always say that. 

I stop walking.

J: But yet in the next 24 hours we will fight again and you will Ignore me. Ever since Twinkle Toes appeared everything is different. … I can’t do this anymore.

I look at her. She has tears in her Eyes.

K: Don’t say that.

I shake my head.

J: Why ? I’m telling you the Truth, or should I keep it a secret ? One that inevitably comes out and then We fight again. My Heart can’t take this anymore, Kit. I’m sorry but … 

K: No please …

I shake my head and walk away. With Tears streaming down my Face I wander through the Halls. The Tears don’t stop falling. We’ve been Together for the last 6 years. Is this really how this ends ?  Sobbing, I sit down against a wall. I lay my Head on my Legs. In 6 years It has never been like that. Never. Is this Journey showing that this relationship shouldn’t be ? I throw my Axe against the Wall. I don’t want to believe that. I can’t live without her. I don’t know how long I’ve sat here when I hear a Scream. Kit. She’s screaming for me. I jump up Grab my Axe and run from where I heard the Voice. I end up in front of a closed door. She’s Crying. I try to open the Door. It doesn’t budge.

J: KIT !?

K: Jane ! HELP !

I start smashing the Door with my Axe. When suddenly it is Quiet. Too Quiet

J: No. No. NO ! NO!

When the door is finally Open, she lays there Bloody. With wide open, dead eyes. She’s holding something. When I see what I scream. It’s the Baby. Quiet like the Night. Too small. Too fragile. I fall to my Knees. Screaming Sobbing. I press Kit against my Chest and rock her.

J: Please no. My Love. I need you.

Everything hurts. My body feels like it’s on fire and my Heart feels like it’s been Ripped out of my chest. I’m nothing without her. An empty shell with no Purpose in Live. She’s my everything. My Sun. The reason I wake up every day. She died alone in pain just because I left. It's all my fault. She died Thinking I don’t want us anymore. That I don’t love her. My voice is completely gone, the only thing you can hear are quiet attempted screams. 

J: I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there for you. I love you so much.

I close her eyes and give her a last kiss. I sit there and Rock our Bodies. No tears are falling anymore, not one is left. Everything is a blur. I don’t know how to Live without her. I don’t want to. What is the Point of living without her ? I have no one left. I’m alone. Nothing keeps me in this World. I push the hair out of her Face and give her a last kiss. Catatonic I walk through the Halls of the Castle. I look out of one of the big windows. It’s Raining. I sit down on the Windowsill. My Legs dangling in the air. All of me gets wet. I play with my Ring and Close my eyes. I put my Feet against the wall about to push me off when a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me back inside. I didn’t even notice that it stopped Raining.


I don’t know where the tears are coming from, but they flow.

J: Let me go.

B: What are you doing ?!

He hugs me. I sob in his chest. I can’t speak. Indistinguishable words leave my Mouth. He picks me up.

B: I got you little one. ‘M not letting you go.

I shake my head.

J: Kit …

B: She’s ok.

J: No … she … 

Sobs wreck my Body. He Carries me down a set of Stairs.

B: I found her in one of the Towers, she was …

K: Jane !

As I hear her Voice, I snap my Head up. I push against Boorman’s chest and fall to the Floor. I try to scramble up but trip and land back on the floor. She hugs me. I feel her body. She's warm and Alive. Crying, I hold her face.

J: My Love ? You’re Alive ?

She nods. Tears in her eyes.

K: Whatever you saw it was this place. It wasn't true.

I hug her Tighter. And cry in her neck

J: I’m sorry. I love you so much. I can’t lose you ever.

She nods. I look at her.

K: I love you too.

She gives me a kiss. We get up. I wipe my Tears away. I look at Graydon.

J: You cool ?

He nods.

G: Finally.

J: Good.

Moon comes to me and lays his head on my Shoulder. I lay my Hands on his neck.

J: Oh, my Good boy. Still here ?

We pack our stuff and leave that cursed palace. I look at Moon.

J: Go Home, Be safe.

Moon looks at me. I lay my Head against his. 

J: Just go Home. I’ll be back.

He Trots of. A tear in my eye.

J: He’s safer at Home.

K: I know.

I hold Kit’s hand in a Tight Grip.

B: You know I’m gonna miss this Place.

J: I will not.

K: What is the Blood of the Six ?

W: In the beginning in the Grove six Fays betrayed their Mothers to serve the Dark power. That Line continued through the ages strong magic but Corrupt. The Blood of the Six.

K: So Bavmorda, she was the Blood of the Six. Which means so am I and my Baby and Aryk.

W: Mmm. We have to reach the Immemorial City before she corrupts him.

K: Yeah that’s on the far side of the World. Is that even Possible ?

W: She saved Graydon. Anything's Possible. We’re finally making Progress. You may make a sorceress yet.

Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 15

The next thing I know is that the Gales chase us.


Kit, Jade and I are again being chased by the Monster with the cage on its head. We try to Hide in an Alley but when dust falls on us we see that he is standing on the wall. We all scream and run. We run to the Others and Hide behind a wall.

K: How long can they keep us up for ?

W: The Crone won’t let them rest till they have Elora and have killed us.

G: If only they took the Time to get to know us. Right ?

I exhale.

Ja: Where to now Captain ?

G: We can’t outrun them, so where can we go ?

W: Into the Wildwood.

J: Yeah, great ! Another place that is said to be cursed.

I smile sarcastically.

G: She’s right, what about the you know, perils of the Wildwood ?

E: What Perils ?

W: People say there’s something in the Air, the Trees, the water, that makes you …

G: Never wanna leave.

J: Loose your will to do anything.

K: Trust me. We are not spending any more time in there than we need to.

E: Yeah, no way.

W: If anybody has any better Ideas, I’m sure we’d love to hear them.

The cage Monster lands in front of us.

W: RUN !

I get up and pull Kit with me. We run into the Woods. We have to chop little branches.

B: The Key is Vigilance. Stay sharp. The wildwood is seductive. It lures you in with its sights and sounds. The next thing you know you’re officiating Weddings and Dog-sitting for casual acquaintances. 

K: Well, that’s not gonna Happen.

G: Personally, I’m still worried about the Perils.

We keep on walking. My hand gripping Kits and not letting go. We stop walking when we see tiny lights and Butterflies swirling around the Trees. It’s beautiful. Kit starts pulling me with her.

Ja: The Bone Reavers that Killed my Family fled into the Wildwood. Maybe they’re still here. Somewhere.

We make a pause. I sit down against a Tree Kit sitting next to me. I play with her Hands while Kit and Jade talk.

B: Listen Guys.

I look up

B: I know you all have your doubts about my integrity, motives, whatever. But I’m begging you to Trust me, when I tell you that no matter what happens next, I have a plan and everything will work out if you all just Remain …

Before Boorman can finish his sentence there is a Blade on my Neck.

B: Calm.

I Stare at him.

J: You could’ve just said Warning Danger stay Calm but nooooo.

B: Do you always have to be Sarcastic.

J: Yes.

The Bone Reavers  take us to their Camp. I see skulls as decorations.

J: Ah, just Lovely.

As we’re let go, I immediately go to Kit. She takes my Hand.

K: I’m fine.

J: Good.

?: Boorman.

B: Lori.

I look at him.

J: Lori ?

B: Toth’s first name is Lori but for some reason he’s insecure about it. Yeah Own it Lori. You know, make it yours.

He punches Boorman right on the Nose.

J: Thank you I would’ve done it If you hadn’t.

Toth points at me.

T: I like her.

?: Now, Now boys. Play Nice.

I look at a Woman. She looks interesting.

?: You don’t look dead.

B: Funny Story. Well not Ha-Ha funny. More like a “Ain’t life funny” kind of funny.

She walks down the Steps towards us.

?: You can Imagine my Surprise when Toth came back and said he’d run down a Tir Asleen cut-out. Five kids and a beanpole that Looked exactly like Thraxus Boorman.

I look at him.

J: What did you Idiot do ?

He ignores me.

B: You are entitled to an Explanation.

?: No one gets out of Skellin alive. Ever.

J: Sorry did you say Skellin ?

E: Skellin ?

Ja: Dread mines of skellin. In the Mountains.

J: Run by the Trolls.

B: What can I say ? Guess that makes me the Somebody who did.

?: I’m going to enjoy this. 

B: Well, if you’re thinking what I’m thinking you’re thinking so am I.

J: Just shut up for Once.

?: I doubt that very much.

She looks at Toth. 

?: Take him to my Tent and make sure he’s well tied up.

A man grabs him and pulls him there.

B: I don’t know. See, that Kind of sounds like we’re on the same Page.

I pull a disgusted face.

T: And the others ? Do you want em ‘ or should we just Fire up the old skull-boiling cauldron.

In an instant I push Kit behind me. But she steps in front of the Woman.

K: I’m Kit Tanthalos of Tir Asleen. I’m Queen Sorsha’s daughter.

J: My Love, what are you doing ?!

I lay my Hand on her Arm.

?: Scorpia. Well, actually, it’s her Sublime Eminence Mistress Magnificus Venoma Scorpia. But Scorpia’s fine.

J: Very nice to meet ya.

I pull Kit closer to me. Scorpia looks at me.

S: And you are ?

J: Me ?

She nods.

J: Jane Chander.

K: My Brother was abducted from our Castle.

S: Wasn’t us. Wasn’t, was it ?

She looks at Toth.

T: Mm- mmm.

J: It was servants of the Withered Crone.

K: We’re going beyond the shattered Sea.

The People laugh.

K: To rescue him. If you could find it in your Hearts to let us go. I’m sure my mother would repay the Favour.

J: And you can keep Boorman. He’s, like, The worst.

Ja: You're wasting your Breath. They don’t have a whit of Mercy about them, and they’re too stupid to realise what you’re offering them.

S: Maybe we won’t fire up the ol’ skull pot just yet. Lock the Nelwyn and the Pretty fella down the Borough. Toss these two in the Rattler.

She nods at Kit and Elora. They grab all four of them. Toth holds me and Jade. I start to struggle.

J: Hey let me go. No. Kit.

She looks at me.

S: We’ll keep those two here. They’ll make good sport.

K: Wait, what'll you do to her ?

Panicking, she looks at me and also starts to struggle.

K: Jane. 

And she disappears from my view.

J: Don’t harm her. Please.

I look at Scorpia. She steps towards me.

S: Why wouldn't I ?

J: She’s pregnant. You can Kill Boorman. I don't care. Just leave her.

She looks at me and nods. Me and Jade get bound up outside.

J: You ok ?

Ja: Yes.

J: Good.

Ja: Really you would let her Kill Boorman ? Your Brother.

J: I would kill myself, if that meant keeping Kit safe.

Ja: What did you see in that Castle ?

I look down.

J: I uh … 

Ja: Jane ?

J: We fought. Again, and I said that I couldn’t keep going like that. Then I just walked off. Uh … Then I heard her scream my name. I of course started running there and … there was a Door. Once I opened it she just laid there. Not breathing, not anything. She-She gave birth to the Baby. Alone. They  were both …

Tears run down my face.

Ja: That’s why you were Crying so much.

J:Boorman was carrying me cause I tried jumping out a Window.

Jade keeps quiet. 

Ja. What ?!

Suddenly there is an explosion. We see Kit and Elora. Bone Reavers stand around them.

E: We don’t wanna hurt anybody, and nobody wants to get Hurt.

K: Oh, I will hurt you, if I have to.

E: Hurt you bad.

K: All we want are Jane and Jade. Where are they ?

J: We’re here.

She looks at us and walks to us. 

J: I’m fine.

K: Cut them loose.

T: Afraid we can’t do that. Not without the Mistress's say-so.

E: I will melt your face off Lori !

T: We have a sayin’ for People who make Empty threats. They make nice Hats.

They grab both of them.

J: Hey let them go !

Scorpia walks to kit sarcastically clapping.

S: I applaud your Spirit Princess, but you really must loosen up, have some fun.

Jade frees herself from her Binds Grabs a Knife and holds it against Scorpia’s Throat.

Ja: I’m lots of fun and I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.

S: Oh gorgeous, I’m all yours.

And in the Next second Jade lays on her back and Scorpia lands a good Punch in her face. But jade fights back. It ends when Scorpia has Jade on her knees, her head tilted forward, and her Hair pulled up. Scorpia freezes. Then gets off her. Stunned, I look at her.

S: Take her to my Tent.

They’re in it for a few Minutes. When they come out Scorpia commands to make us free. I instantly walk to Kit and check her.

J: Are you ok ?

K: Yes, are you ?

I nod and she hugs me. I look at Jade.

J: What is going on ?

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