starlxghtss - Freak out in a moonage daydream
Freak out in a moonage daydream

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86 posts

Headcanon That The Inner Circle Of Ravagers, Like Kraglin, Oblo And Tullk, All Those Who Are Close By

starlxghtss - Freak out in a moonage daydream

Headcanon that the „inner circle“ of Ravagers, like Kraglin, Oblo and Tullk, all those who are close by whenever Yondu and Peter bicker, worry and are there for each other – all of them just think Peter as “Capt’n’s boy”.

It’s not something they talked about with each other, and once they realize that they all think so, they silently decide that neither Yondu nor Peter will ever get to hear that from them.

But that doesn’t stop them from thinking of Peter as “Capt’n’s”, or of Yondu as Peter’s “old man”.

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More Posts from Starlxghtss

1 year ago

So I've got this Gotg headcanon going about little Peter suffering from nightmares during his time on the Eclector. The boy has slept awfully since his mum's death and after his abduction from Earth, he used to wake up in the middle of the night, completely drenched in sweat and shivering, looking around his dark room in fear. Whenever he had a nightmare back home, Peter just would've run to his mother, slip under her blanket only to get shushed and comforted by her soft voice.

But now things were different and there was no one who could possibly give him that kind of (needed) comfort. In fact, the boy was on a ship full of cold-hearted cruel pirates, who cared about nothing and no one.

Yet, one night, Peter eventually sneaks out of his room, tiptoeing through the ship's empty corridors and comes to halt at the Captain's quarters.

The boy hesitates first but his fear of sleeping alone after that awful nightmare clearly outweighed that so he opened the door with a creak and as quietly as possible slipped into the generous room.

There he finds Yondu, snoring loudly to himself on his large bed, having no clue that the Terran kid just sneaked into his private quarters as he hasn't heard him near at all.

Peter stares a while at the Ravager captain, then a child's dainty hand lands on the Centaurian's rough shoulder, shaking it while a whisper runs over his lips.


No reaction.

Peter tries it once again and this time, he hears a grunt, then a pair of red eyes flap open in a sudden. A hand grabs the child's arm (a little bit to hard) and the boy squeals in surprise, making Yondu raise his eyebrow in confusion when he probably expected a threat but not the little Terran almost scaring him to death.

He sighes almost relieved, lets go off the boy's arm and his tensed muscles relax a bit.

"'s jus' ya, boy."

"What the hell ya doin' 'ere in the middle of the night?"

Yondu pierces the child with his look, expecting a good explanation for all of this. No one would dare to wake the captain after all, right?

"I've had a nightmare... and now I can't sleep."


Peter avoids his glance, ashamed, looking to the side and mumbles some words under his breath.

"I uh, can I sleep with you tonight?"

That was when the boy caught Yondu off guard completely. Another confused look and raised eyebrow alongside with a few hisses makes Peter almost regret coming here in the first place.

"What? Ain't'cha too old for this, boy? C'mon, get outta 'ere, kid, 'm tired!"

The Ravager turns his back to the kid, pretending to fall asleep and simply waits for the boy to leave his room again, but then he hears a soft sniffle and a child's whiny voice.

"Please, Yondu..."

He turns around again, seeing, how few tears glistened on Peter's cheeks and another sniffle follows while big green eyes caught the captain's stern gaze. And he told the kid many times not to put on that look on his face, not to whine or cry, because Yondu hated whenever the boy did that and couldn't stand his crying. But there was also this feeling in his chest that he couldn't quite understand even up until that day and should he be damned for it, hell, Yondu somehow just couldn't kick the boy out.

So with a few reluctant grumbles and repressed self-pride, the Centaurian eventually makes a bit of space on the bed and Peter's tears disappeared in a sudden when the little Terran scrambs up to him under the blanket.

"But don't'cha make any noise! If I'm hearin' jus' a single un, I'll kick ya out, ye hear me, boy?!"

Peter curles into a little ball, snuggling into the blanket right beside the hissing Ravager who then hears some further whispered words.

"I won't, I promise."

Odd as it is, Yondu has laid awake for a while now and the sleepiness just seemingly dissolved with the little child pressed tightly against his back so the Centaurian turns, hearing Peter's soft breaths and little hands clenched into the blanket while he whimpers in his sleep.

If he'd stick to his words before, now would be the moment to bring the kid back to his bed because Peter actually broke his promise to stay quiet all night. But Ravagers don't make promises anyway and if they did, they'd surely break them, don't they?

Boy better learns t' stop making promises he can't keep.

And that sure has nothing to do with the little Terran crying in his sleep nor Yondu's hand carefully pulling the kid a little bit closer to him or that warm feeling rising in his chest when the boy snuggled into his arms.

No, not at all.

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1 year ago

Headcanon that the “nicer” Ravagers literally never stop their friendly bickering and banter, not even in the most serious situations. It’s a habit that mostly stems from the fact that Peter just never shuts up, so once they started taking the kid along to missions and Peter more and more often ended up in fights with them, there was always a child’s voice complaining, commenting and snapping right back when someone chastisized him. Yondu and Kraglin give back in much the same manner, too stubborn to let Peter have the last word, and it leads to the most talkative fight scenes ever.

Like – a bar fight, the Ravagers taking cover under tables, waiting out the first round of fire, and Kraglin bumps right into teenager Peter who has ducked under the same table as him.



“Nice day for a shooting, eh?”

“Ain’t really. Now git, Pete, yer in the way.”

“Ex-cuse me, I was here first, you get out.”  



“Yer such a damn brat-…!” Kraglin uses the break in the enemy’s fire to lean around the table’s sturdy leg, shooting one of the jackasses right in the forehead before scrambling back. Peter at his side is done with high-wiring one their gravity mines, programming it so that it would attract living beings in a certain radius. He throws it nonchalantly, shooting Kraglin a wide grin as there are several screams once the mine does its work.  “Still want me to get out?!”

“Sure as hell, brat!” Kraglin yells back, grinning himself.

Peter laughs in his face.

A few feet away, Yondu whistles the nearest sniper into oblivion before he jumps and throws himself over the bar counter, ducking behind it. He stops whistling for a second, grabbing one of the bottles behind the counter before he rolls to the side and over to Tullk, who ducks back behind the counter after shooting down a few opponents quickly and effectively.

Tullk nods a thanks as he takes a quick swig from the bottle and shakes his blaster, hoping to cool it off.

“The boys?!” He has to yell over the shots fired and someone crashing against the wall – either a piece of furniture or a body, he can’t tell.

“Heard them bickerin’ on the way over, they’re good!” Yondu yells back, rolling his eyes as the other laughs at that. He can’t deny he’s smirking himself, though.

Bickering and silliness is better than having to drag two dead bodies out of a hiding spot.

The cruel image lingers a little too long before his mind’s eyes, and Yondu resolutely shakes his head to get rid of it, unwillingly to name the damn sentiment that squeezes his chest together when thinking of such things.

Tullk is looking at him with something akin to worry, and Yondu decides to change the subject. “Let’s git goin’ an’ get ‘em before they throttle each other!”

“Good idea, Capt’n!”

They pause, taking a breath to steady, reload and ready a whistle.

Once the enemies’ fire ceases just for a second, they move in tandem, popping out of hiding with fire and arrow.

It’s not like their opponents stand a chance.

“Boys!” Tullk thunders over Yondu’s whistling, the arrow massacring anyone dumb enough to aim at them. “Git movin’, we’re out of here!”

There are various shouts at that and the Ravagers burst forth from whatever spot they had been hiding it, either attacking whatever enemy is still left standing or helping those up who got hit when the fight broke out.

Kraglin appears right next to Tullk while Peter pops up next to Yondu. Both of them are fine, so Tullk nods over to Yondu, making a gesture for the entrance. The Captain nods, and they are off again - …

… with bickering still trailing after them.

“I totally helped with that, Kraggles!”

“Nah Pete, ye didn’t.”

“Boys, not now, for flark’s sake.”

“He started it!”



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1 year ago

Top tier parenting, I'd say xD

Quill: Take Literally Any Sentence Hes Ever Said To Me And Addor Ill Eat You. To The End Of It. Thats
Quill: Take Literally Any Sentence Hes Ever Said To Me And Addor Ill Eat You. To The End Of It. Thats
Quill: Take Literally Any Sentence Hes Ever Said To Me And Addor Ill Eat You. To The End Of It. Thats
Quill: Take Literally Any Sentence Hes Ever Said To Me And Addor Ill Eat You. To The End Of It. Thats
Quill: Take Literally Any Sentence Hes Ever Said To Me And Addor Ill Eat You. To The End Of It. Thats
Quill: Take Literally Any Sentence Hes Ever Said To Me And Addor Ill Eat You. To The End Of It. Thats
Quill: Take Literally Any Sentence Hes Ever Said To Me And Addor Ill Eat You. To The End Of It. Thats

Quill: Take literally any sentence he’s ever said to me and add “–or I’ll eat you.” to the end of it. That’s 97.8% of all the conversations we’ve had since I was six.

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