
Just a blog to dump my writing thoughts from the last 15 years on
63 posts
Saw This Trend And Thought It Was Fun.

Saw this trend and thought it was fun.

More Posts from Starswhisperwritershear
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Danny Phantom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dash Baxter/Danny Fenton Characters: Danny Fenton, Dash Baxter, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Paulina Sanchez, Kwan (Danny Phantom), Valerie Gray, Pookie (Danny Phantom) Additional Tags: Aged-Up Character(s), on the way to college, mentions of child abuse, Mentions of homophobia, Redemption Arcs, Bisexual Danny Fenton, everyone becoming good friends, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Second Chances, lots of classical literature references, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Lots of Crying, Some hurt/comfort, almost everyone has shitty parents, More tags to come as I think of them, Suicidal Thoughts, This is heavily inspired by marichat, stealing lots of headcanons from tumblr, Getting Together, Getting to Know Each Other, not entirely canon compliant, I stole the pieces I like and combined them with fanon to get what I wanted, this was supposed to be a slow burn, Dialogue Heavy, some spooky shit will be snuck in here, Mutual Pining Summary:
It's the end of senior year and Dash and Danny are having the worst time of their lives. Dash's father finds out he's queer and tries to kill him. That lands him in prison with divorce papers. Dash goes to therapy to cope and learn how to change his behaviors while taking some time off from school. He now needs to learn how to navigate the world and figure himself out. Danny fears he'll never figure out what he wants for his future beyond being the hero of Amity Park forever and he's running out of time to figure it out as he watches everyone he knows move on without him. Plus there are always the people hunting him down that he has to worry about on top of that.
Dash shifted his car into park in front of Fenton Works. He picked up his phone and shot off a quick text.
Dash: I’m here.
Nerd: Thank god! We’ll be right out!
Dash snorted, playfully rolling his eyes and setting his phone down. He never would have thought that if he’d already decided on ditching senior ditch day, a single text from Danny Fenton of all people, requesting an emergency ride, would make him change his mind in under a minute. Of course, he never thought he’d ever have Danny’s phone number in the first place. It used to take bribes to get him to be in the same room as Fenton without wanting to pick on the guy.
Now, he was just glad he actually had friends to hang out with. He hadn’t wanted to go and see Paulina and Kwan having fun without him. It would be like rubbing salt in the wound. But, now that he’d been invited to go with another group, he was more than a little excited.
He glanced at the clock on his dashboard and tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. Should he go knock? Should he just keep waiting? Did he mean a different house? God, Dash wished he still had a lot of his confidence from before. It was easy to make decisions when you were an asshole and didn’t care about how the consequences affected other people.
He was just about to send another text when a crash came from inside the house. He startled as the three of them came barreling out the front door looking like they’d just come back from war. Danny shouted something over his shoulder and slammed the front door. He ran up to Dash’s van and clambered into the front seat- which Dash will not admit made him feel just a little special. Sam and Tucker scrambled into the back.
“Thanks for the save!” Danny smiled at him, still breathing hard from his frantic exit. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to tame the mess it was in.
Tucker leaned forward, head between the seats, and spoke right into Dash’s ear. “You’re gonna wanna go straight to the park. If we’re lucky, we’ll get there right as the busses do.”
Dash shoved him, gently, back into his seat. “This car isn’t moving until seat belts are on.” Tucker and Sam rolled their eyes but complied. “No Valerie?” Dash started driving.
Sam shook her head. “She’s gonna be at the library all day applying for scholarships, like some ultra-responsible person or something.”
“We have a plan to make,” Danny interrupted, turning in his seat to face the whole car. “Tucker, what’s the best way to maximize our time at the amusement park?”
“We should figure out everyone’s favorite rides and then find the best connecting path between all of them. Then stick to our planned route so as not to miss anything.” Tucker already had his PDA out and ready. “I’ve already got the bumper cars, the roller coaster that takes off three years of your life, and the space launcher. Dash, what’s your favorite?”
Dash shrugged, clicking on his blinker and slowing down for the turn. “I don’t really have a favorite.”
“What!?” Tucker screeched.
“It’s okay to be like other girls, Dash.” Sam snickered at him. “Everyone has a favorite.”
“I really don’t. They’re all kind of the same.”
“It doesn’t have to be a ride,” Danny offered, “it could be a game or something. Tucker’s is the bumper cars and that’s not technically a ride.”
Dash hummed, thinking back to the last time he’d gone to the amusement park. Kwan had talked them into going on the Zipper and ended up being the only one to throw up. His heart fell as he remembered the photo Paulina had taken as he dropped his ice cream cause of how dizzy he’d still been. It was pinned on his wall by his computer. “I guess The Zipper is pretty cool.”
“That’s hardcore,” Sam nodded approvingly.
“We also have to make sure to hit the games we didn’t get to last time,” Tucker added the zipper to the schedule.
“We should do the rides before lunch and games after if we can help it,” Danny suggested as he rearranged how he was sitting. “We don’t want Tucker to lose his stomach over some poor kid again.”
“That was one time! Why are you making me look uncool in front of Dash?!”
“Why do you care if Dash thinks you’re cool?” Sam teased.
“Look,” Dash interrupted before the three of them could get into it and pointing down the road, “we’re going to beat the buses.”
Danny gave his shoulder a friendly punch. “Awesome! Way to drive, Dash!”
Dash smirked as he pulled into the parking lot. He pushed the button on the ticket machine for all day. Sam tapped him on the shoulder and passed him a crisp twenty. He raised his eyebrow at her.
“What?” She huffed, face mildly red. “We’re not making you pay for parking when we forced you to be here. Just take it.”
“Uh, thanks.”Dash took the bill from her and slid it into the machine. It spat back out a ticket that he passed to Danny to secure to his rear-view mirror. He found a parking spot close by where the buses were and shifted the car to park.
“Step one is to find Mr. Lancer.” Danny chattered, basically flying out of Dash’s car. “Step two, have fun and forget the crushing realities we all have to face next week.”
“Slow down!” Sam called after him.
Dash took the time to put a sun protector up in his windshield so the seats wouldn’t scorch his skin off when they got back. He had to jog to catch up with the others at the buses. Danny was bouncing on his toes while they waited for the bus doors to open.
Mr. Lancer stepped down, clipboard hanging from his neck and box full of day passes on his hip. He rolled his eyes when he saw the group. “There’s our missing students.”
“Sorry, Lancer,” Danny’s tone was just as casual with their teacher as it was with them and it threw Dash off, “I overslept.”
“As usual, Mr. Fenton. Don’t think I’ll play favorites though. You’ll have to wait.” He started handing passes out to the students climbing off the bus.
“No problem!” Danny cheered.
Dash saw the other students climbing off the other two buses and couldn’t stop himself from looking for Kwan and Paulina. He saw them with the group at the last bus; Star wasn’t with them. They looked kind of sad. Dash’s heart tugged and he desperately wanted to go comfort them.
“You okay?” Danny whispered, looking over to where he was staring.
Dash glanced up at him, taking a deep breath. He ripped his eyes away from the reasons he hadn’t wanted to come today. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
“We could try talking to them, if you’d like?” Danny placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“No. I tried that already when I gave my hall pass bingo card back. Paulina sent her dad to the door to avoid me. I don’t blame them. I probably would have done the same thing if I hadn’t changed my way of thinking.”
Danny was about to reply but Mr. Lancer turned back to them. “Alright, you three-” He cut himself off when he spotted Dash. He glanced between them and Danny shrugged, a playful grin making its way onto his face. “Interesting. Alright you four, missed the speech on the bus so here’s the short version. Follow the rules, don’t act like idiots because until tomorrow when you actually graduate you still represent the school, and be back at the gates by four.” He handed them their passes, pausing when he got to Danny. “And Daniel, try not to break anything.”
“No promises!” Danny sang back, taking the pass. Mr. Lancer sighed, a small smile on his face, and left to join the other teachers. “Okay, let’s-”
“Dash! Can we talk?”
Dash turned around to see Paulina and Kwan walking up to them. Paulina was chewing her lip and Kwan was slouched over. Dash tried to squash the flutter of hope rising in his stomach. He glanced back at Danny, Sam, and Tucker. Sam rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything. Tucker looked to Danny.
“We can wait,” Danny reassured.
Dash mouthed a ‘thank you’ to him and nodded at Paulina and Kwan. “Yeah, we can talk.”
Kwan released his breath in one big whoosh, already on the verge of tears. “We’re so sorry!”
Dash blinked, completely unprepared for that right out of the gate.
“Super sorry!” Paulina barreled ahead. “Our rules are so stupid! And we miss you! You’re our best friend and we really should have thrown those rules out forever ago.” Tears started pouring down her cheeks.
“We don’t care if it’s seen as uncool or if our parents don’t approve. It’s not the same without you, bro!”
“The club won’t even matter tomorrow! We should have never pushed you away! We’re so so so sorry!”
Dash felt tears pricking at his eyes. A small, tiny part of him wanted to tell them just how bad they had hurt him. How had it been that easy to throw away four years of friendship over some stupid rules their parents had made up when they were in school like twenty years ago?! But the tiny prick of anger was nothing compared to the sadness he felt without them and one thought of how easily Danny had forgiven him had him crumbling into their arms. “I’ve missed you guys too!”
Paulina nearly squeezed his lungs out of him and Kwan wasn’t far behind.
“I’m sorry about missing the movies,” Kwan sobbed. “I should have been braver sooner.”
“That’s okay.” Dash sniffled, pulling away from them. “It took my dad almost killing me for me to get my shit together.”
Paulina dabbed at her eyes, trying not to mess up her make-up. “And we weren’t even there for you. We’re the worst.”
“You’re like, okay, right?” Kwan asked, patting him down for broken bones.
“Kwan, it’s been months.” Dash chuckled. “I’m fine, physically at least. Therapist’s still out on mentally.”
“Oh brother,” Sam mumbled.
Dash stilled, completely forgetting they were back there. “Uh, so…”
Paulina pushed past him, grabbing Sam and Danny’s hands and looking at Tucker. “And I should apologize to you three as well. I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you over the years. And thank you, for being there for Dash when I wasn’t.”
“Me too,” Kwan pushed forward, sweeping Sam into a hug. “I’m sorry for getting you banned from goth poetry.”
“I’m not banned anymore. You can put me down,” Sam grumbled not very angrily. Once her feet were on the ground, she sighed and looked at Danny who was giving her a hopeful look. Dash held his breath as they seemed to have a whole conversation without saying anything. They looked over at Tucker who shrugged, unbothered.
Danny pivoted toward Paulina and Kwan. “You guys want to join us for the day?”
Dash released his breath. Really, he should have known Danny would be chill, but a part of him was still worried Danny was just waiting for the perfect chance to get him back. Of course, looking at Danny now, he wasn’t sure how he ever thought such a thing.
Paulina glanced at Sam. “Are you sure that’s okay? I’d understand if you really wanted nothing to do with us. I was particularly nasty to you. Sorry.” She squeaked.
Sam’s face dropped in surprise. She floundered for a minute, caught off guard by the genuine tone Paulina held. She searched Paulina’s face looking for any lingering trace of malice or deceit. She must not have found any because she dropped her defensive attitude. “Yeah, I’m sure. Thank you, for the apology. Guess you turned out okay.”
Paulina squealed and threw her arms around Sam. “You won’t regret it, I promise!”
“Wow, you guys sure are huggers!” Sam squirmed.
“Group hug!” Kwan cheered, yanking Dash and Tucker over to the girls; Danny getting pushed along into the center.
“I’m gonna vomit,” Sam protested.
Danny was the first one to start laughing uncontrollably but everyone else followed suit right after. Dash felt a huge weight fall from his shoulders despite the awkward and giggly tangle of limbs he found himself willingly trapped in.
“Wait,” Kwan chirped once he was free from laughter, “where’s Val?”
“She was busy today, but don’t worry,” Danny said, wiggling free of the group and effectively breaking everyone apart- Sam breathing a sigh of relief-, “she’ll be around some time and you guys can make up with her too.”
“What’s your guys’ favorite rides?” Tucker asked already tapping the edit button on his mock map/schedule. “I’ve got to add them to the route.”
“I like the swings! They make you feel like you’re flying!” Paulina cheered, looking over Tucker’s shoulder at the map. “Oh! He’s got the zipper on here Kwan!”
“Yes!” Kwan threw a festive fist in the air.
“That was Dash’s pick,” Danny added, also looking over Tucker’s shoulder.
“Bro,” Kwan turned to Dash with watery eyes.
Dash playfully rolled his eyes. “Keep it together buddy.”
Kwan threw his arm around Dash’s shoulder and leaned into him, resting his head on Dash’s shoulder. “How I’ve missed my bro. My light of all lights.”
“Is that a quote from Dracula?” Danny asked, eyes lighting up.
“Bro, you know Dracula?” Kwan left Dash’s side and slung his arm around Danny’s shoulders instead. “We should have been friends sooner.”
“No offense, Kwan,” Danny chuckled, “But, I did not take you for a reader.”
“Well, after Sam took me to that poetry thing freshman year, I started really getting into it. Turns out it’s exactly my jam. I’m gonna be an English major.”
“Really? How do-”
“Hey!” Tucker interrupted, throwing everyone off him. “It’s ditch day. If you get Danny started on literature or space we’ll never be able to ditch schoolwork today. Now let’s get going!”
Danny bowed low with a dramatic flourish. “Of course, my liege. Lead the way.”
Tucker rolled his eyes and took off across the parking lot, leading everyone to the quickly moving lines. They filed into separate ones to get in quicker. Dash caught Danny’s eye from the line over and sent him a grateful look. Danny gave him a thumbs up before handing his pass to the worker so she could stamp it.
“Here’s the plan,” Tucker said once everyone was in the park proper, “we start on the left side of the park where all the rides are. We’ll hit the furthest one first and make our way back here to the center where we’ll get lunch then hit the games on the right before we leave. Any questions?”
Everyone shook their heads.
“Then let’s march, people!” Tucker took the lead, walking faster than everyone and carving a path through the crowd.
“Goth poetry really changed your life, huh?” Sam asked, effectively locking Kwan into a conversation with her.
Danny fell into step beside Dash as they headed down the path. He looked like he wanted to say something but Paulina spoke up first.
“I have some Phantom related news!” She cheered.
Dash glanced at Danny as if to apologize but it seemed Paulina had his attention as well.
“He’s definitely not dating Ember. I saw her and Skulker the other day and it totally seemed like they were a couple. So, we can cross her off the list.”
Danny’s nose crinkled in disgust. “Why the hell would he be dating Ember?”
Dash shrugged his shoulders, slightly embarrassed about Danny finding out about their Phantom talks. “It could have been like an enemies-to-lovers thing, you know?”
“By that logic, next you’ll tell me you suspect him and The Box Ghost.”
Dash averted his eyes.
“No, we crossed him off a long time ago,” Paulina waved Danny off. “Besides, he and Ember could have been like a hallmark movie!” She sighed wistfully.
“Yuck,” Danny looked violently ill as he mimicked throwing up.
“Oh, come on, Danny,” Paulina huffed. “Don’t you have a romantic bone in your body?”
“Yeah, but Hallmark movies are awful. I’ll take Pride and Prejudice any day.”
Dash was about to agree with him when Tucker stopped walking. “Okay, our first stop is the Roller Coaster That Takes Three Years Off Your Life.”
“Yes!” Sam cheered.
Dash did not care for this coaster, but he saw how easily everyone else got in line and he did not want to be the only coward in the group.
A choice he came to regret.
Sam was still laughing at him as they walked to the next ride. “I’m gonna die!” She mocked.
“Laugh it up, Manson.” He scoffed, face burning and heart in his stomach. “I’ll remember this.”
“Oh, so scary~!” She cackled, following Tucker and Kwan down the path.
“I don’t like that ride either.” Danny’s words didn’t feel like much of a comfort at the moment.
“I’ll believe you when I see you scream like a baby.” Dash chided.
Paulina tapped Danny on the shoulder. “So, if you had to pick between The Notebook and The Titanic, what would you pick?”
Danny chuckled. “Do you only watch tragic romance movies?”
“Of course. It’s more worth it that way. It’s an easy decision. Watch. Hey, Kwan!” She called up to the rest of the group. He turned. “The Notebook or The Titanic?”
“The Notebook!” He called back.
Sam wrinkled her nose. “Okay. Now, I’m questioning your taste. It’s The Titanic.”
“You’re both wrong,” Tucker added. “It’s Beauty and the Beast.”
“Oh, look!” Danny motioned to the swings, successfully derailing the argument that was about to break out. “The next ride.”
Paulina was right about the swings making you feel like you’re flying. His stomach sank into his toes the entire time. Ever since Phantom had flown him around the Fenton house as they tried to outrun Skulker, he’d preferred his feet on the ground. At least here he wasn’t being hunted for sport.
“Okay, spill.” Paulina cornered him as they walked to the next ride. “You’ve been wanting to tell me something all week, I can tell.”
“What? You can’t tell.” Dash sputtered.
“I can, you’ve been looking at me like I kicked a puppy. Is it related to Phantom? Oh, it is! Tell me right now.”
“What’s related to Phantom?” Danny dropped back to walk with them after hearing the hero’s name. Dash figured Danny might have a crush on the hero too, with how intently he was listening.
“Uh, well, there’s not really a lot to tell.” Dash was a little hesitant to gush in front of Danny. He wasn’t quite sure why, but he did not want Danny to think anything less of him than he probably did.
“Tell it anyway!” Paulina grabbed his arm and shook him. “Tell me right now, Baxter, or I might just explode!”
“I’ve, uh, talked to him a few times.”
“Ah! Shut up! Explain, right now!”
Danny’s expression was carefully kept neutral as he asked, “You’ve talked with Phantom and haven’t told anyone?”
“I mean, yeah. Not everyone needs to know everything about him.”
“I do! You’re not telling me, Dash!” Paulina was on the verge of hysterical now.
“Okay, Paulie, calm down! I was walking home from therapy a few weeks ago and saw him get hit by the Fentons.” He nervously eyed Danny’s expression.
Danny held up his hands in peaceful surrender. “Don’t worry. I love my parents but I do not support their hunting of the town’s protector. So, what happened? They didn’t kill him did they?”
Dash relaxed. “No, I distracted them while he hid. But whatever they hit him with blocked his powers. I had my first aid kit on me so I was able to help patch him up. And, uh, maybe, I got to hold his hand for a moment.”
Paulina screeched, drawing a lot of attention from the parkgoers. “Shut the fuck up! That is quite literally my dream! When’s the wedding?”
“Shh!” Dash hushed her, playfully slapping her hand off him.
“Who’s wedding?” Sam asked, dropping back to walk with them as well.
“Dash and Phantom apparently.” Danny chuckled.
“It’s not like that!” Dash whined, hands over his face. “Having a crush on someone does not mean you have to get married.”
“Oh, so you do have a crush on Phantom?” Sam teased.
“Who doesn’t?” Paulina asked seriously.
“I don’t.” Kwan and Tucker said at the same time.
Tucker giggled. “Sam, you didn’t-”
“I don’t!” Sam nearly cursed at him. “I didn’t feel like it needed to be said!”
“It’s okay to admit it, Sam.” Paulina giggled. “He’s so dreamy.”
“He’s dead though, right?” Kwan interjected.
“Hence why having a crush won’t go anywhere.” Dash hissed. “Besides, unlike someone, I’m not crazy enough to invite the guy to my birthday party.”
“It was one time and he didn’t even show up!” Paulina defended, crossing her arms. “Wait! Why are we turning this on me? You said you spoke a few times! What were the others?”
“A few times?” Tucker raised his eyebrow at Danny. Danny avoided eye contact.
Dash remembered Phantom bawling his eyes out on Dash’s shoulder and thought he’d probably prefer if Dash kept that one to himself. “Uh, people can have their secrets.”
For reasons unknown to him, Sam and Tucker started laughing like crazy and Danny covered his face.
“No fair!” Paulina whined, going back to tugging on his jacket.
“Yeah, come on, bro!” Kwan added. “I may not have a crush on the guy but I want the gossip.”
“Oh look!” Dash wheezed, stealing Danny’s tactic from earlier. “The bumper cars!”
“You’re not getting out of this!” Paulina jeered. “I’ll get it out of you one way or another.”
She definitely aimed for Dash more than everyone else on the bumper cars. Dash couldn’t help but laugh every time; it really was great to have all his friends together. Especially when Tucker and Kwan teamed up with Paulina and they started an all-out war. Needless to say, they were asked to leave the ride shortly after.
“Kwan, buddy,” Tucker guffawed, swinging an arm around Kwan’s shoulders, “you’re on my team forever now. Where have you been all my life?”
“Right in front of you, Foley.” Kwan chuckled back, jokingly swooning back into his arms.
After a trip to the Space Launcher, the scariest and most awful ride so far- which Dash would never ever say in front of Danny- they were stood in the line for The Zipper. Danny was watching it nervously as it flung its current passengers around.
“Scared Fenton?” Dash couldn’t stop some of his old teasing no matter how much therapy he got it seemed.
Danny laughed nervously in his direction. “What? Me? Scared? Nah, I’m totally normal about this.”
“Dude,” Tucker joked, “you picked the scariest ride here and this is what scares you?”
“I’m not scared! That just looks like a migraine inducer.” Danny was clutching his forearms to his stomach. “Just watching it makes me want to hurl.”
“How about a bet?” Dash challenged.
Danny grinned at him, a spark seemingly lighting his eyes. “I’m listening.”
“Here we go,” Sam breathed.
“First one to scream buys lunch for the other. Double if they also throw up.”
“Says the guy who just screamed the entire time on a roller coaster.”
“Yeah, it’s all out of my system now. Don’t think you can handle it?” Dash held out his hand.
“Oh, you’re on!” Danny, tone very teasing, shook his hand and pulled Dash in closer to whisper, “Better hope your system can handle it.”
Dash’s face grew warm. Danny’s eyes were brilliant up close. He was at a loss for a good comeback but was saved as the ride attendant called them forward.
“Ugh, I’m so dizzy,” Danny whined, collapsing in the shade of a nearby tree since all the tables were taken. The rest of the group sat their bags down near him.
“Shouldn’t have bit off more than you could chew,” Sam gently chided.
“Fuck off. Leave me to my misery.”
“I didn’t know you were such a pushover.” Dash prodded. “What happened to all that confidence you had?”
“It’s in the trash can over there if you want it.” Danny pressed his hands over his eyes, blocking out the sun. This is what he gets for trying to cheat by making his stomach intangible and then forgetting where it’s supposed to go while they were upside down. “My wallet’s in the small pocket of my backpack.”
Dash only felt slightly bad taking Danny’s money. A bet was a bet after all. “You want me to get you something too?”
“That’d be super.” He wheezed.
“Does the guardian of the bags want funnel cake too?” Tucker asked.
“You’d be an angel.” Danny really hoped everything was back where it was supposed to be. It didn’t feel like it, but maybe that’s cause his brain was practically mush at the moment.
“Thank you for your sacrifice, bag guardian.” Kwan patted him on the shoulder before following Sam and Tucker. Danny just gave him a thumbs up.
“What do you want?” Dash asked, leaning over him. Danny relished in the extra shadow blocking the sun from touching his skin.
“Whatever you get. I’m not picky. It was double or nothing so don’t feel bad for whatever you get.”
“Oh, trust me. I plan on capitalizing on this.” Dash hesitated for a moment, then shrugged his jacket off and laid it over Danny. “Don’t die before we get back.”
“No promises.” Danny sighed in relief, clutching the fabric to his face and cursing at the sun. He was definitely fighting a migraine right now and he would be hating himself later when it hit its peak. He wished he could block out the sounds of the park, it was loud as shit here. Honestly, what did Dash and Kwan see in The Zipper? That thing was practically an embodiment of hell itself and Dash hadn’t even uttered a sound. He would rather be stuffed in the Fenton Thermos and shaken around than go on that thing again.
“Taken on more than you could handle, Danny?”
Danny pulled Dash’s jacket down off his eyes and glared at Mr. Lancer as he set up a chair next to him. “Don’t go on The Zipper, Lancer. I promise you, no matter what Dash or Kwan say, it is not worth it.”
Mr. Lancer chuckled, pulling a sandwich out of his tote bag. “It is interesting to see you listening to Dash Baxter of all people in the first place.”
Danny resisted the urge to roll his eyes, knowing it would only bring more pain. “You’re always fishing for gossip, huh? What are you going to do without me or Jazz to provide it?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll find some poor unsuspecting freshmen struggling with their English test and start the process again. Although, I will say Jazz didn’t withhold as much gossip as you do. Tell her I miss her, will you?”
Danny sighed dramatically, pulling himself up from the ground to lean on the tree behind him. He rubbed circles into his temples hoping it would stop the ground from spinning. “He’s actually a pretty decent person now. So are Kwan and Paulina. You say something to them?”
Mr. Lancer shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe not.”
“I’m the one that withholds information, huh? There’s something else you came over here to talk about, isn’t there?”
“Unusually perceptive of you.” Mr. Lancer took a bite of his sandwich before continuing. “You left the future career section of your graduation papers empty.”
Danny pulled his legs up to his chest, resting his chin on them. He resisted the urge to hide from the sun under Dash’s jacket again. “Yeah.”
Mr. Lancer hummed at the lack of response. “Do you not want to tell people or do you just not know?”
Danny shrugged, pulling at the blades of grass at his feet. Really, what was he supposed to say? Sorry Lancer, but I’m kind of trapped in town because I died here, and even if I could leave, I would leave everyone practically defenseless against stronger ghosts. And there’s not a whole lot of careers that will accept ‘sorry I’m a part-time superhero so I won’t be coming in today’ as a good enough excuse to constantly be missing work. He’d gotten let go from a few of his part-time jobs because of his attendance. Honestly, it’s a wonder it didn’t make him fail high school. All of his friends had it figured out and he was getting left behind. He didn’t need his favorite teacher pointing that out to him. “I don’t know.”
Lancer let the silence hang between them for a moment, before reaching into his bag and handing Danny a sheet of paper. “Have you considered teaching?”
Danny took the paper, glancing over its contents. It was an ad for Amity Park’s Community College’s teaching program. He chuckled. “With my attendance? I don’t really think I’d be cut out for it.”
“Why not? The only things you really need are patience and compassion. And considering that you’re hanging out with Baxter now, I’d say you have plenty of both. If you really wanted, you could go for being a professor and make your own schedule. Fixes any issues with attendance, don’t you think?”
Danny glanced at the paper again. “What would I even teach? No offense, I like English and all but I don’t think I’d be any good at teaching it.”
“I have it on good authority that starting next year, the Planetarium is going to be building a new hall for the science department. They’ll probably need an astronomy teacher.”
“Astronomy?” Danny perked up, staring at the paper in his hands. Him, a teacher? His parents were inventors and his sister was on track to become a famous Yale psychologist; would they be disappointed that he didn’t choose something as grand? Or would they be more disappointed if he chose nothing at all? “I do like astronomy.”
Mr. Lancer, now done eating his sandwich, smiled and started packing up. “Just something to think about. You might not think so, but you have the potential to be great at anything you choose, Danny. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I’ll see you on stage tomorrow.” Lancer waved as he walked away.
Danny safely tucked the paper away in his bag and slid back down, pulling Dash’s jacket back over his eyes. His muscles ached, his head was swimming, and his stomach was cramping. What he wouldn’t give to exist as Phantom right now to shake this pain away. Being dead had some privileges.
Astronomy teacher, huh? It did sound kind of neat. And it would mean he had a justification to go to college. It wasn’t like he was worried about being left behind physically; Sam and Tucker were both attending colleges in the area. They didn’t want to deal with the problems that came with leaving town.
Amity Park had this weird effect on people ever since it came back from the ghost zone; it didn’t like people leaving. It was possible to leave, but once you crossed the town lines, something under your skin just itched and clawed to go back. Vacations were nice mentally, but it always felt better coming back physically. Immediate relief hit as soon as you were back, days of aching sloughing off like it was never there in the first place. How Jazz had spent two years on the other side of the country was beyond him.
It was worse for him, he could leave but his ghost half squirmed under his skin, repulsed at the air anywhere else. Something about unfinished business or whatever kept him anchored there. It’s why Vlad stayed in Wisconsin. Clockwork had tried to explain it to him once a few years ago, but he hadn’t been paying as much attention as he should have. He could at most, last two weeks outside Amity Park before he drove himself crazy.
He was worried about being left behind emotionally. Once his friends were busy with college, they’d have an experience he couldn’t hope to understand without being there with them. He would be left out of jokes and conversations and study groups and parties and everything. It wouldn’t be on purpose, but it would happen and he dreaded it; he just hadn’t had the willpower to go for a general ed degree that didn’t really mean anything. It felt like a waste of time to him. But, astronomy teacher? That might not be the most horrible idea, he’d ever heard.
“Aw, look, Tucker,” Sam’s voice came from somewhere to his right, “he’s got his boyfriend’s jacket to protect him from the sun.”
“Not my boyfriend,” Danny grumbled, not quite ready to leave the safety of the darkness.
“Dude,” Tucker whispered, ignoring Sam’s jokes for once, “are you freezing the grass on purpose?”
“What?” Danny sat up entirely too fast, clutching at his head. Beneath him, the grass was frozen solid; like a crisp January morning frozen. “Shit.” He swapped places with everyone’s bags, hoping they’d be enough to hide the frost.
“What’s got you in a mood?” Sam sat next to him, passing him a plate of funnel cake.
He draped Dash’s jacket over his head, using it as a makeshift visor. “Just trying to put my insides back where they go. Nothing major.”
“Shouldn’t have tried to cheat, dude.” Tucker shrugged, digging into his sugary treat.
“I thought I had it! Not my fault gravity is stupid.”
“Ever thought of acting like a normal person and leaving your organs alone?” Sam suggested all snark and no help.
“Yeah well, normal people aren’t dead, Sam.” He said it a bit harsher than he’d meant it.
“You’re not dead, Danny.” Sam was pretty firm in her opinion that Danny wasn’t a walking corpse. He wished she’d just accept it. He could feel it in his bones. He knew what he was. He also didn’t blame her for it. But, he knew she blamed herself.
“Not yet he isn’t,” Paulina giggled sitting down next to Sam, a bowl of ramen in her hands, “but if he goes on one more ride like that he might be.”
“I’m over rides,” Danny groaned. “Where’s Dash and Kwan?”
“Kwan went to find Dash,” Tucker said absentmindedly.
“They’re over there.” Paulina pointed to the two struggling to carry food and drinks back over to the group.
“Wow, he really took advantage of winning that bet, didn’t he?” Sam sang.
“I did tell him too.” Danny took advantage of everyone eating their food to send a quick text to their group chat.
Danny: As part of my promise to consult the group on decisions, can I invite Kwan and Paulina to our graduation party?
Tucker giggled from his spot before typing a reply.
Tuck: You sure Sam will survive that?
Sam: Kwan’s actually grown on me a lot. Paulina’s fine I guess. You’re taking responsibility for them though.
“You guys having a secret conversation?” Paulina asked, drinking some of her soup.
“Sorry,” Danny gave her a small smile. “I-”
“Danny, please take this burger from me before I quite literally drop it on you,” Dash interrupted.
Danny took the plate from him and steadied him as he sat down. Kwan handed him a drink before taking his seat. “Thank you.”
“Your dollar man.” Kwan beamed.
“So, Kwan, Paulina,” Danny started, “would the two of you like to come to our graduation party next Saturday?”
“Danny Fenton inviting us to a party?” Paulina gasped. “Toto we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
“It’s not a party like you’re used to. It’ll just be us here and Val. But we’re meeting at Sam’s house to have a movie night. Interested?”
“I’m so down!” Kwan cheered.
“That sounds nice, actually.” Paulina pulled out her phone. “What’s your number so you can send me the details?”
“Paulina Sanchez asking me for my number? We’re nowhere near Kansas!” Danny typed his number into her phone.
“Hand it here,” Sam demanded, also typing her number into Paulina’s phone.
“Don’t leave me out of this.” Tucker joined.
“Wait, I want your numbers too,” Kwan pouted.
Dash leaned over and whispered into his ear as Kwan’s phone got passed around. “You didn’t have to do that. But thank you.”
“What,” Danny whispered back, “think you can hog Kwan and Paulina all to yourself now? Sam’s about ready to steal Kwan for another poetry night. You guys are stuck with us now.”
Dash smiled at him, all tension finally leaving his body. “Not a bad thing to be stuck with I guess. Eat your food before it gets cold.”
Danny felt something squirm in the pit of his stomach as he thought about how nice Dash’s smile was. It was probably just the nausea. Yeah, let’s go with that.
Dash closed his front door behind him. He was completely exhausted and probably sunburnt. They’d forgotten to put sunscreen on after they ate. He regretted that so much.
“Dash, I forgot to get some things for dinner!” His mom called, walking out of the living room. “Is it okay if I steal the van from you?”
“Yeah, sorry I was gone for so long.”
“No worries. If I’d get the truck fixed we wouldn’t have to worry about who has the car. I’ll be right back. Did you need anything special for the chicken or just the same as last time?”
“The same. Thanks, Mom.”
“Be back in a bit.” She gave him a quick hug on her way out the door.
Pookie stumbled out of his mom’s room, blinking his eyes as he rushed over to Dash. He bent down to pet the dog. “Sleepy, Pookie? Do you need to go potty?”
Pookie yipped at him and ran for the back door. Dash trailed behind, dragging his sore muscles as fast as he could. He closed the door behind Pookie and toed his shoes off, having forgotten to at the front door. He walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
There was a knock at the front door. He eyed the clock as he passed it to peer out the peephole. It was probably a door-to-door salesman this late.
It was not. Danny sat there on his porch, rocking on his feet nervously. He opened the door.
“Fenton, didn’t I just drop you off at your house like half an hour ago?”
Danny smiled at him, rubbing the back of his neck. “Uh, yeah. Sorry, I forgot my bag in your car.” He coughed to clear his throat and pulled his other hand out from behind his back. “And I forgot to give you your jacket back.”
“Oh,” Dash gingerly took the jacket from him. He hadn’t even noticed its absence. “Um, my mom just took the car to the store, but you’re welcome to wait here for her to get back.” He stood to the side, so Danny could come in.
“Oh, okay.” Danny took his shoes off the second he was inside. “Sorry, you’re probably tired of me by now.”
“Not really.” Dash hung his jacket up, trying to ignore how he sounded. “How’d you get over here so fast?”
Danny shrugged. “I walk pretty fast. Sam says it doesn’t match my P.E. performance.”
“Huh,” Dash was too exhausted to try and do that math so he just took him at his word. Pookie scratched at the back door. “Hang on, gotta let Pookie in.”
Danny froze as he made eye contact with Pookie. The dog narrowed his eyes, drawing a growl from deep in his tiny throat.
Danny tensed.
“Pookie, calm down,” Dash commanded a bit too late. Pookie was already charging at Danny, howling and barking faster than should be physically possible for such a small dog. Danny shouted, stepping to the side as Pookie slipped on the tile and slid past him.
“Down, Pookie! Down!” Dash cried chasing after the dog. Danny was desperately trying to keep Pookie from sinking his teeth into his ankles without accidentally stepping on him. Barking and shouting rang off the walls.
Danny yelped as he slipped on the rug and went tumbling to the ground. He threw his hands up to protect his face as Pookie scrambled over him. Pookie sank his teeth into the tender flesh of Danny’s forearm. “Dash, help!” Danny cried, pushing at the dog.
Dash finally grabbed him, prying Pookie’s jaw apart and releasing Danny’s arm. “I’m so sorry,” Dash huffed, wrangling Pookie into what looked like a toddler pen in the living room. Danny cradled his wounded arm to his chest, scooting up to lean against the wall. “I swear he’s never like this! The only other time he’s been like this is with Ph-” Dash coughed, cutting himself off. “With my aunt. I promise he’s a good boy.”
“I don’t believe you,” Danny wheezed, holding his wound as blood started oozing out. He knew some animals were extremely sensitive to the dead, but this was frankly ridiculous.
“Oh god, are you okay? How bad is it?” Dash yanked Danny to his feet, making his dizziness slightly worse. Gosh, Danny was never going to want to come over again. This sucked.
Danny cursed, covering more of the wound so Dash wouldn’t look too closely and see it already healing. “I’m fine. How much damage can little Pookie do anyway?”
Dash didn’t laugh at Danny’s attempt at a joke. Instead, he dragged him over to the stools at the kitchen table and forced him to sit down. “It’s a dog bite. We need to at least disinfect it.”
“Dash, it’s fine re-”
“You’re bleeding, Danny!” Dash snapped, immediately taking a deep breath to calm his panic and grabbing the first aid kit from under the sink. “Sorry. It’s not fine! Now sit there and shut up while I fix this.”
Danny closed his mouth, fighting every urge to tell Dash he’s had worse and this was practically nothing. He glared at Pookie still barking across the hall.
Dash grabbed a cotton ball and drenched it in cleaning alcohol. He motioned for Danny’s arm and Danny reluctantly held it out for him. Dash dabbed over the puncture wounds, relieved they didn’t seem to be as deep as he first thought. “I don’t know why he jumped you like that. He’s usually so well-behaved.” Dash muttered, throwing the cotton balls away and grabbing some antibiotic ointment to dab on his skin.
“You’re really good at this, you know.” Danny switched the topic as Dash placed some gauze over the wound and then wrapped it in bandages to keep it in place.
Dash ducked his head, securing the bandages in place with medical tape. “It’s just basic first aid.”
“Still,” Danny poked at the bandages, “it looks like a professional did it.”
“My mom’s the professional.” Dash took a deep, hesitating breath, “I’ve had a lot of practice.”
“Had to patch Phantom up a lot?”
Dash could tell Danny was joking, but he shrugged it off. He knew he was bringing the mood down, but it was hard to shake off the bad vibes once they tainted his memory.
“You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to. Forget I said anything.” Danny straightened his back, pulling his arm away.
Dash sat- more like collapsed- on the stool next to him. He pushed all the air out of his lungs and stared up at the ceiling for a while. He could tell Danny was tense and he gently bumped his knee to disturb the air. “Are you in a place to hear some potentially triggering shit?”
Dash knew he looked like he was about to cry as he met Danny’s eyes. He must look so pathetic. But the emotions were just welling up and he was having a hard time shoving them back down. Especially with Danny looking at him like that.
Danny nodded. “Yeah, sure.”
“I-” Dash started and stopped. He took a deep breath. He hadn’t told anyone but his therapist what he was about to tell Danny. “I-.. it got bad with my dad way before I told my mom. It was actually why I asked her to teach me first aid. So, I could hide what he was doing. It was part of the reason I started leaving you alone during sophomore year.”
Dash glanced at Danny, gauging his reaction. He couldn’t quite decipher what he found, Danny looked sad and angry at the same time. He placed a comforting hand on Dash’s knee.
Dash trudged on. “He always told me that people who were weaker or appeared weaker deserved it. When he started hitting me, I felt like I had done something to deserve it. And that’s why I hid it from my mom. And it’s why I was so angry. People don’t really look too closely at anger and it kept them from finding out I was weaker than the people I was picking on.”
Danny squeezed his knee, wanting to say something to make him feel better, but also not wanting to interrupt.
Dash looked away. “But it didn’t really do anything, did it? All I did was hurt people; my mom, you, and everyone else at school. All that anger and hiding just turned me into what I hated most.” He was crying now, voice breaking. “And it’s so, so hard to forgive myself for not understanding what I was doing. I should have seen it. How could I have not seen it?”
Danny placed his other hand on Dash’s other knee, squeezing and ducking his head to catch Dash’s eyes again. “Dash,” he spoke slowly, like Dash was something fragile about to break. Dash hated that coming from Danny. He didn’t want Danny to see him as someone who could fall apart so easily. “I’m not a therapist or anyone who has an education on how to talk you through this, but you were a kid. It wasn’t your fault that your parents weren’t the safe place they were supposed to be. Sure, you made some bad choices, but what kid hasn’t? You’ve got to let that go or life is going to be hell. We don’t hate you for it. I like being around you now. And hey, even if it was for shitty reasons, your first-aid skills have come in handy a few times, right?”
Dash sniffled, a little embarrassed at having broken down over something so simple. He rubbed the tears out of his eyes like he could erase that they were even there to begin with. “Sorry.”
Danny chuckled, shaking some of the tension from Dash’s knees. “For what?”
“I didn’t mean to unload on you like that. Ugh, I’m a mess.” Danny’s hands were still on his knees and he didn’t really know how to feel about that. But it was kind of nice, other than the fact that they were chilly as hell.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s what friends are for.”
“Dude, your hands are fucking freezing.” Dash grabbed Danny’s wrists and held his hands up to inspect them. “Are you having an allergic reaction or something?”
Danny yanked his hands away, face burning red, and dodging Dash’s raised brow. “Uh, yeah, sorry. It just kind of happens. We don’t know why.”
Dash was saved from having to respond by the front door opening. His mom walked in and Pookie started barking again. “They didn’t have any cashews! So, I got almonds.” She walked by the living room and into the kitchen, two big paper bags in her hands. “Why’s Pookie in time out?”
Dash stood and took one of the bags from her, going to set it on the counter so he could start putting it away. “It’s the strangest thing, mom. He bit Danny.”
She looked around the room and startled when she finally noticed Danny sitting on the stool. A look of shocked horror twisted across her face as she stared at him. Danny was tall and had broad shoulders that should have made him easily visible in a room, but sometimes it was like your eyes just drifted over him without his presence even registering in your brain. And when you did see him, something was horrifyingly wrong. Like he was human, but the longer you stared the longer he wasn’t. It was hard to tell what was off but it unsettled something in your bones. But it was only for a moment, once you knew it was Danny you were looking at, the feeling almost vanished. Dash could pinpoint the moment the fear left his mother.
“Hi, Mrs. Baxter,” Danny waved almost shyly, like he was apologizing for scaring her.
“Oh, hi!” His mother placed a hand on her chest. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there, dear.” Then she seemed to remember just what it was Dash had said. “Pookie bit you!? Are you okay? What happened?” Her last question was directed at Dash as she dropped her bag on the counter and rushed around to look at the bandage on his arm.
“I don’t know. I just let him in from outside and he went crazy the second he saw Danny. I had to pry him off of him.”
“That’s so strange,” she muttered. She nodded at the bandages approvingly and gently grasped Danny’s hand between her own. “I’m so sorry, I promise he’s usually a very good boy.”
“So, I’ve been told.” Danny smiled at her. “It’s okay, he didn’t get me that bad. And Dash has already taken good care of me.”
She dropped his hand and sat on the stool next to him. “I’m glad. Would you like to stay for dinner so we can make it up to you?”
“Oh, uh,” Danny glanced pitifully in Dash’s direction, completely unprepared.
Dash just shrugged at him. He didn’t mind if he stayed but it was up to Danny, he didn’t want to force him into accepting his mom’s invitation out of politeness.
“That’s okay,” Danny settled, “I wouldn’t want to intrude.” He shrunk in on himself, clearly undecided and uncomfortable.
“You wouldn’t be intruding at all, dear. Dash hasn’t had any friends over in ages. He’s making his famous asparagus stuffed chicken~.” His mom was a master manipulator.
“Mom,” Dash whined, turning to wash his hands in the sink.
Danny was staring at him now, without looking uncomfortable in the slightest. He looked like he was remembering something and making a decision.
“Look at him, he’s all skin and bones!” His mother defended.
“He is not skin and bones, Mom.”
Danny’s face turned red at the comment which made Dash a little flustered. He really needed to think before speaking.
“I didn’t know you could cook,” Danny smoothed.
Dash shrugged, gathering all the ingredients onto the counter. “It’s just something my therapist suggested I pick up last year. It’s not a big deal.”
“Well, for something that’s not a big deal, I already know you’re baking is amazing so your cooking must be on a whole other level.”
Dash looked up at him. “How do you know I bake?”
Danny panicked, grin dropping from his face, and he picked at the hem of his shirt. “Oh, uh, Paulina told me about it earlier at the park.”
“Paulina?” His mother questioned, giving Dash a side-eye.
“Oh, yeah.” Dash threw away the extra plastic around the vegetables, glad for the distraction. “I was going to tell you, she and Kwan apologized and we’re all friends again.” Dash looked at her, pleading with her to understand that they could talk about this later.
She seemed to understand and turned back to Danny. “Well, that settles it. If Paulina was talking up Dash’s skills, then you’ll be able to tell her if she was right or not after tonight. I’ll get started on the rice.”
Danny stood from his seat as well, hands now picking at his fingernails as they hung at his sides. “How can I help?”
His mom waved him off. “You’re a guest, Danny. Don’t worry about helping.”
Danny shuffled his feet, gaze turning to Dash. “I’d feel bad if I didn’t help with something. I mean, if you’re feeding me I shouldn’t just sit here and freeload.”
Dash chuckled at him and gestured to the sink. “You can start by washing your hands and getting a pot to boil water.”
Danny instantly relaxed and moved over to the sink, completely focused on his task.
Dash was surprised by how easy it was to have Danny in his kitchen. Usually, he hated when anyone other than his mom tried to help because they were either overbearing or it was just easier for him to complete the task without trying to explain it. The worst was when they tried to give advice or change his recipes because they did it a different way at their house.
But Danny didn’t do any of that. He was comfortable around kitchen knives so dicing wasn’t a hard task for him and if he had any, he kept his opinions to himself. He was quick to help his mom when she asked for help too. And he waited patiently for another task to be given to him, without trying to jump in where Dash didn’t want him. It was actually very nice to have his help and Dash wouldn’t mind cooking with him again.
“What’s this plate for?” Danny asked, motioning to the plate of unseasoned, fatty chicken on the edge of the counter.
“Oh, that’s for Pookie,” Dash answered, stacking the dirty cooking utensils in the dishwasher.
“Can he have some now?” Danny glanced at the dog in the living room. “Like, can I give him some? Maybe then he’ll understand that I’m not a threat and won’t attack me on sight.”
Dash handed him the plate. “Sure, just don’t lose a finger.”
“No promises.” Danny took the plate and headed into the living room.
“I like him,” his mom whispered, setting a timer on the oven and rinsing a rag to wipe the counter with. “He might be my favorite of your friends. You should bring him over more often.”
“Careful,” Dash chuckled, “he’ll get a big head if he hears you.” He leaned around the wall to check and make sure Pookie wasn’t going on the rampage again.
“Do you like him?” There was a teasing tone to his mom’s voice that he refused to acknowledge.
“Of course, he’s my friend now after all.” Dash grabbed the plates out of the cupboard and began to set the table.
“Okay, I’ll let you get away with that,” she raised her hands in defeat. “So, you and Paulina and Kwan are okay?”
“They actually apologized? You’re not just letting them back in because you miss them, right?”
Dash sighed. “Yes, mom. They felt really bad. There were tears involved.”
Dash’s mom gave him a look, like she was about to press the issue further but Danny came back into the kitchen.
“Look who’s changed his mind,” Danny chuckled, holding a very calm Pookie in one hand and a clean plate in the other.
“Glad to know Pookie can be bribed.” Dash laughed.
“We should watch an episode of The Bachelorette while the chicken’s in the oven.” His mom clapped her hands cheerily.
Danny raised an eyebrow at him.
Dash covered his face with his hands. “Mom, please. You’re ruining my street cred here.”
“What?” She looked between the two of them and then blinked like maybe she understood something. “Oh, we can watch The Bachelor while Danny’s here.”
Danny laughed, setting Pookie on the ground. “Either one is fine, Mrs. Baxter. I swing both ways.”
“Oh.” Realization dawned on her face. “Oh! Perfect!” She ushered them back into the living room. “Then you can help me convince Dash that he’s wrong about Adam.”
Dash wanted to die. He wanted to curl into a ball and combust and have his ashes swept away into the garbage disposal and buried in the Arctic where no one would even know he existed. Danny was never going to let him live this down.
Danny watched Dash say something to his mother from the side of the van. Dash had insisted on driving him home because it was so late and what if there were ghosts out?”
Dash unlocked the car and Danny slid in, immediately seeing the bag he had left in there. He clicked his seat belt into place, waving goodbye to Dash’s mom.
“Your mom is super cool.” He muttered as Dash backed out of the driveway.
“You’re not allowed to tell anyone about The Bachelorette.” Dash hissed back, no real fight in his words.
“Don’t worry, my lips are sealed.” Danny picked at his nails, looking out the window. “And again, thank you for dinner. You’re seriously a really good cook. You should bribe people with food more often.”
Dash had his gaze fixed firmly ahead, red still dusting his cheeks. “I didn’t really bribe you. My mother kidnapped you.”
“And I’m glad she did. I wish I had half the cooking skills you do. I was getting kind of tired of french toast.” Danny had meant it as a joke, but he watched as Dash’s eyebrows furrowed. He was apparently really bad at jokes today.
“Your parents only make french toast?”
“Uh, no. I only make french toast. It’s easy and fast.” He hoped Dash would just drop it. It wasn’t a huge deal and he shouldn’t have brought it up in the first place.
“They don’t cook for you? Is that some, you’re nineteen you’d better learn how to do this on your own thing?”
Danny shifted, dropping his gaze to the stereo clock. “Uh, they used to cook when I was little. But, mostly Jazz and I had to learn how to make dinner 'cause they would be down in the lab so late they’d forget what time it was.” Danny barreled ahead. “But you know, sometimes that was better than having them cook. They’re kind of bad at it. Once when I was four, they accidentally animated the Christmas turkey and it tried to kill us.”
“That-” Dash glanced at him, quickly returning his eyes to the road, “That’s really fucked up, dude.”
Danny shrugged. “Eh, it could be worse. It’s not really a big deal.” The air in the car turned heavy. Danny wanted to disappear. Even if Dash wasn’t looking at him, he could feel his attention sinking into him, and not in a way he wanted. He didn’t like when people started looking too closely at his parents. A neighbor had called CPS once and that had not gone well. Danny loved his parents despite their quirkiness and he really didn’t like when people insinuated they weren’t the best. He already knew that, but they still loved him. That was enough. It had to be.
They pulled up outside of his house. Danny felt himself hesitating to get out. He didn’t want to leave Dash on such a sour note. But, he wasn’t sure how to fix it now that he’d effectively iced him out. “See you at graduation tomorrow?”
Dash sighed, his shoulders drooping. “Yeah, though honestly I feel like I’ll wake up tomorrow and me actually making graduation will all have been some cruel joke.”
Danny released his hold on the door handle and turned sideways in his seat, facing Dash. “Me too. I thought for sure I wouldn’t graduate with my grades.” He sighed, trying to ignore the way Dash’s eyes were picking him apart.
“You, the kid who comes from a family of geniuses, were worried about not graduating?”
Danny rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I know. But somehow I think the genius gene ended with Jazz. I’m a C-average student at best. If it wasn’t for our study group, I might not even be that.”
“C’s are still passing and good enough for graduation though.” Dash was trying his best to be comforting. He really was.
“Fentons are supposed to get A’s. I tried, I really did. And I could do it if I just had the extra time to study. But, with all the extra help I need…” He trailed off, a familiar ache gripping his heart. “Maybe that’s why they like Jazz better. She doesn’t have to try to be a genius. She’s just cool that way.”
Dash shifted the car into park, turning to face Danny. “I’m sure that’s not-”
“It’s true. They’ve said it a few times. Sometimes I think I like Jazz better than myself so I can’t really blame them.” He met Dash’s eyes. He was fighting some internal battle over what to say. Danny went to apologize but Dash spoke before he could.
“So, would you like my therapist’s number? You might need it more than I do.”
Danny stared, mouth wide open in shock for a moment. Dash squirmed.
Danny broke down laughing, grabbing at his sides to ease the ache it brought to his muscles. He was gasping for breath between his laughs with how hard his shoulders were shaking.
Dash was staring, enraptured. He’d never seen Danny laugh so hard in his life and he thought if he blinked he’d find that he’d imagined it.
“I’m sorry,” Danny heaved, trying to regain control of himself. “I didn’t mean to just trauma dump like that.”
“It’s fine.” Dash smiled shyly. “It’s what friends are for, right?”
Danny felt really lightheaded and warm in that moment. “Right.”
Dash cleared his throat. It was getting pretty late. “So, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” Danny snapped out of whatever trance he’d worked himself into. “And at the party, right?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there.”
“Okay,” Danny nodded, shifting back to the door. “Awesome. Thanks for the ride.” He closed the car door and waved.
Dash waved before pulling back out into the road. Danny watched him as he realized he’d forgotten to grab his bag again.
Danny chased the eel ghost through the trees. Cursing as it bobbed and weaved trying to throw him off. He almost lost it a few times.
It was fast.
It curved toward the lake suddenly, causing Danny to shoot past it. He kicked off a nearby tree so as not to lose too much momentum catching back up to it. He flew parallel to it, regaining his speed and not letting it out of his sight. God he wished Sam or Tucker were awake to help him.
They broke free of the trees just as Danny caught up. He grabbed the eel’s tail and dug his feet into the air, putting on his ghost brakes to halt its speed. It screamed at him, twisting its spine around and headbutting him away.
He crashed into the icy water of the lake, pulling at the plants in a desperate attempt to slow his descent. His lungs heaved for air he didn’t need at the moment. The cold water did feel nice against the inside of his lungs though. He flew forward, breaking out of the water and looking around for the eel.
It flicked a wall of water at him, sending him back down into the lake. Danny swam back up, wiping the water from his eyes.
“Hey, ugly! Over here!”
Danny whipped around to see Dash, of all people, running down the beach and trying to get the eel’s attention. It screeched and adjusted its trajectory straight for him.
Danny flew as fast as he could toward the beach, heart pounding. He needed to get to Dash before the eel did. His wet hair whipped into his face, stinging. He strained his muscles to go faster.
The eel opened its gaping maw as it got close to Dash- who for some reason was now frozen and staring right at the thing he’d baited-, prepared to snap him in half the second they made contact.
Danny crashed into him, turning both of them intangible as he fell on top of Dash. The eel plowed into the sand, an enraged howl ripping from its throat. Danny scrambled to sit up, effectively pinning Dash under him, and unhooked the Fenton Thermos from the belt Sam had made him.
The eel pivoted back toward them, ready for another pass just as Danny slammed on the button and sucked it into the Thermos. He secured the cap and hooked it back into his belt before whirling on Dash. He grabbed the collar of his jacket hard in each fist.
“What in the hell were you thinking!? Do you have some sort of death wish?! What is wrong with you, putting yourself in danger like that?! What are you even doing out here this late?”
Dash blinked up at him, face completely red and eyes wide as he stammered. “Sorry, I, you, the fish, thanks!”
Danny huffed, releasing Dash’s jacket and sliding off him to collapse on the sand next to him. He glared at the sky like it was to blame for all this. “Sorry,” he muttered, “are you okay?”
Dash took a few deep breaths, trying to calm both his racing heart and the heat in his face. “Uh, yeah. Thanks for the save.”
Danny waved him off, fighting the exhaustion creeping into his bones. The last thing he needed was to transform back in front of Dash and have him find out that the hero he had a crush on and his new friend were one and the same. He’d probably freak out and never speak to him again and Danny really didn’t want that.
“Sorry, again.” Dash still hadn’t moved. “I was just trying to help.”
“I know. Sorry, for getting mad.” Danny sighed, resting his hands on his stomach. “I’d just prefer you alive over your help.”
Dash didn’t say anything. The two of them just lay there, letting themselves cool off from the attack. The sound of the water against the sand and the birds in the trees was almost enough to put Danny to sleep. If Dash wasn’t radiating an insanely anxious energy, he probably would have.
“You didn’t die, uh, again, did you?” Dash whispered, finally breaking the silence.
Danny shook his head. “No. Just tired. I think I’ve been chasing that thing for the better part of an hour.”
“No offense,” Dash heaved a huge sigh of relief, “but you sleep like the dead. I guess, you are dead so it makes sense, but I thought you were a goner.”
Danny chuckled. “Yeah, I don’t need to breathe like this. So, there’s no movement in my body for you to really see as ‘living’.”
“Right, well, it’s terrifying. You looked like a corpse that’s been frozen in the woods for a few days.”
Danny laughed. “Not going to lie, that sounds like the dream right now. Nothing like good old rigor mortis to reset your sore muscles.” He could practically hear Dash shudder. He grinned wildly at that.
“How does that even work? You’re dead but you still experience exhaustion? The other ghosts don’t seem to have that issue.”
“Tragic isn’t it? I’m not like other ghosts.” Danny giggled at his own joke. Sam would have loved that one.
“Is that why you don’t feel as scary as the other ghosts?”
Danny stretched, feeling every bone in his body crack. “What do you mean? You just said I was terrifying.”
Dash turned on his side, facing him and busying himself with drawing little shapes in the sand. “Well, yeah, you look terrifying, but you don’t feel that way. The other ghosts have this our- ou- oura-”
“Yeah that, about them that just screams danger and sends your whole body into a panic and nowhere feels safe until they’re gone because you can feel their energy in the air. With some of them, it’s bigger and scary than others but it’s the same bone-chilling fear.”
Danny shifted onto his side as well, watching Dash’s face as he grimaced at the memory of the feeling he was describing. He had no idea the ghosts had that huge of an impact on people. “And you’re saying I don’t make people scared?”
“Not really. Sometimes looking at you feels wrong or off or you look scary, but you don’t have that same aura. Instead, you kind of give off this protective vibe. Once you show up, it kind of pushes the scary feeling away. It’s still there but it’s not as strong because whatever you’ve got going on is stronger.”
“Huh, I had no idea.”
“Yeah, usually people find me off-putting like you said. I am dead and that makes people uncomfortable, whether I just saved their lives or not.”
“Is that why the Fentons don’t like you? Because you make them uncomfortable?”
Danny drew in a deep breath, flopping back over onto his back. “They’re a bit more complicated.”
He could tell Dash was brimming with more questions. He was practically begging him for an explanation with the way he looked at him. But he stayed quiet. Maybe that’s why Danny kept going. For once, answers weren’t being demanded out of him, so he was more willing to give them.
“I think they mean well. I am a ghost and to them, all ghosts are inherently evil, so why should I be different? And their inventions are actually pretty helpful sometimes.” He pointed to the thermos still attached to his belt. “Wouldn’t be able to do my job without this, so that’s a point in their favor. But, I admit, it would be a lot easier to do my job if they worked with me instead of trying to catch me so they could rip me apart molecule by molecule.”
He sighed, sitting up and shaking the sand out of his hair. Dash followed suit.
“That’s also a part of the reason I don’t leave the ghost hunting to them and the Guys in White. To protect the ghosts from them.”
Dash’s voice was incredibly soft as he spoke. “Why do you want to protect the ghosts?”
“They’re just people who’ve died. Yeah some of them cause chaos over here, but it’s usually the ones who have unfinished business or died violently. Ember, for example, died in a house fire before she even graduated high school. Why should she deserve to be strapped to a lab table and experimented on just because she wanted people to love her?
“Death isn’t pretty or peaceful a lot of the time. It can be ugly and violent and lonely and it leaves a scar on people’s souls. It’s hard to find peace or let go of life after something like that happens. They’re not all evil, they’re just sad, angry people. We don’t even know what happens to ghosts if they disappear. No, they don’t deserve that.”
Dash sighed heavily, slumping his shoulders. “Wow, your job sucks ass.”
Danny chuckled. “Only a little. It’s not all bad. Sometimes it can be fun. And really, I’ve been able to learn so many things about how the ghostzone and ghosts work and how that affects this side of things. Pros and cons.”
They sat in silence a moment more; Dash not sure how to respond and Danny having said all he needed to. Dash stood, brushing the sand from his clothes and offering a hand. “You wanna see something cool?”
Danny, finding zero hesitation in his body, took his hand. Dash pulled him to his feet. “This way. It’s in the tide pools over there.”
Dash picked their way across the sand and over the craggy rocks at the edge of the beach with practiced ease. Danny slipped a few times and eventually just decided on flying next to Dash.
“Show-off,” Dash teased.
“Why struggle when I don’t have to? You seem like you know your way around here though.”
Dash nodded. “Yeah, I come out here when I need to think.” He slid down the small hill in front of them, catching himself at the bottom and waving Danny down.
The tide was high; the pools brimming with water and life. Dash sat down on one of the smoother rocks closer to where the lake and tide pools met. He patted the spot next to him.
Danny raised a teasing eyebrow at him. “You’re not gonna push me in are you?”
Dash jokingly rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m gonna push the guy who just saved my ass for like the twentieth time in my life into the super cold lake.”
Danny chuckled, sitting down and wishing the water was just a bit higher so he could dip his feet in. “Is this the super cool thing you wanted to show me? Tide pools?”
“It’s what’s in the tide pools. Just wait, they’ll show up in a second.”
Dash pointed to the opening of the tide pool. Danny squinted into the darkness convinced Dash must be seeing something he wasn’t until a subtle, green glow started to creep out of the deep waters.
He watched as several glowing ghost fish made their way into the tide pools, swimming in happy little circles and occasionally jumping out of the water. Following them were lots of starfish and urchins; they crawled over the rocks and settled into the sand.
“Are those… ghosts?” Danny breathed, leaning over the edge of the rocks to see better. If they didn’t live in Amity Park, Danny would have just assumed they’d found a species of bio-luminescent fish. The living fish didn’t seem to be bothered by their presence.
“I think so,” Dash whispered. “They show up every night, swim around for a few hours, and then disappear before the sun comes up.
“Wow,” Danny leaned back, looking over at Dash. “How long have they been out here?”
Dash shrugged. “Who knows? My best friend Paulina and I found them here about a year and a half ago. But who knows how long they were showing up before that.”
“You’re not here with your friend?” Danny looked around, half expecting to see Paulina launching herself at him.
Dash shook his head. “Paulina doesn’t come out here much anymore. It’s still our spot, but she’s been busy lately.”
Danny bumped their shoulders together and very teasingly said, “You guys come here to make out?”
Dash snorted. “Oh yeah, you know how best friends are. We just make out all the time for fun.”
Danny rolled his shoulders. “It happens sometimes. I’ve kissed my best friends a few times.”
“Are you serious?”
“Hey, don’t question the validity of a fake-out make-out.”
Dash cackled. “A fake-out make-out? Really? That’s what you call it?”
“Yes, really! It’s a real thing!” Danny protested, pushing Dash’s shoulder as the other kept laughing at him.
“Okay, sure. Whatever you say, Phantom.”
They were close enough now that Danny could feel Dash’s warmth radiating into the air. He pressed closer. The cold might not affect him, but being warm was still nice sometimes. And Dash’s warmth was somehow extremely comforting. “Okay, so if you weren’t making out, what were you doing all the way out here?”
Dash cleared his throat, watching a starfish phase through a rock. “It was mostly a quiet place to complain about life and scream where no one could hear us. Or just to sit and think. Once we discovered the fish though, Paulina wanted to see if there were more like them. So, we took to adventuring in the woods.
“There’s some ghost deer up near the base of the mountain. They’re scary as fuck though, would not recommend checking them out. We also found some rabbits and a badger near the old Marlowe place. Eventually, school just got too busy and Paulina stopped coming. So, I just come here when I want some space to think.”
Danny subconsciously leaned in closer, making Dash’s heart rate spike. “I can’t believe I’ve never seen them. You’d think I’d spot a few on my patrols every once in a while. Guess, I need to start paying more attention.” He lifted his head to laugh in Dash’s direction.
“Well, you are kind of busy…” Dash trailed off as he turned to look at him too.
Danny sucked in a breath as their noses bumped together. He hadn’t realized just how close he’d gotten. Dash’s eyes reflected the water and the glowing fish, making it hard for Danny to look away from them.
Dash was pretty. How hadn’t he noticed that before? Despite his better judgment, he let his eyes wander down to Dash’s lips.
A mistake. He bit his lip, willing himself to back away and failing miserably. He was thoroughly entranced by the person in front of him and he wasn’t really upset about it. At least he wasn’t right now. Right now, he kind of wanted to be impulsive.
Dash was frozen still, red painting his face. He curled his fingers closed, nails biting into his palms. Phantom was so close and was getting closer. (He had freckles, Dash noticed. And they were glowing like tiny stars scattered on his skin.)
He desperately wanted to lean forward, but he was a coward. Something about the way Phantom was looking at him had him rooted to the spot. It was like he was really looking at him for the first time. He let out a shaky breath.
Dash’s breath ghosting across his face should have been enough to snap him out of his trance, but it wasn’t until one of the ghost fish splashed in the water did he slam back into reality. He jolted backward, scrambling over the rock. “Sorry, I wasn’t think-” He slipped on the edge of the rock and tumbled backward into the lake.
As embarrassing as it was, Danny was thankful for the cold rush of water. His mind, now clear, was racing a mile a minute and sounding every alarm bell he’d muted before. He was about to kiss Dash! As Phantom! What was wrong with him? God, he was such an idiot. What kind of consequences was he going to have to face from this? There was no way he’d be able to face Dash as Phantom again.
Maybe, he’d just stay down here til Dash went home and forgot he even existed. Then he wouldn’t have to face the consequences of his actions and they could go about their separate ways.
In fact, he’d take it a step further; he was perfectly content to spend the rest of eternity at the bottom of this lake.
A splash above him startled him. Dash was swimming down toward him. Or at least he was trying, it looked like the cold took an immediate toll on him. Danny panicked, shooting up toward him and grabbing him by the shoulders. “Are you crazy?” He warbled.
Dash’s eyes went wide and he looked like a chipmunk with the way he was holding his breath. Danny dragged him up to the surface, Dash coughing and spluttering to get air into his lungs the second he was able to; the chill of the lake making it hard as every blood vessel in his body shrunk.
“You can talk underwater?” Dash clung onto him as they treaded the water- well, Dash treaded and Danny floated, unaffected by gravity.
“I don’t need to breathe, Dash! We established this!” Danny resisted the urge to shake him. “What were you thinking jumping into a freezing cold lake?!”
“I panicked! You were under for a while and I forgot you didn’t need to breathe! I just...” Dash was shivering violently, his eyes roaming Danny’s face.
Danny sighed and scooped him up, one hand on his back and the other under his knees. “Thanks for the concern, but let’s get you out of here before you freeze to death.”
“My car’s in the parking lot. Only one there.” Dash stammered clinging on for dear life as Danny flew them up and out of the lake.
“Yeah, because everyone else is smart enough not to go swimming when the lake is under twenty degrees.”
“Har-har,” Dash muttered. He hissed as the wind blistered across his wet skin and clothes. He wanted to peel his skin off from the sensation.
Danny set Dash on the ground and overshadowed his van. He unlocked the doors and started the heater on full blast. Dash was cradling his arms to his chest when he exited the vehicle.
“I didn’t know you could overshadow cars.”
Danny shrugged, opening the car door for him. “I guess there’s a lot you don’t know about me.”
Dash climbed into his car, flinching away from the air. He turned the vent streams slightly to the side. Danny leaned into the space between the door and the car.
“Are you going to make it home okay?”
Dash nodded, shaking like a leaf. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’m not far from here.”
“Okay,” Danny sighed. “Um, sorry, again. I’ll, uh, see you around.” He didn’t wait for Dash to respond before he turned invisible. He waited, watching to make sure Dash was actually okay and not passing out at the wheel. Once he pulled his car out of the parking lot, Danny flew off toward his house.
Oh, he had made bad choices. How was he even going to face Dash as just Danny after this? He was a mess at talking with people once he found them pretty. Valerie said he had a staring problem.
He needed to get this ghost back to the ghost zone and wallow in his room for the next few hours. Then he could decide how much of this he was going to tell Sam and Tucker. And just how he was going to handle this.
Eeeeeeeee! This is co cutesy!

A scene from @starswhisperwritershear chapter 4
Y'all chapter 6 is genuinely one of my most favorite things I've ever written. I'm smitten. And I'm trucking. It'll definitely be out in a day or two. I hope yall like it just as much as I do
Chapter 4 is Finally done!
Of All The Stories In The Stars, Ours Has Yet To Be Told (41076 words) by StarsWhisper Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Danny Phantom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Dash Baxter/Danny Fenton Characters: Danny Fenton, Dash Baxter, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Paulina Sanchez, Kwan (Danny Phantom), Valerie Gray, Pookie (Danny Phantom) Additional Tags: Aged-Up Character(s), on the way to college, mentions of child abuse, Mentions of homophobia, Redemption Arcs, Bisexual Danny Fenton, everyone becoming good friends, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Second Chances, lots of classical literature references, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Lots of Crying, Some hurt/comfort, almost everyone has shitty parents, More tags to come as I think of them, Suicidal Thoughts, This is heavily inspired by marichat, stealing lots of headcanons from tumblr, Getting Together, Getting to Know Each Other, not entirely canon compliant, I stole the pieces I like and combined them with fanon to get what I wanted, this was supposed to be a slow burn, Dialogue Heavy, some spooky shit will be snuck in here, Mutual Pining, Dissection, Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton, lots of astrology references, Inspired by Orpheus and Eurydice (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), horror aspects will be in here, but also cute fluff, Asexual Character Summary: It's the end of senior year and Dash and Danny are having the worst time of their lives. Dash's father finds out he's queer and tries to kill him. That lands him in prison with divorce papers. Dash goes to therapy to cope and learn how to change his behaviors while taking some time off from school. He now needs to learn how to navigate the world and figure himself out. Danny fears he'll never figure out what he wants for his future beyond being the hero of Amity Park forever and he's running out of time to figure it out as he watches everyone he knows move on without him. Plus there are always the people hunting him down that he has to worry about on top of that.
Sam slammed her piercing kit down on the counter, her jaw going slack. She stared at Danny with bug eyes. “You kissed Dash!?”
“Almost! I almost kissed Dash.” Danny protested, squirming in his chair. The weight of everyone’s eyes made him want to curl up under a rock and never leave again.
“As Phantom?” Valerie exclaimed. “Are you crazy?!”
“I just got a little distracted!” He denied.
“I told you guys,” Tucker sighed teasingly, “Danny just can’t resist a pretty jock. I mean, remember how hard he crushed on Valerie?”
“Playing tennis does not make me a jock.” Valerie scoffed, scrunching up her nose in disgust.
“No, but tennis and ghost hunting, does.”
Valerie grinned, “So, what you’re saying is, Danny just likes it when mean people are nice to him.”
“Hey!” Danny squeaked.
Sam sighed as she rifled through her kit for the right needles. “Seriously though, Danny, are you trying to get caught?”
“No.” All this questioning was starting to make Danny feel small. He really didn’t like feeling like he’d done something wrong; it made his skin itch. “I just… I don’t know. He’s really…”
“Pretty?” Valerie snickered.
“Yeah, I mean, no! That’s not-”
“Why not just kiss him as Danny Fenton?” Sam huffed.
Danny slumped in the chair, glaring at the floor. “I, I don’t think I like him in a romantic sense.”
“That’s not very convincing coming from the guy who was two seconds away from kissing him.” Tucker chuckled, getting up from his seat to go through Sam’s DVD collection.
“That doesn’t really mean anything, Tucker you and I have kissed!” Danny hissed.
“We all know you’re not above kissing the homies.” Valerie giggled as she started the popcorn machine. “But I don’t think you count Phantom and Dash as homies.”
Danny groaned, running his hands down his face. Sam slapped his hands away.
“Stop touching.” She chided. “You might have crazy healing powers but you still don’t want to deal with an infected piercing.”
“Fine.” Danny busied his hands by picking at the loose threads in his jeans. “Okay, maybe, I am willing to admit that, possibly, I find him, somewhat, physically attractive.”
Valerie snorted, accidentally missing the bucket and spilling popcorn kernels all over the kart. “You think? Nice detective work, Sherlock.”
“But!” Danny continued. “But, I only like him platonically.”
Tucker sighed, setting some DVD cases on the table. “Danny, have you heard of this river in Egypt?”
“I’m not in denial, Tucker.” Danny huffed.
Sam cleaned the skin around his eyebrow. She rolled her eyes. “Sure, you’re not, big guy. Silver or gold?”
“Silver.” Danny pouted.
“You know it’s okay if you like him, right?” Valerie asked, hitting start on the machine and grabbing the broom to sweep up. “Don’t get me wrong, we’ll tease the hell out of you, but no one would be mad about it.”
“Yeah, dude,” Tucker added, still going through the DVDs unable to make a decision. “Dash helped me pass History, so if you wanna tap that then-”
“Good to know, Tucker.” Danny hissed. “But I don’t. Besides, it’s not like it would work out between us anyway. There’s no way he doesn’t have a football scholarship to some fancy university out of state. So, can we just drop it?”
“Are you going to keep hanging out with him as Phantom?” Sam pulled some gloves on and set all her tools on her tray. She grabbed Danny’s face and tilted it to the side, using a marker to mark where the piercing would go.
“No, I wasn’t planning on it. But, he does have a terrible habit of showing up wherever Phantom is.”
“Yeah, because it’s Dash who showed up outside your house.” Tucker cackled.
Danny huffed, crossing his arms, and accidentally turning invisible from the embarrassment.
“Hey!” Sam chided. “I kinda need to see what I’m doing here.”
“Sorry,” Danny muttered, taking a deep breath and reappearing.
“If you keep doing that, he’ll find out before the first movie is over.” Valerie wheezed.
“He would find out if they ever got here. Seriously, they’re like fifteen minutes late. Where are they?” Tucker complained.
“I don’t know.” Danny checked his phone. “I’ll call them as soon as Sam’s done with my eyebrow.”
“You kissed Phantom!?” Paulina screeched.
“Almost!” Dash protested, gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were going numb. “Almost kissed Phantom.”
“What was stopping you!” Paulina turned in her seat, fighting against the seat belt as her nails dug into the armrest. “You had the dreamiest guy in the whole town an inch away from you and you didn’t kiss him?! Are you sure you’re even gay?”
“Yes, I’m sure!” Dash pulled over in front of Kwan’s house, honking to announce their presence. “He was just looking at me like-”
“Like he wanted to kiss you? Duh! That’s what you do when you’re trying to kiss someone!”
Dash ran his hands through his hair. “I know! It’s just that his eyes were so-”
“Whose eyes? What are we talking about?” Kwan asked, sliding into the back seat.
Paulina whirled around, propping herself up on her knees to see over the headrests. “Dash had a chance to make out with Phantom and didn’t!”
“What?!” Kwan shot forward, pushing Paulina back into her seat, and craned his neck between the front seats to stare at Dash. “Dude, are you sure you’re gay?!”
“Guys,” Dash groaned. He wanted to scream. “I’m a coward, I get it. It’s just that his eyes looked so familiar and I-”
“Oh, you guys were getting familiar, huh?” Kwan laughed, raising a teasing eyebrow at his friend.
“Kwan, please.” Dash sighed.
“What do you mean, familiar?” Paulina huffed. “Like someone you know? Or like the ‘this is what home feels like’ hallmark romance familiar?”
“Uh, not that. I don’t know, really. He was just really intense and it seemed like I’d seen that look somewhere before.”
“Oh shit,” Kwan muttered, a giggle just beneath his tone, “You weren’t thinking about Fenton as you were about to kiss Phantom were you?”
“What?!” Dash screeched, choking on air as he whipped around to stare at Kwan. “No!”
Paulina covered her mouth with her hands, gasping dramatically. “No way. I knew it.”
“No! Knew what?! I wasn’t!” Dash sputtered, knowing full well he was not doing a good job of looking like he was telling the truth. “Why would I be thinking about Danny?”
“Oh, please.” Paulina jokingly rolled her eyes. She shifted in her seat again, too much excitement coursing through her to sit still. “Like you don’t have the biggest crush on him.”
“I do not!”
“Bro,” Kwan leaned forward again, putting a hand on Dash’s shoulder, his eyes serious, “he literally left the amusement park wearing your jacket.”
Dash swatted Kwan’s hand away, ears burning. “That doesn’t mean anything! Paulina steals my jacket all the time!”
“Yeah, platonically.” She waved him off.
“And I platonically gave it to Danny. You saw how the sun was making him feel after The Zipper!”
“You mean, the ride you challenged him to go on with your totally platonic flirting?”
“I was not flirting! I was trying to make him feel better about the ride!”
“Aw, you’re in denial,” Paulina cooed.
“I’m not-” The sound of his phone ringing cut him off. Danny’s name flashed on the screen.
Paulina leaned over to look. “You don’t have a profile picture set for him? Maybe you don’t have a crush.” She said it like it was the most tragic thing to happen in history.
He ignored her. He cleared his throat and answered, hoping Danny wouldn’t notice how embarrassed he was. “Heyyyy, what’s up?”
He also ignored Kwan and Paulina’s laughter.
“Hey, yourself.” Danny chuckled on the other end of the line. “Where are you guys? You’re like half an hour late.”
“Oh, uh, we’re outside Kwan’s house. He’s talking to his mom, you know how moms are.” Dash chuckled, clearing his throat.
“Ask them if they’ll pick up the pizza since they’re late.” Sam’s voice called from somewhere behind Danny.
“Can you, uh-”
“Yeah, we can do that, no problem, none whatsoever.” Dash slapped a hand over his eyes. “Tony’s?”
“Yeah,” Danny laughed, “Tony’s. It should be under Sam’s name.”
“Okay, yeah, we’ll head there now.”
“Try not to take forever, yeah?” He couldn’t see him, but he could feel Danny grinning at him through the phone.
“No promises.” He chuckled, hanging up the phone. Paulina and Kwan were smiling at him like a pair of Cheshire cats. “What?”
“Yeah, we can do that, no problem, none whatsoever.” Kwan mocked.
“No promises.” Paulina dramatically swooned, her hand pressed to her forehead.
“Shut up,” Dash muttered, earning more hyena cackling. He pulled away from the curb, changing direction to Tony’s.
“Wait, so have you seen Phantom since?” Paulina asked once he had acquired the pizza and was back in the car on their way to Sam’s.
Dash sighed. “No. And honestly, I probably fucked that up. He freaked out so bad that he fell into the lake.”
“Well,” Kwan drawled solemnly, “you can always kiss Fenton to make up for it.”
“Oh my god,” Dash huffed. “I do not have a crush on Danny.”
“Whatever you have to say to make yourself feel better.” Paulina giggled.
“Does anyone know what Sam’s house looks like?” Dash asked, changing the topic.
“No, but it looks like your boyfriend is waiting for you.” Kwan joked.
Danny was sitting on the curb outside a huge mansion-looking house. He stood and waved them into a parking spot in the driveway. Dash turned to Paulina and Kwan. “Not a word,” he hissed.
They stepped out of the car. Danny helped Kwan with the pizza. “You guys actually made it in a reasonable time.”
“Yeah, sorry,” Kwan explained, side-eyeing Dash. “You know how moms can be, ha-ha.”
Dash barely heard the exchange. His eyes were glued to the shiny piece of jewelry in Danny’s eyebrow. “Is that new?”
Danny gingerly touched the piercing, holding the pizza boxes in one hand. “Oh, yeah. Sam just did it.”
“Sam did?” Paulina chirped, eyeing the jewelry. “It looks like a professional did it!”
“She did all her own piercings. She practically is a professional by now.” Danny turned and ushered them up the stairs. They followed him.
“Sam actually lives here?” Kwan asked, gaping at the building.
“It’s a bit of a sore spot for her. She’s not the biggest fan of her parents' money, so try not to say anything about it.” They followed Danny through a huge kitchen.
“Wow,” Paulina whispered, “it’s bigger than mine.”
“What made you decide to get an eyebrow piercing?” Dash asked as they left the kitchen and traveled down an expansive hallway.
“I figured I could use a new look as a present for graduating. What do you think, am I cool yet?” Danny quirked said eyebrow.
Dash felt his ears start burning. “Sure, nerd, keep dreaming.”
Danny laughed. Dash’s stomach fluttered. He might throw up.
“I dig it,” Kwan said as they stepped down a staircase. “Matches the whole emo thing you’ve got going on.” The stairs ended in a huge theater room.
“He’s actually got more of a grunge thing going on.” Sam corrected. “It’s as goth as I could get him to go.”
“You brought the food! My saviors!” Tucker cried, grabbing the pizzas from Kwan.
“Thank god,” Valerie huffed, salting the popcorn buckets she’d just filled, “now we can finally pick a movie.”
“Ooh, Valerie!” Paulina squealed. “I love your makeup.”
Valerie looked her up and down for a moment. They’d talked on the phone for a while on Senior Ditch Day, but this was the first time they’d talked in person without Paulina throwing a poor joke at her in a few years. Valerie ultimately decided Paulina really meant no ill will and smiled at her. “Thanks! I love your belly button ring. Is the butterfly for your sister?”
Paulina gasped. “You remembered?”
“Of course. We were best friends once. I also remembered to use low-fat butter, just for you.”
Paulina looked like she was about to cry. “You really are the best of us.”
“Uh-oh,” Kwan teased, “We’d better start a movie before Paulina loses it.”
“Okay, well, we’ve narrowed it down to five choices.” Danny set the pizza he was holding on the coffee table next to the two liters and red solo cups. “American Psycho, The Creature From The Black Lake, 50 First Dates, Nightmerica The Return, and Legally Blonde.”
Lots of arguing ensued but Sam eventually conceded her vote in exchange for the best chair in the room. Because Kwan and Tucker had never seen it, they picked American Psycho first and 50 First Dates second due to Paulina's insistence.
Dash picked a seat on one edge of the couch, Tucker taking the other end of the couch. Sam and Paulina took the big, fluffy chairs and Valerie and Kwan took the bean bags. Danny put the disc in the player and sat between him and Tucker.
Dash pressed himself against the armrest as much as possible. It wasn’t because he was nervous, absolutely not, it was just that Danny was cold again and Dash preferred to stay warm. Paulina waggled her eyebrows at him. He glared (pouted) back.
Once everyone was settled with popcorn, pizza, and soda in hand, Sam hit play on the remote.
Dash found it hard to focus on the movie. For one, it just wasn’t a movie that he would enjoy. And for two, it was hard to focus on anything other than how Danny kept leaning into him. Every time Dash shifted to put space between them, Danny was taking it up again and pressing against him.
He’d stolen a few glances at him to see if he was doing it on purpose. Danny seemed just as bored and uninterested in the film as he was. But he didn’t seem to be paying attention to Dash or messing with him.
Dash shifted again, pressed as far up against the edge of the couch as he could. It was only about two minutes before he felt the icy chill of Danny’s skin against his again. It was like an ice cube was melting and oozing cold directly into his cells. Dash briefly wondered if he had chronically low iron or something.
Dash tried to return his attention to the movie, but the next scene happened to be a sex scene and he diverted his attention again. It was making him really uncomfortable. He supposed that was the point in this movie but he hated it in just about every movie and he usually turned them off the second it was even implied one was coming.
Sam scoffed. “Was this directed by a man?”
Danny leaned forward- brushing against Dash- and grabbed the DVD case off the table. He flipped it over and read the back. “This says it was directed by one Mary Harron.”
“Ain’t no way,” Valerie said.
“And she’s also credited as the writer.”
“I find that hard to believe, but whatever,” Sam grumbled.
“Does anyone even actually like sex scenes? They’re always so uncomfortable and unnecessary.” Dash huffed.
Danny turned to look at him but didn’t say anything. It was like he was trying to analyze something about him and it made him nervous.
“In horror movies, they tend to be,” Valerie muttered.
“But in romance movies,” Paulina sighed, wistfully. “It’s the best part. When the couple finally admits their feelings for each other and lose themselves in the throws of passion, it’s so romantic.”
Dash cringed, his nose wrinkling so hard it hurt. “Really? It seems so tedious and messy and uncomfortable for the actors.” Danny was still looking at him; he shifted again, letting the armrest dig into his ribs, but it did nothing to ease his anxiety.
“I wouldn’t think so.” Paulina continued. “I’d love to be in a romance movie with either Jensen Ackles or Penelope Cruz.”
“Ew,” Dash shuddered. “Wait, what?”
“Ooh,” Valerie chittered. “Way to come out, Paulie.”
“Thank you. I’ve been waiting for the best moment.”
“See, Dash, I told you we weren’t homophobic,” Kwan smirked.
“Thanks, Kwan.”
“So, we have another bi person in our midst.” Sam teased, smirking playfully.
“Another one?” Paulina twisted around to survey the group.
Danny sighed, finally tearing his eyes away from Dash. “One day I’ll get to do my own coming out.”
Paulina squealed. “I knew it! I knew you were queer! Bi fist bump!”
Danny leaned over Dash to bump Paulina’s fist. Dash took a deep breath. A mistake. Danny was wearing some kind of warm-smelling cologne and Dash just wanted to take another breath. But he controlled himself.
"What gave me away?"
Paulina gestured at him. "Lok at you."
"Fair," Danny laughed. He turned back to Dash. “Have you ever heard the term ‘asexual’?”
“Like in biology? One cell splitting or something?”
“As in the sexuality.” Danny shifted to face Dash and their knees touched. Hurt crossed Danny’s face when Dash yanked his away. “Someone who identifies as asexual feels little to no sexual attraction.”
“You’re saying there’s like some kind of spectrum? People actually feel a lot of attraction?”
Danny laughed. “Have you seen how Tucker talks to women?”
“Hey, not my fault I appreciate the better things in life.” Tucker defended. “And I am totally with Paulina on the romance movie thing. Why else would you watch them?”
“For the story?” Dash cringed. “We should talk about something else. I don’t wanna think about what Tucker’s talking about.”
“We can talk about the fact that Paulina and Star were totally dating,” Sam said.
Paulina’s face fell. “We actually broke up.”
“You were dating star?” Dash gasped.
“Yeah, I was. But, recently, we just didn’t see eye to eye on some things. So I called it off.” Paulina sighed.
Star was the only one of his previously close friends who hadn’t reached out to him. He really hoped it wasn’t him that caused them to have an argument.
“I’m sorry, Paulie,” Kwan muttered. “I had no idea you guys broke up.”
“It’s okay. It’s for the best. How did you know, Sam?”
Sam shrugged. “You two were always together and shared a bunch of clothes. I thought it was obvious.”
A woman on screen screamed. Everyone snapped their attention back to the movie they forgot they were watching.
“Is anyone even enjoying this movie?” Tucker asked. A chorus of no’s answered him. He got up and ejected the DVD. Sam took it from him and chucked it in the trash.
“Anyone want more popcorn?” Valerie asked, standing up and heading for the machine.
“Absolutely,” Tucker chimed, heading over to help her. “Can I get extra salt on mine?”
Paulina gave a long, heavy sigh and sank from her chair to the floor. She dramatically flopped onto her side, throwing her phone across the room.
“What’s wrong?” Kwan asked, dumping an obscenely large amount of butter on his popcorn.
“My boss just texted saying he needs a new look for the magazine with a new model. By tomorrow. How in the world am I supposed to do that? It’s like 11 pm.”
“Where do you work?” Danny asked.
“I’m a make-up artist for a high-end fashion magazine.”
“Hey, just like you’ve always wanted!” Valerie cheered. “But, isn’t that a little bit of an unreasonable ask?”
“It’s the beauty industry.” Sam scoffed. “Of course it’s unreasonable.”
“She’s not wrong.” Paulina agreed. “It’s why I want to start my own brand, to change the industry. I don’t suppose either of you would help me out?” She batted her eyelashes at Sam and Valerie.
They shook their heads.
“Sorry, Paulie, but I don’t want my face all over a magazine. I have to have control over my image for my scholarships.” Valerie explained.
“And I don’t want to be seen in anything other than my signature look. It might give my parents ideas.”
Paulina deflated, looking miserable.
Danny frowned. “Does it have to be a woman model?”
Paulina looked up at him, hope shining in her eyes. “No, just someone I haven’t showcased before.”
“I’ll do it.”
“Really?!” Paulina scrambled up from the floor, bouncing excitedly on her toes. “You mean it?”
“Yeah. If it helps you keep your job, what’s the harm?”
Paulina clapped, doing a happy little jig. “Dash! Keys! I have to go get my bag!”
Dash dug into his pocket- not fast enough for Paulina’s liking- and tossed her his keys. She caught them and ran excitedly up the stairs.
“Oh, so I can’t do your makeup, but Paulina can? Does someone still have a lingering crush?” Sam teased.
“Yeah, Sam, because helping a friend not get fired counts as a lingering crush.” Danny's frown deepened.
“You should go cleanse your face then. It’ll save her a lot of time.” Valerie suggested.
“I have aloe vera in there,” Sam added as Danny headed for the bathroom. “It’s a nice primer!”
“Why’s he need to do that?” Dash asked, eyeing Valerie and Sam’s makeup and trying to imagine it on Danny.
“Makes the makeup go on smoother and helps it not to clog pores.” Sam shrugged.
“Man, you guys have to do so much every day. I respect it.” Kwan said.
“I’m totally getting pictures to use as blackmail for later.” Tucker chuckled.
Valerie rolled her eyes. “I think blackmail only works if someone is ashamed of it. Danny seems pretty comfortable with himself.”
Danny returned to the theater room at the same time as Paulina. She was glowing like a golden retriever who’d just gotten their favorite snack.
“Okay, sit in my chair while I get things set up.”
Danny sat.
“You guys wanna play Mario Kart while we wait?” Sam asked, already walking over to set up the Wii.
“Duh!” Tucker cheered.
Sam handed everyone but Kwan a controller. “We’ll have to take turns. It only allows four players at a time.”
“No problem,” Kwan said. “It’ll give me time to learn your weaknesses.”
Paulina pulled a little square folding table from her bag and pulled the legs out to the right height. She locked them in place and began putting products on it very meticulously. “He said something bold and fierce.” She muttered to herself.
“I don’t know if I could be considered ‘fierce’,” Danny mumbled.
“Nonsense.” Paulina turned and grabbed Danny’s face, tilting it from side to side and analyzing the planes and curves. “You totally have the cheekbones for it. I’m gonna have to mix a custom foundation though, you’re really pale.”
“His undertone is orange,” Sam called, selecting Bowser on the screen.
“No fair,” Valerie shouted. “You always get Bowser.”
“You snooze, you lose.”
“Thanks, Sam!” Paulina turned to her makeup setup, grabbing a disc and squeezing product onto it, mixing it with a brush.
“This is why I choose Luigi.” Tucker boasted. “No one ever takes Luigi from me.”
“Dash, pick Yoshi,” Kwan whispered, still loud enough for everyone to hear him.
“Why?” Dash loudly whispered back.
“Just trust me.”
The foundation was cold as Paulina painted his skin. He resisted the urge to pull away, sitting almost perfectly still. Paulina was muttering under her breath. Danny closed his eyes so she could focus without scrutiny.
“Starting with Rainbow Road is just pure evil,” Tucker whined.
“Are you allergic to glitter?” Paulina asked.
Danny peaked at her over at the table now. “Uh, no. I don’t think so.”
“Perfect, I have this new moonstone highlight I’ve been dying to try on someone but it’s got glitter in it. So, we’re going to do a smokey eye with the moonstone highlight, black lipstick, and maybe a green blush? Then we can do like an ocean theme.”
“Sounds more like a galaxy to me,” Danny replied, looking at the colors she was grouping together.
“Oh! That’s actually perfect! Summer galaxy! Now, I just have to come up with a tagline.” Paulina put a dark purple and a light pink next to the green. “He said he wanted bold. Space is pretty bold. We can even do like star freckles or something.”
“You had better keep that blue shell to yourself, Foley,” Dash warned.
“Sam, tell me you did not just throw that banana at me,” Valerie screamed.
Paulina picked up a much fluffier brush, a contour palette in her hand. “Are you ready? We’re getting into the complicated stuff.”
Danny nodded, grinning at her. “Make me beautiful, Paulie.”
“Eat my dust suckers!” Tucker cackled.
Kwan slapped Dash’s shoulders. “Dash! Dodge, dodge, dodge!”
“Stop backseat karting, Kwan!”
Danny found that his smile wouldn’t leave his face. He really hoped that wouldn’t mess Paulina up. The room was bathed in a nice, comforting aura and it made him want to giggle. To see everyone getting along so well, made him extremely happy. He kind of wanted to tell everyone. But he figured that wouldn’t be the best thing to say while they were in an intense Mario Kart round. He did giggle when Paulina’s brush tickled his nose.
“Someone seems happy,” She giggled with him.
Danny shrugged. “It’s just really nice to see everyone getting along.”
“You call that getting along?”
“I know where you live, Gray!” Sam hurled three green shells at Valerie.
“Bring it on, Manson! Bring it on!” Valerie dodged them all.
“Dash, please,” Tucker begged, “we’re friends, right?”
“Right now, Foley, we’re mortal enemies.”
“Go for the throat, Dash!” Kwan cheered.
Danny laughed again. “Yeah, I would. Considering there was a time when we couldn’t even be in the same room without wanting to kill each other. I count this as a win.”
“No!” Tucker wailed. “I was so close!”
“Read it and weep, people. Read it and weep.” Sam whooped.
Dash sighed, passing his controller to Kwan. “So much for trusting you.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault you suck.”
Paulina grabbed a separate brush, dipping it into one of the galaxy colors and brushing it onto Danny’s cheeks. “Thank you, by the way. I owe you.”
“Don’t worry about it. I used to let Jazz and my cousin practice makeup on me all the time. I’m comfortable in my masculinity. No big deal to help a friend.”
“Good, because I’m putting a lot of glitter on your face.”
“I see how it is, Valerie,” Tucker muttered darkly. “Kwan, team up with me?”
Kwan shook his head. “You’re on your own. Every man for himself.”
“No! My go-cart buddy has abandoned me in my hour of need!”
“How’s it going over here?” Dash asked, leaning over the edge of the couch to watch Paulina work her magic. Danny cracked his eyes open to look at him. “It looks like space threw up on you.”
“Good, that’s what we’re going for. Danny has amazing bone structure. Richard is going to love him!” Paulina squealed.
Dash smirked at him. “How does it feel to have amazing bone structure, Fenton?”
“Like I’m some kind of king being pampered.”
“Okay, time for lipstick. Open your mouth like an ‘o’.” Paulina instructed.
Danny did as he was told. He could see Dash watching intently out of the corner of his eye. He winked at him. Dash startled and looked away.
“Okay, you need to let that dry and then we can take some photos.” Paulina turned away to start cleaning up her table. She took her tools to the bathroom to clean them.
“How does it feel?” Dash asked.
Danny pressed his lips together, humming. “Kinda buttery. Like sticky, melted butter.” An idea popped into Danny’s mind and he grinned at Dash. “Wanna feel?”
Dash’s eyes went wide. As he was fishing for an answer, Danny gently gripped his jaw, tilting his head to the side. He pressed his lips firmly to Dash’s cheek, dragging his hand down his jaw before letting go and pulling away with an exaggerated ‘mwah!’.”
Dash jolted away, crimson spilling over his cheeks and ears. He brought a hand up to his cheek in disbelief. Danny howled with laughter.
“Stop flirting with the enemy, Danny!” Tucker laughed.
“Aw, feeling left out, Tuck?” Danny stood up and walked over to Tucker.
“Do not distract me right now, Fenton. I'll never forgive you.” Tucker warned, leaning away. Danny ignored him, planting another kiss on Tucker’s cheek. Tucker swatted him away, swerving into a banana peel on the screen.
“I will get my revenge, Danny. Just you wait!” Tucker threatened with no real heat behind it.
Danny laughed so hard he was losing his breath. Sam rolled her eyes at him.
“Don’t even think of bringing that over here.” Valerie hissed. “I’m about to win.”
“Hey!” Paulina screeched, returning from the bathroom. “I said to let it dry! Get back over here so I can fix it.”
Danny obediently sat back in the chair.
“Uh-oh,” Kwan snickered, poking Dash in his side. “Someone is self-destructing.”
Dash glared at him, snapping out of whatever daze he had been in. He rubbed the lipstick off his face. Danny was pretty proud of himself- he’d examine what that meant later.
Paulina reapplied the lipstick. “I mean it this time, mister. Let it dry.”
Sam handed her controller to Dash and wandered over to admire Paulina’s handiwork. “Wow, you look very pretty, Danny.”
Danny struck a pose, batting his eyelashes. “Tell me more.”
Sam grinned, a playful shine in her eyes. “You're pale white and ice cold. Your skin is all sparkly. I know what you are.”
“Say it then, Sam.” Danny giggled, unable to keep up the character.
Paulina gasped. “I’ve turned you into a space vampire!”
“Please, he’d have to be impossibly fast and strong for that.” Valerie chuckled.
“Yeah, no offense, but Danny has never been the poster boy for impossibly strong.” Kwan laughed.
“If you’ve seen him text,” Tucker added, “then you’d know he talks exactly like he’s from this time.”
“Has everyone in this room seen Twilight?” Danny jokingly rolled his eyes, standing from his chair. “C’mon, Paulina, let’s get these photos taken so we can start the next movie.”
“Hopefully it’s a better one this time around.” Sam huffed.
Dash will not admit that he paid more attention to Danny and Paulina’s photo shoot than the last round of Mario Kart. And if he thought sitting next to Danny had been hard before, it was downright torture now.
Apparently, if Danny was actually invested in a movie, he talked a lot. He kept leaning over to whisper things to him and while he knew, logically, in his brain, that whispering was all Danny was doing, he couldn’t help but remember the feel of Danny’s lips against his cheek every time. His heart would not stop racing and he was pretty sure he was sweaty now.
Tucker did not seem to share this problem. Every time Danny leaned over to whisper something to him, he just whispered back or laughed and turned his attention right back to the movie like it was no big deal. Dash tried rationalizing it by reminding himself that they had been best friends for longer than Dash had known them and he simply wasn’t as used to Danny’s antics as Tucker was.
It unnerved him near the middle of the movie when Danny had been quiet for more than five minutes. Dash glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. He was slouching back into the couch and periodically slowly blinking his eyes like he was fighting off sleep.
Dash shifted to give him more room to fall asleep if he needed to. But only a few moments after that, he felt a weight hit his shoulder and froze as Danny’s hair tickled his chin.
“Uh-oh,” Valerie laughed, taking a picture on her phone. “Dash has been chosen.”
“You’re in it for the long haul now, Dash.” Tucker cackled, also taking pictures.
Dash tried to ignore the blackmail obviously being collected. “What am I in?”
“You know when a cat falls asleep on your lap and under cat law, you aren’t allowed to disturb them? Consider yourself under Danny law. He has insomnia and doesn’t sleep much. So, when he does sleep, we try to let him get as much as he can.” Sam explained, doing better than the others at hiding her picture-taking.
Dash glanced down at him. He could understand the struggle with sleep. Usually when he was having issues, he took Pookie on a walk. He wondered how Danny dealt with it. Casually, he shifted the angle he was sitting at so Danny could fit against him more comfortably. He slipped his hand around his waist so his shoulder wasn’t jutting against Danny’s back. Okay, he could handle this.
“Whipped,” Kwan whispered at him. Dash flipped him off.
Dash was a little worried that he could barely feel the rise and fall of Danny’s breaths. With him this close, he should be able to tell how he was breathing. And he was slightly colder than before if that was even possible. He wondered if his insomnia played a part in his temperature. Or why he slept like a dead person. A small sense of deja vu hit him, but he shook it off.
“Well, I think that movie was more horrific than the last one,” Sam exclaimed as the movie came to an end.
“Wasn’t this supposed to be a rom-com?” Paulina asked.
“I think they’re getting their genres mixed up.” Valerie yawned.
Danny started blinking awake at the sound of everyone talking. He stretched and froze when he felt a body behind him. He looked back at Dash and Dash really wished Paulina wasn’t as good as she was at her job because the colors she’d put on really brought out his eyes.
“Sorry,” Danny muttered, “I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.” He started scooting away.
Dash dropped his hand from his waist. “Oh, not a problem.” He stuttered. He really wanted to tell Paulina to shut up. She wasn't saying anything but she was grinning at him and he knew what she was telling him. He squeezed his elbows, keeping his eyes away from Danny- who was probably more embarrassed than he was.
“Who’s picking the next one?” Tucker asked, stretching his legs out in front of him.
“Not me." Valerie stood, stretched, and began to pick up her trash. "It’s like 2 am. I’m tapped out.”
“I agree,” Kwan mumbled, following suit. “It’s bedtime.”
Danny also stood, picking up his plate and cup. “I’ll help clean up the popcorn.”
Everyone else jumped up to help clean, not wanting to be the only one not helping. Except for Tucker, who stretched out on the couch once he had it to himself. “Sam,” he whined, “I’m too tired to go home. Can I crash here?”
“Yeah, unlike Danny, my parents actually like you so if they find you down here you’ll be fine.” Sam put all the DVD cases away.
“Why don’t they like Danny?” Paulina asked, tying off a trash bag.
“Take your pick. My parents are dangerous and I’m a bad influence.” Danny mocked.
Dash snorted. “You? A bad influence?”
“That’s what I keep telling them!” Sam huffed. “If anything, I’m the bad influence.”
Once the room was put back together, everyone started gathering their things; Sam pulled a spare blanket and pillow out of the cupboard for Tucker.
Dash cleared his throat. “Did you want a ride home, Danny?”
Danny looked up at him, nerves plain to see. “Oh, I was gonna go to the observatory after this. Not home. But I appreciate the offer.”
“What’s at the observatory this late?” Kwan asked.
“There’s supposed to be a comet that’s just bright enough to be visible without a telescope tonight. I was gonna try to find it.”
Dash shifted his weight from foot to foot, fiddling with his keys in his pocket. “If it doesn’t bother you, I could tag along once we drop off Paulina and Kwan. You know, for safety reasons. In case there’s a ghost attack or something.”
“Safety reasons,” Paulina whispered.
Danny’s eyes seemed to glow with renewed excitement. “Really? I mean, yeah, if you don’t mind being out that late.”
Dash’s heart squeezed so hard in his chest he thought he was having a heart attack. “Yeah, I don’t mind at all. I’ll go get the car started so it’s warm for you. Thanks for having me, Sam.”
“No problem. See ya later!”
Dash grabbed Paulina’s big makeup bag for her and headed for the stairs. He did a couple of breathing exercises on the way to the car to calm his anxiety. His phone pinged.
Paulina: Not a crush, huh ;)
He ignored her text. He was just hanging out with a friend. She was completely wrong. In no way was this a crush.
Danny climbed into the front seat as soon as Paulina was safely inside her house. “You know how to get to the observatory right?”
“Yeah, isn’t it, like, way past closing though?” Dash waited for Danny to put his seat belt on before heading back onto the road.
“Oh for sure. But there’s a hill around the back that has a really nice view.”
“Man, you’re like super into this space stuff, huh?” Dash teased.
Danny gave a short laugh. “I wanted to be an astronaut. I’ve been to every space camp within 150 miles of here and I have all the space shuttle simulations on my computer. I even had Sam teach me astrology just because it involved space. So, yeah, I guess you could call me obsessed.”
Dash glanced at him. “What do you mean, ‘wanted’ to be an astronaut?”
Danny leaned back in his seat, frowning. “Well for one, they only choose like a hundred people every two years to go into the space program. And for two, I learned you don’t really make livable wages off being an astronaut alone. And it’s already hard to leave Amity Park, let alone the planet.”
“Jazz has managed though, right? What’s stopping you from figuring it out?”
Danny sighed. “I’m not as strong as Jazz is. Plus, I’m needed here.” He didn’t let Dash respond as he leaned forward and pointed at a dirt road. “Take this service road, it will lead you to the employee parking lot at the base of the hill.”
Dash did, tapping his hands against the wheel. “Are you sure we’re allowed to be back here?”
Danny quirked an eyebrow at him, his voice taking on a teasing tone. “I never took you for someone afraid to break the rules.”
“I’m not afraid.” Dash sat up straighter. He cleared his throat. “I just want to make sure you know what you’re talking about.”
Danny laughed. “Dash, it’s 3 am. No one cares.”
“I know. It’s just what if a police patrol comes by-”
“Trust me, they never patrol back here. We’ll be fine, scaredy cat.”
Dash huffed. “I’m not scared.” He parked in the spot closest to the hill.
Danny was about to step out of the car but Dash stopped him. “It’s kind of chilly out there. Do you need a jacket?”
He shook his head. “I’m okay. The cold doesn’t affect me that bad.”
“Dude, your skin is already like ice. My letterman is in the back, it wouldn’t be a problem.”
Danny’s heart skipped a beat. He did like Dash’s jacket, but some voice nagging in the back of his head said it was a bad idea. “Really, I’m okay, it’s not that big of a deal-”
“If it’s no big deal, then just take the jacket.” Dash leaned around the seats and yanked his jacket from the back seat. He shoved it into Danny’s hands before he could protest. “It’ll make me feel better about being out here in fifty-degree weather.”
Danny pinched his mouth close, any protest he had dying on his lips. He tore his eyes away from Dash to stare at the jacket. Realistically, he knew that normal people, people who were alive, would be concerned with how cold they were. Dash was just trying to keep a friend safe and comfortable. He sighed and pulled the jacket on, crossing his arms at Dash. “Happy?”
“Yeah. Thank you.” Dash smiled.
Danny huffed, stepping out of the car. He led Dash up the hill, going slow so Dash could see where he was avoiding loose rocks and such. The top of the hill was bare, covered in nothing but grass; a perfect view of the sky away from all the light pollution and no tall trees or buildings to block parts of it.
Danny laid down, actually a little thankful for Dash’s jacket when the chill of the grass bit into him. He patted the spot next to him and Dash followed suit, wriggling around to get comfortable. The stars glimmered above them hiding the comet Danny was searching for.
“So, is a comet just a meteor with a tail?” Dash asked after a long moment of silence.
“A comet is made of dust and ice and other space matter that orbits the sun in an elliptical orbit. A meteor is a piece of space matter that has breached Earth’s atmosphere and it turns into a meteorite when it collides with Earth’s surface.” Danny explained patiently. “And actually, comets have two tails, an ice one and a gas one. The gas tail called a coma, forms when-” Danny stopped talking as he turned to look at Dash, whose eyes were wide and confused.
“Uh, sorry, I didn’t mean to ramble like that.”
Dash shook his head. “I might be a little lost, but I don’t mind. Keep talking.”
Danny's heart stuttered in his chest again. He looked into Dash’s eyes, shocked at the genuineness he found there. “Are you sure? I don’t want to bother you with my nerd stuff.”
“I asked. Plus we’re literally sitting on a hill in the middle of the night just to look at your nerd stuff. It’s okay for you to talk about it. I just might have to interrupt you with questions every now and then.”
Danny smiled at him, warmth spreading through his veins making his fingers curl into the fabric of Dash’s jacket. “Wow, you are like an entirely different person. I really, really, like this Dash.” Danny forced himself to turn back to the sky so he didn’t have to see Dash’s reaction. “So, a coma forms when…”
Dash was not paying attention. He was a big liar, completely not listening. His heart was beating so loud it nearly drowned out Danny’s voice as he rambled about physics and dark matter and stars and things way beyond his understanding. The moonlight was shining off his hair and the sparkly makeup he still had on. With the way Paulina had done, he was practically glowing just like a galaxy. And his eyes sparkled like they were full of the very stars he was talking about. He was so full of life and joy and Dash was completely enamored.
Paulina was right.
He was so screwed.
“Look!” Danny scooted over, pressing himself against Dash and pointing at the sky. “There it is! It’s kind of dim, you might have to squint.”
Dash squinted, trying his best to follow where Danny was pointing. “I don’t see it.”
Danny moved his finger, tracing a constellation and ending just below it. ‘See Lyra? It’s right below it and slightly to the left. It’s the one that looks blurry because of its tail.”
Dash leaned further over, nearly leaning his head on Danny’s shoulder. “Lyra?”
“The constellation, it’s like a little box.”
“Oh,” Dash gasped. “I see it.”
Danny dropped his hand, crossing them across his chest and the two of them watched the comet cross the sky in peaceful silence. A gentle breeze started making its way across the field. Danny could feel Dash fidgeting next to him, wanting to say something but refusing to do so. Danny let him figure it out, not wanting to rush him. The comet was moving pretty fast and he lost track of it a couple of times.
“You said you know astrology too?”
Danny hummed. “Not as much as Sam, but yeah, I know some. If it has to do with space and the stars, I’m in. Why?”
Dash pointed at the constellation from before. “So, do you know the story for Lyra?”
Danny nodded.
“Can you tell it to me?”
Danny drew in a breath; he'd never been asked to tell the stories before. Usually, it was Sam telling him. “I mean, yeah, but it’s a sad one.”
Dash shrugged. “Not everything needs to be a happy story. So, will you tell me or not?”
Danny shuffled around, getting comfortable, ignoring the way his and Dash’s sides were still pressed together. “Lyra, or the lyre, is the story of Orpheus, son of the muse Calliope, and Eurydice, a beautiful wood nymph. Orpheus was said to have a voice so beautiful, even rocks would listen to what he had to sing.”
Danny could feel Dash’s eyes on him, and it took all his self-control to keep his eyes on the stars. “One day, Orpheus was playing his lyre and it drew a gathering of people and beasts. While he was playing, he spotted Eurydice among the crowd. Long story short, he talked to her and they fell in love and got married.”
“That’s kind of fast,” Dash commented.
“It’s mythology.” Danny shrugged. “But, unlike other mythology stories, these two were actually, properly in love. Which ended up being their problem.”
“Being in love was their problem?”
“Yeah, sorry, foreshadowing. One day while Orpheus was away, Eurydice was taking a nap in a nearby field. When she awoke there was a snake by her feet. She panicked and it bit her, killing her. When Orpheus found her, he was extremely distraught. He couldn’t live without the love of his life. Hermes took pity on him and showed him a way that he could walk to the underworld to try to convince Hades to let her go.”
“Hermes is the messenger guy, right? Why’s he getting involved.”
“For the sake of not spiraling into several other interconnected stories, let’s just say there’s a lot involved. So, Orpheus begins a long journey, we’re talking weeks, of walking and dodging obstacles to get to the underworld; fighting off ghosts, getting past Cerberus, the whole nine yards. He finally makes it there and gets a chance to talk to Hades. He begs for his wife to be returned to him. Hades refuses.”
“Of course he did. You can’t just return people to life.”
“Well, in a last attempt to win the god’s favor, he sings them a song about love. Hades' wife, Persephone, hears and is so moved by it, that she also begs Hades to let Eurydice go.”
“So, just like that he gets what he wants?” Dash hadn’t taken his eyes off him the entire story. Danny finally turned to look at him and a strong wave of deja vu hit him. Memories from the lake flooded his mind, making his face warm. He focused his eyes on Dash’s forehead, the only safe place he could stare at while he finished the story.
“Not quite. Hades wants to listen to his wife, but, like you said, he can’t just go around letting people return to life. He has a job to do. So, he issues them a challenge. If he and Eurydice can walk back the way Orpheus had come, with him leading the way and her following behind, then she can live. The catch is he can’t turn around to make sure she’s following him.”
“Can’t she just tell him she’s there?”
“She’s dead. She can’t speak. He’ll have no way to make sure she’s there. But, that’s the test, right? Does he love her enough to trust that she’ll follow? They turn and go. Over the weeks though, doubt starts to set in. How does he know this isn’t Hades trying to trick him into just leaving? What if she’s lost hope and turned around a long time ago? What if she never followed him in the first place? Finally, after several long weeks of his own psychological torture, he sees sunlight. They’ve made it! He runs for the exit, excited to finally have his wife back. As soon as the sunlight touches his skin, he turns around.”
Dash gasped.
“But, she hadn’t stepped into the sun yet. She hadn't run like he had and was still a few feet behind. She waved goodbye and he watched as she disappeared from sight, this time forever.”
“That’s so idiotic. Why the fuck would he turn around? He was so close!”
Danny let his eyes slip down to Dash’s, surprised at how invested he was in the story. “He didn’t do it because he was an idiot. He did it out of love. He was so excited that he ran ahead and didn’t think about her catching up. He loved her too much to not turn around and share his joy with her. In some of the re-tellings, she trips and he turns to catch her, but her feet are still in the shadows. Every time he turns, he turns out of love. That’s why it’s a tragedy.”
“But he worked so hard.”
“Think about it, would you let your partner walk all the way through Amity Park without turning to check on them?” Danny watched as Dash thought about it; really thought about it. Several emotions crossed his face and Danny desperately wanted to know exactly what he was thinking.
Dash sighed. “No, I guess not. I’d be too worried a ghost got them. What does he do after that then? Wallow?”
Danny chuckled, messing with the buttons on Dash’s jacket. “Pretty much. He does go back to the underworld to convince Hades to give him a second chance because he was so close, but Hades refuses. So, he leaves and becomes super depressed, singing only sad songs. He refuses to get married again and rejects a bunch of women. And they get so mad at him that they tear him apart limb by limb and throw him and his lyre in the river where it floats to the isle of Muses and they give him a proper burial so that he can be reunited with Eurydice in the underworld. And they put his lyre in the stars so it couldn’t be played by anyone else.”
“Wow, okay.” Dash finally broke eye contact, giving Danny room to breathe, and pointed vaguely in the direction of the constellation. “And it’s just that square?”
Danny reached up and grabbed his hand, helping him trace the constellation. “That square and these stars. It's supposed to look like a lyre.” Danny studied Dash’s eyes as they traveled down to their hands. A bright red rose to the surface of Dash’s face. Another memory of the incident a few days before rose to his mind, and Danny dropped Dash’s hand. If he wasn’t careful, he’d end up exactly where he told his friends he wouldn’t.
And now Dash was staring at him, a conflict clear in his eyes, and they were so close. And Danny really needed to stop creating these situations. Because he was weak, and it was so very hard just to break eye contact. Just as it looked like Dash had made up his mind about something, Danny sat up and scooted away, creating a distance between them. His heart pounded. “Also, Lyra’s constellation contains the star Vega, which is the second brightest star in the northern sky.”
Danny took a deep breath, hoping that wasn't the most awkward thing he'd ever done. (Considering the last time he fell in a lake, it's not.) And hoped that his science fact would be nerdy enough to ruin whatever vibe had been happening.
Dash blinked, missing the cozy atmosphere. He sat up, clearing his throat. "Which one is the brightest?"
Danny, relieved, pointed to another star in the sky. "That would be Arcturus." He stood up, offering Dash a hand. But he was quick to let go once Dash was on his feet. "It's getting late, we should probably get going."
Dash nodded.
Danny turned, hoping the cold breeze would cool the heat in his face as they descended the hill. "Careful, " he called back, "some of these rocks are loose." They continued picking their way down the hill, it was slower going down than it was going up.
"Hey, Danny?" Dash asked about halfway down. "Could I- ack!" He stepped on a loose stone and lost his balance, tipping forward as the dirt rushed from under him.
Danny turned around, reaching his arms out to catch Dash's shoulders; steadying them both before they toppled down the hill. Dash was holding onto him for dear life. "Damn, that was close. You okay?"
Dash's face was bright red and he was a little shaky as he pulled away, finding his footing before completely letting go of Danny. He coughed. "Uh, yeah. Sorry. Could I ask a question?"
Danny was happy to let him change the subject, not wanting to dwell on the event. "Yeah, what's bugging you?" Danny turned and led the way down the hill a little slower this time, making sure to be extra careful with where he put his feet.
Dash was quiet for a moment, almost like he was hesitant to bring it up. "How would, uh, how would someone know if they're asexual or not?"
"Well, I think that's something only you can decide. But little to zero sexual attraction means you don't feel attracted to sleeping with someone." They reached the bottom of the hill. Danny waited patiently for Dash to dig through his pockets for his keys.
"But, how would you know? Especially if you've never had sex. What does that even feel like?" Dash finally got his keys out and unlocked the car.
Danny raised an eyebrow at him as they climbed into the car. "You've never looked at someone or talked with someone and thought 'wow, I want to tap that?' or anything along those lines?"
"No. I always just kind of figured people just did that because it's what they were supposed to do, not because they actually wanted to." Dash started the car, turning on the heater for Danny.
"How did you figure out you were gay?"
"I tried flirting with girls because, again, I thought it was what I was supposed to do but I didn't really care for it. Then, uh, a guy flirted with me at the movies and I was like, oh, that's what everyone's talking about." Dash pulled out of the parking lot, driving slowly because Danny's house wasn't far away and he didn't want to end the conversation too soon.
Danny had the passing thought that these car conversations were happening a lot frequently. Maybe he should have been worried about that, but he found he didn't mind. "And you didn't want to sleep with that guy?"
Dash shook his head. "No. It kind of felt like sleeping with him would ruin whatever was happening."
Danny gave him a reassuring smile. "It sounds like you might be ace."
Dash squirmed in his seat. "But, I still want a partner and to kiss people. It's just.. you know, the other stuff that's weird."
Despite himself, Danny laughed. Dash's ear burned as he pouted.
"I'm not laughing at you, I promise. It's just-" Danny paused as another bout of laughter escaped him. "It's- you're allowed to say the word 'sex', Dash. It's not like it's forbidden." He took a deep breath to reset his lungs and quell the laughter. "And you can be ace and still kiss people. Kissing isn't inherently a sexual thing. It mostly falls under romantic attraction."
Dash pulled up in front of Danny's house, letting the car idle. "Wouldn't kissing without sex bother people though? I mean, I assume it would because non-ace people want that kind of stuff in their relationship, right?"
Danny shrugged. "People kiss all the time without it escalating. And not every relationship needs sex for it to work. That's something that wouldn't bother me. So, you've just got to find the right people who think the same."
Dash went quiet. Danny glanced at him to find his face on fire and his nails digging into the steering wheel. He was looking at him like he wanted to crawl under a rock and also like Danny held the entire world in his hands. It was how he looked at Phantom.
It sunk in what his words were implying. He pinched his mouth together, eyes going wide. He was in trouble. He was in big, big trouble. And he needed a way out fast.
He forced a laugh to relieve some of the pressure. "Oh, yeah, and before I forget, I was going to ask you if you wanted to come with us to the new Nightermerica movie next week? It's Sam's favorite series so there's no way we're missing it."
Smooth, Fenton, smooth.
Dash sighed, deflating like a balloon. He wanted to ask him what he meant but didn't want to push. "I would, but I can't. My mom and I are going on a three-week trip to California and we leave on Monday."
Danny wouldn't lie, he was a little disappointed, a pang gripping his heart. "Oh, you're going to be gone for that long?"
Dash looked away, staring out the front windshield. "Yeah, it's for a family reunion. It's technically going all month but my mom doesn't like leaving for very long. The Amity Jitters get her really bad."
"Do they bother you?" Danny asked, glad the conversation wasn't as dangerous as it had been a few seconds ago. Though his heart was still racing, keeping him in fight or flight mode.
"Yeah, but my cousin Reggie is going so I was going to feel like my skin was peeling off anyway."
Danny laughed. "Not a Reggie fan?"
"He's the worst. He thinks being in college makes him the coolest ladies' man ever, but then he only dates freshmen. So he's super creepy and then he tells us all about it."
"Ick." Danny made a disgusted face. "Well, I hope you survive."
"Yeah, me too."
Danny chewed his lip. This is where he would get out of the car and they'd part ways. But, now that he knew he had even less time with his friend than he thought he would, he didn't want the conversation to end. Something itched in the back of his brain, bothering him and making him question why it even mattered to him. "Can I ask," his voice sounded tiny, even to him, "Are you going out of state for college?"
Dash looked surprised at the question. He shook his head. "No. I'm staying here at the community college."
"Really?" Danny instantly felt some stress leave his body. He had no idea why he was so relieved, but he'd take it over worrying about how much time he had left with Dash. "I figured you'd be going to some fancy football university or something."
"I'm not… really into the whole football thing anymore, if I'm honest. Don't get me wrong, it's still fun to play every once in a while, but going pro was something my dad pushed for. That kind of poisoned it after a while. And I don't want anything to do with him, so pursuing the career he wanted for me is out of the question."
"I'm sorry," Danny muttered.
Dash waved him off. "It's fine."
"So, what are you going to do then?" Danny twisted in his seat, finally undoing his seat belt so he could sit more comfortably.
"Well, my current plan is to get my general education degree just to have some kind of higher education under my belt and then probably find a trade to go into. I could be a mechanic, or a personal trainer or something. I haven't decided yet." Dash sighed just to clear his lungs. He finally looked back at Danny. "What about you?"
It was Danny's turn to look away, nerves making him a little uncomfortable. "I'm not sure I am going to college. Until Senior Ditch Day when Mr. Lancer tried to convince me to become a teacher, I wasn't sure there was a reason for me to. But, I don't know. I'm still trying to decide. If I did go, I would go here."
"Do you want to be a teacher?" Dash pried.
Danny shrugged. "I don't know. He said I should teach astronomy which would be kind of fun. I'm just not sure if I'm cut out for it. And then there's the whole 'the Fenton's are a family of geniuses' thing. My dad might be disappointed if I don't go into something science-y like Jazz."
Dash placed a hand on his shoulder. "Isn't astronomy science?"
"Yeah, but not the science they want."
"Well, I don't know about the whole family disappointment thing, but as for you thinking you're not cut out for it, I can tell you you're wrong. I mean, did you see the way you spoke about dark matter tonight? You have the passion for it. And if my physics grades were anything to go by, you definitely have the ability to teach people. I think you'd make a great teacher. If that is what you wanted to do."
Danny's heart nearly stopped right then and there. Adrenaline pumped through his veins and he felt a little dizzy. "Really?"
"Yeah, really. You kind of make learning fun." Dash gave him an impossibly soft smile before dropping his hand. "Maybe you should talk to your parents about it?"
Danny sighed. "I don't know. They don't listen very often."
"Well, I can't really tell you what you should and shouldn't do when I don't know your situation. But, if you want to get closure on it, it might be worth a conversation."
Danny was quiet for a minute, thinking it over. It could be worth it if he could get them to consider what he was saying and not push their own agenda.
"What about Sam, Valerie, and Tucker?" Dash asked when Danny had been quiet for a minute.
Danny blinked, trying to focus on the conversation. "Uh, Valerie is trying to get into a big university out of state, but Sam and Tucker are staying here. What are Kwan and Paulina doing?"
Dash exhaled partly in relief, partly in sadness. "Paulina's already been accepted into a beauty school in New York and Kwan is trying to decide between two football scholarships, both out of state. He's going to be an English major but he's excited to have a way to pay for it." He tapped at the steering wheel, a nervous habit Danny noticed. "Can I be honest?"
Danny nodded, definitely not watching the curve of Dash's neck as he breathed.
"I'm actually really glad you guys aren't going anywhere. I'll miss Valerie, but with both Kwan and Paulina gone, I was not looking forward to being the one left behind. I especially didn't want to lose you guys after we just barely became friends."
Danny needed to get out of this car before he did or said something he couldn't take back. He, stupidly, opened his mouth to reply. "Me too. I-"
Dash's phone ringing cut him off, startling him out of his weird daze. As Dash scrambled to answer it, Danny cleared his throat and sat back in his seat. He ran through a few breathing exercises to get his heart rate under control.
"Hey, mom," Dash answered. Danny couldn't hear the voice on the other end. "Yeah, I'm fine. Danny and I were watching a comet- yes, that Danny." Dash sighed affectionately. He looked at Danny. "My mom says hi."
Danny laughed and leaned over to project his voice into Dash's phone. "Hi, Mrs. Baxter."
Dash jokingly pushed him away. "Yeah, we know it's five a.m. I'm dropping Danny off at his place. Then I'll come straight home. Yes, I promise. Okay, love you, bye."
Danny couldn't help but smile. "It's nice that she calls and checks on you." He glanced at his house and wondered if his parents even remembered he was out. Or if they even realized what time it was.
"Yeah, she got home and was worried a ghost got me when she couldn't find me."
"I guess, I should let you go then, so she doesn't have to worry anymore." Danny pulled open his door and stepped out into the chilly breeze.
"I'll see you when I get back?" Dash asked, tapping at the steering wheel again.
Danny snorted. "Think you can get rid of me? You're stuck with me now, Baxter, whether you like it or not."
"Good," Dash grinned.
Danny closed the door and waved as Dash drove off.
It was only when Dash turned the corner did Danny allow himself to break down. "'It wouldn't bother me.' 'You're stuck with me'. Come on, Fenton. Get yourself together." He shoved his hands into his pockets as he walked up to the front door and only then realized he was still wearing Dash's jacket. He sighed, dropping his head harshly against his front door as he searched for his keys to unlock it.
Maybe three weeks away from Dash would be a good thing. Maybe he'd be able to kick whatever stupid fixation he had on him by the time he got back and they could just be friends. He pushed the front door open, immediately freezing in his tracks, his entire body going rigid.
A dark, acrid smell was permeating the air.
He knew that smell.
It was thick and heavy, like it had been around for hours. The door to the lab was open.
He tiptoed over, careful not to make any noise as he listened for his parents. There was clanging coming from downstairs. Not the practiced kind his parents made, but something more desperate.
The overhead lights weren't on. The staircase was completely dark. He crept down them, one at a time, avoiding the creaky spots. As he got closer, he heard muffled screaming. He turned invisible and peeked into the room.
He wanted to throw up.
The exam table was out, in the center of the room, surrounded by smaller tables holding a wide variety of tools; scalpels, medical scissors, forceps, bone-saws, almost all of them covered in dull green ectoplasm.
Laying on the table, chest carved open and pinned in a gruesome display, was a ghost girl. She couldn't have been older than sixteen. Her arms and legs were strapped in metal cuffs to the table. A muzzle tied tightly around her face was keeping her screams quiet.
Her chest was cut completely open, muscle tissue and skin being held back by dissection pins. Her core was exposed; it pulsed a slow, dark orange, illuminating the sawed bone of her rib cage and the slimy organs underneath.
She was crying as she thrashed about, spilling ectoplasm over the table and floor as she tried to free herself.
Danny shuddered, climbing back up a few stairs to get the scene out of sight as he tried to control his breathing; the smell of decaying ectoplasm in the air wasn't helping and now was not the time for him to have an anxiety attack.
After a few more deep breaths, he worked up enough courage to transform into Phantom. Keeping himself invisible, he flew around the house, looking for his parents.
He found them in the ops center. They were bent over a piece of equipment, tinkering away; both had green stains all over their jumpsuits.
He left- not caring what they were doing at the moment as long as it didn't involve dissecting ghosts- and flew back down to the lab. Part of him wondered how his parents were able to just leave a girl like that and go work on something else. Even if she was a ghost. Before he went down the stairs again, he duplicated himself, leaving the duplicate to stand guard at the door.
The last thing he needed was to get caught and be the next ghost on that table.
He descended the stairs, quickly this time. He needed to work fast. The girl was still fighting against her restraints. He focused on turning himself visible while keeping his duplicate invisible.
He held his hands up in a peaceful gesture and slowly approached the table where she could see him. She screamed louder, voice ragged and raw. Her movements became more jarring as she tried to get away from him.
"Hey, don't worry." He tried to keep his tone as soft as he could despite how badly he was shaking. "I'm here to get you out."
She sobbed, more tears falling down her face. She didn't stop trying to get away from him. He stopped walking.
"I promise, I don't want to hurt you. But we have to go fast before those people come back. I need to put you back together first. Is that okay?"
She flopped against the table, still sobbing, but giving up. Danny took a deep breath and approached the table. Now that he was closer, he could see patches of blackened skin all over her arms; necrotic wounds. He glanced at the tables nearby, spying the Fenton Venom on one of them. Tears pricked his eyes. There were so many wounds on her arms. How long had she been here? What were they doing to her?
He shook his head. He didn't have time to freak out. "Okay, I'm going to remove these pins first. It might hurt. I'm sorry." He spoke mostly to keep himself focused more than to calm her down.
He pulled the first pin out, dropping it on the floor. She screamed, thrashing against the restraints again and splattering ectoplasm all over him. He waited til she stopped before going for the next pin. "I'm sorry. We've got a few more of these to go."
He pulled the second pin out, this time closing his eyes to avoid the spray. He took a moment to focus and see what his duplicate was seeing; the coast was still clear. He returned his focus- dizzy and shaky with the effort it took to split his concentration- to the girl in front of him pulling out the next pin. This time she didn't scream. Danny pulled the pins out a bit faster.
He half expected her skin to go back to where it belonged once it was free of the pins, but with the Fenton Venom in her veins, she was healing slow. He wished he had left some of the antibiotics here instead of storing them in the ghost zone. But he couldn't have his parents find out he was messing with their stuff behind their backs.
He searched the drawers around him for some surgical glue. As a full ghost, she'd heal back the way she was supposed to given enough time. But he wanted to help speed the process along and give her core some protection.
Her muscle was slippery as he fit it back against her bones. Her skin rubbery as he glued it back in place. He wasn't going to forget the feel of it against his gloves anytime soon.
Guilt washed over him. He'd been sitting in front of his house with Dash for half an hour while she'd been sitting here with her body flayed open. If he'd just come directly inside instead of prolonging their conversation, he could have gotten her out sooner.
He shook his head. He didn't need to think like that. How could he have known she was down here? She hadn't been here when he'd left for the party. He had no way of knowing. And he was helping now.
He took a deep breath as he glued the last bit of glowing skin in place. "Okay, let's get this muzzle off you. Please, don't scream. They're nearby."
She nodded and turned her head so he could undo the ties to the muzzle. She didn't say anything once it was off. He dropped it on the floor and leaned over the tables toward the key rack. "My name's Danny. What's yours?"
Her voice was raw and strangled. "Emma."
"Okay, Emma," he grabbed the key for the restraints, "let's get you home, yeah?"
"My mom was right." She sobbed. "I should never have come here."
Danny unlocked each restraint quickly, helping her sit up once the final one was off. "I'm so sorry, Find Pandora in the ghost zone. She has medicine for your arms." He helped her to her feet, looking away from her as ectoplasm dripped from the seams of her wounds. She leaned on him as they stumbled to the ghost portal.
"Thank you," She whispered, disappearing inside.
Danny sighed and collapsed to the ground the second she was out of sight. He closed his eyes, but all he saw was her form still splayed out on the table. Pressing his hands against them did no good; the swirling static made him more nauseous than he already was.
Somewhere, his duplicate heard his parents' footsteps. Panic set in and he stood up too fast. He ran back to the key rack, putting the restraint key back in its exact spot, and grabbed a mop. He ran it over the drops she had spilled on her way to the portal. His parents couldn't know how she got out, just that she did.
Through his duplicate's eyes, he saw his parents stumble into the kitchen, invention in hand and clearly sleep-deprived. He recalled his duplicate, tripping when they merged. With three seconds to spare, he got the mop back in its place and turned invisible.
"What in the world?!" His mom screeched, halting just inside the lab.
"Leaping, gallivanting lizards!" His dad cursed, frantically running for the table. "How did it escape? Maddie, did you use the extra strong restraints?"
"Of course! Are you sure you put the muzzle on right? What if she could wail?"
Danny flew through the walls back up to the front door. His parents had started arguing a lot more lately so he was used to it, but he did not want to hear them argue about who forgot what torture method. He changed back to his human form and opened the front door. Then he slammed it as hard as he could, hoping they would hear it.
"I'm home!" He shouted, walking toward the lab. The smell still hung heavy in the air; he'd be sleeping with his window open tonight. They were still arguing by the time he reached the lab again. He tried not to look at the table. "You guys are still awake?"
His voice cut through and they turned to look at him.
"Hi, dear," his mom muttered, rubbing her eyes. "How was your party?"
"Never mind the party," his dad huffed, sounding a little frustrated, "what's all over your face?"
Danny touched his cheek. He had completely forgotten Paulina had put makeup on him. That had been so long ago it felt like another lifetime. "Oh, uh, Paulina wanted to practice her makeup skills. I used to let Jazz do it all the time, so I figured-"
"Figured you'd let her make you look like a girl?" His mom elbowed his side. His dad choked. "I mean, it looks good! Space, just like you like."
Danny clenched his fists at his side. "Boys can wear makeup too, Dad. It's not like-"
"Why are you home so late?!" His mom interrupted when she noticed the time. "It's almost six in the morning!"
Danny crossed his arms to hide how badly his nails were biting into his palms. "I'm nineteen, Mom. I don't need a curfew anymore."
"Adult or not, there are still ghosts out there, young man. Surely your party didn't go this long. What else was so important you'd risk your safety?"
"There was a comet that was visible tonight. Dash and I went to go see it."
"I told you this astronaut business was going to get him in trouble." His dad pointed at his mom.
She ignored him, her eyes lighting up. "You were out with a boy?! Alone? At the observatory?"
His dad caught onto what she was saying. He grinned at his son. "That's where I took your mom on our twelfth date! Good job, Dan-O!"
"No, it's not like that!" Danny protested, getting angrier by the minute. He wished they would just listen to him for once.
"Oh, Danny why didn't you tell us?!" His mom pulled him into a hug. "You should invite him over for dinner!"
He squirmed out of her grip, slipping on a puddle of ectoplasm on the floor. He did not want to be having this conversation in this room. "We're not dating! He went with me in case there was a ghost. For safety reasons!"
"Well, I like him already! He sounds like a smart boy, caring about safety!" Jack-the-safety-takes-too-much-ghost-hunting-space-Fenton said.
"Have you guys even eaten dinner?" Danny changed the subject, already turning to head up the stairs. He couldn't stand to be in the lab any longer. His parents followed him.
"Good idea, Danny. I do feel a bit faint." His mom answered.
Danny plopped down into a chair at the kitchen table as his parents set about getting themselves bowls of cereal. If he wasn't so mad, he would have offered to make them something. He took a few calming breaths. "So, I wanted to talk to you guys about something."
"Is it about this boy you're seeing?" His mom squealed. "Is he cute? Is that his jacket you're wearing? Do I know him?"
Danny rolled his eyes. "You're not listening to me. I'm not seeing him. And yeah, Mom, you've met Dash a ton of times. But that's not what I wanted to tell you."
"You're getting old, Danny. You've never even brought anyone home. We'll be old and gray before your mom gets to make someone dinner." His dad sat down, bumping the table as he did so.
Danny stood up from the table. "You know, let's just talk about this later. It stinks of ectoplasm everywhere and I'm tired." It was true, he just wanted to shower and try to get the image of Emma out of his mind. The only reason he was attempting to have a conversation with his parents was because this was the first time he'd properly seen them in the last three days. And something about what Dash had said, prompted him to try.
"No, No, I'm sorry, honey." His mom rushed. "What did you wanna tell us?"
Danny stared at her for a moment, debating if this was even worth it. It wouldn't be. He knew that. But some part of him was yearning to know what they would think of his decision to be a teacher and he caved. "Uh, well, I've decided to go to college."
"Finally!" His dad cheered, spilling part of his cereal on the table. "Yale with your sister or Harvard?"
Danny could already feel the pit of despair opening in his stomach. He avoided his dad's eyes. "Just the community college here in Amity Park."
"Well, that's a start." His mom covered, kicking his dad under the table. "So what are you going for? Biochemist? Biomedical Engineer? Microbiologist? Astronomer?" She wiggled her eyebrows at the last one like she was in on some inside joke.
"Close," he wheezed. His hope that his parents had changed their view on careers went down the drain as they stared at him with anticipation and excitement in their eyes. His heart squeezed and he scuffed his foot against the floor. He shoved his hands into the pockets of Dash's jacket, gaining a little confidence as he remembered what he had told him. "Uh, I want to be an astronomy teacher. A professor, if I can manage it."
His gut twisted as he watched his father's face visible fall; his crow's feet disappearing with his smile. His mom did better at keeping her smile on her face, but it no longer reached her eyes.
"Well, we had one genius kid," his dad muttered. His mom kicked him again.
"What made you want to do that?" She asked, voice tense.
Danny wished he had never brought this up. He coughed, clearing his throat so they wouldn't hear his voice shake. "I mean, I like astronomy and Mr. Lancer said I'd make a good teacher. So, I've been thinking about it and-"
"Oh, well that's fine then." His dad sighed. "If someone else told you to do it, then you're practically guaranteed to change majors in your first year. We have nothing to worry about, Maddie!"
Danny couldn't believe how his dad had hit the point head-on and still refused to see it. Did he even hear himself?
"At least it's a start." His mom agreed. "You can at least get your generals done while you decide." Her words left no room for argument.
"Right." Danny bit out. He spun on his heel and started walking out of the kitchen. "I'm tired. Goodnight."
"Night, Danny!" His mom called, cheer returning to her voice.
"Goodnight!" His dad shouted, and then when he thought Danny was out of hearing range, he whispered to his mom. "I knew that Mr. Lancer wouldn't leave well enough alone when he kept showing up here his freshman year."
"Sometimes, teachers just don't know when to leave the parenting to the parents." His mom sighed.
"And to think Danny wants to be one of them!" His dad's laugh was boisterous.
"Maybe we should call Jazz. Have her talk to him. He always listens to her more anyway."
Danny sprinted up the last couple of stairs, slamming his bedroom door. As soon as it was shut, he felt the tears finally spill onto his cheeks. He shouldn't have told them. He shouldn't have said a damn word. He was desperate for their approval but he shouldn't have said anything. It always ended like this.
He couldn't hold a candle to Jazz the golden genius child. He wouldn't be good enough for them no matter what he did. Teacher or superhero, they hated both.
He stormed into his bathroom, yanking his clothes off and throwing them into his laundry basket. He felt slightly bad for treating Dash's jacket like that but he just wanted to get the smell of Emma's blood and the feeling of his parents' laughter off his skin.
He turned the shower to its coldest setting, finding a bit of comfort in his element. It was a stark contrast to the hot tears carving their way down his face. He wiped them away and watched the colors of Paulina's makeup fall through his fingers. He had liked how she'd done his eyeliner. Maybe as a way to piss his dad off, he'd ask her to teach him how to do it.
Done with his shower and wrapped in a towel, he grabbed his basket of clothes and took it to the washing machine. He threw an extra bit of detergent in there (checking Dash's jacket would be fine first) to make sure the smell really got out and then he marched back to his room, slamming his door again just because he could.
He put on his comfiest pair of Pj's, cracked his window, and collapsed in his bed. He sniffled, a few tears still trying to escape his eyes. He wished Jazz was awake. He wanted to talk to her before his parents did. He knew she'd be supportive of his decision. And he wanted to tell her his news before his parents ruined it.
He buried himself under his blankets, hoping they'd be enough to keep the monsters out of his mind while he tried to sleep.
The blankets never did anything to help.
Sam's toxic relationship with Danny.
Alright, so, in Double Cross My Heart we all know Sam gets a new crush and Danny becomes jealous. But, after watching this episode for the umpteenth time, I really don't think he was jealous, he was just being overprotective as always (13).
Moving on, there was something about Gregor I noticed from the get-go and why I think Sam just fell for him on-sight, anyone want to take a guess?

Well, let's see, he's tan, wearing black and white, has white hair, and green eyes (he takes his sunglasses off at the end of the episode). Any of these attributes sound, I dunno, familiar?
Do I think this was intentional? Yes, but not from his end, he had no idea Sam has a crush on Phantom, and yes I mean Phantom. Why?

This is when Sam's crush on Danny actually started, this moment here. No not earlier in the episode when they're holding hands, she and Danny do blush but it's because they're in an awkward situation, not because 'oh no I'm touching my crush's hands'. Sam doesn't show any actual interest in Danny in any episode prior to this, sure she and Danny are dancing together at the freshman dance (parental bonding) but there's no romance underlying the scene, it's just two friends dancing platonically, Danny even says he wish he took her just because she wanted to go.
Do I think Sam even knows she has a crush on Phantom and not Danny? No, she's 14, she wouldn't understand that. Why do I think that? Well it's just the way she treats Danny as Danny and not as Phantom, when Danny does regular teenage boy stuff she gets all angry and annoyed by him and Tucker, but when it comes to the ghost stuff she's not as bad about it. I get she's trying to get him to be more mature etc, but he's 14 xD let him be 14.
Then there's Memory Blank, remember how she just straight up gets called out for her causing issues with Danny and just not apologising for any of it? She apologises for the fight, not for what she's done, and Danny just rolls over. It's insane. "Welcome to my world, remember? We should make the menu recyclo-vegetarian! We should let the gorilla out! We should sell all of your dad’s stuff at a garage sale!" "Anything else you want to blame me for? The ice age? Puberty?" "Sam, both monsters knew your name. Either there’s another Sam involved in ghost fighting-- or it’s you." "How about a “thank you”, huh?"
She never actually apologises for any of that tbh, even in this episode she had a go at Danny for beating up the possessed cow balloon and not for haunting the Truck Dealership place. Y'know, he does mature superhero things and she's like "yeah but my agenda", Sam has a tendency to only be mad at Danny for abusing his ghost powers if it doesn't give her perks.
Killer Garage Sale: Danny gains popularity, Sam is ugh. Splitting Images (the NEXT episode): Danny (who's possessed and Tucker even states Danny's acting weird) gains popularity, Sam ignores Tucker's observation and jumps on Danny's popularity to save the frogs.
I feel like the two finally getting together was only because of Elmer's initial plan, but in-universe they only got together because every other character insisted on it. Sam only has the Class Ring because Valerie dumped him and the only reason it has her name in it is because of Jack, Danny never actually gave it to her.
Alright, gonna jump all the way to Frightmare now because I think, even subconsciously, Danny just doesn't have any real feelings for Sam. Why?


Because this happens. In order to wake up from Frightmare's dream helmet things, you need to have a shock in their dream, or basically a nightmare. So Danny's dream was basically perfect up until Danny was confronted with what he thinks is what he wants, yet he wakes up in distress over it. Then there's Sam's dream, which is identical, but Sam wouldn't have woken up from the kiss, it took this to snap her out of it.

Which feels... Kind of telling to me. Sam's perfect dream was happening and she would have remained asleep, but Danny's exact same dream was happening and he woke up. Our subconciouses are basically our thoughts and feelings in their purest form, the way how you feel about something will be very apparent in an instant.
Ok, last episode I'm gonna talk about it, ugh, Phantom Planet. I know, I know, the writing in this episode was so messed up, but the one thing it did get consistent was Sam's character in this. I'm just going to take her last line in the show, which also happens to be the last line in the show, period. "Why not? Cool statue. Personally I would have made it out of recycled materials but, you know, that's just me." Honey, your boyfriend just saved the entire planet and you're going to take the time to complain about his statue??? Like... C'mon Sam... Anyway, yeah, there's a lot more I could say about this btw, but I think I'm done here. Personally, I think if Paulina and Danny wound up together I don't think it'd be as toxic as one with Sam's currently is. "But she only loves Phantom", yeah, but also she's never mean to Danny on her own, she's only mean to him in front of her friends and to Sam to piss her off. She always singles Danny out from his 'loser friends'. Weird huh? ((Just know I'm not saying I ship Paulina with Danny, just that she's actually not as bad as people think she is to him, she's a lot less mean to him than Sam is tbh, you can probably guess who I think is the better person for Danny xD)).
So yeah, I feel like after some time Danny's relationship with Sam would dwindle and eventually end, they'd still be friends, but just that.
I'll end it there.
EDIT: I also forgot about this.
Danny spies on Sam with Gregor because he’s worried Gregor’s with the GIW and doesn’t want Sam to get hurt, Sam gets mad at him for spying on her whilst on a date.
But when both Sam and Tucker spy on him and Valerie because they’re worried Valerie might waste him as Danny Phantom (Sam also has some very blatant jealousy spikes) everything is ok???


I don’t think Danny gets upset that Sam and Gregor kiss because he’s jealous either, I think it’s because either: A) he’s realising he might be wrong, B) he’s worried that if he’s right Sam’ll be heartbroken. If he was jealous he wouldn’t have been suddenly ok with Gregor after stopping the GIW from attacking him, he even apologised to Sam for the spying, Sam and Tucker never did ouo
When Danny goes on to say there’s many reasons to want to date Sam, again, only Sam blushes here, Danny just plays it off and doesn’t blush at all. He was just being a good friend and making her feel better, not saying he would date her. He’s 14, he doesn’t know you can platonically call someone pretty.
Let’s not forget Danny’s feelings for Valerie haven’t gone anywhere yet, the episode (double cross your heart) literally starts like this.
