Dash Baxter - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

I vote that we redub the Dash x Kwan ship Slam Poetry.

Think about it. Dash is a bully who relies on physical force, i.e. slamming people against/into things. Kwan canonically writes poetry (still sad we didn't see more of that).

Is it fancy? No. Is it better than T*ght *nd? I sure think so.

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3 years ago

This looks like the cover of a 50s sci fi movie and i am living for it

You Hear That?

You hear that?

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5 months ago
I Hope You All Understand The Vision

I hope you all understand the vision

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5 months ago

DP Mechanic AU- Part 9 Post B


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 4.5 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9A


DP Mechanic AU- Part 9 Post B
DP Mechanic AU- Part 9 Post B
DP Mechanic AU- Part 9 Post B
DP Mechanic AU- Part 9 Post B
DP Mechanic AU- Part 9 Post B
DP Mechanic AU- Part 9 Post B
DP Mechanic AU- Part 9 Post B
DP Mechanic AU- Part 9 Post B
DP Mechanic AU- Part 9 Post B
DP Mechanic AU- Part 9 Post B

Wo-hoo! Thanks for waiting ya'll, part 9 is finally finished

Some of ya'll have seen me talk about how this took a different turn than I was initially planning, but I'm happy it did. It was gonna be all neat and tidy, but sometimes you gotta let stories tell themselves and this is where it wanted to go. Hope I didn't hype the angst up too much, and I hope you enjoy the comic! I haven't made anything over 10 pages long in literally like 9 years. Feels good and also reminds me why half this AU has been fanfic

Anyways, no schedule on when part 10 comes out. I have a basic idea of where it will go, but life likes to get in the way of hobby time, so I'll see you when I see you


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 4.5 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9A

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2 years ago

Danny: // ... ///

Sam and Tuck: *dying and wheezing of laughter*

Started Watching Danny Phantom Again
Started Watching Danny Phantom Again
Started Watching Danny Phantom Again

Started watching Danny Phantom again

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2 years ago

The one time Lancer plays along with what the students are doing and is regarded as cool for the day.

GIW agent trying to get a statement about an attack on the school to locate and arrest Phantom: And what's your name young man?

Danny: Danthony.

Agent: ... Uh... Okay and you?

Tucker: Tuckthony.

Agent squinting: Right... And you Miss?

Sam: Samthony.

Agent: Mhm... Let me guess you lot are-

Valerie: Valthony.

Dash: Dashthony.

Paulina: Paulthony.

Agent: Sir please tell your students it's wrong to obstruct an investigation.

Lancer: Yes, children, please. Behave.

Agent: Thank you. What's your name sir?

Lancer: ... Lanthony.


Danny: *high fives Lancer*

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1 year ago

Danny and his english class go feral

So danny and all of his English class are going to gothem as a graduateing feild trip

By this point in time everyone knows danny is phantom, danny knowes everyone knows, all of amity knowes

But because of the way the government reacted to the ghosts, ignoring the problem and just sending in people who want to commit genocide.. they've made the decision they dont need the government

At this point, danny English class is very protective of eachother

Dash and the a-listers apologised

Once Wes was proven right, he was told of what would happen to danny should outsiders find out about him and apologised

Mikey and the neards have gotten more confident dew to the a-listers and in return thwy help dash and kwan with their grades

The point is, their ALL protective, and because danny is the most protective of all once he heard they were going to gothem he handed out fenton brand wepons like candy

They were all enjoying it so far, it was getting annoying whenever dash or kwan had to knock out a few petty criminals but its going fine...

Until the riddler and penguin decided to make a hostages situation out of them




When batman arrived to a hostage situation he was expecting crying and scared kids, especially after learning they were teenagers from out of town...

What he walked in on was this

Paulina and star making matching scratching posts out of a pair of goons

Wes was full body slamming people left, right and center, your in his way your getting knocked over

Sam was following wes and after he knocked them over she used the fenton-anti-asshole-tazer on them

Tucker was sitting on a chandler and making sure all the coms were disconnected...and recording everything

Mickey ran up to dash yelled "FOOTBALL ME" and dash picked him up like a foorball, threw him several feet in the air where he proceeded to tackel and claw penguin

Danny was fist fighting the riddler while distroying him with banter

Mr.Lancer had a fuckin fenton-lighsaber and was changing from obi-wan canoby and darth vader impressions




Batman went out side for a good 30 minutes trying to processes what he just saw, unfortunately leaving the goons the riddler and penguin to the mercy of feral, overprotective angry amity parkers




When batman walked in later Tucker yelled "THE CONTROLL ISSUE FURRIE IS HERE"

After he yelled that everyone froze

Danny was choking out the riddler

Mickey was holding the fenton-ecto gun at penguin

Dash was mid punch

Kwan was using fenton-sneakers to walk on the roof and was stringing up goons

Stat was using the fenton-lipsick gun to blast people

Paulina was using the fenton-glitter nunchucks with star as backup

Wes was putting a goon in a headlock

Sam was using fenton-thorn gloves to distroy all wepons the goons were using

And Mr.lancer was mid darth vader impersonation

And they all stopped their feralness to stare at him, it went from chaos to silence

Even the goon, riddler and penguin were silent waiting to see WTF was about to happen

And batman had a feeling life was about to get more complicated

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1 year ago

Amity Parkers in Gotham

Casper High students graduated. As much as they loved their town (which now included ghosts as recurring residents) they knew they had to go. Not because Phantom didn't do a good job, or that ghosts attacked daily (on the contrary, after Phantom's intervention the destruction became concentrated in the Infinite Realms), but they had to go to a university. That's why most of them applied to Gotham University, it seemed right.

Sure, Gotham wasn't as cool as Amity, nor did it include dimension travel to the Realm of the Dead (Amity Parkers had access to the Infinite Realms as long as they abided by Walker's rules), but they had a great scholarship program, and the city was so chaotic because of its heroes and villains that it felt...like home.

The problem was that no one taught Casper's ex-students some basics: Feeling afraid, avoiding your attackers, not attacking back. Things that seemed like common sense did not go through their heads. After years of dealing with ghost attacks they had gotten used to it, and knew how to counterattack.

So, after their arrival they were knocking out rogues, stopping robbery, and looking bored at the prospect of dying. That made Batman suspicious of a secret society of young soldiers, although it didn't really make much sense, was someone training teenagers? The batfamily was worried at the prospect.

At some point, there was even an "undead" attack in what was called the Justice League; Of course, the Amity Parkers were the first to establish a secure site and prevent the invasion from advancing. At the end everything seemed lost and the undead epidemic was about to spread out of Gotham, but Dash snorted and said that he would "contact a friend that can help", which raised the suspicions of the League.

Danny, who was taking a year off before starting his university studies, raised an eyebrow at the group he had with his old classmates. He shrugged before transforming into Phantom and going to the place, in a few minutes the invasion was over and Bruce was 90% sure that there was a secret society training a teenage army.

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5 months ago
liedboutmurder - Conspiracy Theorist And Analyst
liedboutmurder - Conspiracy Theorist And Analyst
liedboutmurder - Conspiracy Theorist And Analyst
liedboutmurder - Conspiracy Theorist And Analyst
liedboutmurder - Conspiracy Theorist And Analyst
liedboutmurder - Conspiracy Theorist And Analyst
liedboutmurder - Conspiracy Theorist And Analyst

Another de-aged Danny au, but he's with Dan & Ellie & Jazz as well.

Jason has like just arrived back to Gotham, caused chaos in the underbelly due to well, 8 heads in a duffle bag, and is just starting his takeover of Crime Alley. It's going good, great even! And then he busts some sort of gang or smuggling ring run by people in white suits and there's... holy shit why do these four toddlers have Lazarus eyes?!

Is that a lab?! And Lazarus waters?! Jason might be a bit mad but he's not an asshole, he's not going to just leave these kids here to the streets. He can't just take them to the Batclan either, and as much as he begrudgingly trusts Talia, he sure as fuck doesn't trust Ras. Who knows what he'd do to four... what are they, pit-kids?

Now he's juggling his whole revenge-thing, running a criminal empire, taking over Gotham's underbelly, and being a single dad. At least the goonion seems to be down for helping, seeing as he's making Crime Alley safer...? .... Fuck he needs some proper sleep

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4 months ago

Alone together

Alone Together

He doesn't know how long he was there, holding onto them, or why. He just knew he didn't want to let go.

He didn't want to be alone

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8 months ago

Dash, now a Junior, has had a Realization. Fenton does not weigh nearly enough.

He was doing his usual thing, picking on the dweeb but toned down because he's Maturing With Age, when he decided to pick Fenton up. Just to make fun of him for being short, that was all.

But Fenton weighs practically nothing.

Fenton wriggled out of his grip and scurried away with his friends, but Dash couldn't stop thinking about how...concerning. That was.

Dash starts looking up nutrition.

Starts paying attention in Health Class.

Starts watching cooking channels to learn how to cook.

Starts making more food than he can eat, balanced nutritionally for Fenton, and sitting menacingly in front of the dweeb until said dweeb ate the whole thing.

Starts stalking up behind Fenton and shoving snacks into his backpack, with whispered threats against his wellbeing if he didn't eat them.

Dash, over the course of his Junior year, becomes the school's most terrifying fitness coach the student body have ever seen.

And he charges everyone for his services; except Fenton.

He's decided forcing Fenton to be healthy is his new, socially acceptable way of bullying him.

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8 months ago

freaky friday body swap bullshit



word count: 2164

Freaky Friday Trope- Danny and Dash @xscarletsakurax

hi max

Danny walked up to where his friends stood in front of their open lockers.

“Hey, guys, I know this is gonna be really weird but can you cover for me today?”

They both stared at him, exchanged a look between the two of them, and looked back at him. 

“I’m sorry, why would we do that, Dash?” Sam questioned.

Danny facepalmed. “No, sorry. I’m not Dash. I’m Danny. I need to go figure out where Dash went. He wasn’t in my room when I climbed in the window.”

“You climbed in Danny’s window?” Tucker asked slowly.

“Yes. Because I’m Danny.” 

Sam squinted at him. “You don’t look like you’re overshadowed. Is Danny really in there?”

“Yes!” Danny hissed out. “It’s not overshadowing. It’s some kind of freaky Friday body swap bullshit. And I can only assume Dash is in my body but I have to figure out where that is.” 

“What about right behind you?” Tucker pointed. 

Danny turned around and stared down at himself. His face had an expression on it that looked like a mix between anger and confusion. Like he was freaked out.

“Fenton.” Dash ground out. “What is going on? And why did your body sink me all the way to the bottom of your house into your parents weird torture chamber?”

“That’s where you were?”

“You didn’t look anywhere else in the house for him?” Sam hissed at him.

Danny threw his arms up in the air. “How am I gonna explain why Dash was in the Fenton’s house at seven in the morning?! It’s not like he’s exactly welcome to just walk in.”

“But why did I sink through the floor?” Dash waved his hand in front of him to get their attention again. The three of them looked back at him. They went back to talking amongst each other. 

“How did this even happen?” Tucker asked. He looked past Danny at Dash who was frowning at them. “Like, was it one of your parent’s weapons? Did Desiree do something?”

Danny smacked his forehead and groaned. “That must’ve been it.”

“What did you do?” Sam looked up at him with a stern expression. 

“I was walking home from school when he caught me somewhere. He messed around with me for a bit and when I left I kinda mumbled that… I, y’know, wanted him to know what it was like to be in my shoes.”

“So you said the W word.” Tucker crossed his arms and tsked. “Will you ever learn?”

Danny rolled his eyes. “Well how are we gonna fix this? He can’t exactly-”

The three of them looked at Dash again. He had a deep frown on his face and his arms were crossed over his body. “I don’t know what you guys are talking about but can we go back to the part where I sank through the solid floor?” 

Danny fiddled with his fingers nervously. “I, uh, would rather not.”

Dash threw his hands up into the air. “What if it happens again? What if I sink into the ground below the school and I can’t breathe? What then?” 


Danny stopped talking as a bright ring appeared around Dash’s waist. His eyes opened wide and Dash looked down at it as if he was about to explode. 

Before they could separate, Danny picked Dash up off the floor and stuffed him in Tucker’s locker and shut the door. His mouth was pressed into a thin line and he held his hands in fists at his sides, his shoulders hiked up. 

Sam gestured at the locker with a look on her face and Danny shrugged. “I didn’t know what else to do. And I knew he’d fit in there.” 

“What the fuck?! 

Danny’s own echoey voice came through the locker as Dash took in what had happened. 

“You’re dead?!”

A couple students were walking by and staring at them and the commotion. Danny’s mouth opened into an O shape.

“I, uh- no. You- you’re dead! You nerd!” He knocked a fist into the locker. The students walked away and Danny shook his hand out.

“We gotta find Desiree.” Danny whispered. 

“We might as well bring him with us now.” Sam hooked a thumb over her shoulder and pointed at the locker Dash was in. “We might need him to help us.”

“Yeah, I hate to admit it but-”

“Is this some kind of revenge scheme?” Dash wailed, interrupting Tucker. “Did I stuff you into one too many locker’s and kill you? Are you going to steal my living body because I ruined yours?!” 

Tucker stifled his laughter and Sam smacked him on the arm. Danny sighed. “We gotta tell him.” 


A bright light came through the slats in the lockers and Danny went to open Tucker’s locker again. Dash fell out onto the floor and he looked like plain old Danny Fenton again. 

“Did I kill you?” He whimpered. Danny sighed.

“No, you didn’t kill me. Let’s go outside and talk about it.” 

He pulled Dash up off the floor. The four of them started walking towards the exit of the school. 

“Did you like, sell your soul?” Dash asked once they got outside. “Make a deal with the devil and get some kind of ghost powers out of it?” 

“What?” Sam scrunched her face up at him. “No. Danny?” 

Danny sighed and shook out his hands. “Okay. Okay. During freshman year I was in an accident with my parents ghost portal that kept me out of school for a couple days. It turned on while I was inside it.”

“Inside it?” Dash whispered. “So you are dead?”

“I, uh, sort of. It changed me. I died but I think it also revived me at the same time.” Danny ran a hand through his hair. “Ectoplasm merged with my DNA and it turned me into a half ghost.” 

“Half ghost?” Dash frowned at him. “How is that possible? Are you sure you’re not just dead?” 

“He’s dead on the inside.” Tucker said. Everyone looked at him. “He’s depre-”

“We don’t exactly know how this happened. Why Danny ended up like this.” She interrupted Tucker and shot a look at Dash. “But no one can find out.”

“Why not?” Dash asked. “I’d be flaunting this all over the place if I were you. Everyone loves Phantom. You’d have an in with the in crowd.”

“It’s a little more complicated than that when people want to capture and dissect you or keep you in captivity forever and destroy you.”

“No secret, no Phantom.” Tucker nodded. 

“Hm.” Dash looked down as he thought about it. “I guess that’s fair. No Phantom would kind of suck.” 

“Yeah. So it has to stay between us.” Sam said as she leaned towards Dash threateningly. “Got it?”

Dash backed up and nodded his head. Danny had to admit that Sam wasn’t quite so intimidating from his current height so Dash must be feeling the heat from her for the first time. 

“First things first, we need to find Desiree. But how do we-” 

There was an explosion from down the street and they looked and saw literal flying monster cars. They were chasing someone down the street. 

“How much do you wanna bet that’s our ghost?” Tucker smiled as he pointed down the street.

“This is our chance. Sam?” He walked over to her and held his hand out. She pulled a wrist ray out of her backpack and dropped it into his hand. He attached it to his wrist while she pulled out two thermoses. 

Dash stared at them with wide eyes as Tucker pulled out his lipstick blaster from his pocket. “You guys are gonna go fight her?”

“Correction.” Sam walked up to Dash and shoved a thermos into his hands. “We are gonna go fight her.”

“Me?!” Dash squeaked out. “I’ve never done this before.”

“Sorry but you’re the only one of us that’s able to fly.” Tucker said over his shoulder as he started to walk away. “You’re gonna have the easiest time capturing her in a thermos.” 


“This is the only way that we’re gonna get our bodies back, Dash.” Danny turned to stare at him. “If you do this just this once then you don’t have to do anything ghost related ever again.”

“But I don’t know what I’m doing! I’ve never done anything like this!” Dash waved his hands in the air. “I don’t even know how to do your transformation thing. It just happened before!” 

Danny started thinking. How would he describe the transformation process?

“Feel in the center of your chest. There’s a kinda… Cold? Feeling? I usually have to tug on that when I want to transform.” 

“Come on, guys.” Sam said from ahead of them where her and Tucker had walked away. “Figure it out on the way. We don’t want to lose her.” 

Danny started following her and Dash did a moment later.

“This like, ball of ice that you have in your chest?” Dash asked.

Danny nodded. “Yes. Try pulling on it. That’s my ghost-”

The transformation ring appeared around Dash’s waist and it passed over his body. Dash smiled as he looked down at himself. He floated up into the air. 

“Whoa-oa this is so cool.” His feet dragged their way up and flipped him upside down. “How do I prevent this from happening though?” 

“You just have to focus on keeping yourself upright. Your center of gravity-”

“Why hello, ghost child! I hope you’ve been enjoying your wish that I gifted to you!” 

Desiree was suddenly floating in the air above them. Danny scowled at her and Dash recoiled. Danny looked around them but didn’t see Sam or Tucker. He looked back up at her and aimed his wrist ray at her.

“You know, not all wishes should be taken so literally.” 

“But what other way would best get it across?” She smiled at them. 

“Maybe having him just go through a couple difficult situations that are similar to mine? Not body swapping us.” 

“Oh, but where’s the fun in that.” She floated onto her stomach and laced her fingers underneath her chin. 

Danny looked down and saw Sam and Tucker in the bushes ahead of him. They made shooting motions at him and he understood. 

“Cat got your tongue?” She asked as he looked back up at her.

“Not quite.” He aimed and shot her in the face.

She screamed and careened backwards. Sam and Tucker were shouting behind her shooting her with their own weapons. 

“How do we undo her spell?” Dash shouted.

“We just have to pull her into the thermos!” Danny yelled back to him as he shot another blast at Desiree with the wrist ray. “That usually undoes most of her magic!” 

Desiree turned around and hissed at Sam and Tucker. “Ill mannered children! You dare shoot me?”

Dash floated up into the air and uncapped the thermos. He flew up to her and she suddenly turned around.

“You think I’m afraid of you, novice? You don’t know what you’re doing.” 

“I just have to do enough to get rid of you.” He fumbled with the thermos.

“Ha!” She laughed. “You can’t even hold onto your containment device. How do you think-”

Dash’s last fumbled ended with the thermos pointed at her and his hand squeezing the capture button. She screamed as she got sucked into the thermos. Dash floated back to the ground with a big smile on his face. He landed on the ground and looked up at Danny.

“I did it!” 

Danny blinked and suddenly he was staring up at Dash. He was back in his own body again. 

Danny could tell when Dash realized he was back in his own body. He blinked a couple times and looked around them. He looked down at Danny and let out a relieved sigh.

“Glad that’s over.” He said.

“Yep.” Danny capped the thermos. “Good job by the way. I don’t know how you managed to catch her by almost dropping the thermos but it worked.”

“Yeah.” Dash chuckled nervously, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck. “Sorry for everything, by the way. If I’d realized you were Phantom-”

“Bullying is bad even if you don’t like the person!” Sam shouted from behind him. Dash cringed. 

“It just put a lot of things into perspective once it happened to me. Like, I know you didn’t have any other option besides shoving me in the locker so I understand why you did it but it sure was cramped in there.”

Danny nodded. “It’s a lot easier to get out of them now that I have ghost powers though.”

“Don’t encourage him!” Tucker shouted. 

Danny rolled his eyes. “You’ll keep your mouth shut though?”

Dash nodded. “Can’t rat out my hero, right?”

He smiled up at Dash. “Right.” 

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4 months ago

@kizzer55555 i love the way you put it but yeah that’s definitely how it goes but i wanna add something if you don't mind.

Dash panted as he finished the fight with the box ghost he was starting to get a hang on this new powers he gained, thank goodness for the Fenton’s inventions they really helped him big time. ‘Ugh finally, that stupid annoy-‘ he froze

Standing there in a building near where he fought the box ghost was a ghost, wearing an armored suit ? It looks armored and a bit similar to the Fenton Peeler and the suit’s hood pulled over their head and they had a gas mask, which wouldn’t be out of the ordinary but he didn’t sense the ghost.

Dash was cautious of this ghost they seem to have not done anything but he felt nervous and unsure no ghosts had managed to remain undetected by his ghost sense but this one ghost seems to by pass it.

He sweats as he engages in a staring contest with the ghost, their green eyes uncomfortably reminding him of the portal of his death assessing him and judging him.

The ghost then vanished.

Dash blinked.

He just went ahead and flew home, he would investigate about the mysterious ghost but for some reason he feels like he passed a very dangerous animal.


"Okay class!! Meet your new classmate.”

A boy with a red NASA hoodie and blue jeans walked in. His hair was near void black, eyes blue like the icy deep sea.

“His name is Daniel Smith”

Follow-up to Halfa Dash AU

Believe it or not, Danny starts to get jealous of Dash. In his eyes, Dash got everything while he got little to nothing. Everyone in town knows Dash’s “secret” and work to hide him from the GIW or prying eyes. Valerie and the Fentons work together with him, and Vlad learned to let go of his anger a long time ago and isn’t in the picture.

When Danny helped in his universe, he was called a menace for accidentally causing property damage in ghost fights, half of which is caused by the other ghost attacking him and the other half is Danny being thrown at buildings or the ground, so he literally has no control over it! Even when he tried! He still tried to help the best he could, but it was never enough for the town.

“I gave all I could for them, and then some, but what did I get? Hunted! Torn open! I didn’t expect anything, not even a thank you!”

When Dash does it, he’s considered a hero, gets pats on the back, that kind of stuff. His fire core in still underdeveloped, but he warms up the area when he’s in ghost form. People love that, unless people are already hot and sweating, but no one lashes out. Danny’s ice core lowers the room temperature, and sometimes his body temperature. No one wants to hold hands that are cold.

As you can tell, Danny is pissed about this. He’s happy Dash doesn’t have to deal with what he did, but he’s still pissed.

As for Sam and Tucker, I have two ideas.

They went along with him to the alternate universe, where none of them existed, and all live and work together to get by and help each other out. There was no way they were leaving him alone.

The alternate Sam and Tucker like Dash. They think he’s a pretty chill guy, and they don’t understand why Danny keeps avoiding him or flinching. A part of Danny feels betrayed by this, even though he knows they’re not the Sam and Tucker he knew.

I think the last straw for Danny would either be Vlad or Lancer.

When Vlad comes into the picture, he’s not just… well, not a fruit loop, but he helps Dash! He helps him with his ghost powers, he teaches him, and Jack, and Maddie! He gives tips and advice on what to expect in the future and how to deal with it, and gives him his number incase he needs him!

Danny’s anger reaches a whole new peak.

If it’s Lancer, then it’s when he figures out that Danny has no parents and is living on his own. When he talks to Danny about this after school, he blows up at him. He goes on a rant about how Lancer thinks that he knows what’s best for him when he doesn’t know the full story. He lets it slip that he’s from another universe and had really bad experiences that made it hard for him to trust people and asks how he can be sure this isn’t a trap of some kind.

Eyes are glowing green, the room is freezing, and Danny’s cussing while trying not to have a mental breakdown and failing. He doesn’t want to be put into any adoption or foster care, especially with some strangers, and he’s determined to not let that happen. If anyone, he’d allow Frostbite to adopt him.

Surprisingly, this Frostbite and the one he first met are very similar and recognize him. It’s as if they’re actually the same! Like the Ghost Zone didn’t change, or at least, the Far Frozen didn’t.

Or maybe I can add the Nightingale Family from the PenPal AU! They’d be the one able to adopt him because he meets them all over again, and they’re some of the few people who are still the same. He knows he can trust them, so when they offer adoption, his answer is yes and a big hug.

I think that eventually, he and Dash might have a rivalry-type friendship. Ish. Danny’s constantly pushing Dash to get better with his skills. Dash likes to challenge him to a sparring match or race. Or maybe it’s like this closer to the start, but Danny’s genuinely mad under the mask. He’ll start to appreciate this Dash sooner or later.

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4 months ago
ten-shiriya23 - No thoughts, head empty

Little headcanon for Halfa Dash AU

Phantom is kinda mean and sarcastic to pretty much everyone and often spectates a fight. Just watching and making snarky remarks until he chooses to join the fight. Dash knows it’s tough love and that Phantom really does care, especially since he tends to move people out of the way while Dash fights, but one day, he got to saw the masked ghost show happiness.

A large, green ghost dog showed up one day and causing trouble while searching for something, but before Dash stepped in, Phantom showed up and called out “Cujo! Come here, buddy!”

The ghost dog ran right towards Phantom, shrinking down into a harmless little puppy, and flew into his arms.

Turns out the ghost dog, named Cujo, and Phantom are great friends and Cujo wanted to visit him. Phantom is very nice and playful with Cujo, and he loves to carry him. It doesn’t matter if Cujo is big or small, he is Phantom’s precious canine companion and Phantom will fight anyone who dares to call him a bad dog.

Sometimes I imagine Vlad catching him playing with Cujo and goes “Aww, you do have a soft spot, little badger!” and Phantom goes “Shut up, I’m busy with something important!”

And yes, Vlad still calls him “little badger”.

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2 years ago

I was not expecting this!

Just checking through someone's blog and suddenly see a Danny Phantom Google Drive. Curious to see what it contains I opened it. And WOW all THREE Seasons of Danny Phantom plus Comics!

Hey random but do you have the Danny phantom google drive? I lost my copy sry sry

i looked all over but i can't find it im so sorry king

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