starvingbrokestudent - escaping reality through stories
escaping reality through stories

30 posts

A Part Of Me Will Always Be Waiting For You. Even If The Other Knows You'll Never Come.

A part of me will always be waiting for you. Even if the other knows you'll never come.

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More Posts from Starvingbrokestudent

4 years ago

Coming from a healthcare worker: masks are important for yourself but especially for others

Wear Your GD Masks So We Can Get This Under Control

Wear your GD masks so we can get this under control

7 years ago

My first...

First tumblr post-lame but I am now one of you.

I like poems, quotes, sad music, fanfic, writing, history, and almost everything else.

5 years ago

Paper Towel Dispensers

I want to talk about paper towel dispensers.

Yes, paper towel dispensers. 

You know what I’m going to say.  Everyone does.

They’re the worst. You reach for them, the piece you want doesn’t come away.  Instead the whole roll unfurls.

Or you get two when you wanted one.

Or the piece tears.

Or, or, OR.

And it’s not like it matters which dispenser you buy.


You buy the simple one that just has a stick.  It fails.

You buy the one with the arm that holds the role in place and, in theory, against which you can tear the piece you want. It fails. 

You buy the one with a spring that regulates how it dispenses. The one with the removable top for easily putting in the new roll.  The one that mounts on the wall, the one that you can pick up and move, the one that’s plastic, aluminum, rubber-edged.

It never matters.

Paper towel rolls are composed, 100%, of disappointment.

And that’s the point I want you to consider today.  

You are going to be disappointed. Repeatedly.

In yourself.  In your fiends.  In your college.  In your mentors.  In your family. In your career.  In your dinner.  In your partner.

Because disappointment is a normal part of life. It’s not a sign that something is horribly wrong.  Or that you should have made a different choice.  Or that there’s something better out there, if only you discard this item and choose that one.  Instead, it’s part of the human condition.

To exist in the world is to be, repeatedly, disappointed. 

And you’re doing it, not just experiencing it.  Other people are disappointed in you, sometimes.  

So, as you emerge from childhood and enter adulthood, I want both to warn and to reassure you.

Be humble as you interact with others, knowing that-at times-you will disappoint them. Be forgiving as you encounter the world, knowing that-at times-it will not live up to your expectations. And try to remember that we are all negotiating the space between our dreams and our realities. 

The sweet spot isn’t the one that’s all dreams.

It’s the on you’re in, right now, with all the fulfillment and excitement and potential and...disappointment that you’ll feel.

This is all we get, good and bad.

Enjoy it.

4 years ago

3 am is such a powerful time. there are people sleeping. there are people partying. there are people having a movie marathon. there are people working. there are people crying. there are people studying. there are people loving. there are people dying. there are people living. together at 3 am.


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