starvingbrokestudent - escaping reality through stories
escaping reality through stories

30 posts

Starvingbrokestudent - Escaping Reality Through Stories - Tumblr Blog

4 years ago

This is awesome


This video was made by Voordeel, you can find this video on their youtube channel :

EDIT: Stop saying that I stole the video, I never said that this video was mine or that I had done it, and friendly reminder that the name Voordeel is on the end of the video so shut the fuck up dumbass

4 years ago

Does anyone out there get scared when they start to see improvement in their mental illnesses?

Like, I’ve been dealing with mental illness for a long time and I finally got to a point where my medication and treatment and everything actual seems like it’s working. I feel better than I’ve felt in a long long time. I still have my bad days, but overall things are better.

I should be stoked. And I’m a way, I am. But at the same time it’s scary to not have my mental illnesses and all the symptoms that come along with them as a way of protecting me??? It’s hard to explain. But it’s almost become comfortable for me to be caught up in my symptoms. Now, it’s uncharted territory. It’s scary.

Just curious if anyone else has ever experienced this?

4 years ago

I’m gonna do it...

I’ll take requests.

I love to write! I’ll take requests! Do it. Ask me. I dare you.

Of course, school comes first. And work. But after that...

If I don’t know the character, I’ll do my best or maybe ask you to pick someone else, but I know most all the people so :) lol

4 years ago
starvingbrokestudent - escaping reality through stories
4 years ago

Nobody will read this but...

I have so much work to do.  I’m so overwhelmed.  I can’t sleep.  I’ve only taken two finals and I still have 6 more and I have so many final projects due friday and I have to work.  I am so STRESSED OUT.  My brain is tired.  My body is tried and I’m surviving on adderall and pepsi.  I’m dying on the inside too becaus eI know it’s my fault.  this is what I get for procrastinating.  but thats how i deal with my probelems by avoiding them and then they come back to bite me worse.  so yeah

just if i don’t show up for a few days, you know i died.  thank you much.

don’t ever take 24 credits. you will regret it

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4 years ago
Today On: Supernatural

today on: supernatural 

4 years ago

3 am is such a powerful time. there are people sleeping. there are people partying. there are people having a movie marathon. there are people working. there are people crying. there are people studying. there are people loving. there are people dying. there are people living. together at 3 am.


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4 years ago
starvingbrokestudent - escaping reality through stories
4 years ago

I’m so exhausted with trying to be happy.  I’m tired of trying.  I’m just tired.

4 years ago
Misha Encouraging Us To Write As Many Fix-it Fics As We Can!

Misha encouraging us to write as many fix-it fics as we can!

(Supernatural: The Long Road Home)

4 years ago

Reblog if you're not homophobic

Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 

4 years ago

I’ll just leave this insanely accurate emotion here

4 years ago
starvingbrokestudent - escaping reality through stories
4 years ago

Reblog if

It’s 104% okay to come to your DM and just say, “Hi, can we be friends?” And then start asking you random questions.

4 years ago

Coming from a healthcare worker: masks are important for yourself but especially for others

Wear Your GD Masks So We Can Get This Under Control

Wear your GD masks so we can get this under control

4 years ago
starvingbrokestudent - escaping reality through stories
4 years ago

*the doorbell rings*

“No! I just took off my pants!”

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4 years ago

Pure peace. Pure happiness.

starvingbrokestudent - escaping reality through stories
5 years ago

Swimsuit weather cometh. Prepare ye the weigh of the lard.

my gym warning me

5 years ago

A part of me will always be waiting for you. Even if the other knows you'll never come.

5 years ago

Paper Towel Dispensers

I want to talk about paper towel dispensers.

Yes, paper towel dispensers. 

You know what I’m going to say.  Everyone does.

They’re the worst. You reach for them, the piece you want doesn’t come away.  Instead the whole roll unfurls.

Or you get two when you wanted one.

Or the piece tears.

Or, or, OR.

And it’s not like it matters which dispenser you buy.


You buy the simple one that just has a stick.  It fails.

You buy the one with the arm that holds the role in place and, in theory, against which you can tear the piece you want. It fails. 

You buy the one with a spring that regulates how it dispenses. The one with the removable top for easily putting in the new roll.  The one that mounts on the wall, the one that you can pick up and move, the one that’s plastic, aluminum, rubber-edged.

It never matters.

Paper towel rolls are composed, 100%, of disappointment.

And that’s the point I want you to consider today.  

You are going to be disappointed. Repeatedly.

In yourself.  In your fiends.  In your college.  In your mentors.  In your family. In your career.  In your dinner.  In your partner.

Because disappointment is a normal part of life. It’s not a sign that something is horribly wrong.  Or that you should have made a different choice.  Or that there’s something better out there, if only you discard this item and choose that one.  Instead, it’s part of the human condition.

To exist in the world is to be, repeatedly, disappointed. 

And you’re doing it, not just experiencing it.  Other people are disappointed in you, sometimes.  

So, as you emerge from childhood and enter adulthood, I want both to warn and to reassure you.

Be humble as you interact with others, knowing that-at times-you will disappoint them. Be forgiving as you encounter the world, knowing that-at times-it will not live up to your expectations. And try to remember that we are all negotiating the space between our dreams and our realities. 

The sweet spot isn’t the one that’s all dreams.

It’s the on you’re in, right now, with all the fulfillment and excitement and potential and...disappointment that you’ll feel.

This is all we get, good and bad.

Enjoy it.

5 years ago

Might as well introduce myself

My name is Julia.  I am a twenty something college student.  I struggle with depression and anxiety while obsessing over my goldendoodle. I am a straight, sandy hair, blue eyed female who fully supports the LGBTQ community. I love most everything about the world especially daisies, sunsets, and the oceans. When I’m not working at the hospital, going to school, or contemplating my existence you can usually find me swimming laps, binging my favorite shows on Netflix, or hanging out and laughing with some of the coolest people on Earth (my friends). I love writing poems and short stories that eventually turn into fanfic, doing scavenger hunts like GISH and Questival, watching the weather channel, volunteering to do service for others, being a camp counselor, planning my wedding on Pinterest, camping by lakes in the mountains that surround me, bad jokes, mountain biking, dreaming about fancy parking spots that I’ll get when I’m done with medical school, exercising so I can eat food, and blasting classic rock from my Mini Cooper with the windows down.  My dream vacation would be anywhere with a beach but my bucket list locations are Nepal and Turkey...and Versailles.  I can speak french and english, but mostly movie quotes.  I’m passionate about history and I like to pretend I understand quantum physics. I’m an Aries and a hardcore believer in the Golden Rule.  I think you should focus on your why and not so much your what in order to be successful and that when you wish upon a star your dreams will come true (after a lot of hard work and dedication that is). Face masks are my life and I don’t even know if they work or not; I just like peeling them off my face.  Pepsi over Coke, Coffee over Tea, Redvines over Twizzlers, Dogs over Cats, Outside over Inside.  I think Superheroes are real and there are angels all around us. I try to be positive but can be quite the Debbie Downer at times. I have dreams of making the world a better place and I hope all will be ship shape in Bristol fashion by the end. I believe that we can learn from our mistakes and be strong through our trials and that is how we grow and perfect ourselves.  I love questions and to motivate others and I know I’m new to the whole blogging thing and literally have NO FOLLOWERS whatsoever and that’s ok.  I’m doing this as much for myself as for others.  Anyway, me in a nutshell.

6 years ago

Sometimes the memories that are the happiest hurt the very most.

late night conversations with myself

7 years ago

My first...

First tumblr post-lame but I am now one of you.

I like poems, quotes, sad music, fanfic, writing, history, and almost everything else.