goblin flavored dingus. they/them
856 posts
Steelyven - Tumblr Blog
i need a win. a small win could suffice
Mangurka i would die for u

wtf, we didn't have any alien moon cucumber cars here in shithole america >:(
love it when my friends say "you would do numbers on Tumblr" buddy I am on Tumblr. and the number is 3

Tim Curry behind the scenes of It (1990)
If I'm listening to Ave Maria the whole neighborhood is going to listen with me

can't stop thinking of "masterful gambit sir" whenever I royally fuck up (when drawing or other hobbies)
trying to groom an old guy "youre so mature for 50"

nothing is going right today!!! nothing at all
It was both!
Don't know if stomach hurts because of hunger or because I've eaten something weird in the past 24h. Awful feeling
Me on the first date

eating żurek like a CHAMP@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU hates terfs

How To Craft a Friend (Deluxe Paint IV, 2024)
i was born to be someone’s loser mutual
I'm God's worst soldier. Can't handle fucking anything without dying
(with hearts in my eyes) i hate him. he sucks so bad
just caught myself thinking “nooo i cant post that they’ll think i’m uncool” like brother you are on www.tumblr.com/dashboard
get yourself a main character whos two primary emotions are "little cunt" and "catatonic with grief"
I don’t take hints. Throw a rock at me

My new favorite excuse for not jumping on new trends or bandwagons is 'I'm 30.' No more explanation needed because anyone under 30 just thinks I'm old and everyone over 30 understands implicitly