stinkysstuff - glen ray irl (they\them)
glen ray irl (they\them)

hai im Theo, im fixated on chucky! PROSHITTERS DNI age: 19 :]

342 posts

Shes A Star!!!

Shes A Star!!!

Shes a star!!!

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More Posts from Stinkysstuff

1 year ago
I Drew Them As Creatures. Glen N Caroline Are Autism Creatures And Charles Is A Audhd Creature. My Lil

I drew them as creatures. Glen n Caroline are autism creatures and charles is a audhd creature. My lil weird family ugh i love them ssm

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1 year ago

Evil glenda is so real. She would sooo do this lets be honest shes THAT petty.

Poor glen tho, my poor baby 😭 and u know what sucks?? Glenda is living their best life in london, in an apartment somewhere..while glen is just..gone.

Me n a friend were talkint about the twins and we made a theory (?) What if glenda wanted revenge? U know, since they never got control in seed. What if they planned this their entire human lives up until they n glen went back into the doll?? It makes sense honestly, considering again they never got control in seed it was mostly glen who was taking charge of the doll.



I wonder how gg is doing tho. Like. Canonically

I imagine it's probably like someone with d.i.d living, maybe they fight over who gets control OR glen is completely dead and dormant.

I like the thought of glen fighting just trying to get an ounce of control from this shitty life their sibling decided to give them

Would they win though

Probably not. But they can try

If glen is really dead in there then what was the point of glenda doing this to their brother??

Spiteful maybe

But why would glenda do something so spiteful to someone they care for?

Psychopaths do random malicious shit like that bcos they're bored soooo maybe that has something to do with it

I wonder what it looks like in the gg dolls head. Like does jt look like nicas n chuckys? Do the twins like roam around in the room or do they just stay in one place?? I hsve so many questions and ik they will never get answered

I think if glen is still alive then yea they have a headspace

Maybe shes doing this cuz glen was in control most of the time in seed??


YES. if glenda is that petty she would so do that lets be honest

Its not Glen's fault tho. In seed they had a feeling someting was wrong but never could pin point what. They had no idea glenda was in there really

Does that mean their entire human childhood..up to them going back into their doll, did glenda just fake loving glen??

If so. Then wow..that is dedication right there

It's possible

Cuz think about it, if they rly loved glen they would've pulled him back or tripped him or something when he was gonna take that bullet for tiffany Like. They ran a lil bit of a distance so..there was time to do that.

EXACTLYYYY. Do u think glenda remembers more then shes letting on??


Rly small forgettable moment but tiffany did mention (when talking to meg) that Glenda was trying to get airplane tickets to London when she was 7-8 , did she rly wanna go that bad damn 😭

Apparently so. And she got her wish.

And shes living her best life now in london. As a doll. While their sibling is just..gone.

She's really smart though to wait a whole 18 years to kill her brother off just to pull the biggest uno reverse card of their lives

@stinkysstuff hi pookie

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1 year ago
When Your Two Fav Characters Have Mommy Issues So U Draw Angst Of It. Glen N Caroline Deserve Sm Better

When your two fav characters have mommy issues so u draw angst of it. Glen n caroline deserve sm better honestly, my poor babies 😭

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1 year ago

Haai hai another unpopular statement??? Opinion??? Idk

Niffany, is a com ship. If u ship it. Ur a comshipper. Ur super weird for liking a ship that involves a women getting dismembered and held captive for a year (not to mention she was forced to do sexual things with tiffany during that year so..) Yeah u can change canon in an AU but..its still canon and its still weird.

Haai Hai Another Unpopular Statement??? Opinion??? Idk

Take this photo of chucky :3

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1 year ago
100 Posts!

100 posts!

Im feeling very silly rn

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