stomach-bugg09 - 'cause i got that peaceful easy feeling
'cause i got that peaceful easy feeling

ava !!under the age of 18 plz don't harass mestuck in the never ending cycle of hyperfixation

118 posts

Summary: The Navi Know How To Adapt. And They Know How To Party. So, Whats A Little Combination Of The

summary: the na’vi know how to adapt. and they know how to party. so, what’s a little combination of the two?

neteyam x oc(1) // (implied) lo’ak x oc(2)

a/n: okay, so rq before you begin to read this partial mess partial beauty, here’s a bit of context: these are two ocs made by me and my bestie boo, so, as these ocs were the first thing that started my creativity streak, i decided to write this lil thing about them — do not be shocked if they show up again, because they’re the cutest lil pair and i love them. if x oc fics aren’t your thing, no harm, no foul, totally get it! but, i hope you can enjoy this anyway! (also!! let me know if you a) want a part two, or b) would like to be tagged in my next avatar fics)

tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @eywas-heir (idk if y'all preferred x ocs or x readers so i just did both -- rather be safe than sorry, but don't feel obligated to read at all!!)


a date to celebrate

every year in the beautiful world of pandora, ever since that fateful battle fifteen years prior, there is a call to celebrate.

now, it might seem odd to throw a party over such a gruesome event, and that detail is anything but ignored, given the celebration is four days long with one day meant solely for grieving the lives lost thanks to the sky-people, but there is so much more behind that famous battle than just death and destruction.

on that day, the day in which the na’vi people regained control of their lands, their homes, and their lives, pandora became united. clans from around the globe, clans with an array of different people, different cultures, different homes, different lives, all came together and became one pandora.

despite the pain and loss that came with that date, there also seemed to be a newly made connection, though bittersweet.

in response to the pain inflicted upon the na’vi people, a sense of stubbornness arose from the angry community. they decided, after looking at the forest that was littered with the bodies of those they loved, that they would not let the sky-people win. ever. and to keep them from doing so, the na’vi made it so that they would not let this day weigh upon the lives of everyone else who had been blessed by eywa, everyone else who still stood, breathed, and walked on their planet.

they decided that it would become a date to remember. a date to appreciate. a date to celebrate.

the first day was always the most difficult. the transition from mourning and grief to a place of happiness and excitement, that always had avirya in a doozy.

of course, she always felt so silly thinking that way. especially considering the fact that she never actually knew her father. all that she really knew is that he went into that battle believing that he would return home to his infant son and newly pregnant mate.

avirya never knew her father, but she was all too familiar with the lack of one. her mother, pawey, tried to be strong… and she was! but, avirya couldn’t help but feel like it was her mother’s fault for joining that raid five years ago. that raid of six people in which all of them lost their lives, including the parents of avirya’s childhood best friend, tarya.

for the past five years, since the losses of their parents, tarya and avirya have been sheltered by avirya’s older brother with the help of the sully family.

unfortunately, although both girls were well aware of the reality of it all, that life could only last so long. her older brother, tstaw, had a life to live, a life far bigger than the two girls that weighed him down, as much as he denied it. he had a mate, and it wouldn’t be long before they were expecting a child of their own, so, as unusual as it was, the two best friends adopted a sense of maturity as they decided that they would house themselves together, just the two of them.

as a result, tarya and avirya often found themselves surrounded by the sullys. part of their affiliation with the family stemmed from their small childhood connection thanks to neytiri’s friendship with the girls’ late mothers, but recently they got even closer with them after neteyam and avirya finally let the public know of their secret relationship (and as much as they deny it, everybody knows that tarya and lo’ak have sparked the beginning of their own journey).

so, as the trend of life has recently been going, tarya and avirya woke up early to busy themselves with members of the sullys. thanks to the ftxozä te nìolo', they were expected, as the omaticaya’s olo’eyktan family, to help set up the center of the forest for the (what seemed like thousands of) clans that were arriving later that afternoon.

still adjusting to the emotional environment, avirya found herself dreary and partially depressed, if anything, as tuk babbled on and on about some form of seven-year-old nonsense while she led avirya and tarya through the morning-lit forest.

dew balanced delicately on the leaves, the mud underneath their feet allowing for a bit of give as they walked. the air was nice, not humid, but not cold. just enough sun with just enough breeze.

avirya could feel the concerned eyes of tarya doting on her constantly, juggling the duties of entertaining tuk while also making sure avirya didn’t accidentally doze off on their walk (and if she did, it was tuk’s fault for waking them up before dawn that morning.)

guilt collected itself in her stomach, feeling awful about ruining the mood of an extremely exciting holiday, and she knew that once she heard the music, saw the clans arrive, tasted the diverse collection of food, danced with neteyam… she would be fine. perfect, even. but, avirya always struggled with transitioning. especially when the last sight she saw the night before was the memorial of her father, tears streaming down her and her brother’s cheeks.

she shook the thought away as quickly as it arrived. she needed to have fun. she needed tarya to have fun. so, avirya forced a soft smile on her face as she regained focus on the small body of tuk.

“do you know what i’m excited for, tarya?” her high-pitched voice asked, a giggle hidden beneath her words.

tarya hummed thoughtfully. “no, i don’t know. tell me!”

“i’m excited to dance. oh, i love dancing!” she squealed at the thought of it. “i love today. and tomorrow. and the day after that!”

tarya laughed, grabbing tuk right before she leapt off of the small rock she’d been perched on. the girl shrieked with delight. “oh my, tuk! when will you learn to live in the moment, you goof!” avirya couldn’t fight her own chuckle as she watched tarya spin the small seven-year-old around in her arms just before bringing her up and plopping her on her shoulders.

avirya didn’t miss the flicker of relief when tarya noticed avriya’s smile.

“what are we looking for, again?” avirya asked tuk, flicking the bottom of the girl’s foot as she walked past.

tuk groaned, rolling her eyes dramatically. she’s been watching kiri, avirya thought with a laugh. “we’re looking for pretty flowers. obviously! every year we wake up early and go find flowers to braid in our hair. don’t you remember?” the sass in that young girl’s eyes was actually quite shocking.

avirya raised her hands in mock defense. “i’m sorry, tuktuk. i didn’t realize it was such a sore spot for you.” the older girl playfully stuck her tongue out, causing all three of them to burst into giggles.

see, avirya thought. i knew it’d get better.

Summary: The Navi Know How To Adapt. And They Know How To Party. So, Whats A Little Combination Of The

and it just kept getting even better. the girls had entertained themselves throughout the day by entertaining tuk, educating her in the ways of “girls’ day.” of course, that included braiding their newly picked flowers into each other's hair, as well as some extravagant mud-masks, courtesy of tuk’s favorite mud puddle.

they’d barely seen the sully family that day, only stopping by to grab snacks before leaving to go visit the stream. there was, of course, a reason for their isolation… avirya and tarya were the babysitters. because the rest of the family was expected to help set up the entire event, both girls quickly jumped onto the job of watching over tuk—it seemed much more enjoyable.

the day passed by quickly, much quicker than any of the girls could have guessed. it wasn’t long before the trio practically sprinted back to avirya and tarya’s home to get ready.

tuk, as she’d planned the day before, had all of her materials laid out in the corner of the hut, her accessories each placed in a very intricate way so they wouldn’t get tangled or hurt in any way, shape, or form.

they all rushed to get changed, pulling on their thin tops (more coverage than usual, thanks to the inevitable fate of dancing that night) and bottoms before they stood in a little train formation, painting each others’ skin with colorful paint.

after the design was finalized (and dry, despite tuk’s impatience), it was tarya’s favorite part: accessories.

while tuk already had her things planned out, the older girls were far too stupid to think ahead. so, instead, both girls were screaming at each other, throwing different items of clothing across the room as they tried to pick the perfect necklace, the perfect scarf, the perfect feathers. meanwhile, tuk sat on tarya’s bed, kicking her feet in annoyance.

eventually, although their timing was more than risky, they found their perfect outfits. each girl adopted their own color scheme, the idea of matching being one of the worst obstacles they’d faced through that chaos.

just as avirya was adjusting tarya’s scarf that hung over her bodice, the whole forest seemed to freeze at the sound of a horn blowing.

“they’re here!” tuk gasped, her small hands pressed to her cheeks. “avirya, tarya! they’re here!” she shrieked, turning to the older girls with one of the brightest smiles they’d seen grace her face.

and then… they were off.

the trio raced through the forest, tarya cursing silently as she felt some of her paint smudge after she barely avoided a tree.

although they attempted to yell at the young girl to slow down, it did not work. instead, avriya was convinced that it motivated the girl to speed up even more.

as they neared the site of festivities, the sounds of celebration became even clearer. they could feel the rumble of ikrans landing, dropping off their riders from clans away. music spread through the air, the beat of the drums creating a rhythm that they could almost feel. all in one moment, avirya remembered the magic of the ftxozä te nìolo'.

as they reached the cliff in which their guests flooded in from, the girls were able to catch sight of the toruk makto who stood with the rest of his family.

“mom!” little tuk cried, running up to neytiri. at the sound of her youngest child’s voice, the mother turned almost instinctively, dropping down and opening her arms wide so tuk could run straight into her embrace.

avirya eyed the scenery with a look of complete and utter awe. the atmosphere was nearly intoxicating, the way it filled her with a feeling that nothing else could compare to. it was beautiful.

as she stared around the center of festivities, watching as people from an array of different clans seemed to be reuniting with each other from former ftxozä te nìolo's, she didn’t even notice netayam’s presence before he leaned down and hugged her shoulders from behind.

avirya shrieked in delight, laughing as he shook her playfully. “let me go, neteyam, you skxawng.”

the boy only laughed, dropping his hand from her shoulder and onto her arms. as a result, neteyam spun the girl out of his grasp, her hair flaring outwards as she twirled.

once she stopped spinning, avirya’s smile only rested on her lips, her eyes once again tracking back to the festivities. it had only been, what, twenty minutes, and they were already dancing?

“we should join, neteyam,” she suddenly declared. her words, shocking both him and tarya, ever the eavesdropper.

he grabbed her hand softly, subconsciously playing with her fingers as he thought. “avi,” he began, words slow and thoughtful. “i want to, but my parents…” he trailed off, looking behind his shoulder to where neytiri and jake stood.

and then, all of a sudden, like eywa blessed neteyam herself, jake and neytiri could only smile at the young couple, allowing jake to catch his oldest son’s eye and nod towards the crowd of dancing na’vi.

"Go, have fun."

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More Posts from Stomach-bugg09

2 years ago

uhhhh can i please request a sully! reader fic wherein she’s lo’ak’s twin and is so so much like jake that although neytiri wouldnt admit it (shes her favorite) but shes also smart like her uncle tommy and brave like her late uncle tsu’tey? i just want more platonic and familial sully family love 🥹 basically just her life and the people she’s impacted, maybe she almost dies bc come on lets give neteyam a break 😭 and her family’s reactions + her recovering 🙏🙏🙏🙏

sully family x lo’akstwin!reader

tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @eywas-heir

a/n: so, first of all, thank you so much for the request!! second of all, this is so cute and def right up my ally. i decided that, just bc it's generally broad, i’d format it as a head canon so i can continue to test my horizons with writing. hopefully i do your req justice!! feedback is always appreciated. (p.s... please send in requests 🙏🙏 i need the inspo)

you were a sully, and sullys stick together

lo'ak's twin headcanons

being lo’ak’s (older) twin, there’d always been some sort of… fued, if you will, between the two of you. of course, it was light hearted—most of the time.

you’d always try and one-up each other, watching each other’s (extremely dangerous) antics and deciding that the next best idea was to perform something even riskier. let's just say, the two of you liked to keep neytiri and jake on their toes.

because of your quite idiotic decisions, both of your parents, although it was usually more jake than neytiri, felt like they were constantly scolding the two of you. together.

and don't even get me started on poor neteyam, always trying to take the blame from you two. man, he is tired. can't you just be.. i don’t know, smart for once? (the answer is no)

but, one thing that neytiri and jake constantly talk to each other about is the reason you and lo'ak are hazards to yourself and to others is all because of jake. you are just too goddamn alike — dangerously so!

as a result of the two of you being a constant reminder of his own problematic personality, he is harsher on the two of you than he intends.

he’s just scared of you getting hurt.

neytiri almost always reprimands her mate for yelling at the two of you, but she also knows exactly where he’s coming from. she’s been on the front lines of jake’s stupidity for years, so she’s all too familiar with the dangers it brings

but, joke as they might about how dumb you are when it comes to risking your life just to one-up your twin, a small sentimental part of jake notices how goddamn smart you are. not only is your daring personality similar to himself, your intelligence is uncanny to his own twin.

every day he’s reminded of tommy — as you sit next to him with a map, helping him plan the escape route if a raid goes wrong, as you converse with norm, as you examine every living creature that wanders the forest… all of it is a reminder of the brother he once cherished, and that just makes you even more valuable to keep safe (from other threats, but mostly from yourself + lo’ak)

sometimes, when you’re sitting with your father and discussing the best way to approach or escape a raid, neytiri will be sitting nearby, doing her own duties. she always has at least one ear open to listen, and as she hears the alarmingly mature and smart words that leave your mouth, she swells with pride. she may deny it forever and ever, but a part of her favors you because of.. well, everything in all honesty. you're a brave young woman who knows exactly how to speak for herself, what's there not to like?

on occasion, when you aren’t grounded for doing something dumb, neytiri will take you on hunts. the two of you bond, and it is just adorable because mother-daughter bonding is where it's at.

and do not forget how brave you are. oh my god, how is it even possible that you jump towards danger. you would put your life on the line for your siblings, and you would do it again and again. in that, neytiri is reminded of tsu’tey, another piece of pride being sewn into her soul.

now… what happens when you guys have to leave?

well, first of all, let's acknowledge the fact that yes, you did join neteyam and lo’ak to flying from your spots on patrol and into the raid. why’d you do it? lo’ak said he was. it was a no-brainer.

secondly! yes, you were extremely proud when lo’ak flipped the avatars off after they captured you. and you most definitely bit the one that held you when it was your time to escape. and then maybe you hit him over the head with a gun on the forest floor. (you couldn't do anything after that — kiri grabbed you before you could.)

now, when you got word from your parents that you would be leaving… you were not happy. like, at all. you were actually quite pissed, if anything.

the forest was your home. weren’t you just giving the sky-people even more satisfaction by allowing them to drive you from your home?

but, alas, you were eventually able to tone down your stubbornness and actually understand your parents’ point. you were in danger, and that meant having to sacrifice comfort for the lives of you and your siblings.

so, off you went.

by the time you reached the metkayina tribe, your ass was so extremely sore from riding your ikran all that ways. and your legs were so very stiff. do not recommend!!

oh, and the way that that metkayina boy eyed your apparent “freak-like attributes,” that had you set off pretty quickly. kiri had to grab your wrist before you thought to say or do anything.

the pride you felt when your mother stood her ground… of how we love neytiri. an absolute boss.

but, all in all, you could stay. so.. you did. and even you had to admit, the water was gorgeous, even if swimming was the worst form of cardio.

you were quicker to learning the metkayina ways than your twin was, so that was gratifying of course. but, you also knew it wasn’t all that easy learning to breathe when he was head over heels for the girl teaching him (a fact that you definitely did not miss… and you most definitely teased him for it)

now, of course when it gets the point in with ao’nung being an absolute bitch ass to your sister… oh yeah you wouldn't let that slide. unfortunately, you came to scene a tad late, so you only witnessed the ends of the fight. that didn't keep you from smiling with pride at your two brothers who annihilated a group of.. what? four? five? it's hard to say, but they still somehow “won?”

and do NOT get me started on when you and neteyam found out what ao’nung did to lo’ak. you almost murdered a bitch. thank the lord lo’ak ended up being okay, because otherwise ao’nung would have been dead.

you were skeptical at first when lo’ak told your group about payakan. but, based on your deep rooted knowledge of each other, it didn't take long for you to realize he was telling the truth.

so, when it came the time post sky-people’s arrival, you were completely on-board to join lo’ak to warn the whale.

you, of course, tried your hardest to remove the tracker, but you were also an unfortunate victim of yet another kid-napping.

by the time neteyam saved you, lo’ak, tsireya, and tuk (who clung closely to you as soon as you were released), you and lo’ak were fully aware of spider’s presence on the ship

while you weren't really looking to save the human boy, you knew, morally, you would feel better if you did… so, you left tuk to tsireya and joined the boys

you have a lot of battle intelligence just based from listening to your father speak and eavesdropping on the conversations he had when planning raids, so you helped neteyam lead the way.

unfortunately, by the time you all escaped, a bullet had pierced your shoulder. you could barely keep your head above the surface.

you barely even acknowledged as your brothers laid you on a rock, tears pouring down their cheeks as they attempted to not only reassure you, but reassure themselves.

you were losing blood quickly, but tsireya was quick. she knew exactly what to do, so she did it. neytiri and jake were barely functional as they watched the metkayina girl tend to your shoulder. but, as much as they wanted to, they could not stay. they had two other daughters kidnapped by quaritch.

so, as they went to save their girls, tsireya kept your from bleeding out (temporarily) before rushing the two of you on her ilu back to her mother.

the recovery process was long but sweet. every member of your family was overjoyed when you woke up and ended up being alive and okay. lots of tears were shed.

they were quick to help you recover to your full abilities, and they were more excited than you were everytime that you reached a new achievement. getting out of bed was apparently something to be proud of.

but, all in all, you were a sully, and sullys stick together.

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2 years ago

i had a moment where i realized that i need to change something so i just redid my blog theme + user !! i also think i opened a request box?? hopefully it works?? crossing my fingers tho

2 years ago
Not Me Here Waiting At The Beach For Neteyam To Take Me On His Ilu
Not Me Here Waiting At The Beach For Neteyam To Take Me On His Ilu

Not me here waiting at the beach for Neteyam to take me on his ilu 🥹🙌🏼💍

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2 years ago

i am once again thinking of steve and robin having a movie review podcast where robin has actual feelings and in depth analysis and steve has a segment where he plays hot or not with the characters

2 years ago

“People are allowed to dislike things.” WRONG no one is allowed to dislike Six of Crows

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