Tuk Sully - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

heya, lovely! can you do a big sis y/n sully and fali after the battle at the three brothers when all the kids (the sullys + tsireya, ao'nung) are huddled together during a bad storm and the parents cannot return from the hunt till it passes so tuk starts crying since they've been gone for half a week. y/n and fali being the eldest comfort their siblings/pseudo siblings. maybe even show a bit of tsireya and ao'nung's dynamic with fali?

summary: a rumor of treasure sends the sully kids + co. out into a storm they weren’t quite aware of.

a/n: okay so , i kind of took some creative liberties with this. hopefully you don’t mind !! but , that being said , the first half is like really well written and i’m super proud and then the second half . . . let’s just say i wasn’t prepared to write so much. i think it’s still good , of course , but i’m also desperate to get requests and works out. it’s still a very fun read , though , so i hope you enjoy. feedbacks + reblogs are always appreciated !!

tags: @rafeslovergirl @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @itssiaaax @grierpilots @fleurbeass @23victoria @nyotamalfoy @gcldtom

warnings: sibling vibes, getting lost, a dangerous storm, a very bad ending (whoopsies), me slowly giving up writing well nearing the end

words: 3.6k


Heya, Lovely! Can You Do A Big Sis Y/n Sully And Fali After The Battle At The Three Brothers When All

[y/n] had to admit, this was probably the stupidest idea she’d ever taken part in. unfortunately, the repercussions for such an act made the idiocy of it all even more obvious.

it’d been a perfectly fine day. wonderful, actually! [y/n] was busy with fali, the two of them bonding over some unbearable chores ( a punishment after they’d been caught past curfew ) as the beautiful weather kept them warm, even if the sun was leaving her skin sizzling.

to make it even better, when fali noticed the way she tensed under the beaming sun, he immediately grabbed ronal’s lotion and lathered some on her back. at that, [y/n] fought the urge to absolutely melt beneath his touch.

but, of course, as it always went, it had to be their younger siblings that ruined everything.

after the new layer of sun protectant had been applied, the two continued to unload the traps, hissing everytime a crab grabbed ahold of their sensitive fingers.

“bitch,” fali cursed loudly, flinging the crustacean back into the water to keep its pinchers from drawing any blood.

as [y/n] guffawed at the action, she immediately tensed feeling the change in atmosphere. from behind her, the ominous shadow of her brother sent her repeating the words, “uh oh,” in her head.

[y/n] turned slowly, eyes wide as she looked up from where she crouched on the dock. “can i help you?”

of course, the answer was always “yes.”

and so, that’s how [y/n] and fali found themselves aboard ilus that shot through the water. the sunlight burst through the surface, each wave distorting the reflection in the slightest. the magic of the sea always sent [y/n] into a phase of absolute awe.

apparently, tsireya and lo’ak had found some weird treasure-like thing out in the distance, just past the three brothers, and upon telling the rest of their siblings ( plus rotxo, although he was an honorary sibling at that point ), they all wanted to see. all they needed was a responsible young adult to chaperone them!

at first, [y/n] wanted to say no. they were already in enough trouble from the night before, and she definitely did not need neytiri and jake any farther up her ass. but, of course, fali had a way with words ( more like giving her the cutest eyes ever that instantly made her fold ) and off they went.

fali was a seeker of adventure. that in itself was more than clear. so, it was natural for him to bite when he heard of the journey that awaited him and the kids. plus, treasure? that sounded pretty sick, even if it ended up being something completely worthless.

despite the fact that he’d already been reprimanded just hours before, fali decided to take into account that his parents could only kill him once. a little more rules broken didn’t mean anything! that’d just be a problem for his future self.

fali felt a smile form on his face at the feeling of [y/n]’s arms wrapping around his waist from where she sat behind him. his own hand traveled back, resting softly against her thigh as they sped through the waters atop their shared ilu.

lo’ak and tsireya led the way through the reef, an event that caused [y/n] major second-hand embarrassment for everytime that lo’ak tried to impress the girl who rode beside him.

behind [y/n] and fali, ao’nung and rotxo caused quite the ruckus. it was often that fali found himself turning around to gesture for them to stop after they would push each other into some boulders that sat on the sea floor.

following dumb and dumber, kiri and tuk sailed gracefully. they watched the scenary pass by in peace, their gazes always stuck staring in awe thanks to the nature that paved the way.

neteyam, of course, brought up the caboose. he kept his eyes open for anyone straggling, often having his ilu bump into ao’nung or rotxo to keep them moving. they were lucky they even got along nowadays, otherwise the interaction would not be treated so dully.

but, alas, there was no more bad blood between any of them. not after a month ago, not after fali risked his life for neteyam. not after the sets of siblings joined forces for the first time to save payakan, a beautiful beast that kept the rest of the sully family from dying mid-battle.

it was a miracle that they all still lived after that traumatic night. even though it still haunted all of them day and night through physical scars and mental memories. it would never be forgotten, and maybe it was a blessing. or, it was a curse.

either way, they were alive and, for the most part, happy. that part was clear based on the way each of them smiled as they ventured through the reef, each of their eyes flickering towards the new scenery they had never seen before.

it was only when tsireya and lo’ak slowed down in front of them that they all regained full attention, suddenly remembering why they were even out there in the first place.

[y/n] tensed in the slightest, eyes narrowing as she scanned their surroundings. she took in every minute detail, a habit picked up by her upbringing as the eldest sibling. [y/n] knew that neteyam was doing just the same from the back.

“this way,” tsireya signed, an action that was then passed down along the line so that everyone was caught up.

[y/n]’s hands gripped fali’s biceps as the ilu made its way forward, the pace slow and steady. it was only when they entered the cave of complete black that she began to truly panic.

fali’s own worry was only triggered by the girl that clung to him, his thumb rolling softly overtop her skin to provide comfort. when they entered the dark cave, their bioluminescent freckles were the only sources of light beneath the dark surface.

[y/n] whipped her head around quickly, checking that everyone was there. after a quick head count, she felt a tad better, although she still used her hands to usher and corral them into a tightly packed herd.

“leave the ilus,” tsireya ordered quickly, eyes widening in concern when she noticed how tightly packed the cave was. “it is deeper within, and we can only fit one by one.”

“sounds joyous,” [y/n] responded just before she allowed fali to help her off.

once everyone was free from the confines of their ilus, they began to progress within the shelter. the farther they went, the tighter it seemed to get, an unfortunate reality due to the shoving that went on between the boys. [y/n] even had to give fali a look when he began to push around ao’nung and rotxo. he immediately stopped, of course, because he knew better to listen to her than get in trouble.

“just ahead,” tsireya offered quickly, eyes flaring at the way each other their movements got slower due to the lack of oxygen. “there’s an air pocket.”

“and treasure,” lo’ak added very quickly, an action that had tsireya slapping him on the back of his head.

he bristled, grumpily rubbing the location in which she hit him. his grumbling did not stop, not until they finally each swam through the small tunnel and resurfaced in the even smaller cave that, thankfully, had oxygen.

“oh, thank eywa,” [y/n] gasped once she found her way up, flopping down against the gravel. “i thought you guys were trying to kill us for a moment there.”

“ha ha,” lo’ak said with a roll of his eyes. “you are just so funny, [y/n].”

at that, the older sister was quickly on her feet and preparing to tackle him to the ground when neteyam gave them each an unimpressed stare.

deciding to stay cool and mature, [y/n] chose to instead stick her tongue out. of course, as a result, lo’ak hissed back.

“shut up,” ao’nung groaned from where he leaned against the walls of the cave. kiri nodded in agreement, eyes widened to only emphasize her point.

after a few moments of silence, tuk cleared her throat. “so, are we gonna just wait here or…?”

“right,” lo’ak trailed, not missing the chance to roll his eyes. “if i hadn’t been distracted—” he stared at [y/n]— “i would’ve showed you that—”

tsireya groaned, shoving him softly. “it’s down this way.” her nimble hand gestured down what seemed to be a gruesomely long and dark tunnel. at the sight, the entire group went silent.

rotxo was the first one to break the silence. “yeah, i’m good.”

“are you trying to kill us?”

“i have claustrophobia.”

lo’ak groaned, dropping his head back in annoyance. “come on, guys. there’s literal treasure back there.” [y/n] watched warily as he stepped toward the tunnel, his tanhì reflecting colorful light against the black walls.

“and what if there isn’t?” fali prompted, eyebrow muscles raised with his arms crossed across his chest.

tsireya blinked, jaw dropping as she tried to answer. instead, lo’ak stepped forward and assumed the task for her ( an action that had all the girls in the room unimpressed ).

“we saw it.” he sounded very sure of himself, but that confidence soon crumpled to nothing once the rest of the group just stared, then blinked, and then burst into laughter. “wha—guys!” he protested with a groan.

“sorry, bro,” neteyam attempted, dropping a hand on his shoulder to which lo’ak quickly shoved off as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. “but, we will never trust your judgement of sight alone.”

“yeah!” tuk cried. “remember when you said that you saw that thanator creeping into camp.”

“oh, yes,” kiri agreed with a devious grin. “and after causing quite the scene, it was just tsukin dressed in his hunting gear.”

[y/n] bit her lip, trying to keep a smile off of her face. normally, she would be all for the teasing, but based on the expression that lo’ak wore, she was all too familiar with the jokes hitting a certain point. so, she kept her cool.

stepping forward, one hand raised, she offered in a cool tone, “okay, so, let us ponder.” silence settled in the cave, eight pairs of eyes resting on her frame. “if there is treasure, what would we do with it?”

tsireya stepped forward, a hand pressing to lo’ak’s chest before he could ruin their campaign once again. “well, from what lo’ak and i saw just the other day, it isn’t simply… treasure.” [y/n] narrowed her eyes, not quite understanding what she was getting at. “i mean to say, it is like a, uh, how did you describe it?” she turned to lo’ak.

“it is a statue, i suppose,” lo’ak answered with a shrug.

“yes, statue.” tsireya bit her bottom lip, the corners of her mouth up turning into a small grin. “so it is not as if it has any value since we are fully unable to haul it out of here, but it is beautiful and worth the look.” she blinked before smirking. “if you are brave enough, that is.”

oh, how tsireya knew exactly how to tempt that crowd. so, it was absolutely no surprise at all that [y/n] then found herself clinging onto fali’s shoulders as they swam through the dark, twisting, thin tunnel.

the textured ledges that jutted out caused many sputters and groans of pain down the line and back. at one point, [y/n] found her hair tangled on an edge and she was yoinked backwards, a burst of bubbles leaving her mouth as she let out a sound of pain and annoyance mixed into one.

luckily, the tunnel was no nearly as long as they thought, and soon enough, they were pouring into yet another cave. this time, however, each of them froze in their tracks as they stared in adoration at the gorgeous artwork that sat in front of them.

bioluminescent plants climbed up and down the walls, spilling onto the ground and growing up the figure that sat in the middle of the room. the statue, worn down by time, was a little dull on the edges, and it was a beautiful white marble. streaks of gray and black wrapped around its curves, adding a mark of nature on the na’vi made form.

thanks to the familiar shape of long pointed ears and a tail that wrapped around its waist, the figure was very clearly based on one of their ancestors.

[y/n] furrowed her eyebrows, swimming around it to catch every angle. her supple fingers gently trailed overtop what used to be a face, the only thing left after years of underwater living being small dimples of where the eyes and mouth used to reside. she softly petted the nose of the figure, a smile drawing on her face.

and that’s when it finally settled within her bones that something was wrong.

chills pricked on [y/n]’s arms as she looked around the dark cave, eyes flickering over the kids who were each grouped up and conversing with each other. kiri was busy admiring the work with tuk at her tail, lo’ak and tsireya were most likely flirting, and ao’nung, rotxo, and neteyam were arguing about something. panic settled in [y/n]’s gut when she noticed the words “storm” and “rising water” being exchanged between the trio of boys.

she swam up quickly, fali at her heels, and she stopped at the top of the cave. [y/n] pressed her hands desperately against the rocks, feeling for anywhere the water might escape, feeling for anywhere she could try and take a peek at the outside world. she cursed at herself when she found no luck.

by then, eyes were cast upon the older girl, worry settling on each and every one of their expressions. a hand on her shoulder caused her to whip around, sending fali floating back in alarm.

“what is wrong?” he questioned carefully, eyes filled with concern.

“i do not know,” [y/n] admitted truthfully. “but something feels… off.”

that’s when ao’nung decided to finally step up. “the water is warmer,” he offered. “it feels as if the tide is moving north, and that usually means—”

“a storm,” tsireya finished for him, worry evident on her face.

[y/n] turned to fali with a tight swallow. his face was frozen, clearly trying to figure out a plan. he was always good at on the spot thinking, but something about his closest friends and family members being the ones in danger sent him spiraling in the wrong direction.

“we must leave now,” ao’nung took charge quickly, spinning around and ushering tuk and kiri towards the place in which they entered from.

[y/n] felt as if time seemed to travel far too fast. before she knew it, she and fali were bringing up the back of the line to make sure everyone swam out quickly, not leaving any stragglers behind. tsireya and rotxo led the way, tuk padded by kiri and neteyam for safety.

the reality of the situation truly sat in when the air bubble in which they’d previously conversed in turned out to be half way full. they all silently decided that stopping wasn’t worth it, and instead gulped one last big breath of oxygen before exiting the cave once again.

by the time they resurfaced outside of all of the caves, finally back in the open sea, [y/n] felt her stomach rise to her throat at the sight of the storm. wind blew far too aggressively, and the tides were coming in strong. screams left their throats as they narrowly avoided a wave that almost crashed directly on their heads.

quick thinking resulted in their ilus left behind — although, there was also a possibility that the creatures already left them at the feeling of the storm coming in — and the group of kids climbing onto the boulders.

the cave they had previously swam in also had another layer on top, this time with oxygen and safe shelter provided. at least, enough to keep them from ( hopefully ) dying in the storm.

they now huddled, backs pressed against the rock walls as wind burst outside, an occasional very large wave absolutely drenching the boulder and sending screams echoing across the shelter.

[y/n] and fali sat closest to the entrance, but in their arms they held practically every single kid. faces pressed into their chests, the two young adults sharing looks of concern, worry, and pure prayers to eywa.

[y/n] clenched her eyes shut at the feeling of tuk trembling beneath her hands, sprinkles of sea spray causing her to feel sticky and wet. when fali pressed his head against her’s, she whimpered softly. she would remain strong for as long as the children needed it, but deep down, she was terrified.

they sat, huddled together, throughout the entire storm. from beginning to end. beneath every harsh wave, between every strike of lightning. instead of letting their fear best them, they only decided to just hold each tighter and tighter.

by the time the storm finally settled down, they were each soaked with cold water, the wind whistling through holes in the cave. each kid was shaking, although some held it together better than others.

[y/n]’s heart ached as she held tuk to her chest, quiet sobs wracking her small body. [y/n] rubbed her back with a soft touch, pressing an occasional kiss to the top of the young girl’s head. “it is okay, tuk tuk,” she whispered, eyes flickering up to watch fali and the rest of the boys wander back and forth across the cave, voices hushed and serious as they discussed how to approach their problem.

“i want mom and dad,” tuk cried into her shoulder, face leaned into the crook of her older sister’s neck.

[y/n] frowned. “i know, darling, and we will see them as soon as we can. but, we need to figure out how to get home first.” she pulled tuk away from her body for a moment, forcing her to lock eyes. “i promise you, mom and dad are okay, and they will be looking for us as soon as it is safe.”

meanwhile, tsireya and kiri were busy under the water, looking for any source of help. food, a safer shelter, maybe their ilus… but, no such luck.

as the girls busied themselves with a search, the boys wandered from one side of the cave to other, jumping into the water as they tried to track down exactly where they were. curses were exchanged as lo’ak and neteyam’s necklace intercoms didn’t seem to work thanks to the wreckage left by the storm.

the first sign of hope came from kiri and tsireya when the two girls resurfaced, smiles highlighting their features as they sputtered for breath after a long swim. “guys!”

at that, everyone gathered around, even [y/n] and tuk after the older girl quickly cradled her baby sister and brought her over to the group. “what is it?”

“i think we found a better place to sit and wait.”

luckily for them, the beach they found was unoccupied and quite helpful. the storm sure left a mark, but that also meant firewood that was much more easily accessible. 

it didn’t take long for the group to set up an actual camp. sticks and leaves, gathered by the younger girls, helped create small tent-like structures. [y/n], rotxo, and lo’ak dealt with fishing and food, and neteyam, ao’nung, and fali were busy dragging large pieces of driftwood to support their shelters as well as make an actual bonfire.

“ao’nung, would you please be cooperative for once?” fali grunted, the trio dropping the piece of wood for the eighth time in just a few feet.

ao’nung shot him a look. “i’m trying my hardest, but you keep stepping on my toes.”

“i am not!” the older boy argued, eyes narrowed. neteyam rolled his eyes at the sibling-like banter.

“lo’ak, do you lack braincells?” another argument took place just a few paces away.

“[y/n], do not act as if you are so much better than me!” the younger brother threw a piece of mulch at her, an action that she did not respond kindly to.

it was only when rotxo shouted in delight at the feeling of a fish tugging at his line that they suddenly forgot all of their previous issues.

across the beach, tuk was squat carefully as she organized sticks and leaves into two different piles, even going as far as to stack the leaves from largest to smallest. “woah!” she cried at one point, staring at a very large leaf with a gaped jaw. “it’s as tall as me.”

tsireya laughed, picking the greenery up and holding it next to the girl. “i think you have a few inches on it.”

hours passed by, but progress was made. so much progress that they each had their own tent by the end of the night.

of course, they still chose to stay up quite late, gathered around the warm fire as they exchanged different stories. a lot of personal sibling attacks were made, of course, especially towards lo’ak who seemed to be a permanent indigo shade after his older siblings told tsireya of every single one of his embarrassing childhood tales.

the later it got, the more they yawned, and soon it was spreading like a disease. [y/n] smiled at the sleeping figure of tuk.

but, of course, the light in the distance kept any more of them from drifting off.

"looks like it's time to go home."

“looks like it’s time to go home.”

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2 years ago

Can you do little daughter reader, and she’s the youngest sully, and she is a huge daddy’s girl like always wanted to be with him and sleep with him and her mother.

a/n: just a quick lil headcanons ... i was wondering , to those who would be helpful enough to give me some feedback , if i were to reopen my requests , would you all be willing to request stuff for other fandoms ?? right now it feels like the atwow fandom is kind of dying , and i also am losing some inspo , so if you'd be interested let me know. feedback + reblogs are always appreciated !!

tags: @rafeslovergirl @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @itssiaaax @grierpilots @23victoria @nyotamalfoy @gcldtom @calypixi @eywas-heir @historygeekqueen @missroro @sweetheart-bo

youngest sully headcanons

okay so you're the youngest sully sibling being the younger twin of tuk

and not only do your siblings treat you as such ( except for tuk, since she treats you like her twin which means a lot of dumb argument and stuck out tongues )

an attitude that results in overprotection, especially when you decide to join them on dangerous adventures to which you threaten to tell on them if they don't take you ( you have a surprising amount of black mail )

but your parents are so very protective of you and tuk

like i mean when they get those distress signals from lo'ak and he says that you two are there , they go absolutely bonkers

while tuk is infatuated with her big siblings , you're a more reclusive daddy's girl

although you join their adventures, there are quite a few that you choose to sit out on and decide to remain quiet so they can have their fun

instead, you follow jake to all his daily duties and let him show you around

at night, you love to snuggle right up to his chest

you claim that it keeps the nightmares away

the best nights are when it's a little cold out, and you snuggle right between your parents

it keeps you warm and happy

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1 year ago

missing fali hours fr 😔😔

an: then this is your lucky day... ANYWAY i cannot believe i just wrote this. like what? got a random flicker of inspo and HERE WE ARE anyway i hope you guys can still enjoy after like a hundred years of me not existing. love you all!!

summary: [y/n] gets hurt, and fali has never been so anxious in his life.

tags: @rafeslovergirl @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @itssiaaax @grierpilots @fleurbeass @23victoria @nyotamalfoy @gcldtom @calypixi

for him

Missing Fali Hours Fr

the sullies were more than accustomed to the idea of sacrifices. from repeatedly risking their lives on the battlefield to leaving the only home they ever knew, the sullies had gotten quite familiar with giving things up.

but, nothing would ever prepare them to lose a member of their tight knit family. especially not the eldest daughter.

ronal promised them, just before disappearing behind the curtains of her healers marui, that [y/n] was in safe hands, and thanks to their quick delivery of the girl from where she’d originally been stranded and injured, there was a very big chance that she would not only survive, but be okay.

but, there was also a chance — small, but a chance nonetheless — that she wouldn't be okay. that she wouldn't survive, or even worse, that she would survive and have to live a life burdened.

the image of their dying sister continued to flash through the sully siblings’ minds. her bloodied body flushed up against the wet sand, a low tide barely brushing over her toes every now and again. what made matters worse was the human made knife sticking from her gut.

when would this war end?

neteyam stared at his shaking hands, still covered in [y/n]’s blood. he tried to scrub it off, but the sticky liquid seemed to have flooded into every crevice imaginable. he’d been the one to take charge, the one to immediately apply pressure to the wound while ordering lo’ak to get their parents. kiri was quick to join him, on her knees and making sure that there weren’t any other hidden wounds.

these children — her baby brothers and sister — were brave enough to immediately act, and yet fali couldn’t move. as soon as he saw the sully girl with blood soaked into the sand below, it felt as if his feet were sunken and stuck.

the only thing to bring him back to light was the small hand of tuk.

now, the siblings plus fali stood outside, anxiously awaiting any sign of news. fali was pale, hovering in the back as thoughts of the absolute utter worst circled throughout his brain.

neteyam, kiri, and lo’ak had their own worries, their own anxieties. that was their big sis. if anything happened to her, the sully family was a mess. they would do anything to keep her alive, just as she would do the same for them.

but tuk, oh little tuk, was focused on bigger things. brighter things! somehow, the little ball of energy just knew her sister would be okay. tuk had never met someone stronger than [y/n] ( besides her mother, perhaps, but [y/n] had to learn it from somewhere ), so she had no doubt that her big sister would pull through better than before.

so, she decided the best thing she could do was work her own magic. it's what her sister would want, after all.

once again, fali found himself pulled out of his anxious thoughts by a small hand in his, and then… and then a tear dropped. it was small, practically nonexistent, but he knew. and tuk knew.

but she would never tell.

and then, as if eywa herself had come down with a blessing of her own, jake and neytiri walked out of the marui. they were the only ones originally allowed in after ronal declared her healing finished.

the tension rose at the sight of the adults, fali barely even noticing as his grip tightened around the youngest sully’s hand. tuk fought back a smile at the feeling.

wide eyes stared desperately at the adults, the silence consuming them as they all silently wondered the same thing. is [y/n] going to be okay?

as soon as a smile softly brushed onto the faces of both parents, a relieved breath left each other their mouths, tears threatening to spill as they realized just exactly how terrified they were.

“she is okay,” jake confirmed with a nod, his own eyes growing teary. his baby girl was strong, he knew that, but even seeing her in the slightest bit of pain felt like failure. failure as a parent, as a former olo’eyktan, as a protector. but, she was okay, and she would continue to be okay.

at the words, the siblings didn’t even wait to burst through the marui. even tuk found herself running alongside kiri, letting go of fali’s hand. sure, she loved fali, but nothing would beat the love she had for her big sister.

and so, even though fali found himself alone once again, fali didn't mind walking behind the four of them. he didn’t mind having to wait his turn, having to stand alone in the back as he laughed at each of their reunions and interactions. he didn't mind waiting, because he knew she was waiting for him too.

and eventually, after what felt like a thousand years, he approached the bedside. “[y/n],” he teased with a smile.

“fali,” she replied, energy matching him almost exactly if it weren't for her pure exhaustion.

and then, without another word, fali leaned down and kissed her. she was real, she was okay, and she would always be okay. if not for herself, then for him.

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1 year ago

hello! I love your writing and i have an request, a quiet, kind, caring, loving, sully girl who would do anything to protect her family, takes the bullet instead of neteyam? (1 year younger then lo'ak) <33

a/n: omg hey !! can you guys believe that i wrote another one ?? although this isn't fali and [y/n], but that's alright. i think my plan for all of this is just to write when i wanna write -- no stress, just a fun hobby. requests are technically closed, but i wrote this one because i'm a kind soul. basically, if you send in a request and i like it, i might write it if i feel like it. ALSO i know this isn't accurate to how the scene went, but i haven't watched this movie since i saw it in theaters in december so... if any of you guys know how to watch it for free, let a girl know. anyway, feedback, reblogs, yada yada are all appreciated !!

tags: @rafeslovergirl @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @itssiaaax @grierpilots @23victoria @nyotamalfoy @gcldtom @calypixi @eywas-heir @historygeekqueen @missroro @sweetheart-bo

tw: death, angst, blood, major injury, sad :(

insurmountable love

Hello! I Love Your Writing And I Have An Request, A Quiet, Kind, Caring, Loving, Sully Girl Who Would

[y/n] had always known about her importance to the sully family. she knew it when she was young, when she was just a toddler that managed to lift spirits when she waddled into the room. she knew it when each of her siblings fought for her attention with different games. she knew it when neteyam always seemed to come searching for her when he got sick of their father. she knew it when kiri shared her secrets with her. she knew it when lo’ak always invited her to join her in his rebellious shenanigans. she knew it when she held her baby sister for the first time.

she’d always known.

[y/n] felt her love for her family more than she’d felt anything in her life. no amount of anger, sadness, disappointment… none of it could top the amount of adoration she held for her mother, for her father, for her sisters and brothers.

but, [y/n] was starting to think, as she lay bleeding out on top of a rock in the middle of the ocean — in the middle of a home that wasn’t her’s — that maybe there was a reason she felt for much love.

“[y/n],” her brother’s voice brought her out of her thoughts. she stared into his eyes, although she kept fighting to urge to doze off. she was so tired. “[y/n], stay with me. okay, sis?” neteyam swallowed, fighting his tears. “lo’ak flagged mom and dad down. they are almost here, baby sis. they are almost here.”

“neteyam,” the younger sully whimpered. “neteyam, it hurts.”

“i know.” a glossy layer of liquid pooled in his eyes. “i know, but you are strong. you are strong, so just keep your eyes right on me."

his hand was warm against [y/n]’s cheek. her cupped her face softly, as if any rough movement might disintegrate her. but, he also couldn’t afford to let her go, for as soon as he let go… he feared she would be gone.

lo’ak watched beside them, hands pressing against [y/n]’s wound. tears flowed down his cheeks freely. it was his fault, it was his fault, it was all his fault. he couldn’t get it out of his head. if she dies, then he killed his baby sister.

lo’ak wanted so badly to talk to her, to offer support, to be the same brother that neteyam was, but lo’ak could never do that. he was scared, and he was a fraud. he acted high and mighty, he acted brave… and if he truly thought back to the history of his life, he only truly started pretending to be so courageous so that [y/n] would be impressed with him. so that his big sister would look up to him.

how ironic was it that, the moment she needed his strength, he couldn’t pretend anymore. he was a coward.

so, instead, lo’ak pushed against the bullet hole, blood staining his hands. the muffled sobs of tsireya were nearly drowned out by the chaotic scene around them, but lo’ak didn’t think he could ignore her cries in the same way that his heart panged at every pained noise that left [y/n].

it was only the sound of his parents’ arrival that either brother even dared to look up, but once they recognized their mother and father, eyes were set back on their baby sister.

tears fell from [y/n] eyes as she caught sight of jake. “dad,” she cried, nearly choking on her words. “dad, please.” she was begging, but she wasn’t sure what she was asking for. what could he do?

“hey, baby,” he whispered, kneeling next to her. “it’s okay. it’s okay, i’m here.” as jake attempted words of comfort, he picked up her feeble frame to check the exit wound, and his heart instantly dropped. his baby girl.

“dad, i’m scared,” she confessed. “i—i saw them. they were aiming at ‘teyam.” her words were growing thicker, voice stuck in her throat. lo’ak noticed [y/n] pulled her knees up at times, the pain causing her lower half to writhe.

“it’s okay, baby girl,” jake hushed. “it’s okay, you did everything right.”

“i didn’t want him hurt. i didn’t want him hurt, dad!” her pained sobs wavered. for some reason, she couldn’t be convinced — not in her delirious state — that she hadn’t made a terrible decision. she didn’t want to die with her father’s disappointment. disappointment that she put herself in danger. but she did it for her big brother.

in the chaos, none of them — tsireya and spider included, who also attempted to be helpful even though there wasn’t much that they could do — noticed the arrival of neytiri. not until her hushed voice of shock began mumbling, “no, oh no. not my sweet daughter.”

the na’vi mother rushed over, taking a spot between her two sons as she gauged the scene. her second youngest, hurt by the sky-people. her beautiful daughter, fighting death because of them.

[y/n] had faded to a silence at that point, the only noise being her whimpers of pain as she writhed. tears paved their way across the surface of her blue skin, and neytiri’s heart shattered.

but, despite all of it, despite the pain, the shock, the terrifying inevitability ( although they all denied it ) of her death… the worst part was when she opened her eyes wide and said, “i’m so scared.”

a beat of stunned, painful silence.

“i’m so scared. i don’t wanna die!” she whispered, looking into her father’s eyes. “please.”

and through his tears, jake gripped the hand of his second youngest and told her a kind lie. “i’m right here with you. you will be okay, baby girl. just hold on to us, okay?”

and to her credit, she did. through the pain, one hand held jake’s and the other held neytiri’s. the two brothers couldn’t do anything but watch helplessly, hands resting on her upper arms in an attempt to give her some form of strength.

and they stayed that way until the light left her eyes. the same light she’d carried since she was born, gone just like that.

maybe there was a reason she was full of so much love for her family. her theory… she was only destined to live so long, so eywa blessed her with an exuberant amount to enjoy for the thirteen years she was gifted.

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1 year ago

i ❤️ fali

it’s so sad that he’s not a character in the film and he’s an oc!!! (but it’s ok coz ur fics are amazing so that makes up for it🤷🏼‍♀️)

i <3 fali too

i think i'm gonna start working on a headcanon-like post that just takes us thru the events of the movie ( except following around our fave [y/n] ofc )

that obviously includes our collective bbg, fali himself

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1 year ago

guys i changed my mind -- i wanna write so bad now but i have no ideas

so, requests are open !! please request !! love you guys

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1 year ago

insurmountable love made me sob😭 are you planning on doing a part two? I’m sure I’ll love it but I don’t think my mental health will be the same

okay so... maybe ?? i've been pondering ideas, but i'm not sure how to go about it. do we,

a) go through it like... the spirit visiting thing ?? take a moment to wander through the memories they all have of [y/n] ??

b) go through it in the eyes of [y/n] who's struggling to leave her heartbroken family behind ( and also, she's terrified of leaving the only world she's ever known )

or maybe some other ideas !! those are the two i had, but im open to ponder some other things.

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1 year ago

a/n: okay, this is a fun one !! a long one, but a fun one. the details kinda got crappy nearing the end because i lost the motivation to stay strong, especially since i just wanted to publish it, but hopefully you enjoy nonetheless. all interactions, although specifically reblogs and comments, are appreciated !!

summary: basically me taking you through the plot of atwow with an additional two characters that we've grown to adore.

tags: @rafeslovergirl @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @itssiaaax @grierpilots @fleurbeass @23victoria @nyotamalfoy @gcldtom @calypixi

atwow ( feat. [y/n] + fali )

A/n: Okay, This Is A Fun One !! A Long One, But A Fun One. The Details Kinda Got Crappy Nearing The End

₊˚.༄ okay, so… how do i even begin this? i guess it’s probably best to start from the top — from the very very beginning. when times weren’t so tough, when joy rang itself throughout high camp far more often.

₊˚.༄ most specifically, the birth of the omaticaya’s future tsahik, [y/n] te suli neytiri’ite. jake sully and neytiri’s first born daughter — their pride and joy, if you will.

₊˚.༄ she was an adored child all around the camp — even from infancy, she was full of her mother’s attitude and her father’s leadership.

₊˚.༄ a perfect but dangerous combo, if you will.

₊˚.༄ as much as the young na’vi was fascinated by the ikrans, the weapons, the war meetings, all the of the things that seemed to follow her father around ( as much as he hated it all ), there was also a very large amount of pride within both neytiri and mo’at that [y/n] was just as infatuated with their culture.

₊˚.༄ the food, the clothing, the music, the jewelry, the songcords — and don’t even get me started on the dancing! they always adored the way she waddled around on her short, chubby legs and clapped to the tempo of the drums that surrounded the dance floor.

₊˚.༄ and to think… that used to be a normalized event… before the sky-people somehow made things worse than they ever had. who even knew that was possible?

₊˚.༄ minus her own personal upbringing regarding her home, [y/n] also quite enjoyed her family. even when she was introduced to not one, but two babies around the same time thanks to the mystery that was grace’s avatar.

₊˚.༄ nevertheless, [y/n] welcomed both her biological brother and adopted sister into her arms. it seemed that, even from the very start, she was built to be the big sister, nevermind being a leader in general!

₊˚.༄ the age gap between her, neteyam, and kiri was large enough that [y/n] stayed ahead of them in skills and learning, but it was also small enough that they adored each other’s company.

₊˚.༄ then came lo’ak, of course, the child that gave his entire family a headache from the moment he exited neytiri’s womb. nevertheless, [y/n] didn’t discriminate — she loved her siblings equally! well, depending on the day, of course.

₊˚.༄ no amount of love for her baby brothers could keep her from ripping each of them a new one if they dared scare her ( and trust me, as they grew into teenagers that lacked intellect and self-control… well, it became a very regular occurrence )

₊˚.༄ tuk, of course, was just a pure angel that each sully sibling silently declared was a top priority in any situation. even if lo’ak ( yes, lo’ak, because it was always lo’ak ) managed to drag the baby of the family into a life-threatening situation, all four of them were ready to lay themselves down if it meant the youngest survived.

₊˚.༄ and, if we’re being completely honest, each sibling was more than prepared to sacrifice themselves if it even gave the others the slimmest chance of survival.

₊˚.༄ that’s the way of siblings, afterall! as much as you gripe, and hate, and fight, you also would do anything for each other!

₊˚.༄ but, siblings and the relationship between the five of them was only a tiny detail in the life of [y/n].

₊˚.༄ yes, she was the future tsahik, and yes, she’d always nurtured that future for herself. so had her parents! but, that meant that she wasted years of youth away training for a future that felt like eons away.

₊˚.༄ she often wished she could’ve gone back and fought for her childhood.

₊˚.༄ neytiri and jake often wished for the exact same. it’s never an easy thing knowing that you were the reason your child suffered the way that they did.

₊˚.༄ but, even though there did seem to be a lack of positive child-like memories, she still possessed stories that she could never forget. stories of her huddled in her father’s lap ( along with the rest of the sullys ), listening with wide eyes as he recalled some dramatic story of the battlefield. splashing in the river with her siblings. letting her father throw her up and down as she shrieked in enjoyment.

₊˚.༄ [y/n] yearned for the simplicity that life once was. but, that was never how it went — not for anyone.

₊˚.༄ the beginning to the complicated adulthood that her life broke into stemmed from, of course, her rite of passage: the iknimaya.

₊˚.༄ she was the first of the five children to perform the daunting task, and even though she was very well prepared, she could still recall the nerves that coursed through her veins leading up to the event.

₊˚.༄ although, it all became worth it once [y/n] began climbing the hallelujah mountains, a beauty incomparable.

₊˚.༄ when she finally got there, she automatically volunteered to be the first of her group. she wanted to get it done ( and she wanted to pride her parents — also brag to her younger siblings, but that was besides the point. )

₊˚.༄ while her parents had prepared her for a patient experience, waiting for the right ikran and all, she was pleasantly surprised that she found hers almost immediately.

₊˚.༄ at the sight, she nearly grew disappointed. it was a tiny little thing, at least compared to others.

₊˚.༄ but, with a small size came the advantage of maneuvering. the little bastard sure knew how to fight!

₊˚.༄ [y/n] grappled with the creature ( that she later honored as the biggest pain in her ass, right next to her brothers ) for a span of time that both felt like one hundred years and three seconds.

₊˚.༄ the relief she felt when she finally strapped its jaw shut!

₊˚.༄ but, of course, that only pissed it off more. in that moment, [y/n] realized she’d finally met someone that was as pissy and petty as she was, because [y/n] soon found herself — legs tucked tightly and arms fumbling for the queue — falling from the cliff.

₊˚.༄ she forced the panic down and back into her stomach, the anxiety becoming only a motivator of the situation at hand, and soon the adrenaline kicked in.

₊˚.༄ as the bitchy ikran decided to tuck her wings in and head face-first into the abyss below, [y/n] didn’t give up on creating the bond.

₊˚.༄ and then, just as they were about to crash into a floating mountain that waited below them, the two queues connected, and [y/n] found her instincts working faster than her brain.

₊˚.༄ soon, the two pulled up swiftly and dangerously close to a death-inducing collision. together, they dodged all sorts of obstacles in the way, and [y/n] quickly began to appreciate the small size of her ikran.

₊˚.༄ neytiri and jake were more just happy to see that their daughter actually survived.

₊˚.༄ that, of course, led to a whole new world. hunting, specifically! and, of course, the idea of being a true warrior.

₊˚.༄ it started off slow at first, but due to her history of sitting in on war meetings with her father and other clan leaders, she was also considered quite knowledgeable.

₊˚.༄ throughout the next few years, however, she gained enough trust with her father and her clan to be considered on one of the lines of defense when it came to their raiding parties.

₊˚.༄ that in itself took quite a bit of convincing from [y/n] to her parents, but she had a way with words.

₊˚.༄ of course came the fateful raid in which she disobeyed ( something that absolutely shocked her siblings — that was a rarity! not that she loved following rules, but she also was well aware of her expected role of leadership in years time. )

₊˚.༄ [y/n] ended up, with the advantage of her small ikran, joining the first line and taking over the skies. she swiftly dodged every obstacle, twirling around and avoiding falling helicopters and bullets headed for her skin.

₊˚.༄ she was, if anything, a menace. and everyone was more than impressed. how could such a young na’vi hold so much skill, never mind the potential of who she could become?

₊˚.༄ jake didn't let that stop him from reprimanding her, of course ( but even he couldn't hide the pride that swelled when others came up to him, complimenting his daughter’s skills )

“i don't give a shit how good you are, you’re still in trouble.”

₊˚.༄ nevertheless, her act secured her a role in the sky during raid parties. as long as she swore to keep herself alive!

₊˚.༄ she did, obviously.

₊˚.༄ that brings us to the start of the movie, i guess! most specifically, the opening raid in which her two idiot brothers try and get themselves killed.

₊˚.༄ two spotters inspired by their big sister’s gusto, after all.

₊˚.༄ she barely caught them in the sky before they landed on the battlefield below, attempting to convince them the best option was to change their minds and not get themselves killed.

₊˚.༄ neteyam seemed to be with [y/n], but nothing could diminish lo’ak’s spirit.

“i'm telling,” [y/n] threatened teasingly, although she really would prefer if the two turned around and took her better judgment for once in their lives. “don't you dare,” lo’ak groaned, eyes narrowing at her in annoyance.

₊˚.༄ but, [y/n] was fully aware that this was a conscious decision. if anything, she could appreciate the two for scouting out any opportunity that highlighted them in front of their father.

₊˚.༄ even so, she didn't feel good letting them fly down and into a world of danger that they didn't know. not without her, anyway.

₊˚.༄ and so, if you couldn't tell, the three of them delivered themselves onto the battleground together. [y/n] initially ordered them both to follow her lead, but not even a few seconds later, the two boys were nowhere to be found.

₊˚.༄ it figures.

₊˚.༄ and then, of course while searching for them, she did end up reaching them again. this time, however, she managed to catch the very unhappy eyes of her own father.

₊˚.༄ but, as you may recall, there was a small interruption before any emotional damage could be done, resulting in a whole new set of issues.

“do not play with that!” [y/n] hissed, snatching the gun from her youngest brothers hands. “you are too reckless to be trusted with anything bigger than a bow.” lo’ak scowled, giving his sister and unimpressed look. “dad taught me,” he declared, matter-o-factly. “well, if you haven't noticed, that same dad has very much noticed our presence.” [y/n] was too tired to deal with this.

₊˚.༄ just as neteyam opened his mouth to respond to either his sister’s well-placed point or his brother's annoying bravado, a gut-dropping word echoed through the air. “incoming!”

₊˚.༄ they ran, naturally, and of course, managed to become the victims to a shot right at their heels. lo’ak and [y/n] tumbled a few feet while it seemed the neteyam took flight.

₊˚.༄ it didn't take long until [y/n]’s ears were ringing, and she stared straight up into the angry eyes of her father.

₊˚.༄ later, after her own ikran swooped down and let her board in an impressively smooth fashion, the nearly reunited family was able to fly back to high-camp together

₊˚.༄ the entire ride, the three siblings were cringing in anticipation

₊˚.༄ even neteyam, who flinched every time he grimaced

₊˚.༄ of course, they were all severely reprimanded, and that included [y/n]... something about keeping an eye on her brothers, keeping them safe

₊˚.༄ she didn't argue, mainly because she knew better, but she fought the urge to roll her eyes. the whole reason she joined them was to keep them safe!

₊˚.༄ but, life moves on — although she did feel guilty that she let neteyam get hurt, even if he insisted it was his fault.

₊˚.༄ she should've led the way. she should've been hurt, not him.

₊˚.༄ it seemed that the idea of eldest sibling guilt was a reoccurring theme, for not even a day after, [y/n] found herself on a scouting mission alongside her parents and neteyam

₊˚.༄ her heart dropped at lo’ak’s message — never mind when she heard tuk was with them!

₊˚.༄ obviously, both her and neteyam were ordered to stay with the ikrans when they finally got to the old battlefield, but the one thing that [y/n] won't stand for is her siblings in danger

₊˚.༄ so, naturally, the two joined ( even at the risk of their own parents’ fury )

₊˚.༄ when they got there, they crept under the brush and leaves for coverage, but eventually [y/n]’s eagerness got the best of her and she told neteyam it would be best to split up

₊˚.༄ that was how, as the rest of her family ran from the gunfire to safety, she found herself pointing her bow right at quaritch

₊˚.༄ too bad another avatar popped out of nowhere and aimed his gun right at her — she was just thankful that said avatar was either a terrible shot or just very nervous because she came out unscathed

₊˚.༄ she sprinted through the forest at a speed she didn't know she could reach, nearly tumbling in the process

₊˚.༄ [y/n] nearly fell over in fear when she ran into her family

₊˚.༄ while she tried to process the event that just took place, her mother was busy checking her from any harm done

[y/n] pushed neytiri’s hands away with a tearful shake of her head. “i am fine, mom,” she insisted. she then turned to lock eyes with jake, a rough look settling in her eyes. “how did they get here?”

₊˚.༄ in that moment, jake and [y/n] burst into one of their infamous arguments that it seemed only an eldest daughter could have with her father without being punished for life

₊˚.༄ they argued about their safety, about how they should track those avatars down and kill them for what they’ve done — [y/n] was far too new to the field of battle to understand what statements she was making

₊˚.༄ plus, it seemed her heart was speaking louder than her head was

₊˚.༄ until it broke into one of those heart shattering moments where she’s upset and ranting at jake, tears start flowing, and they each creep closer to each other with every word exchanged

₊˚.༄ and then he like… closes his arms around her and lets his girl cry into his chest

₊˚.༄ yeah…

₊˚.༄ anyway, as you can probably recall from the fic that started this all ( which, if you haven't read it… well, what are you even doing here ?! ) [y/n] was justifiably upset with the fact that they had to leave

₊˚.༄ like, while everybody else was creeping and listening in with their own shocked emotions, [y/n] had to fight to tears when she heard the decision

₊˚.༄ she had to leave her home.

₊˚.༄ and not only her home, but she had to leave her future behind. the same future, mind you, that she had wasted her childhood to train for.

₊˚.༄ what was the point now?

₊˚.༄ but, she had to appear strong for the sake of her family. that was all [y/n] knew to do.

₊˚.༄ sure, she shed some tears, but only in her own private time. she couldn't let anyone else see. she had to just pretend, that was all.

₊˚.༄ yada, yada, this was all basically covered in the og request from like a hundred years ago

₊˚.༄ kinda cray

₊˚.༄ anyway!

₊˚.༄ that includes the flight, emotions, and her arrival to their new home

₊˚.༄ to which, by the way, ronal was like of course upset that a child stood up to her, but also… a child stood up to her. that was impressive! and as much as she hated the idea of the newcomers, especially the mother and her eldest daughter, she could also appreciate both of their upbringings and attitudes as powerful women of their clans.

₊˚.༄ moving on, when the sullys take their first swim, [y/n] joins ( hesitantly… ) and is struggling quite a bit

₊˚.༄ they run into the metkayina siblings, but she sees a peculiar face that talks with rotxo and ao’nung — a male, around her age, with tattoos lining his body

₊˚.༄ he wasn't half-bad looking!

₊˚.༄ but, after a quick moment of eye contact between to two ( in which [y/n] have a skeptical stare and he offered a welcoming smile ), he was off, riding his ilu in another direction

₊˚.༄ she loved the idea of the sea, but it almost seemed like the sea despised the idea of her. she couldn't do shit! and it was extremely infuriating.

₊˚.༄ the embarrassment she faced when she attempted to ride an ilu…

₊˚.༄ and the way that rotxo, tsireya, and ao’nung all attempted to help her with her breathing!

₊˚.༄ well, that’s fali’s cue.

₊˚.༄ the same na’vi that had smiled at her was back, and his name was fali. he was an extremely close childhood friend of tsireya and ao’nung ( and ultimately rotxo as well )

₊˚.༄ he was a bit sibling! like [y/n]! perhaps they could be friends?

₊˚.༄ well, we all know how that went… ( again, refer to the linked fic from earlier if you're clueless )

₊˚.༄ also i have absolutely no idea how time works here so i'm creating my own timeline between events because i want to give fali and [y/n] more time to fall in love

₊˚.༄ after she finally learned to breath, and after they finally kissed, she was noticeably happier. like, scarily so.

₊˚.༄ but, they were all far too busy to act on it… yet…

₊˚.༄ it was while the relationship was secret that ao’nung decided to be an ass and tease kiri

₊˚.༄ her and fali had been the ones to break up the fight when they witnessed it from a nearby location in which they were originally trying to enjoy each others company

₊˚.༄ while [y/n] soon placed her anger on ao’nung after hearing the story, fali slapped his up the back of the head in disappointment.

“you're gonna get in so much trouble.”

₊˚.༄ and then nevermind when she later heard what this bitch did to lo’ak… oh my, she was contemplating hitting a child

₊˚.༄ to which fali discreetly rested a calming hand on her lower back because they're adorable

₊˚.༄ never one did fali stray from [y/n]’s side of the argument — he was just fully aware of how much of an ass ao’nung was. a lovable one, but an ass nonetheless

₊˚.༄ and imagine her annoyed that, for once, lo’ak took the blame. he couldn't have done that literally any other time and take their fathers wrath from his own siblings? good lord.

₊˚.༄ oh, and when her parents decided to team up on neteyam for not keeping an eye on lo’ak… yeah, [y/n] wasn't afraid to fight back. not anymore, not when she had a new purpose and a new life, and not when she had fali.

“it is not his fault that you where the one to tell him to make peace, no matter what. i don't understand why you push the blame onto every child before you reach yourselves!” 

₊˚.༄ of course, she didn't know that wasn't true, but it was enough for neytiri and jake to rethink

₊˚.༄ when it came time for the kids to all gather and listen to lo’ak’s story, [y/n] and fali sat on opposite sides and avoided eye contact on all fronts

₊˚.༄ until, of course, it was found out that the tulkun he’d befriended was anything but safe

in concern, her eyes flickered to inevitably meet fali’s. with eyebrows furrowed and a mouth downturned, she silently asked the question, is this true? a silent nod of his head affirmed her wonder.

₊˚.༄ after lo’ak decided to leave in anger towards the rest of the group ( and tsireya followed ), they all broke apart

₊˚.༄ but, fali and [y/n] soon found each other, an array of worries exchanged between the couple

₊˚.༄ the comfort that was offered was incomparable to anything else they could have recieved

₊˚.༄ and then, later, when she arrived late to the marui, she caught kiri’s knowing gaze

₊˚.༄ it was the next afternoon that they all were made aware of the eldest sully sibling’s relations with fali

₊˚.༄ again, that was in the original request, but you may also find interest in the written interaction between fali and the rest of the family

₊˚.༄ moving on and back to the actual plot, both [y/n] and fali — now officially known to the world as a couple which meant a lot of longing looks and laughter — joined them on the swim to the spirit tree

₊˚.༄ that was fantastic… until it wasn't…

₊˚.༄ the panic that surged through her ( next to the adrenaline and urge to protect ) was overwhelming as kiri had her seizure

₊˚.༄ and then the way that fali held her after they got kiri back safely

₊˚.༄ [y/n] was in a state in panic, and this boy just hugs her right and tells her that kiri is safe, repeating it over and over

₊˚.༄ what a guy!

₊˚.༄ oh yeah, and then the tulkuns return later — that's also been written!

₊˚.༄ unfortunately, the happiness doesn't last long, for lo’ak is soon not only reprimanded, but in deep shut because of his connection to the outcast tulkun, payakan.

₊˚.༄ then comes the killings of the tulkun, an event that can only be traced back to the humans

₊˚.༄ the humans. the humans that drove them out of their home, the humans that hurt her siblings, the humans that have wrecked her life.

₊˚.༄ for once, even as jake and neteyam attempt to convince the metkayina that fighting is not the answer, [y/n] feels like insurmountable urge to stand with the na’vi of awa’atlu

₊˚.༄ she feels the urge to stand beside fali

₊˚.༄ but, that doesn't mean she can ignore her trouble-seeking brothers and sisters, and neither can fali

₊˚.༄ for soon, the two of them are jumping in ilus and speeding after lo’ak and the rest of the kids

₊˚.༄ they were going to warn payakan

₊˚.༄ when they found out that he’d been tracked, both fali and [y/n] jumped to action and began yelling orders — if no one else would do it, then they had to keep the kids in order

₊˚.༄ when the humans attack them, [y/n] is taken alongside tuk, lo’ak, and tsireya

₊˚.༄ fali and neteyam are the ones who stick together, their main goal being to save their siblings

₊˚.༄ once they are saved, [y/n] splits with the boys ( not missing the chance to give fali one final kiss ) and joins tuk and tsireya

₊˚.༄ but, of course, she ends up captured again with her sisters — not without a fight, of course, but she’s not match for the weapons that they have

₊˚.༄ especially without a weapon of her own

₊˚.༄ she barely managed to shank quaritch’s thigh with a loose scrap of sharp metal before he grabbed by the hair, gun pointed straight at her forehead

₊˚.༄ she clasped his wrist, trying to get him off of her, but it was no use. he kicked her arms down with a swift movement, a sharp pain shooting up her arm

as she sat there, the only escape being the barrel of the gun against her head, she stared straight into the avatar’s eyes. “do it,” she hissed, summoning the language her father had taught them through their childhood. “shoot me. kill me.” and then she paused, her lip lifting in a nightmareish grin. “i dare you.”

₊˚.༄ while he did contemplate it, quaritch merely moved his gun quickly and carefully, knocking her right in the head

₊˚.༄ she collapsed onto the ground, unconscious.

₊˚.༄ she looked so much like her mother — everything about that girl was chilling to quaritch.

₊˚.༄ it was later, when the sully parents arrived that she finally awoke to a thick bicep wrapped around her throat

₊˚.༄ she thrashed, panic ensuing, but she was stuck in quaritch’s grip — kiri was besides her, but he had a knife against her throat

₊˚.༄ across from them, jake stood with neytiri, both protecting poor little tuk

₊˚.༄ it was almost as if [y/n] was trying to decipher whether or not she was dreaming — everything felt clouded in a way

₊˚.༄ she nearly couldn't follow as neytiri grabbed spider, held his to her chest, and threatened quaritch with the confusing words, “one of ours for one of yours.”

₊˚.༄ she hasn't really woken up from delirious state, not even after she was thrown to the side by the rocking ship, the strong current pulling her under the surface

₊˚.༄ [y/n] was dragged alone to the bowels of the ship

₊˚.༄ she was alone, and she suddenly realized that she has to be dangerously independent — she has to channel the person she used to be, the person she was before fali

₊˚.༄ every stroke she took was painful, every deep breath causing her to flinch

₊˚.༄ the salt water stung in each wound, sobs echoing in the tight space 

₊˚.༄ but, she didn't stop

₊˚.༄ she couldn't stop.

₊˚.༄ and then finally, finally after risking death multiple times, she reached the surface and spotted the sullys hanging onto the fin of payakan ( all of them, even neteyam )

₊˚.༄ it was there, after a family hug and sobs of relief, that she finds out that fali — her fali — had taken a shot in order to save neteyam

₊˚.༄ again, read about this! ( yes, he is alive )

₊˚.༄ but… honestly yeah i guess that takes us to the end of the movie. neteyam is alive! fali is alive! everyone is okay!

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1 year ago

hiii,i saw that requests ante open and was wondering if we can get a fali fic? 🫢 I don’t really mind/have a preference for what it’s about but maybe angst with some fluff at the end??? idek you’re the writer so you can choose, that’s basically it, and btw your fics are lush!! i love themm

thankyouuu <3

a/n: okay, hey !! took me a lil bit to ponder this idea and what would be the best approach , but i think this suits it with a lil bit of angst and then some comforting fluff. thanks so much for the kind words !! please, please, please comment feedback + reblog ( everything's easier when you have the motivation of your readers )

summary: fali is recovering from the bullet he took to save neteyam, but he's never been very patient.

tags: @rafeslovergirl @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @theycallmesia @grierpilots @23victoria @nyotamalfoy @gcldtom

healing is hard

Hiii,i Saw That Requests Ante Open And Was Wondering If We Can Get A Fali Fic? I Dont Really Mind/have

after eighteen years of existing, fali was never once considered patient. even when young, his mother could recall the numerous times where she scolded the poor na’vi for not waiting for her or his father before he dove right into the reef. she could also recall the way her heartbeat would flare when he let out a mischievous feat of laughter followed by a loud splash.

she had to say, though, that she would much prefer those small spikes of fear over the moment in which she witnessed tsireya speeding back atop her ilu, a limp body draped in front of her. 

vi’ieo and fpai had just been discussing the whereabouts of their son in concerned, hushed tones when they heard the olo’eyktan’s daughter yell, “help! it is fali!”

nothing could prepare either parent for the rush of nausea and dread that flooded their bodies at those four words; if they weren’t thankful for ronal beforehand, they owed their lives to her. no mother wants to experience the unforgiving event that it the loss of a child.

not again, at least. not after they lost what was supposed to be their first baby girl just before she was born. 

but now… now fali was okay. or, getting to it, at least. he was alive, and he was healed, but he still hurt. every movement he made, everytime he attempted to go through with tasks that he used to consider as easy if not daily.

he couldn’t even walk to the edge of the shore and back without help from someone else.

after being raised the only child of his parents and the supposed older brother to tsireya and ao’nung ( and then eventually rotxo ), fali picked up so many subconscious habits. he was reliable, he was independent, he was strong. now he was reliant, dependent, weak. he didn’t feel like fali te auahi fpai’itan.

everybody around the healing na’vi felt his frustration. they felt this sadness, his mourning of who he used to be. they felt the anger that surged through his body at the limited movement his left arm and leg now possessed after the bullet just barely impacted his spine enough to cause mobility issues.

it hurt. it hurt him, it hurt them, it hurt everyone.

and fpai and vi’ieo also missed the child he used to be. the child he was before he grew up, the child he was before he became the warrior, the child he was before they let war touch him. before they let war hurt him. but, they would forever be grateful for his mere survival above all else.

while fali saw their perspective, while he recognized the blessing that was his life, he was so sick of it. he was so sick of being thankful, of being gracious for eywa. he wanted his life back! he wanted his arm and leg back! for all he knew, fali would never even see battle again — he would never see the thing that he spent his entire childhood training for.

an impressive warrior whose skills were wasted on an avatar’s stupid bullet.

while everyone else tried to push a positive perspective onto the angry and healing na’vi, [y/n] knew better. she knew that wasn’t an option — not based on his personality, at least.

was she happy he was still alive? well, of course! in fact, she often jumped awake in the middle of the night and pressed a hand to his chest from where she slept right next to him, checking that he was still breathing. checking that he was still there.

but, [y/n] could never expect him to share the same exact outlook that she did, and she could never pretend to understand what he was struggling with. that would just be a lie, and she could never lie to him. not to her love.

so, instead of trying to get him to rest every time he stood up, instead of stopping him before he limped out of the marui, she gave him a soft smile and a nod. and then, of course, a wink followed by words meant only to push buttons ( which would hopefully only motivate him to success ), “scream if you need anything.”

he would roll his eyes, waddle out, and after about five minutes, [y/n] would be outside the marui. her eyes would be caught on his figure in the distance, oftentimes leaned up against a tree or paused while trying to catch his breath.

sometimes, although her heart shattered the most during these moments, he would be paused with his makeshift cane in hand, back hunched as sobs echoed through the breeze.

but [y/n] knew better than to barge in. she knew that, as much as every part of her body and soul itched to go and help him — to insist that it would be okay — it was only up to fali to decide whether or not that would be true.

it was only once, though, that [y/n] came running to him.

he’d been walking, small grunts of frustration heard all the way from where [y/n] stood. her gaze was soft against his back full of tattoos, scars, and muscles that she knew all too well.

and then, in a split second, everything broke.

the na’vi before her let out a yell of fury before throwing his cane into the sand, knees shaking as he fell onto them. the soft, wet sand was imprinted with his weight, allowing him to dip an inch shorter. 

[y/n] feet started moving before her mind did, practically running down the wooden docks and through the sand. the squishy substance tickled between her toes at each new step, until eventually she strut right past the tearful na’vi and grabbed his cane.

she spun around on her heel, looking him right in the eye, and she extended her arm towards him. the long piece of drift wood he’d adapted to be his mobile assistant faced him in an offering.

but, just as fali reached up and attempted to take it from [y/n]’s hand, she pulled it away and threw it about ten feet to her right.

stunned, fali blinked at her. “[y/n],” he gasped, shocked. “what are you —”

“get up.”

[y/n] voice was solid, firm. authoritative. all of sudden, fali couldn’t take his glassy eyes away from her, jaw dropped in complete shock due to her attitude. what was she up to? “[y/n],” he tried again, voice soft and shallow due to the sobs that sat at the base of his throat.

she merely shook her head at her healing lover. “no,” she refused. “no, you’re going to get up.”

“i —” he paused, checking his words carefully. “[y/n], what are you doing?”

[y/n] locked his eyes, not once making an effort to assist him in any form. “i’m telling you to get up. get on your feet and walk.”

once more, fali opened his mouth, but this time… this time it shut in a pregnant bubble of silence. instead of arguing any more than he already had, he placed two hands on the ground and attempted to push upwards.

and then, just like that, fali was back in his own head. not once did he realize, as he pushed himself over the edge, that he wasn’t alone, and yet… for the first time ever since he started leaving every afternoon to try and make progress… he was finally able to do it.

by himself.

but he wasn’t by himself. [y/n] was there right next to him, words of encouragement flooding from her lips with every noise of desperation or anguish. everytime he even made a signal of falling back down, more words spilling right into his ears.

and soon, before he even knew it, he was standing. by himself.

and his arms were wrapped around the familiar body of [y/n]. the same warmth he adored every night. the same build that made him feel safe. the same na’vi that made him rethink every part of his life.

he could have never made it without her. anywhere. not just to a new point in his recovery, but he couldn’t have made it to the person he considered himself to be then.

fali without [y/n] would be the same arrogant na’vi that pushed ao’nung’s buttons. the same na’vi that made dumb decisions. the same na’vi who prided himself only on his abilities on the battlefield.

with [y/n], he finally realized there was so much more to himself than he ever knew or knew to recognize.

he pressed his face into [y/n]’s hair, the soft strands soaking up his salty tears of joy. his shoulder shook every so slightly, and fali could feel [y/n]’s own trembling body.

it’d been so difficult.

“i’ve been wanting to help, you know,” [y/n] sniffed into his chest. “i just knew it wouldn’t have helped. the last thing i wanted to do was make things more difficult.”

fali swallowed. “i know, yawne, i know.” his voice was quiet, barely above a whisper. he couldn’t manage to summon anything louder, for he was world this beauty of a reality would disintegrate into a dream.

“but,” she continued softly. “i also knew you needed to be open to help. help from me, help from your parents, help from everyone. you can’t do everything alone.”

fali paused, silence overcoming them as he thought. she was right, of course, but he hated that idea. he was already vulnerable with his injuries. the last thing he wanted was pity from anyone else.

“i just…” he trailed. “i’m scared.”

[y/n]’s heart broke, her breath hitching in her throat at the big confession. “that’s okay.” she looked upwards, eyes locking between the two. “it’s okay to be scared.”

“what if i don’t get better?” he admitted, tears creating shiny streaks against his blue cheeks. “what if this is it? what if i can’t fight anymore?”

and then, as shocking as  it was to fali, a laugh bubbled from [y/n]’s throat. he gave her a quizzical look and asked, “what’s funny?”

“well, it’d be fine by me, is all,” she admitted, a smile resting on her lips. “i like it better when i know you're safe and not at war.”

he couldn’t help but feel a smile rise to his own mouth as well. “well, you’d still be fighting.”

she gave him a look that read duh before continuing. “plus, if you do learn to lead the village from the interior… you could be at home.” she paused, shrugging. “if we ever wanted a family and all.”

fali paused, looking into her eyes deeply. suddenly, all he could feel was his stupid grin. “and you couldn’t stay home and care for the kids?” “we’d get a babysitter.”

fali let out a loud laugh, leaning his head down and kissing her square on the lips. “maybe eywa made a good decision.”

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1 year ago

summary: [y/n] has always been an angry girl. why wouldn't she be ready to fight any avatar that puts their hands in her siblings?

sully family x sully!reader

a/n: i just did this one for fun because i wanted one where she's an absolute boss and a half. love her !! remember , reqs are open and waiting. i probably won't write anymore fali x [y/n] stuff unless i get specific reqs because they're really difficult to write without direct inspo and ideas. once again , motivation is really important to keep me writing , so please comment feedback + reblog !! i would seriously appreciate it. ( also , for some odd reason my two most recent works have barely gotten any interaction -- idk if that's just bc tumblr is being a problem , or if it's because fali has lost his magic touch ( which if so , i completely get it ) , but if you guys could help me out to try and figure out what's going on ?? )

warnings: violence, guns, fighting, weapons, death, killing

tags: @rafeslovergirl @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @itssiaaax @grierpilots @23victoria @nyotamalfoy @gcldtom @eywas-heir @historygeekqueen @missroro @sweetheart-bo

angry spirit

Summary: [y/n] Has Always Been An Angry Girl. Why Wouldn't She Be Ready To Fight Any Avatar That Puts

nobody quite understood the rage that naturally flowed through the veins of the women in the sully family. nobody quite understood the urge to protect that seemed to be carried between each and every one of the children that jake and neytiri shared and adored together. nobody quite understood… not until they experienced it themselves.

and trust me, plenty of people have experienced it, humans and na’vi alike. even from a young age, there were times where one of the kids were ( one-hundred and ten percent ) willing to fight another kid if it meant they would stop picking on their siblings.

luckily — of perhaps unluckily, depending on the perspective — that shared agreement only seemed to get stronger with age. as the relationships between each kid developed, as more seemed to join the family in general, there was a camaraderie between the five sully kids. even tuk, just a tiny thing herself, was well aware of her willingness to risk her own life if it meant she could save her sisters and brothers.

that being said, there was absolutely no way any of her older siblings would ever let that slide, but it was a sweet sentiment on its own.

even though this habitual response seemed to run through every sully’s blood, it was strongest in the eldest girl.

being neteyam’s twin — younger by just a few minutes — allowed for [y/n] to balance him out. while he had the expectations of future olo’eyktan on his shoulders from the moment he graced pandora with his birth, [y/n] was a freer spirit.

she was also a much more angry spirit.

not that she held fury against every person she interacted with, but [y/n] wasn’t scared of disliking anyone. she also wasn’t scared of letting them know that she didn’t like them; a blessing and a curse, the sully family often called it.

but it stemmed further than that. it ran stronger than that.

from a young age, jake taught his oldest daughter how to channel her anger much healthier. what did jake sully consider a healthy outlet? well, fighting, of course.

so, the sully child that’d been this close to fighting another kid in lo’ak’s honor? yeah, that was [y/n].

not to mention her iknimaya — the rite of passage that quite possibly boosted this girl’s ego far too high. she deserved it, though. not many young na’vis could complete the event in such little time, especially against the pain that her ikran was.

he was a bitter fellow, similar to his spirit sister. angry at the world for every little thing and always ready for a fight. they truly were connected in every possible way.

but, her iknimaya was physical evidence that fighting fire with fire never worked. the truth was that one flame had to overcome the other — one flame had to envelop the other. it was just a matter of which flame was stronger.

[y/n] knew from the moment she locked eyes and that joyful, adrenaline-filled grin blessed her face that she would win.

thank eywa she believed in herself, because neytiri and jake nearly lost all of their faith at the sight of the monster that towered over the young girl.

another notable moment — or perhaps a series of moments — of her oh-so optimistic and joyful personality was prompted by her very own father. if there was one thing that the oldest daughter was confident in, it was her father’s love. she knew that he loved her — loved all of them — and that made it extremely easy for her to argue with him on any topic she disagreed with.

as annoying as it happened to be to jake, neytiri loved that she was raising a strong woman. it often reminded her of herself at a young age.

but, every single one of those stories were child’s play compared to the raw anger that surged through her body when her and her siblings’ lives were held under knife and gunpoint.

[y/n], the original rebel and inspiration for lo’ak’s ‘admirable’ choices, was happy to join the crew on their adventure through the jungle. with lo’ak grounded from flying due to his choices just the other night, he’d practically begged his older sister to join them.

they were partners in crime, afterall.

once neteyam decided to become all responsible and stuff ( not that [y/n] blamed him… but it was disappointing ), [y/n] and lo’ak seemed to have magnetized toward each other, although that might be a sign to turn the other way and run as fast and as far as you can.

either way, [y/n] found herself exploring the similar jungle scene alongside all of her siblings minus neteyam and with the additional presence of spider.

as soon as the familiar scene turned not-so familiar, it seemed that [y/n] had a feeling. a feeling that something was wrong, that something else was creeping. she should have listened to her gut.

and that same thought resurfaced as soon as the stomach-dropping view of the avatars overcame her view from the bushes.

it was only once said avatars put their hands on her baby siblings that the familiar settled, bubbling beneath her thick layers of skin. it was only when [y/n] fell into an eerie silence and state of pure calm that every other sully sibling felt their own fear.

even as tuk squirmed and cried against the bruising grip of the avatar’s, even as kiri cried out at the sharp knife edge against her throat, even as spider fought his restraints, even as lo’ak stared into the terrifying eyes of the same man that had nearly killed his father…

[y/n] stayed perfectly compliant. stuck on her knees, queue throbbing at the feeling of her opponent tugging it, [y/n] merely stared straight at quaritch. silently, her urge to fight was building, and everybody that knew her was perfectly aware. and ready.

she ran her tongue smoothly against her fangs, eyes narrowed straight at the man that threatened the lives of her siblings.

a solid thirty minutes had already passed, eclipse coming quicker than [y/n] would’ve preferred. she just had to hope that, without being used to their forest and bodies, the avatar’s didn’t have the same keen night vision as she did.

“you okay there, kid?” the avatar teased, attempting to startle her with his threatening voice. he tugged her braid, nearly drawing a hiss from deep within her rib cage, but she held it back. he seemed to be bothered with the fact that her eyes hadn’t once left the body of their colonel.

but, for once, she drifted her gaze to meet her perpetrator and summoned english for his benefit. “ask again in a few minutes.”

and, almost as if [y/n] could feel the presence of her parents, a familiar bird call echoed through the nighttime breeze. her ears pressed back against her head in shock before she quickly recovered and flashed an innocent smile to the avatar.

he merely grunted, pulling her braid one last time for good measure, and looked back up at quaritch.

now, she just had to be patient. she could do that. well, as long as she got what she wanted in the end, and that was a good fight. she deserved it after letting the chains rub back and forth against her wrists, eating at her skin through the friction.

that being said, as soon as her mother’s signal became clear, she straightened up and locked eyes with lo’ak. a discreet nod was enough between them. grab tuk and go. she knew kiri and spider would handle themselves.

plus, the extra connection between spider and quaritch was just another layer of protection for her baby sister. perhaps it was a terrible way of thinking, but [y/n] wouldn’t dwindle too much on it. the urge to survive had its faults, afterall.

and finally, once neytiri’s arrow soared through the air, it was go time.

while lo’ak and tuk bit the arms of their restraining avatars, lo’ak also doubling duty and releasing whatever gas canisters had been accessible on the guy’s belt, kiri and spider were lucky enough to be given a chance to run as soon as the avatars lifted their guns.

[y/n] liked to do it the hard way, though.

she swung her legs in a swift motion, wrapping them around the avatar’s. she weighed his bottom half, keeping him from being able to move far, and in a split second, neytiri’s arrow was embedded in his chest.

[y/n] let go, scrambling to her feet and up the nearest tree, finding a moment of solace nested in the upper branches. she could see everything, and they couldn’t see her — she was a master of disguise and hiding, if anything.

and then, it seemed the world went a few clicks quieter, gunfire calming down just a tad. one scan of the scene, and [y/n] knew it was because they’d lost sight of her siblings.

“the kids are gone.” a voice crackled through the walkie strapped to a dead avatar’s chest at the base of the tree, the small noise quiet against the chaotic scene. [y/n] was merely lucky she was in little enough of a proximity to even catch the words.

“what do you mean gone?” quaritch. she could tell from his stingy accent and infuriating pronunciation of vowels.

a beat of quiet against more raining gunfire. “the boy and youngest girl ran off. tarzan and the other girl split to the opposite direction.”

“which other girl?” [y/n] felt a familiar smile on her face.

“what do you mean —”

quaritch was angry, and [y/n] couldn’t help but find pure enjoyment from the scene. little did he know that the young na’vi girl could now see him from her spot in the tree, eyes narrowed on the colonel hunched behind a fallen log.

“there are two girls. one of ‘em quiet and useless, the other looks like her devil of a mother.” the same mother that managed to kill him the first time.

[y/n]’s eyes focused on the demon in na’vi skin, watching his face contort at the familiar arrow pierced in the wood beside him. it was almost as if he’d conjured her very own “devil of a mother” into existence. “seems that very mother might be in attendance this fine evening.”

[y/n] scrunched her nose in disgust, her skin crawling at his words. she really could not stand him. but, her attention was quickly pulled back to reality when he dropped the walkie and called into the open air, all while reloading his gun, “that you, mrs. sully? i recognize your calling card.”

instantly, [y/n]’s head whipped around, locating the exact tree in which her mother hid behind. unfortunately, [y/n] was a few feet away and at the worst possible angle to help.

“why don’t you come on out, mrs. sully?” quaritch continued, and [y/n]’s eyes followed a different avatar that began to creep past the colonel. “you’n i, we got some… unfinished business.”

“demon!” neytiri’s voice caused panic to spike in the young na’vi’s heart, blood pumping with adrenaline. “i will kill you as many times as i have to.”

it was only when [y/n] looked back at quaritch that she noticed the other avatar was missing. a million different curse words rattled deep within her brain, eyes widening in fear.

meanwhile, quaritch would not be distracted from his tangent. “i guess you an’ the corporal have been pretty… busy, haven’t ya? got yourself a whole litter of… half-breeds.”

what could she do?

as quickly and as silently as she could, [y/n] scrambled through the wet tree branches, cursing herself every time her feet lost grip. nerves added up with rain never helped.

at the very last second, [y/n] reached a spot in which she could just barely see her mom. well, her mom, and the avatar that had a gun aimed right at her. just as [y/n] opened her mouth and prepared to scream a distraction, an arrow flew right through the avatar’s body.

gunfire followed almost immediately after, and her dangerous balance finally lost way, causing the girl to topple from her position and into the muddy ground below.

[y/n] was quick to stand up — she had to be — but the scene was not a pretty sight to behold.

she was surrounded. surrounded by three different avatars, each with their own weapon that could quite easily hurt her, if not kill her on the spot. she just prayed that, if they did manage to get to her, she could make them scream first.

[y/n] knew she would. it was always just a matter of mentality, right?

and so, as if the clock slowed down just for her, [y/n]’s eyes flashed around her and gauged every detail possible. the machine gun, loaded and prepared ( although she had noticed that it was already halfway empty ), in the hands of the avatar to her right, the two knives ready in the hands of the avatar to her left, and the last avatar just in front of her. nothing but his fists.

a smile surfaced.

she could deal with that.

and then, before the rest of her body returned to the consciousness of time, her feet began to move. [y/n] lifted her arms so she could see her wrists — still wrapped in chains — and she leapt upwards.

her long legs gave her a higher jump, bringing her and her hands to the perfect height to wrap her chains around the weaponless avatar’s neck. she swung herself around, legs hooking his torso as she tugged with every bit of strength she could muster.

at the chaotic sounds around her, [y/n] knew that bullets were being fired now. lucky for her, she had her very own personal shield, but that meant the tree she was choking was about to go timber.

once she felt the warm splatters of his blood against her stomach, she knew she only had a matter of time before getting squished under a dead man’s weight. [y/n] shifted her weight, unhooking her legs and placing her feet on his hips very carefully.

[y/n] kept her ears aware at all times as she leapt up and off of the now dead avatar, pushing him onto the ground with her jump. her ears moved vigilantly, picking up the sounds of the bullets just before they were shot so she could move just in time to avoid any casualties.

and then her favorite sound rang through the air. an empty cartridge.

at that, her infamous smirk surfaced as she locked eyes with the now useless avatar.

now, behind her, the third avatar with the knives thought she was being slick, creeping behind her with both weapons raised to stab her in the back.

luckily, [y/n] was far too aware and far too pissed to miss such an important detail.

just as the third avatar broke through stabbing distance, [y/n] whirled around and disarmed her in a quick movement. both knives flew into the air, and she swiftly grabbed each of them.

each blade found their own homes embedded in the chests of her enemies

and then, just like that, she’d won.

[y/n] huffed for air, three dead avatars laying around her feet. blood pooled, swirling in an overwhelming pool of maroon. and none of it was hers.

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1 year ago

i miss my blue boy fali

and i miss when i still had motivation to write 😭😭

but i hear u... it's just tough when it isn't fun to write anymore, yk??

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1 year ago

yes yes ik!!! didn’t mean that in a pushy way, more of a i love your character way of course. take your time ml 🤍

no ofc!!

i was just replying in a teasing way. i srsly appreciate ur love and support. and i do love writing!! i just can't seem to summon any inspo on behalf of avatar as of now.

would anyone at all be interested in a switcharoo of some fandoms?? i'm worried they won't gain as much traction but i suppose that's not necessarily what i should be concerned about LMAO

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1 year ago

i love the way you brought a character to life without anyone previously knowing anything about him like so many people love the writing that you make. people sit there and read the words that you wrote from your mind and get joy from it, likeee it’s so cliche so sorry if this sounds super dumb or wtv but it’s so cute i love your writing so much and fali obvs coz he’s my fav alien ✌🏼❤️

this is the sweetest thing ever omg -- thank you so much, it rlly means a lot and it honestly is totally insane that ppl just... read my stuff and it actually evokes real life emotion?? that's so wild

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1 year ago

hiiii so basically

i was thinking about fali

and then thinking about how you said your struggling with motivation

but if there’s any way i can help with motivation lmk!! ill try my best 🤷‍♀️

anyways love u pooks!! (and fali ofc) 🫶


hiii!! i have no idea how long ago this was sent in bc my life has been hella busy so i haven't really checked up, but..

it's not necessarily motivation to write rather than motivation to write for avatar. i haven't watched the movie in a hot minute, and i move on pretty quickly from my phases of obsession...

i'll keep trying to cultivate ideas for you, but i'm more scared that if i do manage to create something, it's gonna be disappointing compared to my writing from way back

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1 year ago

Does anyone know what happened to that one neteyam fanfic called ambivalent it was written buy @thewayofhim it was so flipping God but out of nowhere both the fanfic and author disappeared

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