study-of-cobras - Viper.

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Study-of-cobras - Viper. - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

Introducing Les Miserables Raffle For Palestine

We're running a Les Miserables themed raffle for a Palestinian family. Introducing Alaa Amsse [ @alaakh998 ] and her family!

alaa lived in her house with her husband, children, and in-laws. all was well until the day the house was struck and destroyed by the occupation. she has two beautiful children named maria and hamza who are aged six and four respectively.
she has been displaced multiple times and had contracted viral hepatitis a few weeks ago. her son currently suffers from a skin infection, severe allergies and a burn. 
no aid (including medicines) has entered gaza since may.
living in a tent means the children will be extremely vulnerable to the cold. her little boy is already dealing with a skin infection. on top of all this, her tent was recently flooded, destroying her belongings. her phone broke soon after. she is currently using one that she has to rent.

alaa needs to buy blankets and other things to keep her family warm. she needs to raise money for evacuating her family. she needs to buy medicine for her son. she needs to buy supplies to replace the ones that were destroyed, this cannot be done without your help.


Alaa and her family have been verified by @/ibtisams as well as by @/90-ghost and the fundraiser is #307 on the Butterfly Effect Project Spreadsheet.

Donation Link

Artists Participating in the Raffle:

Pilfering Apples, @pilferingapples is offering two digital art pieces for donating €15 to Alaa's fundraiser and sending proof of entry via this link.

Lemeute @lemeute is offering one fic commission for donating €5 or €10 based on the word length, one set of 4 Les Mis themed cards for €20, and an embroidered patch for donating €30 to the fundraiser and sending proof of donation and specifying what you're entering for in this google form.

Calamansi-Calamari @calamansi-calamari is offering 10 commission slots for art each for donating €30 to the fundraiser and sending proof of donations here.

Byjuxtaposition @amorseart is offering 5 pieces, 3 bracelets and 2 necklaces/wraparound bracelets for €25 each. They are customisable and can be commissioned according to your specifics on donating €35. Please be sure to specify that on the google form linked here.

Syrupsyche, @syrupsyche is offering a set of Les Mis themed physical prints for a donation of €60 and entering this form.

thevagueambition @thevagueambition is offering 8 slots for sketches for donating €20 each, and 2 slots worth €60-€100 for involved illustrations (it depends on the complexity of the illustration, please discuss with the artist) and on submitting the proof here.

Pumpkinspice-prouvaire @pumpkinspice-prouvaire is offering a fic commission for €5 or €10 depending on word length, fill in this form to commission a Les Mis fic.

Rules for Participating in the Raffle:

Prices for Raffle entries vary according to the artists, please check individual artists posts or shoot us an ask or DM at @les-mis-for-palestine-dms. You can enter as many times as you like, and the raffle will close at November 7th midnight GMT.
Physical prints and custom jewelry can be shipped internationally. However upon winning, you must be comfortable sharing your address to the artist. You don’t have to share your address until and unless you win.
To enter, submit proof of your donation in the google form linked to the raffle’s post. The date, amount donated, and campaign name should be visible. if you have any issues you can DM @les-mis-for-palestine-dms.
The winners for each raffle will be decided randomly. So more entries= more chances of winning.
After winning the raffle, you will be contacted by the artist and can specify what you expect from your commission. Artists have the right to refuse a particular request if it makes them uncomfortable.
We will be announcing the winners of the raffle on our page. You will be personally notified about it too. Make sure you respond within 48 hours, or you forfeit your win and we’ll have to re-draw!
In case you are facing any problems with the submission form, you can also DM entries to @les-mis-for-palestine-dms. Make sure all donation receipts have the donation amount, date, and campaign name visible. You can send them as images.


The raffle is now open, and will run until 7th November, 00:00 GMT (check what time it is in your timezone). We will be spotlighting individual artists who are participating in it very soon, as well as sharing samples of their work, so watch this space!!! If you have any questions, shoot us a DM at @les-mis-for-palestine-dms!

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5 months ago

Dozens of medical workers, ambulance drivers, civil defense, and others have been martyred or wounded. Over 40 martyrs in the Lebanese health sector.

10 Lebanese firefighters have ascended to martyrdom after IOF warplanes launched an airstrike targeting the fire station of the Union of Municipalities of Bint Jbeil District located in Baraachit last night, in southern Lebanon.

isreal is purposely targeting civil workers. This is an international war crime.

Al Mayadeen: Five hospitals in Lebanon have been compelled to shut down amid the intensifying israeli aggression.

Lebanese Ministry of Health: Recent Update

2,083 martyrs and 9,869 injured since the start of the "israeli" aggression on October 8, 2023. 22 martyrs and 111 injured from yesterday's "israeli" aggression on towns and villages in southern Lebanon, Nabatiyeh, the Bekaa, Baalbek-Hermel, and Mount Lebanon, distributed as follows: - 15 martyrs and 46 injured in the Mount Lebanon governorate. - 3 martyrs and 19 injured in the southern governorate. - 12 injured in the Bekaa governorate. - 8 injured in the Baalbek-Hermel governorate.

5 months ago
"nobody In The World, Nobody In History, Has Ever Gotten Their Freedom By Appealing To The Moral Sense

"nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them" Assata Shakur


5 months ago
This Didnt Start A Year Ago.

This didn’t start a year ago.

5 months ago

coining the term twospiritphobia / twospiritmisia.

Coining The Term Twospiritphobia / Twospiritmisia.

Q: what is twospiritphobia / twospiritmisia?

A: the discrimination, hatred, exclusion & erasure of those who identify as two spirit and/or indigiqueer.

Coining The Term Twospiritphobia / Twospiritmisia.

Q: why not just call it homophobia/transphobia against indigenous qipoc / queer indigenous poc?

A: because not every indigenous person identifies by western lgbtqia+ labels which are a predominantly western eurocentric concept that does not always align with indigenous turtle island concepts, not all queer natives identify with two spirit due to its heavy inherent historical, social, political, cultural, spiritual & ceremonial connotations & because we deserve to have our terms to describe our own experiences of discrimination that inherently includes our indigeneity & our own sacred two spirit nature.

Coining The Term Twospiritphobia / Twospiritmisia.

Q: why did you(&) coin this term?

A: because i've noticed that in the past year & even before, the predominantly white queer community refuses to include us let alone see us & when they do, it's usually to tokenize us then throw us away when we're no longer convenient, erase us (see: nex benedict, when the mostly white queer community erased their indigenous two spirit identity to make them their trans/nonbinary martyr despite them being choctaw & completely ignoring mmeiwg2s+/mmeip issues which is never talked about in queer spaces unless natives talk about it), talk down to us when we don't conform to your western concepts of gender & orientation that do not inherently apply to us, speak over us & our issues & push us out of your fucking queer spaces without ever actually trying to work with us despite the fact that we the two spirit community who were revered as sacred have existed on turtle island for over 5000 years & were the first victims & survivors of racist imperialist homophobic & transphobic based war crimes & genocide & have been fighting & resisting for our liberation far before anyone else ever set foot on these lands, longer than any other queer community on turtle island, longer than stonewall & whenever queer history is brought up, two spirit people & the violence against us from the beginning of colonization of turtle island are never discussed & quite frankly i've had enough of native erasure both historically speaking & in the present day. there's a reason why there's a 2s in front of 2slgbtqia+ in "canada", because we were here first. we will not be erased. there can be no liberation without two spirits at the center of queer activism. by adding this to your vocabulary you acknowledge & honor two spirits as the first queer people of turtle island & we deserve your allyship, respect, protection & solidarity, respect the indigenous roots of the term two spirit, honor indigenous peoples' way of living, loving & learning & building communities across turtle island, emphasize the importance of indigenous perspectives & identities within the broader 2slgbtqia+ community & further acknowledging & recognizing the historical & ongoing contributions of indigenous peoples to discussions about gender & sexual diversity & highlights the need for visibility & inclusion of two spirits in these conversations & acknowledging, respecting & honoring indigenous peoples as the traditional stewards of the land & that indigenous peoples were the first to build communities that honored romantic, sexual, gender & sex diversity on the land of turtle island ever since time immemorial.

Coining The Term Twospiritphobia / Twospiritmisia.

Q: what are some examples of twospiritphobia?

A: the erasure of two spirits both historically & in the present, assaulting/committing hatecrimes against individuals who are, or who are perceived or assumed to be two spirits, nonnatives — both white settlers & nonnative poc — culturally appropriating two spirit when it's an exclusive closed term from closed cultures for indigenous people of turtle island, if you are not first nations, métis, inuit, indigenous american, alaska native, indigenous mexican or otherwise not indigenous to turtle island and/or mixed with any of those groups, & you are not either reconnecting, semiconnected or connected to your culture, you cannot use the term, using antinative slurs against two spirits on any context or form that one cannot reclaim and/or using said antinative slurs casually/as insults, harassing/threatening/mocking/intimidating two spirit individuals while motivated by said individual's two spirit & indigenous identity whether online or face-to-face, treating two spirits differently than pericishetallo natives, even if one is native themselves, attempting to "correct" two spirits on their own identities, saying our two spirit identities are wrong, using religion and/or spirituality as an excuse to harm or exclude two spirit people, fetishizing/objectifying/sexualizing/romanticizing individuals based on their two spirit identities, opposing and/or dismissing the need for explicit two spirit representation & progress for two spirit rights & two spirit liberation, erasing two spirit issues as inherently gay/trans issues, not acknowledging twospiritphobic behavior in others, refusing to speak up for two spirit people, telling two spirits that they're unnatural or "attention seeking", speaking over two spirited people when they tell you you're being racist/being twospiritphobic, policing two spirits on who we can & can't be in relation to ourselves especially from nonnatives even more from white settlers, accusing two spirits of "oppression olympics" whenever we bring up our issues, not acknowledging two spirits as the first queer people who've existed for thousands of years on turtle island & denying indigeneity as the core element of being two spirit.

Coining The Term Twospiritphobia / Twospiritmisia.

disclaimer: do not fucking remove credit from us& being the coiner of this term, while the experiences of twospiritphobia/twospiritmisia are nothing new, we& as an indigenous bodied system demand respect as the coiner of this term. please ask if you intend on using this term on your wikis/masterlists. do not use this term for yourself to describe your experiences if nonnative/2S. nonnatives do not fucking derail, especially yt folx.

Coining The Term Twospiritphobia / Twospiritmisia.
Coining The Term Twospiritphobia / Twospiritmisia.
Coining The Term Twospiritphobia / Twospiritmisia.
5 months ago

i am begging people to stick with mohammed @mohdiwais as his campaign continues. he can't afford for engagement to be dropping off when these donations are his sole way of supporting 27 family members. i don't even have the words to convey how terrifying it is for all of them to see hours, or days, stretching between donations.

they are being bombed constantly, they have no home or jobs to return to, their children are severely traumatised. all of them need food, winter weatherproofing, medicine. this isn't a game or a fun post; it's their lives.

i don't know why tumblr has seemingly decided to stop caring about this family overnight but it's terrifying me, too. please toss them a reblog at the very least, and donate what you can spare.

10 USD = 102 SEK

verified / donate

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5 months ago
israel's targets: shopping market, residential neighborhood, school, hospital, refugee camp

Iran's targets: Mossad base, Nevatim air base, Hatzerim air base

israelis: haha u didn't kill my baby so u suck at war. i peed my pants

— sofie🔻 (@darlingube) October 2, 2024
Haha yeah not everyone targets civilians!

— Propaganda & co (@propandco) October 2, 2024
Good on Iran. They targeted military sites and not civilian infrastructure. 

It's what differentiates Iran from terrorist Israel. 

Praise more.

— Khalissee (@Kahlissee) October 2, 2024

It's disturbing how a successful attack in the eyes of a Zionist depends on how many civilians have been murdered, or how many residential buildings have been destroyed.

True psychopaths.

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5 months ago

No, but, why is it so bad to ask around to fundraise to save lives that it gives panic attacks cause now "I feel bad and my day is ruined" and " some of the people you ask are children/minors"

But then turn around and deny comfort to kids dying?

Why, think why some children needs are cuddled but others denied?

Really fucking think about it.

Now, you feel guilty? Do something about it, find a protest near you, donate to save a family, educate yourself on Palestine history, donate e-sims, you don't know how to choose a fundraiser?, ok try gazafunds!

This is the "You should care about other people" site, I see you sharing that post all year round as a gotcha to conservatives but the fact remains you're all just performative, if you still don't do something to help other people struggling to live then you're as bad as those conservatives you're making fun of.

Does this post feel guilt trippy? Well, I do not feel guilt tripped by this brand of posts cause I'm actively trying to better stuff for my community and even people across the globe. So, that sounds like a YOU problem, so maybe, better yourself?

There's always time, do something!!!!


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5 months ago

"If the Israeli assault stopped today, and we decided to hold a funeral every single day for each Palestinian killed in the last eight months, it would take us 100 years to honor them all."

The Palestinian speaker at the UN Security Council highlights the devastating toll of casualties among Palestinians resulting from the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

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5 months ago

People act like genocide is just evil men committing open atrocities and they forget that most of genocide is someone just like them keeping quiet because the results of the genocide are keeping them comfortable.

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5 months ago

List of fundraisers for direct contacts from Ghazzah & Sudan

This is a list dedicated to compiling people I have direct contact with in Ghazzah & Sudan. All of these fundraisers have been personally verified from start to finish by me. You are free to share these with anyone you know. This is part of the following masterpost series. Feel free to consult all other links in the main navigation masterpost.

The ground invasions of Rafah and El Fashir worsen everyday. Please understand the urgency of this campaign.

Version date: June 22nd 2024.

Fadi & Shahed: 5,885$ out of 62.5k

Sana'a & Sujood: 15,049 £ out of 50k

Mahmoud Qassas: 12,466$ out of 200k

Ezzideen Shehab: 11,075€ out of 32.5k.

Hussam Aburamadan: 17,657€ out of 148k.


Suheir Hojok: 17,557 AUD out of 70k.

Madleen Abu Jayyab: 33,808$ out of 70k.

Hani Al-Hajjar: 2,536€ out of 50k.

Little Yusuf: 664€ out of 85k.

Nael Helles: 255$ out of 50k.

Alia's family: 516€ out of 30k.

Hala's family: 350 CAD out of 50k.

Mohammed Al Shaer: 150£ out of 50k

Mona Abu Hamda: COMPLETE. All further donations will help them in their new life in Egypt.

Sahar El Tibi: 15€ out of 30k.

Youssef Munir: 596£ out of 50k.

Muhammad Munir: 1,528£ out of 45k.

Amal & Ruba A.S.: 0€ out of 50k.

Awad's family: 10€ out of 25k.

Mahmoud Al Tibi: 1,512€ out of 60k.

Abdullah Haniyah: 175 USD out of 47k.

Alaa Jawad: 47$ out of 15k.

Ghada Banaat: 360€ out of 50k.

Fadia's family: 30 CAD out of 100k.

Eman Abdulrahman: 16,125$ out of 43k.

Mohammed's family: 0€ out of 30k.

Fatma Abughali: 85€ out of 27k.

Fahed Shehab: 0€ out of 50k.

Alaa Al Khateeb: 807£ out of 6k.

Mohammed Bardaweel: 50€ out of 37k.

Ahmad Shaaban: 0£ out of 40k.

Mohammad's family: 3.2k$ out of 14k.

Rana Abu Ghaben: 505$ out of 100k.

Ahmed Al Ostaz: 70€ out of 70k.

Tahani Shorbaje: 1,269$ out of 50k.

Omar's family: 45€ out of 20k.

Renad Majed Salim: 595£ out of 25k.

Ahmed Al Zaeem: 272$ out of 50k.

Hamza Hilles: 161€ out of 30k.

Bilaal Salah: 4,068€ out of 70k.

Mohamed Rafiq Abdo: 4,085$ out of 100k (22.5k needed for evacuation)

Amjad Almoghrabi: 225€ out of 25k.

Nadaa's family: 0$ out of 15k.

Mahmoud Balousha: 1,758€ out of 50k.

Amjad Sido: 80€ out of 30k.

Marah Salim: 735€ out of 55k.

Fatin Abu Hamda: 95$ out of 18k.

Sulaiman Thaher: 15$ out of 27.5k.

Anonymous individual (CW: photo of a child with blood on face if you scroll all the way down): 25$ out of 50k.

Sharif family: 4k$ out of 150k.

Shymaa's family: 1.6k$ out of 50k.

Mahmoud Mousa: 121€ out of 10k.

Nedal's family: 10€ out of 33k.

Fadi Ayyad: 360$ out of 35k.

Mohamed Hamad: 1,985£ out of 50k.

Tahseen Tawfiq: 3,056€ out of 60k.

Ahmed Shaaban: 2,419€ out of 20k.

Basel Abu Ghaben: 0$ out of 105k.

Mahmoud Hamam: 2,742$ out of 10k.

Iman Eyad: 376£ out of 60k.

Maysara Shaqura: 28,491€ out of 45k. (Evacuated but needs treatment NOW)

Mahmoud Khalaf: 260€ out of 30k.

Bassam Shaqqoura: 80€ out of 35k.

Nasser Shoshaa: 0€ out of 30k.

Rania 'Ibra': 0£ out of 35k.

Sujoud's children: 0 out of 45k $.

Asmaa Bahloul (CW: photo of a shaheed, killed by the occupation): 0 out of 20k €.

Abeer Ibrahim (CW: photo of a shaheed): 350$ out of 70k.

Ahmed Abu Ghaly: 1,495€ out of 40k.

Dina Maliha: 6,247€ out of 32k.

Ahmed Abu Shammala: 0€ out of 100k.

Islam Dahleez: 3,209$ out of 20k.

Maha Ibrahim: 78$ out of 100.7k.

Tawfik Waleef: 11,835$ out of 40k.

Elaf Babiker: 15,112$ out of 17k.

Mohammed Alhabeel: 772€ out of 50k.

Hussam Hijazi: 0€ out of 75k.

Sajida's family: 15£ out of 30k.

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5 months ago
A 10 Year Old Child Was Killed In The Terrorist Attack In Lebanon Perpetrated By Israel. Many Children
A 10 Year Old Child Was Killed In The Terrorist Attack In Lebanon Perpetrated By Israel. Many Children
A 10 Year Old Child Was Killed In The Terrorist Attack In Lebanon Perpetrated By Israel. Many Children
A 10 Year Old Child Was Killed In The Terrorist Attack In Lebanon Perpetrated By Israel. Many Children

A 10 year old child was killed in the terrorist attack in Lebanon perpetrated by Israel. Many children were among the injured.

Zionists are psychopaths. That’s who we’re dealing with. Absolutely depraved individuals who bask in the deaths of the innocents. They proudly embody Nazis.

Zionism IS Nazism.

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5 months ago

I want a chance to live a safe life without wars.​


My name is Nour, I am 35 years old, and I have 5 children

I write to you from the heart ❤❤️‍🩹 Suffering, destruction, hunger and displacement in Gaza. My life was beautiful and normal, full of hope, dreams and hard work until the war came and destroyed everything sweet in our lives 😭💔🇵🇸😭😭

I was displaced from northern Gaza to the south, thinking it was a safe place, but there is no safe place in Gaza. Everything around us was destroyed and turned into rubble. We live every day in a nightmare, without opportunities for education or work, and I suffer from poverty, loss, hunger and homelessness.🇵🇸❤️ ‍🩹💔

Imagine that you have everything and suddenly you wake up and you have nothing left😭.

This is exactly what happened to us💔❤️‍🩹. We went from having everything to having nothing. In the blink of an eye, we lost everything, our home, our dreams,😭🇵🇸😭

Our memories, our possessions and our businesses. We are starting from scratch and we need your help to rise to the top step by step from scratch.💔

All the positive words cannot express the extent of your generosity, especially in sharing my posts to inform other donors about the people of Gaza who are still suffering from the terrible conditions resulting from the unjust war on Gaza!❤️‍🩹💔

Please continue to support us by donating directly or sharing the link to let others know. Feel free to help people in difficult and miserable times until the dark days are over.🙏🙏🙏🙏

Donate to Help Nour's Family Rebuild After Devastation, organized by Gz Thrift
This fundraiser is Nour from Gaza, her husband, and their 5 children: Muhammad,… Gz Thrift needs your support for Help Nour's Family Rebuild

I Want A Chance To Live A Safe Life Without Wars.
I Want A Chance To Live A Safe Life Without Wars.
I Want A Chance To Live A Safe Life Without Wars.
I Want A Chance To Live A Safe Life Without Wars.

I Want A Chance To Live A Safe Life Without Wars.
I Want A Chance To Live A Safe Life Without Wars.
I Want A Chance To Live A Safe Life Without Wars.
I Want A Chance To Live A Safe Life Without Wars.
I Want A Chance To Live A Safe Life Without Wars.
I Want A Chance To Live A Safe Life Without Wars.

My compigen has been verified by @90-ghost

@halalchampagnesocialist @spooksier @jonahmagnus @artemis-pendragon @lesbian-hannibal

@turtletoria @bulkhummus @smokebreaks-blog @doubleca5t @wuntrum

@mysharona1987 @fairycosmos @watermotif @vague-humanoid @mavigator

@legallybrunettedotcom @brucespringsteenfuckyeah

@pjharvey @doublism @cigaretteuncle

@odinsblog@chainmail-butch @bestlesbiancave @t4tails @electricpurrs

@mordhiobhail @bOnkcreat @lemon-wedges @holedyke @jerseyclown

@butchfeygela @danijaci @pinayelf @dogesterone @professorllayton

@bakwaas @eastgaysian @tf2yuri @


@valtsv @cryptotheism @coughloop

@cottoncandylesbo @jame7t

@amygdalae @pointnclick @psygull @wolvierinez

@0047 silver

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5 months ago

I would like to take a moment to commend Iran’s steps towards peace in the Middle East through their commitment to de-escalation through escalation

5 months ago

In the aftermath of the Iranian attack, Israeli prison guards began torturing Palestinian hostages

Occupation Prison Administration: We punished a number of Palestinian prisoners in prisons after they rejoiced in the Iranian attack

— cheri 🔻 (@cheriblossom__) October 1, 2024
In The Aftermath Of The Iranian Attack, Israeli Prison Guards Began Torturing Palestinian Hostages
5 months ago

sharing Ibrahim's story

Sharing Ibrahim's Story

was reached out by @ibrahim-family to make a comic to promote their gofundme that has been vetted here, and provides further proof after asking!

Donate to Help Ibrahim's family escape the Gaza war, organized by Safaa Yasser
Hello I am Ibrahim, 15 years old, I seek your help and assistance to save m… Safaa Yasser needs your support for Help Ibrahim's family e

@nabulsi @90-ghost @heritageposts

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5 months ago
@ahmed0khalil Asked Me To Boost His Familys Campaign With Some Art, So Here It Is !
@ahmed0khalil Asked Me To Boost His Familys Campaign With Some Art, So Here It Is !

@ahmed0khalil asked me to boost his family’s campaign with some art, so here it is !

The Khalil family is a family of eight, many of whom are children, including Ahmed who is only 6 and barely started school when they had to flee from bombings. They currently reside in a UN center among many other families, but medical and hygiene care and proper accommodations are extremely difficult to find and keep in these conditions.

This campaign is very far from their goal, so please share and support where you can.

And remember your daily click.

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5 months ago
Jean Khalil Chamoun & Mai Masri - Wild Flowers: Women Of South Lebanon (1987)
Jean Khalil Chamoun & Mai Masri - Wild Flowers: Women Of South Lebanon (1987)
Jean Khalil Chamoun & Mai Masri - Wild Flowers: Women Of South Lebanon (1987)

Jean Khalil Chamoun & Mai Masri - Wild Flowers: Women of South Lebanon (1987)

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5 months ago
Cry Me A River To The Sea

Cry me a river to the sea

5 months ago


This is Ashley, my old blog was palentonga. My blog was terminated a few weeks ago, almost certainly due to the rash of falsely reporting Palestinians and their supporters as being scammers. I asked my friend Lauren (me) to post this while I'm off tumblr. I'm making this post on behalf of @lailashaqoura and her family, whose campaigns I had been trying to support before my blog was terminated. Laila's fundraiser is listed as number 152 on the vetted fundraiser list, under the name Bassam Shaqoura. Laila is an eighteen year-old girl who is attempting to survive the ongoing genocide with her siblings and her pregnant mother. Her cousin, Tala, whose blog has been terminated, is also struggling with her siblings and her cancer-stricken mother. Their campaigns have been lagging severely lately, and need all the help they can get to continue. Border crossings are rare, but things still cost money in Gaza, and they need to be able to support themselves + have some money saved up in case they get the opportunity to escape. Conditions in Gaze have been getting worse and worse, and I fear every day for Laila and her mother.

I and several other artists, including @mimibayra , @theflowerpaw, @worthyofmygrace, @soapfriendotake2, and @rebecca-levin-art, are offering commissions in exchange for donations to Laila and Tala's campaigns, examples linked HERE. If that interests you, DM me on Discord @ palentonga or DM their blogs. Please, do what you can to share these posts. I've seen engagement in these campaigns and others drop severely these past few months, but even if the Palestinian genocide has grown old to you, fresh blood is being shed every day, and the survivors are entitled to any possible assistance we can give them.

I'm setting 30k as a short-term goal for Laila and 15k as a short-term goal for Tala, please do everything you can to help them survive.

Donate to Help...Save a Pregnant Mother's Life and Support Her Family, organized by Ahmed Shaqqoura
I am Ahmed Shaqqoura, a resident of France, the only hope for… Ahmed Shaqqoura needs your support for Help...Save a Pregnant Mother's Life a

€28,686/€45,000- €1,314 TO €30K

Donate to No time to save a cancer patient mother and her children, organized by Ahmed Shaqqoura
Hello, I'm Ahmed Shaqqoura,I live in France and I'll te… Ahmed Shaqqoura needs your support for No time to save a cancer patient mothe

€13,234/€40,000- €1,766 TO €15K

Lauren here: I donated €20 all together to this campaign and i plan to do more. If anyone wants to match the €10 donation for either campaign id appreciate that.

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5 months ago
Journalist, Ismail Jood, In Gaza Takes Selfies In Front Of Iranian Missiles Headed For Tel Aviv
Journalist, Ismail Jood, In Gaza Takes Selfies In Front Of Iranian Missiles Headed For Tel Aviv
Journalist, Ismail Jood, In Gaza Takes Selfies In Front Of Iranian Missiles Headed For Tel Aviv

Journalist, Ismail Jood, in Gaza takes selfies in front of Iranian missiles headed for Tel Aviv

5 months ago
study-of-cobras - Viper.
study-of-cobras - Viper.
5 months ago
In 2015, The Spokesperson For The Israeli Army Avichai Adraee Published A Photo Of An Israeli Soldier

In 2015, the spokesperson for the Israeli army Avichai Adraee published a photo of an Israeli soldier serving water to an elderly Palestinian woman.

The soldier shot the disabled old woman, who was identified as Ghalia Abu Reida, right after taking the picture with her.

All IDF soldiers are terrorists.

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5 months ago

hey yall. my friend's an unemployed disabled Black person in poverty who's just had a flat tire in the rain while trying to get some food for the night. also

their rent is due october 1st and they are $1030 short.

CA/VEN: memwho

PYPL: xomemereytwod