Am Yisrael Chai - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
rapharoon - Rapharoon

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4 months ago

Somehow, the sheer gleeful ugliness of this person's pinned tweet still managed to shock me. Maybe because of the amount of likes...

Somehow, The Sheer Gleeful Ugliness Of This Person's Pinned Tweet Still Managed To Shock Me. Maybe Because

Twitter actually took it down, much to his outrage:

Somehow, The Sheer Gleeful Ugliness Of This Person's Pinned Tweet Still Managed To Shock Me. Maybe Because

A year of "you know, you don't actually need to celebrate Jews being murdered to criticize Israel" has done nothing, because celebrating dead Jews is the point for people like that. Really, I don't think you can get much more Nazi-esque than laughing at pictures of Jewish people's graves.

Tweets like that used to only be seen in fringe Nazi spaces before last year. It's just so unbelievably bleak.

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10 months ago

To the girl who stands with "Freedom Fighters"

On Friday, pro-Hamas groups on my campus started an encampment. I, along with a few Chabad peers, decided to stick around to keep an eye on things and be aware of the situation.

In that time, a non-Muslim, non-Arab, non-Palestinian girl approached us, and in the conversation when Hamas were brought up, she said she "stands with freedom fighters".

So this is to the girl who stared me right in the face and said she stands with "freedom fighters".

"Freedom fighters" don't cut off a woman's breast and toss it around like a plaything. "Freedom fighters" don't steal babies from their homes and keep them in dark tunnels for months on end. "Freedom fighters" don't take women hostage to hold them at gunpoint and command them to perform sexual acts. "Freedom fighters" don't gang rape civilians attending a music festival for peace, recording the whole thing with pride. "Freedom fighters" don't parade the naked bodies of their victims along the streets and pass out candy in celebration.

Maybe for you, girl who stands with "freedom fighters", this war is just some fandom to follow. You bought your cheap keffiyeh on Amazon and decided you're a revolutionary. Decided to set up camp illegally on campus and deemed yourself a rebel.

But did you stare at your screen in shock as your heart and hope and trust shattered into twelve hundred bloody pieces, trampled in the dirt? Did you frantically text friends to make sure they were home and safe and alive? Did your hands shake as you realized what was being done to your brothers and sisters?

Did you ever stare at a "missing" poster and miss people you've never met, because they're family all the same? Did you stare at graffiti scratched on a baby's face on the walls of your school's Chabad and realize that this is how little your lives and theirs mean to your peers?

Have you ever read the news and seen a Jewish brother murdered in your home city? Felt your heart drop to see another brother dead, so far from the war and yet somehow never far enough?

No, you haven't. Because you think you're such a rebellious revolutionary, standing in front of me in your keffiyeh, supporting your "freedom fighters".

Because you never had to hear your mother say she used to live on one of the kibbutzim that were attacked and realized that this could have been your future.

Because you have never had to look in the eyes of someone who has lost friends and family to your "freedom fighters" and struggled to find what to say to offer even a shred of comfort.

To you, this war is a trend. A fandom. A quirky little phase.

To so many others, it's a fucking nightmare come to life.

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9 months ago

Hey. With all due respect, i'm looking through some of your posts, and it is making me very angry to see you, in one post, claim that "you don't know anything about what is happening in the west bank" but you continue to post in support of the IOF, who are both neo-nazis, genocidists, and truly evil people. My point is, from your posts, I can tell how you truly do believe that yiu are supporting the right side, and doing the right thing, but you aren't. I want you to listen to Palestinian people talk about the shit that is happening to them, all done by the IOF, not Hamas as you purport.

I want you to become more educated, and even if you aren't completely in favor of palestine after researching, hopefully you can gain a less biased perspective.

With love and compassion,


Hi anon,

I'm personally friends with a few members of the IDF. They're not neo-nazis or genocidists, they're middle eastern jews who oppose things like that on every level. They're not white colonisers, they're people of colour with Jewish blood thousands of years old.

There's no such thing as the IOF. It's the Israeli Defense Force, and it's the first and only army of the Jewish people. When the world turns against us, and they always do, the IDF defends. It doesn't start wars, it ends them. Just like it's going to end this war and end Hamas; and in doing so, free Palestine.

I am Jewish. I am a Jew. I don't support Israel, I am Israel, and Israel is me. It's our country, our state, and our self determination.

Try to come into my own home and tell me my parents are neo-nazis. Try to come into my school and tell me my teachers are genocidal. Try to come into my synagogue and tell me my rabbi is a truly evil person.


Every claim you make is another racist conspiracy theory as old as time, and you fell for it. I'm sorry you fell for it. It happens to a lot of people. Try to unlearn it or go protest at a university and get arrested; either way, be silent now. We're all tired of hearing your blood libels and scapegoating.

With love and compassion,


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9 months ago

Just straight up indoctrination of children. Do I even need to say anything.

Happy Birthday Omar!!

happy birthday omar!! 🥳


Happy Birthday Omar!!

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7 months ago

"Hamas recruits children!"

"Do you have proof of that?"

"The IOF's been murdering children in mass, so they HAVE to deserve it somehow!!!"

Alr that's wrong but go off I guess.

Anyway check out the stuff I bought in the Shuk in Tel Aviv today.

"Hamas Recruits Children!"
"Hamas Recruits Children!"
"Hamas Recruits Children!"

I also got an IDF hat and t-shirt in Jerusalem.

A reminder of that one post, I don't support Israel, I am Israel. Because I'm Jewish. Suck my circumcised cock.

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5 months ago

This is actually a great day to clean up my feed, I'm blocking everyone who even implies 9/11 was a good thing

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5 months ago

I blocked ONE person and suddenly all the 9/11 posts disappeared. That was easy I guess

This is actually a great day to clean up my feed, I'm blocking everyone who even implies 9/11 was a good thing

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5 months ago

Woah ! Sometimes you can report shitty people like this one too. Please remember October 7 was also Bad™ and posts like this are Nazi Shit™ honestly

This is actually a great day to clean up my feed, I'm blocking everyone who even implies 9/11 was a good thing

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5 months ago

9/11 was funny also i hate all imperialism. Down with all imperialists decolonise now ✈️🏙️✈️🏙️

Lol yeah I hate it when people try to take land that originally belonged to my people and claim it as their own

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5 months ago
I Got Banned From Reddit For Threatening Violence To A Transphobe So I'm Kinda Out Of Options

I got banned from reddit for threatening violence to a transphobe so I'm kinda out of options

This is actually a great day to clean up my feed, I'm blocking everyone who even implies 9/11 was a good thing

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5 months ago

Hey I got banned from Reddit for threatening violence on an antisemite! (Who said bombing synagogues was good. But somehow that's cool.)

I'm glad I'm not the only one getting banned for dumb shit.

Real shit honestly

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5 months ago

I love being the only person I know who uses tumblr!! All my friends think I'm looking at furry porn when in reality I'm watching america crumble

What the sneef? I'm snorfin' here!

What The Sneef? I'm Snorfin' Here!

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5 months ago
Internet Leftists On A Daily Basis For Some Reason

Internet leftists on a daily basis for some reason

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5 months ago


Hammas' leader, the arch terrorist Yichiya Sinwar, may his remains be destroyed, has lost connection to hamas.

Rumors spread that he had been eliminated.

The IDF spokesperson: "I can neither deny nor confirm"

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5 months ago

We jews do

Israel is truly the best country

We even have the best racism

It doesn't matter what color is your skin, or where your grandpa was born, we got racism for you

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5 months ago


This is terrific news ‼️‼️🗣️🔥

Don't Look Away From Lebanon And Palestine.

Don't look away from Lebanon and Palestine.

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