Another art blog, woah Heavy into One Piece, The Elder Scrolls, D&D, fantasy in general. And many others things too but it's already getting too long ⟦ Tsuni; they/he; 29 y.o ⟧
234 posts
15.10.20Oh And Sortawhat If- With My Aasimar Bard Sorley. Wanted To Draw His Looks If He Embraced His

15.10.20 Oh and sorta “what if-” with my aasimar bard Sorley. Wanted to draw his looks if he embraced his bloodline and stoped pretending to be just a normal human. I love wierd looking aasimars <3
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Made this guy for some homebrew adventure, but alas it has fallen apart after 3 sessions :””^) Still think he’s kinda neat and I hoping to play him again in future.
Oh, and his name is Rasa Vedasto, he is reborn half-orc cleric of Selune. Was a solider from Damara in life, but things get coplicated and, well, deadly for him. Forgot most of his life before death and honestly, after learning some of his past - don’t really wanna remember. Now he’s just some soft awkard guy who wants to travel in peace and to make sure his dad is ok

03.11.22 Watched Ichi the Killer. And I'm not immune to fictional flamboyant psycho yakuzas. Also it was fun and good practise with realistic style.

19.10.22 I am playing as a werewolf again in Сurse of Strahd, so I thought about some AU where Isra not dead but still a werewolf and Ivo as her harsh but sassy mentor. Why? Because I want so and their dynamics will be funny to me. It was started as practice and concepting hybrid form for Isra, but ehh teehee

Already obsessed with this dynamic <3