Curse Of Strahd - Tumblr Posts
Cornelius was trying to kill her husband Riel, but when the time came, the DM told me beforehand, he was gonna try manipulating and gaslighting his way out of it, but .. RIEL JUST SURRENDERED AND TOLD CORNELIUS HE WAS SORRY AND THAT HE’D NEVER BE ABLE TO ATONE, SO CORNELIUS HAD PERMISSION TO KILL HIM.

She did walk out of the church, but before she exited the door, she Guiding Bolted him, -12dmg, he had 13HP left, Cornelius doesn’t know if he’s bleeding out, if her team mate finished him off, or if he’s still alive.
"I've never done anything right, Nels. You of all people know that."
Cornelius shrugged and chuckled, "You're wrong about that," she pulls out a familiar book to Riel, her childhood diary and slides it over to him. He skims the pages where she wrote all about how much she loved him, admired him and enjoyed his company.
She stands up and sighs, "Well I'm not going to kill you Riel," Beginning to walk away, "I guess this is our last farewell, 'cause I'm just going to walk out."
"That's probably the best decision," he pauses "Goodbye Nels..." and tosses the diary to where she stood. Cornelius stares at Riel, both giving each other a similar look, they knew all too well what it meant.
"I love you"
"Ah.. Thanks.. R." Both using their favourite childhood nicknames for one another, Cornelius picked up the diary and turned around once more, before opening the church doors to leave, she glances back at Riel, who was weak and bleeding out
just put him out of his misery, he wants it that way, a dying mans wish...
A sudden guiding bolt impulsively leaves her hand, aiming at the man she once called her husband.

New cover for Cornelius' playlist since her old one was outdated.
1. NEW
2. OLD

The last few sessioms.. have been.. rough.

Have some pose/painting practice of Nels!

He isn't fucking dead, but we don't know how.
My DM is so me. An ... sehe fuckingb made me sob on call for 40 minutes straight.

"I still love them... but they remind me too much of my past, too much of everything I hate, they were the only good things."
recently, my system split an ismark kolyanovich fictive, his names lesser, he's the sweetest
THATS NOT THE TOPIC OF THIS POST THO LOLOL, our dm added some backstory to Is, having him have a girlfriend who used him for money and rep, .. Our DM asked Lesser if he remembered her, he said yes ans described her to our DM and our DM said that he perfectly described her and even got her name and favourite colour right... fictives are insane /lh
With Lesser's help, i drew him and his ex (with his permission, drawing alter's traumas without permission is just.. rude.)

flicker warning + flashing colours
curse of strahd with me is just 'when is lune going to ruin the main villain', and if fucking him and teasing him for calling himself 'dread lord' wasn't enough. have this!

Ireena Kolyana is incredible I love her.

Lilies - Roland Faunte.
ALSO keep in mind, although i am close to finishing CoS, i have yet to actually finish and still don't want to be spoiled :]

having a strahd and ismark fictive doesnt mix well /lh
also our strahd fictive confirms my funny hc that strahd (canon) listens to creep - radiohead and cries abt tatyana
sorry for my prolonged absence, i have been busy with AF and animation wips. ^^;
take my angst of cornelius' guilt for not being able to keep her son alive .. !

actually, also take something wholesome of ismark and nels!
my friend sent me this song with the simple message of "you know who this applies to." and.. i did. so i cried wholesome tears while drawing this.

would.. anybody be interested in an in depth analysis on strahd von zarovich ( at least how my DM plays him ) when i'm finishes my curse of strahd campaign? i'm thinking of writing an entire post on him.
i have notes on notes about strahd and so far my DM is the only one to hear about them because she's my girlfriend and is forced to sit through my rambling at 2am,
the little baby, her name is Lumia!
She is the child of Ismark and Cornelius (she isn't .. alive yet. She exists in the post-game—If Cornelius Survives..—but I wanted to design her beforehand)

edit: she's supposed to have really big golden freckles like cornelius, kinda to symbolize stars.. but also because all of Cornelius' kids have her golden freckles.
should i compile a bunch of my campaigns curse of strahd animatics/memes/edits and post them on yt and post link here ??!, IDUNNONIF ANYONE WOULD BEBINTERSTED IN FUNNY PARTY SHENANIGANS. most of them are spoiler free, if they arent, i'll put a warning dw :)
im currently working on compiling the shitposts and edits ive made of our curse of strahd campaign, and im JUST noticing how fucking much i made , what autism doees to a bitch /lh