stxr-bxster - Shooting star
Shooting star

Indie fandomless Alien OC rp blog, semi-selective - Phew! - Old blog moved to lxttlest-blue-star

421 posts

All Wayward Stars, Do Not Want To Come Home

 All Wayward Stars, Do Not Want To Come Home

★ All wayward stars, do not want to come home★

► Indie RP blog for a fandomless Alien OC

► Semi-selective

► Penned by Potato, ‘bout 9 years of doing Tumblr RP and counting

► Like/reblog for me to come say hi!


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More Posts from Stxr-bxster

2 years ago


Krigg was... not having the best of days, all things considered.

Though, the little extraterrestrial mused it could have been worse as she stared through the greasy film of neon orange splattered across her ship’s tinted cockpit, a disgruntled scowl on her features. She further ensconced herself into the mesh of her pilot seat, digging in her shoulders one at a time and blowing a whistling sigh through her teeth. Below the Revenger, darkness illuminated by distant lights trailing the edge of the continents on a planet unknown, not yet touched upon by the light of the system’s star.

Concretely, putting the pedal to the metal through a swarm of immature chain crabs swarming a mining station in the biggest asteroid belt of the sector had been a terrible idea. An effective one, if the pasted remains that decorated half of her cockpit, and surely most of her ship’s paint, were anything to go by, but a bad one regardless.

Sure, she’d been paid compensation for her trouble of answering the distress call... and getting rid of the invading specie, but who was going to clean the crab guts from her ship?

Not the grateful-if-slightly-broke station workers, that’s for sure.

Krigg’s morose expression shuddered slightly as she eyeballed the small bit of extra credits on her account, before reaching to pat herself on the cheeks with a huff. The little extraterrestrial perked back up with a sharp huff, sitting straight back up before closing the tab with a press of a gloved finger onto the cockpit’s extra screen, booting back up the ship’s altimeter. One small smack against the conrols later, and the Revenger began its slow descent planetside towards a large area of inland darkness, Krigg’s hands flying from console to screen and back, pulling up every bit of information she had on her cloaking systems.

All in the green, barring visual scramblers, which pulled a groan from Krigg. She’d probably have to dislodge a crab leg from somewhere important, but visual scramblers were always a bonus more than a necessity. Nobody watched the skies closely enough to see a ship’s signal lights pass by when most technologically advanced worlds had radars and scanners and- whatever else she was forgetting.

Planetfall was uneventful, aside from that, and soon enough, Krigg was greeted by the sight of a moonlit stretch of dry, dusty terrain speckled with shrubs that cast long shadows as soon as she flicked on the ship’s floodlights. Two-legged creatures on the edge of the bright halo scattered in sharp hops into the darkness, too fast for her to properly see, but she paid them no mind.

What did catch her attention was the slight lurch in the craft as she moved the thrusters of the wings into a landing position, plumes of blue flame rotated under the beast, the left wing shuddering ever-so-slightly before moving into position. Krigg frowned, and as soon as the landing gear flexed under the ship’s weight, she slammed off the lights and proceeded to hop off her seat.

Something wasn’t quite right with the left wing.

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2 years ago



See you soon ~ <3

Old blog moved to @lxttlest-blue-star​!

2 years ago

“Hey, I know what gets people in a good mood! Let me sing you all the song of my people! AHEM-!”

As Krigg takes a proud step forwards, puffing out her chest and lifting her chin... she fails to notice the somewhat large rock her boot manages to land on at a weird angle, twisting her ankle. The diminutive extraterrestrial’s whole body follows suit, arms windmilling furiously as she takes a nosedive.



2 years ago
Hell Yeah! Ive Picked Up All The Loose Dossiers, Updated My Weapons Folder- Even Given Ol Revenger A

“Hell yeah! I’ve picked up all the loose dossiers, updated my weapons folder- even given ol’ Revenger a deep clean! All my stuff is in order!”

“Now, I’ve just got to deal with the REST of adulting life! Like meet new people and stuff!”

Hell Yeah! Ive Picked Up All The Loose Dossiers, Updated My Weapons Folder- Even Given Ol Revenger A

“...Maybe later though.”

To be fair, all she wants to do is nest inside of her blankets for the next few hours.

2 years ago
I Got Blockd By Someone. Its Absolutely The Fist Time That Happened And I Legit Have No Idea Why It Did.

I got block’d by someone. It’s absolutely the fist time that happened and I legit have no idea why it did. It was by a nice-looking blog too, bummer.

I’m absolutely going to be worrying over my blog or my behavior having something wrong with it, but later.