successionmanga - Succession Manga
Succession Manga

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Belca sums up what happened at the end of the last chapter: it's all just a bad dream.

Chapter 2

Hector is dead. His siblings watch his body burned on his pyre with Musca trying to put the fire out, not comprehending what is happening. She manages to catch on fire and Belca moves to dunk her in water to put out the flame, cursing her out and saying if she wants to die too. Her handlers yell at him but Musca is oddly silent, watching as Belca stomps off...

On the balcony, Belca notes that today's funeral was for the relatives; tomorrow, the state's guests will be invited to the funeral rites. Looks like he won't be studying abroad either. Just when he's ruminating on always having to be stuck in the castle, Orcelita swings down from a sheet ladder above him to talk.

Chapter 2

He falls on him.

Anyway, Orcelita wanted to thank him for saving Musca today. Belca tells him if he's really grateful then use the damn door from now on. Orcelita counters that he had to come from the above window; his guards told him that if he just wanted to say thanks, they would tell Belca for him. Belca says that's because Orcelita is the crown prince and that with the incident, it'll be unwise if he keeps talking to the next in line in person. Orcelita says that can't be true because they're brothers and they gotta support the country together...but Belca snatches away from him, telling him to leave him alone. He shouts that no one in the castle wants him to be involved in politics. He finishes his short rant telling Orcelita that he was just giving him sweet talk and that being around him irritates him.

Chapter 2

Yeah, even Belca thinks that he was being too harsh, saying he was just taking his feelings out on the nearest target. Thankfully (even if Belca doesn't see it that way), Orcelita followed him out, chasing him down to talk it out with him. Belca runs into a weird bunker to hide from him, going into a weird door to hide further only to pause. Orcelita catches up and stops behind him, asking what's the deal with the door and what stinks about it. He does recognize it as an important place for the ancestors, saying that he has to find someone to clean the place for them. Belca wants them to go back to their rooms but Orcelita says it's the duty of the royal family to upkeep the place.

So...they find a body.

Chapter 2

Belca recognizes the skin color. It's not "human"; it's an Amontel. He carries Orcelita's fainting ass out of there while not being able to shake off the feeling of being followed. While they're walking, Orcelita discusses how Amontel are supposed to have been created by an "ancient evil" in "man's likeness" but he till can't stand to see them in pain. Belca says that that makes him just like Hector (Eh...). That makes Orcelita walk on his own and say that if he really is like Hector, then he can't let Belca do something so simple with him. Belca tells him it's too late to be acting cool now before they head into a chapel. Belca says it isn't part of the vilia's main grounds and that if they cut through the forest, they can get back to the main house.

Orcelita then brings up that this is the first time the two have talked so much...and that Belca is not using formal speech to talk to him. Belca says it's a habit he started since his last talk with Hector involved the latter telling him it's weird for siblings to speak so politely to each other. All in all, Orcelita prefers to talk to him like this. But Belca is not optimistic about getting to talk to him much anymore, considering Orcelita is the crown prince and all. Orcelita asks why, outside of the fact that other people decided it for them. Belca is eager to dismiss it as more sweet talk but Orcelita is coming off as particularly intense, saying if something can changed then someone should change it. Belca says it can't be changed...but, hypothetically, if it can be, he would like to do something about it too.

Chapter 2

He then says if Orcelita wants to investigate why shit is so fucked, it's fine if they do it together. Then they hear someone come inside the chapel, Belca covering Orcelita's mouth to keep him from giving away their position. After all, it's the middle of the night and the guys came in by the hidden passage. They listen in through a window and discover it's two elders, Lord Lagen and Sir Orbus. Orcelita wants to go in and join the conversation only for some other guy to walk in: it's Sir Orbus' son who discusses shipping the "goods" before sneering at the Amontels who are coming over to see Hector's funeral. Sir Orbus placates him by saying the Amontels may be monsters but their young females can be sold at a high price. Listening in, Belca and Orceita begin to suspect the body they saw earlier belonged to the Amontel who was with Hector, killed for "rising above his station". Then they reveal they're poisoning the king, the whole murder forcing them to put off the whole assassination plot a little longer.

Chapter 2

Oh, and they totally killed Hector.

Orcelita stomps away too loudly, signaling the elders inside to the brothers' presence. Luckily, they're mistaken for maids or tutors. Unluckily, the elders casually order the guards to get rid of them. Orcelita, being dragged away by Belca, demands to know why he's being taken away; he has every right to question them. Belca points out they weren't supposed to hear that and now they have a target on their heads. Belca wants to hide in the forest but Orcelita points away, angrily shouting that they didn't do anything wrong. When the guards levy their bows and arrows at them, Orcelita turns and faces them, loudly demanding to know why they are trying to kill the crown prince. One trigger happy guard fires his arrow at Orcelita accidentally and Belca moves in, pushing Orcelita away and taking the arrow himself.

Chapter 2

Belca is hanging on a cliffside and one of the guards suggests helping him, Orcelita running over to do just that. However, Sir Orcus' son walks over, telling him it doesn't matter if he and Belca are brothers: he can't associate with someone of a lower status. Orcelita screams at him to help him pull up his brother but the son calmly tells him to choose wisely who he wants to side with. Orcelita says he'll do whatever they want if they just help him pull his brother up. The son is pleased...and then Orcelita loses his grip.

Belca plummets to the bottom.

Chapter 2

The chapter ends with Ego somehow finding his body, saying that Belca is going to die...

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1 year ago

Chapter 23:

So about the story from a while ago...

The person who kept the prisoners on the ship together was a prisoner himself, Number A-778-25. The captain goes down to his cell to tell him that because of a malfunctioning accelerator furnace, their homeland Tri Cantina is gone. Now the captain's original mission was to transfer them to the island prison but, because of Tri Cantina being wiped off the face of the Earth, they can no longer survive on the island. So, the Captain gives A-778-25 a choice: either consent to being taken to the island and die a slow shitty death or work together with the crew to find a new place to live. To show that he's serious, he removes their cuffs and collars. The prisoners say, "Aren't you worried we're going to take over your ship?". The Captain answers they can try it...if they know how to pilot a ship. Since he can't call them by numbers, he asks them their names. A-778-25 says he can call him Reitz the First. The name comes from a fairy tale about a knight king who led seven knights to save the Lady of Light from the Hokulea. Anyway, the Captain's name is Rovisco and he'll be working with them.

After two weeks, they get attacked by a giant octopus. Running low on fuel and ammunition, Rovisco orders the ship be sailed to the edge of the world and to descend down the waterfall. They never returned...but they were brothers.

Anyway, Belca is telling this story to Eco before he asks him to tell him the rest because that's where Hector left off. If this is the origin of Azelprade then he needs to know.

Eco tells him that the world below the waterfalls was a peaceful place with trees and ground. One of the former prisoners asks Reitz that since they're on solid ground and all, is it okay to let the crew live? Reitz orders that since they still don't know about where they are, the crew has to survive for pragmatic reasons (the one female doctor included). The prisoner asks if it's because he likes them and Reitz gives a vague answer of "Who knows?".

In that land, there lived dark-skinned folk called the Hokulea and fair-skinned folk called Concolor. The Hokulea had strange powers and the Concolor respected them for it and learned from them. Rovisco and the others followed suit. However, there were members of the crew who were against the whole miscegenation thing, Reitz included among them. He accuses the Hokulea of being the Amontel from the fairy tale while Rovisco says they are just different humans and they need to learn from them to survive. Reitz is creeped out by their powers, however, and the crew ends up splitting into two factions. The normies go to live with Hokulea and Concolors and the racists live on the ship.

Soon, winter came and Rovisco goes back to the ship to deliver some supplies to Reitz's faction, not wanting them to starve or die of cold despite his crew trying to warn him that weird shit has been happening on their side. Reitz, oddly friendly, invites Rovisco into his Captain's Quarters which has clearly been wrecked. He tells Rovisco that he was born in a damned place and he has lived a damned life. He thought God had abandoned him...but no. God led him here to give him this land.

Chapter 23:

Rovisco tries to reason with Reitz, saying there's no such thing as God. Reitz disagrees, saying God created everything, including the both of them. He then tell Rovisco that he has everything: popularity, position, power, he wouldn't mind if he takes it for himself, right?

Later that day, Rovisco's crew comes to pick him up...and discover Reitz stabbing his bloodied corpse, thus beginning the Holy War... The "Hero King" Reitz I, freed the land from the clutches of the descendants of the evil deity, the Amontel. This is how the Kingdom of Azelprade was found.

Chapter 23: the Royal Prefecture at Neue Favrille, Musca is introduced to her new servants. She asks what happened to her maid and she is told she was held responsible for what happened in Florel and she was relieved of her duties. In tears, she asks for Seamrog and she's gently told the "Watchdogs" probably got him. Musca, sobbing, screams she doesn't want a new maid and runs off to her new room, pissing off her current maid. Upset that she can't see her big brothers or Seamrog, she sneaks out in disguise. After all, she is still on break from being a lady.

Sneaking by a window via ledge, Musca overhears her new maid bitching about her, revealing her old maid was executed because Musca ran away from Florel. The maid's not just being a bitch for no reason; she's ensuring her survival because she doesn't want to end up like the last one. Musca ends the chapter running off, refusing to believe what she heard.

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1 year ago

Chapter 13

Belca walks in to talk to Musca about Orcelito. She reacts thusly:

Chapter 13

She calls him rude for entering a lady's room without permission and darts off, straight into Seamrog's arms. Drunk, Seamrog complies, karate chopping Belca in the chest. Somehow, he remembers he has a message for Belca before Linna comes in with Eco to investigate the noise. Eco throws a blanket over Musca to calm her down, pointing out that even with the fireplace, it's still cold at night. When Musca asks who he is, Eco answers he's a wandering bard and a traveling scholar. He asks if she wants to join them for tea in the other room so they can talk about why she came to this town and Musca, flustered, agrees.

There, Belca hears Musca's theory that Orcelito was replaced with a double. Eco also shares his suspicions about Kiliko, especially since he's Lord Lagen's son. Belca then fills the others in on what happened at the cliff, letting them know about the conspiracy to capture him. Eco wonders out loud that either Orcelito is locked up somewhere while a double has taken his place or he's already dead. Musca is pissed, again revealing she knows Hector is dead, and orders Seamrog to beat up Eco. Linna tries to assure Musca that Orcelito is safe but Eco isn't so sure. And there's another possibility: since Dietrich was experimenting drugs on different subjects, he had a lot to work with since he was being supplied by Lord Lagen. A notorious drug is one that can destroy a person's mind leaving them as a blank slate. It hasn't been completed but if administered correctly, it can turn a person into a living puppet. Belca remembers the Amontel kid they saw in the forest and how he was a completely different person the next time they saw him. Freaked out, Musca screams that Eco is lying and runs away to her room, saying that she doesn't want to be disturbed. Seamrog calls Eco out for being insensitive in these matters considering Musca was in the room but Eco defends by saying she's not involved in this and there are more important things to worry about than being nice.

Belca goes to see her though, despite her telling him to fuck off. She tells him she hates him and he answers that he's known about that already. He gives her food and heads out after having a bite himself, only for her to stop him. She asks if Orcelito is really dead and breaks down crying, Belca himself admitting he doesn't want it to be true because he still wants to talk to him. Then they hear music from Eco's lute...real mood killer.

Chapter 13

Belca tells Musca he doesn't know the whole situation but he knows it doesn't look good so he's heading back to the castle while she's staying behind. She shouts at him, telling him not to act like he's her big brother so, therefore, he has to take her back with him.

Back in the main room, Belca enters and Linna asks him how the princess is doing. He says she feels better after eating and should be quiet now. Eco roasts him for eating half her food (irl sibling behavior; can confirm). Then Seamrog reveals that Eco has already spread a song about Belca's story...most unfortunate. Especially because Eco always makes Belca look too good in his music. Then Seamrog walks out with Belca, remembering the message he had for him. It's from the castle...and Prince Hector himself.

Chapter 13

At the castle, Kiliko gets a bird message (tweet!) from Dietrich about his experiments. Apparently, he's sick and he's sending an envoy in his place during the investiture ceremony and he requests that he meets the envoy personally. Kiliko wonders about "Dietrich's" intentions as he walks out, the guards loudly talking about well he's doing despite being adopted. Even the prince likes him! But there's no way he'll be royalty considering he's, you know, not blood related. He thinks "keep talking, bitches" and walks in to see Orcelito get fitted for his clothes for the ceremony. Both are happy to see each other...

Chapter 13

Outside in the world, Eco ends the chapter driving a carriage to the castle, Belca wanting to see his brother.

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1 year ago


There's this manga called +C: Sword and Cornett, also known as Plus-Si. All I know about it is that it's a Josei and it's about regal politics. I'm gonna review blind and in real time. Anyone who cares, welcome to hell.


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1 year ago

Chapter 17

Orcelito arrives before the elders, ready to fuck shit up.

Chapter 17

Outside, Belca asks Orcelito what he asked the elders at the ceremony and tries to explain that the Amontel are not monsters, that they use technology, medicines and they look after their own. He says even if they are descended from a evil deity, maybe living among "actual" humans for so long has allowed them to adapt in a way that makes them indistinguishable from humans. Orcelito stops him, saying the Amontel are monsters (while obviously thinking the contrary) and says they probably put Belca under a spell while he was at Dietrich's estate. Belca tries to stop him but Orcelito says that after the Investiture Ceremony, he'll send for a skill spell caster (which they apparently have on hand in the castle) to look at Belca. He then leaves to get on with his business...only for Belca to stop him. He asks Orcelito privately (well...whispers anyway) if he has anything planned, knowing this is not like him. Orcelito angrily snatches away from Belca while thinking that he knows that the Amontel are not evil but he rather have them all under supervision instead of them all being rounded up and killed. He's taking the long road with them, hoping their descendants can find freedom where their ancestors couldn't. Outside his mind box, he tells Belca join him or fuck off...and he might as well pick the former because he doesn't have a say in the council. He cryptically finishes by telling Belca that in each of their respective areas, everyone is already making their moves...

He then says that as long as the Amontel don't resist, they can expect to live long happy lives. Belca is disturbed by that last part, thinking nothing has changed. He then goes to Linna to talk about something...

Then we cut back to Orcelito and Kiliko, the latter asking if it's alright to leave Belca alone and let him do what he wants. Orcelito points out that Kiliko was the one who said that Belca has no power to do anything, that he's a mere spare to the throne and that his life in the castle was specifically engineered to have him grow up demoralized, ignorant and lazy. Kiliko says all of that is true but people have an annoying tendency to change...

We cut to Eco finding a hidden library...but screw that, he went to see the dance! Or did he? His guard roommate hits him for not showing up to rehearsal, Eco saying he had to use the toilet. He's then ordered to help put the harnesses on the horses, meeting Belca and Linna while heading over there. Linna had summoned him because Belca wants food from town. In a stage whisper, Linna reveals that they're actually going to report to Musca...and they got another errand to run while they're outside. Belca's not coming, staying behind to convince Orcelito to think about the Amontel. They leave out on the carriage, Belca staying in the castle walls.

Meanwhile, the guards get a strange signal coming from the upper control tower, wondering if that means it's safe to open the gates. Inside, Belca overhears a guy saying the signal means they need to lower the gates, which means the carriage can't leave...

Belca tears ass outside the castle, barely managing to catch up to Eco to warn him of the danger he and Linna are in. It doesn't matter because the guards on the wall shoot out one of the carriage's wheels causing Eco to lose control. Then some guy with two knives drops down, calling himself "an irregular" and cutting the damn harness.

Chapter 17

He puts one of his knives to Eco's chest, telling him to stop the carriage. Eco silently refuses and instead takes out a canister of Arlon's poison gas, allowing it to waft into the irregular's face as he jumps on a horse, telling Linna to follow his lead. The irregular attacks anyway, the poison having no apparent effect, and keeps Linna occupied, causing him and Eco to lose each other. Linna shouts to Eco the message: PRince ORcelito is the real one and he must accompany Musca to wherever she wants to go. He tries to tell him about the Amontel...but the carriage tips over.

Eco has to keep riding, not able to confirm Linna's status.

Chapter 17

Belca is captured and lectured by Kiliko. Linna fell into the Cassia rivers and, given it's winter, his chances of surviving the freezing waters are not good. Orcelito comes in, asking if Belca was threatened or poisoned but Belca confesses he wanted to warn the Amontel. Kiliko approaches Belca, asking if Linna was a poison user. Poison users tend to be weak in general but Linna can face five guys with a single cane. He confirms Linna is alive but he's having his guards keep an eye on him. Linna has taken full blame for his actions despite Belca protesting that he ordered him to act on his account. Kiliko then calls Orcelito away for his dinner with Lord Taine, saying the Investiture Ceremony is the day after tomorrow so...tick tock. Kiliko tells Belca not to worry and to attend the Investiture Ceremony, ending the chapter with saying it's the only way he can assure Linna's safety...

Chapter 17

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1 year ago

Chapter 15

According to the letter written by "Dietrich", he found Belca, nursed him back to health and secretly sent him back to the castle...and now Belca is looking at the kneeling frame of the man who killed his older brother.

Chapter 15

Taking them into another room, Kiliko assures Belca and Linna that Dietrich will be rewarded for his actions. But...he points out how weird it is of him to act carelessly and let such valuable people travel by themselves. Linna defends him by saying that since such "groundless" rumors about Belca and Hector were spreading throughout the kingdom, he thought it would be cool to accompany Belca by himself. Kiliko chuckles at the phrase "groundless rumor"...before asking the standing, glowering Belca if he would like to take a seat. Belca, already pissed by the whole innocent act Kiliko is putting on, instead demands to meet with Orcelito at once. Belca refuses to believe that any method that Kiliko can use to make Orcelito obey him can work...only for Orcelito to walk in, all smiles.

Chapter 15

Orcelito says he's glad that Belca is safe but he doesn't need to worry about anything anymore. They can live together in the palace again! Kiliko says that he can arrange things so that Belca can return officially by tomorrow...and Belca wonders how can he act like that after all he's done. Belca demands to know why Orcelito is with Kiliko and Orcelito tells him that Kiliko is assisting him in being the crown prince. He has the lineage and the experience for it, after all. Belca desperately tries to remind Orcelito that Kiliko is the reason their brother is dead but Orcelito cuts him off, saying it's sad that Hector passed away due to illness.

Chapter 15

Furious, Belca manhandles Kiliko, demanding to know what he did to his brother. Linna has to pull him off as Kiliko says that, as Belca is clearly tired, for the highness to be taken to the rest chambers in Regia Mare. Orcelito waves goodbye to his wilding brother...only for Belca to collapse on the floor out of nowhere.

Chapter 15

While he's knocked out, Linna tells Kiliko that, because of the extent of Belca's injuries, he was given a bunch of powerful drugs that are affecting his temperament. Kiliko buys this excuse even though he points out Dietrich left that out of his report...but he chalks it up to Dietrich's cautiousness. He leaves Belca in Linna's care, saying that the Arlons know more about drugs than the Lagens. Belca "wakes up", having pretended to be knocked out and congratulates Linna on telling such a believable lie. Linna says that the two should stick close together for a bit if they want to get through the next few days...

Later on, Eco wakes up in a room at the Outer Gates, complaining about the noise. He looks outside to see soldiers stepping into the castle walls, wearing Callione uniforms. Remembering that women are permitted among Callione ranks, Eco guesses that they're there to perform the Hand Dance of the Isle of Adine for the Investiture Ceremony. Eco is all randy to see it...only for his roommate to tell him they will not be attending the Investiture Ceremony. Eco falls over, depressed.

Chapter 15

In the castle, Belca frets over his real mission: how is he supposed to figure out that Orcelito is the real one? Then a familiar intruder falls on him: Orcelito, from the upper balcony.

Belca shouts at him (this is the second goddamn time he's fallen on him) and Orcelito apologizes, saying he really needed to talk to him. He asks if Linna is asleep and reveals he remembers what happened in Sana...before expressing relief that the boy he is speaking to is the real Belca.

Chapter 15

Belca says that's his line and that he came back to make sure Orcelito was the real one. He then asks if Orcelito's deal with Kiliko is a long game or if the elders really did something to him. Orcelito hugs Belca, saying he can't tell him what's going on yet but he's glad he's okay.

Belca is back in his room, fuming that he still doesn't know if Orcelito is an imposter or a puppet. He's sane but is he really that crafty?

The answer is yes but in the worst way possible. Orcelito is completely under Kiliko's control and his reason for confirming Belca's legitimacy was for him and him alone. All they need is Musca and they can be a happy family again. The chapter ends with Orcelito calling Kiliko and himself "accomplices"...meaning that they are definitely working together but Orcelito is not brainwashed.

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