successionmanga - Succession Manga
Succession Manga

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Chapter 35

Chapter 35

The peasants are about to attack at Kamino but the main guards of the city are facing off against The King's Sword. The King's Sword forces the peasants back, the commander saying that an extension of the king's will, they have a reputation to uphold, especially considering the disaster at the coronation ceremony. However, they're up against a group that has managed to hold the line despite the lack of morale, making him wonder what would happen if the gate was demolished. He then orders the rebels destroyed.

Chapter 35

Meanwhile at the nunnery, Tenko mentally notes that the nuns are gone and the Hokulea are missing. The whole raid itself is kind of weird upon inspection...

Anyway, the priests figure out quickly that the crossdressing young man is in fact Belca while Linna begs for him not to get hurt on his account. However, the priests say that there is no way royalty would crossdress as a nun to save a lowly guard and order Belca seized. The priests descend on him...only to be stopped by a guard. He then bows before Belca, asking why he's dressed like that. One of the priests, calling him Crow, asks how does he believe that's Belca? As Belca and Linna heartwarmingly get ready to brawl in the background, Crow tries to talk to them too only for Black to dart out, screaming that something's coming before Hokulea break through the door...

Chapter 35

A flashback to 2 days earlier in Kamino, Tenko turns out to be the one who talked Belca into taking a detour to save Linna. Belca tried to argue that stopping the riots was more important but says "His Highness is not my puppet.". He says he's been using Belca to help the Hokulea; now it's Belca's turn to use him. Shingetsu, overhearing, says the Hokulea will help too; always nice to have someone who can see in the dark. Belca is still reluctant until Tenko says the King's Guard are going by that place anyway.

Back to the present, the nuns are escaping in the confusion while Black is being run ragged trying to gain a hold on the situation. Then he has to go up against Tenrou...

Belca and Linna try to escape but are cut off by Crow, only for Shingetsu to hold him off with an arrow. Seeing that Belca and Linna got away, the Hokulea give themselves permission to retreat. String Boy has most of them tied up but the Elite Guard break out through the window. Belca and Linna talk outside, Belca revealing that a man in the mountains should be meeting up with the nuns along with the priest that helped Linna. The priest also got Belca his disguise! Belca takes it off when Linna calls him sweet as honey.

Chapter 35

It's time to go but Shingetsu sees something ahead. A royal ninja has caught up, realizing they were making a diversion for a rescue...

The peasants, upon seeing the King's Sword, freeze when they realize they can't win. One kid grabs a sword and dashes off, calling them pussies and saying they're all gonna die from the Plague anyway. Seeing and hearing that, they are inspired to fight with him. Before the forces can clash, they are interrupted by Tenko on horseback who says more bodies won't solve anything. The peasants are overjoyed; Belca has come to help them! The chapter ends with Tenko correcting them; Prince Belca is not here.

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1 year ago

This can only be on this specific blog.

guys i just got the best anon ever idk if i can post this i want to keep it framed in my inbox forever.

1 year ago

Chapter 32

A guard is talking with Belca, convinced that he's deluded or brainwashed into supporting the Hokulea, saying he can get him out of there lickeity-split. He reaches for Belca, Belca calls for Tenko and Tenk engages the guard in "banter".

Chapter 32

He demands to know what he wants with Belca and the guard says "Geez...chill" and apologizes to Belca before jumping out a window to escape. Tenko says that was definitely one of Kiliko's men and that he made it deliberately easy to follow him. almost as a "come and get me", indicating his skill.

Meanwhile, at Neue Favrille, Linna is walking down a tunnel with guards. It's called the Gardener's Escape Route and it used to be connected to the Royal Palace but now it's used as an onsen (Hot Spring) for noblemen. They have a whole-ass glass ceiling in the place too. Anyway, a carriage arrives for Linna, having received permission to enter the castle gates. Somebody set it up to make meeting with Orcelito a lot easier...

Well, Orcelito gets word that Linna was kidnapped from Kiliko and it was likely the church that did it. The carriage is already gone so it'll be a lot harder to follow but then, to add to the fun, a guard runs in screaming that several of his fellow guards are infected with The Plague, indicating the disease has made it inside the castle.

Chapter 32

So on the main road to Kuckland and the outskirts of Kamino, the guards have gathered the refugees to send them back to their own cities. Shit gets stirred up real fast with the refugees screaming for Belca to come and save them before the refugees catch onto a horrifying fact: the guards aren't just getting rid of the dead, they're taking away the sick to kill them before they infect the others, condemning them before they can even die.

At the palace, a nervous Kiliko rides in a carriage while remembering how when he last talked to Linna, he broached the topic of teaming up with Prince Belca which he can only do if Linna talks to him about it first. He then tells him to focus on resting up and healing before saying that he totally thinks that this country should be taken back from the Elder Council and given to the Royal Family again. Linna knows he's bullshitting but if there's the faintest hope of seeing Belca again...

Back at Kamino, Tenko follows Belca outside, saying he should stay because the guard is still at large. Belca snaps back that he's being an annoying puss-puss before calming down and saying they can't accomplish anything if they're on edge so they should do what they can. They have more guards on watch and the palace guards are not allowed to go out alone. The rate of victims to The Plague have decreased so a lot more Hokulea are free to join the search. Also, he's getting the Bad Thoughts being cooped all the time so he needs some air to clear his head. Bad Thoughts include: how the people of Kamino are very much still dying from starvation and sickness and how Linna was killed because of him...

Chapter 32

Then Shingetsu drops down to tell Belca that things are going well when it comes to reconstruction efforts, which she's backed up on by Tenko. The priests are waking up so Belca wants to use the opportunity to talk to somebody. Shingetsu offers to help him but Belca says there are things he has to do alone.

Belca talks to the priests, who introduce themselves as Carrel Dio and Luis Dio, advisors to the high priest. They thank Seamrog (who is also there) for saving them from their injuries (nearly exposing Musca's spy activities in the process). It's revealed that Prince Belca and Orcelito were marked to be killed by the high priest so the advisors came to Kamino to protect him. They were planning to hide Orcelito in the neighboring city of Tida but...that guard? Freaking jerk. He's gonna save the day, no matter what.

At the castle district (the 12th district specifically) near the Stone Capital's Chapel, Kiliko is informing the High Priest on quarantine procedures. He leaves coolly, ending the chapter with a veiled threat to the church.

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1 year ago

Chapter 27

So off to the Sacred Lands!

Chapter 27

That dead end? Invisible bridge. Test of faith, you know how it works. Its snow obstructing the view of the bridge to be clearer, as Belca finds out. On the non-invisible bridge that the invisible bridge leads to, Belca again considers leaving Eco behind because he can barely be trusted before Shingetsu gets hollered at by the young gatekeeper. Belca introduces himself to ask for an audience with the shaman. The gatekeeper says it's fine...but he needs to shower. So he can eat him. Joking! He needs to shower to warm himself up from the cold.

Meanwhile, all but one of the guards are dead and the ones on their tail say they have to "save" their highness...even if they have to kill a bunch of Hokulea non-combatants to do so.

At the palace, Kiliko tells Orcelito the letter to Ujita has been sent. Now, another letter from Lord Taine's region, Lobnec says that his son Altruing and his family have gone missing at the maintainence shop. That's a problem because Altruing is better at handling the region than his predecessors so they kind of need him alive...

Meanwhile, the nobles are discussing Rovisco and the whole "war of the elders" thing, noting it's gotten out of hand. They think Lord Ruebelli's is the sneakiest among them, always walking around with a scowl on his face...Kiliko and Orcelito watch on, listening intently to the gossip with Kiliko's plant somewhere among them. Anyway, thanks to the "Guard Dog" incident, the Investiture is going smoothly. The remaining problem is Belca...Orcelito really shouldn't have treated his own brother so lightly...

Speaking of, Belca and Eco are warming up in a hot spring, Eco no longer whining about the cold. Belca takes this time to ask why Eco sings about history. He also asks himself, out loud, if bringing him here was the right decision. Eco responds by thanking him for bringing him along, saying that while he keeps a lot from him, he has never lied to him. He promises to be more open in the future and says that if he dies on this journey, it'll be worth it if he gets new material for songs. Belca tries to press him for details but an attendant comes in to fetch them, saying the shaman did not sense any ill intentions from them and they are allowed to see them. Leaving the bath room, Belca and Eco follow Tenrou and Shingetsu who will be translating for the Shaman. Eco hears singing but it's just the gatekeeper, going off to kill the snow tigers (the snow "leopards" from the last chapter was apparently a mistranslation).

The four approach the Shaman, a young woman who already knows who Belca is. She says he gives off a slightly different air than Hector, causing Belca to reveal it's because they have different mothers. Eco then has to introduce himself only for the Shaman to reveal that "Eco" is not his real name. Eco, speaking the Hokulea's language, asks how she knows. He says he heard the Hokulea were more in tuned with nature but he doesn't believe in magic. The Shaman answers that all living things have spirits and the Hokulea can communicate with them; that is their "magic". The power may have faded with time but the Hokulea ensured that the abilities remained within the bodies of the Shaman. The Shaman before him is the High Priest. Hearing all that, Eco asks a different question: he starts by revealing his real name, Francesco, and disrobing to reveal a nasty scar on his side, the price of not abiding by the rules of his house. Belca is listening to all of this...but the chapter ends with attendants bursting in, shouting that there are intruders.

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1 year ago

Chapter 33

A Hokulea watches the cargo leave Kamino, happy. Then he's not happy when he sees something!

Chapter 33

At the road south of Kuckland, in Londonlea district office at the Orubas Mansion, refugees are gathering outside, begging Lord Orubas to save them from The Plague. One of the guards tells them to fuck off, saying Lord Orubas isn't there. The refugees say he ran off and, with their situation getting increasingly worse by the day, they gather their farming tools, ready to take manners into their own hands...

Chapter 33

Meanwhile, Orcelito is being served a meal, ruminating on the fact that despite the lessened death toll, no one's happy. Families don't get to bury their dead...maybe they have found a way to cure the plague in Kamino? No, no that's ridiculous! Kiliko comes in with news from a subordinate, saying that Belca has ignored another of their summons. Orcelito is in disbelief but Kiliko says facts are facts. Belca has changed and so has Orcelito...or was the innocent boy who knew nothing of despair always like this? In another report, the death toll in Kamino has ceased, the cure that has lemon in it is apparently working. But there is some bad news outside of the whole area outside of Kuckland, around Rondalea, there is an outbreak of The Plague. Orcelito asks about Orbus and Kiliko tells him that the Lord wasn't feeling well so he retired to his villa for the time being. A lot of rich folk are leaving their estates for the mountains, actually. Orcelito is outraged, asking if they're abandoning their own people. Kiliko simply answers that since the nobles have left, riots have broken out in their territories. The guards are calling for reinforcements. Reinforcements from the king's own army. So the army is reduced to being mere bodyguards. It's a punk-out on a massive scale.

Meanwhile, with Linna, his guide and him manage to enter Londalea despite the blockade. His guide says it's because of the fact that he's the high priest's attendant. They stop at the monastery so that they can leave early the next day to reach Dita before night. The attendant is about make them open the gate before Linna notices something, pushing the attendant out of the way of a slash from our favorite Elite Guard member answering the door. Kiliko's men have already beat them to the area...

The Hokulea spots the thing, thinking it's a kidnapping, and leaps down to confront them. He identifies them as the "Demons of the Capital". Linna tries to warn him but Red (one of the guards) instigates the battle, confident in his number's advantage with the other guards. He just so happens to have a perfect way of dealing with groups, however, taking out razor sharp wire to take them on. Another named Black impales him with ease though...

Chapter 33

At Kamino, everyone is still chill because Belca is there. But then a familiar face shouts at Belca, shocked to run into him: it's the landlord from the mountains! His wife lives in Kamino and is sick so he had to stop here...but hey! Belca is here! Everything will be alright! His reunion with Eco is a lot less cozy, however...

Chapter 33

Several guards approach Belca, saying soldiers outside have been encircling the barrier and want to speak to him alone. At the back gate. The injured Hokulea named Amahara informs him that he found a very much alive Linna before escaping from the guards by jumping into the river. Belca asks why hasn't his wounds been treated but the guards say no: no person can get in through the gates...but, given Hokulea are not people, he can let him in with no reprecussions. Belca thanks him, asking for his name but the guard instead gives him a letter. Reading it, Belca finds out about the riots. And the army is being sent to deal with them.

Talking to Shingetsu, Belca says they need to send another message. Shingetsu says just go to Linna like he wants. Belca tells her to focus and she responds with the quote that ends the chapter: "If you let a bird's tail grow too long in order to make it beautiful, it won't fly properly and it will die.".

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1 year ago

Chapter 26

So Eco is falling...

Chapter 26

And Belca catches him, cursing him out for following along when he's not prepared for it. Eco's huffing is interrupted by Tenrou pointing out snow leopards are following them (in a European setting) so they need to camp for the night. In their camping cave, Tenrou calls Belca over to see about Eco...because he's worried that Shingetsu might want to marry him.

Chapter 26

Apparently, this is the first she's spoken about bringing a man with them on their travels. Clearly, this whole thing is a test of eligibility. Tenrou accuses his sister of wanting someone who's her opposite and that while Eco is fun, he cannot have him for an older brother. So there's only one logical solution...Belca has to marry Shingetsu so that he and Tenrou will be brothers! Shingetsu hits Tenrou and apologizes for her brother's jackassery. She does drag Belca off to talk about Eco though...

Back at the royal palace, Lord Dien's carriage is ready, him wanting to get the fuck out of Dodge before The Plague hits. He would go to Orcelito for help but the latter's more concerned about Belca. But Belca should be dead anyway, right? Another lord tells them to watch their mouths since Orcelito, until they got Belca's dead body, is not the last remaining blood heir for the throne. Hell, their using poison to expedite the process is a show of them rushing to promote their own rank. Lord Lagen walks in, saying he can't believe "The Knights Of The Round Table" are talking like this. They're knights, they don't need underhanded Kiliko's ass. Luckily, the very present Kiliko takes it as a compliment.

Outside, Lord Lagen points out to Kiliko that as soon as a cure for The Plague, he is to return to the kingdom immediately. Belca needs to come back alive because no one's sure if Orcelito wants to have heirs to the throne (assigned gay by the kingdom). Kiliko agrees but expresses his surprise that Lagen is not making a fuss about the royal bloodline. That's when Lagen figures it's time to tell him something...the Lagen's secret.

Meanwhile, Musca sneaks into the inner palace where she finds a small house. Still in denial over her maid's death, she ventures over to find her only to have to hide from a passing noble. She walks in, discovering her maid is not there...but in good news, Linna is recuperating in bed!

Chapter 26

Musca recognizes him and hides under his bed when Kiliko comes in to drug him. Why drug a wounded man? He needs to interrogate him. Kiliko tells Linna that Belca is outside the castle gates and that they don't want him to stop Orcelito from ascending to the throne. Kiliko doesn't want to kill him so he asks Linna to get him to come back. If Belca does come back, they will ensure his needs are met in the palace. If he doesn't want to stay in the castle, they can arrange for him to live outside of the walls. Linna tries to talk back but the extent of his injuries and the drugs fucking him off causes him to writhe in agony instead, forcing the interrogation to be cut short. Kiliko tells him he'll come back later and says Linna is the only one who can save Belca. Linna becomes lucid as soon as Kiliko leaves, Musca crawling out from under his bed. He knows what they're planning him and grabs a nearby set of scissors to pierce his throat so that they can't use him against Belca. Musca stops him and he mistakes her for one of the healers. He tells her he knows they'll use the drugs to control him but Musca says who cares? She wants to be together with her maid, not get a new one. She leaves to go tell Seamrog, telling him not to try to kill himself again.

Finally back at the mountain, Belca reveals to Shingetsu that Eco saved his life and that he doesn't think he's a bad person. Shingetsu says even if that's the case, he has used underhanded methods like manipulation and poisoning in order to help him out. Is he helping him out of the goodness of his heart or for revenge or even glory in helping the prince? Belca tells her that Eco wants to write a song about him and she says she can't understand that reasoning, adding that while she tolerates trickery because she engages in it herself, if he points that weird shit towards the sacred lands or the Hokulea, she will personally kill him. Belca says that Eco would never do anything like that...then thinks "...Would he?". He's a weird dude and he knows a lot even for a scholar. Eco knows him but Belca doesn't know anything about Eco, like what he really wants. When they reach the sacred lands, can he trust him?

The next day, the group moves through a blizzard only to hit a dead end at a cliff...

Meanwhile, south of Main Street, the chapter ends with The Plague hitting the town, the mayor fretting about the roads being closed off if word reaches the castle.

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