sukunasstomachtongue - Enter The Junkverse
Enter The Junkverse


571 posts

50 Followers Celebration

50 Followers Celebration

To celebrate this milestone for my trash blog, I will be posting an x reader fic featuring none other than the love of my life, Ryomen Sukuna. I'm aiming to post it before I take a break for exams.

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More Posts from Sukunasstomachtongue

3 years ago

all I do is listen to music and think about my silly little fictional people

3 years ago

ok but if bruce wayne somehow came upon zuko fresh out of banishment he would lose his mind.

black hair? check. bad parent(s)? check. trauma? double check.

bruce: how’d you get your scar?

zuko: my dad got mad at me for saying that killing people is wrong so he lit my face on fire and banished me.

bruce, vibrating with excitement, already pulling adoption papers from his utilility: that’s terrible. how do you feel about capes.

3 years ago

Cowboy Gojo HCs

It started off as a random thought but woo, baby! Look at us now. Yes, I am procrastinating. Yes, exams are kicking my ass and I need validation from the internet. And what about it?

You might think his horse is a fancy thoroughbred/ Arabian horse. best of the best. No

He found a stallion and bonded with that hoe like in the movie Spirit

Can this nigga ride bareback? Yes. But he hates it.

On the trail with Nanami taking their cows to the stockyard for slaughter/trade. Nanami wants to be a lone cowboy so bad but Gojo is sticking by his man

Gojo 100% has a favorite dairy cow he talks to all the time

OK BUT BANDIT SUKUNA *deep breath* no, lemme stop this is about Gojo


He knows so many songs to sing on the trail

He's giving me alligator skin boots vibe

He would look so dumb horseback riding with a blindfold so instead, he has his hat angled to hide his eyes.

Hates moonshine. Hates it. Finds it repulsive

100% fighting in bars and turning around to dance with somebody's girl

His family wants him to race in the derby, nope. He's racing with his lil barely tamed stallion in dirt alleys with strangers he just met.

Gojo with a sawed-off shotgun? Yes. 1000% some shit he would do.

back to bandit Sukuna tho-

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3 years ago

Ovulation is no joke. Im reader namjoon fanfic on wattpad while eating ice cream, tears rolling down my face bc he’ll never fall in love with me and ashamed at how much of a whore I am for that man. Pain. I feel like an omega in heat.

Earlier on campus the finest man walked past me and yall, i was ready to revoke feminism and become that man’s bm that second.

Send help.

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3 years ago

Let Me Teach You (Sukuna x Black!Reader)

Note: I might make the whole "Yuuji and your black fam" a series

Also, the "re-nigga" thing is actually something my step-dad has said


You walked into your boyfriend's dorm, holding a deck of cards. You were hoping to teach him how to play-

"Hey, cutie."

You looked at by on the bed, but the markings on the face tipped you off. Sukuna was in control now. You sighed and moved towards him.

"Hey, Sukuna."

"Sup (Y/N). Why'd you come into the brat's room?"

"Wanted to teach him something. How'd you take over?"

"Easier when he's asleep. What'd you want to teach him?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Cause I'm bored. Also, if I leave this room, I will be attacked by at least three sorcerers."

You nodded and sighed, "I was gonna teach My Little Curse how to play Spades. My family plays it a lot."

Sukuna made a face when you called Yuuji "My Little Curse" and he tilted his head from side-to-side, "What's Spades?"

"A card game. It's popular among black people, especially my family. He was gonna visit soon and my family mentioned they wanted to see him play."

Sukuna nodded slowly, "...You could teach me."


"You could teach me how to play this Spades game? I've got nothing to do. So, what do you say, Cutie?"

You narrowed your eyes at him, "Yeah. Sure."

He gave you his signature creepy smile.


"How the fuck do you keep winning?"

"It's cause you can't play your cards right, My Big Curse."

"Big Curse?"

"Cause you're an actual curse."

He huffed, "Whatever."

You smiled at him, "This time, hold your hand down."

You dealt the cards and made him hold the cards down. You ordered them by suit and highest to lowest in each suit

"Alright, you start."

Sukuna played his ace of hearts, and made you play your 5 of hearts. Sukuna nodded and took the book, before playing his ace of clubs. You had to play you 6 of clubs.

"So, what do you play next?"

"My... King of clubs!" He slammed the card down, and you followed with a 10. He cackled and continued with the suit. However, after two more rounds of playing clubs proved to be a mistake. When he played his fifth club, you cut him with the 5 of spades.

"What?!" He was dumbfounded when he saw you take the book.

"Spades trumps all, Suku~"

He growled and the game went on, adding another win under your belt.

"Damn it all! I am the King Of Curses for fuck's sake! I shouldn't be losing!"

"Here, let me show you how to win."

"Now we're talking, cutie."


"Are you ready for this, Yuuji?"

"The brat passed out on his way here."

You turned to see the markings that made Sukuna's face. He had a bit of a smirk on his face and his eyes were kind.

"Dammit! Why?!"

"He doesn't really understand the rules and such. He doesn't want to embarrass himself."

You sighed, "You know how to play, right?"

"I know how to win, cutie."

"Good. Let's go win."

You opened the door and smiled at your little brothers. You greeted them and picked up the youngest one. You spoke to him in baby talk and Sukuna turned to the older one.

"Your name?"




"How old are you, Aren?" Sukuna bent down to him.

"I'm 8."

"8? That's big."

"I'm a big boy!"

"Yeah, you are."

Sukuna had the want to dig his nails into his neck and watch the blood pour out of him before going after the other one.

The want

The need

The desire.

Sukuna took a deep breath in before standing. He followed you down the hall, and saw your parents sitting down at his table.

"Mom, dad, you remember Yuuji."

"Hey man! You got some tattoos?" Your dad shook his hand

Sukuna realized he didn't have the ability to hide the markings on his face and he cursed to himself.

"Uh... I was messing around in class today and drew on my face." He chuckled, "I get bored easily, yeah."

You let out a breath and sat down, with Sukuna following. You mom shuffled the cards and you cut them, and your boyfriend's curse was dealt the first card.


"Sweetheart..." Your mom pulled your arm away behind a corner, "Why didn't you tell me your boyfriend knew how to kick our asses?"

"Because why would I tell you?"

You mom frowned and you laughed at her face.

"You're a damn good player, boy."

"Thank you sir. You're not too bad either."

"If we play again, you'll have to watch out for me."

"Oh yeah? Why?"

"Cause I'm gonna be the re-nigga-"

You jumped up and grabbed your boyfriend's arm, "Well, Yuuji needs to head back to school, right, baby?"

"Uh, yeah... bye sir, bye ma'am. It was nice to see you two again."

He waved at them, and you two left.

"Uh... what was your dad talking about?"

"Just.. my dad being my dad."

He nodded and glanced at you. You were looking down at your phone, and he sighed to himself. He leaned down and kissed your cheek before looking away, his face red.


"Y-Yuuji's taking back over."

"Oh, Yuuji~!"

Yuuji took over his body and smiled at you, "Hey.. wait, did Sukuna-"

"He kick my parents' asses! It's fine. C'mon, let's go."

You took your hand and continued walking to the train station.


@solar3lunar @spike-this-ass