sunnydayzes - you're a sunflower 🌻
you're a sunflower 🌻

tiffers. 35. demisexual. dog lover. geek. perfectionist.

186 posts

As Soon As Their Lips Touched, Katrina Could Feel Herself Being Swept Away. She Couldn't Remember The

As Soon As Their Lips Touched, Katrina Could Feel Herself Being Swept Away. She Couldn't Remember The
As Soon As Their Lips Touched, Katrina Could Feel Herself Being Swept Away. She Couldn't Remember The
As Soon As Their Lips Touched, Katrina Could Feel Herself Being Swept Away. She Couldn't Remember The
As Soon As Their Lips Touched, Katrina Could Feel Herself Being Swept Away. She Couldn't Remember The
As Soon As Their Lips Touched, Katrina Could Feel Herself Being Swept Away. She Couldn't Remember The
As Soon As Their Lips Touched, Katrina Could Feel Herself Being Swept Away. She Couldn't Remember The

As soon as their lips touched, Katrina could feel herself being swept away. She couldn't remember the last time that she had been kissed; it had to have been when the girls were very little. It was before he left, that was for sure. But, it didn't matter how long it had been. All that mattered was that it was happening now, and she wanted to enjoy every moment of it.

As she broke away from the kiss, she could see the sun was beginning to rise in the sky behind her, and she felt a panic fall over her body.

"I think we should say goodnight. Until next time.", Katrina replied, breaking away from him. He reached out to hold her hand. bringing it up to his lips to kiss. "Will there be a next time?", she asked him, not wanting to assume that he would want to see her again.

"Oh yes", he smiled as he began to walk towards the front date. "Until we meet again, mi amor.", he called over his shoulder as he began to make his way down the street. Katrina couldn't help but watch him as he went, and found it in her to call out to him.

"Would you like to have breakfast with me?" She asked, knowing that there was a potential that he would decline. It would also be difficult to explain to her two daughters who this strange man was in their kitchen, but for whatever reason, she just didn't think there was a reason to hide it. They would soon find out that she had been out all night, and it would be easier to explain to them if they met him first.

"I would love to.", he responded quickly, and went to join her again, walking hand and hand with Katrina back into her home.

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More Posts from Sunnydayzes

6 months ago
Dina Rolled Her Eyes At Her Sister's Crass Language. She Had Always Been The More Outspoken One Of The
Dina Rolled Her Eyes At Her Sister's Crass Language. She Had Always Been The More Outspoken One Of The
Dina Rolled Her Eyes At Her Sister's Crass Language. She Had Always Been The More Outspoken One Of The

Dina rolled her eyes at her sister's crass language. She had always been the more outspoken one of the pair, but she didn't think that she had to go that far. She knew that her mother had talked about dating again, but she didn't think that it would happen that soon, and she definitely didn't think that she would have snuck out in the middle of the night without letting them know.

"I just want her to be safe.", Dina replied, crossing her arms over her chest as she settled back into the sofa to watch the television. "We only have a month left before we graduate, and then we're going away to college. She's going to be all alone."

"Even more of a reason for her to meet someone new, and exciting!", Nina exclaimed, still determined to prove her point to her sister.

"Mama has raised us. We're almost grown. Now, it's time for her to take care of herself. And we both know she still wants more kids. She wants that boy her and Papa always talked about. Maybe there's still time for her, and the only way that's going to happen is if she meets someone else.", Nina said, even as they both turned to hear the front door open.

Both girls watched as their mother and a man they had never seen before walked through the front door.

"Good morning, señoritas.", the man said as he winked at them and began making his way towards the kitchen. "What are we having for breakfast, mi amor? I'm famished after all of our escapades last night."

Dina could feel the anger rising as she stared up at her mother. She had a million questions, but the most prominent was why on Earth she would bring a man home that she had just met.

"He seems...nice", Nina replied, trying to distract her sister from making a scene. "And young", Dina replied curtly, rolling her eyes as she turned away from their mother, pulling out her phone to rapidly text her group chat about what she had just discovered.

"How about we have breakfast, Mija?" Katrina replied, ignoring what her eldest child has just said as she made her way over to the kitchen. It was going to be an uncomfortable breakfast, but she was relived that it was happening sooner rather than later. It took the nerves away.

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11 months ago
The Old Helena Cant Come To The Phone Right Now. Why? Oh, Because Shes Dead.
The Old Helena Cant Come To The Phone Right Now. Why? Oh, Because Shes Dead.
The Old Helena Cant Come To The Phone Right Now. Why? Oh, Because Shes Dead.
The Old Helena Cant Come To The Phone Right Now. Why? Oh, Because Shes Dead.
The Old Helena Cant Come To The Phone Right Now. Why? Oh, Because Shes Dead.
The Old Helena Cant Come To The Phone Right Now. Why? Oh, Because Shes Dead.
The Old Helena Cant Come To The Phone Right Now. Why? Oh, Because Shes Dead.
The Old Helena Cant Come To The Phone Right Now. Why? Oh, Because Shes Dead.
The Old Helena Cant Come To The Phone Right Now. Why? Oh, Because Shes Dead.
The Old Helena Cant Come To The Phone Right Now. Why? Oh, Because Shes Dead.
The Old Helena Cant Come To The Phone Right Now. Why? Oh, Because Shes Dead.
The Old Helena Cant Come To The Phone Right Now. Why? Oh, Because Shes Dead.

The old Helena can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, because she’s dead.

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Thanks to @pxltown for the Social Bunny template I used as a base! HQ under the cut because I had to scrunch the dimensions a bit for the screenshot.

Julia: What am I supposed to tell Mom and Dad?

Helena: Whatever you want. I’m sure you’ll think of something.

Julia: You can’t just run off without telling them goodbye  — or telling me where you’re going!

Julia: [between sobs] Am I ever going to see you again? Will you at least call me? [sniffling] I’ll miss you, Helena. If either of them dies, I’ll never forgive you. But I’ll always love you.

Helena: I love you, too. And I’d do anything to take it all back. But I can’t, so I have no choice but to go.

The Old Helena Cant Come To The Phone Right Now. Why? Oh, Because Shes Dead.

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7 months ago

Hello!! Hope you’re doing fine! Any video games you’d suggest playing? 😄✨

Hi there! So sorry for the late reply <3 life can be a struggle sometimes.

Honestly? Other than sims, I really LOVE the dragon age series as well as the mass effect series. I'm currently replying mass effect for the millionth time, and it's still sogood. I also really love Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Persona 5. Some of the best games I've played in a while, but I really enjoy story based RPGs.

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7 months ago
Ts4 Cover Feat Ts2 Characters, Refresh Edition

ts4 cover feat ts2 characters, refresh edition 🎵

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