La Familia Caliente - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
It Had Been A Long Time Since Katrina Caliente Had Been On The Market. Her First Marriage Had Ended In
It Had Been A Long Time Since Katrina Caliente Had Been On The Market. Her First Marriage Had Ended In
It Had Been A Long Time Since Katrina Caliente Had Been On The Market. Her First Marriage Had Ended In
It Had Been A Long Time Since Katrina Caliente Had Been On The Market. Her First Marriage Had Ended In
It Had Been A Long Time Since Katrina Caliente Had Been On The Market. Her First Marriage Had Ended In
It Had Been A Long Time Since Katrina Caliente Had Been On The Market. Her First Marriage Had Ended In

It had been a long time since Katrina Caliente had been on the market. Her first marriage had ended in a bitter divorce where she was left alone to raise her two twin daughters. Dina and Nina. She spent her late twenties, and all of her thirties, raising her girls and she didn't regret a minute of it. But, now that they were both about to graduate from high school and go off to university, she realized that she had spent her whole life taking care of other people. It was time to chase after what she really wanted in life, and when she came across Don's profile on Cupid's Corner, she realized that he was exactly what she was looking for.

A confident, romantic man to sweep her off her feet and make her feel young again? She couldn't have dreamed of a better outcome. She wasn't really sure that she was looking for anything super serious, especially considering the wounds on her heart were still severe, but she knew that she at least wanted to dip her toes back in to the dating world, and she wanted to meet this man.

She took a chance by messaging him, knowing that there was a bit of an age difference between the two of them, but, by luck, he responded! He seemed just as attracted to her as she was to him, and was eager to meet with her. They set up a date for that very night at a local bar in downtown Oasis Springs, and Katrina rushed to get herself ready to meet him.

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6 months ago
Katrina Had Been Terrified That The Date Would Be Awkward, Considering It Had Been So Long Since She
Katrina Had Been Terrified That The Date Would Be Awkward, Considering It Had Been So Long Since She
Katrina Had Been Terrified That The Date Would Be Awkward, Considering It Had Been So Long Since She
Katrina Had Been Terrified That The Date Would Be Awkward, Considering It Had Been So Long Since She
Katrina Had Been Terrified That The Date Would Be Awkward, Considering It Had Been So Long Since She
Katrina Had Been Terrified That The Date Would Be Awkward, Considering It Had Been So Long Since She

Katrina had been terrified that the date would be awkward, considering it had been so long since she had been on one, but it surprisingly wasn't. Don made her feel comfortable enough to be herself and to tell him things about her. She talked to him about her job as a substitute teacher, and he talked to her about what his ambitions were.

He had recently enrolled at the University of Brichester's medical program, and was working his way through to become a doctor. He had only just started, and had four more years to go, but he was determined to finish his degree in record time, taking on as many classes as he was allowed. She admired his passion and drive to better himself, as she had went through the same thing herself to get her teaching degree after working as a lounge singer for years and years.

"It appears we have a lot in common," Katrina told him as she took a sip of her cocktail and he smiled, reaching for her hand. "It seems we do, and I would love to see what else it is that we have in common."

He was smooth; she could give him that, but she was doing her best not to buy into what he was selling. It was too early to be thinking about being serious with someone she had just met, but she couldn't help it. She was a romantic at heart, and she wondered if this just wasn't how things were always supposed to be for her.

"Can I walk you home?", Don asked at the end of the date, and Katrina smiled up at him and replied., "Of course you can."

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6 months ago
They Sat There On That Bench And Talked For Hours. They Talked So Long That Katrina Wasn't Aware How
They Sat There On That Bench And Talked For Hours. They Talked So Long That Katrina Wasn't Aware How
They Sat There On That Bench And Talked For Hours. They Talked So Long That Katrina Wasn't Aware How
They Sat There On That Bench And Talked For Hours. They Talked So Long That Katrina Wasn't Aware How
They Sat There On That Bench And Talked For Hours. They Talked So Long That Katrina Wasn't Aware How

They sat there on that bench and talked for hours. They talked so long that Katrina wasn't aware how late it was getting until she saw the sun coming up over the horizon.

"Dios Mio, is it really this late?", Katrina asked, pulling out her phone. It was five-thirty in the morning! The girls would be up getting ready for their last few weeks of school soon.

"Do you want me to leave, mi amor?", Don asked, tilting his head to the side. "I assume there is someone you do not wish to see me."

"Well...more than one.", Katrina admitted, chewing on her bottom lip as she stood up off of the bench. "There was one thing I didn't tell you I have children. Two daughters. They're twins."

He smirked as he stood up beside her, placing a hand softly on her cheek. "You do not have to explain it to me. Mi madre was a single mother for a long time, and raised four strong boys. ", he replied to her, and that seemed to set her mind at ease. If he came from a single mother, than he should understand what she was going through, right?

"It seems as though we keep discovering that we have all of these things in common. It's...unbelievable.", Katrina smiled, as she tried to avoid the piercing gaze of his eyes. "It's almost as though we are..."

"Meant to be?" Don asked with a smirk, and she felt her heart skip a beat. She had told herself that she would not rush into anything with this man, especially given their age difference, but it seemed as though Cupid had something different in mind for them.

"I hope so.", she replied, her hand reaching up to cover his that was still gently resting on her cheek.

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6 months ago
As Soon As Their Lips Touched, Katrina Could Feel Herself Being Swept Away. She Couldn't Remember The
As Soon As Their Lips Touched, Katrina Could Feel Herself Being Swept Away. She Couldn't Remember The
As Soon As Their Lips Touched, Katrina Could Feel Herself Being Swept Away. She Couldn't Remember The
As Soon As Their Lips Touched, Katrina Could Feel Herself Being Swept Away. She Couldn't Remember The
As Soon As Their Lips Touched, Katrina Could Feel Herself Being Swept Away. She Couldn't Remember The
As Soon As Their Lips Touched, Katrina Could Feel Herself Being Swept Away. She Couldn't Remember The

As soon as their lips touched, Katrina could feel herself being swept away. She couldn't remember the last time that she had been kissed; it had to have been when the girls were very little. It was before he left, that was for sure. But, it didn't matter how long it had been. All that mattered was that it was happening now, and she wanted to enjoy every moment of it.

As she broke away from the kiss, she could see the sun was beginning to rise in the sky behind her, and she felt a panic fall over her body.

"I think we should say goodnight. Until next time.", Katrina replied, breaking away from him. He reached out to hold her hand. bringing it up to his lips to kiss. "Will there be a next time?", she asked him, not wanting to assume that he would want to see her again.

"Oh yes", he smiled as he began to walk towards the front date. "Until we meet again, mi amor.", he called over his shoulder as he began to make his way down the street. Katrina couldn't help but watch him as he went, and found it in her to call out to him.

"Would you like to have breakfast with me?" She asked, knowing that there was a potential that he would decline. It would also be difficult to explain to her two daughters who this strange man was in their kitchen, but for whatever reason, she just didn't think there was a reason to hide it. They would soon find out that she had been out all night, and it would be easier to explain to them if they met him first.

"I would love to.", he responded quickly, and went to join her again, walking hand and hand with Katrina back into her home.

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6 months ago
Dina Rolled Her Eyes At Her Sister's Crass Language. She Had Always Been The More Outspoken One Of The
Dina Rolled Her Eyes At Her Sister's Crass Language. She Had Always Been The More Outspoken One Of The
Dina Rolled Her Eyes At Her Sister's Crass Language. She Had Always Been The More Outspoken One Of The

Dina rolled her eyes at her sister's crass language. She had always been the more outspoken one of the pair, but she didn't think that she had to go that far. She knew that her mother had talked about dating again, but she didn't think that it would happen that soon, and she definitely didn't think that she would have snuck out in the middle of the night without letting them know.

"I just want her to be safe.", Dina replied, crossing her arms over her chest as she settled back into the sofa to watch the television. "We only have a month left before we graduate, and then we're going away to college. She's going to be all alone."

"Even more of a reason for her to meet someone new, and exciting!", Nina exclaimed, still determined to prove her point to her sister.

"Mama has raised us. We're almost grown. Now, it's time for her to take care of herself. And we both know she still wants more kids. She wants that boy her and Papa always talked about. Maybe there's still time for her, and the only way that's going to happen is if she meets someone else.", Nina said, even as they both turned to hear the front door open.

Both girls watched as their mother and a man they had never seen before walked through the front door.

"Good morning, señoritas.", the man said as he winked at them and began making his way towards the kitchen. "What are we having for breakfast, mi amor? I'm famished after all of our escapades last night."

Dina could feel the anger rising as she stared up at her mother. She had a million questions, but the most prominent was why on Earth she would bring a man home that she had just met.

"He seems...nice", Nina replied, trying to distract her sister from making a scene. "And young", Dina replied curtly, rolling her eyes as she turned away from their mother, pulling out her phone to rapidly text her group chat about what she had just discovered.

"How about we have breakfast, Mija?" Katrina replied, ignoring what her eldest child has just said as she made her way over to the kitchen. It was going to be an uncomfortable breakfast, but she was relived that it was happening sooner rather than later. It took the nerves away.

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6 months ago
"I Mentioned Them, Didn't I?", Katrina Questioned, Trying Her Best Not To Make Eye Contact With Don.
"I Mentioned Them, Didn't I?", Katrina Questioned, Trying Her Best Not To Make Eye Contact With Don.
"I Mentioned Them, Didn't I?", Katrina Questioned, Trying Her Best Not To Make Eye Contact With Don.
"I Mentioned Them, Didn't I?", Katrina Questioned, Trying Her Best Not To Make Eye Contact With Don.
"I Mentioned Them, Didn't I?", Katrina Questioned, Trying Her Best Not To Make Eye Contact With Don.

"I mentioned them, didn't I?", Katrina questioned, trying her best not to make eye contact with Don. She was sure that she had, but she didn't think she had mentioned their ages. There had been a point to that. Having teenage daughters was often a death sentence to any man being interested in her. And yet, for whatever reason, Don seemed intrigued by the idea.

"You did. I just thought they were....younger.". he replied, as he continued to stare off into the distance at the two girls arguing.

"Of course. They're both seniors in high school. About to graduate and go off to university in the fall.", Katrina explained, hoping that the idea that the girls were about to leave the home would allow any anxiety that he might be feeling to disappear.

She hated feeling that way. She knew that her daughters would always come first, but she found herself feeling very selfish. For once, she wanted to be known as a woman and not a mother. She had raised her girls. It was time for her to have fun again.

"Oh really? Then maybe I will see them around campus." Don continued, as he turned his attention back to Katrina as she sat down four plates of eggs and toast on kitchen island behind her.

"We should eat, girls. It will be time for school soon, and I can introduce you to my....friend.", she hesitated, meeting Don's gaze as she felt his fingertips brush hers. It gave her a renewed strength to push forward.

Things were going to work out for her this time. They had to.

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6 months ago
"Dina," Katrina Said With A Pleading Edge To Her Voice, Her Daughter Rolling Her Eyes In Response And
"Dina," Katrina Said With A Pleading Edge To Her Voice, Her Daughter Rolling Her Eyes In Response And
"Dina," Katrina Said With A Pleading Edge To Her Voice, Her Daughter Rolling Her Eyes In Response And
"Dina," Katrina Said With A Pleading Edge To Her Voice, Her Daughter Rolling Her Eyes In Response And

"Dina," Katrina said with a pleading edge to her voice, her daughter rolling her eyes in response and ignoring her.

"Why are we leaving so early?", Nina asked, an arch in her brow as she went to grab her school bag.

"I have things to do. I have a prom to plan and we have a meeting before school today.", Dina explained, before she leaned over to kiss her mother on the cheek. "See you after school, Mama."

Katrina noticed the glare on her eldest daughter's face. Dina had always been so protective of her. Ever since their father, Vega, had left them, Dina had always been weary of men and their intentions. She had often told her mother that she could not trust them.

Part of that may have been Katrina's fault, since she had not provided her children with a male role model that they could look up to. Regardless, she hoped with time that if Katrina was to have a future with Don that Dina would warm up to him and give her blessing.

"Bye Mama.", Nina said, following after her elder sister, only looking over her shoulder to stare at Don once more.

Katrina noticed something in her daughter's expression but she tried to ignore it. Katrina knew how easily her youngest became infatuated with the opposite sex. She had already had three "boyfriends" in her high school career, and every "relationship" had ended dramatically. She hoped that she was just seeing things, and she didn't want to read too much into it.

"You should probably go, Don." Katrina said as she placed her fork down on her plate, finding that her own appetite had been lost. "I have to get ready myself."

"Of course, mi amor. May I call on you again tonight?", he asked as he reached for her hand. Katrina smiled, and nodded, "I would like that."

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6 months ago
The School Day Went On Pretty Much As Normal For Oasis Springs High. Dina Was Happy, As It Gave Her A
The School Day Went On Pretty Much As Normal For Oasis Springs High. Dina Was Happy, As It Gave Her A
The School Day Went On Pretty Much As Normal For Oasis Springs High. Dina Was Happy, As It Gave Her A
The School Day Went On Pretty Much As Normal For Oasis Springs High. Dina Was Happy, As It Gave Her A
The School Day Went On Pretty Much As Normal For Oasis Springs High. Dina Was Happy, As It Gave Her A

The school day went on pretty much as normal for Oasis Springs High. Dina was happy, as it gave her a chance to not think about her mother or the situation. She wanted to be happy for her mother, but she just didn't trust this man. Something about him was off, and she couldn't quite put a finger on it. Still, she knew that it wasn't her place to dictate her mother's love life. She deserved to be happy after being alone for so long.

In her final class of the day, her teacher drew all their attention to a girl standing in the doorway.

'Ah, Miss Goth. Would you like to come inside?", Mrs. Coombs asked as a slender girl with dark hair walked into the classroom.

The girl didn't say anything, instead starring down at the floor.

Dina was intrigued, as it was a little late in the year to be getting a new student.

"Class, this is Cassandra Goth. She is a transfer from Willow Creek.", the teacher explained casually, as though she was reading from a script. "She will be finishing out the year here with us and graduating with your class at the end of the month."

Dina's eyes flickered over to her sister, who was sitting in the front row. Everyone knew who the Goth's were. They were as famous as the Landgraabs in Oasis Springs. She also knew that Cassandra was only fifteen years old, and should be a freshman - not a senior. She had heard that the girl was a genius, but that was a bit much.

Dina was curious as to why she would be transferred here, considering as far as she knew, she still lived in Willow Creek. But, she had heard from a very reliable source that young Malcolm Landgraab had been spending quite a lot of time at the Goth Manor as of late. Is it possible that could have something to do with it?

Nevertheless, Dina was sure that things were about to get very interesting for her.

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6 months ago
Dina Tried Not To Show How Offended She Was That Cassandra Did Not Know Who She Was. It Was Curious,
Dina Tried Not To Show How Offended She Was That Cassandra Did Not Know Who She Was. It Was Curious,
Dina Tried Not To Show How Offended She Was That Cassandra Did Not Know Who She Was. It Was Curious,
Dina Tried Not To Show How Offended She Was That Cassandra Did Not Know Who She Was. It Was Curious,
Dina Tried Not To Show How Offended She Was That Cassandra Did Not Know Who She Was. It Was Curious,
Dina Tried Not To Show How Offended She Was That Cassandra Did Not Know Who She Was. It Was Curious,

Dina tried not to show how offended she was that Cassandra did not know who she was. It was curious, considering Dina's massive online presence as a fashion icon. Was this girl not online? It must have been that way, considering all the rumors she had heard about Cassandra Goth and her disdain for people.

"Why did you transfer? Did a certain Landgraab have anything to do with it?", Dina asked, smirking as she watched Cassandra grow very red in the face. She wasn't sure if she was blushing or if she was angry, but her reaction made it obvious that was true.

"Papa and Mama thought that I should spend some time with my Uncle before going away to University.", Cassandra explained, trying to avoid eye contact with Dina.

It was obvious something was going on. There had been rumors for years about an arranged marriage between the Landgraab's son and the Goth's daughter. It would have made sense from a business standpoint. Old Money had a tendency to stick together. It would also explain why Malcom had refused her advances for the past three years despite her persistence.

"Are you going next year? Perhaps, we will be going together. That would be fun, don't you think?" Dina chimed, ignoring the look on Evie Copur's face as she rolled her eyes in the background.

Dina knew that she needed to get in good with Cassandra Goth, and while she wasn't exactly thrilled about the idea, it had to be done. Dina had dreams and ambitions of her own; marrying into a rich family was just one of her schemes. If she became Cassandra's bestie, perhaps, if the Landgraab boy was taken she would at least know of someone else that was looking for a wife.

"If you want, Cassie, I can show you around the school after class. I would love to get to know you better and I think we're going to be the best of friends!", Dina said, watching as the girl exhaled slowly, rubbing at her temples. "You know what....That would actually be great. Thank you...Dina."

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6 months ago
Dina Let Out A Frustrated Sigh, Watching Her Friend Pick At Her Food. Ever Since Luna's Mother Died,
Dina Let Out A Frustrated Sigh, Watching Her Friend Pick At Her Food. Ever Since Luna's Mother Died,
Dina Let Out A Frustrated Sigh, Watching Her Friend Pick At Her Food. Ever Since Luna's Mother Died,

Dina let out a frustrated sigh, watching her friend pick at her food. Ever since Luna's mother died, she had been different, and her father seemed to have total control over her and her whereabouts. She was sure that her father had something to do with Luna's absence, but she knew there wasn't much that could be done about it.

"Okay, well....I will just fill you in on all the details.", Dina said as she went about unloading the events of the day to her friend. Dina gave her a blow by blow of the entire situation, and Luna listened with intent. Dina might not have had very many friends, but she knew that she had Luna, and that was more than enough for her.

"So...she brought home some guy that she met at a bar?", Luna asked, titling her head as a puzzled look came across her face. "That's not like your mother. She always seemed so...level headed."

"That's exactly my point! She's not the type to make decision based off of lust.", Dina said, gripping her fingertips together as the anger washed back over her again. "I don't know what kind of magic this Don weaved over her, but she's positively enamoured!"

Luna pursed her lips together as she pondered, hesitating on what she wanted to say next. "Maybe she just really likes him?"

Dina scoffed, laughing it off at the idea. "No, somethings up, and I'm going to figure it out. She obviously isn't in her right mind. This guy has to have something on her. I'm sure of it."

The two girls spent the rest of the afternoon chatting about Prom and the rest of their high school days. Dina was eager for it all to be over with. Her 18th birthday was quickly approaching and, if things continued the way they were going now, Dina would move off to Brichester as soon as the school season was over. She wasn't about to watch her mother make a foolish mistake with a man...again.

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6 months ago
After Work, Katrina Met Up With Don At The Local Gym. They Spent Hours There Enjoying Each Other's Company.
After Work, Katrina Met Up With Don At The Local Gym. They Spent Hours There Enjoying Each Other's Company.
After Work, Katrina Met Up With Don At The Local Gym. They Spent Hours There Enjoying Each Other's Company.
After Work, Katrina Met Up With Don At The Local Gym. They Spent Hours There Enjoying Each Other's Company.
After Work, Katrina Met Up With Don At The Local Gym. They Spent Hours There Enjoying Each Other's Company.

After work, Katrina met up with Don at the local gym. They spent hours there enjoying each other's company. Katrina couldn't remember the last time that she had laughed this hard, or that she had felt this carefree. She didn't even tell the girls where she was because, for the first time, she didn't feel the need to update her children about her whereabouts.

They were grown. They could take care of themselves.

By the end of the date, while they were both drifting in the pool after a heated make out session, Don looked deeply into her eyes, and said something that she was not expecting.

"I know this is sudden, but I feel as though we have known each other forever.", he started, smiling from ear to ear as he asked Katrina "Would you like to be my girlfriend, mi amor?"

Katrina could feel her heart beating in her ears, but she grinned and began to enthusiastically nod her head.

"Of course I would!", she said as she flung her arms around Don, snuggling into his chest.

It was all perfect, like it was out of one of the romance novels. Maybe this is how love was always supposed to be? She had built it up in her head as this thing that was supposed to be hard, but maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was as simple as two people discovering that they liked each other and they wanted to continue seeing each other.

"I had hoped you would say yes. I'm so happy.", he said, planting a small kiss on her forehead.

"So am I.", she said, sighing contently as they drifted in the pool. "So am I."

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6 months ago
Katrina Brought Don Back To Her Place To Find That Neither One Of The Girls Seemed To Be Home. She Checked
Katrina Brought Don Back To Her Place To Find That Neither One Of The Girls Seemed To Be Home. She Checked
Katrina Brought Don Back To Her Place To Find That Neither One Of The Girls Seemed To Be Home. She Checked

Katrina brought Don back to her place to find that neither one of the girls seemed to be home. She checked her phone to find messages from both saying that they would be spending the night with friends. Katrina was slightly relieved by this, as she wasn't exactly ready to have the conversation that she needed to have with them about Don.

"Look like we have the house to ourselves.", Katrina said softly, as she reached for Don's hand. "Why don't I go change in to something a little more comfortable?"

Katrina's nerves skyrocketed once she got in the bedroom. Her eyes roamed over her figure, scrutinizing every detail about it. She hadn't been with anyone in so long, and she was sure that someone as young as Don was wouldn't be happy with her cellulite and wrinkles.

After a few more agonizing moments, she heard a soft knock at her bedroom door.

"Mi amor, are you alright?", she heard his voice as she took a deep breath and opened it. She saw his eyes scrap over her body hungrily, but then stopped when he looked at her face.

"I'm not ready.", she told him, and found that she didn't need to go into more detail about the conversation than that as he swept her into his arms again.

"I understand.", he said, as he rubbed the small of her back. "I'm pretty exhausted, actually. School is taking a lot out of me. Do you want to it a night?"

Katrina leaned up to kiss him softly on the cheek. "Yes, I would like that."

She held his hand as she lead him back to her bed. The two of them crawled in and cuddled up in each other's arms. It wasn't long before Don was asleep, but Katrina laid awake for a bit, memorizing every detail of her beau's face, before she drifted off to sleep.

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6 months ago
It Was True. Dina Still Wasn't Happy That Her Mother Was Dating Don Lothario. His Last Name Felt Like
It Was True. Dina Still Wasn't Happy That Her Mother Was Dating Don Lothario. His Last Name Felt Like
It Was True. Dina Still Wasn't Happy That Her Mother Was Dating Don Lothario. His Last Name Felt Like

It was true. Dina still wasn't happy that her mother was dating Don Lothario. His last name felt like the biggest red flag in the world. But, Dina also felt like maybe it was important to be happy for her mother. ` "That's not true, Mama. I am happy for you.", Dina said softly as she stared down at the floor. "I just don't know if he is right for you."

Katrina paused, unsure of how to proceed to answer her daughter's concerns. She could understand where Dina was coming from, but she just wanted to believe that Don was different. He had already proven that he wouldn't blink at eye at her wanting to wait to have a sexual relationship. Didn't that already prove that he might be worth it? She wasn't sure, but she hated the tension between her and her daughters and she wanted to do something to mend that.

"Tell you what, Mija. It's Sunday. Why don't we go to the flea market with Don? So that you girls can get to know him. "

Dina tried to hide the annoyance on her face as her mother suggested spending more time with her mother's lover, but she knew she was just trying to keep the peace between them.

"Fine, but if he says anything I don't like...", Dina's voice trailed off as Katrina moved to throw her arms around Dina and said shakily, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Mama. Anything for you."

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6 months ago
Going To The Market Every Sunday Morning Was A Tradition For Katrina And Her Girls. Inviting Don To Do
Going To The Market Every Sunday Morning Was A Tradition For Katrina And Her Girls. Inviting Don To Do
Going To The Market Every Sunday Morning Was A Tradition For Katrina And Her Girls. Inviting Don To Do

Going to the market every Sunday morning was a tradition for Katrina and her girls. Inviting Don to do something this mundane was a bit of a test, but it was also a testament to how she felt about him. She wouldn't have invited him to be a part of her and the girl's routine if she didn't feel as though he was a good fit for her, and while she could understand her eldest daughter's concerns, she also knew that she couldn't let Dina's opinion rule her whole life.

"Thank you for inviting me.", Don said, as he pulled away from their embrace while sitting on the fountain. "But, I thought you wanted the girls and I to spend some time together."

"I do.", Katrina sighed as she gazed back behind her to the building where she knew the girls were sitting with their coffee.

"Let me go and find them. I will be right back."

"Take you time, mi amor. If they need more encouragement, give it to them, but do not force them. They will get to know me with time."

It was things like that that gave Katrina all the encouragement in the world. Don talked about their life together as if he expected to be around for a long time, and tried to make those plans with her. That made all the difference in the world.

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6 months ago
Nina Rolled Her Eyes As She Sat Back In Her Chair. She Hated That Don Was Now Intruding On Their Time
Nina Rolled Her Eyes As She Sat Back In Her Chair. She Hated That Don Was Now Intruding On Their Time
Nina Rolled Her Eyes As She Sat Back In Her Chair. She Hated That Don Was Now Intruding On Their Time

Nina rolled her eyes as she sat back in her chair. She hated that Don was now intruding on their time as a family. She was happy that her mother had a new beau, but Nina didn't think that it would last long. She thought that her mother was being hasty and was making a mistake, but she didn't want to admit that out loud. Nina also believed that relationships were for those that believed in the delusion of monogamy. It just made more sense to approach relationships with a more carefree attitude. That way no one would end up Katrina was when their father disappeared in the middle of the night without saying a word.

"Fine. I will.", Nina finally said as she got up from the chair, storming off into the courtyard to search for Don.

She finally found him in a corner where there were a few easels set up with blank canvases. She rolled her eyes, thinking to herself once again how full of himself this man was. There was no way he was actually going to try and paint something on that easel. He just didn't seem the type.

It wasn't long before she realized that Dina was right behind her, and she felt her sister brush past her to sit on the stool situated near the easel. Nina took a deep breath as she tried to calm her anger over the whole situation. She told her mother she would try. That was all she promised, and that was all she could offer.

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6 months ago
Dina Wasn't Really Sure Why She Was Getting So Emotional About All Of This. It Wasn't Like Her To Get
Dina Wasn't Really Sure Why She Was Getting So Emotional About All Of This. It Wasn't Like Her To Get
Dina Wasn't Really Sure Why She Was Getting So Emotional About All Of This. It Wasn't Like Her To Get
Dina Wasn't Really Sure Why She Was Getting So Emotional About All Of This. It Wasn't Like Her To Get
Dina Wasn't Really Sure Why She Was Getting So Emotional About All Of This. It Wasn't Like Her To Get
Dina Wasn't Really Sure Why She Was Getting So Emotional About All Of This. It Wasn't Like Her To Get

Dina wasn't really sure why she was getting so emotional about all of this. It wasn't like her to get this angry. Nina was usually the one with the temper. But, she supposed that Don's mere presence in their lives was touching on a nerve that she hadn't had a chance to heal from.

And she didn't like it.

She didn't like that he was making her process all of this that she had always managed so successfully to push away.

"Are you talking about your mother or yourself, senorita?", Don asked coyly, and Dina noticed the smirk on his lips. He was enjoying this whole exchange, and Dina wondered if it was even worth correcting him. He had seen her in a moment of weakness, but she wouldn't let it happen again. She couldn't afford to show this side of herself.

"Is everything okay?" Nina asked as she finally approached them, a raised eyebrow and her arms crossed.

"We're fine.", Dina said curtly, looking away from Don as she tried to calm the storm brewing inside. "He was just telling me about his painting. weren't you, Don?"

Don seemed to entertain her little charade, the very thing that she had just been accusing him of. "Yes. Like I was telling your sister, I am taking a class in school to learn how to paint. My father was artistic, but I'm afraid I didn't pick up the talent myself."

Dina could hear Don and Nina conversing about school and art. She heard her sister's giggle and noticed the way she was twirling her hair around her fingertips. Dina looked at them both with disgust because Don just seemed to be eating it up, and that's when she realized that Nina might just be the key to getting rid of him once and for all.

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6 months ago
Dina Smirked As Her Sister So Easily Took The Bait. It Was Simple. She Would Encourage Her Sister's Little
Dina Smirked As Her Sister So Easily Took The Bait. It Was Simple. She Would Encourage Her Sister's Little
Dina Smirked As Her Sister So Easily Took The Bait. It Was Simple. She Would Encourage Her Sister's Little
Dina Smirked As Her Sister So Easily Took The Bait. It Was Simple. She Would Encourage Her Sister's Little

Dina smirked as her sister so easily took the bait. It was simple. She would encourage her sister's little crush on their mother's boyfriend. If Dina was right about him, and she knew that she was, he wouldn't be able to ignore her sister's attention for long and he would slip. It could be a week from now, or a month, or a year; but he would eventually show his true colors by pursing Nina. And when he did, Dina would make sure that their mother was there to see all of it.

It wasn't that Dina wanted her mother to be hurt; it was quite the opposite. She was convinced that her mother's fascination with this younger playboy was because she was lonely. She couldn't seriously be interested in trying to pursue things further with him. And, in the case that she was, Dina would prevent it from happening by any means necessary; for her mother's protection.

The girls didn't talk about their father leaving them, but they both remembered how it happened and they remember everything that led up to it. Their father had been in and out of their life for as long as she could remember. He never stayed very long, even though her mother begged him to. He made it clear that he felt responsible for the children, but that it wasn't anything more than that. It wasn't love. It was obligation that he visited. But, eventually, the visits stopped, and their mother was left heartbroken over a man that didn't love her.

The last thing that Dina wanted was to see her mother go through that again. She wanted her to find peace within herself.

"I will leave you two alone to discuss the arrangements." Dina said as she hopped up from the chair and made her way back inside the market.

It was then that she spotted someone that she hadn't expected to see there. She smirked to herself as she followed after him down the stairs and into the bottom level of the market where the gaming hall was. She knew that if she didn't take the chance to speak to this person, she would regret it. "Mr. Goth. Do you have a moment?"

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6 months ago
"She Seems Like A Very Nice Girl, Mr. Goth. I Enjoyed Talking To Her", Dina Said Softly, Doing Her Best
"She Seems Like A Very Nice Girl, Mr. Goth. I Enjoyed Talking To Her", Dina Said Softly, Doing Her Best
"She Seems Like A Very Nice Girl, Mr. Goth. I Enjoyed Talking To Her", Dina Said Softly, Doing Her Best

"She seems like a very nice girl, Mr. Goth. I enjoyed talking to her", Dina said softly, doing her best to turn on the praise in front of him.

"Oh, no need to be so formal. You can call me Morty.", Mortimer said with a chuckle. "Dina, Cassie has always been very shy and this arrangement was not her idea. She might be defensive at first, but I promise, she could use a friend like you in her life."

"Like me? Why do you say that?". Dina asked, titling her head as she tried to figure out exactly what it was that he was trying to say.

"I just meant that you seem very outgoing, and sure of yourself. Cassie has always been too focused on her music to really try to talk to other people and get to know them. She's also always been a very well....sad child. I fear some of that might be my doing. She gets her creativity from me. But, I just....I wish she could see that there's more to life than being stuck in her room working on writing music. It's her senior year! She should be out with friends enjoying herself before..."

Mortimer's voice suddenly trailed off as he realized what he was saying. It was as though he was about to unravel some big secret to Dina; one that he wasn't supposed to talk about. He chuckled nervously, reaching up to rub at the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry for going on like that. It's just seem very easy to talk to.", Mortimer said, as he stood up off the couch he had been sitting at.

"No apologies necessary, Mr.....Morty.", Dina said, as she stood as well, as she heard her mother calling for her up the stairs. "It was nice listening to you. I'm glad you care about your daughter this much."

Dina couldn't imagine what it was like to have a father that cared this much about her wellbeing. She hadn't spoken to hers in years.

"Tell Cassie that we will be waiting for her at Pin Alley Lounge tonight at 7pm.", she said as she reached out to offer Mortimer her hand to shake, which he accepted. "It was very nice to meet you, Mr. Goth."

"It was nice to meet you as well, Miss Caliente."


Mortimer smirked as his hand lingered in his for a bit longer than he should have. Dina noticed out of the corner of her eye that they were being watched, but she wasn't sure that Mortimer had. She ignored Bella Goth; and she ignored the look of anger on her face as she finally released her hand and began to move away from Mortimer.

"Coming, Mama.", she called finally, as she heard her mother began to try and walk down the stairs to come and find her.

Everything was coming together for Dina and nothing could stop her.

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