sunstoneboy - To All Believers…
To All Believers…

River / Kenny | He/it/any | 19

389 posts

Sorry I Didnt Make Noise Or Move Or Breathe Or Remember I Was Alive For A Good 45 Second There, I Got

Sorry I didn’t make noise or move or breathe or remember I was alive for a good 45 second there, i got distracted by scenarios I made up that I now do not remember

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4 months ago

I recently noticed something I haven't before.

I Recently Noticed Something I Haven't Before.

Look at the Beatles' tunics, do you notice anything particular?

I Recently Noticed Something I Haven't Before.

I literally have not noticed until today. I had thought John, George, and Paul had on matching costumes, yet ulike John and George with normal-length tunics, they gave Paul a micro-mini skirt.

I Recently Noticed Something I Haven't Before.

At first I thought he had folded it up to what... show off his legs? But looking at more photos, it's clearly cut at that length, and Paul has an identical, yet altered version of the tunic.

I Recently Noticed Something I Haven't Before.

This could mean something, or it could not. It is unclear whether these costumes were tailored specially for the boys, or sitting around the back of a television studio.

The Beatles' measurements were taken for the other costumes they wore during this special (Pyramus, Thisbe, ect.) So there is a posibility these costumes were also made for them. The tunic fits do seem to fit quite well.

I Recently Noticed Something I Haven't Before.

So what did this mean? Did Paul deliberately have his tunic tailored into a micro-mini? Were these costumes just laying around, and paul instantly dive for the most revealing one, as he dove for the cat costume during the Bill Francis and Robert Wittaker photoshoot of October 64? Was he saddled with it unwillingly? We may never know. All I can say is I can see right up that shit.

I Recently Noticed Something I Haven't Before.
I Recently Noticed Something I Haven't Before.
I Recently Noticed Something I Haven't Before.
4 months ago
Saw A Faggot Om The Street And Cursed Him So Now That Gay Boy Is In My Sphere Forever Lol!

saw a faggot om the street and cursed him so now that gay boy is in my sphere forever lol!

4 months ago
Unlocking The Mysteries: A Contemporary Interpretation Of The Hierophant Tarot Card

Unlocking the Mysteries: A Contemporary Interpretation of the Hierophant Tarot Card

by Aaron Nosheny

4 months ago

sometimes* (*often) I see a paul image and my only thought is babygirl I Need to get you pregnant asap