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Nyarlathotep being pissy at Arc because they have Azathoth's attention and not him, is the kind of petty stuff I live for. Go, you blue, chewed gum, go be petty.
Housano's LIVE-A-HALF-ASSED Summaries Presents Pubraseer and the Infinite Radness Part 2: ๐ถCrash Into Me๐ถ

We start off this part in an open field area where a moderator is announcing the public special exam has begun, we meet a new Oaks character who is nervous, clenching his exam card, and the last to be transformed by the operator. He is determined to become a hero to meet his goal. Before the operator can transform him the terminal begins to act up, so our future playable character closes his eyes to calm himself down and phase out the noise. When the noise stops, he opens his eyes, ready to switch into his hero outfit.

Only to find that the operator is nowhere to be found and gets upset that if he can't transform, he won't be able to take the exam.

Jumping to the Tycoons tower, we have a Virtual Festa reuinion with our beloved Pubra-Chan, Writer Subaru and Scaly Tsundere Hydoor. It's been a while since they worked together though they wished Ryekie could be with them. The operator explains that they will be evaluating the heroes. Subaru and Hydoor will play the role of villains and Pubraseer will get to be a civilian that needs to be rescued by the Heroes. The operator says there's a Locker room where Pubraseer can get changed while the others go an take position. Before we get to the fanservice, Pubraseer notices a person sized UFO flying through the air and decides to alert the operator outside the locker room, only to find them gone.

We then circle back to MC being ported to the field from earlier to immediately be bombarded by the future character from earlier desperate to transform. He said they he prepared for this exam only to trip on the steps and be attacked by animals on his way here and when he was ready the operator disappeared. MC realized that they were transported into the exam area and we find out (after thrusting their admission ticket) that this is Denebora. He states he has a lot on the line with this examination and we agree to transform him since this is an emergency situation.

Only to be transformed into an unconscious state by Orbiter falling on him. Orbiter is shocked as he thought no one was there and will apologize to Denebora when he wakes up. He said he tried to leave by a small space ship he build but apparently there's a ceiling that he hit, causing his space ship to fall apart and hands us a part, asking us if we've seen something similar. Before we can anwer our terminal starts beeping and we are yeeted off to Broker knows where.

Denebora wakes up and Orbiter profusely apologizes. He asks where MC is and Orbiter says they just disappeared. It's then that Denebora and Orbiter realize MC has both their admission ticket and ship parts respectively. They agree, since this is isn't a horror movie, to split up to cover more ground and exchange contact information.

This time we are transported to my happy place: right into Pubra-chan's embrace, which, thank you Lifewonders is giving the fans exactly what we want. Unfortunately, Pubra-chan requests for us to move so he can get changed and apologizes for us seeing something unsightly. Love, unsightly are 99% of my gacha pulls in this game. We have gazed upon perfection. Back to the story, we say that we were transported without warning and Pubra said his ooperator disappeared as well. Since he is an examiner, it would be best to report this to the management office and suggest to go to the warp point near his meetup point.

Elsewhere, Gaisei is itching for a fight and the is reminding him of the purpose is for him to take the hero exam so they can get him a license which Gaisei ran off to us. Pubra asks if we managed to get in contact with Huckle but to no avail. Gaisei finds us and immediately wants to engage in a fight with Pubraseer, which perplexes him. Though he is a self-proclaimed villain, he isn't causing trouble for the exam thus far so he can't really do much but oblige.

Unfortunatley we are interrupted by Hydoor and Subaru as villains with Hydoor being in his old pirate outfit. He is flattered if we compliment his outfit, but says he's at work right now and will show it off to us later. Pubraseer tries to get them to stop and explain our predicament, but they are not listening because as Rupaul once said "You're going off script, darling." So Pubra relents and says we have to finish the battle to complete the scenario with Gaisei giddily joining us for battle.
Pubraseer and the Infinite Radness Part 2: Crash into me- END
I pulled yesterday
So.... Uhm... I literally connected to tumblr three times last night to post this, but as soon as I connected, I literally forgot why I connected. So... here's my pull from yesterday. Yay.
We go directly into the multi-pulls! Because I had no tickets! I had no tickets because I used them. I used to get Exio. I did not get Exio.

Orbiter is a girl, right? She has a woman's voice. Robot girl? Rabbit girl? Rabbot girl?


Chubby ginger got.

Aaaaaaaand, that's my cue to stop! I wanted my psych-ward escapee, though.

I updated the support list! FINALLY! I almost forgot to do it again! I only have Shamash as a 5-star Infinity unit, and I'm not using that bitch. Feel free to use Quantum to troll every fight, though. I'm not sure Zao is going to stay. I mean, he is very good, but I'm pretty sure I have better water units. Too lazy to figure it out, though.