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1 year ago

nooooo, Kylie and Meg are friends. Megan actually got shot after one of Kylie’s parties. Nicki is trying to spread rumours that Kylie don’t fw Megan, that she was kicked out of Kylie’s party for being drunk (she said that in Bigfoot). But then today, Kris posted HISS on her story, and because Kris is the spokesperson of that family, people are saying that Nicki is lying about the Kardashians not liking Meg (they do). And Nicki and the Kardashians got their own separate beef.

oh okay girl thank you cause i was confused af.. also when is nicki not lying on this poor woman after she lied abt her trying to make her drink while pregnant..


sorry u had to catch strays from me kylie i didnt mean it 💋

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1 year ago

*ariana grande meme*

Meg: I could’ve said “your daddy is a speed bump, roadkill”, I could’ve said that… but I didn’t.

that would actually have me on the floor she better do that. but imagine how nicki would act

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1 year ago

I used to think all that Illuminati shit was a joke (still do), but I genuinely think that Nicki Minaj specifically is doing witchcraft. Coz wtf is she on. She’s a bipolar manic bitch who practices witchcraft and instead of taking meds, she takes crack. Shout out to all the bipolar bitches in the world who take care of themselves and take they meds, I’m sorry y’all had to catch a stray.

speaking on illuminati and witchcraft. the barbz are definitely a cult. im sorry 🤷🏾‍♀️ (im not) but no way your going this hard, doxxing people for a woman who you never met and who wouldn't pay your bail if you went to jail for doing that crazy shit

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1 year ago

It's not witchcraft, it's cocaine lmfao I'm a real Pagan and I practice witchcraft and I can tell you the majority of us don't practice black magic because we believe in the rule of 3. Nicki is vile and evil, but she isn't a witch lmfao

i said her fanbase is like a cult but im glad we have a actual witch to confirm shes just a aggravating and evil person. get nicki help 2023

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1 year ago

speaking of witchcraft… Megan thee Stallion is Creole from her dad. Nicki is out here speaking on a Creole woman’s ancestors and cursing a Creole woman’s womb… a heavily spiritually protected Creole woman (I ain’t even spiritual like that, but Megan has literally been close to death so many times and she the only one alive in her family)…

Never speak on ancestors. I think Nicki’s curses might be backfiring on her in a “back to the sender” type of way… some hoodoo shit.

👀 get in her ass. nicki is a weirdo and this is most likely true. telling her to conjure up her dead mother and shit. i dont know much abt witchcraft but ik that megan is creole. and she did almost die

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1 year ago

not all witches are Wiccan, wiccans are the one who believe in the rule of 3, I’m talking traditional witchcraft like Caribbean shit, not that European shit


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1 year ago

since this anon is a witch, they should know that “black magic” is a racist term which most people use to refer to what they deem “scary” such as hoodoo/traditional African/Carribean/Native/Non European (basically) witchcraft and spirituality. The term this anon should have used is baneful magic, which is curses, hexes, and the like. Wiccans, Neo pagans, and occultists are the ones who believe in the rule of three/threefold law, It states that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times.

The birth of the religion that came to be known as Wicca is attributed to an English civil servant, author and occultist named Gerald Gardner. Born in 1884. The term was coined to label European tribal folks who did not subscribe to Judaism or Christianity. 

Neopaganism is a revival of ancient pre-Christian spiritual traditions that identifies its roots from northern and western Europe.

The term occultism emerged in 19th-century France, amongst figures such as Antoine Court de Gébelin. It came to be associated with various French esotericgroups connected to Éliphas Lévi and Papus, and in 1875 was introduced into the English language by the esotericist Helena Blavatsky. So… European.

Neither Megan or Nicki are European, and most ethnic non European forms of Caribbean, Creole, and African do not involve the Rule of Three/Threefold Law.

And newsflash, you can be on crack, manic, AND practice witchcraft.


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1 year ago

She just mad that no nigga ever loved her No nigga gon' stand ten toes behind her

At this point, I confirmed in my head that Nicki Minaj was projecting. Nicki Minaj has gone through a lot of trauma in her life, I won’t deny that. From her abusive dad and brother, to her mom who abandoned her multiple times in Trinidad until she was five. I sense that she has abandonment issues and daddy issues and that’s why she is such a pick me for men. Willing to throw women under the bus for the love of a man. She accuses Megan of adultery and being a side chick in her lyrics and constantly brushes off her husband’s offence as “old tea”. She views cheating as worse than rape due to her abandonment issues.

To Nicki, a loyal rapist >>> a consensual side chick/cheater.

That’s probably why she ignores the existence of her man’s other kids from other baby mamas, so that she can mentally pretend that she’s been his only one.

Jokes on her, the only reason Kenneth Petty is loyal is because he can’t leave the house.

Notice how the Barbz main motto is “loyalty” to Nicki? She fed into this behaviour. This culture of toxic loyalty. The Barbz will do anything for her. Just like how she thinks that Kenneth Petty would do anything for her.

That whole song is a projection. I knew that she was basically beefing with herself when she said “why the fuck is you humpin on a minor?” Because Megan didn’t do that, she did.

What Megan has done is become somewhat of a mirror to Nicki, let me explain. When you scream into the dark void, the only thing you can hear is yourself and your own echo.

When someone is left in silence, the only thing they can do is talk to themselves and listen to their thoughts. It’s no longer Nicki talking to Megan because Megan left the conversation. It’s now Nicki talking to Onika.

And nobody hates Onika Tanya Maraj more than Nicki Minaj herself.

Repeat that sentence in your head.

Let this be a lesson for everyone who reads this. Learn to become comfortable with yourself. Comfortable by yourself. When you level up in life, you need to mentally level up as well. Nicki didn’t do that. Even though Nicki has all this money and a great reputation as a rapper and all these designer deals, etc, in her mind she is still that little girl stuck in Trinidad with her abusive father, abusive brother, and a mother who never defended her as a child.

When you level up financially and make moves, you also need to learn to heal. You no longer should accept what you used to allow when you were at a lower level. Otherwise you’ll be a cracked out hag screaming on instagram while your baby cries and your sex offender husband can’t quiet him down.

.... thats it. give this anon a platform. a show. a podcast. this person broke down nicki so quick like she was a lego project. they hit every nail on the head like we are building shit. i completely agree 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 and one more thing. she needs a friend. not a yes man. a friend.

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1 year ago

another thing from your fellow psychological dissertation anon, when you level up in life and attempt to level up mentally, remember that recognising your trauma or understanding what traumatised you is not the only thing you need to do.

It’s one thing to understand or recognise that your family being poor traumatised you. That your abusive parents traumatised you. It’s another thing to recognise that your coping mechanisms are unhealthy and are hurting you and others. And it’s a whole different beast to work on changing those coping mechanisms.

Recognise your trauma -> learn how the trauma manifests in your life (anger issues, insecurity, etc) -> learn and recognise how you cope with the trauma (food addiction, drug addiction, taking it out on others, isolating yourself, etc) -> work on changing the coping mechanisms (when you spot yourself spiraling and what to emotionally eat, isolate, etc, pause yourself, count to five and then count backwards from 5 to 1 to calm down, and do something else that you feel should replace your current coping mechanism. Instead of reaching for the food in the fridge, breathe and grab a book or something. Instead of raging on everyone, breathe, calm down, and journal or something).

Just gave y’all free therapy if you can’t afford it. Take my advice or end up screaming into the void in your 40s baby trapped by an offender.

get this anon in a office STAT!!! YALE IS CALLING. (all jokes aside tho read this)

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1 year ago

You’re tired of my ass by now but I got one more thing lol. This is honestly all you need to do and something that Nicki doesn’t do.

Recognise when you are the problem. You are not always the victim. Sometimes, maybe everyone left you because you were lashing out on them. Because you couldn’t accept a no. Shit like that. You cannot always be the victim. One of the most important skills to have is the ability to self reflect. Self awareness.

Be able to have friends that disagree with you without getting angry with them (unless it’s a moral issue, like on something criminal like assault or some shit). Be able to have conversations with people who have different views and stay calm. Learn to put yourself in other people’s shoes and see through their eyes.

Let me give you an example of how Nicki doesn’t do that. She put out a whole song saying “lyin on yo dead mama” 6+ times. She is unable to empathise with Megan and put herself in Megan’s shoes and think to herself, “maybe this isn’t okay” even though HER OWN DAD IS DEAD.

But if Meg did it to Nicki, she’d be crying and wailing and we’d never hear the end of it. Only in a situation in which she is the victim can she feel that something is wrong.

If you always see yourself as the victim, nothing you do can ever be wrong in your eyes.

Nicki feels that everyone is out to get her. Not everyone is out to get you boo-boo, recognise when you’re the problem.

im here for black women in stem. in Harvard. in mental health. yall need to read this too

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1 year ago


and then she said this:

girl. i saw this. it pissed me all the way off. we have gotten too damn comfortable downplaying black women's trauma. when i saw her comparing ABUSE i knew we lost the plot. she needs help and if anyone can sit here and tell me to my face they love nicki and they defend her... then i genuinely dont want you near me 😭

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8 years ago
Fatty Dreams: Harold's Feast. Not Sure If Anyone Remembers This Guy From This Commercial Http://

Fatty dreams: Harold's feast. Not sure if anyone remembers this guy from this commercial but I had a fatty dream about the Bigfoot, and not was it a good one. Harold (the bigfoot's name) finds himself selling First Team Auto stuff door to to(doubt that is how it works, but this a dream after all. Soon he comes to a strange house with a green lady in a hood, and before he can really get into his selling pitch, the lady becons him in with her finger. Not wanting to be rude, he cheerfully follows. What happened next is basically the strange lady kept bringing Harold food while he laid down on some strange table. It seemed she was fattening him up for something, but he didn't seem to mind. Also, it seemed the only thing she would "More" and a low evil cackle.

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5 months ago
Bigfoot Doodle Drawing In Procreate For The First Time Hehe..It's Going To Take Me A Long Time To Get

Bigfoot doodle 🐂💙 Drawing in Procreate for the first time hehe.. It's going to take me a long time to get used to this, drawing on a screen is weird 😓

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3 years ago
A Bigfoot Bearded Lady For Day 8Pretty Stressful To Pump A Pic Out, Bit Late But Better Late Than Never

A Bigfoot Bearded Lady for day 8 Pretty stressful to pump a pic out, bit late but better late than never <:)

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2 years ago

You ever look at a picture of Bigfoot and get werewolf boyfriend vibes...?

He's big buff and nonexistent like my relationship status lmao

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