Wattpad: Jemilys_hoeTikTok: Jareau_robbins
19 posts
Swanqueen-46 - Hoe For Middle Age Woman - Tumblr Blog
Eyes don’t lie!!

“Friends” don’t look at friends that way.
Can we all collectively agree that JJ saying to Emily “this job takes a lot but you know what it gives? It gives me you” was a love confession? Like, that is not a casual thing to say to your best friend in my humble opinion
I’m just saying that creloise has so much potential. Like you can’t tell me that every episode they weren’t looking at each other very longingly. And really what is one more queer bridgerton? Like really, 3 out of 8 siblings. Also don’t even get me started on Eloise’s book like if I have to watch that play out on screen, I’m gonna jump in front of a bus.

give them back to me
“Ultimate Jemily Moment”
I would like to hear everyone’s theories on what this Jemily moment coming up this season. I personally hope it’s something big but I don’t think it’s going to. But what do y’all think?
What I think dating Emily Prentiss would be like.
Emily is over super protective, if you get hurt on a case she’ll hold you close all night making sure you’re okay.
Her love language is acts of service so she always does little things for you, like prepare baths, and opens the door, and cooks dinner (even though she can’t cook well).
She wasn’t open to public displays of affection at first, but after a few months she can’t help but hold ur hand in public, and give you little kisses on the cheek.
She gets jealous, and when someone hits on you at a bar she makes sure it’s known your a couple, whether it’s wrapped her arms around your waist or simply just telling them to fuck off.
The team found out about your relationship after Emily got hurt during a case and you couldn’t hold it together, but they always suspected something more between the two of you.
Lmk if I should do a part two:)
Domestic Jemily

Swan-queen aesthetic

These two are my Roman Empire.

My favorite ships💖
Jemily aesthetic

In my mind they are canon.
casual affection
covering the other with a blanket when they fall asleep on the couch
making playlists/mixtapes/cassettes for the other
showing the other a meme/video that reminds them of them
smiling at each other from across the room
teasing each other good-naturedly
laying their hand on the other’s leg
embracing them from behind
talking about how much they love the other to their friends/family
giving the other the comfy seat in the car/kitchen/living room/etc.
plugging in the other’s phone when they fall asleep
bringing the other leftovers
rubbing the other’s back when it hurts
looking in each other’s eyes during a conversation
taking a photo of the other smiling or in their element
doing the other’s hair
doing the other’s laundry/dishes
changing the lyrics of a song so it says the other’s name
buying the other something small they mentioned they wanted
winking at the other
putting an arm around the other’s shoulder
letting the other have the umbrella/hoodie
bumping the other’s shoulder when they say something funny
ruffling their hair
laying their head on the other’s shoulder
squeezing the other’s shoulder
fixing the other’s clothes
cleaning the house when the other is at work
leaving cute notes for the other on the fridge
asking the other how their day was
hyping the other up before they do something big
I want to write short fics about couples I ship, but don’t know if I should, would anyone read them, mostly fluff, probably not very much smut.
Ships- Swanqueen, supercorp, avalance, marina, Jemily, etc.
I would also do reader x character stories.
No I’m not ok😩😣

Aahh, I hate the writers for this so much, they were so in love😢😭😩
IT WAS SO SO SO OBVIOUS!!! Whyyyyyyyyy😩😣😑😭

This is so true, they were both so obvious.
Ahhhhhhhh, she’s so freaking hot!!!!!!!!

I can’t breathe….😅❤️🔥💕
I’m just saying this scene under different circumstances should have been very sensual….

Just try to tell me there’s nothing going on…..
Why does no one talk about how adorable this scene was.

You can’t tell me you don’t see something between them right here. Like the way Regina said that has me melting.💕
I definitely don’t just watch the shows for these two………
(JK I definitely do😂🤣)
Me: Yeah sure I watch OUAT for the plot
The plot: