Sometimes i write but mainly, I obsess over fictional characters // welcome 💗
472 posts
They Should Make A Tutorial On How To Go Back To Writing After A Long Hiatus
they should make a tutorial on how to go back to writing after a long hiatus
yazzberry liked this · 4 years ago
More Posts from Sweetasmiele
My december playlist consists of only two songs: mistletoe by Justin Bieber and Christmas party by Rupaul. In loop. The unlikely duo I have always dreamt of. I am happy.

If the Government Treated Men Like It Treats Women

Huh?? SHE DOESN’T HATE ME??? BuT We’RE eNeMieS?!?!?!?? ...Young Booms could NOT comprehend Bubbles’ pure energy back then 🤢

Okay, so I saw @sunibeann ‘s headcanons and I have not been able to sleep since. Ppgs in Rowdy Jersey. Ppgs in RowdY JERSEY. PPGS IN ROWDY JERSEY-
So I start with Blossick, cause I am a Reds hoe 🤡 Someone had a nosebleed when they first saw this i m a g e ✨
Be sure to check @sunibeann ‘s account out- she makes really good headcanons and stories. This idea was all hers and again, thank you for letting me draw this 👀👀❤️💗
I’ll try my best to do the other two but Im still working on d e s i g n and stuff so I’ll be... here I guess 😂 ranting and being noisy in general 🤡
I know the world is ... I wont mince it- its cursed everywhere all over. But we have to keep strong, we keep fighting. Its tiring. I see hate everyday as if a pandemic is not enough a problem and its sickening. But ... well. Just keep living. Just keep swimming. We’ll get there.