sweetdejun - love letters.
love letters.

zai. she/her. '00. nctzen, army. brown af. welcome to my little world of writing!

427 posts

6 + Koo Jungmo?

6 + koo jungmo?

thank you for requesting this! this was also shorter compared to my usual works but regardless of that, I hope you really like it~~

p.s. I changed the tense of the prompt in this one, but below is the original prompt.

6. “I sing that verse better than you.”

[3:11 p.m.] you are lazing around with jungmo today. you have one more week until summer’s officially over and you’ll be back to working again, and jungmo happened to be free this week, so you had him stay at your apartment with you. “what do you wanna do?” jungmo voices, his head in your lap as you scroll through social media on your phone. “hmm, I got nothing.” you throw your head back into the cushion of the couch and close your eyes, in thought. “how about a riff off?” jungmo suggests. you snicker at this and look down at him. “c’mon, babe, we both know how that’s going to turn out.” jungmo’s eyes display his confusion at your reaction, and you clarify, “you’ll do great because you sing professionally, but I’ll do better because I have amazing pipes, and I don’t even do this for a living.” you stick your tongue out, teasing him, to which jungmo dramatically scoffs, “is that a challenge? oh, you’re on, y/l/n!” 

and so you find yourself sitting with your legs crossed in front of jungmo, and you found a riff off category generator on the internet, which generated categories for you and you had to sing a song that corresponded with the category in under 20 seconds. “who goes first?” you ask him, the competitive spirit in your eyes evident to jungmo, and he smirks. “rock, paper, scissors. best of three.” you agree with his suggestion, and you play. he ends up winning, so he goes first. “edm songs” is the first category. “I’m starting the timer,” you tell him, gaze shifting between the screen and jungmo. then, as if he has a lightbulb moment, his eyes light up and he sings, “we got that power, power, 니가 나를 볼 때, 서로 같은 마음이 느껴질 때. power, power, 더 강해지는걸, Turn the music up now, now, now, now.” he sings, and his voice is clean. he’s so talented, you think in your head. but those sweet thoughts quickly fade away, and your competitive persona came forward again, as jungmo does a little dance. “I got a point! haah, in your face! this is fun, I like this game.” you squint your eyes at him, and tell him, “choose the next category.” he presses the mouse and it generates the next category: “songs of the 90′s”. you silently thank your luck, because 90′s and some decades before that are your forte. “starting the timer, good luck,” jungmo says, and starts the countdown. “나를 믿어주길 바래 함께 있어, Cause I’m your girl hold me baby 너를 닮아가는 내 모습 지켜봐줘, Stay with me last forever.” you hold jungmo’s hand and cheesily wink at him while singing this. his cheeks flush a bit, and you smile at your win. 

and this way, you two keep playing. it’s been a few rounds, but both of you seem to be getting songs that match the category. “okay, the last one, winner takes all. we’ll just choose the last category and whoever sings the song first wins. deal?” you stick your hand out for jungmo to shake, which he gladly does. “one, two, three.” you both countdown and click the button one last time. the generator lands on “love songs”. you two look at each other and as fast as lightning, your mouth opens as you sing, “나의 이쁜 이 맘 받아줄 수 있나요? Baby, 네 눈에 비친 우리, 너무나 좋은 걸,” and jungmo sings along with you, “이쁜 두 손잡고 , 멀리멀리 날아가고파. 오늘은, 유난히, 네가 이뻐 보인다.” you lean in, and peck his nose, “that song’s my favorite so far.” and jungmo looks away, a small smile growing on his face. he leans back and watches as you celebrate your victory, dancing a little, before pulling you into his lap, completely startling you. “I sang that verse better than you, maybe I should become a trainee, too.” then he kisses you square on the lips, without warning. you kiss his back, hands immediately coming up to cup his cheeks, and his hand rubs up and down your back. he pulls away, and smiles, “you would do lovely as a trainee, my flower. you sing really well, but I knew that already. you’d shine doing anything.” you blush and hide your face in his neck. he laughs and whispers, “hey, I love you.” and you leave a series of pecks on his shoulder and neck before mumbling loud enough against his skin, “I love you too.”

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More Posts from Sweetdejun

5 years ago

Hi! I was the anon that requested that Wonjin mystery drabble. I completely understand how technology can fail us sometimes, but dw, it's okay! Keep up the good work and I look forward reading it!

I just posted it, love! check it out :))

5 years ago

no. 2 w/ kim sihun? (pdx101) thank u! i love ur writing

hello! thanks for the request and super thanks for the compliment, I’m touched! also, the prompt is a little vague for personalizing purposes, just so I can choose what works for the muse, so hopefully you enjoyed this!

2. {insert cheesy pick up line} (original prompt) 

for sihoon: “I think I’m suffering from a lack of vitamin you.”

[9:45 a.m.] work at dr. ahn’s office was the same every morning; you came in at nine and clocked in before checking any voicemails. then, you made the doctor’s schedule and gave it to him, debrief him about his day and go back to your desk. you made your coffee and sat down as you usually do when you get a call. “this is dr. ahn’s office, how may I help you?” your co-worker hana answers the phone. you faintly hear a male voice on the other end of the line, but hana then says, “do you need to see him right away? I can find out if he’s free.” you assume she’s referring to the doctor, so you check his schedule and see that he doesn’t have an appointment until 11. “he’s free ‘till 11,” you whisper to hana, and she gives you a thumbs up before relaying this information to the person on the phone. “okay, we will see you in 15 minutes then, sir. alright, bye-bye.” hana goes to let dr. ahn know about the appointment, and you see the notes she’s jotted down while she was on the phone call. scribbled down messily, you were able to decipher “EMERGENCY: FRACTURES ON BOTH WRISTS”. oh no, you think, I wonder what happened? hana comes back some minutes later, and you ask her, “do you know what happened to the patient?” she shakes her head and tells you, “I’m not sure. All I know is that he fractured both of his wrists. I asked him why, and he seemed somewhat reluctant to tell me, so now I’m more curious.” shrugging your shoulders, you get back to your work, typing away on your keyboard. by this time, one or two patients have come in, to which hana gives the necessary paperwork to complete. the clinic increasingly becomes busier but it’s nothing either your or hana can’t handle.

one by one, patients come and leave the office, with dr. ahn providing you with their prescriptions and bill. just as one patient was leaving with her child, a young man walked in, who looked like he was about your age, and he brought (you assume) his friend with him, who held the door open for him. the man’s hands were in a strange position and he clenched his jaw in pain. his friend came up to the counter. “hi, I called in earlier today, my friend fractured his wrists?” he’s incredibly handsome, you think and it seems hana can sense what you’re thinking, because she pushes the paperwork over to him and says, “can I have your friend come in? I will need to take his vitals.” the boy in front of you looks up at hana, before hodding and helping his friend through the door. once hana was able to take the patient into one of the rooms, the boy went and sat back down in the waiting area, filling out the form. you continued your work, and from time to time, snuck glances at the boy. smooth skin, a steep angle on his nose bridge and bright eyes are some of his many key points. he was gorgeous. you don’t wanna seem creepy or anything, because you don’t even know the guy so in embarrassment, you snap your eyes back onto your screen. “excuse me,” the boy is now in front of you. he bites down on his lip slightly, and you can see the shadow of a dimple imprinted into his cheek. “here’s the paper work.” he hands you the clipboard with the small stack of papers. you take it from him and mumble a small, but audible “thank you.” you begin typing in the information; it seemed that the patient’s name was eunsang, and the friend that brought him here (that you were ogling) was named sihoon. “do you mind if I ask you something?” you ask sihoon, who’s still standing at your counter. he blinks, motioning for you to continue. “what happened to your friend? he fractured both wrists; that’s not a very common injury. sure, we’ve seen one wrist fractured or the other but never both at the same time. sorry if I seem too invasive or anything, you don’t have to answer me if you don’t want to..” you notice a small smile growing on his face, then he clears his throat, “I shouldn’t make fun of it, but since you asked, eunsang tripped over a blanket.” sihoon tells you this, then bursts out laughing. you feel a tiny smile growing on your face before you scold yourself to not laugh at the discomfort of a patient. how rude of you. “really? that’s possible?” “can you believe it? I was at his house, then..” and from here, sihoon tells you the hilarious story of how he asked eunsang for a glass of water, and on his way back his feet got caught in his blanket and that’s how he fell.

you wipe the corners of your eyes, “although I shouldn’t be laughing at this at all, I never would have imagined that one small slip can cause such an injury.” just then, you hear dr. ahn coming out, walking alongside eunsang whose wrists now have casts on them, and behind the two of them is hana, who made copies of eunsang’s prescriptions and bill. “now eunsang, I’m going to need you to be very careful with your wrists, okay, no hard pressure and nothing too strenuous. I’m afraid you won’t be able to drive for a few days, so you will need to arrange for a ride.” as dr. ahn advised him, eunsang turned his head to sihoon, and jokingly said, “looks like you’re going to be my chauffeur.” sihoon laughed at this and his nose scrunched up all cute. you took note of this and eunsang thanked the doctor once more before heading out with sihoon. they stop by the door, and before they leave sihoon comes back to you, and your eyebrows shoot up as he gestured for you to come closer with his hand. you lean in an he tells you, “can I make an appointment with you, maybe tomorrow for some lunch? I think I’m suffering from a lack of vitamin you.” you chuckle at his cheesy pun, before taking a scrap of paper and jotting your number down. you hand him the note and say, “text me when you’re free, and we can arrange something.” sihoon leaves you with one last dimpled smile and a wave before heading back out with eunsang. who knew the things that would stem out of an injury like that?

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5 years ago

i loved your latest with keumdong!

awwww thank you so much 💕💕 I have one more to post tonight so stay tuned ;)

5 years ago

hi what are the upcoming requests for the drabble thing?

hi there! I have the following requests! I will keep updating this so you guys have an idea of the queue :))

- 17 and keum donghyun

- 12 and bobby from ikon

- 10 and lee eunsang

- 6 and koo jungmo

- 17 and ham wonjin

- 18 and kim wooseok

- 2 and kim sihoon

- 7 and kang minhee

- 6 and lee jinwoo

5 years ago

ikon bobby + 12? :)

yayyy I love bobby!! here it is, I hope you enjoy the read! I had too much fun writing this one! this one was slightly longer than the usual size of my drabbles :-) also I think a lot of the stuff I write tends to be college!aus lol rip

12. he sees you gushing over... biology.

[11:23 p.m.] you’re a college freshman, and you’re a biology major. was anyone surprised when you told them this? absolutely not. you know why you wanted to major in bio, it’s because you loved the subject. you found everything regarding biology fascinating, no matter how tedious the classes generally are. “gee, no wonder you’re a STEM major, literally all you’ve been doing this weekend is studying,” your roommate yerim nags. you had an exam in five days, and you needed to be ready. “I need to do well on this exam, yerim. my grade in the class is on the line.” yerim sits on your desk as you pull at your hair, eyes closed. “y/n, I think you need to take a break. it’s good for you, and besides, you have a few more days to study. and it’s saturday night! come on, live a little. I promise you if you fail your exam, I’ll never take you out again. just come with me tonight?” you open your eyes and look at her. “fine! just give me a few minutes to get ready. where are we going?” yerim smiles before saying, “a frat party I was invited to, now hurry!” she pushes you towards your closet from there. a frat party, you’ve heard, is not a good idea. especially for freshmen girls like yourself. but, yerim confirmed with her seniors (and you do trust them because they’re sensible people) that the fraternity that you’ll be going to has a clean reputation compared to some of the other ones. 

the name of this frat is lambda delta, yerim tells you as you two walk out of the dorms. “oh yeah, and apparently they’re also super hot.” your eyes met yerim’s face, who was wiggling her eyebrows suggestively and nudging your side with her elbow. you clicked your tongue in playful annoyance and pushed her elbow away. “I’m not interested in looking for a man, I’m here to have a good time, hopefully. and if I don’t enjoy myself tonight, we’re cutting this place from my list, okay? or you can come here with someone else next time.” yerim rolls her eyes, and whines, “okay, but at least we can check it out today! and y/n, try to have fun, alright?” you pout but still nod. eventually, you guys make it to the frat house; you see a lambda and a delta on their yard, with lights around the letters. you can see crowds of people outside the door socializing, drinking and laughing. looks fun, you think, but I shouldn’t base the party off of this. you follow yerim inside the house and immediately, the floor beneath you feels sticky. grossed out, you scrunch your nose at the stench of alcohol, and artificial fruit smells that could only come from exhaled juuls. “this is a college frat house party for sure.” you mumble under your breath. you two don’t get too far into the house when a guy comes in front of you two. he’s got sepia hair, prominent cheekbones, and a long nose. he smiles and introduces himself over the loud bass. “hi, there,” he screams, “I’m hanbin, a member of this frat. is this your first time here? you look like freshmen.” hanbin doesn’t really pick it up as he explains the rules of the house: no illegal substances, nothing that makes someone else uncomfortable and always ask for consent.

“pretty standard rules if you ask me. do you want something to drink?” you ask yerim as hanbin walks away. “a jungle juice would be nice,” yerim chuckles, and shoots you a wink. you ask her to wait in a corner and grab her jungle juice in one red cup, and water for yourself in the other. you take the cups and manage to skillfully pass through the tight spaces created by the people there. you find yerim and hand her the concoction, and she leans over to see what’s in your cup, before looking up at you and blinking. “water? you’re at a frat house, and you’re drinking water?” you turn towards her and are about to start talking, and yerim knows that she made a mistake. “do you know the various benefits water has for you, compared to alcohol? for one, it won’t mess with my brain by releasing neurotransmitters like GABA or dopamine, unlike alcohol. also, because that jungle juice crap has such a high concentration of alcohol that once it hits your bloodstream, not only does it affect your brain, it affects your liver, kidneys and even your heart. plus, you need a sober friend to take you home after this, and I’d rather be the sober friend than be shit-faced.” yerim makes a sour face, and you hear a “you’re no fun,” before she walks off, the red cup still clutched in her hand. you’re not alone for long, though, because moments later, a boy comes in front of you with a sharp jawline and a crooked smile. he runs his free hand through his purple hair, and smirks, “so drinking this,” he motions to the cup in his other hand, “can be bad for me? I heard you give a great explanation earlier to your friend.” your eyebrows shoot up at his curiosity, which leads you to ask, “you want me to tell you why...alcohol is bad for you?”

pretty soon, you two (you learn that his name is jiwon but people call him bobby) are sitting outside, on the porch and he’s also switched his beverage out for water. so you both keep sipping your waters, while you answer any sort of questions he has. “wow, how do you know all this stuff?” this seems to set a spark in your eyes, and bobby can see it, because the minute he asks you this, you go off and tell him how much you adore learning biology. “what’s there not to like about it? I mean, you learn so much about yourself, as well as the world around you. you learn about what can potentially benefit you, as well as other creatures that you may not even think about in the beginning. and then it’s all really just a cycle but it’s the most fascinating cycle ever, and there’s still so much more left to learn.” you look back at bobby to see him admiring you, a small smile settled on his face. you blush and clear your throat, which took him out of his trance. “sorry if I sound like I’m rambling, I get that biology is boring for a lot of peo-” “no, keep going.” no one’s ever seemed to show any interest when you talk about biology, especially in a setting similar to this one. “are you sure?” you nervously tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. bobby giggles, “yeah, I’m genuinely interested. plus, you’re cute when you ramble.” you were taken aback slightly by the last part, which bobby seemed to notice. “I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable,” and he scratched the back of his head. biting your lip, you shake your head, “I’m not.” just then, yerim comes out of the house and wobbles over to you. “y/nnnn, there you areee, let’s go. I’m tireddd.” she whines pulling your arm. you give bobby an apologetic look and he smiles, his eyes becoming half-moons, and he pulls out his phone. “maybe we can talk more about this tomorrow, over lunch?” you bite back a wide smile, and nod, giving him your number. he sends you a text which says, “it’s bobby :) text me when you’re back at the dorm” you reply, and then you say bye to him. “I’ll see you tomorrow, bobby.” and you leave, not forgetting to thank yerim in the morning when you’re tending to her hangover.

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