Pdx101 Drabbles - Tumblr Posts
I think I’m gonna start taking requests for Produce X 101 Trainees! Just send me a name and a number for any of the prompts below!
what are you thinking about?
let’s do it.
how much did you hear?
make a wish.
guess what?
I really wanna kiss you.
is that a challenge?
I think I’m in love with you.
why me, of all people?
FREE PROMPT: send one to me that you think will match your fave the most ;)
can i have 1 & seungwoo? 👁👁
here it is! I really hope you like it~
1. what are you thinking about?
[8:34 a.m.] the sun shined its bright light, hitting the contours of seungwoo’s face perfectly. the rise and fall of your boyfriend’s chest, nestled under the sheets while his face captured serenity was a view you could wake up to every morning. you turned your body so you were facing him, and taking your free hand, you gently cupped his face. you traced the outline of his eyebrow, the slope of his nose, and his bottom lip, which was slightly pouted. he was an ethereal beauty. you were the luckiest girl in the world, you had to be. for who else would have the privilege to be han seungwoo’s girlfriend? lost in your own world, you didn’t realize that seungwoo’s eyes were open and staring back at you. your eyes widened slightly, and you felt your neck and ears heat up. “how long have you been awake?” he smiled and reached out to hold your body closer to him. “long enough. what are you thinking about? you seemed to be deep in thought,” and you can hear the playfulness in his voice. holding his gaze, you leaned in and whispered, “you,” and kissed him good morning.
lee jinhyuk and 6!
eeek I was slightly confused about how and where to end this! it’s a little long, but I hope you like it!!
6. I really wanna kiss you.
[10:39 p.m.] it’s friday and the night is still young. people like to go out on fridays; to the movies, to the club, to some frat party, but you and your best friend (now long-time crush) lee jinhyuk are in your dorm, playing a fierce game of truth or drink. here you both were, sitting cross-legged in front of each other, with two shot glasses and a bottle of vodka next to you. so far, you aren’t entirely sober, but you can still make sane choices. or so you think.
“so, y/n, truth or drink?” jinhyuk asks you, a slight twinkle in his now lidded eyes. you leaned back against your couch and stretched your arms out. exhaling you reply, “truth”. screw it, at this point, what do you have to hide? you see jinhyuk smile smugly at your choice, and he clears his throat before asking, “what do you think about when you see me?” without missing a beat, you respond “I really wanna kiss you.” you’re frozen, eyes wide and mouth agape. what the hell did you just say? what are you thinking, you’re going to mess up your relationship! how could you-
you’re taken aback suddenly when jinhyuk leans in and gathers you onto his lap, arms secured around your waist. you close your eyes and your breath hitches. “you’re unbelievably beautiful, you know that, y/n? I really wanna kiss you, too.” and with that, he leans in and you feel a jolt of electricity run through you as your lips meld perfectly with his. your hands begin making their way into his hair, and jinhyuk’s grip around you tightens when you gently pull on his sepia locks. this friday night was the best friday night you’ve spent in forever, and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
sihoon + 4!
here it is! hope you like it~~
4. make a wish
[11:58 p.m.] “I’m really bummed that I can’t be there with you, babe, but practice for the concept evaluations have really been busting our asses.” sihoon’s voice rang through the speakerphone. “it’s no big deal, I completely understand. it must be difficult preparing for that, especially since the benefit votes are insane. it’s really no problem!” you reassured him, watching the previous episode’s highlights in your living room. “it is a big deal, y/n, it’s your birthday tomorrow! or, well, in a few minutes.” you chuckled and looked at the clock, it’s 11:59 and the big hand is moving further down. “well, now it’s in less than a minute.”
“close your eyes and make a wish, y/n.” you did as he said. you wished with all your heart that you would be able to see sihoon soon. he’s brought nothing but happiness into your life, and you truly love him. “well, what did you wish for?” scoffing, you replied, “ I can’t tell you or it won’t come true.” you hear the smile in his voice as he responds, “oh yeah, try me.” sighing, you complied, “I wished that I would be able to see you soon.” just as the last syllable left your mouth, you heard your front door unlock. and in walked a smiling sihoon. pure joy lit up your face as you hopped off your sofa and into his arms, hugging him tight. he laughed and reciprocated the embrace, holding you close. he whispered in your ear, “happy birthday, my love.”
9 + seungyoun
here it is! I have to say that it took me a while to figure out how to write this one, because I wanted things to just fall into place, but it’s done, and I really hope you like it!
9. why me, of all people?
[12:48 a.m.] the waves of the ocean hit the shore and the moonlight reflected on the deep waters. the stars shined brightly as they lovingly gazed down at you and seungyoun, hands intertwined as you walked down the coast of the beach. you feel that everything is overwhelmingly perfect; you’re lucky but too lucky. seungyoun can have literally anyone, you thought, why me, of all people? you didn’t realize you were thinking aloud until seungyoun’s feet came to a halt. he turned to face you and uncoiled the link between your hands just to cup your face with both his hands. “why not you? who else can light up my world like you? hey, y/n, don’t ever think like that. you are perfect for me, and no one comes close. I love you with all my heart, okay?” sniffing, you felt yourself tear up. “I love you too, seungyoun. I’m sorry that I thought like that, I really do cherish the time we spend together. there’s never a dull moment with you, and I’m extremely fortunate to be able to have you in my life.” seungyoun, now smiling down at you, wiped your moist eyes with the pads of his thumbs and pressed his lips against your forehead. you absolutely adored everything about this moment and this will forever be your favorite memory of your relationship.
3 + jinhyuk
okay this one hurt, like really. but it’s done. i’m sorry if angst wasn’t what you had in mind for this one, but I just,,, I had to write it this way. regardless, I hope you like it.
3. how much did you hear?
[1:59 p.m.] the production crew usually let the trainees leave the dorms on sundays, to take care of whatever they needed to- be it visiting their families, running errands, anything of that sort. on sundays, jinhyuk usually went to your house and you two would spend the day together, and then he’d spend the night and leave early the next morning to report back to the dorms. today, jinhyuk was here, too. it’s been around an hour or so, but he’s been sitting in your shared bedroom for some time now, with the door closed. curious, you went to the door and gently knocked. after no response, you opened the door, to find him sitting on the edge of the bed, phone pressed to his ear, and his shoulders shaking.
“please, jinwoo, please do not give up on your dream. you are one of the most talented people I’ve met. you have so much potential it’s incredible. no matter who tells you what, never give up and remember, hyung’s always here for you.” his voice began to waver and crack in the last words, so he cleared his throat. your heart broke hearing this. you knew all about jinwoo and jinhyuk’s relationship. jinhyuk truly cherished him like he was his younger brother, and you saw the relationship depicted accurately on the broadcasts, too. when jinwoo didn’t make it to the next round, you called jinhyuk after the broadcast ended, consoling him. he kept his guard up, even then. but now, the poor man was in a vulnerable state, and it absolutely tore you to pieces seeing the scene unfold in front of you.
“alright, jinwoo, I’ve got to go, but take it easy, alright? and as I said before, if you need anything else, give me a call, okay? bye.” as soon as he hung up the phone, you went and sat next to jinhyuk, who had his face in his hands and let out small whimpers. you held him in your arms, running your hand across his back, rubbing it softly. he wrapped his arms around you once he had calmed down a bit. “how much did you hear?” his thick voice vibrated from your neck. “it doesn’t matter, what matters is you’re hurting right now. and it’s my job to bring you comfort, and ensure that your mind is put to ease. you were so brave on the broadcast, baby, you didn’t shed a tear. but you’re only human, and it’s only natural for you to show your emotions and not bottle them in. I’m glad you’re getting to let it out now than letting it sit in your heart and boil over.”
jinhyuk lifted his head to look you in the eye. you took in the sight of your boyfriend, eyes puffy and bloodshot, nose red and yet he managed to still look flawless. “that’s not fair,” you pouted. jinhyuk tilted his head to the side a little, a quizzical look on his face. “how do you look this good, even after crying? ah, I look like a whole clown after crying.” hearing this, jinhyuk laughs a little. “hey, are you agreeing? you’re supposed to say that I look great, no matter what.” you reply jokingly, laughing along with him and for a couple minutes, nothing but the symphony of you both’s laughter is heard in the room. jinhyuk rested his forehead against yours and said, “thank you, y/n, for everything; for being here, for making me feel better, for being in my life. I love you.” “I love you too, baby.”
10. "forget I even asked you" + yunseong
[6:54 p.m.] “yunseong.” he looks up from his phone as he lounges on your couch. you beeline your way over to him and sit next to him. your hand is clutched to reveal a necklace. moving your hair out of the way, you place the necklace in his hand. “can you put this necklace on for me?” looking back at you and necklace, and repeating that motion, you notice his cheeks begin to flush. “you know what, I’ll figure it out. forget I even asked you-” “no. I’ll do it. turn around,” he responds. you turn and you feel the cold metal around the nape of your neck. “there. it’s done.” once you turn back around, you can’t help but notice the proximity between the two of you. you look into his eyes, and you find that he is already gazing at you shyly. smiling, yunseong seemed to have a surge of boldness run through him, for he leans in and kisses you square on the lips. you respond, hands resting on his shoulders. once you both are absolutely sure you’ve gotta catch your breaths, only then do you pull away. “you were looking so beautiful, I just had to kiss you.” this may have been the first time that your shy, timid boyfriend has left you completely speechless, and you weren’t mad about it.
10. "we're here to win not whine" + yohan
it’s done! hope you like it!!
10. we’re here to win not whine.
[9:31 a.m.] normally, you wouldn’t be awake at this time on the weekend you were off. but you were today, why? because you are a counselor at a kid’s camp, Camp Cinco, and today you were having a laser tag battle against the staff from your rival camp, Camp Oui. it sounds a little childish out loud, considering that you and your colleagues are a bunch of college kids or post-grad students, but winning this game would mean that you’ve brought pride to the camp’s name. plus, you’re quite competitive, if you don’t say so yourself. so in other words, you are going to kick some ass today.
you meet your coworkers and chat when you see the camp oui staff walk into the center. a man who seems to be a few years older than you lead the way, followed by the rest of their players. he seems to be the head counselor, you think. your camp’s head counselor, gyuhyung, goes to greet him. You hear him introduce himself as sunho. they talk for a bit, then head back over to their respective areas. gyuhyung huddles you all together and starts reciting his game plan, “ok byungchan, you and sohee will go to the far left corner. gaeun, eunsang and I will guard this perimeter. meanwhile, sihoon, donghyun, and suhyun stay on the ground and keep a sharp eye. finally, y/n and jungmo, you two stay on the top, cover both sides, okay? let’s go, fighting!”
you cheer and you look up to the opposing team to find a really cute guy looking at you, from the other team. “yohan! focus!” you hear sunho say, which captures the boy’s attention. then, they huddle and start talking, and you hear someone groan, you hear sunho say, “we’re here to win, not whine, okay? alright, everyone, keep your head in the game, alright? fighting!” they all come and line up next to you and your group. the boy from before is standing next to you. you look up at him and he grins and wishes you good luck. “you too, although I’m not really supposed to say that,” you whisper. to this, he responds with a goofy smile (you mentally note that you really wanna see him smile like that again) and shrugs, “it’s all good..?” “y/n.” he repeats your name and you feel butterflies in your stomach. he introduces himself as yohan, and you exchange small talk until the horn is heard, signaling the start of the game. you say bye to him and enter the room.
after standing by your word, you and your team kick some ass hard. you’ve beaten the team by hundreds of points and you go out to see that you’re the top shooter from your team. as your coworkers come to you and congratulate you, you see yohan approach you. “not bad, y/n.” you look to see his score too. yohan’s also the top shooter for his team. “you’re not so bad yourself.” he laughs and says thanks to you. “so, I wanted to know, now that all of this is over, would you like to go grab a coffee?” the tips of his ears are red, and you’re not sure if it’s because he’s exhausted or he’s nervous but you say yes. you just won for your camp, and you scored a cute date? can your weekend get any better than this?
"This isn't what I wanted" + "time passes slower without you" with Midam!!! Make it angsty!
here it is! long and angsty, hope you like it!
[8:34 p.m.] ever since midam went on to produce, his popularity has definitely skyrocketed. before, it was you and him in your small little world. now, you can’t go out anywhere without the flash of some camera or the sounds of squealing girls. and it’s true in the beginning you weren’t really bothered. not until what you saw in this past week.
midam has been gaining more confidence when it came to females- more so his female fans. one day, you came home after running some errands when you hear midam having a conversation with some girl on your couch, rather close to one another. she said, “time passes slower without you, Oppa.” you cringed at the shrill voice and cleared your throat loud enough to catch their attention. the smile on midam’s face dropped when he saw the fury burning in your eyes. “you,” anger evident in your voice as you point at the girl, “get out of here. now.” the girl, flustered, looked between you and midam. when she didn’t budge, you yelled, “get the hell out of my house, now!” flinching, she got up and bowed to midam before scurrying out of the room. you slammed the door shut and glared furiously at midam, who seemed to mirror your emotions.
“what was that about, y/n?” midam looked hurt, and that made you even madder. “why are you bringing skanks into my apartment, midam? I’d like to hear what that was all about!” “when I was outside the apartment, she came to me and got hurt asking me for a signature. I told her I’d give her a band-aid, and she just didn’t leave after that. what else was I supposed to do?” scoffing, you sneer, “is this not your home, too? you could’ve told her to leave. you didn’t even need to invite her in, you could’ve just given her the band-aid.” sighing, you can feel the pounding in your head begin to arise. “you know what, midam, I’m gonna leave for a few days. your popularity has gotten to your head, and it’s gotten out of my and your control. this isn’t what I wanted, but until your fanbase calms down, we’re gonna need to take a break. I’m sorry.” and as you head to your room to grab a suitcase, teary-eyed and pounding head, midam stands in silence, looking at the floor and breathing heavily. the small little world you two built was already in shatters, and now, all you needed was time to put the pieces back together.
kookheon + 7? i love your writing qt ♥︎
here it is!! I struggled a bit on the ending (it could’ve been better imo) but I hope you like it!
[12:45 p.m.] “ahh, that looks so good!” you whined on the couch as you scrolled through Instagram, and saw a video of someone making brownies. kookheon leaned over the couch, his head hovering near your shoulder to see what you were watching. “brownies sound good. I think we have a box mix in the pantry, shall I make it for you?” you tilted your head back and kissed his chin. “pfft, babe, I really appreciate the thought, but we both know that you’d probably burn the house down if you tried.” kookheon’s head snapped down as he squinted his eyes at you, “is that a challenge?” you looked back at him and blinked, “what is? you making brownies? not really.” “but you didn’t say no. fine, I’ll make these brownies myself and I’ll make them so perfect, you won’t be able to tell whether they’re homemade or by a professional,” kookheon declared.
so for the next hour, you watch, chin resting in the palm of your hand, as kookheon goes through the following steps: preheats the oven, gets the brownie mix and the other ingredients, grabs a mixing bowl and begins to add the ingredients (he accidentally also got a piece of eggshell in there, which he fussed over before removing immediately), and he got the batter into a baking pan and put it in the oven. while he was washing his hands, sleeves rolled up to reveal the veins in his arms and the concentration painted on his face, you sighed, “ah, you look so attractive right now, it’s literally insane. I am gonna go insane.” kookheon looked up at you and smiled, now drying his hands and walking up to you. resting his hands on your hips, he gives them a little squeeze. “you always look attractive, my sweet y/n.” shy, you give his shoulder a slight push, murmuring, “stop, you’re making me blush!” kookheon smiles even wider and tugs you closer to him. he leans in and you two share a series of dulcet kisses. and just before the passion begins burning in either one of you the oven timer went off, indicating that the baked goods were ready.
kookheon pulled them out of the oven and let the brownies cool, before cutting them up and serving you a piece, a confident smile on his face. you bit into the brownie and it tasted as you expected. “babe, you’re the absolute best! thank you for the brownies, these are so good!” you gushed and wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug. laughing, he reciprocated and said, “and I won two things: the challenge and a happy y/n.”
10. "just making sure you've eaten" + yunsol but make it really angsty
here it is! i’m sorry for the delay, I had an exam this week but now that it’s over, I will make up for them this weekend! I hope you like it!
[7:42 p.m.] yunsol has been your rock throughout your relationship. from your highest of highs to your lowest of lows, he’s been there, at your side. recently, yunsol has been going through a lot; you were keeping up with the broadcasts of produce, and that’s when you saw that he was eliminated after the position evaluation. you saw how he and hyeonsu had worked through that choreography, he even told you about how much time they spent, perfecting every twist and turn so that it could complement the team’s image flawlessly. so naturally, when he was going through a rough time, you decided to be with him, just as he would.
you came to his house in the evening, with a bag of chicken and some cans of beer. you knocked on the door once. twice. and third time, you heard the door unlock and yunsol grumbling, “who is it now?” he opens the door and you take in his appearance: hair messy, eyes tired, clothes disheveled. “hey, yunsol.” you smiled and he rolled his eyes, catching you off guard. he replied and opened the door for you. you set the food down on the nearby coffee table. he plops down on the couch, and you go and sit next to him. he’s breathing, you’re breathing. that’s the only form of communication happening in the room. you open your mouth to speak when yunsol stops you. “listen, y/n, if you’re here to tell me that I did a great job on the show, save it. the show’s the last thing I need to hear about.” scoffing lightly, you reply, “but that’s the elephant in the room, isn’t it? I want to talk to you about it because you’re having a hard time with it. I want to help you as much as I can.” you rested your hand on his knee, to which his reaction was fierce. he pushed your hand off and stood up from the couch.
“GOD, y/n why can’t you understand that if I don’t want to talk about it, I don’t want to talk about it? you’re so freaking annoying! I don’t even know why you’re here, just leave!” suddenly feeling suffocated, you feel the headache begin as you suppress the tears in your eyes, and you shakily grab your bag, and stress the presence of the chicken and beer you brought with you, catching yunsol’s attention. “this,” motioning to the food, “is why I came. just making sure you’ve eaten. but clearly, it was my mistake coming here. call me when you want to talk.” and the last thing you see before you leave yunsol’s apartment is melancholy in yunsol’s eyes, cast downward with his chest heaving and his hands, clutching and relaxing.
7 with Seungyoun pls!
here it is! again, this was one that I struggled a bit with, mainly because I don’t know why I chose to even include this prompt (rip lol) but I think I got it in the end, so I hope you enjoy it~
[3:45 p.m.] seungyoun and you were sitting in your living room. he was scrolling through his phone and you were on your laptop, browsing through the internet when you came across something interesting. a video titled “bet you can’t”. it’s a video filled with things the average person cannot do, it seems like. “seungyoun, let’s do this,” hearing your voice, seungyoun looks up and blinks, “what is that?” you flip your laptop around and show him your screen, and what seems like a lightbulb in his head goes off, and you guys watch the video together. the people are attempting to do things like lick their elbows, hum while pinching their noses and interestingly, trying to drink soda with two straws, with one of the straws is outside the bottle. “sounds fun, let’s try it out! and anyway, it’s not like we have anything better to do.” seungyoun smiles a toothy grin and you both roam around the house to find the things that would be needed for the challenges. once you have everything ready, seungyoun got a notepad and sectioned off your name and his. “what’s that for?” seungyoun chortled, “if this is a challenge, there has to be a winner, in the end, right?” scoffing playfully, you squinted and said, “is that a challenge?” when he winked in response, you nodded, and declared, “bring it, cho.”
the first few challenges went by in a breeze, with no success from either one of you, until it came to blowing a wad of paper into a bottle; seungyoun got that one. you won catching a dollar from its midpoint. the challenges kept going and you both were tied. when it came to the last challenge… to eat six saltines consecutively without drinking water. at this point, you both were a laughing mess. you had your saltines ready and you sat in front of each other. “you ready?” seungyoun asked, a smile already on his face. “let’s go.” you said and began eating the saltines. by the time your fifth one came around, you couldn’t do it anymore. “screw it, seungyoun, you win. I need water!” you ran to your kitchen and grabbed a bottled water from your refrigerator. you had water and it felt like heaven, at that point. you sighed in relief and in the other room you hear seungyoun cheer in victory then his footsteps begin to sound clearer. he grabs your water and drinks some. “so I won, what’s my prize?” seungyoun grins from ear to ear. “what do you want?” seungyoun pretends to think long and hard, then reaches you and yanks you to him, and you let a yelp out in shock, and he leans in.
“you,” he whispers, breath fanning your face and he kisses you, filled with love and emotion. you reciprocate the kiss, cupping his face with both hands then eventually maneuvering your arms so that they’re interlocked around his neck. seungyoun’s hands are holding your waist, as if you’re a doll made from china, and pushed you up gently against a wall. for some time, the languid movements between the two of you filled your hearts, and finally you two broke apart. seungyoun and you leaned your foreheads against each other and you had your eyes closed, soaking in this beautiful exchange when you hear seungyoun’s soft voice, “hey.” you open your eyes and find him looking at you like you’re the world’s most precious creation. “yeah?” smiling wide, seungyoun says, “I love you.” giggling, you peck him on the lips once more before asserting, “I love you more.” you saw a flicker of passion in his eyes as he leaned in once more, whispering, “is that a challenge?” before capturing your lips once more.
Can I get 3 with Cho Seungyoun ? Thanks a lot :D
here it is! I hope you like it!!
3. how much did you hear? + seungyoun
[6:53 p.m.] your absolute favorite pastime is cooking. you especially appreciated the hobby when seungyoun came over for dinner. when you guys link up, you generally go out but occasionally you like to have him over so you can cook him a nice dinner. tonight you’re making lobster tails, and you were so invested in making sure you had the right ingredients that you forgot to pick up a bottle of champagne you were serving with the lobster; so, you had asked seungyoun to pick one up on his way over.
you popped the lobster tails into the oven and started on your salad. you like to play music while cooking because you feel like it makes it even more enjoyable. the next song started playing on your spotify; it was ‘the weekend’ by sza. you absolutely love the song, so much so that once you heard sza’s voice, you started singing along. you got into the groove, throwing in random hip sways every now and then, and moving from one end of your kitchen to the other, bopping your head along with the beat. and you stopped to sing your favorite part of the song, “make him lose his mind, every weekend. you take wednesday, thursday. then just send him my way, think I got it covered for the weekend.”
you were clearly very immersed in the song and finished setting up dinner, so much so that you didn’t realize when seungyoun came in, bubbly in one hand and leaning against the doorframe of your kitchen, watching you with an amused smile on his face. once you finished the song, you were startled to hear applause, followed by a “bravo! y/n, I didn’t know you could sing? when did you decide you were gonna tell me?” flustered, you froze and stuttered, “how much did you hear?” seungyoun set the bread down and loosely rested his arms on your shoulders, a gummy grin painted on his lips, “enough to know you’ve got some talent in you. you should stop by the studio one day, we could record some killer tracks!” you chuckled, “haha, that’s a little much.” seungyoun just blinked, confusedly replying, “I don’t see what’s much. I do know that you’ve got a gift.” you felt shy at his comment, and he smirked before pecking your forehead and gathering the food to the dining table. “you’re the sweetest, seungyoun, really, you are.” “and you’re my happiness, y/n, really, you are.”
a/n: sza is a queen, facts.
10. "have you lost your mind?" + Keum donghyun
here it is, it’s kind of angsty and I don’t like the ending, but I hope you enjoy the read!
[2:35 a.m.] donghyun came into the apartment, and the poor thing couldn’t even walk properly. he was so drained from practice and all he wanted to do was sleep. he didn’t think that when he’d walk into the apartment, you would be waiting for him, a stoic look on your face. “do you see the time?” hearing your voice, donghyun was startled and when he turned the lights on, you could see the exhaustion on his face. his face has lost its healthy glow, now pale and you could clearly see bags forming under his eyes, and he seemed to be struggling to keep his eyes open. “noona, I-” “sh, sit.” he obediently follows, sitting on the couch. you go to your room to grab makeup wipes. donghyun had already closed his eyes by the time you came back out. you feel terrible for him, he’s not getting enough time to restore his body, and has to use up so much of his energy, this isn’t healthy for him.
you sit in front of him and take his face in one hand, and a makeup wipe in the other, and you clean the debris on his skin from today’s broadcast recording. “donghyun?” he only hums in response. “have you rested at all today? take a break or something? anything?” “I don’t remember, no.” “what?” you remark loudly, which causes his eyes to open. “keum donghyun, have you lost your mind?! you need to take care of yourself, this isn’t healthy! this isn’t going to work, we have to go to bed. I’m so glad you don’t have to go tomorrow, because you need rest, baby.” you cupped his face in your hands, and you ran your thumbs gently under his eyes and saw him tear up. “baby, what’s wrong?” sniffing, his voice wavered, “noona, I’m sorry for disappointing you.” your heart hurt because even though his voice was filled to the brim with fatigue, you could pick up regret and shame in his voice.
you didn’t realize that you had started crying until you felt donghyun’s hands wipe at your eyes, “noona, don’t cry! why are you crying?” you cleared your throat before replying, “because I’m so worried for you, donghyun. you’re so stressed out and I’m scared to think about how long you’ve been like this, it’s not fun to watch.” donghyun nodded in understanding, reaching to intertwine his hands with yours, “don’t worry, noona. I’ll be fine, I will take care of myself, and I have you. you leaned in to give him a quick peck on the lips, “I love you, my keumdong-ie. forever and always.” smiling a toothy grin, donghyun responded, “I love you too, noona.” and you exchanged a few minutes of peaceful silence in each other’s arms before going to bed.
I saw someone write a Noona!Reader and Dongsaeng Boyfriend!Keumdong at it’s an amazing fit considering his age compared to mine. Can you write a story with that and the prompt “I’m not moving, your lap is comfortable”?
here it is! I hope you like it~~
[8:45 p.m.] you arrived at jungmo’s house just in time. he was throwing a surprise birthday party for yunseong, your classmate. you gave jungmo a quick hug at the door, and he moved over so you could come in. a lot of your mutual friends were there: yeji, hyungjun, minhee, charyeong, yuna, junho, jinwoo and most importantly, keum donghyun (also known as the boy you’ve been crushing over for months now). he’s three years your junior, but that doesn’t stop your heart from fluttering every time he sends an angelic smile your way. “today’s the day, y/n. you can confess your feelings to donghyun!” yeji exclaimed while you poured punch into two cups. “psh, yeah right. tonight’s about yunseong, not me. and besides, I don’t need to mess up the good relationship we have going on right now, and I’m not risking it either.” you handed her a cup and headed to the main area, where everyone was waiting to surprise yunseong.
while conversing with everyone, junho came rushing in, telling everyone to hide and that led to frantic pacing of people all over the house, trying to squeeze into the smaller spaces in the living room. some people were already hidden and just as you found a spot, you felt someone pushing against you. you turned to see who it was and it was just your luck; donghyun stood, arm squished against yours and an apologetic smile on his face. “hi there.” he whispered, and you blinked up at him, waving and replying, “hey.” just then, junho turned off the lights and you were so thankful for that moment because you’re positive you’ve gone red. just then, you hear yunseong’s voice getting closer and closer, and then suddenly, donghyun hops out from next to you and goes out to turn the light on, and that’s when everyone came out and yelled, “surprise!” yunseong looked surprised and that was something you’d never seen expressed by him before. you laughed and wished him a happy birthday and talked with him for a bit, before junho announced that the games were about to start.
after that, a series of games were played: charades, limbo, and now it was time for musical chairs. everyone started out playing, and eventually, it was down between you and donghyun. the music started, everyone’s eyes were on you two as you guys went around the chair, occasionally watching the other person’s every move. right when the music stopped you sat on the chair, and donghyun, sat in your lap. yeji and the others cheered for you as you won the game, and you... well, you were beet red and donghyun was still in your lap. you gently poked him on the shoulder, which caught his attention. “you can get off my lap now, donghyun. the game’s over.” he smirked at your request, and ran a hand through his hair, retorting, “I’m not moving, your lap is comfortable, noona.” your eyes widened at his bold statement. he seemed to be a little flustered by his own confidence, as you saw his cheeks turn pink. “noona, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something. I... I like you, and I want to take you out for a date. if you don’t want to then I’m fine with that. I just needed to get it off my chest, and there was no better opportunity than this.” speechless, you could only think of doing one thing. you asked him to get up, which he did right away. he started to rub the back of his neck, when suddenly you pecked him on the cheek and asked, “is friday night good?” and although it wasn’t his birthday, this may have been the best gift donghyun’s ever received.
6 & hyungjun?
here it is!! I hope you like it! sorry it took so long, I have another exam this week💀💀
6. I really wanna kiss you.
[4:08 p.m.] the july sun reflected on the chlorine infused waters as you and hyungjun met up at your neighborhood pool. you wanted to have a fun little pool date with your boyfriend before the summer was officially over and you guys were blinded by the boring, beige walls of school. you brought some snacks and drinks with you and set your stuff down at one of the nearby tables. there were other people out at the pool but it wasn’t too crowded, which was just the way you liked it. hyungjun and you sat down, and he started rubbing sunscreen on. you laughed at his motions, “babe, what are you doing? you’re slapping the sunscreen on, not rubbing it.” hyungjun just looked back at you, playful pout on his lips as he responded, “I know what I’m doing, okay?” you squeezed his face with both of your hands and cooed, “ah you’re so cute, but the water is calling our name, hurry, let’s go!” you quickly shed the t-shirt that was covering your one-piece swimsuit and hyungjun was staring at you, mouth wide. you closed his mouth, pushing his jaw up. “be careful, a fly might go in there.” nervous, hyungjun stuttered out, “it’s just, wow you are so perfect.” if you weren’t blushing from his gaze before, you were now.
the cool water had you both shivering a little at first, but then your muscles relaxed and you guys began to swim. you’ve done some swimming in the past but abruptly stopped at some point. you have to say, it felt great to be in the water again. you swam back to the edge of the pool, to catch your breath. hyungjun joined you a few seconds later. “you know, I used to be quite the swimmer when I was young.” you tell hyungjun, and he laughs at this. “what’s so funny?” “you’re still young, y/n. you’re talking like you’re in your seventies.” you huffed, “you know what I mean. it’s been so long since I’ve done some proper swimming, but I’m glad I did. it’s so nice out here.” by now, you and hyungjun are the only ones out in the pool. the sun has started to set, the sky painted with beautiful splashes of blue, pink and orange. the bit of light the sun gave off was shining through some clouds and left its highlights on hyungjun, and he looked absolutely celestial. you swam closer to him and rested on your hands on his bare shoulders, and his immediate response was to place his hands on your waist.
“isn’t it stunning out here?” you look up, admiring nature’s work of art, and hyungjun just looked at you. “yeah, the view here is beautiful.” it took you some time to realize what view he was talking about, and your eyes widened at the realization, before hyungjun tugged you closer to him. “I really want to kiss you, y/n. is that okay?” you guys have been dating for almost four months now and have shared your first kiss a while back, but even now, every time he wants to kiss you, he still asks your permission, and it’s one of the cutest things ever. you are grateful to have someone so kind-hearted and pure as your boyfriend, and you hope to give him nothing but happiness and love now and in the future. you nod, and he leans in, closing the distance between the two of you as his plush lips captured your own. you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to be enchanted under hyungjun’s spell, pulling him closer to you. it was in a chlorine infused pool, in the middle of july where the heat is unbearable even when the sun sets, but it was the perfect moment for you because, well, you got to spend this moment with the charming boy you love called hyungjun.
3. and yunseong? thank you in advance 💕
thank you for requesting this! i really hope you like it!!
3. how much did you hear?
[5:24 p.m.] you told yunseong you were going to the supermarket to buy food for the evening; he invited a few of the boys over to have dinner with you two. it was also the first time you were meeting most of them, besides junho and minseo, of course. you and yunseong have been together even before his trainee days, and when he began with woollim, you would sometimes come to visit him during practice (that’s where you met minseo and junho and have been friends with them since then). when you found out he and some of his fellow trainees were going to produce, you were over the moon. of course, you were tuned in every broadcast and tried to keep up with him as much as you could. when you learned that he didn’t make it to the final lineup, you were extremely upset. you cried for days, to the point where yunseong made it a point to personally visit you the first thing once they stopped broadcasts. now that the broadcasts were over, yunseong has returned to the normal life; or, well, almost normal. naturally, the show’s popularity brought more fans and cameras to yunseong, but he was still the introverted dork you fell in love with, so he tried to stay away from large crowded areas as much as he could. today was no exception, which is why he refused to go to the supermarket with you.
you only needed a few things from the supermarket, so you were back home fast. as you fumble for your house key, grocery bags in one hand, you hear some voices on the other side of the door. you unlocked the door and went inside. leaving the groceries in the kitchen, you hear yunseong’s voice followed by (you think) junho and a few new voices you’ve never heard before. no one seems to know that you’ve come in, and they are all gathered in the lounge area. “yeah, guys, y/n’s great. I can’t wait for you all to meet her. she’s more than I could ever ask for.” you couldn’t help but feel your face heat up at the declaration from yunseong. because he’s so reserved, you can’t help but be shocked when a confession that bold has come from yunseong. “yeah, y/n noona is so nice, and funny, too! you will love her sense of humor, donghyun!” minseo’s voice chimes in, and you chuckle slightly at the giggle you assume has left donghyun’s mouth. “she can cook a mean sundubu-jjigae, wah my mouth is watering thinking about it.” junho attests to. this time you decide to enter the room, “it’s too bad that today’s menu is bibimbap and samgyetang, then.” the heads in the room turn towards you, and a blushing yunseong blinks a few times before asking, “how much did you hear?” laughing, you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear before going behind yunseong and resting your hands on his shoulders, “all the good things, babe. let me introduce myself formally to everyone here, I’m y/n, yunseong’s girlfriend. it’s nice to meet you all!”
the group responds in sync, and then they each introduce themselves (sans minseo and junho) to you. you now know jinwoo, minhee, hyungjun, dongpyo, and donghyun. after chatting with the group for some time, you make your way back to the kitchen to make some last-minute adjustments before serving the food. after dinner, yunseong comes to you and wraps his arms around your waist. by instinct, you lean into his touch, resting your head in the junction between his neck and shoulder. “I heard what you said about me earlier.” now it was his turn to blush. you moved your head to look him in the eye, “that was very sweet of you to say, and you are definitely more than I could ever ask for. I love you,” yunseong grins at your confession and his lips reach up and touch the crown of your head as he says, “I love you too” against your forehead. “hey lovebirds, come join us over here, we’re about to play UNO!” dongpyo hollers from the living room and with intertwined hands and big smiles on your faces, yunseong and you walk out and join the group.
7 with mingyu 😳 thank you😁❤️
here it is! I hope you like it~~
7. is that a challenge?
[12:29 p.m.] you sit in front of minkyu, cross-legged with your makeup products laid out in front of the both of you. how did this happen? well, it just so happened that whenever minkyu came over to your house, almost every time, he caught you while you were doing your makeup. then today, you two were in your room, and minkyu spoke up, “y/n, I have an idea. why don’t I do your makeup?” that caught your attention. “why would you wanna do my makeup?” confident, minkyu pushed his shoulders back as he broadened his chest to answer, “because I’ve seen you doing your makeup so many times, I just wonder if I can do as good of a job as you do.” hearing this, you burst out laughing. minkyu furrowed his eyebrows at your reaction. resting your hand on his cheek, you coo, “oh babe, I don’t mean to discourage you or anything but it took me years to get my skill to where it is now. I don’t think it’s going to be easy.” hearing your response, minkyu scoffs, “is that a challenge? okay. then I will prove to you, that just by observing you do your makeup, I know your routine step-by-step and I will do it perfectly.”
and now, fast forward to present time. minkyu is rubbing his hands together and you look at his determined expression: eyes darting back and forth between products and his lower lip is between his teeth, twisting and pulling on it. his eyes meet yours and you smile, and he bashfully reveals a toothy grin before saying, “don’t tell me anything, okay? just relax.” you nodded and he begins with the first step; moisturizer. then he moves on to concealer, and he places it in all the areas you generally put them in. so far, he’s doing great, you’re a little amazed. then, he grabs the liquid liner. you could see a spark of nervousness on his face, so you pat his knee in comfort, giving him words of encouragement. he has you close your eye and begins concentrating, and you feel his hand shaking as he proceeds to draw the thick line across your upper lash line. once he feels like he’s done a good job on both, he exhales in relief. “can I open my eyes now?” you ask, curious to see your face. “yeah, I have a few more things left and then you’re done!”
your eyebrows shoot up in astonishment as you see minkyu reach for your highlighter and lip tint. he really does pay attention to every step, you thought, because you were sure he wouldn’t even know to use the highlighter, let alone pick it up, but that was your favorite part of your makeup routine. he applies it in your usual places, and then applies your lip tint. “there, all done!” you grab your compact and look in the mirror of it to reveal your makeup done almost perfectly. it seemed the only thing minkyu struggled with was your eyeliner, but you don’t blame him for that. “wow! you did amazing, babe!” minkyu, now bashfully grinning, mumbled a “thank you” before you latch your arms around his neck. you pecked the tip of his nose and whispered, “sorry for doubting you earlier. you really did do an amazing job. it shows me how observant and how much of a fast learner you are. that’s just one of the many things I love about you.” the tips of his ears begin to redden, and minkyu laughs back, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear, “it was difficult, i’m not going to lie. I don’t know how you do it everyday, so kudos to you, too. but I think you look beautiful, regardless of whether or not you have makeup on. I love you no matter what.” and you felt your heartbeat begin to accelerate when minkyu leaned in and left a sweet kiss on your lips. and with that, the two of you just held onto each other for some time, enjoying the feeling of each other’s arms.
yuvin + 8 thank u 🥺
here it is! I hope you like it!
8. I think I’m in love with you.
[12:41 a.m.] it was a long day for yuvin. he had just finished practicing a new routine he was learning for their comeback, and before that, they were in the recording studio for most of the day, trying to familiarize themselves with the melody and the beat of the tracks. but when he walked in through the door of your apartment, the smell of balsam met his nose and he inhaled it in, releasing a relaxed breath. you always burned those candles, and you refused to buy any other scents because you just loved the scent of them so much. he took off his shoes and went into the kitchen, spotting a plate covered with foil and a small sticky note on it. “eat up, sweet pea. you’ve worked hard today :)” the note read and a small grin formed on yuvin’s mouth, reading the note in his head, in your voice. removing the foil, he placed the plate of food in the microwave and heated it up. he didn’t think he was causing a commotion, but then he heard slow footsteps approaching from the hallway, the sound of feet dragging irregularly against the wood floor becoming clearer. yuvin took the food out of the microwave and sat on the dining table. you groggily rubbed your eyes and poured him a glass of water, before setting it down and taking a seat in front of him. “hey there.” yuvin remarks playfully, leaning back and smiling at your sleepy form. the fluorescent light on top of the dining table left a halo-like reflection around your head and he thought that even half-asleep, you were beyond angelic.
“hey, how was your day?” you sleepily mumbled and yuvin ate, giving you a rundown of how his day went. you began to gain consciousness and nodded and adding in remarks when something struck you, and they either elicited small chuckles from yuvin or a curt response. once he had finished eating he stood up, putting his plate in the sink, before coming back. he grabbed your hands, helping you out of the chair, before bending slightly and carrying you. startled by the sudden absence of the floor from beneath your feet, you locked your arms around yuvin’s neck and let out a small gasp. “don’t worry, you won’t fall.” yuvin says with a smile. he carries you to your bedroom and lays you down on the bed before going to the restroom to shower and change into his pajamas. he joins you later on the bed and at this point, your eyes are open, blinking up at the ceiling before focusing on him, a lazy smile forming on your lips. he lays down and holds you close to him, then kisses your forehead. “thank you.” you look up at him and ask, “what for?” “for waking up, keeping me company while I ate the food that you cooked for me, and just... everything. I think I’m in love with you. no, I am in love with you.” your breath gets caught in your throat at his confession. you cup his cheek, softly whispering, “I’m in love you too, yuvin. I’m so glad you feel that way.” and with that, yuvin closes the distance between the two, encasing your lips with his own in a passionate kiss. a few seconds later you both pull away and as you rest your head on yuvin’s chest you hear the fast thumping of his heart synchronized with the loud beats of your own.
special birthday!au for seungyoun bc why not 💕💕
cho seungyoun x fem!reader
a/n: I think this moved quite fast, but regardless, I hope you guys enjoy the read!!
you and seungyoun started dating around five years ago
three years ago, he decided to propose to you,,, on your birthday
it was cute and all, the way he decided to do it
you guys went to a park for a small dinner picnic and he hid the ring inside a cupcake
but it turned out that he ended up getting that cupcake and when he pulled out the icing covered ring, you laughed and sheepishly he asked you if you wanted to be his wife
needless to say, you said yes and your relationship as husband and wife has been going two years strong 💪
this year was the first birthday in your relationship where you two weren’t together
usually, seungyoun would be at home for his birthday but because his schedule has been so stuffed, he hasn’t had much free time, which meant he was barely ever home
so naturally, to keep the tradition of celebrating birthdays together, you decided to surprise him at the dorm, which was about an hour away from your home
he’s doing a vlive and you are logged in watching him on the subway, sending a bunch of hearts. you then commented, “happy birthday!”
seungyoun knew that you had a vlive account (you refused to name it anything else other than mrschoxo) so when he saw your comment, he breathily laughed and thanked you, sending a small wink towards the camera
and in all honesty, even though you’ve been together for so long, small things like that always managed to make you shy and he knew that, too
soon, you arrived at the station near the dorms and made your way there
you made sure to stop by a small bakery on your way there and pick up a cupcake for him (funfetti because he’s a fun guy 😄) and you continue on your way to the dorm
at this point, seungyoun is wrapping up the vlive and just as he ends it, you knock on the door of the dorm
hangyul opens the door and is surprised to see you there, and before he says anything you just shush him and you whisper “where’s seungyoun”
he motions the room and you pat his shoulder, thanking him before going into the room
upon hearing the door open, seungyoun turns around and his eyebrows shoot up into his hairline and the biggest grin formed on his face (you’d only seen that grin on your wedding day)
he comes closer and wraps his arms around you and you wish him a happy birthday
“we never celebrated each other’s birthday away from each other so I wanted to celebrate your birthday with you”
hearing this made his heart swell and he leaned in and pecked your lips before saying “thank you for coming”
later on, you two cut the cupcake you brought for him and you eat it together
“so where’s my present?” seungyoun whispers against your neck
you turn your head to face him and you motion to yourself
seungyoun laughs and says, “of course, you’re the best present ever”
smiling playfully, you bit your lip and look up at him
“actually, there is one thing...”
curious, he meets your eyes, tilting his head to the side
you lean in and whisper, “instead of celebrating two birthdays every year, we may be celebrating three”
seungyoun’s eyes widen and with a wavering voice, he asks, “you don’t mean..”
with moist eyes, you nod, “yes, seungyoun, I’m pregnant”
and he holds you close, voice cracking as he says“this is the best present ever, and nothing can come close”
and both of you shed tears of happiness, the two of you excited to introduce your future bundle of joy into your little world