Syn, They/them, 18 | Pfp by @jamieenthusiast
260 posts
Was Not Expecting A Resounding Yes On That Poll But Im Happy About That Either Way!

Was not expecting a resounding yes on that poll but I’m happy about that either way!
The current WIP for the suit is… It’s very nearly complete, I just need to fur and line the head. I’ve sewn most of the face fluff together, I just need to line it up correctly and glue it down. Then I’ll see whether I can line the inside of the head fast enough, but I have a balaclava to protect the interior foam even if I can’t get that done in time.
The badge didn’t take me too long to create, I had fun rendering the fur and then accidentally printed it massive on an A4 sheet of paper but that’s better than too small! It’s just laminated with a basic laminator and I punched a hole for the lanyard with scissors, so not too fancy.
Feel free to send asks about the making of this! I like talking about it :3
Here’s links to the patterns I used to create what I have so far!
Tail - https://www.etsy.com/nz/listing/1384636361/
Paws - https://www.etsy.com/nz/listing/1233102353/
The mask pattern I used for the head is unavailable right now, but here’s a link to the creator’s store - https://www.etsy.com/nz/shop/PaleoPanthera

sweetfloatapartment liked this · 10 months ago
mothwingedmyths liked this · 10 months ago
More Posts from Synthstruck
Crow Uzi, Dog N, Cat V, these are usually agreed upon afaik, but if I may make a suggestion:
Owl J.
Big birds of prey that absolutely can and will kill things, and are super graceful which is probably how J views herself…
But they’re also pathetic wet cats sometimes which I also think is fitting for the apex predator of Copper-9 that got hit by a bus, that was driven by 2 background characters with plot armour, and also Kahn Doorman
Also owls and crows hate each other so there’s that too.
Please bind safely everyone <3
Hey, PSA for younger/newer transmascs:
Tumblr has been showing targeted ads for "FTM binders" off Amazon. They look like this:

Do not buy these.
A binder is a piece of medical equipment. If you use one incorrectly, or use a poorly made one, you can really fuck up your ribs. This article from the Cleveland Clinic talks about how to bind safely.
A $14 binder is guaranteed not to be safe. There's a reason reputable companies charge more- sometimes a lot more. They have to carefully design binders so they don't crush your ribs or make you sick.
You know how everyone says Don't Bind With Duct Tape? Don't bind with Amazon binders.
I’m at a furry convention but as soon as I had this inspiration I physically HAD to doodle it

I think this is my magnum opus

"but there's no fish on copper-9" WRONG. fishing is for everyone regardless of planet they live on.

Midge again!
I am yet to actually draw her in full colour I think but I’ll get around to it eventually
also i’ve decided her number is 013 because it’s the unlucky number (at least for now idk i might change it)

This one might look cool in the neon style?
It’s up to you whether you wanna draw it or not though, don’t overwork yourself!

I hope it’s to your liking :’) the pose was kinda hard but funnn
Had to redo uzi a lot of times lmao
I’m working on the others too btw :3