I love "B" from Total drama.

416 posts

I Dont Have A Design For This OC Only A Concept. (( Ghost Girl Boss Fight ))

I don’t have a design for this OC only a Concept. (( Ghost girl Boss fight ))

Ghost girl Boss fight OC Concept.

The OC is a young girl wearing a Hospital gown plus a Sleeping mask with the long tube still attached to it. Her eyes are covered by her long messy hair.

Her powers/Abilities would be her being able to Fly and Teleport while having Psychic abilities and stuff like that.

Her role in the Boss fight is that she Picks up large objects that the player character has to dodge and attack her at the Right moment.

After she is defeated she will say that she is sorry before teleporting away.

((I might add on to her later, But these are most of my ideas so far for this character.))

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More Posts from T-bird510

6 months ago

Again, Your awesome.

Never forget that about yourself.

Dude. Your Awesome and never give up cause your Amazing, Brilliant, Smart and your gonna have a bright future.

Thank you!! You're honestly so sweet! It's hard being on Tumblr as it is with some people being rude for no reason, but I am willing to keep going forward!

Dude. Your Awesome And Never Give Up Cause Your Amazing, Brilliant, Smart And Your Gonna Have A Bright

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6 months ago

I didn't think about this, I always thought that it was due to them being from an alternate universe/World and stuff like that.

In our world Dantdm is good at redstone while Stampy isn't.

While in the MCSM-Verse, Its the opposite due to Multiverse rules.

This Always Bothered About Stampy And Dan In MCSM
This Always Bothered About Stampy And Dan In MCSM
This Always Bothered About Stampy And Dan In MCSM
This Always Bothered About Stampy And Dan In MCSM

This always bothered about Stampy and Dan in MCSM

Why is a Stampy a redstone expert? he's infamously bad at it on his channel

Why is Dan not good at redstone? he's literally wearing goggles and has a lab in his videos

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6 months ago

got a controversial take some of yall might not like,

Omid & Christa work better as Clementine’s adoptive parents if you have an AU of the Walking Dead.

Don’t get me wrong there’s nothing wrong with Carley and Lee but it doesn’t really make sense when you think about the events leading that happen in the games. (Lee going to prison, etc. etc.)

Got A Controversial Take Some Of Yall Might Not Like,
6 months ago

I loved you Minecraft story mode…I loved you from the beginning…❤️💙🔥✊

THE MOVIE IS BAD!!! I WISHED WE GOT A MOVIE VERSION OF S1 with the first 4 episodes mixed into 1 Film!!!


What we need to fix this mess is a Balan wonderworld movie or Some Shit?!

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6 months ago

Writing Notes: Character Development

Rick Riordan's Writing Tips

John McArthur (1755–1840), Writer on Naval Topics - detail
George Romney

Rick Riordan:

Character development is paramount for me. I firmly believe that plot and character development must occur simultaneously. Plot cannot be left to chance. Neither can characters be automatons who carry out actions envisioned in the author's master plan. Below are some things I try to keep in mind when developing my characters:


Define a character first through action, second through dialog and description, never through explanation.

A character should be primarily defined by the choices he makes, and the actions he takes.

How does he respond to violence?

How does he respond to love?

Secondly, a character must be vividly but deftly describe through his speech, and through the initial view you give the reader.

Never stop to explain who a character is when we can watch him in action and decide for ourselves.

Be impressionist rather than realistic.

Describe characters as Dickens did – with a single deft stroke.

A laundry list of physical traits is realistic, but it is neither memorable nor compelling.

A jarring metaphor for the character, or a focus on one mannerism or physical trait, can be very compelling.

Example: She was a human tornado.

Do not be afraid to use real people as models, but do not be constricted by your models.

It is very natural to use parts of ourselves or the people we know when creating characters.

Do not be afraid to do this because someone might get mad at you.

At the same time, let your character develop.

Do not force them to do what the real-life model would do.

Characters seldom end up exactly like the real people they are based on.

The reader does not have to be told everything you know about the character.

It may be critically important to you that your character has blue eyes, or went to Texas A&M.

But if these details have no part in the story, the reader will not care.

Leave them in your subconscious.

If you are having trouble figuring out a character, fill out a character profile, or do some journaling in that character's voice.

Your character must act, not simply be acted upon.

We care about characters because we are interested in the choices they make.

We want to boo the villain, cheer the hero, and cry with frustration when the tragic figure makes the wrong move.

A character who does not act, but simply receives information and is acted upon by outside forces, is not a character who will compel the reader.

Remember, plot is what the characters do next.

If the characters do not create the plot, the plot is hollow.

Here's a character profile worksheet I sometimes fill out if I'm having trouble understanding a particular character I've created:

Character Profile



Age in story:


Hair color, length, style:


Regional influences:

Accent: (include voice, style of speech, slang, signature phrases or words)


Marital status:

Scars or other notable physical attributes:

Handicaps: (emotional, physical, mental)

Athletic? Inactive? Overall health?

Style of dress:

Favorite colors:

How does the character feel about his/her appearance?


Relationship with parents:

Memories about childhood:

Educational background: (street smart? Formal? Does he/she read?)

Work experience:


Where does the character live now? Describe home (emotional atmosphere as well as physical)

Neat or messy?

Sexual preferences/morals/activities:

Women friends/men friends:


Enemies? Why?

Basic nature:

Personality traits (shy, outgoing, domineering, doormat, honest, kind, sense of humor):

Strongest trait:

Weakest trait:

What does the character fear?

What is the character proud of?

What is the character ashamed of?

Outlook on life (optimistic, pessimistic, cynic, idealist)



How does the character see himself/herself?

How is the character seen by others?

Do you like this person? Why or why not?

Will readers like or dislike?

Most important thing to know about this character:

Present problem:

How it will get worse:

What is the character's goal in the story?

What traits will help/hurt the character in achieving this goal?

What makes the character different from similar characters?

Why will readers remember this character vividly?
