
I love "B" from Total drama.

416 posts

T-bird510 - FANFIC LOVER AND IDEA MAKER!!! - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

Miss Pregrine OCs

1 - Teddy - Male (He/him)

Age: 18

Special power: Shoots bullets using fingers

Nationality: British


2 - Yoko - Female (She/her)

Age: 17

Special power: She is Half Yo-kai/Monster.

Nationality: Japanese


3 - Bobby - Male (He/him)

Age: 14

Special power: He can sketch moments/Things from other worlds or realities.

Nationality: African American.


Their Loop:

Their Loop is set at a Hotel and a Circus.

Era: 1970s


I might make a part 2 due to there being 8 Ocs in general from my ideas.

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5 months ago

Best of luck! 🍀

My message about my mental health

I promise to got to my psychiatrist tomorrow but first I need to think this through and memorize everything I remember. Only problem is I feel very anxious about telling my psychiatrist because I've been lying to my psychiatrist and my family lying that I was ok and too lazy but I'm anxious about it.

But I know it will fix my problem, my psychiatrist will help me get through this problem.

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5 months ago

Disventure camp All-stars rewritten AU

This isn’t a Full rewrite just some stuff I would change/Improve on in All-stars.


I would have Mariam lose earlier then James so the Subplot makes somewhat more sense. Otherwise I would have Jake mad at Tom because of Mariam’s Health issues and how it was mentioned in the beginning of All-stars. (Jake would want Tom to care about her more)


If I rewrote All-stars I would have Emily have Beef with Krystal because of Riya being on All-stars and how in S2 she Nearly killed Aiden. (HAVING A KILLER ON A REALITY TV SHOW IS VERY BAD!!!) Emily’s plan would be to get Krystal kicked off the show as Host and not do anything Very bad or anything Illegal like in Canon.

Emily would also stay friends with Trever in my Rewrite cause I like their Dynamic early on.

Krystal and Derek’s Romance would be Leaked to the public by Emily in the rewrite which is one part of her plan to get revenge on Krystal.

3 - Ally’s character development.

I would have her try to focus on ignoring the public’s view on her and try to be her own person instead of being Riyas puppet for some reason?!

4 - Fiore Redemption!

I would want her to get some sort of redemption Arc in my rewrite as I like her character and it would be interesting to see her as a better person.

(Plus Alec and Fiore are best Duo!)

5 - The ending:

The ending can stay somewhat the same with Riya losing and her not having any connections like in Canon. (She doesn’t have to win though just saying.)


Can we just Not have them be a couple? EVER?! (They won’t be a couple in my rewrite.)

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5 months ago

Danganronpa X Total drama AU - Goodbye despair

Danganronpa X Total Drama AU - Goodbye Despair

This is the S2 Cast of this AU.

Some of the character Dynamics in this Cast is…

1 - Hajime and Chiaki are Friends who met on an online Forums site for chatting.

2 - Mikian is bullied by Fuyuhiko plus Hiyoko and Ibuki + Nagito is trying to make her feel better.

3 - Mahiru and Hiyoko are good friends.

(mostly the character dynamics are similar to Canon somewhat.)


The location of this Season would be set at a Movie set like in Action.

Each episode would be similar to Action though there would be some differences to canon.

(Like one of the merge challenges coming in earlier then In canon)

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5 months ago

Danganronpa X Total drama AU

Danganronpa X Total Drama AU

This AU takes place in a Non-despair AU but the characters dynamics or Backstories stay Somewhat the same.

This AUs Challenges will be a mix of Canon and Original challenges.

I hope you people enjoy it and I might make a elimination order in the future.

Season casts:

1 - Season 1: Thh cast

2 - Season 2: Goodbye despair Cast

3 - All-stars: Mix of previous 2 seasons + V3 cast.

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5 months ago
Thank You @izumeno And Everyone Who Got Me To 100 Reblogs!

Thank you @izumeno and everyone who got me to 100 reblogs!

YES!!! Such an achievement! ❤️👍🔥

Saiki K sister AU!

In this AU Saikis female form is his younger sister who also has psychic powers like him!

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5 months ago

Saiki K sister AU!

In this AU Saikis female form is his younger sister who also has psychic powers like him!

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5 months ago


This gives me Jack skellington or Haunted Mansion Disney vibes!


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6 months ago

What about…

1 - Shape shifting penguin?


2 - Little girl who traveled with the 13th doctor and caused the Tardis to break due to a Peanut butter and Jam sandwich!?

Doctor Who companions summarised in ten words or less (classic edition)

Susan Foreman: Gallifreyan teenager abandoned on post-apocolyptic earth because love.

Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright: Married schoolteachers educate grumpy alien about morality.

Vicki Pallister: New granddaughter acquired!

Steven Taylor: Future Blue Peter presenter enjoys double act with adoptive sisters.

Katarina: She's lovely- oh, wait, now she's dead.

Sara Kingdom: She's cool- oh, wait, now she's dead.

Dodo Chaplet: Northerner loses accent due to BBC classism, more at ten.

Ben Jackson and Polly Wright: Opposites attract couple near-immediately overshadowed by new companion.

Jamie McCrimmon: Himbo highlander as gay as sixties television will allow.

Victoria Waterfield: Nineteenth century teenager has worst week of her life.

Zoe Heriot: Master martial artist knows one (1) throw.

Liz Shaw: Scientist is too competent for this nonsense.

Jo Grant: Cinnimon roll has no self-preservation instinct.

Sarah-Jane Smith: Feminist journalist surrounded by idiotic military men.

Harry Sullivan: Otherwise-sensible medical professional becomes world's biggest imbecile.

Leela of the Sevateem: Knife lady kicks ass, takes names.

K9: Robotic dog malfunctions for ninety minutes.

Romana: Sheltered Gallifreyan has surprisingly good fashion.

Adric: Math kid go boom!

Tegan Jovanka and Nyssa Of Traken: Hypercompetent space girlfriends have unintentional homoerotic subtext.

Vislor Turlough: Universes most incompetent assassin accidentally becomes friends with intended target.

Kamelion: BBC producer gets tricked into buying cursed prop.

Peri Brown: Dubiously-accented botanist struggles with sexism and BBC wardrobe department.

Mel Bush: Health nut weaponises volume of scream.

Ace McShane: Awesome butch bisexual pyromaniac hits things with baseball bat.

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6 months ago


Reverse Time travel… Not bad Donna Noble Not bad.

what if I said that Susan isn't ruby's mother but ruby is Susan's mother?

would yall be too mad at me?

is it completely illogical?

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6 months ago

Doctor who Reboot AU Concept (I love Doctor Who!!!) -Classic Era Reboot AU-

This is if I made a Doctor who Reboot of some sort! I love the First Doctors Era so this is where I am gonna start first!

I should probably call this… “Classic Era Reboot AU” (idk I will figure it out eventually)


1 - “The first Doctor”

The first Doctor is a time lord who travels around with his Granddaughter Susan and her two teachers Barbara wright and Ian chesterfield.

The reason the doctor and his Granddaughter Susan are on earth is due to them escaping from their homeworld and how the higher ups on Gallifrey are not the best people to work with/be around.

Personality wise I wouldn’t change much due to the first doctor being pretty good as he is in my opinion. (Im not counting his characterization in the Twice upon a time special due to that not being very good writing)

The Doctor cares for his granddaughter very much and cares for her safety and well-being even if he is a bit grumpy and stubborn sometimes.


2 - Susan Foreman

She is a female Teenage student at Coal hill High school where she would meet her two teachers “Ian chesterfield” and “Barbara Wright”

Susan is originally from Gallifrey like her Grandfather was, She wants to feel like she belongs somewhere and doesn’t like having to Leave and travel across the universe once in a while.

Her character would be expanded in this Reboot concept as her Psychic powers don’t get explained or explored in the TV show alot.

She would still be scared of the threats in her way and stuff like that, but she would use her wits and smarts and other stuff.


3 - Ian and Barbara

They are pretty good as they are and I don’t see any changes in my Concept. (I have not seen the show in a while just saying.)

Ian is good cause he does the Doctors Role sometimes and Barbara is good cause she has a good dynamic with Ian.


Other stuff in the concept:

1 - the master would be introduced in a earlier Incarnation.

2 - The daleks and the Cybermen would also appear also. (The Cybermen would appear in an episode before the 10th planet so we can explore them more.)

(I hope your all having a good Day so far! :D )

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6 months ago

My Sonic Rewritten Reboot AU Concept.

This AU is meant to show How I would make a Sonic Reboot of sorts and stuff like that. I am not a fully experience writer so nothing is 100% perfect and I cannot impress everyone.

Anyway…Lets continue shall we?!


Sonic is the fastest thing alive! A “Blue blur” if you will…

He is Confident, Smart, Cocky, and Too cool for school. He doesn't allow anyone to stop him in his tracks! He also loves Chili dogs and other types of Food that Teens would normally eat on Fridays and weekends. (Ex: Cheeseburgers, Pizza, Soda.)

Sonic may not listen to people but when he sees Danger or People who wants to cause Harm. He will stop them. He is Locked on doing that even if he is Cocky and Hates doing stuff by the book.

Sonics design would look like a mix of his game and Movie self, As he is wearing sneakers similar to his shoes from the beginning of the film before getting his Shoes that are game accurate.

Sonics Goal in this AU Reboot is to Stop Eggmans Goals in hurting animals and turning them into Robotic Experiments.

Later on in his adventures he would be best friends to Tails the Fox and Knuckles the echidna. He would learn to listen to others due to them and be less Cocky.



Eggman in this Reboot AU is a Master scientist and Master inventor. He is Intellegent, Smart and very similar to Canon Robotnick (But with a bit more added)

Eggmans design would have him wearing an Aviator-type outfit while still keeping that Nice looking Stash.

The reason why he has an airplane is due to Tails taking inspiration later on from Eggman and Tails would build his own Plane that would rival Eggmans aircraft.

Eggmans Goal in this AU is to create robotic cybernetic parts for his female Cousin who is in a Coma and Eggman wants to awaken her while still taking risks that could harm more then he thinks. (He Also dislikes Sonic and wants to stop him from ruining his plans)


The games details

The game would be similar to Frontiers with Large 3D environments that feel Realistic and Huge!

There would also be some puzzles for you to unlock special secrets that can unlock world-building and other stuff. (Sonic isn't known for its puzzles so I think some creative puzzles wouldn't hurt.)


This is part 1 of my Sonic reboot AU concept that I made for fun!

I hope you are all having a good day so far!

I might also make Part 2 about Tails, Knuckles and Amy plus metal sonic also.

(I might also make a Mario reboot AU for fun also!)

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6 months ago

Giving the Danganronpa THH Characters English Dub Names


Makoto Naegi: Joe Smith

Byakuya Togami: Price Ritter

Hifumi Yamada: Terence Beta

Mondo Owada: Jack Davidson

Kyotaka Ishimaru: Maximus Ace

Yasuhiro Hagakure: Norman Epitah

Leon Kuwata: Ashton Burns

Chihiro Fujisaki: Sam Python


Kyoko Kirigiri: Clara Gant

Sayaka Maizono: Tiffany Sparks

Celestia Ludenberg/Taeko Yasuhiro

Toko Fukawa/Genocide Syo: Astrid Hyde/ Genocide Jill

Sakura Ogami: Athena Forte

Junko Enoshima: Ariana Valeska

Mukuro Ikusaba: Mistral Cross

Aoi Asahina: Cassandra Waves


Daiya Owada: Crash Davidson

Santa Shikibane: Brenton Leek

Jin Kirigiri: Mortimer Gant

6 months ago

Danganronpa X Total drama Gen 1 AU Facts/Notes

I made this AU cause I wanted to try my take on the Total drama X Danganronpa stuff!!!


1 - The Gen 1 Killing game takes place after The Reboots 2nd Season and the cast are Adults.

2 - Chris and Chef are not the mascots this time around as in this AU they are members of the killing game cast.

3 - The Mascot of this AU killing game is something original this time around instead of Mono-Chris! (Why cannot people do something more creative like Jeez?!?!)

4 - There will be 26 Participants in this Killing game AU. (22 being the original cast plus the 2 new characters in World tour and Chris and Chef)

5 - The Killing game will be set in a Simulation Version of the Gen 1 island. (But the characters won’t know that.)

6 - Disventure camp characters also exist in this AU due to them having the same art style.

((I might make a Fanfic version of this AU but I’m still figuring out the death order))

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6 months ago

I suspected Rantaro had a thing with Shirogane in the Pregame lore XD



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6 months ago

Love this art style!

LOVE IT!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Past Lake Finding Out Shes Soon Going To Be Free.
Past Lake Finding Out Shes Soon Going To Be Free.

Past Lake finding out she’s soon going to be free.

(Art by eduart_world)

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6 months ago

I agree with this Post! ❤️❤️❤️✊✊✊


WE LOVE U LAKEE ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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6 months ago

DR Post-V3 Fangan Cast - (No title decided yet)

This Cast is meant for a Post-V3 Fangan I’m working on in the future (or when I have time) so I’m making a post I guess…

1 - Reina Stone: Ultimate Chess Pro - Female (She/her) - African/British

2 - Ultimate Dancer - Male (He/him) - Support character.

3 - Ultimate Boxer - Male (He/him) - Buff character

4 - Ultimate Barista - Female (She/her) - Lesbian, Fan of Reality TV/Anime. (She is also a bit nervous sometimes)

5 - Ultimate Cowboy - Male (He/him) - American, Uses a gun for self protection.

(These are just some OC character ideas at the moment, Nothing fully developed yet.)

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6 months ago

Team Danganronpa V3 Headcanon: I can see Team Danganronpas Auditions being like K-pop survival shows or American idol.

Except instead of Singing songs! The Participants are explaining their character and the audience votes for their favorite and stuff like that.

Like Rantaro for example… People love a mysterious male character for the ladies! XD

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6 months ago

AU where Everyone is trapped in their worst nightmares and everyone is asleep.

I can see LOTS OF ANGST!!!

And the concept seems interesting! I like this AU concept!

And it can work for any AU which is a plus!

Also! Have a good day! :D

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6 months ago

Done! I reblogged it!

I should be asleep but it’s 1:50 am and I’m thinkin bout these freaks again

I Should Be Asleep But Its 1:50 Am And Im Thinkin Bout These Freaks Again
I Should Be Asleep But Its 1:50 Am And Im Thinkin Bout These Freaks Again
I Should Be Asleep But Its 1:50 Am And Im Thinkin Bout These Freaks Again

Click for Quality!

I Should Be Asleep But Its 1:50 Am And Im Thinkin Bout These Freaks Again
I Should Be Asleep But Its 1:50 Am And Im Thinkin Bout These Freaks Again

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6 months ago
So, Uh, This Is The Same AU As This Comic I Did.
So, Uh, This Is The Same AU As This Comic I Did.
So, Uh, This Is The Same AU As This Comic I Did.
So, Uh, This Is The Same AU As This Comic I Did.
So, Uh, This Is The Same AU As This Comic I Did.
So, Uh, This Is The Same AU As This Comic I Did.
So, Uh, This Is The Same AU As This Comic I Did.
So, Uh, This Is The Same AU As This Comic I Did.
So, Uh, This Is The Same AU As This Comic I Did.
So, Uh, This Is The Same AU As This Comic I Did.
So, Uh, This Is The Same AU As This Comic I Did.
So, Uh, This Is The Same AU As This Comic I Did.
So, Uh, This Is The Same AU As This Comic I Did.

So, uh, this is the same AU as this comic I did.

I have SOME very vague ideas for this AU and I'll give you some lore. Basically, Team Danganronpa is. Well. Is Evil. Obviously. They have Some KInd Of Evil Goal, and organizing the Killing Game is a way to achieve that goal. Maybe it's a cover up for something even more awful.

The first two Killing Games realy happened. The world in general is still kind of messed up (that's why a killing game TV show is allowed) and Future Foundation are still working to fix some stuff. They can't officially get involved with Team Danganronpa because... uh.... Because Team DR has the government's support idk. As the main entertaintment export for the country. Whatever. So FF grabbed Komaeda and were like "hey dude, go use your luck and spy on them thanks". Also he's like 50 here. Because we needed the time for over 50 seasons of the killing game to happen (I'm gonna say they do 2 seasons per year)


Anyway. I have a few more things I want to draw for this AU but that's all, I don't want to focus on it too much, as I have other things I want to draw :''D

6 months ago

Sure! I remember it! I was hyped for it when chapters 1-3 were still a thing and stuff like that.

Listen - I don't give a fuck if you prefer Batim more than Batdr or Batdr more than Batim

I don't give a fuck about your opinion on this game or character

Reblog it if you are actually still in Bendy fandom or at least remember being in it

Listen - I Don't Give A Fuck If You Prefer Batim More Than Batdr Or Batdr More Than Batim
Listen - I Don't Give A Fuck If You Prefer Batim More Than Batdr Or Batdr More Than Batim
Listen - I Don't Give A Fuck If You Prefer Batim More Than Batdr Or Batdr More Than Batim

I need to know how many of us are left in the world...

Edit: YOOO WE GET TO 1000


BENDY FANDOM (or people who just like it) - RISE!!!

Another edit: 2000???

Where were you hiding all this time???

Edit: yeah, gonna write it here too

By the way this post was not made for reblog bait... I mean, you can do anything - reblog, comment or just like, I just wanted to know how many people still know this game. Not that anyone said it is, I just don't want anyone to think this is. No, do what you want, it's okay

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