lover of PLL, Gossip Girl, Wellness, TheWizardLiz, Exercise, & Discipline
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- Fall Semester has started so that means Dark Academia aesthetic and rereading The Secret History

“Beauty is terror. Whatever we call beautiful, we quiver before it. And what could be more terrifying and beautiful, to souls like the Greeks or our own, than to lose control completely?”
— The Secret History, Donna Tartt
fall semester is here. time to lock back in.

autumn is approaching, which means it's time to reawaken the pink academia princess inside us all 🎀📕🩷🍂👸

How to be the most knowledgeable person they know?

So, we all can agree that smartness is so hot then how do someone becomes smart or knowledgeable? Let's make an attempt to make it more clear for you.
Read books. Read any book be it fiction, nonfiction, self-help literally anything. Books have longer lasting impact on you.
Study people- Do people watching, observe how people behave, how they react to things, what they are good at, how they are good at it, what they are bad at, how do they talk. People teach you harder lessons.
Keep yourself up-to-date with world events. Maybe read a newspaper daily or read newsletters. Try not to intake biased narratives in you.
Learn new things. Challenge yourself. Learning new things makes your brain sharper and help you grow. It also takes fear of new things outta your mind.
Be curious and open to learning. To learn you have to let go your ego of "I know this" or "this is not important". Learn about most trivial things just for fun.
Give time to your hobby. Whatever it is, try to go deep in it and have fun while doing it.

pretty little liars aesthetic 𐙚₊˚ .

- ladies…. if i have one word of advice it is to start incorporating pilates into your routine. you can do it from home and the results are insane. you don’t even realize how much of a burn you’re getting in until you wake up the next morning and realize your entire core is sore.
-if you’re scared of commitment literally start doing 15 minutes daily, search a youtube video and do it in your own bedroom. you’ll see the hype is real

-thinking about plaid skirts and being disgustingly educated 📖
Reflections on building a better me
Exercise is not optional. Mental satisfaction from completing yet another workout cannot be overstated. Physical satisfaction from feeling good and enjoying your body in clothes, the mirror, and photos cannot be overstated. Stop messing around, stop info hoarding, go exercise. And tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day. And the next day.
Looking your best depending on circumstances (ie, casual, dressy, bedtime, etc) is not optional. External confidence from taking care of your appearance top to bottom and loving what you see in the mirror is highly valuable.
You feel better when you eat better. You’re proud of yourself when you eat better.
Hobbies, hobbies, hobbies. Do you feel embarrassed when someone asks what you do all day and you can’t come up with an honest answer that doesn’t make you sound like a loser with no life? You need hobbies. Some that are outdoors, some that are indoors. Some that are taxing, some that are relaxing. You will enjoy life more, become a more well-rounded individual, and have positive ways to spend your time rather than racking up more hours on your phone. Get some hobbies. Plural.
Procrastination and laziness should disgust you. You shouldn’t be able to relate. You should strive to be above that. You like yourself better when you complete your tasks and get things done in a timely manner. You’re proud of yourself when you’re on a roll and have a productive streak. You’re impressed by productive people and no one likes a lazy bum.
Decide what you want from life and pursue it ruthlessly. Don’t take advice from people who don’t have the life you want, unless they were once on your desired path and fell off. Even then, you listen to them when they say what NOT to do (learning from their mistakes) but clearly they don’t know what TO do bc they didn’t make it to the finish line. Take “do this” advice from people who crossed the finish line and have what you want. You’ll find that the amount of input that is actually valuable to you has suddenly dwindled. Good. Less chatter in your ears.
Get yourself in order before you go around critiquing everyone else. Get YOUR face in order. Get YOUR body right. Get YOUR money up. Get YOUR style in order. Get YOUR relationship together.
Stop coming to everyone for validation like a toddler. Validate yourself. Do you like it? Okay then. Are you over it? Okay then. Stop being so weak. Stand tall, lead yourself. Stop being such a follower.
Be a good person. Help your family, lend a hand to strangers, give back, say sorry, do things for loved ones just because, show affection, work things out, watch your mouth, speak respectfully, remember that the world owes you nothing. Stop being an insufferable freak.
You can’t change anyone but yourself. Get yourself in order and be a good role model. That’s all you can do. Give people advice when they want it and then go about your business. Get yourself in order. Get yourself in order.
Outrage content is the lowest form of entertainment. Engage in things that make you happy or educate you. Doom scrolling only leads to doom. Don’t like this person? Don’t click on their articles or videos. Unfollow and block. Don’t like these people? Leave their spaces. You don’t have to be outraged every day.
Always keep your word to yourself. Make a plan, stick to the plan, always deliver. If you can’t be reliable for yourself then who can you be reliable for?
how much exercise should you do per week for maximum health benefits?

note: while getting enough of different types of exercise is important, as different types of exercise bring different primary benefits, the most important thing is that you are moving your body! don’t feel pressured to do a strict amount of cardio per week if you don’t like cardio, especially if you are new to exercise. this goes for any other type of exercise. it’s totally okay to do the exercise you enjoy doing, as long as you are doing it!
how much cardio should you be doing?
while this may differ according to your personal health, conditions you may have, your goals, etc. (as with any other form of exercise), the general advice given by professionals and the American Heart Association is at least 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity or 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week. if we are going with 150 minutes per week, this would mean at least 21 minutes per day, or 30 minutes 5x per week. this schedule may vary depending on your schedule, but the overall goal is 75 or 150 minutes per week!
how much strength/weight training should you be doing?
while different professional sources have varying opinions on this, the most common advice is 60-90 minutes per week. if we are using 90 minutes per week, this would equal to 13 minutes per day, 18 minutes 5x per week, or 30 minutes 3x per week.
how much yoga/stretching should you be doing?
it is important to at least include a short cool down stretch after your workout to prevent injury and reduce soreness, but when it comes to yoga, it is recommended that you include at least a 1 hour session 3x per week, although doing a bit each day is considered ideal. using the guide of 3 hours per week, this would equal 26 minutes per day, 36 minutes 5x per week, or 60 minutes 3x per week.
how much pilates should you be doing?
while many do not include pilates in their routine or do not consider it necessary, i and many others find it incredibly beneficial due to its ability to work the smaller muscle groups that weight training usually does not. it is generally recommended that you do a 45 minute session 3-4x per week. this would also equal 19 minutes daily if you prefer to split it that way.


Fall in Rosewood
◜ ✿ ◞ weekend reset 🍡

──☆ because sometimes you really need it
O1. tidy up your space
open up your curtains
wipe / dust off surfaces + shelves
clean mirrors and windows
wash sheets, clean out underneath bed
vacuum / mop floors
do your laundry, fold any you have out now
if you have a whiteboard, clean it
organize your closet, donate clothes you no longer want, throw out tarnished ones
organize self care stuff / cosmetics, clean makeup brushes, throw out anything expired
O2. everything shower
leave in hair oil / dry brush pre-shower
apply shave oil / cream, shave legs, underarms, etc. (optional)
soap up
wash hair
anything else you'd usually do
ps: you can swap for a relaxing bubble bath 🎀
O3. self care
apply glycolic toner to areas you shave (can only be used on the skin, do NOT apply to facial or bikini area)
apply body oil / perfume
dry hair (you can blow dry it / air dry)
brush your teeth, floss, use mouth wash or oil pulling mouth rinse
do your skin care
wear a cute face mask + under eye patches if wanted
O4. relaxation station
light some relaxing scented candles / incense if you have some
put on some pajamas (i personally prefer nightgowns and silk matching sets)
the time is now yours! you can do whatever feels right, but some things i like to do include: making myself a small snack and putting a movie / show on, journaling my thoughts and feelings, playing video games, or reading a good book
O5. digi-cleanse
if you're gonna be on your phone, might as well get something done!
clean out your camera roll
go through your apps, delete anything taking up space / not benefiting you
for social media, go through your followings, unfollow anyone who makes you sad / uncomfortable
organize playlists, pinterest boards, tumblr blogs, insta stories, etc.
if you're in the mood for re-decorating, you can fix up your layout / homepage or revamp your social media accounts
✷ heαder creds @ unknown !
decide what your base is and make sure you never leave the house without it:
Base hygiene (showering/ deodorant/ skincare etc)
Base make up (a simple look that takes you less than 10 minutes)
Base outfits (have some go-to outfits always ready)
Base hair (learn 3 simple hairstyles that elevate your look)
base jewellery (simple studs, a tennis bracelet or two)
Base emotions (how do you want to leave the house feeling? Do you want to grab a bite before you leave? Do you need to calm yourself down?)
this ALLLL Fall

i cant wait for fall omg 🍂☕️🪵
Wow I found this on Pinterest and I actually love it so much

1 corinthians 13:4-8
god is love
PLZ HELP finished gossip girl and i feel like I have watched every show similar already. Please recommend good movies/tv series ❤️❤️
(I have already seen Vampire Diaries & Pretty Little Liars)

wishing a long year of abundance to everyone. may all of our dreams come true and goals be reached.

God I have seen what you have done for others… I need it.

Live at The Glasslands Gallery. Brooklyn, USA (14.09.12)
