Amateur Writer, into Naruto, Bleach, ATLA/LOK, and Ninjago
53 posts
My Top 5 Bleach Women And Why I Love Them: Part 3
My top 5 Bleach women and why I love them: Part 3
If you haven't seen Part 1 and 2 of this, here's the link.

1/5. Rukia Kuchiki ~ Squad 13 captan and Number One

I don’t think I have to explain this but I’ll touch over what themes I love, some of it’s duality and how it all helps encompass her character as one of Kubo’s best.

Upbringing and Human Nature ~ Throughout the first arc, we get glimpses into how Rukia was raised and what kind of warrior culture the Soul Society had. Despite her life in the Rukon District and being treated horribly in the Kuchiki Clan, Rukia maintains that Soul Society is better than the human world, that letting an inexperienced Ichigo fight Grand Fisher on his own was considered right by her captain’s standards. However, there’s cracks in these beliefs even from the moment she met Ichigo and began making friends in the human world. It’s especially more painful when she didn’t see Renji for 40 years, and knew she would have to return to Soul Society, that her brief stay with humans was where she felt she belonged, where she didn’t feel empty in the heart.

Self-Worth and Finding the Heart ~ Saving someone usually means the rescuee wants to be saved right? Not in Rukia’s case, her self-loathing over her execution is visible throughout the SS arc. It’s tragic, she was forced to kill Kaien to stop Aizen’s Hollow experiment from continuing to use his body, that she besmirched the Kuchiki name by giving Ichigo her powers, the guy who looks alike to Kaien. Renji and her split up decades ago due to the divide between them, and compounding all of that corroded her self-esteem to the point of her accepting her execution. However, she finds what connects her to those important people and how they care for her, the heart. Therefore, deciding to stay in Soul Society and reclaiming her self-worth.
Renji declares he won’t leave her in the face of Aizen.
Byakuya Kuchiki protects her to fulfill his promise to Rukia’s sister.
Kaien’s relatives forgive her for being the one to end Kaien’s suffering.

If it can be said that the heart is unchanging, then that is strength. - Bleach Vol. 54 poem
A Soldier’s Heart and It’s Duality ~ At the crux of Rukia’s character is her bonds and how she got there through becoming a Shinigami. Kaien was her mentor who taught her to fight and the theme of “The Heart”. To not die alone, to have meaningful connections is where Rukia ensures she makes sure to support her friends through her manner. I think it’s really poignant that the way she tries to sway Ichigo out of his doubts and fears of his inner Hollow…that it doesn’t work because Ichigo hasn’t been in the shinigami life as long as she had. Ichigo’s issues are far more embedded due to how he’s been changed by them….while Kaien’s heart which Rukia metaphorically holds in her, hasn’t changed at all.
Emulating Kaien’s mannerisms because Kaien’s heart carried strength, Rukia’s way contrasts with Orihime’s nature, which ends up helping out Ichigo even for a moment in the Hueco Mundo arc. However, the soldier’s heart is what allows Rukia to continue fighting against Aaroniero the 9th Espada, because she finds strength in it to want to save Orihime, protect her loved ones, and move past the obstacle, because she cares about the reawakened connections she has.

The top three art pieces are made by @srkbom108 on Twitter. Black and White background art is done by @Mak_ai_ on Twitter. The last two art pieces are by @rakusakugk on Twitter.
Thanks for reading, if you want to see my full-length post of all three 3 parts, then here's the Quora link for it!

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More Posts from Takibikaen
Finally, someone articulates the whole dynamic of Renji's soul in early Bleach and how that would have led to an incomplete Bankai with the rushed training. Plus, there's also the way he honed himself solely to fight Byakuya, but ended up having a snake based Bankai that was missing Zabimaru's baboon motif until TYBW.

in before i see any hot takes on zabimaru being a prick for holding out on renji: they didn't. they gave him half a bankai when he needed one, even though he wasn't ready. they gave him a half-bankai he could face byakuya with, a half-bankai that gave him the courage to turn his back on forty years of being a good soldier because it was all for rukia anyway. zabimaru said "jump in the ocean, renji, we'll learn to swim as we go" and if my man has taken a lot of L's over the years, it's because he's literally learning on the job what every captain in the gotei has had years to practice and perfect.
My top 5 Bleach women and why I love them: Part 2
If you haven't seen Part 1 of this, here's the link. https://www.tumblr.com/takibikaen/725767150684520448/my-top-5-bleach-women-and-why-i-love-them-part-1?source=share
2/5. Orihime Inoue ~ The Princess

She’s ridiculously quirky and really wholesome, which really added a layer of emotion to the series as the character who could be empathic with so many individuals. Her struggles and belief she builds within herself in her friends and Ichigo is beautiful to see through the show. She’s a human teenager who wasn’t built for fighting like her friends but she still tries her best to help out and genuinely has a good heart void of killing intent.

The Orihime/Riruka interaction is even wholesome when you find out Orihime calls Riruka multiple times after TYBW lmao
Showing compassion in front of those who wronged you or are against you is hard to do. For Orihime, it’s her nature to be kind and non-aggressive even to those who hurt her. It’s a sentiment that one would usually discard especially in a lot of shows. However, I see Orihime being this way as reaching out to them because she knows they’re hurting on the inside like Sora and Riruka, or that they need to load power over her like Loly.
Throughout those experiences, she’s been able to keep her compassionate nature even in the face of all this. Obviously, I could keep on harping on how this makes her stand out from multiple other characters, but I’ll try not to. Her Fullbring powers are to reject phenomenon and I see her nature as an symbol of that, where outside events don’t get to her even in dark times, that she keeps true to herself no mater what.

We As one: are not intertwined. As two: do not share the same form. Of the third: we simply don't have eyes. Of the fourth: we have no hope in that direction. At the fifth therein lies the heart. - Bleach Vol. 27
Ichigo’s conflict in the Arcancar Arc was centered around protecting his friends to the point that he wouldn’t trust them to fight with him or confide with them. Orihime also goes through something like this, which that she goes to Hueco Mundo without telling them, so Ulquiorra wouldn’t hurt them. However in her heart, she was glad Ichigo and others came for her and even had a moment where Ichigo’s mysterious Hollowifaction scared her. The very thing Ichigo strived work towards to protect her and those they loved.
I especially look towards her pacifist nature being clear when Grimmjow demands she heals Ichigo so Grimmjow can kill him at full power in a new fight. Complete opposite of Unohana learning healing Kido to extend her fights, right? That’s why it ends beautifully when Orihime realizes Ichigo’s Hollow power shouldn't get in the way of her trust in him to end the fight. She comes forth to listen to her heart and gets past the idea of no hope, the Hollow eyes she stared into, Ichigo’s masked form, and believes in those she cares about. She doesn’t despair.

To finish it off, her growth in the Fullbring arc is good to see pay off especially where she has faith in Ichigo to make it through, that she’ll heal him even if it gives him the opportunity to get hurt again. Plus, she even develops her Fullbring ability to the point where she can defend and reactively attack at the same time, thus keeping true to her nature while fighting back. Orihime is genuinely a character who I love from her quirky & kind nature but to also how human she is in dealing with things outside of her control, and her internal growth towards her friends.

Pink background art belongs to @rakusakugk on Twitter. High School Orihime art belongs to @srkbom108 on Twitter, and the black-white background art belongs to @Mak_ai_ on Twitter. Absolutely talented artists.
Sorry, but Tumblr only allows 30 photos per post so there's a Part 3 of this mini-series.

Check me out on Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Kirun-Uzumaki

These Sternritter posts are legit comedy gold istg
If the Sternritter had to live in Ichigo’s closet...
As requested by anon. :)
Previously we considered what would happen if some shinigami or the espada decided to live in Ichigo’s closet. Now it is the Quincy’s turn! If they, for some unfathomable reason, found themselves crashing in Ichigo’s closet, how would that go?
1. BG9: Treats it like a sleepover
BG9: So…what’s your favorite color?
Ichigo: For the last time, go to sleep!
BG9: But you said no tentacles! How am I supposed to get data without tentacles AND while being quiet?
Ichigo: This is not DATA time, this is SLEEP time!
BG9: This is the worst sleepover ever.
2. Gremmy: Shapes the closet to his will
Ichigo: Hey, I’m gonna go out for a while. You okay?
Gremmy: Oh, I am more than okay!
Gremmy: BEHOLD!
Ichigo: …
Ichigo: …
Gremmy: It’s not my fault your wifi kinda sucks.
3. Giselle: Won’t stop trying to turn Ichigo into a zombie
Giselle: Whoopsie! I cut my finger on a clothes hanger!
Giselle: Go get my a bandaid, Kurosaki!
Ichigo (reading manga in bed): I’m not going near your blood, Giselle.
Giselle: That’s fair.
Giselle: …
Giselle: Want some tomato juice?
Ichigo: CUT IT OUT
4. Quilge: Keeps trying to trap Ichigo in the closet
Ichigo: Let’s see, I think I’ll wear my Nice Vibe shirt today.
Ichigo: Now I’ll -
Ichigo: What the hell?
Ichigo: Why is the closet closed behind me?
Ichigo: [slides closet open]
Quilge: Congratulations, Kurosaki Ichigo! I cannot believe you escaped my Jail!
Ichigo: It’s not hard to open a closet from the inside.
Quilge: Not hard to get out of a ball either, but -
Ichigo: You don’t have to bring that up every three seconds!!
5. Cang Du: Is stoic about closet-living
Ichigo: Sorry my closet is kinda small for a tall guy. You okay?
Cang Du: I am fine.
Ichigo: Sorry that the only pajamas I had are the ones Chad left which have baby bunnies on them.
Cang Du: It is fine.
Ichigo: Sorry that Kon is currently clinging to your head for some reason.
Cang Du: It is fine.
Ichigo: …
Ichigo: So if my clothes get wrinkly can I have you iron them, or…?
Cang Du: You cannot get a rise out of me that easily.
Ichigo: Man, you’re good!
6. Bazz-B: Tries too hard
Bazz-B: Cool shirt, man!
Bazz-B: This shirt is cool too!
Bazz-B: This shirt is Abarai’s eyebrows level of cool!
Ichigo: …why are you looking at all of my shirts and complimenting them?
Bazz-B: Abarai told me you only fight your friends. So I’m becoming your friend.
Ichigo: The fighting comes before the friendship. Not after.
Bazz-B: Oh.
Bazz-B: In that case…
Ichigo: NO
7. Liltotto: Won’t stop eating
Ichigo: Hey, where’s my favorite shirt? The one that’s too small and shows my belly but it’s okay because I wear another shirt under it?
Liltotto: I ate it.
Liltotto: And all of your ugly clothes.
Liltotto: You’re welcome.
Ichigo: W-what??
Liltotto: Your taste in clothes is worse than Bambi’s taste in men, to be honest.
8. Bambietta: Keeps inviting Ichigo in
Bambietta: I can’t sleep in this stupid ugly closet, Kurosaki!
Bambietta: Wanna…join me?
Ichigo: No thanks.
Kon: I’LL JOIN YOU!!!!!!
Ichigo: KON NO
9. Candice: Doesn’t seem to like the closet
Candice: Sleeping in your STUPID CLOSET has RUINED MY HAIR!
Candice: NOW YOU DIE!!!!!!!!
Ichigo: Candice it’s five in the morning can we please do this later?
Candice: NO
10. Askin: Installs a cappuccino maker
Ichigo: [opens closet]
Askin: Fresh coffee?
Ichigo: [closes closet]
11. Ishida: Tries to be helpful
Ishida: Look, Kurosaki! I added capes to ALL of your shirts!
Ishida: Now everybody will know about your Quincy heritage!
Ichigo: …
Ichigo: …
Ichigo: You also appear to have bleached them all white.
Ishida: Yeah, it’s shocking how much color you had in your clothes!
Ishida: Quincy wear WHITE clothes!
12. As Nodt: Treats it like a sleepover
As Nodt: So……….what would you say is your deepest and darkest fear?
As Nodt: Mine is death.
As Nodt: Death is scary.
As Nodt: But you feel more like a “lives while all his friends die” sort of guy.
As Nodt: Spot on or nah?
Ichigo: …I am so done letting people stay here.
I honestly wish they would animate some of the comics like as shorts! The pilots and early seasons of Ninjago didn't have the best pacing, while also skipping over fighting the skeletons as villains. That's what made the comics so good with how they characterized the ninja, while going into detail about the skeletons and the Stone Army, and even adding mature lore in later comics.
I’m never going to forgive the fandom for unanimously agreeing the comics aren’t canon even though their legitimately one of the best written ninjago media’s and have been referenced everywhere outside and inside the show itself
I wonder if his status as a low-ranking noble and how he saw the difference between nobility and regular shinigami is what made him a more colder and serious shinigami after the academy.
Side note: I have to read 13 blades, Kira taking responsibility for his actions, such integrity.
Kira Izuru and loyalty
Among the many misconceptions people seem to have about Izuru, he’s “loyal to a fault” is a very, very popular one.
For some reason.
But he’s not. Not really. It’s a lot more complicated than that.
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