tearenola - Make up some other story ─
Make up some other story ─

Original Character Multimuse

374 posts

Her Ears Rang With Pain As Their Foot Crashed Into Her Ribs. This Wasnt Her First Street Fight. Far From

Her ears rang with pain as their foot crashed into her ribs. This wasn’t her first street fight. Far from it. However — some body parts never get used to getting hit. Right after contact was made she found herself crumpled forward, shielding her side.

Catching her breath, Jinno couldn’t help but laugh. “ You like to fight dirty, huh? ” Shifting her body, her eyes searched for their position. “ So do I. ” With that she sprung forward, aiming her elbow at their nose.

" i think we're all put here to speak certain truths. and my truth right now, is that i absolutely fucking hate you. " shigaraki says before literally slamming their foot into jinno's side. / @tearenola gets a starter

 " I Think We're All Put Here To Speak Certain Truths. And My Truth Right Now, Is That I Absolutely Fucking
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More Posts from Tearenola

6 months ago

@hoshizorax "how are my two favorite people today?" continued.

Jett couldn't help but smile into the kiss. That's her husband and the little bundle of joy she was holding was their child. How did she get so lucky? It was only a few years ago that she couldn't imagine this sort of future for herself. There was a time she felt doomed to keep hiding from her stalkers — unable to live a fulfilling life. However, that's not her reality. No — Jett found herself living a peaceful life in Kyoto. Far away from her old life, instead building a new life with her little family.

" Tired, but overall pretty good. " Finding a seat in the kitchen, she placed Kei on her lap. Arms wrapping around him as support. " Woof — heavy little bugger. I guess that means he's growing. " Before she could continue her next thought, there were sounds of baby babbling. " Oh — excuse me. That was very rude of mama. " She laughed, ever charmed by his little personality. " Of course it's your turn to talk to daddy. "

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6 months ago

[ text — dad ] yeah, for like important stuff!!!

[ text — dad ] but dont do that over some bread!!!

Fortunately, they were already making their way over. They had inherited their father’s tendency towards random gestures of affection. However, without his teleportation it takes a bit longer for Kei to show up.

[ text — dad ] ok, I’ll be there asap

Kyoto as a city was rather easy to navigate as a local. Much easier than Tokyo — from what they’ve heard their parents say. Even though it sounds like dad got around pretty easy in his bar days. Guess that’s a perk of having teleportation. Oh genetics — why couldn’t they have gotten that power? However, neither Kei or their parents exactly know the full potential of their abilities. After the war, the couple decided to step away from anything combat related. Since their parents seemed uncomfortable with exploring their powers, Kei never developed an interest themselves.

[ text — dad ] btw, is mom home??

[txt - keibug] kei, you already know that even if i was, i would drop everything to see you. same with your mother. [txt - keibug] come on over.

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7 months ago
Jetts Home Moodboard.
Jetts Home Moodboard.
Jetts Home Moodboard.
Jetts Home Moodboard.

Jett’s Home Moodboard.

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7 months ago

afterwards bed clothing for jett :)

nsfw headcanon meme

afterwards — what kind(s) of aftercare do they like being given? do they like giving their partner aftercare? do they fall asleep quickly after sex?

While clumsy, Jett will attempt aftercare. Her defaults are cuddling, food and drinks, rubbing her partner's back. Giving and receiving acts of service.

That is — if she doesn't fall asleep first.

beg — do they like making their partner(s) beg? do they like begging their partner?

As a tease, Jett enjoys listening to her partner beg. It makes her feel desired. However, she enjoys begging and being on the pining end of a dynamic even more.

clothing — do they like to have sex fully or partially clothed, or do they prefer having sex naked? would they ever move an article of clothing aside for stimulation/penetration (ex. pulling their panties to the side for penetrative sex) ?

Jett has found that stimulation, especially clitoral, is extra nice when dampened by a piece of clothing. Direct contact can be a bit too sharp. She also enjoys the 'I need you now', visceral vibe of having sex partially clothed (her panties pulled to the side).

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6 months ago
Kei Moodboard.
Kei Moodboard.
Kei Moodboard.

Kei Moodboard.

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