These Pictures Are So Hd, You Can Zoom In To Look At The Flaws He Doesnt Have (credit To Owner, Idk Who

these pictures are so hd, you can zoom in to look at the flaws he doesn’t have (credit to owner, idk who edited/took these)
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More Posts from Teawithbucky

The Price of Gold (Part 9)
Pairing: Lance Tucker x Reader Word Count: 2127 Warnings: fluff, mentions of cancer/chemo
Summary: As a sports journalist you’ve traveled the world interviewing famous athletes. You’ve loved your job up until you find out your next article is on the last person in the world you ever wanted to talk to, Lance Tucker.
A/N: This doesn’t follow The Bronze canon though some film details are mixed with real world events. Written for @green-eyeddragonfanfiction Dragon’s 3k Follower Creative Content Challenge. My prompt was “I can’t be in love with you!” Send me an ask if you’d like to be tagged! gif not mine (x)

You stormed your way through a large group of people checking in, trying to hide the tears that fell down your cheeks as you frantically pushed the elevator call button, almost running into someone as they were exiting once the doors opened.
Keep reading

Sebastian Stan as Jeff Gillooly in I, Tonya
I don’t feel so gucci mr.stark
In Infinity War, when the army in Wakanda is charging forward to meet Thanos’s army, you see Steve and T’challa fly past everyone because they both run super fast. But Bucky is just as fast. And Bucky was not with them. Bucky looked at the army of weird alien monsters and thought to himself “I’m not in any hurry to get to that. I’ll jog it.”

Romeo and Juliet (Part 11)
College!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: College!AU - Bucky and Reader go to rival schools. Bucky is a football player and Y/N is a cheerleader, what happens when the two from opposing sides find themselves falling for each other.
word count: 1600
warnings: none
a/n: ik its been awhile, but thank u all for reading this shit.. literally. this is my first series and lets be honest we’ll all probably look back on this and hate it but regardless thank u for the love and support

Once Bucky was taken off the field, the players returned to their feet, knowing the news of Bucky’s condition would have to wait till later and the game had to go on.
Steve wanted to stay with you and Bucky, but considering he had to step in as quarterback, he gave you a tight lipped smile and jogged back to Sam, who was calling his name. You didn’t care to return to the cheerleaders, the game was almost over anyway and there were plenty of girls that could take your spot.
Standing beside the ambulance, you carefully watched and listened as the medics checked on Bucky. He was unconscious, you didn’t need a doctor to tell you he had a concussion, and took a serious blow to his left arm, but thankfully nothing broken or serious enough to be taken to a hospital. Once one of the medics uttered the words, “He should be fine,” you exhaled a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
You planned on waiting by the ambulance for Bucky to wake up. The medics decided on leaving him to rest there, assuming he would most likely wake up soon.
You watched the ending of the game, but your mind was completely locked on Bucky. You just wanted him to wake up and tell you everything was fine. You just wanted to talk to him — so damn bad. Your hearted yearned for the solution to heal it (which also happened to be the reason it broke).
Looking back on the previous weeks, you almost cringed. Every event that led up to this very moment was unnecessary, sloppy, heartbreaking. People got involved that didn’t need to, relationships broke, a plethora of misunderstandings just from a stubborn mind of heartbreak.
A loud wave of cheering interrupted your thoughts. The game had ended. The Asgardians won, not a surprise considering the Super Soldiers were absent their quarterback.
Glancing over your shoulder, you noticed Bucky’s eyes still closed. Turning back, you saw Steve heading towards you, behind him — a certain blonde picking a fight.
“Not so tough without your boy, huh Rogers.”
Steve continued walking towards the ambulance, completely ignoring the nagging player behind him. His helmet hung loosely in his large hand off to his right, small pants coming from his lips while facing the grass below him.
You started towards the two, unaware of what you were hoping to accomplish. Steve’s eyes caught yours for a moment, silently requesting you get Thor off his back so he could see his friend. You pursed your lips apologetically, and took a step in front of Thor to stop his tracks. Noticing your arrival, he quickly changed his demeanor to cheery, innocently smiling down at you over his win.
“Y/N! We won!” He chuckled lightly, gently nudging your shoulder in hopes of a smile appearing.
You shook your head, arms crossed already, “Why the hell did you do that?” A light scoff followed your words.
Thor’s brows furrowed, “Wha- do what?”
“Give me one good reason why,” You immediately retaliated.
Sighing, he shifted from one foot to the other, a light pop coming from his aching joints, “I was playing the game,” He shrugged innocently, “He had the ball, I tackled him.”
“Tackled is an understatement.” You cleared your throat, “I’ve never seen you tackle someone like that before so why now? Why him?”
“Y/N.” You whipped your head back. Steve was calling your name from Bucky’s side.
You turned back to Thor for a moment, who was poorly hiding an angry face, “You know what, never mind — I know why. I just wanted to hear you say it but, I don’t care anymore.”
Turning on your heels, you returned to Bucky’s side, praying thanks Thor didn’t trail behind. Steve was looking down at Bucky, who’s eyes were beginning to open.
“Hey, Punk.” The words lazily dragged from Bucky’s lips, followed by a small grin.
“Jerk.” Steve mumbled.
Bucky immediately began trying to sit up, instantly squinting his eyes and gripping his head. He slightly hissed, stopping his movement.
“Easy, Buck.” Steve warned, “You got a concussion.”
“No shit.” Bucky groaned. With help from Steve, he successfully sat upward, and allowed his eyes to adjust to the light before they found you.
His eyes widened, breath caught in his throat. You were behind Steve, and suddenly, second guessing your decision to be in the situation you were in.
His hair was coated in dried sweat, as well as his face. Crystal blue eyes, while widened, were tired and soft. His mouth was slightly opened, he had no clue what to say.
You returned the expression. Every possible sentence you were thinking over in your mind disappeared. Your mouth was at a still, unable to form words to initiate the situation.
“Hi.” Bucky’s slightly hoarse voice broke the silence.
You inhaled at the sound of his voice. God, it felt like years since you heard it. You took in every aspect of his being — from his dirty shoes, to his brown locks.
Steve excused himself, the action brought you out of your thoughts to face Bucky alone.
Taking a deep breath in, you then exhaled, “I’m sorry.”
Bucky’s brows furrowed, words lingered on his lips for a moment, “What-”
“I should’ve let you explain,” You closed your eyes, nose scrunched, cringing at your actions over the previous weeks, “I should’ve put myself aside and heard your side of the story. I just assumed the worst, I never stopped to think about you or how you felt. I was selfish and — I’m sorry.”
Bucky tilted his head, eyes softening, a baby grin engulfing his lips, “I don’t want to do this.” Your breath came to a halt, eyes widening. Bucky saw your expression, and quickly continued before your questions arose, “I don’t want to hear our apologies. I don’t want to reminisce on the misunderstanding, we both hate it. I just want you.”
Your worried demeanor was replaced instantly - shoulders relaxed, expression softened. Bucky noticed, and mirrored you.
Your eyes locked, yours switched between his icy irises in pure mesmerization. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as a sense of home was renewed in your senses.
Bucky raised his right hand to your cheek, cupping your face, while yours came to rest on his thigh. His thumb danced along your cheekbone, while his eyes glanced at your lips. Lightly tugging you forward, his lips pressed to yours softly. You relaxed into the kiss, indulging in the familiar sensation.
Raising yourself onto your toes, you pushed yourself forward, intensifying the sweet kiss. Bucky noticed your actions and softly bit your bottom lip before pulling you closer. Slowly releasing, your lips lingered on one another for a moment after before finally pulling away.
Locking eyes once again, Bucky watched your face contort back into an expression of worry, “Bucky, really I need to explain myself.”
“Y/N,” He stopped you, tucking a stray baby hair behind your ear, “We’ll talk about it later. Right now, all I want is you.” He pulled you towards him again, bringing you into another indulging kiss where everything felt right.
By the time you had returned home, after repetitively having Steve assure you he was capable of getting Bucky back home safely, it was almost midnight.
You and Wanda both were exhausted. You told Wanda the entire story on the ride home, along with finally sharing the story with Gamora, Hope and Pepper as well. Thankfully, they were supportive.
You hadn’t talked to Thor, you didn’t see a reason to. Most of the team were still out of the loop of the romance between you and a Super Soldier, but the need to inform them was nonexistent.
As for Rosie, you tried your hardest to completely shut her out of the picture. Bucky seemed no longer worried about her, so neither did you.
You and Wanda mumbled goodnights and instantly parted to your own bedrooms. Plopping onto your white comforter, you pulled out your phone. The familiar name on the screen made you smile, followed by sitting up and quickly reading over the text.
I missed you so much.
You chewed on your bottom lip to prevent the already evident smile from growing. You quickly typed a reply.
I missed you too.. but you know you’re not supposed to be looking at any screens :)
The grey bubble appeared at the bottom of your screen again, slightly moving back and forth for a few moments before it was replaced with words.
I’ll be fine, stop worrying.
coffee tomorrow morning?
You smiled subconsciously, allowing yourself to remember the times you had gone to the coffee shop as a couple, then the one time you weren’t a couple.
only if you promise you’ll let me get everything off my chest
The replies were quick, one after another.
i promise.
even though i know nothing you say will change anything. what happened, happened. the only way to go is up, we’re gonna make this work.
now get some sleep and ill talk to you tomorrow :)
You began typing. First the word, goodnight, then repetitively pressed your thumb on the backspace button and then typing a new message.
parting is such sweet sorrow
Goofily grinning at yourself, you awaited a reply.
did you just?
nevermind… goodnight
Your eyes skimmed the screen, lips curving upward in a grin as you typed your last text before you locked your phone for the night.
goodnight, romeo
Despite the difficulties suffered between the both of you, your story didn’t end in a tragedy but instead replenished healthily.
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