Legend - Tumblr Posts

by gepl on Flickr.Bran Castle, commonly known as Dracula’s Castle in Transylvania, Romania.
“Sometimes I think of you, Medusa. Inside your temple, mournful, surrounded by a hundred stone statues. The men who came to kill you and never left were named lost heroes, warriors, demigods whilst you were called monster, gorgon, terror. (Because the stories were always written by men) But this was never a story about a monster. It was always about a woman burned for a Sea God’s sin, a pawn in an ancient game the fates would never let her win. You did not desecrate that which is sacred, it was him. (But your story was always written by men) You begged him not to visit you, you pleaded with every God. But the Gods turned away when you needed them. You did not want to be remembered this way. And then one day, whilst you slept, a son of Zeus came. And killed you before you could even look his way. (And he too was named hero because the stories were always written by men) Someone once said, words cut deeper than a knife. That history is told by the victors. That he who tells the story is the one who controls the world. Women did not get to write your story, Medusa. Because if we did, a very different tale would be told. (And in our tale, you would not be Monster. But Priestess. Goddess. A maiden who once had a heart of gold.)”
— Nikita Gill, Excerpt from Maidens, Myths and Monsters
An older Legend meets the gang several times, but doesn't tell them who he is. He may chose to reveal himself or is forced to reveal himself via monster fight.

This is a collection of roles Tom Cruise played from 1981 to 1990. At the age of 19, he started landing significant roles in films, beginning with Taps, where he already became an actor whose face was prominently featured on posters. He gained tremendous attention with Risky Business and became a global star with Top Gun. Later, with Born on the Fourth of July, he earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor and won the Golden Globe for Best Actor. During his 20s, he took on various genres and roles, leaving a filmography of 12 movies.
The funny part is that the guy's real name was Joseph but he got the nickname "Bum" because when he was a kid, he was obsessed with the local fire station across the street from his childhood home. He would constantly stalk it and ask firefighters to do stuff for him, hence he was the "little bum" ("bum" is an American slang term for asking for free favors-- most commonly to "bum a cigarette" meaning to ask for a cigarette). He kept up this behavior as an adult.
The way the guy presented himself is striking too to say the least. Dude loved his bright red suits with rose-tinted glasses and gold jewelry, complete with a golden fire axe that he wore on his tie. He also had a lime-green Ford Galaxie 500 (basically a very weird mid-tier sedan decorated like a luxury car) labeled "El Jefe" ("the chief" in Spanish). And he smoked massive cigars. And he performed elaborate Santeria rituals on his car's fender during local highschool baseball games for good luck.
He was also noted for an incident where he jumped into a canal shortly after extinguishing a fire, believing the canal to be a swimming pool, and had to be rescued because he couldn't swim.
His disappearance probably related to his involvement in marijuana and cocaine dealing, which got started when the economy went south in the area. Surprisingly, this was pretty normal in Key West in the 70's-- people tended to view it as just a career some people had, like shrimping, rather than this big bad thing. It was so not stigmatized that this man could be seen selling drugs in the open right outside of his office as fire chief. Really, people were probably more unhappy with the charges that he embezzled state funds, which he beat thanks to a sketchy counsel that included his nephew. But Florida Governor Reubin Askew (another "yes really"-ass name right there) was tough-on-crime and especially tough-on-drugs. He collaborated with the DEA to launch Operation Conch, a sting operation dedicated to busting drug dealings in Key West. Informant Titus Walker and agent Larry Dollar (disappointingly inferior names, although there is something to be said for getting done in by the Dollar) got Bum Farto to deliver cocaine and he was officially busted.
Farto lost his beloved Ford Galaxie that day, and went on to have a speedy trial where he was easily found guilty. On the eve of his formal sentencing, he told his wife he had business to take care of in Miami and drove off in a Pontiac LeMans. The car was found abandoned near Miami, but Farto was never seen again. It's thought by US authorities that he briefly settled down in Golfito, Costa Rica (where the US embassy reported an attempt to renew his passport) but left in 1979 when there was a crackdown on fugitives in the area. Many of the locals of Key West believe he was murdered for knowing too much, like Titus Walker was. His attorney is noted for wearing a custom T-shirt that proclaimed that Bum was in Spain and doing well, but that has never been substantiated.
Basically, the man was a fire-station obsessed thief who tried to use a random canal as a swimming pool despite not being capable of swimming. His prized possession was a car straight out of a cartoon, and he dressed like a 90's pimp more than 20 years before the 90's began. He practiced Santeria rituals to help the local high schools win baseball games. He dealt drugs in public but needed a sting operation from Governor Sideways Sandwich to be busted. And then he just straight up vanished into thin air.
This guy isn't a Star Wars background character-- he's a fucking Gravity Falls protagonist. Fucker was in Weirdness Town, Oregon where he impersonated the local recluse for 30 years and punched trigonometry in the face. This is facts, fight me.

Star Wars ass name
Scenario # 1 : Legend~
Legend was rough around the edges, you didn't know why but you had some context of it, Being a hero was rough,saving people,betrayal, Being a hero seemed like a badge of honor to you, but to him it seemed like a burden to him. Of course you couldn't speak for him but still it seemed that way,but under it all you knew he was just a big softie,someone that needed opening up,but you could never force it. Those things take time, of course you were curious to see what he was like on the inside, so you started conversation.
"Hey Legend?" He looked at you sighed him seemed to be in deep thought.
"Hm?" He answered you with an annoyed grunt.
"You're sweet,you know that? You began to smile.
It was true,there was multiple times where he has helped you and you were always gonna be grateful for that.
"Hmph,Your not the only one who says that." He still looked annoyed.
"But thank you..." He soon stood up and went over to the others.
"Of course" you whisper softly,he was to far to hear you but you were fine with that.

Redid his hair what do you think?
I really hated his hair before.
I could you do a match up for apex for me plz my name is rin and I’m 5’4 with shout black hair I am chubby I like to cook and sing and dance I’m African American and my aesthetic is pastel goth thank you so much
I match you up with fuse, you both like to sing and dance around. He's not good with cooking, he can make good chicken though. When you cook he'll try to do his best to help you, he'll do things like crack eggs or put in milk, little stuff like that.
I also match you up with (if you want a girl) lifeline. You guys would sing well your cooking and dance in the kitchen and kinda have a small party with just you two. She actually reply good at cooking two. She will usually cook you guys dinner, and will do it wirh you, but somtimes when you both are felling lazy she will just order food from somewhere else.

Like in the rainbow #legend, if you work yourself and learn to get bigger you’ll find the gold treasure in the base of the #rainbow #lisbon #quotes #alcantara #rainbow🌈 #Tagus #lisbonportugal #lisbonne #lisbon_lovers #lisbonforever # (at Lisbon, Portugal)
Queen Meryl. ❤️👑
Such a fun and fabulous performance. Off screen, she is nothing like Miranda Priestly...she is a lovely, warm, thoughtful, gracious person. ❤️ An iconic role though and a modern day classic. She is a treasure. ❤️🏆

Meryl Streep in DEVIL WEARS PRADA (2006) dir. David Frankel

Kamalo and the Shark God #2
With every mighty trust, quarts of blessed seed was pumped into Kamalos wanting body... and the land around them responded. While his belly was swelling with Shark Gods cum, arid soil was stirring. And as Kamalos belly full with god seed touched the ground beneath, lush green grass spilled forth around them.
Even with ritual complete they weren’t ready to part yet tho :>
The Avengers Headcanon #1
Okay, but, imagine Steve going to Avengers' Movie Night thinking they were going to watch something chill like Netflix or some shit, and instead the lights go off and all of a sudden Steve sees his old war films playing.
It took Tony a while to find the Captain America movies but it was worth it when he saw Steve's face.

"I imagine the game wouldn’t be the same in the light,” Scarlett answered. “People think no one sees all the nasty things they do in the dark. The foul acts they commit, or the lies they tell as part of the game. Caraval takes place at night because you like to watch, and see what people do when they think there are no consequences."
– Stephanie Garber, Caraval
Twitter shocked at seeing Yuki flying economy, y'all thought I was joking when I said he's a working-class F1 driver?? He pays taxes too

this man is sin personified...

Tom Hardy as ‘Reggie’ in Legend (2015)