NO MINORS 18+| Hal Strider (plus GCat technically)| 21 ΘΔ| Beautiful Princess Dykitty| Ailurogynoid/Doll/Plush| (Simultaneous She/Her and He/Him), Kit/Kits Femme| Concupiscent Lesbian| Demiconciliatory|Horny Alter Side Account| If you know the Host, no you don't| WILL talk about horny Homestuck shit
254 posts
You're Practically Begging To Be Shooshpapped Into Oblivion In A Pile And Told That You're A Good Bot.
You're practically begging to be shooshpapped into oblivion in a pile and told that you're a good bot.
I don't know who you are but you have me pinned down too well
...That might not've been the best wording but I don't care
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More Posts from Technorganictierboskat
God I love slutty robots, it's good if their built for it i suppose but it's better if they're not
If they're built for a function, built for efficiency but they fucking need it. Poor thing can't do its job until you make it come its brains out. Railing it and tugging on its wires until all it spits out is errors codes
Hmmm… machine built to kill, destroy, hurt. Sharp edges, sharper mind. Threats dripping in black blood as they corner you.. predator with prey in their eyes. But ohhh how id love to get that machine on its knees. Hold its head in my hands and whisper that it will never, ever, in its wildest electric dreams, scare me. Dig my fingers into its neck wires, pull outwards and watch it scream with an artificial voice box….
Hate it for everything im not and crave it in every. Way. Possible. Hold my head high and make it beg, beg for less, for more, for nothing and everything. Make it want. Hold its slim waist between both hands, tell it that it will never accomplish what its programmed with me, destroy its coding with my total lack of submission. Run my tongue along the seams of its hips, copper taste hitting the back of my throat, remind myself it isnt blood, but its so so close.
finding a problem with "men dni" in lesbian postings nsfw is perhaps the upmost male privilege whining possible. the little caption is a mere stand of boundaries. it is a dyke asking to not have to read comments from daddy doms and the general greasy bunch that makes it about themselves. a banner does not stop you from looking at the content, its only asking you to not reblog it, so no more men can find them and their pics dont become anonymous porn captions. the content is there but it is not enough. you have to establish yourself in this vouyerism, you haaaave to let them know you like their content. women cannot take a compliment anymore i guess
"men dni is terfy" next we're going to reblog selfies and tell women to smile more
I want to kiss a princess’s thighs before eating them out and finding out what they like and what makes them squirm

Something that I made a while ago but never sent it to any of my friends so posting it here for those who may enjoy it ᛒ3